The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 08, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska
. . :ffg
tutored In the I'oilotnre stifled Cloml.Nfli .
m Second ClnH Muttor.
0 11. HALE
Democratic State
and County Ticket
For U 8. Senator
Gilbert M. Ilituhoouk
For (Sovoruor... . James C. Lbihlinim
For Lieutenant Governor.. K. A. Clurlc
For Secretory of State C. W. Pool
For Auditor
For Treasurer .tieorgo F. Hull
For State Supeilntendeiit
W. It. Jachhon
For Attorney (Jtneral..C. II. Whitney
For Coin mlsfcloner ...Wm. II. Knsthniii
For Ilailronil Commissioner
Htn 11. Ilnyden
For Congress, Fiftli District
It. D. Sutherland
For Senator ArslneL. Heureux
For Representative ...Crowe Lludsey
For Float Representative
Wm. L. 'cbiior
For County Attorney. .Fred K. Mourcr
Speaking about the Webster County
Fair It scorns that the good people in
Bladen entirely overlooked our sug
gestion last year becatiM) they come
out in their odvurtiseineiilK with the
rirni utiuuiil fair when it should be
about the 'JOth. It givci tlio county a
black eye to advertise- that we havo
had only live fairs in our history cover
ing a period of forty years or more
lied ('loud furnished two bundled
or more visitors to the carnival at
Blue llili last week and they weie ac
corded the iirtist hearty welcome
Webster eounly is getting on Jio map
for doing things. The Old Settlers
Day at tJulde Rock, The ('huutuuiiiu
tit lied Cloud. Harvest Homo Festival
al Blue Hill and the County Fair at.
Bladen. Kverybody in tho county can
havo a vacation and a place to spend
Tlioro are strnngo rumors afloat,
secret whisperlngH on the street, sago
nodding of heads and we wonder what
it is all about From all wo can g.ilh
or something is going to drop pretty
soon but wo havo not the remotest
idea what it will be. What Is most
incomprehensible to us is why anyone
would seek to conceal anything from
u newspaper man when everyone
knows that lie is straining every nerve
to leimi of secrets that will look wtj',1
ln print. What are secrets for if tin
to bo published'.'
Fred 12 Maurer, democratic candi
date for county attorney, is a Webster
county boy, was educated in our
schools and received his diploma from
our'wtate t'utversily. His llfo has
been an open book during all thesu
years and wo arc proud of him. Ills
business dealings will bear tho closest
scrutiny and his character Is above re
proach, floats the necessary quali
fications for the position and will make
uu excellent otlleial. A vote for" Fred
Maurer is a voto for an honest intelli
gent administration.
Tho beginning of school marks tho
end of vacation and to many of the
children especially tho boys it meant,
the. end of unrestrained fun. How
over we doubt considerably the state
ment made by tho boys that they arc
not pleased to sec school commence
again. After the first few days they
will fall Into the way ot scltool life
and will cuter Into it as heartily as
they did the playtime of vacation.
Parents can greatly uld lit mulling the
school a success by encouraging their
children to attend every day of the
school year. At best the time is short
enough and every boy and girl ought
to be proscnt every day. Of lateycars
the pleasure of playing hookey Is con
siderably spoiled by the truant ofUcer.
Here's hoping he will havo nothing to
do this year.
Tlio play given In the opera house
Saturday and Monday nights by tlio
Modern Woodmen of America was an
excellent icpresontatlon of the work
ings of woodcraft. The actors all
covered themselves with glory and
carried out their parts with the ease
of old hands. Wo would bo pleased to
give eauh individual player special
notice but our luck of space forbids it.
It is Hufllcientto say that the entire
progrum was excellent and was much
appreciated by tlio audionco. Wc be
lieve that moro good will como from a
high grudo play like this than from a
siuglc address of one of the supremo
lectures. The play itself is a good
characterization of tho workings of
the Woodman lodgo and cannot but
convince tho sceptic. Lieut. Kills is
tireless in his tlfoits'uud much !' the
HUOCCI.S of the play wuc due to him.
Dm. Burr of the Campbell Citizen
lias leturiifd from a thiec months
vacation to the western slope and we
expect that there will be something
doing once more None but the news
paper fraternity know Just how much
Bro. Burr Ims been missed. During
his absence not u single ripple bun oc
curred on the placid waters, no pre
vailcator has been discovered and all
tho failings and mistakes in the coun
try press have escaped the pungent
pen. ' itro pleased tosno lilm back
anil extend the glad hand of welcome.
His presence spurs us on to do our
besl.lo be mure careful In our make
up, to get n broader view of life, to be
more charitable to .our fellow man.
From a careful compilation of the
statements as issued by all tho bunks
in Webster county woJlnd that we aro
in excellent condition. There is de
posited In the banks of the county tho
large sum of Sl,4.'i0,C00 88. At the
same time the banks have loaned SI,
'jNl.TTo.HO and their united capital
stock amounts to 3272,000000.
Tills Is an excellent showing and
gives some idea of the wealth of the
county especially when v remember
that this year's crop Is vet to be
marketed. With a million and a half
dollars deposited in banks thruout the
county it would seem as tho we would
be able to pull thru the winter and
have a little left for emergencies in
tho spring. If curront report bo true
it is more than probably that all the
money is not deposited in banks.
Pot haps fully a half a million might
be found hidden in sto.ckings, oyster
cans and thu liko so thai our true
woithds probably close to two mil lions
actual cash Of this amount nearly
one third is found deposited in the
bunks of tills oily.
ur Public Schools.
On- public schools opened Monday
morning with a good attendance. The
schools this jenr will be better than
ever and we are pleased to see that
llicie is continual advancement.
Kneh j car witnesses some new im
proveinont. better equipment better
sen ice. Tills year everyone of the in
structors in the high school have state
certificates and degree. Superintend
ent Morit:. is a graduate of the Slate
I'niversily and I'tru Normal and has 11
P.. A. degree. William Overman,
principal is a graduate of tho state
t'liivoisity and has the A. B. degree.
Piof. .1. Burwcll has a 15. A. dogiec.
MissC. Miller and Miss A L.Rlolmids
both have A. B. degrees.
It will be scon that our high school
teaching force is the best in tho
history of oiirsohools. With instruct
otssucli as these wc have a right to
expect the mot excellent results.
Over In tho Lincoln school Miss
Josephine Richards, u graduate of
I2vanston, 111., assumes the position of
piiPelnal. Slit; comes well equipped
for hor duties and wc welcome her to
our midst. Miss I21sio Arnold will be
found In charge of tho sixth grudo this
year. She gave excellent satisfaction
lastyearand holdsa sccondgradecerti
tlcate. Kntli Johnston will again
have ehargo of the eighth grade. She
has a first grade' certificate. Miss
Kutherlnc BUrkc and her sister will
have the suuio rooms as" Inst year.
They arc both graduates of Drake,
la., I'nlverslty. Miss Kdnu Williams
will havo charge of the third grade,
the change tfl the sixtli grade lust year
boiug but temporary. She holds a
second grade certificate. Miss Alice
Coombs has ehargo of the. second grade
room tlio saino as last year. Shu has
a second grade certificate. Miss Edith
Haney is a gradur.te of Peru and will
have charge of the first room. Miss
Pearl Bryan a gruduato of Kearney
will havo tho kindergarten the same as
last your.
Of the fourteen teachers nine are
graduates of higher institutions of
learnlug. We watch with consider
able interest tho progress of our
schools because wo arc all Interested
In them. Tho prospects foia most
successful year aro very bright.
Red Cloud Wins Both GamesfromHnst
Monday afternoon Bed Cloud de
feuted Hastings by a score of 7 to 4,
Hastings 0 l 0 0 0 0 () 0-1.
Red Cloud u 1 0 0 1 2 U x 7.
lilts-Hastings 10, Red Cloud 11.
Errors Hastings t, Red Cloud 1.
Batteries Waldron and Donnelly;
Jarrott and Moss.
Struck out By Waldron 7, by Jar
rott 1. Bases on balls-Oil" Waldron 3.
Two base hits Donnelly and Harms.
Homo run Mills.
Tuesday afternoon Rod Cloud shut
out Hastings In a good game by a
score of 'J to (). Score:
Hastings.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 -0.
Red Cloud. .. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.
Hits Hastings 1, Red Cloud 2. Er
rors Hustings 1, Red Cloud 0, Batter-ies-Cleggand
Donnelly; Masters and
Moss. Struck out By Clegg 11, by
Masters 7. Bases on balls Off Clegg
5, off Masters Jl. Three huso hit f
Wafcon Btxcs
' So,. Wullin for that new wagon box
that yon need Alsocompleto wugniiH..
Cost of Getting Grain to Market Mate
rially Reduced Through Shipment
by Water Benefits Distributed Ail
Over tho Country.
You may not know it you probably
don't hut It is a matter of lmnortance
to you whether the waterways of the
United States arc Improved or not
and this Is true : matter who you
are, what your business la, or what
part of the country you live In. It
may be that you are a farmer and you
toll me that It Is nonsense to say
that it can make any difference to
you whether tho waterways of -the
country are Improved or not, because
you live away out west, miles away
from any river which Is navigable now
or over will he.
Well, I admit that It Is not as easy
to see as the grain elevator down at
your railway Btatlon, but the benefit
Js there Just the same a real, sure
enough, dollars-aiid-cents benefit. Wa
terways have already been of tremen
dous advantage to the farmers of the
country and their further Improve
ment will put more money into your
pockets and those of your neighbors.
Take grain for an Illustration. A
large part of tho grain raised in the
country is shipped away from tho
place where It Is grown, somo for use
in the eastern states and somo for ex
port to Europe. Under these condi
tions tho price of grain is not fixed
at the nearest railway station. Your
wheat, for instance, is worth -just what
it will bring In Liverpool less tho
cost of getting it there. You can wo
at once that it inukos a whole lot of
difference to you how' much It costs
to send your grain to New York cr
Liverpool ami there's where the
WBtnwny comes In.
Vhcrc Economy ComcD In.
In 1008 the averago cost of carrying
wh'-at from Chicago to Buffalo by lako
wva one cent a bushel, while tho cost
by rail to Now York was 11.7 cents
almost twelve times as much.nltliough
tho distance is tho same. But grain
which is to go nil the way by water
must bo transferred to canal hoatB at
Buffalo. Little canal boats drawn by
mules cannot carry stuff as cheaply
os big ships driven by steam, so the
through rate by water was six cents
a bushel, a llttlo over half as much
aB by rail. For the twenty years end
ing with 1908 the water rate, on tHo
average, was lower than tho rail rate
by C.2 cents a bushel. On the ship
ments from Lako Superior tho differ
ence was greater still, since Duluth Is
less than 100 miles farther from New
York than Chicago Is by water atid
nearly COO miles farther by rail, but
ho comparative rates aro published.
The beneficial effects of tho water
Way, through lowered cost of transpor
tation, are not confined to the grain
shipped from cities on the lakes, but
oxtend to practically all tho grain
produced. The total production of
the flvo principal cereals wheat,
com, oats, barley and rye during the
past 40 yours, war. over
bushels. If tho average addition to
the Miluo of this vast volume of grain
was flvo cents a bushel, and that
seems a moderate figure In view of
tho facts stated above, the total Is
more than ?C,000,000,000 nearly ull of
which has gone Into the pockets of tho
But while tho beneficial effect of tho
waterways extends to a surprising dis
tance, a waterway close by exerts a
very much moro direct and powerful
influence than 0110 a long way off. If
tho Great Lakes and the Erlo canal
havo increased tho value of grain all
over me west, wimi uu you buiijiudi
would happen If tho Mississippi, Mis
sourl, Arkansas and Red rivers were
bo Improved that boats could run ev
ery day In tho year unlesB hindered
by lco?
Money Needed for Work.
Tho Nutlonal Rivers nnd Harbors
congress Is working for tho Improve
ment of the rivers, harbors and water
ways In all parts of tho United States.
Chairman Alexander of the rlvcrB and
harbors committee, saya that f 339,000,
000 will complete every project which
.has been begun or has been recom
mended by the army engineers. Five
hundred million dollars would prob
ably finish up all of thoBo and all the
new projects which will be Burveyqd
and adopted within tho next few years.
Tho averogo mutual production of
tho flvo principal cereals, which dur
ing tho last ten years hns been t.lCl,
000,000 bushels, has been steadily In
creasing and will probably continue
to Increase for somo time to come.
Tho completo improvement of all
our waterways would Increase tho
value of every bushel of grain pro
duced by at least flvo cents my own
opinion Ik that It would bo more than
But lot us ho on tho safe side. Sup
poso wo spoud a .billion dollars on
waterways Instead of n liulf-bllllon;
nupposo that the production of grain
romalns as It ltMiistoa.l ot Increasing;
arid Bupposo that tlio prlco of gcain Is
Increased only 2 Mi cents a bushel In
stead or five.
Even bo, with production stationary,
the expense doubled and the bneflt,
cut In half, tho whole 11,000.00,0.000
would bo returned In loss illaif ten
years In the IncmnBed. price of. grain"
lone. ,
-... -... ....
"Did you hne a good time?" asked
tlio bookkeeper.
Tho young woman stenographer
dropped her heavy sultcube. Having
assured herself that the manager had
not yet reached the offlco that morn
ing, sho tumid upon tho bookkeeper
a severe countenance.
"You aro the most tactless man I
know," sho declared. "Did you uver
hear of nny one having a good time
at anybody's wedding?"
Tho bookkeeper shook his head
"That's tho point of my subtle joke,'
ho Bald
"Well, It sounded to me like an or
dinary foolish question. I am n llttlo
peevish, I think, for I am trying to
count up how much the wedding cost
"I thought you liked to spend
"I do, when I havo some chance of
getting a fair return for it. But what
pleasure do I get out of this? Not
"First," went on tho stenographer,
bitterly. "I had to forfeit a day'B sal
ary for a substitute stenographer;
then, In order to catch the six o'clock
train I had to hire a taxlcab. Next I
had to say good-by to six perfectly
good dollarB for my railroad ticket.
"When I reached the town my thirteen-year-old
nephew pushed mo into
a cab ns If I were a bag of mcnl. Then
ho disappeared bashfully into tho dark
ness, leaving mo nlono In the cab
with a nice-looking young man who
was going to the same place. All the
romances folndcd on the girl and tho
man meeting on tho way to tho house
party flashed through my mind and I
began to think that perhaps tho wed
ding wouldn't bo such a bore, after
"I didn't know beforo that you were
ho dependent on n more man for your
happiness," said tho bookkeeper.
"You are always bragging about the
good times at your club."
"A girls' club is a jolly affair in It
self," explained tho stenographer, "but
a church sociable or a wedding needs
some foreign element for example,
an interesting man to mnKo ft en
durable." "And this particular man?"
"Ills namo was Smith. Ills wife and
ids small son wero waiting for him at
tho house."
"Love's young dream blasted!" mur
mured tho bookkeeper.
"I had one stroke of luck," said the
stenographer. "The house was so full
of relatives that I had to go to a
neighbor's to sleep. I thought how
lovely It was that I would not have to
get up at seven o'clock In order to get
tq the office, on time. They called mo
nt six o'clock.
"After breakfast I helped mnke all
the beds and then I sneaked off Into
6ho corner of tlio library and began
to read a book. Unfortunately, my
brother-in-law saw me nnd my reposo
fi'd attitude seemed to lrritato him, for
he asked 1110 to get up and dust n pic
tjiro frame."
'"It was selfish of you to shirk"
"Young man, don't you know that
one of the greatest lessbns In life Is
to learn one's own responsibility and
let other people's alone? Tho caterers
were there to cater; tho decorato
were there to decorate; tho brldo and
tho bridesmaids wore in tho hands of
tlio hairdresser. I think It wns nlco
of me not to go rushing nround yelling
'Isn't there something I can do?'
"I got even with my brother-in-law,
however. All of his personal property
that was downstairs I carried up, and
anything I found of his upstairs I took
downstairs. They will havo to clean
house again before ho finds his things.
"Of course we had a stand-up lunch
In tho butler's pantry and my suit
will have to go to the cleaner's.
"Two hours later tho wedding march
began. Then tlio procession came In,
everybody counting four on each foot
and all wishing they wero well out of
tho whole business. Then during the
ceremony thero were somo unostenta
tious tears shed. The man who wrote
'Merrily the Wedding Bells' certainly
had a wonderful Imagination. Next
camo tho refreshments and tho
showering of rlco.
"Well, this mof nlng I crawled out at
4:30 and caught the train back to
"But you had a visit with your rela
tlveB." "I didn't. Besides, tho trip cost mo
ten dollarB, without counting tho pren
ent." "You could have gqno to a lot of
mutlnceB for that?' ,M
Tho stenographer ridddod, "Without
anybody's being Urftdjout or sick from
overwork," sho sam. "i Know ono
thing. If ever I get married I'll put a
standing advertisement of it In tho
newspaper. That wlU do away with
addressing hnd stamping invitations.
Then wo will walk over to tlio nearest
"Hush!" warned tho bookkeeper,
'(let busy! Hero comes tho boss."
A Good Reason.
"I wnnt to thank you," said tho
orator, "for tho mannor In which you
gave attention to my remarks. Your
nttltudo was gratifying different from
tho others."
"Yes," replied tho nudltor; "but I
donkt want any credit that Ib not duo
mo, I havo had, Insomnia for wooks."
MosqUftoea Yn Klaska,
In HpltOi'Jif thp-cold, mosquitoes
llnurliUf a
.. . ' Up .! tZLA .
tin Intolerable
' umtl , A,lHjH
. f
IfllHO 01
The Big Store.
General Merchants
We are receiving new goods in all de-partments-and
during the coming
Fall and Winter seasons we will place
before the purchasing public the larg
est stock of New Goods ever shown
in Southern Nebraska.
Curtains and
The Last
fthe S
SUPERIOR, Saturday, Sept. 3rd.
HASTINGS, Mon. and Tues., Sept. 5th and 6th.
KEARNEY, Wed. and Thurs. Sept. 7th and 8th.
These are the closing games of the season and shbuld
be well attended.
nirnni oKonmsT..
In CiiitiiriAN (.'uracil I'.vr.av Loan's Day
llllilu school 10 a. 111.
Sermon niul (.'oiiimiinlon 11 n. in.
Christian Knitcavnr HSW !' m.
I'rcachhii! . - 7:I!0 p. in.
Prayers and praise, Vcilmsntay, . "::) p. in.
Seals free. (Soouimislc. Conic, llrliigymir
lilblcs, trlciiiisanil kooi! cheer.
I,. An. Ui'ssoxn, Minister.
Summary fr Auftust 1910.
Temperature: Maximum 102 on the
2tst, minimum .10 on the 20th,Kreatcst
dally range 15 on 7th.
Precipitation: Total 2.IU inches.
Greatest In 'J hours 1.15 inches on
20th. Number of days with .01 inch
or more 10, clear 17, partly cloudy 0,
Cloudy 8, prevailing; wind N. V.
Thunderstorms 3, a, 8, 11, 18, 29.
Ciia1. S. Ludlow.
Ul n .SSes
L. X t C ? gS
r" u e, o fc S .
0 ?SS5
w S u a
AppllacJ Into lh nostril
la quickly abtorbed.
It clonuses, soothes, heals and protects tlio
disused iiiciiibraiio resulting froin'Ciitarth
and drives away a Cold in thu Head quickly.
TlnutnrrMj tint Hntiana nt Timtn Aiftl Hmpfl
It Is easy to ubo. Contains M injurious'
drills, ho mercury, no couiitiio, ;w .mor
phine. Tho liousohold reaiody.
i'lleu, no eonta at or 1 y r.i ill.
ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., New York.
f) W"-Z1
74 w &
- i
Goods, Womens
Suits and Furnish-
Lodic and Church Directory
Charity Lodge No. .'.3, A. V. and A
M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st
and 3d Friday. R. K. Foe, V. M. A.
II. Sellars, Secretary.
Red Cloud Chapter No l9. Hoyal
Arch Masons meets every Second and
Fourth Friday. I) W. Turnurc, II. P.
II. A Lotson, Secretary
Cyrene Conimaiidcry No. 14, Knights
Templar meets every First Thursday.
II A. Lcthon, 13. C. D. W. Turnure,
1. O. O. R
Mctts every Monday Night. C.
Halt, N. (J. O. C. Tctl. Cleric.
Meets First and Third Thursduy, In
I. O. O. P. Hall. Mrs. Lottie Smith,
N. O. Carrie Uolsworth, Secretary.
m '
Haiiiiatii Kkiivicks.
Humliiy fcjchool i 10 A. M .
Prenchlni: 11 A. M.
(Mass mcctlni! Vi M.
Kpworth IcnKiio 7 1'. M.
l'reachfuu 8 1 M.
l'rayor incetlut; WeihiCMliiy evening 8 1. M
Ladles Aid 1'rldiiy 2 V. M,
Your presence. Is requested nnd a eordlnl
Invitation Is extended to all,
M.T. tirii'i'i.Kii I'nutor.
Comer ol nt li Avcnuo and chestnut Ktrcit.
10 n. in Hnhlinth Kchoot
11 a. 111,.... PrcachliiK
7:1b p. in ChrUttnn Wcrkrr'hlluint
8:00 iv in Preaching
All aro luvllcd to attend.
4 J, K. J AituuK, Minister.
llev. J. Ml Hates, I'Aidor.
Korvlco the lUst two Holidays In each
Holy CoiiiiiiiiIiIou ut iiioruliiu ki vices on
thellrnt Hunrtiiy.
, Kundiiy school at Vi o'clock every 'Hominy
Mrs. 1C.I1. Hinltli.t rliitt 11 Huriltut.