The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1910, Image 3

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    "M""M''"'M'M,"M,I,"""I,IM,M"" ' ' I I I III
v - .. , " 1 V,
Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Strange Happenings in the
Metropolitan Towns
Historic Barn Is
PHILADELPHIA. Grnco Lutheran
church of Hoxborough In erecting
a handsomo Gothic ctlldco on tlio
northwest corner of Rldgo and Hox
borough avenues. The sito Is a his
toric ono and was long revered by
tho older residents for tho part taken
thoro during tho revolutionary war.
Tho old atono dwelling Iibb been de
molished, but tho largo barn In tho
rear not only has been preserved, but
Is being used ns a house of worship
whllo tho building of tho church
homo Is In progress.
1 Both tho barn and tho houso fig
ured In a cowardly proceeding during
tho winter of 1777-177S, while tho llrlt
IbIi were In possession of Philadelphia.
Washington's array waH at Valley
Forge, enduring the hnrdshlps of that
terrlblo winter and scouting parties
wcro frequently sent out from tho en
campment there to the outlying dis
tricts of tho city. Ono December
afternoon, during a snowstorm, a
company of Virginia troopers rodo
down Rldgo avenue, then known ns
l.o Plymouth road, through Hoxbor
telephone Now Used for Advertising
NEW YORK. A numher of business
houses In Now York arc using the
telcphono Instead of circulars for ad
vertising purposes. Probably this will
meet tho approval of Undo Snm. If
adopted wherever practicable It might
extensively relievo tho strain on tho
postal service. A rrtall dry goods
merchant receives n consignment of
choice laces. It takes only a fow min
utes to ring up two or thrco dozen
of bis best customers who would bo
especially interested in such goods
and ask them to call and cxnmlno tho
laces. Tho Mattery of such an Invita
tion appeals strongly to many persons.
Clrcularlzatlon hns been carried to
such an extent that much of Its ef
fectiveness Is frequently lost and
many circulars never reach tho buyer
to whom they aro addressed, whereas
tho telcphono call can usually bo a
direct communication. A haberdasher
telephones his patrons to noto his
Chicago Hair Industry Is a Big One
CHICAGO. According to tho mana
ger of ono of Chlcngo's big "hair
factories" his plant Is doing a mil
lion dollars' worth of business a
year. Said Mr. Manager: "Why, tho
foreign dealers who used to make
colonial wigs never began to havo
tho trade wo havo. You can bco this
letter from a well-known firm rushing
us on with nn order for fi.OOO
switches, and thoso ten band boxes
over there contain exactly ?30,000
worth of first quality hair all to bo
sold to dopartment stores. A wom
an up In Wisconsin hns mado nearly
$fiO,000 simply by selling tho hair sho
lino bought from country women all
over tho state.
"All hair that Is not Chinese la first
quality hair, but 75 per cent, of tho
fnlso hair now worn Is from a China
man's quouo second quality hair wo
call It. When a Chinaman dies or Is
sent to prison his queue, which aver
ages 40 inches in length, is cut off
vlW. JS
City Thrives on the Bermuda Onion
1 A ( JL .' ) WOULDN'T 0 OH
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Thnt this city
owes Its great distinction as a
metropolis of tho wonderful stato of
Texas to the nermuda onion as grown
in Rio Grando bottom lands, tho resi
dents nro proud to admit.
Seven years ago a man named Nyo,
who thought he had been cheated In a.
land trade, nsked tho agricultural1 do
partment what ho could raiso on tho
land. It waB dry and sandy soil near
Snn Antonio. Uormudn onions, was
tho answer. This year tho Uormudn
onion crop marketed from this dis
trict exceeded $2,000,000 in value.
As soon as Mr. Nyo demonstrated
t lint, the so-called desert land near
Snn Antonio would jeturn a proilt of
C'Oi to $809 nn aero In oulono, it
i mii - JKVJ
II WWII II I lllllll I I !!! I I Af
Used as a Church
ough, and, seeing the spneloun and
Inviting barn, stopped at tho Iiouho
and asked permission of Andrew
Wood, tho owner, to spend the night
In the barn. Wood was a patriot, nml
at onco acceded to the lequost, mg
Ing a number of the troopers to spend
tho night In the house.
Midnight passed, and tho weary
troopers were Indulging In dt emits of
dellveranco from their foes and a
safe return to their own firesides
when suddenly the sentinel detected
tho approach of a body of horsemen.
Ho had scarcely given an alarm wjicn
they rushed by him. Iti a moment
tho houso and barn wns tho scene of
confusion, ulnnn and disorder. Al
ready had some of tho Virginia troop
ers mounted their horses and wero
hastening to escape by Care's lane,
opposlto tho house, when the ilrltlsh
niBhcd on to tho attack, giving no
quarter Many of tho Americans es
caped, but thoso remaining wero
fallen upon and murdered In cold
Grace Lutheran church, after hold
ing services In tho Hoxborough Ly
ceum hall, rented tho Woods' house,
tho lower part of which wns fitted tip
as a chapel, with Sunday school
rooms on the upper floors. Tho prop
erty was subsequently purchased, tho
old houso torn down and tho barn
brought Into service
latest Importations In neck scarfs, tho
newst shirtings or special offers In
silk hose, a clipping bureau rings up
a prominent financier, tolls him his
nnmo Is mentioned 1 tho dallies In
connection with an Important rail
road deal and asks him to .Bubscrlbo
to tho bureau's extremely clllclent
service; a dealer In antiques begs
that madame will call to cxnmlno
Bomo raro old Sheffield plato Just re
ceived. Such attentions have all tho
excluslveness of a varnishing day In
vitation, and It would bo a patron of
hardy norvo who would fall to buy.
Thcso telephone calls do not cost
nny moro than circularizing, when let
ter postage, personally typewritten
letters or engraved invitations
used, as they must bo in order to jo
euro tho nttentlon of valuahlo pa
trons. Also they have tho merit of be
ing traceable without a cumbrous
"follow-up" system. If a merchant
has telephoned Mrs. Van Allyn that
ho has a few choice Sulu pearls
which ho is reserving for her inspec
tion ho knows within n day or two
whether or not Mrs. Van Allyn has
bought thereof and ho need not wnsto
timo or money ngaln on unprofitable
nnd sold at a big auction snlo. Our
n gents bid for It by tho pound nnd
then ship directly to us. Over at our
laboratory theso queues aro first thor
oughly disinfected, tho greatest caro
being taken, then they aro bleached
perfectly white and put through a re
fining process, which makes them
more Hko tho nntural hair. After they
aro dyed the ordinary Bhndes they
ccaso being queues and becomo
"Then they nro put on a hackle, a
board set with sharp steel spikes,
where they aro separated into oven
lengths. For instance, a 2C-lnch
switch, tho populnr length, must havo
every hair precisely iG Inches long. In
tho nverngo switch thero aro about six
dlfforent shades of ono color which
must be blended together on tho
"Wo used to get about all of our
first quality hair from tho peasants of
Switzerland. Nino months ngo, how
ever, tho country passed a law for
bidding tho women to sell moro thnn
ono-thlrd of their hair. Wo now buy
most of our fine 'cut' hnlr from Rus
sia, but tho domand for It Is so
great that whero wo last year paid
fl.90 a pound wo now havo to pay
$14 a pound. In a good switch thoro
aro four ounces of hair."
slightly Irrigated, someone tried cab
bage. Tho cahbago shipped from this
district brought $1,000,000 this year.
Then other garden truck followed nnt
urally and this brought back $3,
000,000. When truck growing with river Jr
rlgatlon proved successful, nn effort
was mado to get water through bored
woIIb. Artesian wells have ndded
moro than a million acres to tho cul
tlvatablo land.
Of course, as tho business grow, San
Antonio prospered. From tho trading
point for a cnttlo country It became
tho distributing center for ono of the
richest small farming districts in tho
Tho population of tho city wns .17,
C73 in 1880, nnd in 1900 it had n
crensed to 62,321. This yenr tho total
sonrod to 9G,Gil, and, with suburbs, it
far oxcecdB tho charmed 100,000 mark.
Tho nearest rival in Texas Is Dallas,
with 92,104. What gives tho greatest
Joy locnlly Is that eight years ago all
Texas was saying that Snn Antonic
had reached its limit.
Window Cleaners and Other Similar
Workers May Wear Novel Safety
Chicago. Why Is It not as Impor
tant for an Individual to keep his bal
ance as for a ship or a railway trnln?
A German Inventor thinks that It 1r,
and he has devised Individual gyro
scopic balances, which will prevent n
man trom falling when ho Is working
under conditions of danger.
According to reports, as given In
Popular Electricity, an American ver
fclon of tho Uronnan monorail sstem
In which a gyroscope lly wheel keeps
tho tar from tipping will soon ho In
service. A European Inventor has al
ready demonstrated by n test on a fair
sized steamer that a hlmllar plan can
Balanced by the Gyroscope.
be used effectively to overcome tho
rolling of vessels. Now a third has
reasoned that tho balancing of cars
or ships Is no moro important than
thnt of individuals working under un
usual and dangerous conditions. For
instance, a man washing tho windows
of any tall building can work to best
advantngo .f free to lean back some
what. Just as ho would do if ntnndlng
on tho ground. Snfoty straps mako
this posslblo to a certain extent, but
themselves aro hindrances to freo
working. Wero tho window cleaner a
bloodless machlno we might simply
equip tola Interior with a gyroscopic
bnlanco wheel. Next to this Is the ex
ternal arrangement Just patented by
Herman Zoorn, an architect at NoU
Brandenburg. H0 proposes to strap
a light frame to tho ninn. carrying a
pair of hoops driven at high speed In
opposlto directions by an electric mo
tor. A practical test of this scheme
will bo awaited with interest, and
nttentlon, pronibitlonlsta! might not
tho samo plan with a storage battery
thwart tho unsteadiness of a toper?
Big Clock That Withstood the Great
Conflagration of 1904 Is Again
Keeping Accurate Time.
Baltimore. Md. Tho last relic nnd
reminder of the big Dnltlmoro fire of
February 7 and 8, 1901 tho big, tall
Iron clock that has stood on UaJtlmoro
street, near Light, for many years and
.which was recently denounced ns an
"eyesoro" has been rebuilt.
Persons passing along llaltimoro
street at this point havo noticed tho
The "Big John" Clock.
nhnngo mado In tho big timepiece nnd
many pleasing comments havo been
mndo In regard to it. Tho Iron frame,
which withstood tho terrific heat of
tho great conflagration whllo hun
dreds of mighty buildings tumbled nnd
crumbled Into ruins, hns been repaint
ed and Is now a bright kteol color.
A wonderful now movement has
been installed In tho clock and Its
hnnds nro said to glvo nut tho most
accurate time. Tho works cost $300.
It Ib controlled by a master clock In
tho Western Maryland ticket offlco,
which is automatically set every hour
by electrical apparatus connected
with the nntlonnl observatory nt
Washington, nnd which In turn sets
tho big clock on tho pnvomont. This
Insures nbsolutely correct timo, to tho
second, and is regarded as tho most
wonderful nnd accurnto system over
It is probnblo that a handsomo
bronzo tablet will bo placed on tho
framo of tho "131g John" to tell the
strnngorB Its history. It hns always
been a sort of mystery how tho clock
withstood tbo flames, and tho othor
week whllo tho workmen wero putting
It into shape again crowds of curious
'and interested spectators looked on-
I Sly i
ajl A s
Jnjljg ifflsa TOpr
jf, ' .lYrtiy,'!.,. Vy '.Si.U.'i.yr1-Tl-
-1 " ' . '.- " - ' rr
""V1 1 U"U' J1 1 rn'Ti ".";,';,';':. fli,.ii J iit.Ii, ,u'-' '
'I ' I ' I ' 1 ' 1 ' I ' I '
Certainly Candidate for Governor
Could Not Expect to Get
That Voto.
An Incident In which former Gov
ernor Odell of Now York figured mi
tho victim wiih told by Col. James
Hamilton Lewis at a recent banquet.
"When Governor Odell wns last
running for olllce," snld Colonel Lew
Is, "thoro linil been u great deal of
talk about Niagara Falls and tho elec
trical power that could bo conferred
on nil parts of New York. Ono day
an old negro hailed Mr. Odell and
"'Mr Odell, Is o' runnlu' for gov'
nor, sah?'
"'I am,' answered tho candldato.
"'I guess yo want my voto. den,'
said tho colored ninn.
'"Woll, I would llko to havo your
voto, Zcb. I havo known you for bo
many years.'
'"Well, I Jlst want to nnk you a
question, Mr Odell, befo' I glvo mnh
voto to you. Arc yo' for oleclTlc lights
In dls town?'
"Well, Zcb, I ntn for nil modern Im
provements,' said Odell, with a slight
"'Woll, sah, I can't voto for you,
said Zeb with firmness. 'Yo' dono for
got dat I Is a lamp lighter.' "
"In tjio middle or the night of March
30th I woko up with a burning Itch In
my two hands ami I felt us If I could
pull them apart. In tbo morning tho
itching had gone to my chest and dur
ing that day it spread all over my
body. I wns red and raw from tho top
ot my head to tho soles of my feet and
I was In coutlnunl agony from tho
itching. I could neither Ho down nor
sit up. I happened to sco about Cutl
cura Remedies, and I thought I would
Rlvo them n trial. I took a good bath
with 'tho Cutlcum Soap and used tho
Cutlcura Ointment. I put It on from
my head down to my feet and then
went to bed. On tho first of April I
felt llko a new man. Tho Itching wns
almost gone. I continued with tho
Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutlcura Ointment
and during that day tho Itching com
pletely left me. Frank Grldley, 325
Kuat 43rd Street, New York City, Apr.
27, 1909." Cutlcura Remedies aro aold
throughout tho world; Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp., Solo Props, Boston, MnsB.
"That First Invented 8leep."
"Now blessings light on him that
first Invented this sumo sleep! It cov
rrs a man all over, thoughts and nil,
llko n cloak; It Is meat for tho hungry,
drink for tho thirsty, heat for tho
cold, and cold for tho hot. It Is tho
current coin that purchases all tho
pleasures of tho world cheap; and tho
tmlauco that sets tho king nnd tho
shepherd, tho fool nnd tho wlso ninn
oven. Thero Is only ono thing, which
somebody onco put Into my head,
that I dlsllko in sleep It la that It ro
scmblcs death. Thero Is very llttlo
dlfferonco between a man In his first
sleep and a man In his last sleep."
From Cervantes.
Btati o? Onio Cirr or Toltdo. I
Ll'CA CWMT. f B5-
Thank J Ciifni.t makci oath that h Is rmlot
Partner uf tho firm ot r. J. Cucsnr it Co.. fl iliia
uMnc.ts In III) City nt Toledo, County anil Hlata
Hor-wtJ, nml thut raid firm will pay the utn of
OUK liy.N'imi:i nOM.AItS Mr racli and every
rnANK .1. cnr.Nr.v.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my pristnco,
this etli day ot December, A. IX, H86.
1 77 1 a. w. nr.EABo:.
1 nil's Catarrh Cure la t&Vcn Internally and nrti
directly titxm the blond and mucous surfaces of the
system, bend lor tcsllmo-ilits. trie.
I'. J. CIIKNEV A CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by all DrucKlsts. Tic.
Tako Hall's I'amtly l'llla for constipation.
Cheering Up the Guide.
"Itomombor, Henry," said tho hunt
er who had nrrnngod with tho guide,
"wo'ro not hiring you you're simply
ono of our party."
"What's on your mind?" inquired
tho guide.
"Well, you see, in case anything
happens wo don't want to bo troubled
with this now employers' llnblllty
law," admitted tho cautious hunter.
His Point of View.
"John, dear," queried tho young
wife, glancing up from tho physlcnl
culturo magazine Bho was perusing,
"whnt Is your Idea of a perfect fig
uro?" "Well," replied her husbnnd, "$100,
000 may not bo perfection, but It's
near enough to satisfy n mail of my
simple tustcs."
Anaemia is often temporarily mis
taken for vlrtuo.
Ola fcwamramngfl
Wo sweep nwny all doctor's charges. We put tho best medical talent
within everybody's reach. Wo oncourago everyone who ails or thinks
ho nils to find out exactly what his stato of health is. You can get our
remedies here, at your drug store, or not at all, ns you prefer ; there is
positively no charge for examination. Professor JIunyon hns prepared
specifics for nearly every disense, which are sent prepaid on receipt of
price, and sold by nil druggists.
Send to-dny for a copy of our medical examination blank and Guido
to TTcalth, which wo will mail you promptly, nnd if you will answer all
tho questions, returning blank to us, our doctors will carefully diagnose
your case and ndviso you fully, without a penny charge.
Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, 53d & Jefferson
Streets, Philadelphia, Pn.
Color more good brloMer and Isiter colors thin
Tcu can djt an; garmant without rlpplna apart Write
yvjl ' ' -
Vegetable Preparation for As
simitnl ing the 1'ooit and Rcrtitla
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Di'joslion.Cliccrful
ncssntulHcst Contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nauc otic
Kttipt fOM DrSAfWamVffER
mplir Suit'
Jm'it SnJ
i'i CrlnUSnUi
CfarSini Sufi
iltti&yrrn Ynter
Anrrfccl Itemcdv forConsllpa
lion . Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature'
Tire CENTAun Company
i sa wMiumn
frs tuuuii::riiinrnuiu;ii!iiiiiiiiuia'iiuuix;imcm
I. V -rr .vafSflSBViSSSk m. II
;l in:in:Trm!l:;!!rilll'l:illi::;i'i!rlTrtf!-in--riT
XGuarntitcctl under tlio Foodnnf) AmE vllIsM I
Exact Copy of Wrapper. iiwauh.omiit.iiiwt!mioitt. i
3 3J & $4 SHOES TOoBSS
Boyb'Shoeb, $2.00,92.50 &3. OO. Best iNTHt World.
IV. L. Douplmm $3.00,$3.B0 mnd
aro aomniYaty wnm soar maam
uar mom 1 or tnm prica in Ammrlan, mna mrm
tho moot economical mhoaa
Do you rentlzo that my ftlioos luno bcon tlio standard forornr i
SOjciirn, tlmt I iimlio unci soil morn W.'t.OO, nml tM.(0
Hliiim tlmn nny othor tniiiiiifiirturxr In Clio U.S.. nml tlmt l)Oi
NIHIIII-, iookiiiki 111 orur,:iii(l wr.'irliinsnrtliiiiiany otliurS.'I.OO,
tKLtiO or lU.OO hUiH'H yon nn lmy ? Ulllllllv rouiltH. It ll I
jiiuiiii 11, v 111,1m iii l.l.AIII'.IO llir -I'm; WDHI.I),
Villi Will III, 1lln,IKl,fI tflll,(l Villi IlllV ..ival.f.nM l.a,.n.,.n .1.
flf. Illlfl lltltl,.iii.fitir.M ...t.l ...I..... I ........
c-ll UNO lllllll llir milr. vim will ItM ..... .,...
lilll'iyjl'J IVIV w,,, ,"l,, Bvo,vou no iiiunli comfort. p' VT, J . 55.
CAUTiGtJ ! Srrafe,!j;;!s' NO SUBSTITUTE
U jour dealer cannot suwily ivltli ty. I. IhmHlss BIi.m-. write lor .Mall Or.lrr Ctslo
W. Is. 1HVUI..., 1A& Muurk. nirvvi. Jirucktou, Uact.
ur...., tiiif-B niirci.iiivui.n.iiit'y.
The Exception.
"DoeFn't your liiiHband llko cats,
Mrs. nins?"
"No, Indeed. Ho hntes nil cnts ex
cept n llttlo kitty they havo nt his
Beautiful Chrletmno Post Cards Free.
Send 'Jc hUimii for five MtnplcH of our
wry lic-Ht (Jold Kmbonsed Cluintinas Flow
er nnd Motto Post Cnrdnj beautiful colors
nnd lowliest (lrbipnH. Art Post Curd Club,
731 Jnckbon Ht Tojichn, Knn.
If you would bo pungent, bo brief;
for It 1h with words as with Hunbeama
tho moro they uro condensed, tlio
deeper they burn. -Southcy.
When tho pulpit gots Into poetic
clouds It mlssca tho ninn on tho
any othor d,e. Ono 10c ptekago colors tl fibers. The, die In cold water btlttr thinini olhtr dra.
let (roe bookltt-How to Ojo, Dleach and Mia Colors. MOHRQE OIHIQ OO., Qulavy, llllnml
eLm,lm' "Hl Ml wjm ruB'Him sTsl H rm
For Infanta and Children.
Tk Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Beara tho t
Signature Jy$
In m J
jf For
Tho Rayo Lamp it a high rado lump, aold at a low pries.
Thrro or; lumps I hat rost morn, but thorot no Ixitter lump martontnnr
prlco. ConMmctrd of solid limss; ntcknl plntxi rllr kpptcloani an
ornamonttounrrcionilnnnr honiio. TlirrrlsnothlnKknown to tho r
of Innm-maklng- ttmteun ulrt (o tlmvolnn ot tho HAVO I -amp Bin llglil
irlTlna rtnylcn. Rrrry rti-slnr crrrrnbrrn. If not at touis, wrlto low
$4.00 mhamm
mna mom pc
for you to buy.
...... r.... - 7J m - 1'tt.
..l....ul.t Wjf jfL. .JTjm- - Ir.V
Pink Eye. Epizootic)
Shipping Fever
fit Catarrhal Fover.
im l v wis
Bnr re aoiposl tire prercntlr, no matter liowhorsrsat any stage ara Infected
or"niK)wt." LI'iiilil.irlTennntbetontiiietactsoiiUiellloodaniltiUndSi rxpolsths)
wlKmomi(Tmn trom tho IjchIj. Cures lilateniper In Units unilrllieepnnil Cholera ta'.
roiiltry, InrrHitselllnKtlfeitnck rrtnixlT. Oires 1 (Irlpix amontr tinman belurl
anillsaflnnKlilney rcmrwtj. Mo and St a bottle, IS ami slo a iloren. Cut thlsouWl
Keeplt. MiowtoTourdruirirl.t.wlKi wlllffcttttoryou. Fieo Dooklot, "Ulstsinpaskl
Keeps the spindle bright and
iree from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
(Incorporated) I
V A fetf , WISCONSIN, tlm
, , best ninrkvt la,
America. (1 per acre ctihU ; large orstunll tract1
m (
"I have been using Cascarets for In
somnia, with which I have been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can say that Cas
carets have given me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to my friends
as being nil that they are represented."
Tbos. Gillard, Elgin, HI.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Tasto Oood.
DoOood. Nover Sicken, Weaken or GiIm.
10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold In unite. Tha sen
ulno tablet stampeJCCC. Uuarantood to
euro or your money hick. 924
"African Oaitio Trull
Want,..! by thousands (or Christmas and New
Vuars. N"'lcill J. man In nvrryrlaco to take It
to tlio families in Ills locality. OftVml'l Monor
olv of fii-ld nnd lilcli Commission Jaltu tho gieat
cUanco and irlio tor prospectus now to CHAUl.Ua
SCUUINEU'S SONS, ijj (R. S.) lUitu Aveuue.
Nef York.
nPPElNnP &T1RMI for Uarolnnir
Uno!t llu:u.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 45-1910.
ri- j
. -a