swSMTOatmswroMMMagaownwtiiMwuiaMttatii rri VAttAVi v ' wtt ,w."'.m-;V-.W.' JV '.V -...- .vv..,A,,3?'i,,aaKn jiff 1 vV f V U " ft if q i( m m m m m m m d H - w h fivi 12 n w Cr' l?i & H fevo H rl . El W P. A. Wuilbraiidf, Prob. I carry a coir-ote line of .strictly fresh Groceries, and mv prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of lir.'nwk nf canned and oackaue goods carried. All staple Groceries in m . in a Grocery htorc moro than in anything else, M Uluanilllubb buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. fi You cannot buy Groceries In n dirty, Ill-kept plaeo and bo sure j(j pure goods (JIcanllneHs'.nnd sanitation are our hobbles. : : : : G&&&&&&)&&&&&&&&&&&&$z& Lodftc and Church Directory A Charity Lodgo No. r,3, A. l and A 31. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st wd 3d Friday. It. K. Foe, V. M. A. U. Sell kin, Secretary. lied Cloud Chapter No 19. Hoyal Arch Masons meets every Socond and fourth Friday. I) W. Turnure, H. P. SI. A Letson, Secretary Cyrene Commandcry No. U.KnightB 'Templar meets every First Thursday. H. A. Letson, 13. C. D. V. Turnure, Recorder. I. O. O. P. Meets vcry Monday Night. C. II. Mule, N. U. O. C. Te.l. Cleric. RBBI3KAH Metts First and Third Thursday, In 'I. O. 0. P. Hall. Mrs. Lottie Smith, N. (J. Carria Halsworth, Secretary. IIUKTIIKKXl'IIUUCII. "Corner of Dili Avenue anil chestnut Street. 10 a. in S:libith School 11 n. ni rrrnc'lilnu :l'iI). in ClirlMluu Work i r'i- llmnl 3:00 p. in I'rcnrlilni; All arc ln lU'tl to attend. .1. !:. .1 union. Minister. (.'HACK (KPISL'Ul'AI.) CIIUHCII Kuv. .). Ml Hates, I'astor. Service the ilrst two Sundays In each (mouth. Holy Communion at morulUK services on Ui ilrht Sunday. Sunday hohool at I'J o'clock every Sunday 'Mrs. IC.Ii. Smith, erlntiu ftupdcul. Clll'UCII OI'CIUtlHT.i "In t'ltr.isTi n Ciii'itcu r.vnitv Loan's Day lillilcKchool 10 a. m. Scriiinu and Coiiiuiiiiilon 11 a. in. Christian Kndeavor tISIQ p. in. I'rcachlnc 7:30 p. in. I'ruycrH and praise, Wednesdays,. 7SI0 p. m. Seat Iree. (food music. Come, llrlngyour lllblof;, IrletnlH nnd Kood cheer. 1 I,. Aa. llUhsuMi, Minister. IIOUIISOV'SKKVICKAT M. K. CIIUHCII S.VIUIATII SKUVU'KS. Sunday School 10 A. M. Frcachlni; 11A.M. Clans nitetlns' 12 M. Kvkni.no 'Kpworth le:Kiie 7 1. M. 1'reachliiK 8 l'. M. Prayer ineelliiK Weiliusday evenliiK H I'. M Ladles AM Friday 2 I'. M. Your presence Is rcnuented and a cordial " (Invitation Is extended to all. M. T. STlt II. i it faster. 9- lUUH!s OK SIIHVICK AT C()N(,HK(i. 'I'lONALCIU'HUIl. Saiiiiatii Siaivicics. I II bl i; n.'liool 10 n, in. I'rcaclilni; 11 a. m. I'rcaclilm; services 8 p. in. Prayer and Conference meeting Wcilnes 'lay at 8 p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Hkv. A. A. CitK.ssMAN Pastor. -ivt"s Premium Hams or Bacons. imifnfeM 'SFrcsh. and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon 4-?f Cloud, Nebr 1 TU b U b t M ii ifti i W to vi l verytliin in atables li us. Only the first-class )) i to to to to to bulk at Bed-rock Prices. to to Notice to Creditors. Stale ol Nebraska, I , .,, p,.,,,.,.. c,lllr. Webster County, f n tin. count t ourt. In tlioniattcror tho estate or William II Cramer, Deceased. Notice Is hereby ntven to all persons hav lim claims anil demands analnst William II. t raiuer, late ol Welmter county, deceased, that the time llxed lor llllni; clalhis injalust said estate Is k months tromlh(riuhday ot September l!)10. All such persons are rciiilred to present their claims, with tho vouchers, to the County .IiiiIko or said county, at his olllce therein, on or beloro tlio'iMi day or March l'Jll; and all claims so tiled will bo heard boloretho nald JudKe on tho .'loth day ol March 1011, at one o'clock p. m.: and that the Kxeeutrlx Is allowed one yoar from the lllst day of August 1910, In which to pay tho debts allowed' against said estate and settle tho same. ska I. I. W. RtlSON County Judico. Order to Show Cause. Stato or Nebraska, I ,,. I,..,,.....,,- i-,.,,,, Webster County, f n thelountj Court. At a County Court held at tho County Court room In ami lor said county Jinn day, Septemlier 12th.. A. I).. I'JIO. In tho matter or the estate of .liicoli S. Helijlc, Deceased. ON readlnic and tlllni? the petition ol Fran ces V.. HeUle, Adinlnlstratrlx. praylnit lor the examination and allowance or her ilnal account, a decree ol the County Court nraiit liiK to her an allowance for the support of herhcir. assurvlvlni; widow of said .laeob S. Ilelle. ileceaseil. and the minor heirs of said decedent, durlni! the period of the adminis tration of nald estate, an assignment o In r olhiieli perDonal properly as Is allowed to In r by law as such u blow and xiich'other person la nronerlv us ins i.mmihii tn.iiut i.. i....i 111 Ills llfcUltll'. llUfl tlwlirillllir utnl ...iiitl.tt. I luu to herassueh survhim; widow, a home stead In the lauds of said decedent as prox Id ed by law. nitnmtKii, That Wednesday thcMh day of October A. f). 11)10, at one o'clock p. in., Is as. slKiied for hearlm; said petition when all persons Interested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held In and lor said county and show cause why prayer ol petitioner should not be granted; and that notice ol tho pendency ot said petition and the hearliiK thereof be nlven to all persons Interested In said matter, by puhllshltin a copy ol this order In the Hed Cloud Cliluf, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, lor three consecutive weeks prior to said day urinaria. I. W. Kiison (Ska i.) County .Indue. CATARRH . ;vo ill v a .'. ' bco 1- . -a5?P5 15EI5 Z u n cui: M Ct - - B-S-a-S r'S5?'3 'r - f HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into the nostrils le quickly absorbed. GIVES RELIEFAT ONCE. It eloansoH, soot lies, heals aud protects tho di-easeil membrane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Tato aud Smell. It is easy in use. Contains no injurious drugs. No mercury, no coenino, no mor pliino. Tho household remedy. l'rice, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New Y, PArire' IehgravihgiO KMKVL lj"fflIM3"?Bl The Chief $1.50 comma TO Red Cloud, Nebraska Tin1 einiliHiii i!i Nicmii i t. ehiolile diseases will isit oiu; eity Saturday, Oct. 1st. And will beat the Hoyal Hotel until 5 p. in., one day 0NI.1V. Dr. I'otteif president of t lie stalV of Hie Uostori Hleetro Medical Instil ut e, is intikiiir n tour of the state. He will ixive consultation. OMimliiii timi. and all I he iiiedlclucs neee.ssar.v to complete it cure I'lti'l. All parties tukiui iidvHiitiie of this oll'er ato re iiiesled to state to tlmlr frli'itds the I result of the IreiitiuiMit. ( ures l)KFNKss by an entirely now proeess. Treats all curiiblu eases of catarih. throat and Iuiik diseases, eye and ear, stomach, liver and hldtieys, gravel, rhoumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, nervous and heart disease, epilepsy, Bright' disease nnd dlsoase of the bladder, blood and skin disoases, and big neck and stammering cured. Piles and rupture cured without de tautiou from business. Asthma cured in a short time. If you are improving under your family physician do not take up our valuable time. The rich and the poor are treated alike. Idlers and curiosity seekers will please stay away. Our time is valuable. Remember, NOT A PKNNY will be charged for'the medicine required to make a cure of all those taking treat ment tills trip. Olllce hour H a. m. Positively married ladles must be accompanied by their husbands. Ro member the dato, Saturday, October 1st., at Royal Hotel. Red Cloud, Neb. Disbursements of the City. The following is the disbursements of the oity from May 4, 1910 to Spt 14, lull) us taken from the City Clerk's record: For Water & Light Repairs 8 67-.ri4 " " " Expense 32:'J.44 ' " Hxteustou 491.32 " Streets ami Alleys t245.10 " Law and Order l.T.M 0 " Mlscelleanoous 111.70 Total 85191.10 Tho above claims were drawn upon the following funds: ('euernl Fund 13 wat. S 2311.90 Klec. Light Fund 02 " 2lo3.:i2 " " Levy 1 " 131.1."i Water Fund 7 1. ITS. S3 Occupation Fund 27 lOl'il'll) 110 For I he eorresponiling S.-1'1.1() months last year the following sums were paid:' (Jeneral fund 2 war. 6 'JU.oO 1'lec Llglit fund 30 war. 'JOOIi.Da Water fund 12 war. '.VM.IY2 Oceupatioii fund IT war. 2SO."20 Firemen's fund 1 war. T0.40 82 war. S2TT0.15 For Bald Heads - A Treatment That Casts Nothing If ft Falls. We waut you to try three large bot ties of Rexall "t'3" Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you u penny if it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Ilexall "!'3' Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald heads, except where balduusshas been of such long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead, the fol Holes closed ami grown over, and the 'scalp is gla.od. Heinember. we are basing our state ments upon what has already been accomplished by the use of Ueall '.'.T Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it lias done for thousand.-! of others it will do for you. In any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on our liberal guar antee. Two .sizes, nOc. and 1.00. Hemomber, you can obtain Ho.al Reme dies in this community only at our storo-Tho Hexall Store. The II. B (J rice Drug Co. Saw the Light. "Tho Biibjoct of tips mndo in Eu rope and closoly Imitated In tho United Stato3 always furnishes some thing new to tho Atnorlcan tourist," said a man Just hack from Kuropo. "I had soma clothes made in London. Tho tailor camo to my hotel with n boy who carried his parcel, to 'havo n fit.' Ho woro u high hat and prlnco Albert coat, and but for his shoos would havo passed for well dressed. After tho fit was over and tho gar ments wero packed up ho was leaving the apartment when our English serv ant reminded mo of tho tip. I was afraid and, If I had overcome tho fear, did not know tho limit, and asked tho sorvant to perform tho oporation. When they had gono I was told: 'You want your clothos to lit, sir, don't you?' And I saw tho light." An Expert Accountant. Mrs. Newly Don't you like my now hat, dearest".' Newly Ves-s, It's all right. Mrs. Nowly Well, I bought It on your account, dear! Nowly Ycb, you usually do. Brook lyn Life. 3 1 " ; i!S WHAT COMPneHfaNSIVE GV3T. OF WATEF1WAY6 IMPROVE MENT MEANS TO FAHMER3. FIGURES TO SUPPORT FACTS On Shipments of Grain Alone the Di rect Return Would Mean $100,000, 000, and Proportionately All Other Products Would Be Affected. In a former article wo gavo facts nnd flguir-R to prove Hint, If the o linpre luualvu plfin of waterway Improve ment advocated by lln National rtlv el's and Harbors eongross wore car ried out, the direct return to the fann ers of tho country, on tho sirfglo Item of grain, would certainly bo $100,000, 000 a year nnd probably would bo more than twlco thut sum. nut gralji is not tho only Item on which tho farmers would receive a benefit. The fact Is that for the farm ersand everybody else, for that mat tor tho cost of transportation influ ences practically ovorythlng he buyB, sella, eats, wears or uses In nny way whatever, except water, nlr and Bun shine. Tho average man is inclined to laugh when told that ho pays out more for transportation thnn he docs for taxes or because of tho tariff but his laughter does not niter tho fact in the least. There are threo principal methods of transportation, the wagonway, the railway nnd the waterway, and thoro is so great a difference In tho cost of transportation by these different meth ods that it Is worth while to study the matter a little. Tho experts of the good roads bureau estimate the cost ot hauling a ton of freight one mllo by horso and wugon on tho average road In the United States at 25 cents. The cost on a thoroughly good, smooth road might be reduced to 10 cents. Poor's Manual gives 7.82 mills per ton mile as the average price received by tho railways In 1907, while tho official records kept at the Soo show that the averago rate on the freight carried Into and out of Lake Superior In tho same year was only .8 of ono mill. Facta In a Nutshell. You can better understand what theso figures menu if they are ntated In another way. They mean that If you havo u dollar to spend in shipping a ton of freight you can send It 4 miles on an average road, TO mllcB on a first-class road, 127 miles on a rail road, and 1,250 miles on a lnke vessel. It Is very easy to seo that good roads are a lot bettor than poor roads but that transportation by horso and wagon Is too costly at the best to be used except for small loads and short distances. So far as Interstate traffic is concerned the wagon road must bo left entirely out of consideration. It Is Just as ensy to see what n grent benefit would result from tho building of a i all way Into a region where thoro was nono before, and that a still greater benefit would result from so Improving a river that It Is mado i dependably nuvlgablo when It was not so before. , Wnterways Increase prosperity in three principal ways, viz: direct sav ing, indirect saving, and by what; may bo called a crcutlve effect. The direct saving Is that which occurs on g'oods actually carried by water, amlsomo facts which indlcato how great this di rect saving is, will also makp moro plain the vast difference between tho coBt of transportation by rail, and by water. Through tho Soo canal at the out let ot Lako Superior thoro woro car ried In 1007, 58,217,214 tons of freight. This was carried an averago distance of 828.3 miles nt an averago cost of .S of ono mill per ton-mile. If this had been shipped by rail at the aver age railway rato for that year (7.82 mills), its transportation would havo cost :i:i8.CP,3,rsiH more thnn was paid for its carriage by water. The total freight carried on nil lakes that yoar was. In round num bers. 100,000,000 tons. This vast ton nage was carried for ?r.r.o,000,000 loss than It would havo cost to send It by rail, and tho improvements, which pro duco a saving large enough to pny off tho natlonnl debt In less than two years, cost only $85,000,000. Proof of Good Results. Wouldn't you call that a pretty fair dividend on the Investment? And don't you think It would pay to Improve all our waterways as fast and as far as we can? "Uut," says some ono, "what reason Is there to suppose that Improved riv ers would kIvo anything like as good results as havo boon obtained on tho lnkes?" That Is a proper question and is entitled to an answer. Tho only wnterway In this country which hnB boon Improved ns a whole is composed of tho four lakes abovo Niagara Falls, but there are many im proved rivers In Kuropo. From a care ful study of tho results obtained on these rivers the army engineers esti mate that when tho Improvement of tho Ohio river Is finished, freight enn bo carried thereon for one-half mill por ton-mile. That moans that tho dollar Which will carry a ton 127 mlloB by rail aud 1.250 miles, by lako, will carry It liOOO miles by 'river. Cost of transportation will vary on different rivers with dopth, width, Hwlftnesa tof current, otc, but tho es timated cost on a completoly Improved Ohio river can bo, incroasod by CO per oont, before It will equal tho averago coat on thoilakes In 1907, and thero lav still '0. nwrgln of j nearly 400 per conk before you roach a rato one-half as high as that by rail. It will pay to lmprovo our rivers. IbSBSBSbUs'O 1 I't WrS 'SBSBSBsHH HW BH! jjtT' 'iV '2wSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBliH HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. yjy:ffiCTy-reg3r3iw. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Ne braska, as herelnalter set torth in full, Is submitted to the electors of tho Stato of Nebraska, to be voted upon at tho general election to be held Tues day, November 8th, A. D. 1910: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the Stato of Ne braska. De it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitu tion proposed.) That section one (1) of article seven (7) of tho constitution ot the state of Nebraska, tho senate concurring, be so amended as to read as follows: Section 1. (Who are electors.) Ev ery male citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this state six months next preceding tho election and of tho county, precinct, or ward, for tlie term provided by law shall be an elector: provided, that persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens con formably to tho laws of the United States and are voting at the tnklng ef fect of this amendment, mny continue to exercise the right of suffrage until such time ns they may have resided in the United States five years, after which they shall tahe out full citizen ship papers to lie entitled to vote nt any succeeding election. Section 2. (Ilnllots ) That at the general election nineteen hundred and ten (1910) thero shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to tho right of suffrage," and "Against said' proposed nmendment to the con stitution relntlng to the right of suf frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If such amendment shall he approved by a majority of all electors voting nt such election, said nmendment shall consti tute section one (1) of article seven (7) or the constitution of the State of Nebraska Apnroved Anril 1, 1909. I, Cleo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of tho state of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to tho Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska is a truo and correct copy of tho original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by tho thirty-first session of the legislature of tho Stato or Ne braska, ns appears from snid original bill on file In this olllce, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to tho qunllfied voters of tho state or Ne braska for their adoption or rejection nt the general election to bo held on Tuesday, tho 8th day of November, A. D.. 3910. - In Testimony Whereof, I havo here unto set my hand and affixed tho grent seal of tho Stato of Nohraska. Dono nt Lincoln, this 29th dny or July, In tho yonr or our Lord, Ono Thousand Nino hundred and Ton, nnd or tho Indepen dence or tho United States the Ono Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, nnd of this State the Forty-fourth. C.HOnOE C. JUNK7N, (Senl.) Secretary of State. 60 YEAKS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CoPYt'aHTB&n. Anyone sendlnc n ketch and dejorlptlon may quickly nicertnlu our opinion froo whether nn liiTeimon ts probably patcntahJA Oommunlm. Ilonoiriciiycoiinaaniiai. llHnuuuui uurnuim gout free. OMeat usency for ecurmir patents. tvtcUtt notice, without cbawe, in tin Scientific American, A liandinmelr llluitratftd weekly. I .artiest clr. .ilatlnti nf nnw aplAtitlfln lournal ....-..-. --.-' -v.--..Lrii z i.:r Torma, J a yean lour njonini, i. ooraojuiinoniuMiwi. SCnssiawHewtOr vH ' 'rtffcf"-4' HIRE ' Aft 5 I INSURANCE? Ml POLICY hiiitHiiinXiii r Dmn't Delay Ordering a Ore insurance policy from us a slngU day. Fire isn't golug to stay away because you are not In sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Havo us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. xne nre nenu may. nave your house down on the list for a visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar- ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutJExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COVLES, NEBR. m FOK SALK ItY YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Meat Market CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I A0oufV7,Vl,i,0I1.9"lC"I!3.TRR'3 IH-Cm'S.TRR'3 a :aled with C!ut(0 llI-Clllg.Tui V GOLD metallic boxes, sealed muuuii. itin, no OTusa. KriiKfttti and aik for CUM year, regarded a, CeSt.8aAlw.;rRci SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffii, EVERYWHERE orn? . J .M W.. 111LAH I, I.KVYU ,v. . . II much (illlco. i.iS I' St., Wnahlumoti. I. V.