The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 08, 1910, Image 8

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- "jty 9" v? 'g. ' j " "p y fff tysr- --
Whe Are the Unl
aaistas .fifivAv .VffiirAirMsteV, vA,AVrfsj;.ffAWi &vM 5Svft5teafe
J (U
The home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
1 cany a con'- clo line of strictly fresh
an.! mv prices are such thai it will pay
yoar buying in this line of us. Only the first-class
brands of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices.
W t 1n rr '" ,l (-','occ,,y hlol' Im,r0 '"' l miylliiiiK olsi,
J UluCiniincbb ,yers Hhoulil demand Absolute Cleanliness.
(j) Vor fit n not buy (irooerlcs in a dirty, lll-kopt place and bo suro
j pure goods Clcanliness'.iind sanitation arc our hobbies. : : : :
sf: c -. s. 5? c- cr. w 2?
Do You Want to Buy a Home. If You Do, Now is the
Time and COLVIN & KENT'S is the place.
No. 'J. A. hots 11 II 1.1 and 10 In block 10, in tin city of ISsbon, .lewell
county, Kansas. S room house, barn for six horses, good well, sum trees; on
ly two blocks from main street. Price Si'-M.OO.
No. .'I A. '200 acres I 'i miles from (Initio Rook, Nebr. lit) nurc.Vuuder the
plow, :in acres alfalfa, farm fenced and crosscd-fonced, 10 acres hog tight,
uoinforttiblo lionse, large lino barn practically new, crib, sheds, hen houses,
hog houses, well, mill, large cement resevolr. Abundance- of wator. Price
$10,000. 87000.00 cash, balance mortgage to be ussuniod or paid.
No I. A. HIS acres 170 acres under the plow, fi acres alfalfa, hog pasture, 7
noro meadow, bahmco pasture, well and mill on oach iptartor, U story house
i.30; barn lrix30, cow barn I.12, calf stablo SxIHJ. hog shod M.28, granary
crib and tool shed combined 11x22, granary, crib nnd wagon shed combined
10x10; hen house 8x11, shop 10x12, old house, 10x18 it 12x1(5, Rulldlngs oh
good foundations, painted and in good condition. Price 8.10 per acre, part
No n. A. N. K. U a-l-21, Norton county, Kansas; 1 milos from Clayton,
Kas. A good quarter of land, CO acres under the plow, balance grass. Price Half cash balance time, 7 por cent interest.
No. 0. A. lGo acres, DO in cultivation, 7 acres alfalfa, in acios more sown
this spring. Throe miles to Guide Rock, Nobr. New 7 room house, stable,
well, mill, tank, etc. Price- $0100.
No. 7. A. :i01 acres improved farm, 2 milos from (itildc Rock, Ncbr. Price
SO.") per acre.
No S. A. Good improved bottom farm 100 acres Half good bottom laud.
Fine hay and alfalfa farm. Price 812000.
No. !). A. An etru good SO acre farm; good, nearly new house, stable, well
mill, etc. Price S05 per acre. A good one.
No. 10. A. A good improved 100 acre farm. Price ?(Jn per acre.
No. 11. A. A good ISO acre home, part number one bottom land, good
orchard, barn, house, well, mill, tank, otc. Price SllOOo.
No. i:t. A. Fine residence property in Guide Rock, Nebr. Price 82G00.
No 14. A. Nic little cottago homo close in to main street, Guide Hock,
Jfebr. Price S1200.
No. in A. 131 acres good grass land. $:in per acre.
No. 10. A. G10 acres of Une pasture land with spring water. A portion of
which would make Hue farm land. A snap. Get after this, it will not last
long. S2fl per acre.
No. 17. A. A tine improved 120 itcre home at S6? per acre.
No. I8u. A Hue farm 7 miles of Goodland, Kas., 82500. A choice (arm.
No. 19a. A line improved 80 acre farm G miles from Red Cloud, Neb. A
bargain at 8!:oU.
No. 20a. An extra 80 acre farm 1 milt from post-office at Quids Rook, N,eb.
Price 1125 per acre.
No. 21a A tine ICO.acre improved farm 5 miles from Red Cloud, Neb.
Price IGOOO.
No. 22a. One of the best 110 acre Improved, best located little names In
Webster county, Nebr.. only 1 miles from center of Red Cloud, the county
scat of Webster county. Sll.lOo. 11000 down, balance March 1, 1011.
No. Stta. 8. acres of the best land in Webster county, Nobr. Good houso,
well, mill, etc. Price $0000.
No. 2 In. ml S-10 acres, all bottom land, 1 miles from Guido Kock, Nebr.
K) acres pastme. 10 acres timber, balance under the plow, except corralls etc.
Comfortable house, barn, gi unary, crib, hen house, well, mill, tank. etc.
Price S10.000. e.'.oi) cash. S2.100 March 1st. Iflll, balance lo years time at :.,!;,'
percent interest. This farm will make you a good home, come and soo U, be
fore buying.
No. 25a. A lino 1711 acre home In Nuckolls county. Nebraska, all bottom
and but. about 15 acres. !):. acres tillable, nnd tho best of soil, lo acres of big
tine Umber, balance pasture, good 5 room house, good barn HJxlO. This is a
good farm well located about half way between Guide Rock and Bostwlck.
School across the road. Priced to sell 813810. 81000 cash, balance March 1
No. 29a. 1G0 acres of the best land In this country or any otlior. 821000.00
The price sounds a little high. Yet If you want the best and are able to buy
it don't fall to see this ono It Is a sure and safe Investment, A farm that
with proper care will produce a crop every year. All tho Improvements need
ed, a home ready to occupy and lit for a king. 75 acres under the plow, 18
acres alfalfa, 1 acres orchard mid grove, 100 bearing apple trees, 21 acres
prairie hay, balauco pasture, 1.$ story 10 room house, barn 21x32 with leanto
32x11. well, wind mill, idevated tank, stock tank, crib room for 3000 bushels
granary loom for 1000 bushels, 1 hog slied 18.8, l hog shed 32x8, hay roof
oittlo shed 10x10, corralls etc: farm all fenced and cross fenced. SlOOo.OOcash
$13000.0.) Match 1st, 1011 balaneti ." years at 7 per cont Interest.
No. 30.i. 80 acros3J miles from Guide Rock, Ndt, .'.0 acres under plow,
15 acres alfalfa, balance pastme. yood five loom )iouh barn, cribs, granary',
well, mill, orchard etc: schoul one milo from house. Prleo 85500.
No. 31 a. A tine 200 acre farm nicely located -Vt miles from town, part
creek bottom, 25 acres alfalfa, 15 ncies timber, tl) acres pasture, nice orchard
lialance farm land, house 32x21 A lG.3o, ten rooms and bath room, granary
21x21, barn 21x21, cow shed, well, mill, otc; farm fencod and oross-fencod
rallread switch on premises for loading stock and grain, graded school at
town, district school l'' miles, county seat 0'j inilws. a dandy stock, grain
and fruit farm. Price 805 per acre.
We have many mwro and can suit anybody. Come and see us.
W. A. Kent,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Read the Chief Adds and if your add is not
there it ought to be there.
you to do
cp 2?: ;y 2? ?: r. 5. s? cr c sr-
I. B. Colvin,
Guide Rock, Net.
Seme Information About the Specialists who will be in
Red Cloud on Tuesday Afternoon, Sept. J3th.
Since tho announcement has been j c'.ironic diseases of t lie liver, kirincH,
made in these columns that tlio Chief, skin, heart, lungs, bowels and stoni
Consulting Physician of the I'tilted ' neb. including rheumatism, paruljsls.
Uoctois.wlio have their poimanen' i" urnlgin. appendicitis, gall stuni't-.
NVbr.vikti institute located on thr i'.- . goilei. i opt uro, diseases of vo
M'eoiiil Hnor (.t t In- Neville Itlicl;. m.iii nnd ill -viiscs (if ni'li, which hav
eixoer tilth iiiifl HiiMiey Nt. Omaha. ' M-en pronounce! Ineii. ible, by i(ii r
Neljriisl.ii, would puy a short rllt to ' unelors.
th.t Royal Hotel jit Hcd Cloud the' hotilntti'htiltb. a prosperous l.un ,i
question has beeiasked many times: hviug on It. H. No. 2, Plaltsmmilli, ..
Who mo (ho C ul ted Doctors and what braslui, mis that for twelve years he
do they do? The answer Is this: has been Treating with his home doc-
The Culled Doctors., as tho naiiin tors, tliosu in Council llhilr.s, Iowa,
implies, is an association of expert and tho best ones in HI. Paul, Minn,
medical .specialists who have united lo He took the baths at Lincoln, Nc
organlzo a new school of medicine: a ' braska, and oven wont clear to Hot
new and more scientific and positive J. Springs, Arkansas, all of which gave
system of curing human ailments, hluuio relief. In speaking of his case
I'or centuries, the world has been rail he says; "I went to tho United Doc
of different "cults" and "isms' of tois. They told me moro about uiy
inediclno. We had tho old root and self and disease in ten minutes, than
herb doctor with his bittor potions; all the other doctors put together In
tho allopath witli colonel and quinine nil tho years before,
in heroic doses; tho Hleotrio without Now my stomach uivos me no trouble.
Ills colonel; tho Ostoopath and the '
Cliilstian Scientist. Wo were doctored
I... I i .. ..!.!.. i .. i . i. . ..
UJ m;iiL, uy oiectricuj , uy oains at me
I lot Springs and by a mull it tide of men
and methods Some of the patients
were cured, some died who should
hiivo been cured. It was impossible
for the ordinary person to say which
method of treating diseases was tlio
host, and the pliyslciiiLsof tho various
schools were so biased that they could
seo good only in their own methods;
all others were necessarily, bad.
Kyideutly there is good in all of them,
for-they all cured some cases. Also
tliero is bad in all, for they all failed
at times and allowed misery to remain
or deatli to come where a euro .should
have been effected , .
A troiuonduous stiide forward was
mjule, when the .association' 'jf the
United Doctors was formed Tio
founders of this association consisted
of ominoutspeciallsts from tho various
schools of practice, Elcctlcs Homo
paths, Allopaths, Regulars and Ir
regulars, met and agreed to drop their
prejudices and form a new system of
treatment, which should embrace all
the good points of tho old methods
and leave out tile bad. Tho result of
tho efforts of these world famous
specialists of tlio various schools, was
tlio wonderful treatment now bejug
used by tlio C tilted Doctors. All of
this was not accomplished in a day or
two, but lias taken years of patient
work by those specialistsin their great
Institutions in the cast; Homeopaths
Electics, Allopaths, all working side by
side, each throwing away his old Ideas
wluju ho was convinced tliore was
something better, until at last, out of
tho old chaos and confusion, camo the
new and perfecpystem, as it is now
used by the Uultod Doctors.
The cost of those specialists was
groat not only in tho labor of forming
the new systom of treatment but also
in the effort it cost them to ignore
their prejudice In favor of the various
schools in which they were originally
educated Hut their record has been,
great in health and happiness restored
to hundreds and thousands who were
going to thoir graves in misery, pro
nounced incurable by old methods.
The wonderful new system of medi
cine has cured thousands of cases of
Notice to Creditors.
Htaloot Nebraska, I i,. ,iln ,,,,. .,
Webster County, f ,u "o Cmintj (ourt.
Ixtlioitnmurot the CHtato of William il.
Cramer, Deceased.
Notlco is hereby Klven to nil persons liav
Iiik claims ami doinniuls against William It.
(miner, lato of Webster county, deceased,
that tlio tliuo fixed fortUInc claims nuiUnst
snld estato Ik six months from tlio suth day of
September 11)10.
All Hitch porsoaH aro required to present
their claims, with tlio vouchers, to tho
County .Indue of said county, nt Ills olllco
therein, on or before tlio 'J Mtli day of March
lUtl; and all claims so tiled will bo heard
uoioro mo Mild jiiiIko on tlio :iOth day of
March 11)11, at one o'clock p. m.j and that
tlio K.ecutrlx Is allowed ono year from tho
llHt day of AiiciiHt 1!U0, In which to pay
tlio debts allowed lusaliist said estate and
settle tho Mime.
skai.1 I. W. Knsox
County .Indue.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate Transfers as furnished by
the L II. Fort Abstract Co.. for tho
week ending Sept. 7, 1910.
G. Hastings to W E h Jones,
wd pt blU 2 Sawyers add to
IaYnle , 100 00
V A Howard to E E Howard
sw 22 3-D wd snnn no
F A King to J H Wagoner wd
nt "J!."?,?.1)110 ;50 00
Eliza M Gilliam to Lucy M
Stonebrenknr, wd sh lot G b
18 Red Cloud 300 00
Carrie C McWilliams to E Mc-
Williams qcd nw 35-1.12. . .
$11101 00
Mortgages filed. . . .$2290 90
Mortgages released 0350 00
See the Chief Office before
you get your sale bills printed
1 eat anything and digest, it perfectly;
my kidneys are better and my rheii-
mutism is improving so rapidly m this
short, that I am sure my recovery
will be completo".
H. C. Cailouii, of Naiisa. Nebraska,
says; "I am now us well as 1 ever was
In my life When 1 commenced treat
ment with you, I was barely able lo
walk, such was tho pain I had. Now,
after taking your treatment for live
months, I enjoy pel feet health".
Mrs. Alico Griswold, of 1010 Fred
erick street, Omaha, Nebraska, says
she had appondicitis in a very severe
form. She did not believe she could
Ijo curod without u .surgical operation,
but took the United Doctois treatment
with little hope. After the first two
v tliree closes sjio begun to feel fetter
.and lu less than, a mouth was entirely
cured, aim nas nail no return of the
trouble since.
These people were cured in their
own homes, without surgical operat
ion und thoy lire only a few out of the
thousands who have been cured by the
United Doctors, at their various in
stitutes throughout tho Cuited States.
Those specialists have hundreds and
thousands of testimonials from cured
patients on lllo at their olllces. Any
one interested in any particular disease
can secure tlio immes of patients who
were cured of that disease by writing
to tho Culled Doctors at their Omaha
institute, These testimonials aro
from responsible people of Nebraska
and were given voluutarlly out of the
gratitude of thoir hearts so you can
believe implicitly what they tell you.
It is this wonderful all home treat
ment that tho United Doctors are
bringing to Red Cloud on Tuesday
afternoon September 13th 1010.
If you are skeptical, write to the
United Doctors for the names and ad
dresses of patients whom they have
cured and you will be furnished wjth
as many as you may desire to Invest
igate. Remember, the United Dootors will
bo here but one half day and while
here will receive patients at the Royal
If you are sick and suffering and
want to be made well and liappy, call
on tho doctor when he comes to Red
Market Report
As Furnished by Hanson & Trine
Hens (fat)
Eggs (rots out)
per lb.
. . . . . .
a i
ii ii
it ii
Swift's Premium
Hams or
,nnV v
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds
Wnrim Koon
Red Cloud;
R S trL IaJ'
Va rwW"
Wi-JKafcif " ' ' jKSRuJT'' i
Red Cloud,
Tlio follow liit? i,in,u)se(l amendment
to the constitution of the Stat of Ne
braska, as hereinafter sU lorlli in lull,
Is Miiiniltted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to he oted upon .it
the general election to be hold Tiui
day, November Mil, A. D. 1910:
Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of
the Constitution of tlu State of No
biasl.a. Re It enacted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebrnska:
Section 1. (Amendment constitu
tion proposed.) That section ono (1)
of article seven (7) of tlio constitution
or tlio state of Nebraska, the senate
concurring, be so amended as to read
as folio w: .
Section l. (Who aro electors.) Ev
ery male citizen of the United States,
of the ago of twenty-one years, who
shall have boon a resident of this state
six months next preceding the election
and of the county, precinct, or ward,
for tlio term provided by law shall be
an elector; provided, that persons of
foreign birth who shall have declared
their intention to become citizens con
formnbly to the laws of the United
Stntes and are voting at the taking ef
fect of tills amendment, may continue
to exercise tho right of suffrage until
such time as they may linvo resided in
the United States five years, after
which they shall take out full citizen
ship papers to lio entitled to vote at
nny succeeding election.
Section 2. (Ballots.) That at tho
general election nineteen hundred nnd
ten (1910) there shull be submitted to
the electors of the state for their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing pro
posed amendment to the constitution
relating to the right of suffrage. At
such election, on the ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed amendment, shall be written or
printed the words: "For proposed
amendment to the constitution relating
to the right of suffrage," and "Against
said" proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of suf
frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If Biicti
amendment shall bo approved by a
majority of all electors voting-at such
election, said amendment shall consti
tute section one (1) of article seven
(7) of the constitution of the State of
Approved Anril 1, 1909.
I, Geo. C. .lunkln, Secretary of State,
of the state of Nobraska do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing proposed amend
ment to tho Constitution of tho State
of Nebrnska Is a true and correct copy
of the original enrolled and engrossed
bill, as passed by the thirty-first session
of tlio legislature of tho State of No
braska, as appears from said original
bill on fllo in tills office, and that Bald
proposed amendment is submitted to
the qualified voters of tho state of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to bo hold on
Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A.
D., 1910.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and afllxed tho great
seal of the Stato of Nebraska. Done
at Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho
year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nino
Hundred and Ten, nnd of tlio Indepen
dence of tlio United States tlio Ono
Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, and of this
Stnte tho Forty-fourth.
(Seal.) Secretary of State.
Trade Marks
Anyone aimtlii n nkotch mul description in or
quIoUIr ascertain our opinion froo wlictliur nn
Invention la prohnliljr naleninliln. ?oniiminlra.
tlunsitrlctlrronlliloiitUI. HANDBOOK, onl'atnUj
out frua. Olilcst agency fortecuniiir WUenti.
I'utouu tnkeu tfiroimti llunn ft (A vecelvf
tpreUil notice, nlllioutcliiirga, luttio
Scientific flmci icaii
A Imnrtioniely Illustrated rreoilr. Inreest dr. nnr clontldo Journal. Tenna, 13 a
your! Holdljya.ll nowadealera.
Uruiicti unlco. c:S V St. Watlilu.ifOii. I- U.
Don't Delay Ordering
a fire insurance policy from us a
single day. Fire isn't going to
stay away becauso you are not in
sured. In fact, it seems to pick
out the man foolish enough to bo
Have us issue you a policy to-day. '
Don't hesitate about tho matter.
The fire fiend may have your
house down on the list for a visit
this very night.
O. Cu T&EL,
Reliable Insurance
We Carry Funeral
Furnishings in Stock
and answer calls day
or night. Have ar
ranged to secure the
services of Albright
Brothers on Short
Notice withoutjExtra
Charge to Patrons.
Tlio 4tlt Avenue Meat Market
Itfi A?V,,,'rM."ii.for Cni.CHK8.TIW8
f"4 FIRE
Jo. 1 pjB
?fi? T ,,i."" w n kiu nnaA
Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Blue(
Unban. Takb no OTnun. Huy.ry.nrVy
I'ruBKlil and tab fur ir.(iiiriL.'rrM V
iMAjiuau iiiiANi vu.hH, for twcutr-fiTO
years reRarilea at Bct,BaM, Alwayi Reliable.
lk$.Mi.:':, A:, J.k.j&4)r
iAjL Jtfl aflR.j.'i
M'a ;
, . j
. . -
. &rl ill, d-.,&.! Jt