The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1910, Image 3

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L III ftVrY ll I
Your Health Worth?
you start sickness by mistreating nature
nd It generally shows first iti the boweli
Hid liver. A ioc box (week's treatment)
tf CASCARETS will help nature help
you. They will do more using them
regularly as you need them than any
piedicine on Earth. Get a bor today;
take a CASCARET tonight. Better in
the morning. It'o the result that makes
millions take them. est
CASCARHTfl toe a box for a week
treatment, all druuliti. HiRRCSt feller
tn the world. Million boxes a mouth.
fehower Bath Arrangement Something
of a Shock to tho
August Belmont, nt a dinner In Sam
toga, praised tho scasldo towns of
Now England.
"But sumo of thorn," ho added, "aro
a llttlo too primitive I remember a
story about the primitive town of
I'.ockford. Rockford hnd a rough bath
ing establishment, with a shower bath.
You stood In your bathhouso and
pulled a ropo and a dclugo of cool wa
ter descended from tho celling.
"Well, a lady visitor stood ono day
In her bathhouso, ready for tho show
er. She pulled tho ropo and braced
herself, but no shower followed. Sho
gavo tho ropo another tug, when tho
gruff volco of tho sailor proprietor of
tho establishment sounded from aloft.
'"Stand a p'Int more to nor-east,
mum,' It said, 'It yo want to got f.ho
full force.'
"And tho horrlflod lady, looking up,
saw the old sailor frowning impa
tiently through a holo In tho colling
and tilting a barrel of sea water for
the shower."
Mrs. Brlggs' Speech.
If brevity Is tho soul o! wit, ono of
tho wittiest speeches on record was
niado by a woman. Mrs. Brlggs lived
In the. northern part of Indiana, long
dlstanco from any vlllago. Hearing
that tho Rov. Mr. Goodwin was to
preach In a township somo twenty
miles distant, sho resolved to bo pres
ent, and as no other way offered, she
walked tho twenty miies.
The pnstor heard of this, nnd was
so pleased that at tho close of tho ser
mon ho mentioned tho fact to tho con
gregation, and called upon Mrs. BrlggB
to tell them how she enmo.
Rising slowly, sho looked over tho
nudlonco with great solemnity, and
"I hoofed It."
Then she sat down again. Youth's
Not Responsible.
Nurse What's that dirty mark on
your leg, Master Frank?
Frank Harold kicked mo.
Nurse Well, go at onco and wash
it off.
Frank Why? It wasn't m what
did it! Punch.
Uncalled For.
"I hear tho old brldgo outsldo of
PlunkvIUo has collapsed."
"Yes; and tho town council can't un
derstand it. Wo had just Riven that
bridge a coat of paint. Why, It looked
llko now." Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal.
A bowl of these crisp
fluffy bits served with
cream or milk is some
thing not soon forgotten.
What's the use of cook
ing breakfast or lunch
when Post Toasties, ready
to serve direct from the
package, are so delicious?
"The Memory Lingers"
Uattlo Creek, Jllcli.
Sunday School Leuon for Oct. 1C, 1910
Specially Arranged for Tills Paper
LHSSON THXT Matthew 26: 31-4G.
.Memory vcrspn ."M-36
aoi.DHN TBXT "Innnmuch ni y
ihnvc dono It Into ono of tho Innst of
Itlicno my brethren, yo have done it
unto me." Matt. 25 40
. TIME Tursiliiy. April 4. A. n 30.
The name tiny na our In-'t two lennns.
Pl.ACi:-On tho Mount of Olives.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
That thero is a dny of Judgment Is
a fact, but it is dinicult, nnd not so
Important, to dccldo tho exact naturo
or tlmo of tho coming of tho Lord to
judgment. It Is said in Matt. 24:29-31
that "this generation shall not pass
away till all theso things bo accom
plished," nnd it is repented In Mnrk
13 30, Luke 21:32, and ngnln In Matt.
1G.28, "there aro some of them thnt
stand here, which shall In no wloo
tasto of death, till they see tho Son
of man coming In his kingdom," when
"tho Son of man shall como In tho
glory of his Father with his mircIs,
and then shall ho render unto every
mnn according to IiIh deeds."
This must refer to thy destruction
of Jerusalem ntd the end of tho old
dispensation or ago, and tho coming
of tho gospel dispensation. But It
docs not cxcludo tho great nnd final
coming and judgment day at the cud
of that age.
Thero Is really n Judgment day nt
every great crisis of tho nation or of
our lives, nt death, nt tho coming of
rewards or punishments for our ac
tions, nt every tlmo of decision. For
instance, we have seen within tho last
few yearn many persons who hnvo
"been for years growing rich by graft
nnd dishonesty and have suddenly met
their Judgment day, whllo others hnvo
been reaping the rewards of faithful
service. So young men who hnvo been
going on In courso of drinking and
'rioting for a long time, suddenly find
themselves drunkards, In ill honlth,
incapacitated for their best work. They
jliavo been brought up at a Judgment
day; while those who have resisted
temptation nnd been faithful nnd truo
aro also reaping their rewards.
Then shnll tho king Bay unto them
on his right hand. Tho sheep, the
,righteous. Come. Draw near to youi
Elder Brother, to your Father, to youi
,homo, for hero is the placo for you.
Yo blessed of my Father means exact
ly "my Father's blessed ones." denot
ing not simply that they havo been
blessed by him, but that they aro his.
'Blessings Innumerable hnd como tc
them through their being willing tc
;bccomo his children and nccopt tho.
Jslnd of blessings ho had tp bestow,
Such ns his loving enre, tho bestowal
of tho Holy Spirit, tho experiences ol
the gospel, tho renewal of tho heart,
cnnctlflcntlon by tho Spirit, tho power
to become children nnd heirs of God
the gifts nnd frulta of tho Spirit, eter
nal life, tho favor of God, tho rest in
tho everlasting arms, tho pavilion un
der the shadow of his wings.
Recelvo not by purchase, or by la
bora, but by becoming children oi
God, like God, and therefore heirs
heirs of God, nnd joint heirs with Je
sus Christ. Every ono must bo the
heir of him whoso child ho Is. Ho
thnt Is a child of sin is an heir of
sin; a child of the devil inherits from
tho dovil; a child of goodness nnd ol
God Inherits from God. Tho kingdom
of heaven, tho kingdom which con
sists In righteousness, peace, joy in
tho Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17), in which
saints reign ovor Inflnlto forces and
powers to make them minister to Imp
plncss nnd good: "All things aro
yours," because "yo nro Christ's."
Yo havo dono it unto mo, tho pooi
and needy nnd sick, nnd nil the
classes whom Jesus helped in Pales
tine are Ills representatives now on
earth. Tho only visible expression of
our lovo to him Is through them.
What a privilege this Is to show out
lovo to our Master. How it enriches
our life if wo keep in mind that we
aro not only helping tho needy, but ex
pressing our lovo to our Master.
Tho unconsciousness of tho right
eous shows thnt their virtues were
slncero and truo. Whosoover does
good deeds for the sake of tho roward
deserves no rownrd, and will obtain
none, for tho soul of goodness Is left
out of such deeds.
The cause of tho doom was tho re
fusal to do tho deeds that belong to
tho heavenly kingdom and to bo ruled
by its inotlveu. They refused to bi
lit for heaven. They decided to 11' i
selfish HveB. Tho plan of their Uvea
was such thf t all tho evils of soci
etygraft, cU'd labor, poverty, degra
dation, crimo, oppression, drunken
ness, disease, could go on without nny
effort on their pnrt to put an end to
Tho punishment is llko the sin: it
omits heaven nnd Joy nnd God nnd tho
companionship of tho good from our
lives, nnd adds tho everlasting flro.
This is a wnrnlng of love. It Is a
statement of tho fact that by tho very
naturo of things sin leads to ruin, and
righteousness to heaven.
No evil can enter heaven, for if it did
heaven would not be any
President Eliot of Harvard, In an
address to medical men, said that
however people might refuso to bo
Uevo In a future hell, It was tho doc
tor's bublness to show young mon that
If they persisted in certnln vices they
would find a holl In this 11 fo. .
It Is for each of us to make tho
choice, nnd stnrt on tho way which
leads where wo wish to go and livo
Tho law of tho hnrvest Is "to reap
moro thun jou sow."
Declared It Was a Game of Deceit and
Treachery, and Six Others Now
Can Vouch for Truth of
A gentleman from .Savannah wns
telling the other dny nbout a poker
playing friend of his who'd refunnod.
"I met him In Ashevlllo last win
ter,' said tho Savannah gentleman,
"for tho first tlmo tn a number of
years ho lives lnn different part of
Georgia. Back yonder In tho fcQs and
90s, when ho resided In Savannah ho
certainly hnd something on nil of tho
poker players of Savannnh, nnd there
were, nnd nro, some good ones In Sa
vannah. "But ho euro was a changed man
when I met him In Anhevllle last win
tor. I'd heard from somebody or other
that he'd reformed, but 1 didn't know
thnt it hnd hit him real bad. But when,
one rainy evening, I wns snooping
nround trying to herd up nbout seven
to sit Into n little game of tho live
dollar kind, and I'd asked this old
friend of mine who'd reformed If he
wns going to make ono of us nt tho
tablo, ho Btukcd mo to a gazo that
wns both snd and Hweet.
" 'My boy,' he said, 'I thought every
body knew that 1 had ended my ovll
wnys. I don't play poker any more. 1
nm not averse to an occasional game of
cards by way of amusement but not
poker; no, slrce; not poker. Poker,
sir, is a game of deceit. It is n gamo
that ennbles nny, demands -n man
to deceive his friends out of their
" 'Grand,' snid I. 'I wish I had two
bits for every tlmo you deceived mo
back yonder in Savanna when I
" 'Poker, my boy, lie cut in on me,
Ms a gamo of pure deceit, an under
handed, treacherous, Htab-ln-the-back
method of gambling. I nm through
with it, sir. Yes, Hlr, decidedly, 1 am
forever through with It.'
"Well, I got together the requisite
number for the game that evening,
nnd my Savannah friend who had In
reforming developed such a disap
proving view townrd tho gamo of
draw, followed tho bunch over to tho
cottngo to watch the game.
"'Thero is no harm In watching it,'
ho explained to me, rather unneces
sarily, on tho way over. "There la
temptation In tho world nil around
ono, nnd ono has to live In the midst
of it, nnd, in a way, participate In it.'
"It was u pretty tidy nnd comfy
game, nnd my Savannah friend, Bit-
I ting behind my chair, watched It with
a kindling eye that became more fc-
vored nnd sparkling every minute tho
gamo progressed.
j "Jlo shook his head, sadly, too, over
I somo of my poker errors, for ho was,
iin a position to seo my hands, and oc
casionally ho'd lean over and breathe
maledictions Into my enr for some
thing particularly fat-headed that I'd
; dono with my cards, according to his
really expert view.
I "Toward midnight one of tho seven
i In tho gamo had to drop out In order
to write some business letters nt his
cottngo for tho morning mall.
I "'Oh, kick in hero, parson,' I said
' to my friend from Savnnnnh, who'd
reformed. "Take that empty chair
I over yonder. You're duo to be trimmed
j overdue. Como on In. Tho splash
i ing'H fine.'
"I could seo by his hungry eyes that
a great tumult was going on in his
" 'It's five-dollars limit you nil nro
plnylng, isn't it?' he said, finally, after
a long pauso, In a hoarse tono thnt
told of his Inner conflict.
'"Five-dollar limit,' said I.
" 'Well, I'm glad of that,' Bald he, as
ho niado tho empty chair In two
strides nnd plumped down into the
seat, 'becauso, subs, five dolluhs n
the limit In my chu'eh!'
"Then ho bought a stack nnd
cleaned tho bunch of us to a fare-you-well."
Undoubtedly True.
Tho vlllago trombone playor was re
turning through tho Holds on a very
dark night after an engagement at an
outing somo miles nwny, whero tho
drink had proved too tempting for
him. Feeling rather quaky and lonely,
ho consoled himself with n good blast
on his Instrument to keep his cour
ago up. Imaglno his surprise when he
wns answered by what sounded vory
much llko a rival at tho other end of
tho flold. Ho blow again, much hard
er, and there waa a second response
this tlmo almost in his car. It wns
from tho farmer's bull, who, In re
sponse to a challenge to n further con
test, promptly tossed tho challenger
Into tho nlr. When ho bod recovered
from tho shock tho trombono player
shouted defiantly into tho darkness:
"Ye great coward! But uh enn tell yo
ono thing, my lad. Yo may bo a verrn
strong man, but yo'ro no musician."
Song of Expatriated Robin.
A new kind of song thrush mndo
Its nppearanco in England recently,
said Mr. W. Blckcrton, lecturing nt
tho Roynl Photogrnphlc society's ex
hibition at CA Pall Mall Enst. It has
been successfully Introduced from tho
states, whero it Is known ns tho
American robin. Its song, which hns
been frequently heard In Surroy this
summer has boon interpreted as "kill
or euro them, glvo them physic." It
makes tho soventh Bpecles of thrush
known In this country and tho fifth
which nests hero. London Morning
Kidney troubles aro too dangerous
to neglect. Llttlo dlsordors grow seri
ous nnd tho sufferer Is soon In tho
grasp of diabetes, dropsy or fatal
JU-m Brlght's d 1 h e a s o
I'.-U' TVmn'n Kliltinv Pllla
2 euro all distressing
rXta iuuiicy ins. riioy
V. tnnko sick kldneyu
WAfSi && well, weak kidneys
M F'bStf?1 K C. McClannhan,
U Bl Market St., Now
Richmond, O , says:
"KIdnoy disease had
almost brought mo to my grave. I
was rendered almost helpless and suf
fered agony. My feet were so badly
swollen 1 could not walk. Tho kidney
secretions were thick nnd painful in
voiding. I doctored but steadily grow
weaker. 1 then used Bonn's Kidney
Pllla nnd gradually Improved. They
saved my life."
Remember tho name Bonn's.
For sale by all dealers. CO cents a
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Lively Isn't It strango that
baseball players aro seldom sun
struck? Mr. Fussy Not necessarily. Sun
stroke Is an affection of tho bruin.
Marfaglng a Husband.
Men nro llko children; thoy want
managing, although you must never
let them dream that you think so. No
child likes to bo ordered about, no
man will etiduro coercion. But man
aging! It Is an art so subtle, so elu
sive, that fow women understand even
tho rudiments of It. Sisters mine, let
us reason together, snyB Wnmnn's
Llfp. In every human being thero is
a spark of tho dlvlno; it Is yours to
fan that spark into a flnmo thnt Is
managing a man It 1b to got tho very
best out of him thero la to have, and
not two women In ten can do it.
Do not think that thero Is anything
unworthy In managing a man to
bring out tho best Is a high vocation.
Only let us seo to it that wo aro
worthy of it. Thero aro woman who
hnvo mndo nngels of mon, but nt tho
cost of their own divinity. Thero Is
room for moro than ono unselfish per
son iu a family.
Editorial Favor.
"A month ago you rejected n Btory
of mlno."
" remember. Thought It was rot
ten." "1 hnd offered It for $7, and you
turned It down."
"So I did."
"Well, p sold thnt story for ?10.
Hero's another btory. May I ask tho
favor of ono moro rejection? It seems
to help."
"I began to havo an Itching over my
whole body about seven yeara ago and
this settled in my limbs, from tho knee
to tho toes. I went to seo a great many
physicians, a matter which cost mo a
fortune, and after I noticed that I did
not got any relief that way, I went for
threo years to tho hospitnl. But they
wero unablo to help mo thero, I used
all tho medicines that I could seo but
becamo worso and worso. I bad an
Inflammation which niado mo almost
crazy with pain. When I showed my
foot to my friends they would get
really frightened. I did not know
what to do. I was so sick and had be
como so ncrvou3 that I positively lost
all hope.
"I had seen tho advertisement of,
tho Cuticura Remedies a great many
times, but could not mako up my mind
to buy them, for I had already used so
many medicines. Finally I did dccldo
to uso tho Cuticura Remedies and I
tell you that I was never so pleased as
when I noticed that, after having used
two sets of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura
Ointment and Cuticura Pills, tho en
tiro inflammation had gone. I waa
completely cured. I should bo only
too glad If pcoplo with similar disease
would como to me and find out the
truth. I would only recommend thorn
to use Cuticura. Mrs. Bertha Sachs,
1021 Second Avo Now York, N. Y.,
Aug. 20, 1909."
"Mrs. Bertha Sachs Is my sister-in-law
and I know woll how sho suffered
and warj cured by Cuticura Reme
dies after many other treatments
failed. MorrlB Sachs, 321 E. 89th St,
Now York, N. Y Secrotary of
Doutsch-Ostrowoor Unt.-Vereln, Komp
nor Hebrew Benevolent Society, etc."
A Kansas woman wants a dlvorco
because her husbnnd throws bricks nt
her. No mnn has a right to throw
anything nt his wlfo but bouquets and
hot nlr.
Somctlmca when a mun faila ho has
111 t-ILfc-
G-43mzt JO vwe-
Reggy Bnh JOvo, I'd llko to chas
tise those blawhled reporters!
CyrilWhy so?
Reggy Wo havo been Insulted. Tho
other day tho llremen rescued uh fel
lows from tho burning clubhousu, and
now tho reporter!) havo the nccount
bended, "A Few Things Saved, but
Nothing of Valuo."
In nil its forms ninoni; nil aatn of liorrcx,
nn well nn doH, cuted nnd othi'in in tnmo
itnlilo picvcnled fiom linvina the dixen-c
Fvery bottle Kiinmiilrod Over 000.0 '0
bottlcR Mld Inst jctr $50 nnd $100 Any
pood diUKizmt, or rend tn iinmifiu'turrra.
AprntH un nl oil. Spohn Medical Co., Spec
Contagious Dinenc Uofdirn, hid.
"I nm positive this nctiess buys her
"Which ones nowBpapor or hair
dresser's?" Tho average mairlcd man klckH bo
causo his wlfo worrlm becauso ho
doesn't get homo right on time, but
Biipposo bIio didn't caro whether ho
over camo or not?
If In Hcnrch of a closo friend select
ono with n closo mouth.
fiwfWU i iWnrcl
AVeficfnblc Prcparalion for As
similating the Food and Rcgula
tinglhc Stomachs and Bowels of
" j
M Vl
Promotes DigcsliorCliecrful
ncss and Rest.Conlnins neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Natic'otic
pnipt rouDrSAffVEinrarsR
iSimjiltn Suit'
J nil StJ
Wtrn SttJ .
CfonifU Suf
Hw&rftrr f'Airtr
AncrfcclRcmcdv TorConstlpa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
i. C
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcri sit-
ncss and LOSS OF bLEEP
Facsimile Signature ; of'
Tire Centauh Company
Guaranteed under tho Foodan(
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Temporary Heat Quickly
Did you ever stop to think of the many ways in which a
perfect oil heater is of value? If you want to sleep with your win
dow open in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oil heater
while you undress at night, and then turn it off. Apply a match
m. 9Eik
is invaluable in Its capacity of quickly giving heat. Apply a match and it ia lm
mediately at work, It will burn for ninoliours without refilling. It Is sate,
smokcless'and odorless. It has a damper top and cool handle. An Indicator
always shows the amount of oil in the font.
It has an automatic-locking flame spreader which prevents th
wick from being turned high enough to smcke, and Is easy to remove and drop
back so that the wick can be cleaned in an instant.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be quickly
unscrewed for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well,
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental.
Dtaltrs Evtrywlurt. 1 ret at ycurt, uri:t f-r 4txriptb4 dtxvlar
to tht luarttt tfMiey tilu
Standard Oil Company
A Good Job.
Jacob H. Sculff, at a dinner on th
yacht Itnmonn, condemned a concern,
thnt bad gone up,
"Straight business method aro tti
only ones," he sal 1. "There la a moral
In the receiver story,
"A tnnn, you know, said one day to
a llttlo boy:
" 'Well, Tommy, wlint arc you go
ing to be when you grow up?
" 'A receiver, sir,' Tommy answered
promptly. 'Ever elnco pa's been a re
ceiver we'vo hnd chnmpngno for din
ner and two automobiles.'"
But the pure food laws do not mnko
any provision for lovo that Is adul
terated with filthy lucro,
There is no USO trvine
tn kucn well with imperfect
digestion, clogged bowels
and shitnnsh liver, lake
a short course of the Bit
ters. It always corrects
such ills and greatly im
proves your general healthy
"i'SJArJtt! Thompson'! EyWttir,
W. N. U., LINCOLN,JNOT42-1910. ,
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
z j.r
w Jh
In the morning, when you get out of
bed, and you have heat while you dress.
Those who have to eat an early
breakfast before thestove is radiating
heat can get immediate warmth from
an oil heater, and then turn it off.
The girl who practices on the piano
in a cold room in the morning can
have warmth from an oil heater whilo
6he plays, and then turn it off.
The member of the family who
has to' walk the floor on a cold wjn
ter's night with d restless baby can get
temporary heat with an oil heater, and
then turn it off. The
i ill ii i i ill
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
I.V l
S :.
- - -t t 1M