The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1910, Image 5

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W tM"l ISJ-MBKftVtt
Md 1
. ..
M HI llii
f- .t MfiMiii .- M..I1- .
H I. i Ki S tic lit
A hutch 's.
M-s f. v
i m . in ..
p iv Hi-ii-'l h inc
I fi'in ii 'h t' igo
VS .i ti. i,ii3V
Mnud i.v.
mi Ui-c if ntii.'u ah- i.i I,.- cn.
Mi'. I 'U wit 'l vii I'riiin Vlmii
Wo liu'-ilny.
Mis Uhn. (Ji'lier cent tn Pe.'Vir
Tiio-d-ty i'Vi- I g
G. W Iim.I j 1 ft in- I'ripplei icoU
the lii'i in ii neck.
Chis J. i liny ui'l w.fe ictiirncl
fro mi 11 intuit file- 'ti.
If ,V'iii wniit H I'liiiui s ive money by
buying iiihv ut iuii'h'. '
.eo Dr. tiiiM; until fur eye glosses
rfllllllClillll fc.M.MlMII- I I'll. I
Mi-is I nil i th'lmos of llliic Mill was
in thU ci'.v iivm- Smiiliiy.
K. Y. l!' . !( mill daughter
spent Siunliiy in Hen trice. ,
See Tlic Kiuib ill I'lano 1'layor tit j
Ain:iuk' anybody pliiys it.
Miss Hriinien Hotter lelnrnoil from
Uhicigo Moiid tv m n-ning. i
Louis Vuvrieha went to Hastings)
Tii'"-dav 'my ti new mil ii.
Mr ami Mrs. Hall i et iirncil from
I'lnukltu Moii'lay morning.
Win. K. Wallace of lUudeti is attend
ing District Cmrt. this week
It !. Ilunuliuy ami wife are visiting
relatives in Cowlos this week
II r. anil Mr.s. Win. Smith of Kansas
were in this oit.v Wednotlny.
Mis. how Whiteof Ulnoiningtnu was'
i.h tliu olty the, hist, of the week.
Miinde.vllle uml wife were
iion from Hlne Hill Wednesdny.
' Miss Clara Seliueliel of.OuiHba 1h till
guest of Mrs. P.O. IMmres tlilh week.
Mr. u ml Mrs. lien Ksliclmun liavu re
tnnieii frini tlieir trip to Canton. III.
Calicoes American 1'rints Five
cents per yard Mixi:i: llnnh. and Co.
. Wright Tnornbere; of OUlalioina was
visiting frlemls in this city Wednes
la? Afrs.Oluis. Strung bus returned home
from the hospital at Arkain-as City,
Mrs Stewart AUnilit and children
went to Oi-le'ins Krlday to visit her
Mr. Slronv; of Ciilberlson is a
Sliest at the hoimi of ( bus. Sttone;
llinl wife
Mis Vei'iion Storey eatiu
from bine.ili. Friday returning Moil
day inn! nine;.
Dr. sroekmn. has a neu e.-m.nt
wmIIc hil.l in f.ont. and t.ront.d his
new u..ileiuv.
Mrs. H. . Ileal retnriio I Friday
from ( hie. IT" win re -he has been I lie
past t ivn iitont lis
aWSP-- "lTc
i-itt- TrntiV
SI This is the chief
requisite for
making Perfect
Bake Day Foods
P e-jjkiS
j Absolutely Pui'o fgi
Jig The only Baking Pow- W
J 3 der made from Royal UpJl
Grape Cream of Tartar 3p
I' Made from Grapes ML
No Unto Phosphate Hp '
fMl No Alum am
ES Our Newest Watch
on ! . ' . nb.t'oiv no-
ii .i
yj ticea by all l.' mnp-w.ncs
gg lhr.t there U a n -w w .!. out.
53 Every new tiling in ilif
Hj jevelry line if it's goojl
E you find first in this
nc store.
S watch, higlily recommended .
m for all who need a good pop
S ular-priced timc-piccc. $5,
mm $7 and $9 according to cases.
l More than the montvtcttbouthlbtfotc
E. H. Newhousc, Prop.
.Ir.wr.ters ft Optometrists
The Chief olllce takes subscriptions
and renewals fortlie Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
All the ;reat artists sine; for the
Victor and t)Misoii. Hour tbein at
Newhonse Drno.
Vns-yottSini frret. Mitchell the'
.Toweler has a splendid line of detach
abloiJihndlu itiubioila. . "
Al. Aultz who has lieeti visttitie; in
l'enbsj'tvania-tlie past yeair rotnrneil
to this city Wednesday.
Grandma Hale,vhn lias been visit
ink relative in Iowu tlnil a "soft i
ChicaL'o returned Sattinlny evening.
' Dvr Nellie Manrer wishes to an
nounce to the. public that she is now
located in the rooms over the Tepee.
Frank lCHiner and Cecil Fssitf went
to Lincoln this morning to attend the
state tmriciiltnral sebool this winter.
Mr. and Mr. Kd I Matt entertained n
few fr ends Tue-day eVoniii"; ill lionor
or Mrs. 1'lntfh brother MdKar Cottiiif,'
and wife.
Rev. Tompkins of I he Methodist
j elinrch preiiched 'an able sermon on
v....... f...t.... c.....i .:..!.. ...
1 v"."" ' "i" """. -"" ' '
t ero wlcil hoii'-e.
1 (Jeo. 1'entress brought the largest
j a.inMttn thu ()(ll(.0 TlieMav Wl. ,II1V
. n W(jlwN;i. (.om,lv
'it weighs -J , lbs
Foil Hi.i:-A i! Morse Power Whltty
i (J.isolinc Ibigine. Dyiniuii) anil Switch
' Hoard completed. Good as new.
Inquire of AHY IIaiit.
l.osi UetNM'eu Iteil Cloud itnd Noah
Wagoner's place a Ladies ISInck Coat
wilii fur collar. Finder leave at this
otceaiii receive reward.
Use a Hull Oetncliublc Handle Um
brella. Children si.esSl.t'O and up.
Ladies or gents special 6l.2."i mid
up Get them of Newhom-e.
l)v. Creightou has returned. Dur
ing tills winter lie will do olllce work
iim.v. lie will be glad to meet anyone
wishing his services at his olllce.
It was a significant fact that lion.
Ii. D. Silt herliiud addressed the laigest
political audience yet bold in lied
( loud dining this campaign.
Mr. Willi mis, representative of the
Ii.lngb Valley Hallway Company of
Philadelphia. I'enn., wns a visitor at
t'r- Inline of I. II. Holmes Saturday.
Charity Chapter No. IT, Order of
the Kastern Stnr, meets at Masonic
Hall alternate Monday's v Mrs. Coin
Poltei. V. M. Mr.. Kditli Uobiiihon,
If our paper is meeting with your
approval as a newspaper tell your
neighbor who is not receiving it. If it
is not meeting your approval toll iih
mid wherein.
.Itidgo Diiiigun ami court reporter
Uiiuil remained in lied Cloud over
Sunday. Mrs. Diiugnu came down
fioin Hastings Saturday and stayed
until Monday.
lirundiiiu Ilndley died this morning
about 8 o'clock She was S'J years old.
She will be buried to-morrow in the
Mt. Hope cemetery IJoV (!.W. Hum
mel nlllcinting.
The Fraternal Aid will hold n
llallovvu'en party after their regular
meeting to-night. Kvery member is
requested to bring a prospective mem
ber for the party after the regular
i Miss lleuluh K. Francis mid Mr.
i Albert. W Freed were united in mar
j rlago ut tliliO Wednesday evening at
' the homo of the bride's parents by
, Ilev. G. W. Hummel. About one hun
dred giiehts woro in Htteudiuice. Tho
Chief extends to the happy couple
" congratulations.
Wc liavc examined the now S3
jjg 7-Jewel Watch 5J
Bf tat
m and find it dtictly wrll- fr h
2; tnsdc, accurately tunning LjKN sS
l-'lny Fo.irn tin- sou of Mr. and Mrs.
lYed l'cmi fell out of (Jeo. Lindley's
Irav wngoii 'I'ltcsdny tiuil was badly
hurl. He fell backwards and lighten
his hen I. He is improving at this
critii g.
Itev. Ci-esMiiuu of Lawicncc, ICansas
who Is a In other of Kev. A. A. Cress
mill of this city and w ho has tilled the
pulpit at tliu Congregational church
I lu past twri Suitibiys, returned homo
Monday. '
Hanson .in I I'll ut' the popular feud
mid pouHi , men will move into the
) 'iilncb l.iilliling Hist, door south of
Ludlow's restaurant. This will give
them urtiHk room to handle their trade
and it upon tlieir ciis'oincrs.
Dim Cupid which was played at the
npeia house ton large eiowd Wcilncs
diiv evening was the best show that
has been here this year mill was differ
ent fru.ii wliut wc have been used to
seems.. ' he musical specialties were
ef i. nt
Tne friends of C. II. MoKinuoy, the
good iiatiired .sialesiuau of Swllt and
Co.. are grieved to learn of the death
of the brothcr-ln lawofMr McKiuuey
at Loiidvlllo, Colo The death was
a sudden one and happened last- week
while Mr McKiuuey ami Doctor Holes
of this citv were visiting at Lendvillo
lust as much care, in fact a little
more, should be exercised in buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
thing else. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
work. Get your electric irons of
MoitiiAitr linos., they carry theiiutbor
ix.ed iron. He cnrcfull of "just as
good" electric irons.
The Lecture by Dr. IMWin W.-Lnn
ham at the opera house last Thursday
night ns the opening number of the
Lecture. Course was one ot the best
ever in our city. His subject was
"The World's llattle Ground" and;
prot rayed life from cradle to thCgniyo
in a way that was helpful and enter
titititiiVt Dr. Lnnham is a man of Hue
appearance, pleasing mariner and a
splendid orator. . r ! "
The Music Study Club will meet
wltlOIrs. Du Cunningham on Thurs
day evening, Nov. . The evening
will be devoted to a study of Verde
and some of bis moat popular to in
positions. The following' program
will bo gi veu.
Current Music Kvonts (Itoll Call)
Biography Miss Coon,
Synopsis of Opera "II Trovatore".
Miss Itiohnrils
Piano solo Mrs. Whiltuker'
Vocal solo ......' M is. Pope
Vocal duett Miss Igou. Mrs. Lindspy-
Piano solo Mrs. Sellavs
..i 7 i. . " ,,... !. i ..
(h-iii mhiiv. .ma. viarue;
IMartor tliieti'i.Urs." ' A I bright, AHs'
The I8d Cloud W. C. T. l' gave 'a
reception for the Uuido Hock W. C. T
I'.. Wednesday in the M. E. church
parlois. There weie - nietnbers mi
attendance from Guide Houk. A btiu
ipiet was served at noon.
The following proginui was carried
out in the afternoon.
Devotional He v. Iliissoug
Address of welcome Miss Cutting
Response ...... hy Guide Book meniberntln t1"-' "0,,'h w,,' outlawed, .Mr
Short talk L. P. Albright
Address Kev. Tompkins
Solo Mrs. lj. s. (iiirhor
Address '..Mrs. Morton
Song By Guide Hook C. T. U.
Talk M is. Dickson, Co. Pies.
I'antinnlne. . . Nearer My Cod to Thee
The meeting closed by singing !od
be with you till we meet again."
Butter worth !(i cents per pound is
made from the same milk that grease
worth I cents a pound is made. It
takes us much milk to make the one
as the other. The one is the result of
Ignorance, the other of intelligence.
The one goes beggijig in the market,
it luiiigb poverty upon tho producer,
the other is everywhere in demand and
brings wnllh and honor to the mtikei.
The one honors the cow the other dis
graces her! The one builds hovels
and shedh. the other builds mansions
and costly barns: The one covers the
farm with inoilgngos, the other in
moves tiienil The one brings ignoi
noratice to the children, the other
knowledgo and respectability. In no
way arc ignorance and knowledge
more plainly brought in contrast than
in tiie maiiiifiieture of butter. Ignor
ance sits in poverty and is clothed in
want and disgrace, while knowledge is
clothed in plenty and respectability!
In the last ten years knowledge has
struck a terrible blow right square on
tho bead of ignorance, cracked its
skull and laid it up for repairs. This
knowledge litis Its birth In tliu West,
and tho cieamery is its legitimate oil'
spring. lrlc'.OHClM)nvlS
At the home of Mr. and Mrs ll. W.
Hummel yesterday afternoon at. 1
o'clock Miss Bessie McDowulJ and Mr.
Ernest Davis were united in marriage.
Miss McDowell is tho accomplished
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Nonli Mc
Dowell and has a wide iicqtuiiuieiice
in this coiiiiniufiry Mi'. Davis is the
oflloleiiUisslhtiiMt of (J, I,, Cutting u
the drug store. lie came hem a fqw
veurs ago and dins won mniiy frle,ndH.
in this city. The yodng couple took
the evening train for Axtel where they
will make- a shdrt visit with Mi
Davis's sister After" whiuh they will
return ami muko their futuro hqmc.
The Chief extends congratulations.
Howard, Bartiey and Rosewaler
Attack Hitchcock and Try
to Save Burkelt.
The Vlclmui uttiit u bcliif, made by
Unwind, Lai tie) mid Vic Uosi-water
ilium tiii.iii M. IlitiluucU in i.icr
f I antic ei.oits, to KiM liar
l.eit 1 1 mil impetiiliiitc detent at the
kuiiiU cictlnti ali'i au llll.s niiiu.
taUaliie Mjiiis of reaetUiu lu'.nitist tlie
(uii.Iii.Ui.s hy- causing lull iuih il
i.ieii tin i. five illiassioiuitco exam
I Td ilie -i.itoiiuiilH made b h. Mi
f.idcs, lei" , ici with the "u v nl
i-xldi'itei I'lesontul h l..iiiie,
CM.OilHC Ihe ciiiso of I lilt 111 ( i '.. 1
view of I .o eaiullil ntut'Min nl oi
Hiteln.'uik, iiiving the facts, and e
plalniu.s tin in, the common mlml itli
It- haul t i-iTi iiitiii souse has reiichcil th.
loiicbislun that Mr. Illtchcocii Is
tied In imil ln; the charge agiilimi B.itt
lev of titti iii). ting to blackmail him
The iiiilltiitil and iieisoiitil iciiboiis mil
iniitliiK Howard .and HosewaUir lead
II) MijigoM lliuniselves.
Fit in all Hint luiH been given to the
public tlnib Hi'', the tollowliiK mo tint
nrceiwir) ilciiin tlons:
It itiiinis Mint In t S'.irt. diitliiK the times. ir Hitchcock iionowed
the slim of $i!,ii m of .loscph S. lltiitlo).
a banker and money loiiucr, as well as
sttile tteiisiiier, ami a man reputed to
be wealthy at that time It further
appears that iliuing the next few
)cars, years of worldwide llnanclul
depression, whh h wore especially bad
years In Nebraska, which was stricken
with a drought, Mr. Hitchcock found
himself bard pressed for cash to con
tinue the publication of the World
Herald, which was not self sustaining
at that time, and was forced to nsk,
Jn coninviti with all other business
men In those disastrous years, to
have the time of payment on loans of
money made by him extended. The
loan .made of Hartley was extended
by liuvlng the original note cut up Into
smaller ones, falling due on, differ
ent dates, on some of which further
transaction oonitittites the one ami
only transaction In which Mr. Hitch
Tock borrowed nib'ney"froni Joseph K
Hartley, and the amourit, with inter
est, was paid In full ,
Hartley's subsequent history U well
know' n, In 1897 he failed to turn over
the Mtntc funds to his successor, be
coming a defaulter, being afterwardti
tried, cnutictcd and sent to the peni
tentiary. It t-cenib that In settling with one ot
the ninny banks with which he liuil
doalhiKS. home yejirs later Hartley
came Into possession of notes for $:i,
OOd, given by Mr. H'.chccmk to nn
Omaha banker and secured by a sec
tond mortgage on (Jinaiiu propcrt)
Fhu:, pronei'.ty Imil la en uoh liiiilc.
foreclosure ptocecdings during the
linn! times, bringing icss limn the
amount of the first moit&ugc. tlnu
wiping out the second morp;ue,o The
property hud been sold mid the notes
for which tho setonil inoitgage Inn'
hciii given na secuiltv were uiiI'iimi
bv lapse of time, win n Hartley up
peari'd nr. owner of the notes and do
innuiloii payment of t! , same The
tinmnctlnn in which not..;
were given was not with Hartley, hut
with an Omaha banker NotwIthsUtud
Hitchcodi bint ii representative to Mr.
'Hartley ami made a settlement with
him, Ikut'.o) tinning over the noiesi
and papers to said representative oi
Mr. Hltcliimk
Mr. Hart..) asks, why should he
purchase s ( oml mortgages when
there we io plenty ol llrsi mortgage.!
to ho had, thus throwing out the sug
gest Ion of legitimate business trans
acted with actual money. From the
facts ami i evolutions recently made
It seems, however, thut Mr. Hurtle) 'a
cunning, though great, was not sufll
clont to cover his tracks, so that in
the present Instance be turnlslie.s evl
deuce of the truth of the statement
made by Ralph Waldo KineiHon t lift
"The devil !a nlwa.vH an ass "
Mr. Hartley, It now appears,
that hi? own disunite totihl l,o tinned
into un n-sct for the pni-pns o( Mm I.
milling those with whom he 1 a i"
mono) tiansjK tions tiny time after be
coming state treasurer, lie ibcroiore
had the papers, letters and lelegt.nni.-
of the iinn with whom he had money
dealings protographed, thus enabling
lilni to make seltlmuents with bik Ii as
he could and nt the same time. tiCtei
tinning over to them the original pa
pins, ic-t.'ln copie that ho could use
for hint '..iiiallitK purposes ricnbist any
who tit mi) future time shopld heroine
candidates for public olllce.
Outlawed commercial paper Is a
cheap commodity, uml It is doubtful
if Mr Hartley paid the Omaha banker
from whom he received the Hitchcock
notes a single penny for them The
Onmlin hanker holding the outlawed
pnper knew it was worthless, thorn
fore. It would not ho diflbult for any
person to negotiate for It, and It Is
probable that Mr Hartley got it for
the asking, particularly If Mr Haitley
suggested to the hanker that a gift of
the notes would cltlo him to a
larger measure of his good will The
Hitchcock notes which came Into Mr.
riartloy'fi possession through transac
tions with Ihe Omaha banker were
later settled for and surrendered hy
Mr Hartley to Mr Hltchcock'n repre
sentative , DR. C. E. CROSS .
Moon Block, Red Cloud
In Riverton every Monday
ZOUTLl'find that it's poor policy
to shop around in buying clothes;
to go where you see the lowest price
quoted. Price doesn't mean much in
clothes unless you know what the
quality of the goods
If you govern your buying by the price you
pay, without reference to what you get for it,
you'll find some mighty cheap clothes for sale;
their cheapness is likely to be more in quality
than in price. But you'll find plenty of good
clothes, loo;
Hart Schaffner & Marx
dont make any other kind. All their fabrics
are all-wool; the tailoring is the best possible;
the' styles are correct to the smallest detail; and
we guarantee satisfaction. One trouble with
even when you buy them.
Our clothes satisfy; they're profitable
to you and to us. Suits $20 to $50.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
EcL Aniack, Prop.
31493 ,
O ' j"Mr "JA
always unsatisfactory,
is often more effective than the most
elaborate pose. You can see proof (j
of it in the sample photos to be seen
at this studio. $
We Take the Photos I
as you want them, however. You jj
select the attitude you prefer. We
will do our best to make it the best !;l
photograph you have ever had taken, jjj
VtJM 4WMUiVft4JiH ,,
'i$Bn)&mni iVii