hpHB tlte Ouirta wis VI.ACHAN'"' Tho old Indian turned Ills fnco from the cami flro nnd fixed Ills bend-black eyes on inluo Oulnclian," I re pealed "Why ilo men call you Oulachan?" Ho turned hla wrin kled fnco to the Hro again aiul wo ant U W ll I 1 0 111 ttllOIK'0. Thon, in tho (loop gutturals anil short, broken words of his native tongue, ho told me. "Mnny fiutmnorB ago," ho Raid, "tho teepees of my father's tribe btood wheio we Bit tonight. Tho white man was not hero then" ho pointed up the river lownrd Kel30 "the woods and tho open wore the Indian' Tho Indian hunted and fished and was happy. Hut white men nunc up the big river In canoes and the brought with them tho black death. Warriors, klootchmcn, pnppooscs. all alike sick ened. Mnny died. When the rain und the winter came, no deer meat, no fish hung braldo tho teepees. For when tho frost drovo tho black death away, tho hunters were weak They could not go to tho woods for deer, and the salmon had passed on tip the llttlo river. Tho Indian was very hungry. Tho klootchmen anil tho nappooscs cried for meat. And when tho Indian was roady to fold his blan ket around him and Ho down to tho long sleep, tho Groat Spirit saw nud sent food. From the north It came, from under tho frozen water Swim ming together. A ions ropo blg niany bunn long. Many llttlo fish swim ming nt tho bottom of the big wa tei "tho Pacific "along the bottom of tho big river" the Columbia. "They enmo here to tho mouth of the little ilver" ho pointed to tho Cowlitz flowing past us In the darkness to tho Columbia "and hero they camo to tho top of tho water. My father saw j;'.;""" G4TCmNTh mM I V .?iS A. i fl?-f-Wl MMW ' . ' -..-. ? lliMMMUllBW: .mHHlllllllllH I n$k! ?r ,w1 Arfe' zd3l4i catch ($a g -- 1118 pffSSlsiL 1 a ?rrch"ts.S?T..Ji. MtZT iiiiiii mw iiT'i MiiMiiinii i n inmrnr 1 r i i-c-Mpy t-cfruf--rtt'rr them and shouted, 'Oulnclian.' Hunters and klootchmon went into the water and caught tho oulachan with their hands. 'Oulnclian,' they shouted. They mado potlach and were filled, lu that hour was I born. My namo Is Oulachan." Tho oulachan still runs In tho Cowlitz and every year there Is a feast, but it is a feast for white men; tho Indian tribes have vanished from tho rivor. During tho early months of win ter Portland and all tho cities and towns within reach- of tho Ashing grounds look forward to tho feast. In tho old days when Portland was tho only market fishermen scrambled for tho first of tho run. A wild raco of tho deep-laden boats up tho Columbia followed, and tho first boatload to reach tho market sold, smelt for silver, weight for weight. But rIiko rullroads and refrigerator cars havo put smalt fishing on tho basis of u practical industry, the first run of tho oulachan does not bring moro than 20 -cents the pound In tho northwestern retail mnrkets, though tho very first to arrive aro eagerly sought at prices somo what higher. Known commercially as tho Columbia river, Btnolt, tho king of pan fish has Boveral names, Ichthyologists classify it as thleichthys pnclflcus, of tho smelt family. Tho Indians of tho Colum bia river region knew It ns oulnclian and tho pio neer fishermen called It tho Eskimo candlo fish, in shapo it resembles tho smelt of tho eastern KtateB mid Europe, but Its rich yet dollcato ami sweet flavor places it far above them In tho esti mation of tho epicures. Indeed, enthusiasts Insist that as a pan fish it is superior to trout of any kind. For unnumbered years the oulachan has mado tho Cowlitz river its spawning ground ami of courso tho Columbia river Indians vvero tho first to uso it for food. During tho runs they caught the fish in vast ciuantltlns drying nnd smoking them, and dried, actually used them for light in their toopoes. For so much is tho oulachan In oil that, with a strip of bark run through it, tho dried fish will burn with u clear llama from noso to tall. In tho early months of tho northwestorn win ter the oulachan gather lu uncountable millions nt some unknown spot In Bering Bea and begin their southward bwIiu. Always closo to tho ocean bed, traveling In tho form of u monster ropo miles in length, they pass all tho river and flord open ings nlong tho coast until tho mouth of tho Co lumbia Is reached. Thon, so clos'oly hugging tho river bottom that kill nots aro all but usoless, to reach them, thoy mnko for tho Cowlitz. A few miles up from tho mouth of that river they Btrlko the shallower water, and como within easy reach of tho waiting flahermon. From Indian times until tho gront catch of last season tho method of fishing has boon tho uamo A boat or a canoo to flail from, and a dip net with a long hnndlo for fishing tackle, aro all thnt is necessary One dom not oven need tin1 dip nut to catch a "mess," for tho river Is litorully nllvo with ou lachan and children oft en ball them out of the water with tin cans, get ting half fish and half water. Where the wa ter Is shallow enough thoy can oven bo caught with tho bare hands, us their f.ltln Is not slimy when In tho water. Tho run Is always heralded far down tho Columbia by Hocks of eagles, gulls and hawks, following in tho wako of tho living ropo of fish nud picking up tho dead as they como to tho surface. Then tho fish ermen gather by hundreds in their boats along, tho fishing grounds and feel nlong tho bottom with tho polo ends of their dip nets. When tho polo strikes tho small, wriggling bodies swim ming along tho river bottom in solid phalanx, it is simply dip and fill, empty tho net into tho boat, dip and fill again, until tho boat can hold no moro. Thcro is not much sport about it. It is Just about as exciting as clam digging and requires no moro skill. Quantity, caught, and quickness in dipping ono's boat full to tho gun wales of flapping llttlo fish are tho smelt fisher man's Ideals of Bport. And during tho runs fish ermen, fish eaters and oven tho ctomally gob bling seagulls ullko become sated. When the gulls are nt nil hungry tho flshormon nmuso thomsolvcs by tOBslng up smelt for tho gulls to catch in tho air. A Bcagull on tho wing will grab n fish by tho middle or tail, toss nnd reverse it in nlr, and gulp It down head first in the wink of an oyo. Most of tho fishing Is dono nt night. Daylight scorns to scatter the fish, but oven In daytlmo during tho height of tho season tho fishermen keep at their work with good results. Ah a rule, there nro two men to each bout and the craft aio filled In an incredibly short tlmo. Ono night last season two Kolso men filled a power launch to ltB capacity of 2,250 pounds In 45 minutes, or at tho rate of 50 pounds a minute, nnd catches of 10,000 pounds in ono dny and night were fre quent. While tho Cowlitz river Is tho only constant spawning ground, tho oulachan has been known to run up tho Lewis and tho Sandy. At tho tlmo of tho run up tho Lewis, 1 1 yonrs ago, thero was only a small run of mnlo fish in the Cowlitz, nnd tho flahermon nmdo their season's catch In tho Lewis. About onco lu eight years thero is a run up the Sandy, apparently independent of tho Cowlitz run, as tho number In that river Is not lessoned. At tho tlmo of tho lust run in the Sandy n party of Portland men wont out with dip nets. Ono man lost his dip not but found an old, rusty, discarded blrdt cago. Ho tied It to tho end of a polo and scored an equal catch with tho otjiers. During tho samo run farmers drovo their wagons Into tho stream, dipped thoni full of fish nnd hauled load after load to tholr or chards to uso as fertilizer. Pork sold lu tho Portlnnd market somo months Inter hnd a dis tinctly fishy flavor and revealed tho fact that somo of the thrifty agriculturists had fed smolt to their hogs. Last soason tho Cowlitz rlvor wns tho spawn ing ground of the greatest run of smolt over known by fishermen who have been in tho busi ness over twenty years. At tho soason's closo tho river had yielded over 10,000,000 pounds, or 5,000 tons of oulachan, nnd ns the fish average about eight to tho pound 80,000.000 of them went 'the way of thu.mnrkot nud tho frying pun. Tho fishing grounds of tho Cowilt. aro prac tically tho only ones where the oulachan can bo caught In paying quantities. On tho Columbia homo few aro caught by gill nettcra. But the rhcr is duip nud for tho most part the fish swim hcvoml the reach of the widest net. Even when caught thev have to bo picked one by ono out of tho meshes, so putting the gill netter out of competition with the Cowlitz man and his greedy, long-handled dipper. The grounds extend 'but eight or tin miles In the Cowlitz. Before Kolso wns on the map the best location Is said to havo been directly opposite whero tho Northern Pa cific depot now Btands, but tho growth of tho town hns drhon tho fish farther up and tho best catches nro now mndo two miles above Uils point. Between tho small floating docks of the town, and tho fishing grounds bonts ply day and night during tho runs, going upstream empty nnd re turning laden with fish. Over 500 boats aro cm ployed In the Industry, about 75 of them power boats. It Rectus strango that tho oulachan, so far superior to the eastern smelt, hns never reached tho eastern markets. Tho fish are packed In 50-pound boxes for shipment nnd tho curlier catches sell in tho wholesalo market at from $2.50 to $5.00 tho box; but In tho height of tho season tho ordinary flshormnn gets only about ?50 for 200 boxes 10,000 pounds. On tho river nro soveral men who buy at thoso prlcos from other flshermon, maintain bonts of their own nud ship direct to rotall markotn.s Portland hns wholesalo buyers on the ground, and probably tho greater part of tho rotall trudo Is supplied through them. At Kolso smolt havo been shipped asfar east iib Wisconsin. Tho fishermen Bny thnt with cold storage fncllltles tho output could be greatly Increased. Canning In the form of Bnrdlnes hns novcr been tried, though in tho opinion of experts tho fl3h ho fronted would dis count tho Imported flnrdlnc. Tho mnrket Is umi ally demoralized oarly In tho five months' sea son by schoolboys, who go out, lond up a fow boats with fish und hecomo nn easy mark for buyers. Often, too, Greeks nnd ltnllans como up the rlvor In bonts, stay a day or two and sell tholr fish for whntover thoy can got, nnd tho men regularly engaged lu tho trndd wnnt to make It a licensed one, on this nccount. Tho growing output of the oulnclian would seem, on tho face of It, to demand a Olfford Pin chot on the fluh commission. But tho supply Increases yonr after year with the demand nnd apparently knows no limit. Lnit yonr's run broko all records and tho Cowlltj smolt flshor is looking forward lu happy conflilonco to tho coming winter, when tho deeps and uhnllnwii at tho streams will again bo filled with oalixlian. Sad Blow. "Waa alio overcome by her husband's tmtlden death?" "Oh, yeB. Sho had Just bought half a doioa new ball gowna." Birmingham Ago-Horuld. Soaring. "Sho married an .old mnn who Is very rich." "I wont ono bettor on thnt. I married a young aviator who Is a millionaire. Polo Molo. Hard to Convince. Llttlo 'Tommy (eldest of tho fnmlly, at dinner) Mamma, why don't you help mo boforo Ethel? Mamma Lndlos must always corao first. Tommy (triumphantly) Thon why was I born boforo Ethel? Tit-Bits. ID II I Interesting Massachusetts Monu. mont of Sixty Years Ago. Now but Rarely Seen nnd but Little Known by the Residents and General Public Who Pass That Way. Boston. Thero are In Now England In many places, monuments moio oi less artistic, erected to maik historic spots or to comnioinorato events nl local Importance. Such are goncrallj well known and easily accessible, litil tho old Meridian monument In Med ford Is but rarely seen and but little known by tho lesldents and genera! public It Is safe o assert that of tho mnuv that pass It dally, but few have evet noticed It, owing to Its peculiar loca tlou and tho proximity of tho hill on which It Htnnds to tho street that mrves about Its base. Inquiry of many residents leveals their Ignorance of It, and, Indeed, tho writer had been n tesldent for over thirty years and had many times passed that way, when, by n casual upward glniicn at just the light Instant he caught a glimpse ol It. Soon after he mado a visit there to and secured a vlow of Its weather beaten outlines and began Inquiry as to Its history. It Is sltunted on tho slope or tho hill that rises steeply noitliward fioin Wlnthrop street and midway between the Medford city farm and the Wliltiuoio brook road In to Middlesex fells. "What Is It?" nud "What was It built for?" This cairn or monument Is a trun cated pyramid, 7 feel wide by II! feet long at Its base, tapeis to about I! and !) at the top and Is ii feet high. It was built by bowidets with split granite blocks at Its corners. Aciohs I bo top and facing south ward is a single block of granite, smoothly dressed upon two sides. This T BY MURINE EYE REMED Y Stono Monument In Medford. block has upon Its fnco tlueo clicu lar projections, also hammer finished, tlio contial one being less in dinmeter than tho other two and each project ing three quarters of an Inch. As tho masonry of the calm Is not continued up behind this block theio may havo been n similar stono thoro nnd removed either by accident or design. Thin conjecturo seoms rea sonnblo, as within tho center of tho calm Is Imbedded a 'substantial stick of native rod cedar sovernl Inches In dinmeter and fractured at tho upper end. Evidently this was a flngstaff or signal nolo; and Its breaking may havo caused tho loosening or fall of a similar capstone nt the rovcrso of tho one described. As seen by tho illustration, this capstone Is dressed squnrely. This lends to another conjocturo, which, lu tho absence of evidence to tho con trary, seems reasonable, nnmoly, that tho gi unite block was fdrmorly In uso ns a lintel In somo Inrgo building, Its position reversed, as shown by Its hammered facos. No Inscription of any sort 1b to bo found about or upon It; nnd nothing snvo tho broken cednr Btlck gives nny cluo to Its Identity or tho purpose of Its erection; while tho loosened mor tar nnd discolored nnd time-worn stones clearly ludlcnto that its build ers havo passed on. Inquiry, nt tho Cambridge observa tory elicits tho Infoi mutton thnt n stono monument was erected In Med ford at about 1850 ns a meridian mnrli for tho adjustment of tho old trnnslt clrclo In tho cast wing of tho ob Bervntory. Tho eldest mombor of tho staff gives tho Information thnt "It supported a simple bonrd spiked to tho masonry, on which wns n mark that could be seen fiom tho observa tory." The old transit clrclo was replaced by another In 1870, and the uso of tho calm as a meridian mark wns dlccon-tinned. Keeps House at 102. Saratoga, N. Y. At tho ago of on& liundred und two Mrs. Margaret Vnn nenuselaer lives alone, cooks her own incnla and does all hor own housework In hor llttlo homo horo. Sho was born In Montreal, remembers going barefoot ed over tho spow-covered ground at tho ago of ten, has always worked hard, novcr hud n doctor but onco and that was for nn injury to hor finger when t.ho was rilnoty-BOven. Sho never wont to school nnd cannot rend. Her father tiled at ono hundred und ono and her mother at nlncty-nlno. Sho attributes hor long life to slmplo food and to liv ing out cf doors as much as possible, DOUGLAS SHOES For Red. Wtk. Weirr. Wtr Er m! GRANULATED EVEI jr MurlnoDocon'tSmart SoothGnEvoPfttn DratiliU Sill Mori En Rtn4r, Uiitj, 25. SOc, $1X9 Murino Era Sabre, In AptlcTul, 2Ge, $liOO EYB B00K8 AND ADVICB FREE HY MAIt. Murino EyoRc mody Co.,Chlcago W. L. HAND-SEWCD HIIOCEOD MEN'S $2.00. $2.60, $3.00, $3.60, M.OO, $5.00 W UJUAH 0 TU.OU, T J.TJ.OU, SKI B0Y8' J2.00, $2.60 &, $3.00 THESTANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They nro absolutely tho most populnrand best nhoea for tho prico In America. They nro the lea'dera over v , whero becauso they holtl tnoir anapo, nt better, look better nnd wear loti- cer than other make:. They are certainly the I most economical shoea for vou to buv. W. L. Douelaa name and retail price are stamped on tho bottom value uatMtttA.faitColorHviltii TAKB NO 8UUBTITUTEI If your drtler cannot supply you write for Mall Order Catalog. W. L DOUGLAS, llrocklon. Man. DATPHT VnitltlUKAR. Thnrnurbr1nTou rftlCni m-nUh. ni-paitn Honk Krp, Kit. fo-rt. Ilifc-CMld .V IV) . l'aUAUir.lloi K. Watliinston.D a VU-.,.. W V JtKsAM JUI v Vtif-Vl HMSlVa.&fta WHERE HE 8AVED MONEY. v i""w MJB ((&) If iwrua.a OAtB. "You sny It costs less to run this nutomobllo thnii that trotting hor&o you owned?" "Yes; I used to bet on tho trottlna horse." Opportunity of Suffragist. Ilaroncss Alctta Korff tolls lu ona of tho mnga.lucs how tho women of Finland enmo to vote. Tho frtct is that women had to allow that thoy could meet an emergency boforo th voto enmo to them. Thoy havo not hud many opportunities to tako tho Initiative In tho world's history and they havo not always responded when tho opportunity came, but when a crisis, Bttch ns that in 1004, when tho strike nnd tho 1 evolutionary outbreak In Russia took placo at tho samo tlmo, occurred, thoy proved they could mako penco by doing it. Not until England and tho United Stntos find tho women helping them to boar somo great troublo will thoy glvo thorn tho right to voto. Try to Come Back. Not long ago Ixjrd Klnnnlrd, who Is always actively Interested In rollgloua work, paid n nurprlso visit to a mis sion school In tho cast end of London nnd told n class of boys tho story of Samson. Introducing his nanatlvo, his lordship added: "Ho was strong, becamo weak, nnd then regained his strength, enabling him to destroy his enemies. Now, boys, If I hnd nn cnorny, what would you advlso mo to do?" A llttlo boy, after meditating on the oecret of that groat giant's Btrcngth, shot up his hand and exclaimed: "Got a bottlo of 'air restorer." Vory, Very Eny. Patlonco You can't do anything without money? Pntrlce Oh, yes, you cnn. You can run In debt "NO FRILL8" Just Sensible Food Cured Him. Sometimes a good, healthy commer cial travolor suffers from poorly se lected food and Is lucky if ho loarns that" Grape-Nuts food will put ulm right. A Cincinnati travolor says: "About a year ago my stomach got In .a bad way. I had a hcadacbo most of tho tlmo and suffered misery. For several months I ran down until I lost about '0 pounds in weight and finally hnd to glvo up a good position and go homo. Any food that I might uso seemed to uausoato me. "My wlfo, hardly knowing what to do, ono flay brought homo a package of Grape-Nuts food and coaxed mo ta try it. I told hor It was no uso but finally to humor her I tried n little, and thoy Just Btruclc my tnsto. It was tho first food I had eaten in near ly a year that did not causo any Buffer Ing. "Well, to mako a long story Bhort, I began to Improve and stuck to Grapo Nuts. I went up from 1315 pounds In December to 191 pounds tho following Octobor. "My brain Is clear,, blood all right and appetite too much for any mun'B pocketbook. In fact, I am thor oughly mado ovor, and owo It nil to Grapo-Nuts. I talk so much about what Urapo-Nuts will do that somo of tho men on tho road havo nickuumod mo 'Grape-Nuts,' but I stand today a healthy, rosy-cheokod man a protty good oxamplo of what tho right kind of food will do. "You can publish this If you wnnt to. It is a truo statement without any frills." Read tho llttlo, book, "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," In pkgs. "Thero'a a Roason.- Eier rend the nlinvo letterT A atrf nno npptMir from tlmo to time. TUcy lire Kcmilue, true, nud full of IiUBiaa Intercut. .( ft; A lv v isfHi .jtyi )