t -"! J 8"ite Historical Sickly J ! VOLUME XXXVIII. TAKKlUXH) ADVICH from those older lliitn yonrjself with -"Sfcanl to your Hank Account. The iii'(tt."t tiling to perpetual motion ever disi-.ivered is IONKY AT INTKKKST un-1 lie best way for n business iiiiin to create confidence is to lie indenti lled with some responsible bunk Bring your deposit here anil relie Hie stronghth of our attvicc. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F; Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H; Thomas, S. R. Florance. GUIDE ROCK. Wl.l lily's little daughter i- now mucli better. C. S. Jones iui'1 iutiiily have been visiting in Ked Cloud. The M. I, oilieial board met Monday evening with the .Secretary. Miss Van ' iVoert. Hchitivcs hete have received uoidof the death Sunday, of Miss Fannie Simpson at her home in Wisconsin. Deceased was a Mater of Mrs. Beorge M. Simpson of (luido Bock. - Win S.uvyer moved a house for JO. K. Burr .Monday to the lots east of Mr. IJ hit's residence An addition will be built and the house will be occu pied by Dana Burr and wife. LESTER Mi and Mrs. Charlie Frisbie spent Sunday at C. II, Harris's. I Don't buy your supply of Dry Goods until you have looked over Our Stock, havexa nice line of dress goods, silks, laces, embroideries, ginghams, muslin, kid gloves, suede gloves with silk linings, outings, outing night dresses, outing ready made skirts, sweaters, underwear and hose. Childrens and Misses Dresses Childrens ready made dresses in ginghams, mother hubbard style at 25c, ages 1 to 5. Childrens ready made dresses of ginghams, percale, linen braid trimed, made with waist and skirt from 50c to $1.50, ages 2 to 5. Misses ready made dresses of percale, gala tea cloth and mercerized repps made with waists and plaited skirts from $1 to $3.75 ages 6 to 14. Have the middy dress for misses made of galatea cloth from $2,25 to 3.75, ages 6 to 14. n F. J' ' m (1)1 Mi and Mrs. All Decker Mindnjed at Fred llurd's of Oowlcs. Mrs. I. ue Bergfield mid daughter visited her parents Friday John S.iladen'.s brothers and sisteis I dinned with him Sunday. It wits Ills (birthday. j Mrs.Teaehworth re' nrned home from I lieaer City where sn- has been ilsit I ing- her .son. I Tom Simpson and .loe Britten were I seen on Ua.sser and Frlsbie street .Sun day evening. , Mr. and Mrs. John lloleotnb and ! daughter spent .Sunday evening nt t!eo. McKinnie'-. I Mrs. Porter Hale returned home ! after staying with her mother who has been on the sick list. GARFIELD F. Cobbs and familv have moied II 1 on route , vKboayift , fit NEH HOUSE PHONES: Kurnlfi.1. Boll, Black U. k rtaxspaiicr That filvcs The News Flfty-lno RED CLQUD, NEBRASKA, NO VIOM It Kit M s (5 n-s and family hae mined to (iiiltlc Hock. The thrashing machine has luid nil' until after corn shucking. 1. Wiggins inn! family i Isitnl with T W While and family Sunday. Mi and Mts. I.iugo called on Louis Munic.i and wife Saturday night. in ,i ( ompbi II called on his lady Irii'iul on Wiilnut t'reek one day lust week. Ku.i Dai is and i'reil Street went to lied Cloud Saturday night and took in the sight Oco. Coon was ou on Windmill row Monday at M.mley Bros, lepairing their stuck scales. Pine weather for gal hei lug corn and most ol the farmer- in tint Held are inipt living the time. Will Fishei was elected road over seer of (iarlleld with a large inajoiily and now lor good toads. Charley Cumpboll llnished shreiuling corn fodder on Satutdav and now he has a nice lot of good feed. lion, lloucbiiicut his millet, Moiidu,. It was a little dried but (leorge says it will beat a snow bank this winter. Pel and Altred Mauley. Will Fisher and iJu.v B.irnes attended Odd Fel lows baiuiuet in Bed Cloud Thursday night an I reported a good time j Real Estate Transfer. j Transfers reported by the Foil Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, Nov. pi 1010. 'A. F. llurtweil to J. F. shugle.i nil bile 10 Inavale, ml ... .$12('o 1L (tlllirord to It. Mikeeli et-itl. I lots til, 22 A -.'.7 blk :i Kichurd sons add to Bed Cloud wd .. . 1C() School District No. 2 to X. C I i ..!......... .., ... .... ii -, i ...i ttrn Vllll'lllll( (IV n III' ! I 1tl... V ilT.V Mortgages Hied. S-VlOd. Mm tgages released il IJl'.'ii. i Underwear Childrens heavy fleeced union suits, size i 2 45c, rise 5c a size. Childrens seperate garments heavy wool lleece, size 22, 25c each. Childrens all wool union suits, size 2, 75c, rise 5c a size. Ladies cotton union suits 50c and $1 .00 " 1-2 wool " " $1.50 " '2.50 " all $3.00 ' 3.50 " extra size " " in cotton 60c to $ 1 I wyWfrf; Weeks Each Year For $1,50. TUNA A REMARKABLE FISH Swaggering Musketeer of the Sea Is the Largest of the Game or Bony Fishes. Charles Frederick Holder, the California naturalist, thus deacilbes that remarkable llsh the tuna: "The tuna is n pehiglo llsh. a iree lance, an ! ocean run r, a sort of swaggering muskoleei of the sea, the laigest of' what may lie termed the game or bony llshcH, attaining a maximum weight of nearly L'.OUO pounds and an uppioxl mate length of lourteen feet or more Such a llsh Is veiy exceptional, though siieclinens weighing 1,500 pounds have been taken on the New Fnglnnd coast I once entered a school In a big launch. The school divided to poit and starboard as we passed through It, and I hud a view of one or two llslios that appeared to ho more than half as Jong as the boat. "Those fishes spend the winter In warm latitudes, and migrate north as lar as the mouth or the t. Lawrenre. They are found In the Mediterranean, and north, to tho luffoden Island; yet so fur the efforts of anglers, ex cept at Santa Catallna, have failed to taku them with the rod Kven hero thero is a stretch of but eight miles or so where they can he satisfactor ily played and tuken with rod and i eel. 'This legion lies on tho ninth side of Santa Catallna, from Avalon to Long Point, and to the east as many more, fa Ing the noith, nnd generally smooth more like a Scottish loch than a fishing ground 20 miles out to sea." TAMENESS 'OF A SEA LION j Old Ben, Weighing Half a Ton, Is Often Met on the Streets of Avalon. In describing Hie islands lying off the southern coast of California Fred erick Holder writes: "Tho feature which will really amaze the wnuderer among the Channel Islands Is the lameness of some animals. To meet a hull sea lion weighing approximate ly half u ton on the main avenue of a town, CO feet from tho water, Is a pos sibility of a startling nature, yet I have seen Old Ben, the hoad of tho Saula Catallna sea Hon rookery, on Ciescent avenue, Avalon, surrounded by tourists who snapped their cam eras at him with impunity. "At that tlnio Bon could bo Induced to come ashore when tho luro was a fat, loug-flnned tuna, but one day ho climbed upon tho wharf, coming en tirely up the steps, following tho man with a llsh. Then some unreasonable person made a threatening demonstra tion, Hen started for the step, lost his hold, slipped ami fell, smashing them and Aoumllug himself. For a long time he remembered this, but gradual ly his faith In human beings has re turned. "He is good-tempered and never at tempts to bite. But he Is a savago looking animal, and when he comes leaping up on the boat landing, driving off women and children by mere ferocity of appearance, and seizing their fish. aB he did recently, ho makes 1 a very clever Imitation of a ferocious beast." A New One, N'lmble wits and a glib tonguo fre quently savo erring New York "cop pers" on trial before tho deputy com missioner at police hendquarters. Not long ago a giant patrolman, accused of being about a quarter of a mllo off his beat, evolved this excuse: "Von see, It was llko this, your lienor. I was patrolling my post, when 1 thought 1 heard a man up tho streot yelling 'Fire! Ffrol' I ran In tho direction of tho sound, and, would you bellovo me, Mr. Commissioner, thero stood u fellow out on tho sidewalk trying to wnko up a friend of his on the second fldor, and ho was yelling with all his might, 'Meyer! "Meyor! Well, that's a brand new one," said tho trial commissioner, tho suspicion of a snillo crossing his face. "Complaint dismissed.' An Expert Accountant, Mrs. Newly Don't you llko my now hat, dearest? Nowly Yos-s, It's all right. Mrs. Nowly Well, I bought It on your account, dear! Newly- Yes, you usually do. Brook lyn Blfo. , 17. 10 10. ODD FELLOWS riiniiiurnpliFil In Men tit llmilii i. ni i, u, , i.nUi. (Hie Kill e most onjoyal-le Imiupict-. that it was impossible for him to de eier held in iheeity oceuted lat liivr mi alter dinner .speech, but as tho Tl-uisdii.i uiulit. This hnhiiiti was committee Insisted hi-snuglnialie ser pioparcil by the (hid Fellows in Imnnr vie.. ., ,U attorney. He wciiPfh Bro. of Paul storey who hits luiel.i bi-en (Uei mini w ho prevailed upon him to eltcted (iiMnd Miislei ot the slate o! . do his lesUiud u rile out Hie speech. Xebiiiskn. A bom one liiiuilre.l and This he difl and then Bio. Oveimau llfty Odd Fellows wen- in niu-iidiitice. suggested that they .change speeches about loity being from the neighbor- because he hud snoliuii ottcutlutt ing lodges ol Cowb-s nml (iulde Bock, people would ne!coiue 'oiueihihy now. The tablyj, iiett- hiiii.lsonn-ly decor- This iiuscbme. But, ' -old Mr Huiber, tcl for theTiJcisloiC 'bcuuYifiil llbw- "Ar-er'hciiriiig iny speech delivered I ers spieail piolusely about and the am ar.liiun.il to j.-e his," and sat down, hall pr.vonled an ai.p.iuaiicc of com- The house was iiium-dhifc l,i in an up f.tit and good cheer. roar, and so H WH, (hiuont the enliie .Mercei's oi chest in fui-nisheil good pr.iu'iiuu. music noil reeeiwd geiieious appbiiise. Those pioseiit espri-seil themselves After the llaiiiit the following freely cniieei niug the plen-uie they prog mi ii was eai lied out: enjoyed mid one m?d all declined that Toastnius'er '' ' Overing. they hud never attended u more suc- Keinmisencesof Bun Adliein I odge cessfnl giithering. 12. I' Overiiuili. Tl it (hid Fellows of this cite bai Fraternal Inspirations B S (iiirber. F. V. Thomas , F. A. Hood.' Truth Bright Lights Tlit- Oi pliiuiN Bonn ' . CJr.uid Miihtvi Storey. Nebraska FiXpoetatious It. l (Iiirber. Selection irf Material . . i'i. N. Tompkins. These afterdliuior speeches pioved to be of thoveiy highest ruder. There was tunny n good sloiy related, wit anil humor abounded, tin lists anil drives were skillfully winded otV tho extreme delight of the entile audience. Perhaps the best hltof the evening was sprung by K. S. d'urlicr. He stateal Ftr Falling Hair You Run no Risk When You Use This Remedy. ' We promise you that, if your hair is ( falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damugo al ready done by using Itcxall "1)3" Hair Tonic, wllh persistency and regularity for u reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, ger micidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes lialr uouiishmeiit, lemoves diindrud' and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pule water, mid it is delicate ly pel finned. It is a real toilet nec essity. We want you to try UcmiII "Jt.T Hair Tonic n lib our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices r.oc ard $1. Ueiiicmbor you can only obtain Kexall Uemedie.s in thiH comuulty only atour 'fctti-e, ThcKcMill Store. The II. H. (irico Drug Co. I See The Chief for-up-date 'Job Work. Wn$on Bqxcs. See Wallin for that new wagon box Hint you need, Also complete ivagous. The Chief $1.50 V (' y. Ki; t; i CELEBRATE. received a new impetus fnuu tho honor of the state Ipis conf t led ,upou them ki.i selecting- one ot their number to hold Die highest otlh-v ii. the gift of .Odd Fellowslilp. Wll I' PIMM) IIII. TliU iud. is (ncivashi rapitlly In iiiembeih nnd expects before long to build a new modern lodire biiildiuer whlcii will accomodate present reijulre m -nt. It has already u comfortable sum of money at inteiest and Is in an excellent iliiaueiulcondliioii. It seeks it membership from the substantial element in all walks of life and has uiiide an env.able reeoid. Here's hoping that I he lodge will grow in members, -ervico and olllcien- ShcHncM Who Peter Wns. It was at a Sunday t-chonl examina tion, and the supeilntetnleiit was showing oir the results of his labors. During the exercises ho nslced tho children who could tell him anything about Peter, No one answered. The question was repented soveral timca till finally u Utile, girl held up her hand. "Well, my dear," said the su perintendent, "that's light; I am glad to seo that there Is one llttlo girl who will put these larger boys stud girls to shame." The little girl came forward to the' platform, ami was U)H' to tell tho audience what shekiunv.oj;. l'oter. She put her linger in her uimjth, and looking very suilllng said. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, Had a wife and eouMn'L lt-ei her: ! Put hei-Bn a pumpkin slu-1 And there he kept her ver, wetl. Amid tho ro.w that tolloived she hurried gully to her seat. SHiCHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND GRAND W fcftV CO' & ritime, " -A' Aik yuur irj,l.t for CHI-CIIltS-Tna'S Goi.n tuetalllc Imxei, scaled KlbbOtl. TAK8 NO OTIIBn. Il.ul.. n.t L- r.. ftv.l i'i.ia.i iin.i.Tii i-u.i.H, tor iwenir-nro ear rej;ardea as nrt,Sast, Alway Uellable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ,TK EVERYWHERE Sgggf t&'iWm c M9 i win annA with Illue Hnjr at jpV fl i 'i AJBZ ito rI ' . . -v rW m 4 7k' U 'm y " ;.$$ M ,i , m ' ' t am "J 'm '.SB 4 ? i c . a it sai .. niilIMi 'AniM(.fr'JtiJ. jWstVrj