The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 06, 1910, Image 1

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'atc MlslorlPftl SonJ-ty
Uk- v
i2?JZ s-- .T FJPPI W oj - TO i& ,f$f' pi $& " jjlf fljS W jjkfc. 'T pW till i--:; -CTafaajBteij
."ifc. i
4 Ncwspaiicr That (ilvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year I'or $1.50.
You Can Sec It Double
in a short space of time if yon wili
tiiki' good care of your money nml in
vest it carefully. An important item
Your Sank Account
ami you will do well to plui'H it whore
you can get the best service.
Wo are not only a Depository i'or
niiiiiey, but we tako mi wspecial inter
est in the siieeess of each of our cus
tomers wliicii guarantees yu the best
possible banking service.
Interest Paid on Time e-Doslts
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. PopeT Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
m &? V I
Mr. anil Mrs. George McKimey spent
Sunday at Jim Dnyles.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred IOtniek and son
Hundayed at his mother's, Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Fred lirightmid fami
ly, Mr. anil Mrs. John Saladen and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King
art lit Sunday at John Holeombs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frisbio and
daughter returned homo Monday
ovouing. Mr. Frisbie had been lo
Kansas City while Mrs. Frisbio and
ilaii,'htor visited Sam Millers at
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lewis have re
turned homo from St. Paul whorothey
have been visiting her only sister.
Another line rain Sunday night was
a help to our wheat. It is line and an
unusnlly largo acreage is being put
Wlule in Cowles the other day wo
saw Dell Turnure's genial face behind
the counter, lie bought, the Hcnnett
Willie and Waller Ksi'scr bought a
quarter section of Geo Gucci; of Hast
ings, The last piece lie owned in this
Wm. lOngels brought Mr. and Mrs
Mel Sherman and Mrs. Frank Tennant
out for dinner after church services
Sunday. They enjoyed a trip in the
W. S. Hense and wife entertained u
few of the neighbors last Thursday
night. They served a midnight lunch.
Pretty lute for ruialites but all re
ported n good time and no resulting
bad dreams.
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter came home
from St. Joseph lYiday morning.
Owen Douglass and family arc mov
ing into their new house this week.
I. (). Walker and family visited at
A. T. Walker's in,Ked Cloud Sunday.
(Julte a few from lnavale and vicini
ty attended the County Fair at ltladon
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Koy Palmer arc the
proud parents or n line baby boy born
last Thursday.
Mr.s. C. II. Palmer of Had Cloud is
visiting at tlio home of her son Koy
Palmer this week.
Mrs. Francis Kelly left Tor Dundy
county Saturilav evening to visit her
son Hal and family.
Mr. Shipley's sale came oil" as adver
tised Friday. His son in law Charley
Olmsted will move on the farm and
Mr. and Mrs. Shigley will move into
Charley's town property.
See the Chief Office before
you get your sale bills printed
wmsmmm Gaa&mj&msmitmmm
A few Items from our Large Stock of Dry Goods
The most servicable wrap one can have is a
Our line of sweaters was selected with the most
care as to style, price and quality. Before buy
ing your sweater inspect our stock as we can
save you money.
Children's cotton sweaters 50c
" all wool sweaters in plain stitch 75
and 90c.
Misses all wool sweaters in fancy wave weave
$1.50 and $2.50.
Misses part wool sweaters at $1.50
Ladies sweater in plain and fancy weave from
$1.50 to $5.00.
Silk! Silk!! Silk!!!
A new line of fall silks in all the Plaids in waist
lengths only one of a pattern at $1.00 a yard.
Fancy foulards 27 inches wide at $1 a yard.
Black guaranteed silk 36 in wide at $ 1 .00 to $ 1 .50 a yd
Poiu de Soie 36 inches wide at $1.50
AO80 Mil j mPMflfkiNzjttrjmfl 0
Abovo wo f how tho 1IU11SON und Iho others"
viuraua iauu oui nolo lito uicerenco.
In hose for children nave the best
grade nt the price that money can buy
Children's double knee, heel and too
stocking at 12Jc
Fine dressy lxl rib hose, and at tho
same timo good wearing hose double
knee 3 thread heel toe at lfie
Hotter grade for Misses at 23c
Heavy grade for boys at 'Joe
A large line of new patent leather belts all red and all black also a
of soft leather belts in navy blue, grey, tan and black.
PHONES: Rural Kl. Hell, Black 41.
The Water Problem
:y MISER 40
Yesterday morning tlieie was a
hurry call for the citiens to meet in
the council chamber to once again de
termine what should be done witli the
ever present water problem. This
meeting was called by Dr. Cook who
had been up to the power plant and
found that work on the extension
ditch had boon stopped owing toa rup
ture between the council and mayor,
lie alllrnied his belief and faith in the
present ditch and olVered to buck up
his judgement with a donation to the
oily of S.'OO. F.veryone admired the
Doctor for liis generosity but no one
seemed disposed to allow private
funds to be expended for public ser
vice. Superintendent Kich wis asked
to explain his lludings in icganl to
piping (lie springs to the power house
and lie explained tliat lie bad given
tlio matter careful consideration and
had accurately estimated tlio e.vpemo
necessary to bring t lie springs down
and that g.'t.ouo.ul) would be ample.
Hy using an eight. Inch pipe to start
with and a six inch pipe for the re
mainder of the distance he could de
liver the- water 10 the intake of tlio
water pump and by utilizing the lorce
gained hy ItS feet of fall could reduce
the coal consumption twenty live per
Ac this time the real dillleulty be
tween the council and maor was pre
sented. It seems from the records
that the council entered into a con
tract with a man by tho name of Nel
siiii to employ him todlg a ditch, lay
pipi anil till same. Work was to
commence August l'.Mh and be com
pleted Sept. 10, HMO. .Said Nelson did
in'l appear until the ,.'!)th of Septem
ber and the council informed him that'
the time had expired and that he
should do no work. His contract was
void. Mayor Potter took it upon him.
self to instruct the contractor to pro
ceed with tlio work. All went well
until ho called upon the city to pro
duce tlio tile necessrtiy for tlio ditch
and this the council refused to furnish.
Mayor Potter claimed that he had re
ceived no notice of tlilB special meet
ing of the council but tlio city records
showed that a written notice hud been
left tit his usual place of business mid
that the city clerk had notified the
mayor of the meeting by telephone.
An adjournment was then takon to
four o'clock.
Promptly lit. that hour the citizens
-.omhlcd in Hie commercial club
rooms to further consider I he problem.
History repeated itself and all the
theories were present as to faith in
water being found somewhere in tlio
neighborhood of the present system.
Superintendent. Kich again his llud
ings as to tlio cost of piping tiio
springs. Mayor Potter asserted that
the present ditch was exactly the plan
which Dr. Condra advocated when he
visited tliis place last spring but it
was conclusively shown that tli plan
as laid down by Dr. Condra was laid
one sido and the present plan substi
tuted. Whereupon the mayor stated
that lie was under the impression that
ke liad been following tlieorgimil plau
As tho letter of Dr. Condra ws on
file, a motion was made instructing
the chair to appoint a committee of
three to net with Superintendent Kich
which committee was to determined
whether or not tho geologists ideas
wore being carried out.
At this time a motion was made to
sound the opinion of those present as
to whether tlioy favored tlio extension
of tlio present system or the piping of
tho springs und tlio voto resulted in
twenty-seven for the springs and
throe against.
A committee was then appointed to
present a petitiou to the council ask
ing that bonds bo voted to bring tho
springs down and forever settle, this
l.I7rt BMSSKlii KBWfli.tAl1fWif3l
unwtia.i'i; HHtuc t un' .Murrr
rtrjtNiifc i:r.farjnJ!'p v.. i rr:irt.?rrKirtrts
nHura w i J $ Jiff, 1
" . l' -i' ,,
::Ju&wmr' frk-
" : .Xtrww : i-y-'u
The Widow Perkins''
One Merry Night. Laugh, You'll Scream,
You Can't Help It When You See
The Greatest Musical Comedy of the Season.
WAItDA as the Widow, The one decided novelty creation.
A great feature the "Danco du Vampire'- never bhown hithorto outstdo
of tho eastern cities.
timber and Kew, tho musical duo, playing on tho greatest number ofin
struinonts o'or seen hore.
A supporting company of excellent merit. 12 Musical Numbers. Tho
Funniest Comedy ever seen. Special scenery with every net.
Prices: 25, :n and .Vic.
P. E. 9. FnniWf.ll.
The members of the local P. K. O.
gave Mr. and Airs. 10. N. Tompkins a
farewell token of appreciation of the
loss of their society in lWgur last
Wednesday evening at tho home of
Mrs. Grimm
The I'ouipkiiis were entertained at
the iiiiiniu home for dinner ami later
in tlio evening the ladies of the P. K.
f). eaiiie in. Tlio president. Mrs. Kiug,
presented on behalf of the society, a
set of cut glass sherliert cups to Jlrs.
Tompkins. The reclpientof tills toko
of esteem responded with a hearty ex
pression of gratitude for the kindne&s
and regret that u parting must bo.
Hev. and Mrs. Tompkins have gone
to thoir now home in Ited Cloud and
expect to bo settled there within a
fow days. The good wishes of more
than tlio iiiombers of tlio P. 10. O. and
the Methodist church go with them to
their Held of endeavor. -The lOdgar
Itexal I Orderlies are eaten like candy,
they act quietly, and have u soothing,
strengthening, healing Influence on
the entire intestinal tract. They do
not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatu
lence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea
or other annoying effect. They aro
especially good for children, weak
persons or old folks. Two sizes, 'Jr.o.
mid 10c. Sold only at our store Tho
IiexuIIStorn-The'll. 10. ('.rice Drug
The Doctor's Question
Much Sickness Due to Bond Disorders
A doctor's first question when con
sulted by a patient is, "Arc your
bowels regular?" lie knows that 1)8
percont of illnes is attended with in
active bowels and torpid liver, ami
that tills condition must tie removed
gently and throughly before health can
be restored,
Jtexall Orderlies are a positive, pleas
ant and safe remedy for constipation
and bowol disorders in gcnoral. Wo
aro so certain of their great curative
value that we promise to return the
ff mm
Clyde J. Wright socialist candidate
for governor will speak at the court
house in lied Cloud, Oct. 10, at 8 p. in.,
on tho issue whether tlio corporations
ilrn tn own und control tho the conn-
purchaser's money in every case when trynna its resources and utilities or
they fail toproduce entire satisfaction, tho people.
AH Worda the widow, Widow Perkins at Opera House October, 8th.
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