The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1910, Image 3

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''" VI
Scckc Mrs. Wellington 1b a stun
ninK woman, Isn't she?
Weeks I should think so. She- hit
wo with her nutomohllo tho other day,
nnd It was two lionrs beforo I woko
Speaking of Fires.
Itoy Hone, a brother of United
States District Attorney Hnrry Hone,
wvornl yeniB ago wai n reporter on
tho Wichita TJencon. In going to u
flro one of the members of the tiro de
partment wur thrown from u hose
enrt nnd killed. Pone wrote a, head,
with this as tho llrpt deeli: "Oono to
His Last Fire."
Tho ploco got into the paper nnd
Mono was promptly "fired."- -Kansas
City .Tournul.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of thb paper will be pleveri to Irani
th&t there In at oiia dreaded iltwaw) that prirnra
bu been nolo to cure la all Its staara, anil that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrl) Cure U the only poeitlre
euro now known to (lie mnllral fraternity. Catarrh
beliw ii conirtltntlonal dlaeaw. rrqiilrra a ronMltii
tlnnal treatment. Hull's ("March Cum Ik taken In
ternally, artlnir directly upon tho blood nnd mucous
mjrfoer of the system, thereby itMtroylnc the
foundation ot tlic dl-.asc. and clvlns the patlrnt
vtrcftRlh by building up tbs constitution and aMlst
liur nature In'dolwt Its work. Ilio proprietors ha
o much futlh m Its curative powers that they oOer
One Hundred Dollars for any cane that It I alls t.
cure. Nend for list of trstlmonUH
Addrrns I'. J. CHHNIt V A CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by all DrucElsts. TSc
Talc Uall's l'amlly ruts for conitlpatloa.
Misdirected Energy.
"How did tho street car company
renno to lire thnt old conductor? I
thought ho had u pull?"
"Mo did; but ho didn't tine it on tho
nipli register." Christian Advocate
Good for Sore Eyes,
for 100 years PKITIT'S FA'K KALVK has
potiit:ly cured eyi; ilifen.pi. otorvwhorp.
All druggists or Howard J5ios.,Uuffa1o,N.Y.
Keep your face always toward the
RunBhlnn, and tho shadows will fall
behind you.M. D. Whitman.
l.icwis' Rinslc Hinder riRar. Orifinnl
Tin Foil Jsinokcr Package, .ro btntight.
Tho gentleman cxIstH to help; ho
hat. no other vocation. -T. T. Mungor.
r)r. riere'B plensant reliefs euro ronntlpMlon.
rmnatlpaiion Is tlm emivnf many illv-uin turn
tho eano and jrou uro llio dUeum. livsjr to lake.
There Is genius and power in per
sistence. Orison Swett Mnrdcn.
It is a sure sign of some
inward weakness when
the appetite commences
to lag and you have that
"don't care" sort of feel
ing at meal-time. It is
something that needs im
mediate attention, for
neglect only brings on
more trouble and often a
long illness. Restore the
appetite and keep it nor
mal by the use of Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters. It
is for Poor Appetite, In
digestion, Dyspepsia,
Costiveness and Malaria.
hapnboS12sco SHOES
nigra $2.00, $, $3.00, 53.50, $4.00, $5.00
WOMEN'S (2.60, 3,3.50, 54
BOYS' S2.00, 52.50 &, 93.00
Theynre absolutely the
most popularand bestshocs
for the price In America.
They are the leaders every
where because they hold
their maps, lit oetter,
look better and wear Ion
ger than other makes,
'fhev are tosltlvelv the
most economical shoes for vou to bu V. W. L.
Douglas name and the retail price aro stamped
on the bottom value guaranteed.
cannot eupply you write (or Hall Order C&uloc
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mat.
Salts and Castor
aj bad stuffnever cure,
11 only makes bowels move be
cause it irritates and sweats them,
like poking finger in your eye. The best
Bowel Medicine is Cascarets.
Every Salts and Castor Oil user should
get a box of CASCARETS and try
them just once. You'll see. e&i
Cmcarets 10c box welt' treatment.
All drmnrf'tB. lllecent seller In tho
world -million boxes a month.
KUI'I'KIIKHH wndlnir Ulmo tn I'rof. K.-llyHi In-Mlliilonril.iitlln(t,Alliii.rnp)llH,Uiinni,v.lllrfi-lTC
wi!RI2J2W2l Thompson's Eya Water
Many Americans Abroad This Season
1 1 & I lcSfK0" SECM)
LONDON. The American season In
London, Paris nnd Hcrlln lu the
best since tho three golden yenrs pre
coding the panic of 1907. Tho hotels
of all the cnpltols of Kurnpo are
thronged with well-to-do Americans,
who are spending money with tho tra
ditional lavlshness that pleases the
hotelkeopers and shopkeepers every
where. Kuropo hits learned that not all
Americans aro millionaires, nnd so it
Ih that less Is heard each year of ex
tortion and attempted extortion. Amer
ican tourists, too, seem to have lenrned
the ropes and they know Just where to
go to get the most for their money.
Comfortable new hotels thnt charge
reasonable prices have been built In all
the capitals of Europe within the last
five years and In Pnrls. London, Berlin,
Homo nnd Vienna, now hotels Invnrla
bly have ninny baths, while come that
appeal to the wealthier visitors have
suites with baths that are as modern
ly luxurious ns anything Now York
can offer. Whnt with comfortable and
reasonable priced hotels, with express
trains with dining cars attached con
necting all the cnpltals, Americans
find traveling In Kuropo nowadays
Home for Drunkards' Wives Is Closed
nrnr AlNT NO1
nDiiMfc fU?rVc',
vvivr joj
MtH UU1 I Mji
KANSAS CITY, Kan. The home
founded by Curry Nation, tho Kan
sas "Joint smnsher," In this city as a
refuge for drunkards' wives, will prob
ably bo closed and the property re
turned to Mrs. Nation. The reason
Is, there are not enough wives of
drunkards In the largest city of Kan
sas to warrant tho continued opera
tion of a refuge for them. Mrs. Na
tion has requested of tho Associated
Charities, the organization which Is
managing the home, that the proper
ty bo deeded back to her.
Tho homo has accommodations for
40 women but there aro no drunkards'
wives in It now. The Associated Char
ities is using It ns a home for unfor
tunate and homeless women. About
fifteen now occupy the home.
Peter W. Cioebel. president of the
board of directors of tho Associated
Charities, admits that the homo Is a
falluro as far as being a place for the
The Busy Money Changers of New York
rW&& .SPEND ANV iWlf r.rMr1
NI3W YORK. Four big hanks In
the Wall street district of New
York elty resemblo the great gold
mines of tho west In one (striking
feature. They have three eight-hour
shifts of tollers, nnd tho work never
stops. One sot takes up tho routine
whero tho other leaves off. All night
long, Sundays nnd holidays, a Btaff
of men In each of these Inuiks In
busy opening thousands of letters,
sortlnKnnd listing Innumerable checks
and drafts that represent fahuloim
sums ot money, and getting them
ready for tho tiny force, which Is the
only ono tho public comes In contact
with or over hears about. If this
work were not carried on Incessantly,
tho banks would soon be overwhelmed
with a mountainous accumulation of
Two shifts -the "scouting force," as
they call themselves work between
flvo o'clock in the afternoon and nine
Aged Ice Regarded Safe for Health
7 AOHt
PHILADBMMIiA. Tho Natural Ice
Association or America, including
dealers In natural Ice in Philadelphia,
has begun n "campnlgn of education"
to inform tho public that aged Ico Is
freo from bacteria.
Bacteria are the llttlo wlgglers In
water that get Into tho Insldos of pco
plo and ofton glvo them typhoid, dlph
thorla and other diseases. A quart of
water contains a million or t"o of
theso bacteria. Some of them, not nil,
aro dangerous to health.
Hut tho natural ice men say and
thoy produco scientific argument to
support their assertions that al
though -tho bncterla nro frozen Into
tho lco when tho wnter congeals, they
are killed off so rapidly thnt lu 24
, wmm jj
sC-4t.?nis-i v
g-Ty-?y-. V '$
I I.. I
A, j." . -r - .---'a-.l:
much more simple nnd comfortable
than It was IB years ago.
l.on.'mn holds itself rigidly nlool
from rivalry with the great cities of
tho continent. ' permits Herlln nnd
Paris to boast of thnlr attractions In
order to lure the American tourist;
for Itself, It seeniH content to say:
"Here 1 am, the greatest city In tho
world, with unrivaled museums and
picture gnllcrles, not to mention
tailors and dressmakers. Como nnd
ran mc Ii you want to, but If you don't
want to well, I dare say 111 get along
without :tu."
Hcrlln and Paris now are In open
competition. Herlln thinks It Is a
more fascinating city than Pnrls and
It Intimates thnt its night life Is far
and away more alluring than Paris'.
Pnrls, despite the moderncss of Her
lln nnd Its nocturnnl brilliancy, con
tinues to be the Mecca of Americana,
men and women.
The sent-on, both In london and
Pnrls, this year hns been marred by
nlmost constant rain. In Iondon n
cold rain fell dally for almost three
weeks from tho middle of .June. The
weather was so chilly that newly nr
lived merlcnns were compelled to
wenr henry overcoats and wraps.
Paris, too. hns been rnlny and cold,
and shopkeepers and restaurant keep
ers complain bitterly of the effects of
the cold upon their trade.
Thanks to the American Invasion
with Its train of gold, Parisians havo
reason to be fairly glad they are olive.
housing or drunkards' wives.
"That Is the 'distressing' condition
that exists." Mr. (loebel said. "Thoro
Is no uso In denying It. We cannot
tlnd drunkards' wives to live there
"Mrs. Nation hns asked that we re
turn the home to her. The members
of the board of directors differ as to
whether or not this should bo done
She has ngreed to pay us for what re
pairs and Impiovcmonts have been
made at the home and at present the
association needs tho money that
would bo thus received for other
branches of work. At our next meet
ing we will finally determine what
stand to take concerning holding or
releasing tho property."
Mrs. Nation wishes the home re
turned to her so that It may bo sold
and the proceeds of its snlo used In
the construction of a homo for boys
which she Is building in Oklahoma.
In 1002 she bought the property,
which war. the homestead of C. N.
Simpson, one of the pioneers of Kan
sas. Mrs. Nation secured most of tho
$4,000, which she originally paid for
the pvoperty, from the sale of tho
email souvenir "Carrie A. Nation
hatchets" which she 'nnd her friends
sold for 2.1 cents
tho next morning. Kach hank has a
big drawer In tho general post ofllce.
Messengers clear this of Its letters
every hour all night long. Three thou
sand letters a day Is the average mail
of one of theso largo banks. Two
thirds of It comes In during the night.
Theso letters. In the rase of one of
the biggest of theso banks, contnin
from IlG.OOn to 40,00.) cheeks and
drnfts. At times theso InclosureH rep
resent as much ns $30,000,000. Hare
ly does the total fall below $20,000,000.
Tho letters are opened as fast as
thoy are received, the cIiccKh are
counted, nnd tho totnls verified with
the footings of the lists. Tho letters
aro then stnmpcd, which shows that
they have been "proven In," nB the
banks call it. After that they are
turned over to tho clerks who send
out tho formnl acknowledgments of
tho remittances thoy contain. Tho
various cheeks nro assorted accord
ing to the numbers of tho books In
which thoy nre to bo enterod and
othorwlso; the sight drafts are
grouped according to tho routOB of
tho bank's messongorB, and nil Is made
ready for turning tho night's accumu
lation over to tho day force, so It
may be handled by It as expeditiously
as possible.
hour 90 per cent, of them nre dead,
nnd within a few weeks the Ico Ik
sterile absolutely free from bacterial
life of any kind.
Ono Philadelphia natural Ice dealer
said recently: "Natural Ice is cut In
December, Jnnunry and February.
Seventy per cent, of It Is used between
Juno nnd September, when It Is nny
where from sixteen to twenty weeks
old, nnd when tho bacteria aro frozen
In It, and have been without air, mo
tion, warmth and food from four to
llvo months."
A paper recently sent out with the
Indorsement of tho national body of
natural Ico dealers Fays:
"The buyer of Ico should really be
as anxious to obtain, and the dealer In
naturnl Ico as quick to ndvertlse, that
ho sells old Ice, as tho green grocer
Is to seek trndo on tho strength of tho
I freshness of his tomatoes or peas, and
tho butter and egg man on his now
laid or freshly mndo products. Old lco
1b puro Ico, stcrllo Ice, free from bac
teria harmful or helpful."
Scotsmen Objected to Mixture of Good
Whisky nnd Religious Con
versation, Owen Sennuin. editor of Punch, was
the principal guest at n dinner of the
London Authors' club recently, which
was followed by a discussion on
"Humor." Mr. Seaman began with a
story deprecating the spoiling of a
good dinner by any discussion at all.
There were tluee characters In the
story a bluebottle and two Scots
men. The story at once struck a note
of probability by showing the Scots
men drinking whisky. The bluebottle
buzzed on the pane; otherwise si
lence reigned
This wiib broken by one of the
Scotsmen trying to locate the blue
bottle with zoological exactitude. Said
the Kcotsmnu:
"Sandy, I'm thinking If yon tly Is a
blrdlo or a beast le."
The other replied: "Mnn, don't spoil
good whisky with religious conversa
"Our buby when two months old
was Buffering with terrible eczema
from head to foot, nil over her hotly.
Tho baby looked Just like n skinned
rabbit. Wo were unable to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to bo a few
mattered pimples. They would break
the skin and peel off leaving the un
derneath skin red ns though it were
scalds. Then u few more plmplcB
would nppenr and spread nil over the
body, leaving the baby all raw without
bkln from head to foot. On top of her
head thero appeared a heavy acnb u
quarter of au Inch thick. It was aw
ful to see ho small a baby look as she
did. Imagine! The doctor wns afraid
to put his hands to the child. Wo
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then we decided to try Cutlcuro.
Hy using the Cutlcura Ointment we
softened the scab and It came off. Un
der this, whero the renl matter was,
by washing with tho Cutlcura Soap
and applying the Cutlcura Ointment,
n new skin soon appeared. We also
gnvo baby four drops of tho Cutlcura
Ilesolvcnt three times dnlly. After
threo dayB you could see tho baby
gaining a little skin which would peel
off and heal underneath. Now tho
baby 1b four months old. She is a flno
picture of a fnt llttlo baby and all
Is well. We only used ono cake of Cutl
curn Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
ment and ono bottlo of Cutlcura He
fiolvcnt. If people would know what
Cutlcura Is there would be few suffer
ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss
mann, 7 St. John's Place, Uldgewood
Heights, N.Y., Apr. 30 und May 4, '09."
Tho Private Citizen A general Ihib
an easy tlmo after the.wnr Ib over.
Tho General Not for very long,
though. You soon have applications
for your autograph and Invitations to
Conductor Thrown Down 25 Foot
Ocorgo Hnhn, C. & N. W. conductor,
Arbor Ave., Went Chicago, 111. nnys:
"1 was thrown from a cur down a 2!i
foot embankment nnd my kldnoyn
wero badly bruised. Kidney trouble
developed nnd for ti
wholo year, I wok un
nblo to work. I suf
fered ngonlzln; paints
In my back and tho
k 1 d n o y secretions
woro in torrlblo con
dition. My vitality
Krndunlly dlmlnlHhcd
und tho doctor's treat
ment failed to help. When In denpnlr
i began with Doan'n Kidney Pills nnd
fcoon imj roved. Continued uro cured
mo and ut present my henlth Ib ex
cellent." Iiemembor the name Donn'B.
FVir sulf by all dcnlorn. 50 contB n
box. FoBtcr-Sillburn Co., Huff-i!o, X. Y,
Worth Remembering.
"Ono of tho delecntcH to tho conven
tion of the Nccro Hutdncss Men'a i
lenguo lu New York wan worth I
"Hero's n pointer for the colored
"'B have It."
"Thnt delegate didn't make hlc
money shooting craps."
No ovll dooms ns hopoloBsly except
tho ovll wo lovo nnd dosiro to licop In,
nnd ninko no fffort to OBcnpu from
OcorBo KHot.
Truth, llho cork, will bo uppermost
at ono tlmo or nnothor, though Ucpt
down In tho water - Innnc Taylor
Color wore ooodi brlohter nd tailor catori linn
Veu csn ijt in; gannenl wllhoul rlnplng aoail. W.'.t
Local Enterprise.
Tourist -Why do you call this n vol
cano? 1 don't hello vo It has had a l
eruption for u thousand years!
(itilde Well, the hotel mautigers In
this region club together and keep n
lire going In It every ear during tie?
fii'iison.- Meggendoifer lllaetler
Kitlth Is not u blind, Irrational asset,
but an Intelligent reception of tho
truth on adeipiato giouuds.--Charles
t;i AiirircnnuuK
. 1-
linfterlnit cough, hrt.nchitis, or bleeding at tho lungs, it will bring about
euro in 98 per cent, of nil cases. It is n remedy prepared by Dr. Ii. V. Pierce,
of UuflVilo, N. Y., whoso advice 1$ glveu free to all who wish to writo him. lll
great success has como from his wide experience and varied practice. , m
Don't be wheedled hy n penny-grubbing dealer into taking inferior substi
lutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to bo "just good." Dr.
Pierco'a medicine arc oh known composition. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made (rain rootn without alcohol. Contain no habit-1
forming drags. World's Dispcnisry Medical Association, UufTalo, N. Y.
Lnn.I nnlxn nml hotnrhtrnil rntrlet IncroaHliiK. No renxiitlon In mtmtiont Kolnff from Unit
Htntrs. Wnndrrfnl niirtiliilllri rrnmln for thono who Intcml innklnK Cimadiv ttirlr lioinr.
Krw.llMrlctn Ih'Iiic oponoil up for luMtlflmcnt. Huny fiirimrH will nrt, tlilnyrar, $10 to S13 p.'r
arm from their whriit crop. AU tho adTiintart of nlil Hettlnl countries urn there. 'Uol
m'IhkiIh, chnrrhr i, aplrmllil innrkrtH, rxcrllrnl iiillwiiy facllltlrH. Hco the tfriiln eiullill at t)i
.Urtiyrnt Hlatc unil m)tnr ot thr Oiunty f alrn.
Itlora nlniltnr Ut tho tnllowlnif are rrrlvrd rvry .lny, trHtlfylni; to ftatlfmitory
ronilltl.iiik; other .lltitrlntH nro im fmnralily rpokrn nt;
Mntdrton.i, Hnkk., tanitiln, Aiik.MIi, 1910.
"Mf pnr.'ntft rnn... Imrn fnuit t'4Hlar 1-ulU. Inna.
four irariHiiti, Hint wimho wnll pt.ap.Mt nllli IhU
.iiinlrr thpy pnttotiM'nrrt'Alonn for hi". 1 lian
IuUi-ii npu liimiratnil nusr Uirni, iinitnin prrrrcllr
MitUtlrd toMoplivrv." Lxoimnt IKmnluh.
HK'ltlrr, Alb.rtn. .Inly SlRt. IVin.
"Wr-ll I rut nn hrrn fnmi I or.-Mt'llr. lonn, Inm.
HjirlUKln K'nxt nliapn vrlth lli Murk und itvrrytliliiti.
Nun I li.iti pit t wo li'ir' hnck In Inwn ). I, unit I
inn k'"lntf luirk tlirnnntr nooii in k.'I tlipin nml nn
e.lhiTinr up liiT" thin full. What I would llkn to
know U, If thTiilH nny rli.incn to gvt n rlinp ram
Imrk nvn'ii. nnd nlirn wn return lo Cunrtila 1 will
ciilai iiiirt!lt'i forinr riirtllli'ntii.i,"
Vnun. trill), II. A. Wlk.
Ilniliicrd, Minn . Antr. lot, l!lt).
"I nin Eiilnr to Cinmln n ncik from Unlay niul
Int.'mi i.i mult., my lioiunilDT.'. My liunhiiml linn
Ini-n llii'fnhli i'i'lnrnl In null (iIimmiI Willi lli'i
rouiuiy mi Im wiinii nm lo itinii. in. hiKin nnHi
ltil.. Iln Ill.-it nn ii .'liiliii ni'iir IxiiiiIIpi, Hfl'k., unit
by )il ili-scrlpt Inn of ll It ii.usl Ijinl prrlly pluco.
Snul for lltoriitmi' ami iihIi tlm loonl rniiinllan flovcrmnciit AfrnitH for ICJCUrnlon Ilntes,
lx-t illHti'lrtH In whli h to l.ii'iiti', nml wliwi to go.
W. V. DENNETT, 801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska
The ONLY Guaranteed
HLW 50O Big
rfllusisssslsBl 's
Desnoyers "SIX MONTHS" Shoes
Guaranteed for Full Six Months' Wear
Weaenrt way toHwUrrrlnn.l nn1 Franrn fnrthn lil.lfH rom which wo maVe Hume
hhm-H. Our HwIhhox Holes nrn from hwiurrluml hldei. Tho tippfra are from P.trN
rnln. Thrno hlili'n cont twlre us much an orillnary hl.ln, but they uro the totihet
und iM-at raw materlnlH proourahle,
Wnnilerf nl woarltiu; qualltlva aro nAAt t to the If ather nnd It In mndo perfectly water
proof and tlextblo throiiRb our neoret taunliif; procesa. Wo tiao Army Buck llnlnga thnt
I'ONt tlcn an much oh ordinary lliilnRH. Tlio uppera aro miweci together by lock atltch
uiachlnra, ualuir tho very hlttbeat grade silk threud.
Lightest Neatest Most Stylish
Our "HI HnnttiH Hhoea" not only haxn we nrlngqualltlr that will Hiirprlao thehnrdest
aline wearer on earth, but the havo a beautiful utyleuuit IIiiIhU thnt will delight the moat
pnrtlculur dresaer.
Ol if Uf cittern fSnapantaa " cither Urn boIi-h or upper wear out within
WUlWri llll UtUaral I IBB inr uiontha we nunv to f urutlh imcw p.tli
of f.hnes entirely freo of chariro. If either tlm aolca or uppera during tho llftn
inniitli wn agree to refund JJ.IKJ iu caah. If rlthnr tho nolea or upper weur out during tho
hlxlh month wo agree to refund fl.UO tn dull, Inotiier worda, If tlit'o uhnea uhould not
gli' full nix montha' wear wo refund more than tlm proportion they fall ahort.
Your dealer will malts any redemption according lo our guarantao. You don't Iibto
to, and to the factory or deal with stransars.
Send for Dealer's Name and Style Book-fj;
.hoe, MialnesH shoe or work alioe, yon will find tho beat ntyle and beat vulnea In a Dehiioy
era' "Mix Montha" blioc Ueud poBtai forstyla book and uume of our dealer luyour town.
1 Desnoy
ers Shoe Company.
any other Ore One 10c packago colors all fitters.
lor free booklet-How to Dje.Qlucri and UUColru,
Tho best investment possible is a
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 38-1910.
Do You Feel This Way?
Do you feci nil tired out ? Do yoti sometime
think vou iust cnti't vtork nnny nt your prafus-l
i.j a 11 t . 1
ion ur irauc nny longer r ". yiui a ywr mo
tile, and lay nwnkc nt nititA unnblo to nlccp? Aro
vtrur nerve all rfouc, nnd your utotnach too? Hat am
bition to fordo ahead in tho world left you? If bo, you
might an tvcll put n stop to your misery. Yoti can do it if
yttu will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual. It will ict your lory liver
to work. It will set thing ririht in your stomach, und
your appetite will como back. It will purify your blood.
If there is nny tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer nway. Kven offer con
umntion lias almost tfaincd a foothold in tho form ol a
The Rayo Lamp is a filch grade lamp, sold at a low price. an. Innips t lint cn tnoro. lint tli'rnln uttM'ttt.rlaMmmnilnnl.iinr
I'rloo. (ViiiMriictrrt tit Holld brast; tilcknl pl.tto1 cbpIIj koitclrnn;nn
oninmpiit losny room In iinr tnao. Tliiwln nothing known to ttm nrt
.if lamp making thiUcanaiiatnltinTnlunot the HA Y()I.nmpimllliU
inrlptf iIhtIi-1., Kmry itrnlur .iTrrywIiiTfi. It not at jours, wrlto tor
Ocwtllillrcrlrvnlartoltiii iirnrcntnsriior nf tlin
1910 CROPS
Wheat Yield in Many Districts Will
Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere
Myomttirr-lii'law, Mr.KmnkJ. Zlnimnr,llTMitlmm
an J It wan tlirouifli liliu t hut wo itccldrO to local u In
Cunadu " Voiintnily,
Mm. lUchard Henry Ublnccr. j
Taylnm h'nlln, Minn., Ann. 7, I'.'IO.
"lihallaotoCnumMntlilH Kail wllhniy cnlllcun.l
lifiiini'liiilit it'Mxln. I mil a iwnir rrop hum lliln jcur
nndniy lirotlior-ln.nw,AiiilNiirtlalnunlnCHiiiri.n,
wantn im. lo r.imo lliom. Iln fonniirlr ll-.l In
Wlltnn, Ninth llukotii, i am irnlni; lo Imj or laki.
Iiiiiniiii.inil I ni'l tlirro. bnt I do nut want, to, forltuki.'lHn'Si
wont uboui tho .'.juntry, ami want to chI jonrlowj
im.'." Yunmlnilr J
1'utur A. NcIjuii. I
Vcnta. Minn.. JuIt Jlih.lBlO
"I wrnt to (nnniln nlnn riiim auo anil link uim
qmirlrr Ki'.ilmi of rullnuil land und a lioiunitrad.
hut my bnin Imvn nnvrr laki-n nn any land yrl, i
Mill Imlil tin. rallrikid Innd. I had to roim. hark to
Ihi'diiiii'Miii nri'oniitof my In'ullti. I'lpari. let m
know ut onto If I cuii Kelt tiurhrapmiin tol'oiiuka,
Allwrta." Yoiire truly, .
Uoo. IMikowllj, J
Vcala, Minn. 1
on Earth! "
Men Fighting Our Plan
We have startled the nation with our Six Months' Guaran
tee odor on dhoesl Never before havo shoes been sold
under a written, money-back guar.inteel Never before
has it been possible to mako a shoo ool enough to
back such a guarantee. Shoo manufacturers' enor
mous Belling expenses has prevented it,
1 1?) Our plan nhnl tern tin- Hysteui thnt rnbH th pub-
no 01 v l v.. 01 1 1 in in nin lam! rar ii.u.AS,ui.Jiii!b
U bcliiu Hpont on hlh'h-Halnrleil Lravelluy; ineii
nnd tlu'ir ontluinlltli cxpciim-H.
Wn hnrn iloim uwiiy with thin wholrnalo wnntc
of moiii-y. Wo nell .llri-ot to uValeru by loiter,
nnd nmUi) 2-crnt ntnmpH do tho work -of iiiiIvh
mm. Tlie of dollam nnved lmn lirn
eponton hlh (friulo foreign lputhera imi othrr
quality iiiutcrialH thnt otlii-ra xan'X nlTnr.l.
Tbnt'a why "Hlx Mouthu" sbocu CAN bo guar
anteed. 2231 Pino St., St. Louis. Mo.
Keeps the spindle bright nnd
freo from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
They due In cold water better than any other die.
MOHROE DRUG CO., Qulncy, lllinolli
i!S!jgj?aia2gj!!! ricinmnnrinirhiiixri.r
sWiMiri innrf i i-