The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1910, Image 8

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Vai ArfAs&AMraWAST'V jft,v;, &!(!fii(r&&&tst!im
4...................................... .................... ..
rrom Luciles i
I Diary j 11
"... ... .. . .... ............... .... .. .,.; f3
I 73
I . . . i
The home 6rGery
P. A. Wultbrandt, Prou.
you to do
V carry a coir- etc line of strictly fresh
.mil mv nricos arc such that it will pay
,r,,- Kin-in.r in this lino of us. Onlv the first-class
brands of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices.
j. in ndroceiy htore more than in ntiythltiK else,
Ul6unlin6SS buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness.
Vol cannot buy (Iroeeries in a dirty, ill-kept placo and be sure-
pure gooc
Is Cleatiliness'nnd sanitation are our hobble?.
Do You Want to Buy a Home. If You Do, Now is the
Time and GOLVIN & KENT'S is the place.
No. '1. A. Iiots Kt 11 l.'i and 10 in block 10, in the city of Ksbon, Jewell
-vjouuly, Kansas. I room house, barn for six horses good well, soino trees; on
Sy two" blocks from main street. Price S72.1.00.
No. S A. 200 acres 4 S miles from Guide Kook, Nebr. LIO acres under the
plow, 35 acres alfalfa, farm fenced and crossecl-fenced, 10 acres hop tight,
uomforUblcj house, large lino bam practically new, crib, sheds, lien houses,
Jiog houncs, well, mill, large cement resevoir. Abundance of water. Price
510,000. $7000.00 cash, balance mortgage to be nssumod or paid.
No. 4. A. 325 acres 170 acres under the plow, 5 acres alfalfa, hog pasture, 7
Ticre meadow, balanco pasture, well and mill on each quarter, '! story house
2x30; barn 18x30, cow barn -.'1x32, calf stablo S.v'HS. hog shod M.28, granary
crib and tool shod combined 1 1x22, grnnary, crib and wagqn shod combined
10x10; lien houso 8x11, shop 10x12, old house, 10x18 A. 12x10. liiilltlings on
tiood foundations, painted and in good condition. Price $.10 per iiore, part
No 5. A. N. E. 4 '.M-21, Norton county, Kansas; 1 miles from Clayton,
Xiis. A good iuarter of land, 00 acres under the plow, balance grass. Price
"$3M)0.00. Half cash balance time, 7 per cont interest.
No. 0. A. Hlo acres, DO in cultivation. 7 acres alfalfa. 15 aeies more sown
this snrini;. Three miles to Guide Hock, Nebr. New 7 room house, stable,
well, mill, tank, etc. Pi ice fillOo.
No. 7. A. 303 acres improved farm, 3 miles from Guide Koch, Nebr. Price
505 per acre.
No . A. Good improved bottom farm 100 acres Half good bottom land,
tfine hay and alfalfa farm.' Price S1200O.
No. '.). A. An extra good 80 acre farm: good, nearly now house, stable, well
mill, etc. Price S'15 per acre. A good one.
No. 10. A. A good improved 100 acre faun. Piicu e(I" per acre.
No. 11. A. A good 1st) acre home, part number one bottom land, good
virohard. barn, house, well, mill, tank, etc. Price 1100o.
No. Ut. A. Kino rosidencc property in Guide Hock, Nebr. Price S2G0O.
No 14, A. Nieo llttlo cot tago homo close in to main street. Guide Kock,
Nebr. Price 81200.
No. lri A. 1111 acres good grass land. $35 per aero.
No. !19 a. A tine stock farm well arrangod 100 acres 2" miles from Guide
'Kock, Nebr. Comfortable house, good crib and granary, timber enough for
farm use, 10 acres good cattle pasturo, 15 acres good hog pasture, 10 acres
of good meadow, 30 acros alfalfa, balanco under the plow. The cheapest
iiomc in the country. Only 87000 on easy terms.
No. 17. A. A flihs improved 120 acre home at 8Gr per acre.
No. 18a, A tine farm 7 miles of Uoodland, Kas., S2500. A choice farm.
No. 19a. A lino improved 80 acre farm 0 miles from Red Cloud, Neb. A
'"bargain at 85500.
No. 20. An extra 80 acre farm 1 mile from post-olllca at Guide Hock, Neb.
Vrice 1125 per acre.
No. 21a A tine 100 acre improved farm 5 miles from Red Cloud, Neb.
Price N5000.
No. 22. One of the be-t 110 acre improved, best -located little homes in
'Webster county. Nebr.. only 1 )j miles from center of Kod Cloud, the county
eat of Webster county. SI 1500. 81000 down, balance March I, 1011.
No. 2:1a. S5 acres of the best land in Wobstor county, Nebr. Good house,
well, mill, etc. Price $0000.
No. 2la. 151 vlO ncics. all bottom land, 1 miles from Guide Kock. Nebr.
10 acre-, pustule, lo aeies timber, balance under the plow, except corralls etc.
Comfortable house, barn, granarj. crib, hen house, well. mill. tank. etc.
Vrice SlO.uuti. 3500 cash. 82500 March 1st. 1011, balance lo vears time at 5'i
percent inteiest. This lurm will make you a good home, come and soo it, be
fore buying
No. 25a. A lino 171! acre home in Nuckolls county. Nebraska, all bottom
ami but about 15 acres. 05 acres tillable, and the best of soil, 10 acre- of big
tinf timber, balance pasture, good 5 room house, good barn.'UxlO. This is n
good farm well located about half way between Guide Hock and Host wide.
School across the road. Priced to sell SU5S 10. $1000 cash, balanco March I,
No. 2na. 1(10 notes of tho best land in this country or any other. 521000.00
Tho price sounds a little high. Vet if you want tho best and are able to buy
it don't fall to see this one It is a sure and safe investment. A farm that
with proper care will produce a crop every year. All the improvements need
ed, it home rviidy to occupy and lit for a king. 75 acres under the plow, is
acres alfalfa, 1 acres orchard ami grove, 100 boarlng apple trees, 25 acres
prairie hay, balanco pasture. 14 story 10 room house, barn 21x112 with leaiito
32x1 1 well, wind mill, idevated tank, stock tank, eiib room for IIOoU bushels,
rnuary loom for 1000 bushels, l hog shed -lHxS, i hog shed :12S, hay roof
-OKltle shed I0l(i. corralls etc. farm all fenced and cross fenced. SIQUD.uueiish
$1:1000.0) Miiich tst. l!)ll balance ." yeats at 7 per cont interest.
No. :i0,i. SO aeies f, miles fioin Guide lloek. Nebr.. 50 acres under plow,
15 acres alfalfa, balanco pasture, good live room house, barn, cribs, granary,
wull, null, oichard etc; schotri one mile from house Price S.ViOO.
No. .11 a. A line 200 acre rami nicely located : t miles from town, part
-crook bottom, 25 acres alfalfa, lo aeies timber, MJ acres pasture, nice orchard,
balance farm lanil. house :i2x21 A Klx.'lo, ten rooms and bath rooui. granary
2l.M, barn 212I. cow shed, well, mill, etc; farm fsuced and oross-faneeil,
railraml switch on premises for loading stock and grain, graded school at
town, district school I i miles, county seat 0', miles, a dandy stock, grain
und fruit fariu. Price 805 per acre.
No IIS. Town property consisting of U lots ono block from Main streot In
Ited Cloud. Good 4 room houso, good stable, coal shed and orchard. A line
homo in county scat of Webstor county. Price SlOOo.
No HI) Town property. Good seven room house, tine barn, coal shod,
plenty of fruit and all hinds, 0 lots, line lawn and two blocks from main st.
IVico 82500. Part timo This placo is located in lied Cloud.
Wt have many more and can suit anybody. Come and s us.
W. A. Kent, 1. B. Colvin,
Red Cloud, Neb. Guide Rock, Neb.
Notice to Credltcrs.
Hlnto of Noliraikcv, ; ti10 cnnty Court.
WelMterlonniy. I
Ik the matter ot the estate of William II
( ihiiht Urccnseil.
Votiei' In hereliy nlven to all pcisons lia
tut,' claims uu I (tciuuul'MU(:ilnl W llllam li
runic r Into of Welnter county, ilerMiM-tl
that Hie tliiic OxLtl forillliu I'lnlms Mijalnst
salil iHtnto Is six molitlii from the -Hit day of
Stpti iiiIiit luin.
All Hiicli jiiTSfitM are rc(iilrcil lo present
their eliilniM, with the oiieher. to the
County .luilic of salil eouuty, nt hU olllce
therein, on or liefore Ihe'J.Uh iliiyof March
I'.ill. and all claims so Olid will hu heard
ticf ore the kuIO Jtiilue on the :'.() 1 1 1 day of
Miirch HOI. at one o'clock p. m.; and that
tliii Kxei'iitrlx Isalloued one year from the
:ilst day of Amsust tmu. In which to pay
tho iteiitM allowed nualust "nhl clalo and
xeltlti the wuiie.
m-:i. I. . Kiwon
Ciniiilv .Indue.
Cn'tit' lo Slioif Caiisis.
siaif.'i 'Si-iirnskn, i in ,( C.Mutv ( ourl.
fiwtir i Dimly, t
At a enmity I o.irt held at llir t t.unl
Court room In and for said county Mmi
da. September IJth.. A. It.. 11110.
In the matter of t lie estate of Jacob s.
Keltic. Deceased.
on rend I n and tlllmt the petttlon of (''ran
ees I;. Iteli;le. AdtnlnlstratrK, prayltm for
the exatuluathm and allowance o( her llnnl
account, a decrie of the County ('ourt irant
Ini? to lier an allowance for tho support of
herself. assurvlvliiK widow of said .lacob S.
Itolnle. deceased, and the minor lielrn of said
decedent, durlni? the period of the adminis
tration of said estate, an asilKtinient lo her
of such peiKonal property as Is allowed to lit r
by law asKiich widow anil such oilier person
la properly as was exempt lo the decedent
In Ills lifetime, also iiNsltinlim and coullriii
luu to her as such Hiirvlslnu widow, a liomi-
stead In the lands of salddccidenl as provid
ed by law.
( iniiilil'.ii. That Wednesday the'ith day of
(ictober A. I. Ill III. at one o'clock p. in.. Is as
slu'iud for hearing said petlllou when all
persons interested In said matter may ap
pear at u County Court to be held In and for
said comity and show eauso why prajer of
patllluucr should not be uranted: and that
notice of Die pendency of said petlllou and
the liearlm; thereof bu ulven to all persons
Interested In said matter, by publlshlm; a
copy of this order In the Ited Cloud Chief, a
weekly uow.spaper printed In said comity,
for three consecutive weekn prior to said day
of hcarlut;. I. V. Kiiso.n
iSkai.) County iludue.
iK i
m mhm 7 . W
3 -
3 5 e1- a
?? ti n
can gci u a mrj fa
Applind Into tho noslrilfc
U quickly absorbed.
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho
diseased, membrane lesultun,' from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores tho Souses of Tasto and .Smell.
It is easy to use. Contains no injurious
drug's. No mercury, no cocaine, no iuor
pliiuo. Tho housohold remedy.
Price, r0 conta at Druggists or by mail. '
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wan-an St., Naw York.
, Lai
Udfte Mi Church Directory ' u
Charity Lodge No. 53, A. F. and A
M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st
and 3d Friday. R. K. Foe. V. M. A.
H. Sellars, Secretary..
lied Cloud Chapter No l!. Itoyal
Arch Masons meets every Second and
Fourth Friday. I) V. Turnuie, II. P.
II. A Lotson, Secretary
Cyrene Coniinandery No. 1 1. Knights
Templar mccU eveiy First Thursday.
II A I.etson. K. C. 1). V. Turnure.
1. O. O. F.
Meets every Monday Night. ('
Hale, N. (1. O. C. Teal. Clerk.
Meats First and Third Thursday, In
I. (). O. F. Hall. Mrs. Lottie Smith,
N. (!. Carrlo Holsworth, Secretaiy.
Swift's Premium
Hams or
ssgs NUBJIHAdit )
I fll X VOI
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds
Wm.Koon :
Mother's Htnall nnd perfectly unnec
essary household economies annoy mo
dreadfully nt times.
I said to her ono day recently that
I wished alio would have our nickel
telephono taken out and replaced by
tho unlimited service.
"Ah you nenrly always use my nick
oIm," laughed mother, "I don't see why
you should euro which kind of tele-
phono wo have. Seriously, dear, 1 1
think that If even a little money can
bo saved by usIiik the nickel phone
wo ought to do It cheerfully."
I knew It was useless to atjuie the
matter wun inoiner any lurtner at
that lime, but I did not give up the
Idea of securing tho unlimited service
I rarely abandon any plan on which
my mind Is set, for I think persistence
Is ono of tho Important elements of
strength of character.
That evening Just after dinner
Hetty called me up and asked mo to
come over nnd play cards.
"I hope you haven't any engage
ment," bIio said, "for Hob has brought
u friend homo to dinner tonight and
wo would like to have a llttlo bridge."
When I got to Hetty's I was sorry
I had taken tho trouble to change my
dress. Her Invitation was very mis
leading. I had naturally supposed
that when Hetty said Hob had brought
a friend homo she meant n man friend,
and I was greatly surprised to bo In
troduced to a plainly gowned and
quite uninteresting looking woman.
"Miss Clyde went to school with Hob
years ago and now she teaches In a
western college," whispered Hetty
while I w,t8 removing my wraps. "She
Is very bright und charming."
"Ileally?" I murmured.
As wo Joined Hob and his old friend
In the drawing room I noticed the
telephone in the hall.
"Oh, I soo you hav.o tlje unlimited
service now!" I exclaimed, "I'm try
ing to persuodo mother to havo it put
In nt our house."
"What's tho iibo?" naked Undo Hob,
good-naturedly.. "Whenever1 you feol
an excess of telephonic enthusiasm
coming on, drop In hero nnd help
yourself to our phone."
"Thnt's awfully sweet of you, Uncle
Hob," I replied. "I believe I'll avail
myself of your generosity now while
Hetty Is getting out her cards and the
brldgo table."
I slipped Into the hall nnd rung up
Mr. Owen, who has been 111 for a few
days. Ho appeared to enjoy a chnt and
we visited for quite a while. Then I
remembered that I had promised to
pass the evening at Louise Frwln's
house, so I phoned her my apologies
for not going. There were several
others to whom I wished to speak and
I wns in 'the midst of a conversation
with Arthur Knight when Hetty called
"Just n moment, dear," I answered,
considerately. Ignoring her petulant
"Now, you are surely through," Het
ty said, coming into the hall a few
minutes later. "Hob's fuming for our
"Poor Unclo Hob!" I laughed. "He'll
have to bo patient a llttlo longer, for
I'm waiting for a Iong-dlstanco call."
Betty loft mo without another word,
and In a minute more I was listening
to tho volco of Wlsnor Lee, whom I
had been lucky enough to catch at the
hotel in' Cleveland where he la just
now. I told him about the new tennis
club that somo of our crowd are or
ganizing and I asked his advlco about
the kind of racket I should buy. Wis-
nor Is such a devoted tennis player
that he forgets all about timo when
ho Is discussing his favorite game. As
ho was so thoughtful about tho racket,
begging tho privilege of choosing tho
ono for me, I had not tho heart to
break off tho conversation.
It was rudely Interrupted by Unclo
Hob, who asked mo with uncalled-for
sharpness it I was "going to talk to
that chap all night."
"Of course not," 1 said "What timo
Is It?"
"It's exactly 10: IS o'clock."
"Mercy! I n.,ist go homo at once!"
I exclaimed.
"Why, wo harn't had any bridge,"
protested Hetty, "and 1 wns going to
make a Welsh rarebit, Lucllo."
"Well, I'll stay for a weo bite of tho
rarebit," I conceded. "Then I must
fly. You know how mother dislikes
having mo remain out Into."
Uncle Bob was extremely taciturn
all tho way homo. In fact, so short
and gruff wero his rcmnrks that I was
sorry I had bothered to go to his
house. I have not seen him slnco that
evening, but yesterday he told mother
that u large bill hnd como In for long
distance telephoning which he thought
1 would want to pay out of my allow
ance. When mother spoko to mo
about It I said that I was simply as
tonished nt Undo Hob.
"Why, ho Invited mo to uso his
phono any time," I told hor.
"But ho didn't expect you to talk to
Cleveland for over an hour," said
mother. "I do wish, Lucllo, that you
had not abused his generosity It
makes me very uncomfortable whon
you displease your Unclo Hob."
"Well, mother," I remarked, "If you
would allow mo to havo tho unlimited
servlco put In n llttlo unpleasantness
Hko this would novor hnppon."
Mother Just sighed In that martyr
Hko way of hers,
Tho mon havo como today to chango
our phono. It will bo n great comfort
to havo tho unlimited servlco.
- HH' 14
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution or the State or Ne
btaska, as hereinattcr set torth in I.;!!,
Is submitted to the electors of tne
State of Nebraska, to bo voted upon at
the general election to be held Titos
day, November 8th, A. 1). 1910:
Section ono (1) of Article seven (1) of
tho Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Be it enacted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. (Amendment constitu
tion proposeil ) That section ono (1)
of article seven (7) of tho constitution
of the state of Nebraska, .the senate
concurring, he so amended as to read
ns fo!!ow3:
S'ution 1. (Who arc doctors.) Ev
ery male citizen of the United States,
of the ago of twenty-one years, who
shall havo boon a resident of this state
six months next preceding the election
nnd of the county, precinct, or ward,
for the term provided by law shall bo
an elector; provided, that persons of
foreign birth who shall havo declared
their Intention to becomo citizens con
formably to the laws of the United
Stnte.s and are voting at the tnklnc; ef
fect of this amendment, may continue
to exercise tin1 right of suffrage until
siith time as they may have resided In
'!( t'nited States five years, nfUrj
which thev shall take out full citizen
ship papers to lie entitled to vote at
any -succeeding election.
Section!!. (Ballots) That at the
geninl election nineteen hundred and
ten (1010) there shall be submitted to
tho electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing pro
posed nmendment to the constitution
relating to tho right of suffrage. At
such election, on the ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed amendment, shall be written or
printed the words: "For proposed
amendment to tho constitution relating
to the right of suffrage," and "Against
said' proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of suf
frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If such
amendment shall be approved by a
majority of all electors voting nt such
election, said amendment shall consti
tute section one (1) of nrtlcle seven
(7) or the constitution of the State of
Apnroved Anrll 1, 1009.
I, Oeo. ('. .lunkln, Secretary of State,
or the state or Nebraska do hereby cor
tir.v that the foregoing proposod amend
ment to tho Constitution of tho Stato
of Nobtnska Is a true and correct copy
of the original eni oiled and engrossed
hill, as pnubcd by the tblrtj-llrst session
of tho legislature of the Slate of Ne
bnwha, ns appears fiom said original
bill on lllo In this olllce, and that said
proposed nmendment Is submitted to
tho qualified voters of tho stato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to bo held on
Tuesday, the Sth day of November, A.
D.. 1010.
In Testimony Whereof, I havo here
unto set mv hand and alllxed tho great
seal of the Stato of Nebraska. Dono
nt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, in tho
year of our Lord, One Thousand Nino
Hundred nnd Ton, and or tho Indepen
dence of the United States the Ono
Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of this
State tin- Fojty foutth.
Don't Delay Ordering
n fire insurance policy from us a
singla day. Fire isn't going to
stay away becatiae you are not in
sured. In fact, it seems to pick
out the man foolish enough to bo
Have us issue you a policy to-day.
Don't hesitate about the matter.
The tire fiend may have your
house down on the list for a visit
this very night.
Reliable Insurance.
We Carry Funeral
Furnishings in Stock
and answer calls day
or night. Have ar
ranged to secure the
services of Albright
Brothers on Short
Notice withoutjExtra
Charge to Patrons.
Red Cloud,
t- . ..
Secretary of State.
TiJ'sjr 5rt-
fVX 'hzfy
I YimJ0mfl I
Trade Marks
Copvtghto &.C..
A woman Is extolled for her vlrtuea
and aflnrM fo- l"r vo-'-.noFaos
Anrono npnrtlni: n ultctrh nnd description mar
i(nui nsrertnlii our opinion fruo nliotliur n
liiYeiitlcm la I'rolinbly PftciitMiln. roniimiiilra.
tloiisulrlcllreunlliloiitUI. HANDBOOK on I'Meiiti
out froo. clitmt ngencr fui-Bocuriiifrpiitoiin.
rutenta takmi tfirmiuti Muim Si IV receive
tptcial notice, irltliout clmrgo, In the
Scientific Hmerican
A hiindiomelr lllnitrtii! weektr. IiruMt clr.
dilution of nnr bcIooUDo Journal. Tornn, i a
our, Bold bvall nonBdea en.
4 ' r!UHN &Co.301s,rnad-'-Wcw Yor
. . !ilucL Ollivu ir I' ft.'ifliil (',
Tho 4f Avenue Mont Market
v- J.V
jj,i,h in urn nndA
sealed with Bluet lS
OTHEn. Iluy oFy.urV
Ak jour llruftdtt for CIII-CHnS-TBR'S
uinrfiutiu linAril 1'
Gold metallic boxes,
Klbbon. TAKB NO
uruRRiti ana mii rur GIII-CllKB.Tr.KH
imauonu ii it AN I'U.i.h, for twentT.flw,
years reBoriled ns Best.BaiWt, Alwayj Reliable.
I'. m 'HD'iXMi; iJiLMuWl
Fimlni'iii',i Ji i frfrw