MI J iif Hfolnrleal Snnlcty T Ivolume xxxv rn. You Can Sec It Double 5 in a short space of tlnio if yon will taKc goon euro oi your money ami in I vest it carefully. An important item is Your Sank Account (and you will do wll to place it whore you can get the best service. vo are not oniy u ueposuory ior ', money, but we take nn sneeial inter est ill tho SUeCCSS Of eilclWof OUV PUS- 1 tomors which guarantees you the best possible bunking sorvico. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. WESTERN WEBSTER Mr. and Mrs. Hay Cnckrnnc spent Sunday at C L. Herricks. Mirth Walker who is attending school in Bed Cloud was homo over Saturday. There is a regular epidemic of colds In the neighborhood. And no one is beinc slighted. Charley. Humbert, an old western wobsterite, was here from the west last week and bought a farm on Thom son creek. The revival at the Christian church will close next Sunday night. Thcro is a full uttendaueo every night and a good many arc being converted. This locality was visited by the heaviest rain 6f the season last week. It was a'ceompanied .by a hard wind and lots of corn fields are badly dam aged. I A few Items from our Large Stock of Dry Goods F. NEWHOUSE Sweaters The most servicable wrap one can have is a sweater. - Our line of sweaters was selected with the most care as to style, price and quality. Before buy ing your sweater inspect our stock as we can save you money. Children's cotton sweaters 50c " all wool sweaters in plain stitch 75 and 90c. Misses all wool sweaters in fancy wave weave $1.50 and $2.50. Misses part wool sweaters at $1.50 Ladies sweater in plain and fancy weave from $1.50 to $5.00 Silk! Silk!! Silk!!! A new line of fall silks in all the Plaids in waist lengths only one of a pattern at $1.00 a yard. Fancy foulards 27 inches wide at $1 a yard. Black guaranteed silk 36 in wide at $1.00 to $1.50 a yd Poiu de Soie 36 inches wide at $1.50 A large line of new patent leather belts all red and of soft leather belts in navy blue, grey, PHONES: RurnlHi. Bell, Black 41. I dTT, .; r' ' v inn imiiiii i ii iwr Mrs. Ed Hanson of Red Cloud has been visiting her sister Mrs. Oria finyeart for the last fow days. Mrs. EHlc Harvey came home Sun day from a two weeks visit with her daughter Mrs. Ilortense Grossman of Burlington, Colorado. GARFIELD ".loo flludds bnby is quite sick this week. good many attended the opera in lied Cloud Saturday night. An old soaker of a rain fell Sunday night and it was pretty cold Monday. Sowing wheat and cutting corn fod der is the order of the day in Garlleld. Mrs. (ieorge llarris' mother from Colorado is visiting with her for a fow weeks. Mr. Whjto sold his steers to Henry Hansen and now Henry is bettor known as Cudahay tlio second. r A NcHsnnpcr That Gives The News Fifty - RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTUM HE Ii Frank Amack cut his com fodder last week and it looks like he would have a winter's job of shocking it. A fine rain on irjjursduy night and more rain fell thali could soak in the ground s there was plenty to run oil'. 'J'. V. White and Col. Wiggins wont to Purlins county to buy hogs and cattle to food their corn to this winter. Frank King returned homo from New Mexico Saturday morning where ho bought land and is well pleased with the country there. Frank Amack took his cuttle out of his pasture Saturday and took them over the river and put them in the Ooble pasture for a month. The relatives and neighbors gather ed at (iuy llarnes Sunday and surpris ed his good natured wlfo in moinory of her birthday. Everybody had good time in the fore noon playing games and a good dinner was served at noon. After dinner L. A. Mauley the picturo man took a number of pictures of the crowd. They got her a rocking chair to remember the ovont but we know that she will not got to use it much for Guy has that tired feeling when ho sees a rocking chair and we expect ho will keep it busy. There was about forty there and all had a good time. LESTER , Endeavor Sunday night at Lester. Charlie Moede returned home Mon day from Blue Hill. Mrs. Fink and 3ons visited relatives at llubbell this week. Miss Dollie Basser called on Mrs. John Itasser Tuesday. We had a half inch of rain Sunday night. It will help the wheat. A good many of our citizens attend od the comity fair at Bladen this week. They thought the fair was good. i IgURSON Bf Haicfc ('MINIKtiSfl ii rtj .. -...MBgag.'iWJ.'F.lMflU'.'JJjilMgM'1""! wltboatHHHm4MfQ(Hnjn0NB - HHJHBIHHHhH thla HRIHBB la toe V&ZIHkH v1 sole HMfaSBMH Aboro no ihavr the JIUltSOK ami I ho others" U turned lailds out note the dlfloronce. I III hoso for children have the host grade at the price that money can buy Children's double knee, heel and too stocking at 12c Fine dressy lxl rib hose, and at the same time good wearing hoso double knee 3 thread heel toe at lfjc Batter grade for Misses nt 23c Heavy grade for boys at 25c all black also a nice line tan and black. I two Weeks Each Year For $1,50 Elmer Ilimes and IV te Lewis return ed home from Hastings Monday. We wondei what takes their attraction there. Mr. and Mr.Mlllsor llaveh.cl.. Mrs Parsons and children of Inland. Mr. mid Mr. Fred Mmiia.. and (iotford Mouia spent Sunday at Gototicb liuss- 1'I'S. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kasscr, Mr. and Mrs. tiny Uubortsou. Mr and Mrs. Charles Kasscr and family and Mrs Luc Burglleld and daughter Sundayed at Andrew Kings-. GUIDE ROCK. John (ileason and family wore over Monday visiting his parents .1. S. Cleason and wife. The special train from here took a largo delegation to Bladen Thursday to the County Pair. Guide Book defeated BurrOak 2 to 1 ut Superior. The boys feel pretty well pleased. A big delegation from hero attended. Mrs. Lulu Beall who was struck on the back of the head by1 a stray ball at her bchool last Thursday is now re ported to lie improving. She was in a critical condition for several days. She had stepped to the door at recess to sue that the little ones did not get to close to those that were playing bull when by accident site was struck. Mrs. Hannah Juno Fairfield wife of V. E. lVirllold died Sunday morning at tho family homo in Guide Uoelt. She "leaves hor husband, four sons and ono daughter besides her mother, brothers and other relatives. The funeral was held Tuesday at eleven o'clock a. in., at I he Christian church. The sermon was preached by liev. Carey. The V. C. T. U., attended in a body and the pall bearers were members-of that organization. Everyone sympathizes with the bereaved family in their great sorrow. COWLES fair week. Everybody This Is has gone. Mr. and Mrs. Jud White went to Blue Hill Tuesday between trains. (5. A. Wells and family went to the County Fair Wednesday in his auto. Morgan Davis traded one quarter of ins western laud for Mr. Grants auto mobile. Koland Uitchev and Art Vance spent Sunday ut home. They are attending school at tho Hastings college. Kcv. Hose of Blue Hill will preach at tho Christian church Sunday after noon at three thirty. Everybody in-viU-d. Mr. Lew Vico and Mr. Jackson Vice nnd their families moved from Wilson ville, Ncbr., ami expect to make their future home in Cowles. Those are certainly prosperous times. Thcro is hardly an hour in the day that you do not soe a team in tho lumber yard loading up lumbor. ' There was no school Wednesday on account of It being school day at the fair. I think by the number of schol ars lined up at the depot they nearly all went. Fuller & Bennett shipped a car of stock Wednesday. Tlierecertainly has been good money in hogs the past year as tho prices arc higher than any time since the Civil War. Making (iood Progress on Oil Well, Mr- Wilcuts, the oil and gas man, was In town Thursday and reports that ho is having very good buccess in getting tho old holo that was put down last year cleaned out, and will be ablo to attach the big drill in n day or so and then there will bo some thing doiug. If we remember right, tho hole was about Gu0 feet deep when tho well was abandoned soveral months ago, It partly filled up from tho walls caving In. Mr. Wllouts seems to be contidont of oventual sue coss and bellovos ho will strike oil or I gas at a depth of perhaps 1,000 foot. I Tho well is Ibcatud on the Wllllnm IVttit fiuin, tluec miles southeast of town. Guide Bock Signal. '25. l 10. Jjser 0 O1 TY o C:iisnr- Oo IT'S A GIFT to know how to write a becoming epi taph. It's an art to know how to build artistic Monuments. That art wo possess. Wo invite in spection of our design'. Consult Me Doforo Buying. Red Cloud Marble and Granite Works E. McAllstar, Proprietor Shops at Ri:i Ci.orn and Alma, Nr.iut. DR. E. A. THOMAS -DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Colling's Drug Store. rw "" x m v c HS' EIGHTH ANNUAL SALE OF RECORDED POL A MB CHINAS In this sale will be offered Standard Bred Trotters, Colts and Fillies as enumerated below, at Welcfome Stock Farm 2 1-2 miles north of Bellaire, on Wednesday, October 5, 1910 30 Poland Chilis 30 ' on the above- date I will offer .'10 Poland China pigs, both sex. These pigs are in nice hrrcdiiiK condition; they ute the big prolific kind, with bone and qual ity, I don't think I ever offered a hotter lot. Other Stock Collector France No. llOiTt, tmy stallion 8 yrs. old, by France Xo. 3172, dam' Cladys Deyo by Barney Wilkes No. 'Mm by Bed Wilkes. Flash King Xo. 15 .K!1, bay stallion ! yrs old. by Baron Ira JOIIIIO by Ira Wilkes by Geo Wilkes',' dam tiladys Deyo as above. Snap, brown driving mare !i yis old, bred, 3 standard crosses. CSrcy driving mare, heavy wit Ii foal; 1 grey gelding I) yrs. oiit; Push', bay filly, !l yrs. old, tired. J draft. oro.sso; black gelding 2 yrs. old, 'J draft crosses. 1 doullle standard Polled Durham hull calf, good ono; 5 niiluli cows; 1 yearling steer, S steer calves. Barred Plymouth Uodc (Thomp son strain) and IMiodo Island Hcd Cockerels, good ones, will be offered iu this sale. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock. Lunch by Ladies of M. P. Church TERMS OF SALE:i credit of 10 mouths will be given, purolmseu giv ing approved note with 10 per cent interest. All sums under S10 cash. Part ies from a distance will please bring Into bank reference if credit is desired. C. F. HUTCHINSON, Bellaire, Kas. Bride Was Deaf. At a marriage servlco porformed Bomo timo ago in a little country church in Berkshire, when tho minis tr said in Bolomn tono, "Wilt thou havo this man to bo thy weddod Iiub band?" Instead of the woman nn Bwerlng for herself, a graft man's voice answered; "Oi will." Again tho minister looked up sur prised, not kuowlng what to mako of it, when ono of the groomsmen at tho end of tho row said: '"Er bo deaf. OI bo answcrln' for er." London Telegraph. An Editor'. Trials. People won't lovo us; wo havo Anal ly made up our mind to that Yester day wo mentlonod tho caso of a man who 1ms ono child and 'who ovory evening buys tho child an ico cream cono from a Btroot wagon. And wo montlonod how tho llvo poor chlldron across tho Btrcot looked longingly at tho fortunato child and wanted some, Up to noon today nlno mon had, clalmod that It was a "dig" at them, I arid said tho man across tho street; ( hnd plenty of money but was too stingy to buy his children Ico' cream ?onos, Atchison (Jlobo. . NUMBER K!) FAIR SERVICE is the only kind that goes with some things. V mean of course when you're going to dine. FARE AND SERVICE at this restaurunt mo both llnost in the land. See our menu isn't it ap potl.iiiK ever in reading? It's best though in tho eating. Come in and test it. The Bon Ton Bakery nnd Restaurant H. Neuerburg, Prop. BR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Ur. J. S. UMIOI1 At the old stand over the State Bank. Shenefl31i You Take Nt Risk Our Retnitatlon and Money are Back of This OTfer Wo pay for all the medicine- used during the trial, if our remedy falls . to completely relievo you of constipat ion. We take all tho risk. You aro not obligated to us in any way what ever, if you accept our offer. Could anything bo more fair for you'.1 Is there any reason why you should hesi lato to nut our claims to a tn-nntinnt I testV The most scientific, commonsenso treatment is Uexall Orderlies, which arc eaten like candy. They aro very pronounced, goutlo nnd pleasant In action, and particularly agreeable In every way. They do not cause diar rhoca, nausea, flatulence, griping or auy inconvouionco whatover. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urgo you to try Boxall Orderlies at our risk, Two sizes, 10c and 25o, Ueiuomber, you can get Boxall Reme dies In this1 community only at our store- Tho Rexall Store. Tho H 13, Kriqe prug3c. .. . - - ,, ;! Bflr f. -WW. - b.. - -JMUf ,.1 U 'l'1'llll.figy'?"WWT'' TpBii. . L