The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1910, Image 7

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Its Geographical Position and Many
Other Considerations Mark It at
Most Suitable Spot for Dedi
cation of Great Work.
Public sentiment lias decided that
tho completion of llio Panama Canal
In 1915 shall bo celebrated with a
Great International Exposition In
"which all tho natlonn of tho world
may participate; and tho question of
jwhero this Exposition Is to be hold
iwlll bo settled by Congress at its ap
proaching session.
New Orleans and San Francisco
nre contesting for tho honor of hold
ins this Exposition, and both cities
have guaranteed Immenso sums of
money as an evidence of their ability
to flnanco so great an enterprise.
An Exposition worthy of tho term
"World's Fair," such as New Orleans
rtroposoc to build, will bj a great ed
ucational movement. Its success as
Buch, however, will depend entirely
upon the pcrcentago of our popula
tion who can secure Its educational
ndvantagen. this In turn, depends up
on Its location, as tho time- In travel
ing to and from tho Exposition, and
tho cost In railroad and Pullman
(arch, ure the most Important factors.
Considering these matters, New
Orleans' claims to being the "Logi
cal Point" for this Panama Exposi
tion, seem to be fully substantiated
by the following facts:
Now Orleans Ib 500 miles from tho
center of population In the United
States. San Francisco Is 2,500 miles
distant therefrom.
Within a radius of 500 miles from
New Orleans thero nre 17,500.000
people. Within tho same radius from
San Francisco there aro only 2,000,000.
Within a radius of 1,000 miles from
New Orleans, thero nre 05,000,000.
"Within tho same rndlus from San
Francisco there arc only 0,000,000.
At an avcrago of 000 miles from
New Orleans, there nro 70 of our
principal cities with a combined
population of 20.000,000. Averaging
000 miles from San Francisco there
nre only 8 largo cities, with a com
bined population of Just 1,000.000
Tho average distance of all these
cities to New Orleans Is 702 miles,
to San Francisco 2,107 miles.
Over 75 per cent, or the people of
the United States could go to an
Exposition there nt an nverage ex
pense for railroad fare of $12.50, as
against an average of $37.50 to tho
Pacific Coast; and for several mil
lions of our people, tho Pullman
faro and Dining Car expenses alone,
lor a trip to San Francisco, would
hmount to moro than all their trans
portation expenses for a trip to New
This Is an Important public ques
tion to bo settled by Congress at tho
Besslon which convenes In December.
.Many of our readers will jrlsh to
visit this" World's Panama Exposi
tion, and If held In New Orleans a
great many moro could spare tho
time and money for tho trip than
Could go to San Francisco, There
fore, wo urge our readers to write to
the two senators from this State and
tho congressman from this district,
requesting them to support Now Or
loans la the contest
The Retort Courteous.
"Now," said tho suffragetto orator,
sweeping tho nudlcnco with her eaglo
eyo, "I bco Mr. Dobbs sitting down
there in the third row a man who
has condescended to como hero to
night and listen to our arguments. Ho
has heard what I have had to say.
and I think wo should llko to hear
from hint, and get a man's view of our
causo. Mr. Dobbs, tell us what you
thinks of the suffragettes."
"Oh, I c-c-couldn't m-m-ma'am,"
stammered Dobbs. "I rur-really c
couldn'L Thu-thero nro M-lul-ladiei
pup-present." Harper's Weokly.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, u thry cannot tract
tha seat ot the disease. Catarrh la a blood or contl
tullonal dlieate, and In order to cure It you must lakq
Internal remedies, llall'a Catarrh Cure la taken In
ternally, and acu directly upon tlie blood and mucoui
urfacca. llall'a Catarrh Curo U not a quack medl.
trie. It waa prescribed by one of tho belt phyilclana
a this country for yean and li a regular prescription.
t la computed of tho best tonlra known, combined
frith the best blood purifiers, actliur dlrrcUy on tha
Piucous surface. Iho perfect combination of tho
wo Ingredient! Is whit produces such wonderful rei
Cults In curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free.
r J CHUNKY A CO., Props., Toledo. O,
Bold by rriirc!Ms, prlco 75c.
Take Hall's iurally rills for cocstlpitlon.
Consulting the Playwright.
"My star can wiggle his ears and
Vvhlstlo through his teeth."
"Now, can you build mo a first-class
comedy around that?"
for Red, Weak, .Weary, Watery Eyes
nndGranulatod Eyelids. Muvlno Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eyo Pain. DrugglstB
Sell Murine Eyo Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo in
Asoptlc Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eyo Books
and Eyo Advlco Froo by Mail.
Murlno Eyo Rcmody Co., Chicago.
It is a shamo for people who have
In their lives a consciousness of lovo
and character and courage, to fall in
to tho wasteful folly of unhapplness
about the unimportant. Margaret De
land. Dr. Pteroft'a rUts, small. surar-cratJ, casj to
take as cixmlr. retfiilatu and luvltforute atoinaoh,
liter and bonds. Ixi notgrlpo.
How can a woman bo expected to
havo any regard fpr tho truth when
aho is obliged to promlso to obey In
the marriage coromony?
Thero nro Imitations don't bo fooled.
Ask for Lews' Single Hinder cigar for 6c,
Tho falso prophet has both eyes on
tho profits.
49ers Going Into
CHICAGO. The M5t of Califor
nia gold fever fame mo pass
ing into history. Tho epoch of
which they are survivors is closed
and tho last of then, are becom
ing too feeble to come to tho an
nual reunion which hns ben hold in
Chicago on "admission day" each
year for tho Inst twenty years.
A notice reluctantly admitting these
facts was Issued recently by Secre
tary George W. Hotehklss. the young
est of the California gold hunters,
who nt the ago of seventy-nine is in
too feeble health to take charge of a
convention. Tho entire executive
committee of the orgnninitlon ap
pointed hiBt year is either dead or
under a temporary disability prevent
ing them from serving, and half of
tho fourteen pioneers whp attended
last year's meeting hnvo since died.
A heroic effort to get trace of all
sur Ivlng pioneers in the middle west
resulted in tho return "not found" of
half of tho hundred letters Bent out
by Mr. Hotchklss, and, while ho hopes
to llnd a few MDers for a meeting
on "discovery day," .January IS, the j
secretary said sadly that In ten cars
they would all be gone and nothing
but printed pages could toll of a
movement whose like tho world can
never see again
"It was a picked lot of young men
Puzzle to Trace
PHILADELPHIA. What becomes of
the vast volume of copper pennies
that aro turned out each year by the
government? They nro never called
In and redeemed like borne kinds of
currency and coins, but they seoin to
disappear as fast as they are stamped
nnd put In circulation.
It Is unusual If the date on any of
tho pennies In n man's purse at tho
end of the dny Ib over ten yenrs back,
yet tho Philadelphia mint, which coins
nil tho copper pennies, sends out In
some years as many as $1,000,000
worth of them to the trade centers
100,000.000, one-cent pieces. If laid
flat, odgo to edge, In n row they would
reach moro than one thousand miles.
Ami still there nre some sections of
tho country where the penny Is llttlo
In many of the mountain districts of
the south tho "York shilling," 12
Circus Lemonade
TOPEKA, Kan. Dr. S. J. Crumblne,
secretary of tho Kansas board of
health, has put his official foot into
tho mixturo alwaB present at cir
cuses, fnlrs, Fourth of July celebra
tions, picnics and other gatherings of
a like nature. This mixturo is known
as lemonade according to the barker
who spiels beforo tho refreshment
stands. Generally it Is something that
looks a llttlo llko lemonndo because
theie Is a lemon pool In the tub, but
it hasn't tho taste of tho refreshing
beverage mother makes.
Since tho memory of man runneth
not to the contrary, tho one chief de
light of tho small boy and girl nnd the
big boy and his sweetheart has been
to drink circus lemonade at the circus or picnic.
No ono knows who Invented tho
The Lid Put on
NEW YORK. Spurred on by Acting
Mayor John Purroy Mitchell, Po
lice Commissioner William A. Halter
has caused several raids to bo mado
on tho gambling Joints of this city,
and tlio' lid has been Jammed on so
tightly that $1,000,000 of capital In
vested In bucIi places Is Idle Just now,
while the ow'nera are wondering "what
noxt?" Impnticnt over tho vexing do
lay, Acting Mayor Mltchel In a letter,
following several raids, haa put square
ly up to Commissioner Baker all re
sponsibility for tho non-enforcemont
of laws against gambling and vice. Ho
charges the police with being grossly
derelict in tholr duties, and declares
that tho situation his secret scrvlco
mon report could not exist without
police connivance. Thero is panic iu
VI i u " Q'
History, Unwept
who reached California In those
dnH," ho declared. "Only those who
hud tho grit to upend months at sen
or across Indian-lnfestod plains and
mountains succeeded In getting thero
The people of today do not know how
much their country owes to tho Mit
ers. They did moro toward tho de
velopment of tho United States than
tho men who fought in the revolution
or any other single group of men.
Most of them were very young. The
man among them who was over twen-ty-llvo
was rare And they did not
get rich. The men who came after
ward on the railways, with capital
and improwd mining methods, or
who wont Into real estate wore the
oik's who reaped fortunes.
The pioneer who get enough for his
railway faie and $1,000 moro with
which to buy a farm considered him
self lucky. Thoso who came after
ward on the railway wo do not con
sider real pioneers. They aro not
eligible! to our society.
"Wo wore privileged to take part
In nn epoch of history nullko any
thing that had ever gone before, and
It Is something whoso like can never
be soon again Theto may bo other
countries still to be developed, but
there Is no place loft In tho world
where such a spreading of civiliza
tion over an enormous wilderness can
take place In so low decades as It
did In the western United States.
The '-1'Jers. as they wont west in
Ihelr prairie schooner!--, taw miles
upon miles of fertile country whoo
existence had been scarcely known,
and they were the most Important
factor in developing the entire west."
the Lost Pennies
cents, Is still spoken of in trade, but
no one ever henrs tho one-cent piece
mentioned. In many towns in tho
south and wobt tho tradesmen offer
nothing for a penny, a five-cent pur
chase Is the smallest that can bo
nuido. Dut of late there have been
more demands for pennies from tho
webt, and tho government experts
have declared that this is a sign of
Increased frugality.
In the east, the chief use of the
penny, outside or filling tho child's
bank and buying the dally paper, Is
for the purchase of chewing gum nnd
one-cent candles. Tho Incrensc In tho
number of penny-ln-thc-slot phono
graphs nnd moving picture machines
In tho last few years shows another
way to which tho public has taken to
get rid of Hb pennies.
Undo Sum takes In ninny pennies
for stamps and post cards, and many
of them flow Into the contribution box
in tho churches and religious societies.
But all these wnys In which the penny
Is put to uso does not explain where
they ovcntually go or what makes
them disappear In such vast quantities
every year. Even tho government
coinage experts do not give a satisfac
tory answer to tho problem.
Tabooed in Kansas
glnd refrain of tho lomonado atimii
barker, who in Btentorlan tones, calls:
"Lcmo, lomo, lemonude,
Mado in tho shade,
Stirred with n spade
Five cents a big glass!"
These things have been among tho
BightB and sounds of all picnics, cele
brations and fairs and circuses alnco
Kansas became n state. But no moro
will ono hear theso sounds or drink
the "lemonade" about Kansas unless
tho dispenser has real lemonude to
sell. The state board of health has
put a damper on the nolso of tho
borker because the board of health
has ruled that a tub of water, in which
is put somo tnrtorlc acid and sacchar
ine nnd tho peel of a lemon Is not lem
onade, but tho imitation article, and
cannot bo sold ns tho real thing.
In Kansns all lemonndo offered for
sale must be made from tho Julco of
lemons, wntor and sugar only. Imita
tion lomonado can only bo mado from
citric acid and sugar and water. Tho
ubo of tho most common materials for
making fako lomonado, tartaric ncid
and saccharine, is "absolutely prohibit
ed in this ctnte.
Tight in New York
tho ranks of tho gamblers as woll as
with tho police.
Slnco tho shooting of Mayor Gaynor
placed him at the head of affairs Act
ing Mayor Mitchol hns received many
complaints. Somo woro nppealB from
mothers who declared that tholr boiib
woro losing money In gambling places,
and many woro specific in their char
acter. Men from tho offlco of tho commis
sioner of accounts, tho secret servlco
department of the city government,
found for Mr. .Mltchel tho vlolntlons
of the law. Tho raids began and keys
wcro boou In tho doors of 40 gambling
places along tho Great Whlto Way bo
'tween Thirty-second and Sixty-ninth
streets, and $1,000,000 of invested cup
ltal went out of IhibIiiobb. Tho mana
gers who were not crating their rou
letto wheols, tholr faro layouts and
their Klondyko sots In preparation for
the exodim, wero mournfully parading
tho KtreetB In tho vicinity of their
houses, warning away prospective cus
tomers. It was tho saddest day tho
gamblers havo known alnco tho Ag-uow-Hort
racing bills went Into force.
h 6'
Requires Great Deal of Labor, but
Farmer Is Repaid by tho In
creased Crop.
vno testing of seed corn is very lm
portunl this spiing. Not In ninny
years has tho question so closely ap
pealed to the fanner us It does now.
Much of tho seed corn saved In tho
coin holt states for this season's plant
lug Ik showing low germination and
bitter cultivation than oer will be
necessary to pioduco a big crop.
A good seed bed Is the foundation
of tho crop, or lather the llrst stone
upon the real foundation, the seed.
Presuming that the corn ground Is In
proper rotation and Hiilllelently man
mod, It should bo worked up as mel
low as a garden bed. If stalkH are on
Iho ground they should bo disked both
wnys, the rollers being ground sharp,
then follow with n spading disk, and
work the soil thoroughly four or Iho
Inches deep.
It Ik hardly possible to spend too
much time In preparing the ground.
It should be disked three times ouch
way, making six workings beforo
When stalks aro plowed under n
good plan Is to harrow tlrst then plow,
then harrow again and plant.
The harrow should follow tho plow
closely and all plowed ground should
be llnlshed every noon and night.
Another good propitiation Is to disk
the ground four times, using n spader
the llrst time and uu ordinary disk a
week later. Then hariow tho land
after each double dlbklng and plant
close aft it the harrow. Rowo the II
llnols man says that after several
years' oxporlence lie prefers disking
to plowing. Of courso sod ground
must be plowed.
It Is also important to use the right
kind of a com planter ubo an edge
drop plnnter or one that will drop tho
exact number of kernels for which It
Is set Uu times out of 100. It should
even do better thnn that, If tho seed
has boon carefully sorted according
to size to lit the holes In the different
plates. This Is the only way to get
an oven Bland of corn. An even stand
from good need Is tho only way to
grow a profltablo crop.
Test the planter well before taking
It to the Held. Do not spoil n lot of
ground and wasto a lot of Bced trying
to find out whether your planter Is
reliable or not.
In Hog-Klillng Time Device Shown In
Illustration Is of Greatest Value
on Farm.
A crano Is very useful In heating
wntor during hog-kllllng time, or when
over a kottle is to bo Biispended over
a lire. Set u heavy poBt firmly into
tho ground, tamping In a shovelful of
coarse gravel or stono nnd attach n
bar of iron nt the proper distance
'" : f
Crane for An Open Fire.
near the bottom. To an eyo-bolt near
tho top attach a chain, letting It pass
down through tho end of tho rod
which should bo in tho shape of a
fork. The length of the chain will
determlno tho distance of the keftlo
from the ground.
Somo Fertilizers Injure Celery.
It Is popularly believed that cortiiln
fcitlllzerH lnfluenco tho disease of cel
ery known na black heart, and a sorlos
ot experiments was carried on at tho
Florida experiment station, In which
30 formulas of fertilizers wero tested.
PlatB receiving nitrate of toJa and
kalnlt wero uniformly severely at
tacked by tho dlseafio, and thoso plntB
which received fertilizers consisting
of bono monl, fish scrap nnd hlglj
grado sulphato of potash gave best ro
suits. Care of New Lawn.
All now lawns should bo covered
with well rotted mnnuro or othor com
mcrclal fertilizer lato In the fall. Five
hundrod pounds of tho hitter to tho
ncro Is a good proportion. Somo gar
deners think that tho uso of stablo
manure encourages weeds.
Fertilizers for Fruit.
Commercial fertilizers rich In pot
tiflh Is needed for fruit trees; it
Btrongthena and builds up the wood and
addB flavor to tho fruit. When thoy got
strong and vigorous apply ultrate of
soda in tho early spring,
TT rV- V-
""f "' " "li""
Anyone With Llttlo Ingenuity Can
Mako Them- Set of Molds Will
Last Indefinitely.
Among the occupation!! which offer
profit and nmiieemout, and at tho
same tlino entirely suited to women
Is that of boo raising Its advnnlagcsi
aro that little space is loqulred, there
In no gront expense and tho woik Is
light, lequlrlng only a limited amount
of tlmo and care. Much of the up
paralus required may bo mado at
homo ami wheio the facilities for this
Concrete Beehive.
are ant present, tho things mny bo
purchased without any great outlay ot
Thero have been many Improve
nientB lately In the manner of con
htruellng the beehives and probnbly
tho most Intel estlng Is ono which Is
made of concrete. A patent has boon
recently Issued covering Iho nianufac
turo of concrete beehives, but any
one with a llttlo Ingenuity may easily
make them, and a set of molds ouco
having been made satisfactorily, mny
bo used Indefinitely and any number
of hives made from It. Anyone at
tempting to make a hlvo of tills ma
terial should acquaint themselves
with tho character of the coment and
should also bo familiar with tho habits
of bees.
Curtain Hung Around Fruit Jars Ex
cludes Dust and Keeps Out Files
to Great Extent.
(llv J. WnSLHY tmiKPIN)
Wo used to wrap all of our glass
fruit Jars with paper to excludo tho
light. Now wo havo a curtain hung
nrnund tho Bhelf nB shown by tho
dotted llnefl In tho drawing. It Is
tacked along each Bldo Joist to tho
edge of tho center JolstB, What light
gets In between tho JolstB amounts to
nothing und tho arrangemont makes
n good ventilation for tho closet. Try
it curtain around tho cellar Bhelf nnd
seo hovv well the fruit keeps. It also
keepB out dust and files to n great
The Gipsy Brown Tall.
Every farmer should take pains to
learn to recognlzo at sight tho various
BtagCB of tho gipsy brown tnll and
ninny other of our lnacct pests, and
thoy should bo instructed by tho stnto
how to manngo tho war against them.
If farmer A keopB his orchard and
trees freo from brown tails and neigh
bor B Just over tho fenco leaves a
lot of these pests on somo of his trees
that nre out of tho Jurisdiction of tho
town or Btuto, how enn farmer A
expect to get ahead In his light
against tho pest?
The woll filled b11o forestalls drj
pasture worry.
Ono nnd nnc-hulf bushols of wheat
aro nmplo to sow nn ncro.
Tho successful farmor finds weed
Ing to do in the flocks uu well ns tho
You can find mnny chunks of wood
about tho farm. Savo them all for
tho stove.
Every weed that Is killed beforo
going to seed makes next year's field
tho cleaner.
Manure that Is spread upon tho
flold will not wasto its fertility. This
Ib not tho caso with tho piles in tho
Deoa uso water to dlluto tho heavy,
thick honey left over from winter to
mako It Bultublo for tho young larvae,
and also .to make tho cell wax pliablo.
Onions, squashos, pumpkins nnd
sweet potntoes should bo stored In a
dry frost-proof placo; most cellars aro
too damp, and a room or attic is
usually n better placo.
Keop Bomo kind of a crop growing
In tho garden tho entire senson. If
nothing clso is dono, sow' wheat or ryo
on tho vacant places to koop weeds
from springing up and maturing seod.
Woods ripen In a very short tlmo if
thoy aro allowed to grow.
S-..i..t;rt li-.i. i-fl-m v .A
Taking Lydia E. PinkhanVs
Vegetable Compound
Bakittus, Maino. "Yon told mo to
tiko Lydia K. l'lnkliam'a Vegetables
oom pound and
j,ivor j'liia beforo
child-birth, and wa
aro all surprised to
bco how much Rood
it did. My physl.
clan said Without
doubt it was tha
Compound tha
helped you.' I
thank you for your
klndncsa in ndvinlna
mo and clvo voufull
ncrmlRfdnn tn unn
juy namo in your testimonials." lira.
U. W.MrrcHiar.. Box 3, Sabattua,Mo.
Another Womnn Helped.
GranitoTlllo, Vt "I was passing
through tho Chongo of Life andBuffered
from nervousness nnd other annoying
symptoms. Lydia E. PInkham'B Vcgo
tableCom pound restoredmy health and
strength, and proved worth mountains
of gold to mo. For tho oako of other
suffering women I nm willing you
should publish my letter." Mrs.
CHAitLK8 Bajiclay, lt.F.D., Granlto
rillo. Vt. '
Women who nro passing through
this critical period or who nro Buffer
ing from nny of thoso distressing Ills
nscullar to their box should not loso
lght of tho fact that for thirty yeara
Lydia E. l'lnkham'fl Vegotablo Com
pound, which io mado from roots and
herbs, has been tho standard remedy
for fomalo ills. In nlmost every com
munity you will llnd women who
havo been restored to health by LjdJa
K. Plnlcham's Vegetable Compound.
acu &4.e.
Algy Woakllug Miss Wiso, I-aw-that
Is Gladys, I-er-doslre to-awl real
Qladys Wiso Koop right on; I'll
consider your proposal and havo my
answer ready by tho tlmo you hay
gotten It out of your system.
Childish Reasoning.
"Look at tho brownlos, papal" ex
claimed a llttlo miss as sho gazod up
ward at a Wall street skyscraper.
"They are not brownies, dearie,"
replied papa. "They aro big mon, Ilka
me, but they look so tiny bocause they
aro so high."
"If thoy wero twico as high, would
they look twico nB smnll?" she asked,
showing tho mathematical turn not
unnatural in tho offspring of a suc
cessful broker.
Papa nnsworcd "Yob."
Sho mado a quick calculation and
remarked: "Thoy won't amount to
much when they get to heaven, will
I hoy?"
"I might know this conservatory be
longed to n baseball enthusiast."
"Dccauso it has so many pltchei
When tho Food Is Not Suited.
When Naturo gives hor signal that
eomothlng Is wrong it is generally
with tho food. Tho old Darao la al
ways faithful and one should act at
To put off tho chnngo is to risk that
which may bo Irroparablo. An Arizona
man says: (
"For years I could not safoly oat any
broakfast. I tried various kinds of
breakfast food, but thoy woro all soft,
Btarchy messes which gavo mo dis
tressing hendaches. I drank strong
cofloo, too, which appeared to bonoflt
mo at tho tlmo, but added to tho head
aches afterwards. Toast and coffeo
wero no better, for I found tho toast
very constipating.
"A friend persuaded mo to quit the
old coffeo and tho starchy breakfast
foods, and uso Postum and Grapo-Nuta
Instond. I shall nover regret taking
his advlco. I began using them three
months ago.
"Tho change they havo worked in
aio is wonderful. I now have no moro
of tho distressing sensations In my
stomach after eating, and I never have
hoadaches. I havo gained 12 pounds
In wolght nnd feel hotter In ovory way.
"Grape-Nuts make a delicious as
well as a nutritious dish, and I find
that Postum is easily dlaestcd and
ncvor producos dyspopsla symptoms."
"Thoro's a Reason."
Got tho little book, "Tho Road to
Wellvillo," In pkgs.
Brer renil (be above IctterT A new
one nppenra (ram time to time. Tliejr
nre genuine, true und full at hunum
latere t
feinavi "ja-ALtftei:!.
MjjP 5 f5 16
9 Yf Ml f
I - iMwSM.i. .
aAii.W'.k. L. A.V& '& &'it&
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