J A fc I a: . .X 1 41 LyUri RJ I' : u f V W !fW f &WP ' . .-If - ABSOLUTE SAFETY in u Hunk is the Hist essential. This in why 11 National Dunk is much safer than liny other Hanking Instittitiun. as it is untlor the Supervision of tha Government Its accounts and cash are examined by a government ollleial soveral times a year, and statements ot its financial condition must be submitted to the government when requested, lie wise in selecting the safest. Interest Paid on Time Deposits A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $l750. " vtfr VOLUME XXXVEII. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOM3K 1H. 1910. J NUMHER 4 A Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SIDE. V. S. Dense and family dined at Jos. Hewotts. A. 1$. Pierce from town is making hay out this way. Some of our married men are court ing this week. They are serving as jurors in the district court. C. II. Rust has a sale on the farm Thursday, Oct. 20th. A cleaning up sale of stock and machinery. Mrs. C. II. Rust was out on the farm a couple of days last week. She still has a longing for the fresh air and pure water. The "Widow l'orkins" drew a good many to Red Cloud Inst Saturday night. They report a good lough and that's all. LESTER We have fine weather and no heavy frosts. I ivaAr lfmc fmm riif T ckvrt& Nfrrrlr F. Sweaters The most servicable wrap one can have is a sweater. Our line of sweaters was selected with the most care as to style, price and quality. Before buy ing your sweater inspect our stock as we can save you money. Children's cotton sweaters 50c " all wool sweaters in plain stitch 75 and 90c. Misses all wool sweaters in fancy wave weave $1.50 and $2.50. Misses part wool sweaters at $1.50 Ladies sweater in plain and fancy weave from $1.50 to $5.00. ' Silk! Silk!! Silk!!! A new line of fall silks in all the Plaids in waist lengths only one of a pattern at $1.00 a yard. Fancy foulards 27 inches wide at $1 a yard. Black guaranteed silk 36 in wide at $ 1 .00 to $ 1 .50 a yd Poiu de Soie 36 inches wide at $1.50 A large line of new patent leather belts all red and all black also a nice line of soft leather belts in navy blue, grey, tan and black. PHONES: Iturul 03. Bell, Black 41. I 'I'p ItUtorlcnl Society mo Wl m I TO L! jjl Mapper m0lM Vern Emlck sold his eighty to Alf Saladen. Mrs. Flitik and sous Sundayod at Mat Dean's. Mrs. Luc liergfleld and daughter Sundayed ut her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fry spent Sunday at her parents, Gotolicb Rassers. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Doyle spent Sun day with their son, Jim Doyle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Rasser spent Sunday at Al. Deckers. Mr. and Mrs. John Saladen and family and Mr.and Mrs. Homer Maker and family spent Sunday nt Alf. Sala deus. Vern Emick and Porter Halo bought the old Deal place. Mr. Hale and family will take possession of it the first of March. NEWHOUSE 5m. . - - . j. ...x ip .,- . --s jfPf .Hk I -.. - - .. I - - .AI - nw A..-.-A .. MB . K . Everybody thought Widow Perkins was Hue Saturday night. They said they never laughed so in tbolr life. Mr. and Mrs. Kclloin and fami ly of llurr Oak. ICas.. an uncle of Andrew Kinir spent Saturday and Sunday with him. GARFIELD Warm weathsr for this time of the year. George Coon was on wind mill row Sunday. Hansen Bros, bailed hay for Mauley Bros. Saturday. Will Fisher was digging hlspotatoesJ the first of the week. Col. Wiggins has been on the sick list for a week but Is some hotter now. Clyde Simpson und Frank Amaok wore swapping yarns with Guy Dames Suuday. T. W. White aud family and Will Fisher and children were callers nt Mauley Bros. Sunday. Pete Manloy is a hard follow to beat for ho hauls two loads of beets every day and three on Suuday and he says it beats all. We understand Clydo Simpson has routed a farm and that suroly means he will get u cook. Yes Clydo wo will take a cigar. John Campbells had somo old ac quaintances drop in on them on Mon day and stay a few days. They are from Hice County, Kansas. GUIDE ROCK. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Burr are in Colo rado. A tlue son was born to Mr. and Mrs. II. It Miner Saturday, Oct. 8th. Hastings Milner and wife expect to take a trip soon to Excellslor Springs. All sympathize with John Chrisman who is suffering from a broken wrist. rp rf I Jrir I nnrlc BURS FASHIONED HOSE, ON .sWI. Barton HHBotV to v&HHtH 4 sole HUHHH Above wo ataow the IIU1WON ami the "other" V tarood Inildn out note too difference. In hose for children liavo the best grade at the price thatmoneycan buy Children's double knee, heel and too stocking at 12JU Fine dreb&y lxl rib hose, nnd at tho same time good wearing hose doublo knee 3 thread heel toe at lCc Better grade for Misses at 23c Heavy grade for boys at 25c I Two rooms of the M. E parsonage were papered last week by .I.T.Mason. Mrs. Vina Met ullinii of Lincoln is hero this week (siting her -on, It. W, McCallum and tiuiiih . Miss Ella Van Woeit went to Omaha Tuesday to attend a session of the Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor. Albert and Leo Pace are the ushers' ut tho M. E. chinch having been ap pointed by the ollleial boaid Monday evening. Uev. I'ool and family departed last week for Bladen. The family will be greatly missed and we bespeak lor them a welcome tioin the Bladen people. The young people of the Baptist church are taking a renewed interest lu the Young Peoples Society. The pastor Uev. Uobbius is an enthusiastic worker in the cause. Harvey Miluor and bride arrived Thursday. They were married at Wtlsonvlllo Wednesday, Oct. Gth. They will reside on a farm owned by Dr. J. W. Robinson near Guide Book. Mrs. Irvine Woodward is at ths Ne braska Sanitarium and has boon there about three weoks. Mrs. J. M. Holand went there Monday and Mrs. Kob't Garrison is homo from the same sani tarium aud much improved. The now pastor of the M. E church Rev. E. L. Barch and family arc now located here. He preached his first sermons Sunday morning and ovenltig to large audiences. All are greatly pleased with him and cordially wel come the family to Guide Rock. INAVALE Mrs. Hummel is In Inavale visiting relatives. James Wonderly was home over Sunday. A big show in the Inavale opera house Friday evening. Miss .Dolly Holdrodgeis lu Talmago, Nebr., visiting this week. " Mrs. Wm. Saunders of Boulder, Colo., visited relatives here last week. Quite u number of Inavale people are attending the Campbell Fair this week. Mr. Barrett, the now M E. minister preached his tirst sermon Sunday morning. Tom Nesbitt who lias been in south ern Toxas the past year is visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Chas Joyce are the proud parents of a baby girl born Wednesday Oct. ft. The first number of the Lecturo Course will be given in tho Christian uhurch Oct. 111. Emerson Winters monologue entertainers will bo with us that cveuiug. Why Hesitate? An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It Wu are so positive our romedy will completly relieve constipation, no mattor how chronic it may bo, that wo oiler to furnish it fico of all cost if it fails. Constipation is causod by weakness of the nerves and muscles of tho largo intestines or descending calou. To expect ii euro you must thorcfore tone up and strengthen those organs aud restore them to healthier activity. Wo want you to try Rexall Orderlies on our guarantee. They are eaton like candy, and are particularly ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a natural action on the othor organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any inconveuionco whatever. They will posltivly over come chronic or habitual constipation nnd tho myriads of associate or do pendent chronic ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Two sizes, 10o, and25o, Sold only nt our store Tho Rexall Storo. The II. E. Grlee Drug Co. Wafttn lltxcs Se Wallin for Hint new wagsn bx thntyouneed. Alsscsmpleto wagons. It 4,. ,t , Water Once More As one of the committee appointed to circulate tho petition asking tho eouneil to submit a bond piopnsitiou tothetas payeis of this city we start ed out to obtain siguutuies. We had not gone very fur before we were con fronted with great discouragement. Our citizens expressed themselves that they had been fooled so often by sine thing proposals which had icsultcd in failure that they were loath to ventuie agaliMinless they KNEW what they wore doing. We acknowledged that this was good argument so at our own expense we lilted out a testing appar atus nml took n party out to tho Maurer springs to see what could be learned. Superintendent Rich used what is known as the Wlorsystomof measure ment and Prof. Morltz made Ids com putations by usiiitf Pascal's law. Both made their own computations separ ately. Tho rosults of the findings of both methods agreed so that we are able to give nccurnto figures as to the tlow of water coming from tho springs. The first test made showed that tho spring near the tree poured forth 97, 85(1 gallons of water every twenty four hours. After digging a dozen spade fulls of dirt the llow was perceptibly increased and a new measurement taken this showed 100,150 gallons por twenty four hours. All agreed that by cleaning out this spring thoroly tho tlow could bs made to.douhlc that Amount. Further investigation of one of tho other springs showed a few hundred more gallons of water por day without any opening up. All agreed that there was enough water at the springs to supply the city of Bed Cloud for all time. No tests were mmlo of the other springs but they could be used in the future If found necessary. There is no question but what those two springs will furnish from 'J5o,C0o to 450,000 gallons of water per day and as our groatet consumption has never exceeded 11)0,000 per day it Is easy onough to see that the water is there. But we us u city want to know just exactly ylmt wo are doing und wo favor the making of more tests say in another week to see if there is any chango iu the llow or any chance of buying a gold brick. Wo have the ut most confidence in those springs but many citizens in time past have had unlimited confidence iu exploring the bottoms only to find that their fond est hopes had not been realized. Now in order that theie may be the fullest confidence in this undertaking we propose that the council employ the services of a foreign competent engineer to go over the ground and give us exact figures as to the cost of piping the springs to tho powerhouse. We have overy confldoncoln the ability of our present superintendent Rich aud the survey as made by city engi neer Orerlng but wo believo that it is for tho best public interest to secure the services of an outside engineer and let him verify tho findings. In this manner we will avoid taking any leaps in tho dark. Lot us bo sure wo are right this time. Another thing should be thoroly understood and that Is that should we decide to bring the springs down ALL the work must be done, by contract and according to law. Wo bolievo that the present council will act iu no othor mannor but following out the same plan of acting with our eyes opou it would not be unbecoming for that body to go on record as to the policy they would pcrsue. Since so large a majority of our pcoplo are iu favor of the springs let us act in harmony, gather all the data, get the facts and carry out this plan to a succeesful conclusion. We all want toknow first if tho waterls there, second what the cost will bo, and third will tho work bo douo according to law. For ourselves wo have no hesi tency in saying that tho water is there, that if the cost will reach eight or ten thousand dollars wo want to know it beforo aud not after and lastly wo oro conlldeut that our council may bo trusted to absolutely sntlsfy the most skeptical. Hag Cholera Serum Government Demonstrates its Vnluc In Test nt South Oranha A successful demonstration of tho value of the new government serum for preventing hog eholeia has lust been concluded at South Omaha, Nebr., by the Bureau of Animal In dustry of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Tho elllelency of the snrem has been proved many times In tho past, but in order that. Its valueinlghti.be brought more strlk Ingly before tlip people of Nebraska a demonstration jwab arranged for at tho Union Stock Yards at South Omaha lu co-oportittoii with tho Union Stock Yards Company Omaha Tho stock ynrili company purchased thirty pigs, .weighing from 40 to GO pounds ouch, from a farm which had beeu free from hog cholera for soveral years. Those nlirs were hrmiulir. tn tho stock yards, and on July 23, 1910, four of them were Injected with blood from hogs sick of hog cholora. Those Inoculated pigs were placed In a pen by themselves, aud within five day8 thoy had become sick, ot which tltno eighteen of the remaining pigs woro each given ono dose of the scrum, while the other eight pigs wcro not treated lu any way. The eighteen serum-trouted pigs nnd the eight un treated pigs wero then plueed in. tho same pen with tho four pigs which had been made sick by inoculation. The fouv pigs which were first given hog cholera all died, and ihe eight un treated pigs nil contracted the disease from them. The eighteen pigs which weio givon serum, and which wero confined iu the same pen with tho four original sick nigs aud with tho sick untreated pigs, remained perfect ly well, aud were finally turned over to tho officials of tho stock yards comp any upon the completion of the ex periment, Soptombor 17, 1U10. The experiment was witnessed by representatives of the Nebraska Agri cultural Experiment Station and of theNebruskaSwIue Breeder's Associat ion, us well us by representatives sof ugriuultuiul papeis published iu No- brnsku. The Dcpaitraeut of Agriculture does not distribute this serum to farmers, but is eudeuvoring to bring tho value of this inothod to the attention of the stock-raising interests iu order that they may arrange tosecurestatofunds for tho manufacture and distribution of tho serum. The government authorities consider that this now serum treatment, If properly applied, will result in the saving of millions of dollars. Public Sale Thursday, flctobcr 20th, 1010 The undersigned will ofYer for $$l& on his farm, 2 miles cast aud 3 4 miles north of Red Cloud, und 2 miles west and 2 milos south of Cowles, tho fol lowing deescribed property -to-wltut 10 a. m,, sharp. 100 HEAD OP STOCK 100 Consisting of 11 head of horses 40 head of cattle, ll) head of hogs, farm machinery, oto. C. II. Rust. J. H. Elliugor, Auctioneer. To Whom It Nay Concern. We, the undersigned citizens of Sco tia, Nob., liavo no hesitancy in saying that the St. Elmo show gnvo their play hero last night iu Daudt's opora house and it wns far above our expec tations, euch actor performing his or her part well. It is u clean, moral show and no ono need hesitate to at tend it, taking their wives and chil dren. We recommend them whorover they may go. Signed; Prank Daudt, mnuagor of opera house; R, P. Wlchman, cashier Stato bank; F. A, Skovv, assistant cash-, ler; B. T. Grlfllth, attorney. Keep Koil. Wo have taken over tho Ice business and aro now giving the sumo our per sonal attention. Put out yeur Ico Card and we will do our best to pltaso you. A. E. TnuNEii, The Ice Max. v... ) i it k r y 5S? i 'Suitlli.A' !. ,4.lff -L.. .1 fUrtl