The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1910, Image 7

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a-i . -,.
twnn. -a
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4 -
nnd somebody
4?r nXMBEMCE .
something happens,
nnd it usually Imp
pons in somo for
H.ikcn portion of
our t'nltcd States
or territories thero
of, whore civiliza
tion ia not nnd
murder nnd sud
den death tire most
plentiful. Accord
ingly when that
boniethlng happoni
aoincbody In Wash
ington Bnyo things
olsu docs things
nnd behold, thero spring up from
Bomowhcro sundry happily profano
fioldlory who carry civilization In
their cartrldgeu and progress at the
point of the Imjonpt. For, In mo
ments of stress, the
viewpoint of the
army Is charming
ly crude. Follows
then a hysterical
splurge. Also,
Eometlmen, a con
gressional Investi
gation, or inayhnp
garlands and hon
ors nnd whatnots
It depends upon
tho clrcumstnncan
that lo, tho pollt
leal circumstances
To tho men of
tho army tho gar
lands and frills
aro accepted with
childish delight
Somowhoro In tho
bottom of his well
drilled and cleanly
heart there Is the
coonsclousness of
having dono n big
thing well, and bo
Ing most Intensely
liunmn, ho gives"
car to tho prnlse
of his follow eltl
2Ctl. And tlinn
again, garlands aro few, while con
gressional committees nro proline.
Tho army knows that It is impossible
to explain to the gentleman from
Long Island or Poughkecpslo. N. Y..
thnt a little brown brother, hopping In
nnd out of tho brush, fanatically doslr
ous of clawing up an American citizen
with a poisoned bolo, has llttlo regard
for tho federal statutes at largo. And,
of course, neither has Sammy, Jr., the
uncommercial gentleman who has en
listed for reasons best known to him
nelf and whoso duty it is to catch tho
aforesaid Moro, and generally clenr
tho path for thoso that follow after.
Prlvnto Sammy docs his work and ho
does It according to circumstances,
which aro essentinlly ' nonpolltical.
rhereforo it happens on occasionos
that tho aforesaid Moro is sent yelp
ing Into eternity nnd Sammy Jr. ro
gards himself with a iiloasn,! m-in
Also, circumstances force him to
other untoward steps. Once thoro
was a famous soldier, Mulvaney by
name, who took tho town of Lungtungpcn, "na
eld as Vanus," nnd who, prior thereto, helped
the depnrtmont of Information of tho British cm
pirc. with tho judicious administration of his
clennlng rod. Which goes to show that between
Prlynto Sammy and Prlvnto Tommy thero is a
healthy Anglo-Saxon understanding pnrticulnrly
ns regards tho trentment of black and brown
All this Is mcroly preamble, but when tho
Moro hns been carted away nnd tho congressional
committeo has committed Itself nnd- tho garlands
nro forgotten Private Sammy goes back to his
own life, which to him is a highly Important af
fair. Somewhere, somehow, thero remains In his
brain an impression that ho Is allowed tho'ur
suit of happiness and ho pursues It. Ho "does
it In his own way and In divers pjaces. Tho tur
bulent tides of Juan de Fuca, which raco by tho
gun-crested heights or Fort Worden, havo heard
his raucous chorus; the watermelon patches dot
ting tho desolation of Fort RIloy know his foot
print. On a Florida sandsplt, In tho snows of
Alaska, in tho heat of tho islands, ho pursues it
nnd catches what llttlo thero is of it.
Tho world which praises nnd nbuses him
f.nowB him not, nor his llfo. Tho point of viow
is entirely different. A ponderous civilian at
tho window of tho paying teller of a local bank
observed nn ofllcer In uniform standing behind
"Well, I guesB tho country is safe," observed
tho rotund ono, gazing superciliously at tho uni
form. "Thank you, sir," said tho ofllcer, Balutlng.
This officer was a boy lieutennnt, nnd his sar
casm was nntural. For within his short spaco
of years ho had played with tho fangs of death
nnd mndo snooks nt tho powers of darkness. A
Bhort tlmo previously, at Luzon, ho waB ordered
to find tho bodlcB of two soldiers that had boon
murdered. Tho orders wero to find tho bodies,
so of colirsc they went nnd did. With seven
troopers und a Burgeon ho pursued his way
through Jungle scrub nnd cholera Infested lands,
without food, drenched with rain, sleeping in
swamps. They found them. Ono wna tied nllvo
over a rod-ant hill, after being slashed with a
bolo, and tho other had been knifed nnd gagged
with a portion of hla own flesh. Presumably tho
BupcrcllldUB circumferential gentloninn did not
know of such things and this is what stings
there seem to bo so many citizens of tho coun
try whoso ideas of tho work of tho army is oqually
limited. Unfortunately, tho men who do big
things cannot talk about them.
It follows that what tho man of tho army haa
to undergo, bo must tho woman of tho army. The
outsldo world knows tho army woman as sho Is
not It sees In her Wo a succession of society
cvcntH and realizes not tho horrible other side.
Hero Is an illustration:
Homo years ago, in "tho days of tho empire,"
a llttlo army woman went as n brido with her doc
tor husband to Manila,
They were ordered nt
onco to a natlvo vlllago
up tho valley, where a
company of Infantry hnd
boon stntloned to guard
the water supply for Mn
nlla. Tho natives, you
kco, had n habit of throw
ing the bod I oh of victims
of cholera Into tho riv
ers nnd wells, thereby
malum: life most tin
things nro not mentioned
In the society reports of
tho press.
Of course tho wlfo
could have rcnmlncd be
hind, hut hIio did not.
She was possessed with
tho archaic belief com
mon to tho army that
fS&ftwS' Mil'
V Ji 'l
Her huRband canto In for dinner and rushed
away again. Whereupon llttlo Mrs Army Woman
went to her tiunk ami for tho first tlmo unpacked
all the finery of the dayH that had been
"1 found a dress which I hnd worn at n daneo
at tho Presidio the ln&t time," she said, "and 1
cried and I cried"
Doforo leaving, tho husband hnd pushed a chest
against tho door, locking her In completely, this
being deemed tho safest plan. Therefore on leav
ing he had to crawl through tho window, and ni
ho hung on tho window sill shn bent forward and
kissed lilm. Then she heard him drop with a
pleasant for those whites ' splash Into tho disease Infested pools below. Alto
who had to drink. Such gether It was as nice a spot for tho pursuit of hap
piness hh could bo found.
Then sho went to the loneliness and tho dark
nnd tho centipedes and cried. Tho wind whipped
tho banana palms nnnlnst tho house, tho rain
slashed down, sho heard (ho llanls scudding
around and n big ono outside, In n mango tree,
called "tuck-coo" so that she Jumped up In fear
and alarm waiting and wondering
All through the night sho lived tho horTors
mr pzAce
tho placo of tho wife is by her
husband. '60 with him sho plunged
through tho Jungle to tho camp. Sho
was tho first wlilto woman In tho
place nnd tho only other ono of her
kind wns 20 mllos away. The situa
tion was decidedly pleasant. Tho
house wns like nn Inverted waste
paper basket, n three-roomed bam
boo aback set up on bamboo poles.
Oho room wns dubbed tho centlpe-
dorlum because well, because ev
ery time tho biido went In It sho
found centipedes and other things
Thero were other advantages. Thero
wns no stovo nnd tho cooking hnd
to bo dono over hot coals. Also tho
water had to bo boiled and par
boiled; not nlono tho water for
drinking purposes, but
also for washing.
"There was so much
cholera," she explained.
Tho meals were served
with wlro nettings over
tho dishes and above and
about thorn and around
them was tho ono thought
cholera. Thero woro
other delights. Tho Moros
woro out. A sentry hnd
been boloed. Tho ronds
were knee deep in mud
nnd tho rain poured down
in torrents.
Thero camo a night
when tho very soul of her
was tried to its uttermost.
' Jlfffl
SKfe ill
" rOlYD )AjTJ3 HWV
T Wtt)0'
The rain had fallen cease
lessly. Pools were under tho house and cholera
was unusually on tho rampnge. The rain camo
down In such gusts that sho had to fasten down
tho windows, thereby making tho houso too dark
for reading purposes. So tho day long, whllo her
doctor husband wandered about through mud and
rain with chlorodyno la hand, she peered through
tho slnto, gazing nt tho bamboo palmtrees whip
ping 10 and fro before tho fury of tho Btorm. At
tho appointed tlmo she prepared dinner. Sho pro
duced her row of cans. In her girlhood days
thoro was a household joko, "What wo cannot oat
wo can." Now ns sho gnzed ut tho canned milk,
tho canned butter and the canned meats sho
wondered If bIio could eat all they can. Some
how or other tho fleeting thought of tho girlhood
days made her cholto. You sco it was the rain
and tho storm nnd tho centipedes and things
which got on her nerves.
The storm passed and tUro followed tho silences,
weird, uncanny, of dripping wnter, of moving
things underfoot. Ultimately bIio heard the splash
ing of kindly American boots, and looking outsldo
saw n wet specimen oi Private Sammy, marching
philosophically up and down on sentry go. Sho
called to hint, half hysterical, nnd ho nnswered
her with choerlng words. Itonssurcd, sho waited
for her husband's appearance, wrapped In nn
nrmy blanket, chilled to tho heart. Later, when
her husband, and daylight had come, she learned
that sho hnd boon sitting opposite a window with
n lighted candlo by her, offering a splendid mark
for tho prowling Filipino sharpshooters.
This was an experlenco and ono which the fat
gentleman In tho bank hnd never Imagined. To
the army this Ignoranco and narrowness Is Incom
prehensible Tho agony nnd bloody Kwont of
hiding death hnd gripped him so often thnt Prl
vnto Sam cannot understand why tho gontlcmon
who employ him for thlB class of work do not
realize that there aro particular horrors connected
with It. Uelng of tho army, ho docs not Bpcak of
them, but his gorge rises within him when fat
gontlcmon sneer nt tho uniform which ho has
mado respected.
Dut ho remembers tho pursuit of happiness
and the day cttmes when ho Is ordered home.
Then It Is thnt tho army nnd Its women, gathered
aft, watch tho walls of Manila fndo from tholr
vision. Tho crowding thoughts chnso each other
across their brains, foimlng themsolvcs Into mem
ories, horrible and happy, of cholorn nnd poisoned
bolo, ol the perfume of tho Ihlung-lhlnng nnd tho
lovo flourishing whllo tho constabulary band
plaed songs of home, around tho tho I-unotn.
San Francisco Call.
Romance of the Sweet Pea
Tho most highly regarded nnd widely grown
annual In Cnnndlnn gnrdens of todny, no mntter
whoro in this flowor-Ioving country tho garden bo,
or whether It belong to cottager or man of means,
tolling clerk or park-owning municipality, tho
Bweet pen first camo to us from tho Sicilian nuns.
FrpnclsciiB Cupant, a monk, who was also a
botanist, sent tho first secda to England In tho
year 1G!)9, consigned to nn Enfield schoolmaster
named Dr. Uvedalo. Tho old Middlesex dominie
was both a botanist and horticulturist, nnd ho
grow tho first Bweet peas over scon in England.
Cupant called tho plant Lathyrus dlstoplnty
phyllus hlrsutls, mollis et odorus an unwieldy,
namo, out of all harmony with tho winged grnco
of tho sweet pea. Later Linnaeus cut down tho
clumsy designation to its present form of Lathy
rus odoratus.
Dr. Uvednlo found tho sdods produced a plant
with purplo flowers, and so hero wo have tho
color of tho original sweet pea.
Tho stock was gradually multiplied, and about
thirty years later ono Ilobert Furber, a Konslng
ton gardoncr, wub tho first to offer seed8 for
Progress In tho production" of now varieties
was Blow In thoso romoto days, and it was not
until tho year 1793 (nearly a century lator than
Cupanl'a consignment of seeds) that nny new col
ors became known. In tho yonr mentioned, how
over, a catnloguo wns issued, which described
black, scnrlot and wlilto vnrieties.
What bricamo of tho black and scarlet sorts, If
they over oxlsted In thoso truo colors, Is not
known. Tho black must hnvo been n deep purplo.
Tho blackest bloom la still tho dnrk purplo Tom
Bolton. In this connection, seeing thnt for years
past hybrldlstB havo boon trying to produco n
puro yellow sweet pen, It may bo said that tho
yellowest bloom at present known Is tho crenmy
CInrn Curtis.
A novelty In tho form of n striped flower was
offered In tho year 1837 by Mr. Jamos Carter, and
In tho year 18C0 thero appeared tho first bloom
of tho cholco plcoteo-edgcd varieties which aro
eo popular today. Tho latter wus raised by Major
Trovor Clarke, It was a flno wlilto flower with
an edging of bluo, nnd Major Clarko scored a
doublo triumph, for his now flower Was also tho
first sweot pea with bluo coloring.
Tho greatest revolution In tho history of tho
swcot pea, however, was Inaugurated on July 25,
1901, when, at tho National Sweet Pea society's
first exhibition, hold In tho old Itoyal Aquarium,
Jxmdon, Mr. Silas Colo, Earl Spencer's gardener
at Althorp park, displayed tho famous Countess
Spencer, a beautiful pink variety with a wavy
instead of tho conventional smooth standard. Tho
loveliness of tho now form won tho hearts of all
growers at onco and during tho last ten years so
great bus been tho Increase of wavy or frilled va
rieties after tho Spencer typo that tho latter now
rules tho sweot pea world.
Somo hybridists nro engnged particularly nt
prcsont in adding to tho list of marbled vnrletlos,
of which tho bluo-velncll Hclon Plorco 1b so cholco
nn oxamplo, nnd It Is posslblo that much moro
offort mny bo expended In futuro In tho nttempt
to produco flowers with a striking nnd dollcnto
Just a fow figures In conclusion, showing not
tho least striking phnso of tho romance of tho
sweet pea. Tho Sicilian monk's ondorously
named plant has becomo about COO different vari
eties grouped Into 21 classes, according to color.
Oyer tho culturo of theso flowers a national soci
ety numboilng 938 members nnd mobruclng 101
affiliated societies watcbos.
Members Elect Each Other to n Good
Thing nnd the Political Doss is
Paris. A fow Amet Icons who hap
pened to be visiting tho principality of
Monaco at tho tlmo when It was strug
gling with its first elections had nn
exceptional opportunity to enjoy them
selves. Somo months ago Monaco suddenly
woko up ono morning with a thirst
for parliamentary government nnd
niarciiod upon tho pi luce's palace. A
revolution wns averted by tho prlnco
consenting to receive a deputation, to
whom ho said: "If jou want to elect
each other to something, byallmcana
do fo," or woida to that effect.
Tho Monegasques accordingly elect
ed each other to a body which thoy
called tho communal council, after go
ing tlnoiiRli nil tho piopor formalities
Old Fortified Entrance to Monaco.
of shouting and spellbinding Tho body
electorate at oncu split up into four
distinct parties, the real Monegasipios,
tho truo Moneg'isquos, tho Monaco pa
triots ami tho I'rogroBHlvo National
ists of Monaco. The last-named party
camo out nt tho top of tho polls nnd
holds tho mnjoiity In tho communal
Tho prlnco hns granted tho council
Biipplles amounting to $200,000 n yenr.
Tho question beforo tho council, lm
probablo aa it may seem, is whnt to
do with tho money. Every public ex
penditure is covered nlrendy several
times over by tho profits of tho
Monto Cnrlo gambling tables. Tho
council's budget, therefore, will work
out Eomcthlng llko this: Annual rev
enue, $200,000; expenditure, nil.
Tho day of tho political boss has
not yot dawned In Monaco, but It will
probably como, nnd then thero mny
bo somo modification In tho unlquo
balanco sheet.
Largest Ever Sent Through the United
States Mall Carried ns
Outside Mall.
Austin, Tex. A postcard which
wolghts four poundB was received
through tho mall by an Austin firm
of attornoys a fow daya ago. Tho
card Is said to bo tho largest over
sent through tho United States malls.
It Is 38 Inches wldo and 2G Inches
long. It wn3 mailed at Enid, Okla.,
nnd tho tender wns Isnlnh Armond.
Ho hnd tho enrd mndo to order. It
required $1.28 postage to carry It.
Tho sum waB nil mndo up of, one-cent
stnmps which woro pasted on tho up
per right-hand corner of tho card,
Postcard Weighing Four Pounds.
Owing (o Its enormous slzo this un
usual pleco of mall matter could not
bo placed in a mall sack, so it had to
bo carried to Auntlx as outsldo mall.
To Aid Chicago's Blind.
Chicago. Thero is a llttlo whistlo
'ii use In Chlcugo which Is as effective
In malting a wny through tho crush at
Ihe street corners as that employed
by tho members of tho traffic squad.
Tho privilege of using It Is a recent
ono extended to the blind persons of
tho city ub tho rosult of tho efforts
of nn orgnnlzntlon which is devoted to
their Interests.
Tho police department, In granting
It, stipulated tliTit tho signal whistles
should havo a tono which would dis
tinguish thorn readily from thoso used
by tho men of tho traffic squad. At
tho sound of tho flute-llko signal the
ofllcer at n busy corner leaves his
post nnd goos to tho curb to assist
tho blind poison, or poihnns two or
three, to crona tho street
Mr. Oloen'8 Offer Must Have Come As
Surprise Even to Persuaslvo
Claim Agent.
XTp in Minnesota Mr. Oison had a
cow Killed by n railroad train. In
duo censon tho claim agent for tho
railroad called. ,
"Wty understand, of course, thnt tho
deceased wns a very docllo and vnlu
ablo anlmnl," said the claim ngent In
his most porsunfilvo clnlm ngentlemnn
ly manner, "nnd wo sympnthlzo with
you and your family In your loss. Hut,
Mr. Olscn, you must remember this:
Your cow had no business being upon
our tracks. Thoso tracks aro our prl
vnto property and vlien alio Invaded
them sho became a trespasser. Tech
nically speaking, you, ns her owner,
beenmo n trcspnssor nlBO. Hut wo
havo no dcslro to carry tho Issuo Into
court, and possibly glvo you trouble.
Now, then what would you regard as
a fair settlement between you and tho
railroad company?"
"Vnll," said Mr. Olson slowly, "Ay
bnen poor Swede farmer, but Ayo shall
glvo you two dollars." Everybody's.
Wrong Guess.
It was exhibition day at No. 3, and
as tho parents of Jnck Grady, tho
dullest pupil, wero listening hopefully,
tho teacher tried her best to holp tho
boy. "How did Chnrles I. of England
die?" sho asked, assigning tho easloat
question on her list to Jnck, Ab ho
looked nt her, with no Indlcntlon of a
coming ntiBwor, tho teacher put her
band up to her neck. Jack saw tho
movement nnd understood Its mean
ing, ns ho thought. "ChnrlcB I. of Eng
land died of cholcrn," ho nnnouueed
brlekly. Youth'B Companion.
$100 Reward, $100.
Th runlet of thlj paprr will b plrninl to Ifara
Uiitt thero h at It-tut ouo tlrradiil illirato that ncirnr
ha brrn alils to euro In all lu atatra, ana that u
Calnmi. llall'a CiiturrU Curs U the only ponitlts
cure no it known to tha medical tratenilty. Catarrh
being n roimtltutlonal illaeaM, requires a rnnmitu
tlontl treatment. llall'a Catarrh Cure Li taken In
ternally, netnu iltreetly upon the blood nnd mueoiu
snrfaeei ut the ayitrm, thereby deatrnylnit the
roumUtloi ot thn tllvaax. and Rtvlnc the pit lent
strength by build Ins up the constitution and a-Mtat-Inn
nature l-i doing lu nork. Ihe proprietor lima
o much faith In Its curamo poster that they offer
Una Hundred Dollar for any raaa that It Ulla tt
cure. Hend for I in of ti-Mlmonlala
AtliltfM K. J. C'lir.NXY it CO.. Toledo, O.
Mold by all Drui-etsta. ;v.
lalo Hall lamlly l'llli for contllpatloo.
She Probably Could.
Senator La Kollotto, apropos of cer
tain scnndnlB, snld nt n dinner In Mad
ison: "These things recall tho legisla
tor who rcmnrked to bin wifo, with n
look of dlsgusti 'Ono of thoso land
lobbyists approached mo today with
another Insulting proposition.', 1
"Tho wife, n young nnd protiy wom
an, clnpped her hnnda. 'Oh, good!'
Eho cried. 'Then I enn hnvo thnt Bablo
Btolo, nftcr nil, enn't I, dear?' "
Tliis is tho nnme of the Rrerttcst of all
emcdicH for Distemper, Pink Eye, Ilcnves,
ind the hko among nil nges of horses. Sold
tv DruRgUts, Haines Mukcrs, or send to
tho manufacturers. $50 and $1.00 a bottlo.
Agents wanted. Send for freo book. Spolm
Medical Co., Slice. Contagious Diseases,
Gokhcn, Ind.
So They Say.
Stranger I Bay, my lad, whnt is
considered a good scoro on theso
Cnddlo Well, sir, most of tho genta
hero tries to do It in ns fow strokes
ns they enn, but it generally takes a
fow moro. Scottish American.
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyon
nndGranulatodEyollds. Murlno Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eyo Pain. Druggists
Sell Murlno Eyo Remedy, Liquid, 2Cck
DOc, $1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo In
Aseptic TubeB, 25c, $1.00. Eyo Booka
and Eyo Advice Freo by Mall.
Murlno Eyo Ilcmcdy Co., Chicago.
rier Tribute.
Randall How did you Hko tho mili
tary parado,4da?
Miss Rogers Glorious! I never Bnw,
enough men In all my llfo beforo.'
Harper's nazar.
Sirs. Wlnslows Roathlni? Hyrrtp.
Fnrclilldri-n twthlnif. uiftorutmmumn, rmucenliv.
tlaiiiiiiUKn.llajraualn.cuiujmlodeuUo. UoubilUu.
When a man dresses llko a slouch
it's a pretty good Blgn that ho either
ought to get married or get divorced.
Many who used to smoke 10c cigars
now buy Lewis' Single Binder straight Co.
A woman hates her enemies longer
than sho loves her friends.
in cases of Poor Appetite,
Headache, Heartburn,
Sour Risings, Bloating,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia.
Costiveness, Biliousness
and Malaria, Fever and
Ague is Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters. For over
57 years it has been as
sisting sickly and run
down people back to
health, and its friends are
therefore, legion. You
really ought to try this
wonderful remedy at
once and be satisfied that
it is the only one' you
need to keep you healthy.
5 for Coughs & Coups
' Al.
.. . hka (tt tji fatyryiry frtf prX -- -f5l
- Mm DSUkn.'L ', n
.'WBflf !' ' I'M -
. --W -fc..H
Meqtiac fc-y-ng-atEgx'itaifttetftsjaasL