The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1910, Image 5

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    -v, " """ r&r'W$'"r' ''""' '
,.-M I --! S-:'tSfff.f.pOK
Den tiiMiit it liDinc Ki-iu n .
W. M.Cmhlll wu-tlu Uludcii Wedm.
day. Ifnsiu Myers loft Wednesday fur
iMrs. C. .M. Smith has gone t Cali
fornia. Mint U.ijlo was clown ft'um Hl.iden
Stewatt Albright wont fo Mile Hill
Wnrion Longtin returned to Supor
lor Momliiy.
Mrs. .J. ('. Myers has returned from
Clay Center. I
.1 M Challln and wife were in Guido
Ilock Tuesday. .
A. T. Walker returned from Colo
rado Sdfirday.
Miss Lois Beekwith retunied to I
Omaha Monday.
Miss Josie Igou left for Chicago
Monday morning.
Miss Dora Pope went to Denver
Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. KobMciiride are home
from liotilder, Colo.
Mrs. I V. Taylor of Witohita, Has.,
was in town Tuesday.
Wm. Weestfer was in Itenkleinau
thjs weiik buying eattle.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Sit, 8l'.2, 313 and 51 J will liny u (,'ood
Single Harness at I'oor.fs.
Mrs. I.ovejov returned from Kansas
City, Mo , Tuesday evening.
Uev Rtitller goes to Pawnee to
preach during the next year.
A girl was born to Mr. and Mis.
Alex ISentloy Saturday evening.
Born to Mr. ami Mrs. ficorgc Witt
wer Sunday morning a baby girl.
Mrs. Dwight Jones returned to
(Initio I'oek Wednesday morning.
Miss A uiui Wittwer and brother
Lutes went to Ilhulon Wednesday.
' Calicoes American Prints l'ive
cents per yard. Mim.i: linos, and Co.
(Scorgu Smith lias returned from
Omaha, wlimo he spent the summer.
liny Palmer eame down from Arapa
hoe Monday morning to visit his fiith
or. '
lilu .1. w. diirnoo oi iwiiimi' is vi-iif
ing his sun Lid. .1. L. .lurboe of this
J. F. Poter.son or Missoula.
Is visiting friends in this city this
Elder Hussong will preach at Mm
Garfield school house Sunday Oct. 2
3 p. in.
Mr. and Mrs. I'M Dickson are the
proud parents of a baby girl born
C. L. Vaughan drove up from Uuido
Rock with Hev. Kobbins Sunday
Hev. .1. M. Bates will hold regular
services at Grace church the next two
Sundays .
C. C. Polly, an old timer here return
ed to this city Sunday from Marys
ville, Mo.
About sixty went fioin hero to
Bladen Wednesday to attend the
Couutv Fair.
The Chief ollice tiihos subscriptions
audienewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Fearn weie up
from Superior over Sunday visiting
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Voterson ro
tiirnod home from Colorado Wednes
day morning.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and Hdison. Hear thorn at
Newhouse Bros.
Mrs Clms. Potter and dauglilo
Herthu went to Omiilui today to attend
the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Bert Stevens went to Lincoln Tues
day morning to attend the State Photo
graphers convention.
Absolutely Pure
Thmonfy kaklng mowlw
mmtofromXoyal Ormpm
.-' Ormanf of Tartar
Our Newest Watch
You hae probably no
ticed by all the magazines
that there u a new watch out.
Every new thing in the
jewelry line if it's good
you find first in this
We have examined the new
7-JewcI Wotch
and find it a strictly well
made, accurately tunning
watch, highly recommended m
m (or all who need a good pop- u
m. ular-pn'ced time-piece. $5,
mm $7 and $9 according to cases,
More than the money tut thought before
E. H. Newhousc, Prop.
Jewelers Vt Qotomctrlsts
Bert Grioe arrived in Ited Cloud
Saturtiav from California for a visit
witli his mother and brother.
Hoy Robinson went to Hludeu Tues
day morning to play with the Blue
Hill band at the County Fair.
lletneniber that every thing is cheap
er and better in the Harness line at
Fo.i:ls than any other place.
Frank Nelson lias received his tri
cycle and is well pleased with it and
will be out, on the streets soon.
(to to the Hod Cioud Milling Co., for
your shorts and brands in half ton
lots or more at wholesale prices.
.John Throne will preach at the
Indian Creek school house next Sun
day at II p. m. in Mr. Jarboes place.
Doi.'i forgot the Central Nebraska
Fall Festival at Hastings the second
week in October. Hvery day u big
Tlucllod Cloud High School foot
ball team goes to Cambridge Friday
to play foot ball with the team nt that
Oliver Hedge returned from Cripple
Creek, Colo., Monday where lie has
been visiting his brother, Porter
lledgo. V-
.lohu Ilutledgo accompanied his
daughter, Nclllo to Omaha this week
where slc will attend school this
Henry Phares lot last Friday night
to resume his studies in the law de
nartmoiit of tjio University of Ne
braska, at Lincoln
Foil SAM. A i llor-e Power Whitty
tiasolino Lniriiie. Dyniinio ami Switch
lioard completed. Good as new.
Inquire or Axnv Haiit.
Will Smith and family arrived tint
hitter part of lust week from Hot
Springs. South Dakota, anil will make
Itetl Cloud their home.
Regular services at the Congregat
ional church next Sunday ltov. A. D.
Thompson of Franklin will preach
both morning and evening.
Use n Hull Detachable Haudle Um
brella. Children sizs 81.00 and up.
Ladies or gents sizes special St.Cr, and
up. Got them of Newhouse.
Kld.Jno. .1. ErnstofllepubllcfinCily
will occupy the pulpit at the Brethren
church next Sunday both 'morning and
evening in tho absence of Mr. .lurboe.
The Bed Cloud Hardware it Imp. Co.,
are making oxtreiuoly low prices on
Woven Wire fencing. Call enrly and
got the, benefit. Don't delay, for the
pricos tlxed will move tho stock in a
few day.
Dr. C K. Cross will pen up a Don
tal Otllee in the rooms over Albright's
Furniture Store, October 1st. The
Doctor oomes hero from Franklin
where lie has beon practising for the
last ten years.
The miuistcrof the Christian church
will preach at tho usual services of
tho church next Lord's day both
morning and evening. Tho evening
services will bogin for the wintor
season at 7:30 p. m.
The big automobile pnrudo at the
Central Nebraska Fall Festival, whioh
will bo held nt Hastings October 10 to
ID inclusive, will be one of tho fea
tures Mint you should not miss, It
will be the opening feature of the big
featlvnU .',.
The Guide Hook ball team and Bun
Oak, Kns., crossed bate nt Superior
Monday, ulde Kock won the game
by u score of 2 to 1. Jnok Masters
and Guyr'lIjradbrook of this citypltyef
with the (iulilo . kock learn, j.iivk
pitched 'the game.
Mrs. A. W. llolingraiti spoiitSunduy
in P.ostwlck at the home of her gtand
daughter Mrs. Grace Binge.
Mr. Flunk Lllinger desires to state
that lie sent his proof of his accident
to the Woodmen Accident association
Tuesday at noon and received cheek
for $110 Thursday. Uo therefore
feels well satlsllod witli tills company
which W. A. Kent represents.
Lltl. .1. L. .lurboe ami wife will leave
Friday night foi an extended trip of II
or 1 weeks visiting relatives iiud
fi lends in Kansas and be in attendance
at ko ei al different nunuil district
meetings of the llretliien church.
i Tin annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the Farmer's Independent
Telephone Company, will bo held at
the court housu In Bed Cloud, Nebr.,
Saturday, October 8th., at 1 o'clock p.
m. It is desired that there be a full
atteuduiKO of the stockholder.
S D. ItiM'Kwmi, President.
By Ku. llAxsoxySceretary.
Tlie Music Study Club will meet
witli Mrs. (eorgo Llndsey Thursday,
evening, October 0. The following
program will be given: Piano solo,
Mrs. Stewart Albright; vocal duet.
Miss Ltta Coon and Mrs. (Jeorgo Llnd
sey; biography. Miss Kiln Stone
breaker; vocal solo; Miss Helen Over
man; piano solo, Miss Alice Coombs;
vocal solo, Mrs. K S. Harbor
Uev. A. A. Cresstnan leftMonday for
Boston where he will attend the 100th
anniversary of thevAinericun Mission
ary Association, lie is a delegate re
piesenting tho Republican Valley
Congregational , chinches and the
Brotherhood of this church. Mrs.
Ctessman accompanied him as far as
Ogelvie, 111., where- slio will visit their
son Ralph who is a practicing physic
ian of that place.
Mr Frank G. Hall, Democratic
candidate for State Treasurer whose
homo is in Franklin made thisotlice u
pleasant visit hist week, lie lias lived
in Nebraska since 1ST.'! graduated from
our state university in l!K)l. His
schooling and business experience
qualify him well for the oillce of State
Treasurer. Tho Republican Valley
ought to give Mr. Hall a unanimous
vote for the position.
Wanted - Cosmopolitan Magaino re
quires the services of a representative
in Red Cloud to look after subscrip
tion renewals and to extend circula
tion by special methods which have
proved unusually successful. Salary
and commission. Previous experience
desirable but not essential. Whole
time or spare timo. Address, with
references, 11. C Campbell, Cosmopol
itan Magazine, J""!) Broadway, New
York City.
"A sweet new blossom of humanity;
Fresh fallen from God's own homo to
llower on earth "
Thut spokoS. It. Flora nee as ho Ctitne
down town Moudxy morning, taking
two high steps at a time. "Not n
lifeless, usoless toy. we've a lively,
bouncing boy."' Verily "what is home
without a baby."" This paper congrat
ulates the proud patents and trusts
that promising boy may grow into
manhood and till the sunset of his
paioutu' life with comfort and happi
ness such us ean on'y come from a
dutiful child.
If you desire to wltiii-si. a scone of
domestic bliss just step into tlie. home
of Nnble Hull. II takes the ordinary
man some to adapt himself to circum
stances, but not so with .Noble, lie
at once ordered Ills overall washed,
starched and Ironed and placed in tlie
bureau drawer; iiis working tools pol
ished find hung up in the summer
kitchen; he then donned his "go to
meeting clothes,'' and now occupies
tlie best easy chair in the parlor,
whore lie may bo found any hour of
tho day or night holding in his par
ental arms eight pounds of unsullied
bliss, and if you approach the homo
softly you will hear him singing,
"Hush my babe, lie still mid slumber."
Surely this is u picture for tho migols
logn.e upon Noble now says if any
of our citizens uitui work done in hj.s
line they must pas on to the next
town as he mistook his calling.
wo are forging the chains that will
bind tlie public to us for their future
Juwelry purohasos -because we are
still glring
in gQld,unldlyer Jewediy and. pie
cbus stones. Cold ehtiUis u opeciuU
ty, 'ovol und (Original designs- in
14-kt. gqld., j 1 t j(f .1. . 1 , it
1 P If Si:-Lfcll ''' H
ffL'K'A v 9aaLw $mm
The Jeweled
.lust as much care, in fact a little
m to, should be exercised In buying
electric sml irons, us in buying any
thing lsc. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others In doing the same
urk. Get your electric irons or
MtiiiiiAur Buns., they carry thonulluT
ijd iron. Be cure full of "just as
goud ' ttlpctrlc irons.
On Saturday, Oct. I, we will put mi
sale our entire stock of Bungles ami
( an luges nt i per cent abno eust.
Tins melius n chance at anv vehicle in
our ware house; nothing will be reset -cd.
Our reasons for making these
unheard of prices Is on account of
misundeistanding witli our wholesale
1. ......... I t... i t.i l
ii'jiioii ttiii'ii'U i wti fins writ- iiiiru.
when only one was ordered.
Tin: Ri I) Ci.Ofn Bow. .v Imi'I.. Co.
Nearly a liuihlreil of the members
of our Woodmen of America Camp are
in llladeti today taking in the fair ami
working for tho Sauitoriiim fund.
That order lias secured eleven hundred
acres of laud ill Colorado and is giving
free treatment to its members who in e
suli'cring fiom consumption. A great
dnal of money is necessary to properly
equip the camp and an effort will bo
made during the next few weeks to
obtain a good donation from Webster
County. This is tho only fraternal
order that is doing anything to light
tho dread disease and its effort s should
bo encouraged.
Base Ball Mcctlnft-
There will be a meeting of the Roil
Cloud Base Ball Association Tuesday
evening Oct Ith at the Coiiiinerleul
Club rooms over C. L. Cottiug's Drug
store. The purpose of this meeting is
to e.ill all parties who are members of
tlie association and anyone interested
jii aim anyone interested
d t,, i.eai ti.o report or
of this part of tho season
in base ball an
tho business
and also form an association for the
coining year.
York Conference Closed
Assignment of Pastors
Ma.i at End or
oj:i. iseur.. aeni.u rnoe
conference of the .Methodist
closed hero at .l p in., today. Tlu ap
pointments of pastors wereannounceil
The net conference will lie held at
L'nivt-rsity 1'luce. Tho appointments
of pastors for Webster County are as
Ash Cieek, !' N. Tompkins.
ltladfti, ti. W. Pool,
lllue Hill,.). W. Hali.
(Initio Rock, L. L. Umoli.
Red Cloud, K. N. Tompkins.
Public Sale.
S W. Foe will hold 11 public sale,
one mile west and one-half mile south
of Red Cloud, on Monday, October:!,
at 1 o'clock )). 111. Tho properly to be
disposed f includes ten cows, five of
them good milk cows; twelve spring
calves, 0110 yearling heifer, olio Dur
ham bull, one Shire mare, one giay
mare, one black mare, one dun mare,
one gray mare .'J years old, one team
of mules, one sow with ten pigs, one
sow with six pigs, three shouts, one
wagon with liny rack ami Wilson box,
one sot double harness, one set single
harness, .me single buggy, one De
Laval cieam scpiiiiitor, some house
hold furniture ami other ut tides.
iVIuit litcy .Say or the Atwootl Lecture.
It was ilill'eroiit from the usual en
teitainineiit. It was u masterpiece,
both oratorical ly mid otherwise. The
closing tableau-was especially lino
Harbor County Index, Modicine Lodge,
Tills w-us a rare treat. Jackson
County (Kan.) World.
Well worth the price. .1. II. Carter,
principal public schools, Potwiu, Kim
The lecture will bo given under the
auspices of tho Christian church, Fri
day night, September '10, at tho
church. Remember the living pictures
produced by tlie use of home talent
in music, tableaux, drills, pantomimes
'and statuary pasings. Tho regular
price of this lecture lias for this spe
cial occasion been reduced from I!.'
and nO cents to 1.1 and J.'i cents. Soo
tho window display advertisements.
For Falling Hair
You Run No Risk When You Isc This
Wo promise you that, If your hair is
falling out, and you hnvo not lot it go
too fur, you can repair the damiigo al
ready done by using Roxull "03" Hair
Tonic, with persistency und regularity
for a reasonable length of time. It is
n sciontiflcucleansing, mitiseptic, ger
micidal preparation, that destroys
microbes, stimulates good circulation
around tlie huir roots, promotes hair
nourishment, removes dandruff and
restores hair health. It is as pleasant
to uso as puro water, ami It is deli
cately perfumed. It is a real toilot
Wo wunt you to try ,H,exall "83''
Hair Tonic with our promlfu'thtit it,
will coHtou nothing unless you. are
perfectly; .satislled, wlUi its use., It.
comes in two sizes, prlcei 50o. and, 81.
Mfftembft.yau jcau, .obtain Rexall
Itcjinedifjs In, this, community pnly Hi
oV store The Rexall Store. The Hi
E. (Jrice Drug Co,
A NY day that you'd like
to know something about
the best clothes made, in a
".-J. i
SB I Mr W I lf"rr
-' w - " M.-r. -
the highest grade merehan
dise is handled, drop in on as
and let usshouiyoa some of oaf
Hart Schaffner & Marx
fine clothes. They'll interest you;
they're made of strictly all-wool fabrics,
11 1 f 1 " ll
anc tailored perfectly. You will not
I illlCl
any such clothes ready-to-wear,
1 1 .1
; any wiiere else; tney re Detter man me
tnurch, average custom tailor Gan make.
We'll sell you Havt Schaffner & Marx '
suits from $20 to $50. Ready for service 5
This is the home of Hart
i km i
? 181
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
LEflOEKt. v furniture; AND UNDERTAKING. C
I m MaCCMKCiHK4aiH3e
nothing but
. -v-
? 1 .. .1 .1
Schaffner & Marx clothes.
Amack, Pm.
is often more effective than the most
elaborate pose. You can see protf
of it in the sample photos to be seen
at this studio.
We Take the Photos
as you want them, however. You
select the attitude you prefer. We
will do our best to make it the best ;
photograph you have ever had taken. $
RED ClUD, . , m - - . .NEBRASKA.
- t
n.ijjajw .'
ei ntf 1 JlflV
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