' I y d I I li. y -- HNlorfo.1 Soi.lt.tr VOLUME XXXV III. aL'HL. j.-jwc- -t a A Newspaper That filvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Ench Ycnr For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Stil'THMKEIi 15. li)10. NUMBER :J7 Wo Novor Turn Our Bivck on :v deseivlng customer's request ifit be a reasonable one, nwr do we allow spider webs to grow in our olllces. e are an Up-To-Date Bnk In oveiyihing that pertains to the Hanking business, and we solieit your nci'ouut beeause we know that we w ill givo you a service that will be to your advantage. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florence, Cashier. DIRECTORS: - B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. WeA Si,'?fvpf!fjS5f 53 1 ' LESTER Old time society met with Mrs. Chas. Frisbie. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Rasser spent Sunday at John Holcombs. Mr and Mrs. L. P. Albright Sun dayod at his sister's, Mrs. I. Frisbie. Mr. dear Monia and family spent Sunday at her Hisler's, Mrs (lotolieb Uasser. Mr. and Mis. lieriuird llulsebush and son Sundiiyed at olnnstedes' near (iuide Koek. I'.merand Harry Monia spent Satur day and Sunday at their uncle's, tlotolieb Uasser. Quito a number arc digging potatoes this week. They are very senroe in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hale and daughter spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. John Etnick. Hoyd Harrington took in tho fair last week. He said they keep pretty good pop corn, but St. them. Joe can beat GARFIELD Fine weather for baying this week. Pretty cold nights but no host yet. John Miller's little boy is quite sick this week. Alfred and Pcto Mauley went to lodge Monday night Charley Wolf was on wind mill iow Monday and got u load of watei melons Miss Pearl White was a pleasant caller on Muriel and Ethel Fisher Friday night. The colt show at Charley Wolf's Tuesday was well attended and some tine colts were shown. Louis Mauley and Will Usher went after peaches Monday and they got some nice ones at John Miller's. Horn to Mr. and Mr. A. W. Ship man a boy on 1'iidayof tho tegular Nebraska weight eleven pounds. Kay l)aN Miys that it seems good to get back home once more at Frank Smiths for he felt lost all summer. T W. White leturned from Lincoln Monday nic,ht wheie he took in the slate lair and also visited his parents Howard Ailes has started a now style uy taxing nis gn i out tor a ruio and tieating her to a mud bath. Wo have heard of them taking a sun bath but not a mud one before. GUIDE ROCK. J. M. Roland has a nephew hero from Bloomtleld, lowu. The W. C. T. U. completed Its list of otlicers Wednesday afternoon. Miss Nellie Stlckley who was so severely III for several days is now improving Miss Jessie McCallum one ot the State Fnlversity teachers is hero tho guest of her brother R. W. McCallum. Flunk Marsh and family departed for their home in Bloomflcld. Nobr., after a two week's visit with relatives heie. l!ev. CS. W. Fool Sunday moinlng and evening preached his last sermons beloii'the annual eonlerenee which meets at York September'-M. Mis Feiguson who has spent sever al months here with the Watt and Ely families depaited the last of the week for her home in Danville, Illinois. t'ulligaii and Stanley's "Nashville Students" a colored troupe of fourteen men gave a show In (Juide Rock Mon day to a very large auduieuce. They present a varied and pleasiug enter tainment and one surely gets the worth of his admission money. They are well educated and line manner. Frank Newmeyer has spent a week visiting at Carloton. Mis. , y Parker tilled his place in the post otbee and Miss Uael timber assisted Mrs. Parker with the house keeping A few Items from our Large Stock bf Dry Goods F. NEWH01SE Thai Water Problem The water problem of our city still remains unsettled after two proposit ions hae been uselessly submitted for a probable wasteful oxpondituio of the tax payers funds in experiment al extension work. In Mondays Issue of the' Commercial Advertiser we road a very interesting article advocating the utill.ing of tho Maurer springs in our water system. During all theso years there has beou an undercurrent of opinion favor ablo to the Mauror springs proposit ion. This undercurrent of opinion has beou Meadlly growing and expanding until now It has become the manifest opinion of many of our most serious ami thinking citizens. All summer long In nearly every conversation con cerning our water supply the Maurer springs proposition has found an earn est sincere but usually a timid advo cate. Any man of experience will readily tell you that bad tho Maurer springs been located anywheie else but at Red Cloud they would have been iuinishinir the municipal water supply for these many years. Long, long ago this bountiful waste of puio cool lefreshing water should have been harnessed for out munici pal water supply. It should hae been dissolving the soap for the suds in our laundries and dissohiug the suds and cooling tho fevered brains of our thirsty inhabitants. Already enough money has been spent In fruitless experimental at tempts to secure a water supply to have brought down tho sure supply from Maurers springs two or three times. And now for our city to spend J0o0"drr 81800 mote itf experimenting in that water, barren., locality, seems preposterous. We have the rtssiTr&ucc from a competent engineer that the Maurer springs can be turned Into our water system at a total cost of less than SftOOO, Including a spacious rese voir at this end and a thorough sani tary protection at the springs. Bro. Ilosmcr we are with you on the water proposition. I have accepted a position as Travelling Sales man for a Wholesale Piano House, and am giv en THIS WEEK ONLY in which to close out my stock of HIGH GRADE PIANOS I f you wish to secure a REAL HARGAIN, don't wait anoth er day. If you arc building, and arc not quite ready, the piano can be stored where it is awhile. THINK OF BUY ING PIANOS OF NATIONAL REPUTATION, such aa CHICKERING BROTHERS, HAINES BROS., MAR SHALL & WENDELL, WESER BROS., etc., at prices like the following: A $550 piano NEW for ONLY $375 00 A $450 NEW " " $295.00 A $400 " NEW " " $275.00 A $400 " (10 Months old) " " $225.00 A $375 " NEW " " $240.00 A $325 " NEW " " $225.00 An $800 PARLOR ELECTRIC PLAYER-PIANO, which was ordered for the Chautauqua sale and just came in, NOW UPON EXHIBITION ATTHE"LYRIC" THEAT ER This piano plays 88 notes with music roll and will play any picc6 of music as oi initially written for the piano. IT PLAYS WITH EXPRESSION.... THIS IS THE ON LY PLAYER OF ITS KIND EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY.... A TRULY WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT.... YOU CAN PLAY IT BY HAND OR BY THE FOOT PEDALS OR IJY ELECTRICITY ATTACHED TO, ANY ELECTRIC LIGHT DROP. NOTICE: -I go on the road Monday, Sent. 19th. G. V. ARGABRIGHT Potter Block can have is a Sweaters The most servicable wrap one sweater. Our line of sweaters was selected with the most care as to style, price and quality. Before buy ing your sweater inspect our stock as we can save you money. Children's cotton sweaters 50c " all wool sweaters in plain stitch 75 and 90c. Misses all wool sweaters in fancy wave weave $1.50 and $2.50. Misses part wool sweaters at $1.50 Ladies sweater in plain and fancy weave from $1.50 to $5.00. Silk ! Silk ! ! Silk ! ! ! A new line of fall silks in all the Plaids in waist lengths only one of a pattern at $1.00 a yard. Fancy foulards 27 inches wide at $1 a yard. Black guaranteed silk 36 in wide at $ 1 .00 to $ 1 .50 a yd Poiu de Soie 36 inches wide at $1.50 BURSON FASHIONED H0S& jmuib -xm Barton WP&SSBSMKlGm tho $ WfmM BdHraCft H Mama "itliBiliM lea sole Kh iflSKjitfdHH t6VBM9HeMir?19HSlflMMlMWMMI Aboio wo rhow tho 1IU1WON owl tho "other" -V, mroou iiuiuo om uoio mo aiaorcmu. Ill hose I'm child! ell lmvo the best grade at the price that money can buy Children s double knee, heel and too stocking at 12e Fine drossy 1x1 lib hose, and at tho same timo good wearing hose donblo knee 3 thruad heel toe at lDo Hotter grade- 'or Misses at 23c Heavy grade for boys at 23e I A large line f new patent leather belts all red and all black also a nice line of soft leather belts in navy blue, grey, tan and black. PHONES; Rural M. Dell, Black 11. A Trip to Inavale. some of our townspeople, including Mi and Mrs. F. L. Smith. C II. Uust and family. It J. and Mrs skeen, fid inutiil Feaui and fnmilj and IJldorund Mrs. llussong and childien, .spent midday and afternoon last Sunday in a tiipto Inavale. Inavale' What is in-n-valeV Na ture's wealth in soil, stream and natur al vegetation; civilization, rich Holds, herds of stock and chickens in great (locks; barns, graueries, great stacks of hay, alfalfa and silo; but bettor still prosperous business enterprises, ooinfortable happy homes and schools and the church All that nature can bestow us agricultural resources, and culture otlcr for mind and soul may be had by otVorts along the lino ot success in Inavale. Our visitors enjoyed tho tide by carnage which whetted the appetite to keenness, and when they came upon a host of christians assembled from Dloomlngton, State lilne and Flunk llnhnd Inavale, feasting in 'basket dinner stylo' In the chinch park, thoy woio soon feasted to satisfy. The coutor of interest was the Clara Huzol rigg evangelistic meetings in progress at the Christian church. This Chrlstly lady evangelist is a great power In winning souls to Christ. Singer Bid Smith of State Tilnohasn largo enthusiastic chorus. The meetings are woll attended and many convorslonuuroioported. IJlder TJurbridgo is In ohargo of flic church and Is happy In tho present building up of tho causo there. tn. .f &r - I 1 IT'S A GIFT to know how to write 11 becoming epi taph. It's an ait to know how to build ARTISTIC MONUMENTS. That art we possess. Wo invite in spection of our designs. Consult Me Before Buying. Red Cloud Marble and Granite Werks E. Mc A lister, Prmpriotw Shops at Itr.u Ci.oi i and Ai.ma, Ni mi. 1 FAIR SERVICE is the only kind that ko.s with some , things. We mean of colli sc when I von'l imlnir til fllne. FARE AND SERVICE at this restaurant iir. both finest in the land. Sec our menu isn't it ap. p.tlzlng ever in reading? It's best though in the eating. Come In and t.st It. The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant H. Neuerburg, Prop. See the Chief Office before .you get your sale bills printed DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. nouns or Himvici: at cox(im:iA TIONALC1IUIIOII. SVIIIIAril HlUtVICKH. llll)lo school 10 n. in. I'rcuchliiK - - Il " "' 1'rcaclitiiK (.ervtccH 8 n. in. l'rnycr niul Confertiico iiiccIIiik Wetlnc.. day at H p. lit. A conllal Invitation Is oxttiulcil to all. IU.V. A. A. Ciikssman I'astor. DENTIST Successor To Dr. J. S. I: WO At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonel3l . THE Chicago Specialists! Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only. PintMANI'.Nr UFFICB Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel Consultation Free, in Geiman and English. Friday, September 9th iThe Chief $1.5.0. See The Chief for-up-date JobvWdrk.t- i a1 i Z f i ii lmy'itW-rV1fWln-tflrV ) --1- vyjyjutfw 'Kyytr :j