''' v1 u 9 JM-i :VT J. ff ' K fc INDEPENDENCE ON THE FARM SPLENDID RESULTS FOLLOW FARMING IN THE CANADIAN WEST. Americans In Canada Not Aoked Forget That They Were Born Americans. to Farm produco todny Is remunera tive, and this helps to ninko farm ltfu ngrcenblo. Thoso who nro studying tho economics of tho day toll us that the strength of tho nation lies In tho cultivation of tho soil. Farming Is no longer a hand-to-mouth existence It means Indopendonco, often aulucnce, but certainly Independence. Calling at a farm house, near ono of tho numerous thriving towns of Al berta, In Western Canada, tho writer was glvon a definition of "Indepen dence" that wau ncccpted ns qulto original. The broad ucrcs of tho farm er's land hud a crop and a Bplendld one, too, by tho way ripening for tho reapers' work. Tho ovennoss of tho crop, covoring field after field, attract ed attontion, as did also the neatness of tho surroundings, tho well-built sub stantial story-and-a-half log house, nnd tho well-rounded sides of tho cattlo. Ills broken' English ho was a French Canadian wob easily undcrstandublo and pleasant to listen to. Ho had como there from Montreal n year ngo, bad paid $20 an aero for tho 320-acro Tarm, with tho llttlo improvement it had. Ho had never farmed before, yet his crop was excellent, giving evi dence 08 to tho quality of tho soil, nnd tho good Judgment that had been uhcJ In lta proparutlon. And brains count in fnrming aa well nB "braw." Asked how ho liked it there, ho straightened his broad shoulders, and with hand outstretched towards the waving fields of grain, thlB young French Canadian, model of symmetrical build, replied: "Do gosh, yes, wo like him the fnrmln' well, don't we, Jeannetlo?" nB ho smilingly turned to tho young wife standing nonr. Sho had accom panied him from Montrenl to his far west home, to nsslst him by her wifely help and compnulonship, in making a new homo In tills now land. "Yen, wo como hero wan year ago, and wo never farm before. Ncnr Montreal, mo father, ho kep do grls' mill, an' do cardln' mill, an' bo gosh! ho run do cueeso factor' too. Ho work, an' mo work, an' us work tnrn hnr. bo gosh I Us work for do farmer; well 'den, Eomctln' go not always w'at you call RANG THE BELL, ALL RIGHT SZ Eltimstcs ol Yield of Wheat in Wrtttrn Csnids tor 1910 More Thin One Hundred Million Buthtls. do' right, an' do farmer ho say do' mean t'ing, bo gosh! and tell us go to woll, nnyway ho tnrn mad. Now," nnd then ho waved his hand again towards tho Holds, "I 'avo no bodder, no cardln' mill, no grls' mill, no chceso factor'. I am now dc farmer man an' when mo wnnt to, mo can say to do odcr fellow! you go ! Woll, wo like him tho farmln'." And that wan a good definition of independence. Throughout n trip of several hun dred miles in tho agricultural district of Western Canada, tho writer found the farmers in excellent spirits, an optimistic feeling being prevalent everywhere. It will bo Interesting to tho thousands on tho American side of tho lino to know that their rela tives and friends aro doing woll thero, that they havo made their home In a country that stands up so splondldly under what haB been trying conditions In most of tho northwestern part of the farming districts of tho continent. With tho exception of somo portions of Southern Alberta, nnd also a por tion of Manitoba and Southern Sas katchewan tho grain crops could bo defccrlbod as fair, good and excellent. Tho same drought thnt affected North nnd South Dakotn, Montdna, Minne sota, Wisconsin nnd other of tho northern central states extended over into u portion of Canada Just men tioned. But In theso portions tho crops for tho past four or tlvo years wero splendid nnd the yields good. The great provinco of Snaltatchewan has suffered less from drought in pro portion to her nrcn under cultivation than either of tho other provinces. On the other hnnd, instead of tho drought being confined very largely to tho south of the mnln line of tho C. P. It. it is to bo found in patchos right through tho center of northern Sas katchewan also. In splto of this, how over, Saskatchewan has n Bplendld crop. A careful checking of tho nver nges of yield, with tho acreages In tho different districts, gives nn average yield of 15Vj bushols to tho aero. In Southern Alberta one-fifth of tho wlntor wheat will not bo cut, or has :-" iii; . --- -i n v .,,. ,i,msmiryasi iiaiii 'riitrftispr' TS3itaAli been re-sown to feed. There arc In dividual crops which will run ns high ns 45 bushels on acres of GOO and 1,000 ncres, but thcro arc others which will drop as low as 1G. A safe average for winter wheat will bo ID bushels. Tho sample is exceptionally fine, excepting in n fow enses where It has been wrin kled by extromo heat. The northern section of Alborta has been nnturnlly anxloiiB to Impress tho world with tho fact that It hna not suffered from drought, nnd this is qulto true. Wheat crops run from 20 to 30 bushels to nn acre, but In a report such ob this It Is really only posslblo to deal with tho province ns a wholo nnd whllo tho estimate may seem very low to tho peoplo of Alberta, It Is fair to tho provinco throughout. When tho very light rainfall and other eccentricities of tho past season nro taken into account, it seems noth ing short of a mlrnclo that tho Cana dian West should have produced 102 million bushels of whent, which Is less than 18 million bushels short of tho crop of 1909. It Is for tho West generally n paying crop nnd perhaps tho best advcrtlsomcnt the country has over had, as it bIiowb thnt no mnt tcr how dry tho year, with thorough tillage, good seed nnd proper methods of conserving tho moisture, a crop can always be produced. Ab somo ovidenco of tho feeling of tho farmers, nro submitted letters written by farmers but n few days ngo, and they offer tho host proof that can be given. Mnldstonc, Snak., Aug. 4, '10. 1 enmo to Mnldstone from Menomi nee, Wis., four yenrs ngo, with my parents and two brothers. Wo nil lo catcd homesteads nt thnt timo nnd now have our patentB. The soil Is a rich black loam as good as 1 have ever seen. We hnvo hnd good crops each year and in 1909 they wero exceeding ly good. Whent yielding from 22 to 40 bushels per aero and oats from 40 to 80. Wo are well pleased with the country nnd do not care to return to our natlvo state. I certainly believe thnt Saskatchewan Is Just tho place for u hustler to get a start nnd mako himself n homo. Wnges hoi o for fnrm lnbor riinso from $35 to SIC ner4 month. Leo Dow Toflold, Alberta, .inly 10, 1910. 1 nm n native of Tcxnji, thu largest and ono of tho very best stntes of tho Union. I havo been hero throo yearn and have not ono desire to return to tho States to live. There Is no placo I know of that offers such Bplendld Inducements for capital, brain and brawn. I would liko to say to all who nro not satisfied where you arc, mako n trip to Western Canada; If you do not like It you will feel well repaid for your trip. Tnko this from ono who'B on the ground. Wc enjoy Bplen dld government, laws, school, railway facilities, health, and Inst, but not least, an idcnl climate, and this from a Tcxnn. O. L. Pughs. James Normur of Porter, Wisconsin, after visiting Dauphin, Manitoba, says: "I havo been In Wisconsin 25 years, coming out from Norway. Never have I Been better land and tho crops in East Dauphin aro better than I havo over seen, especially the oats. Thcro Is more straw and It has heav ier heads than ours In Wisconsin. "This Is Just the kind of land wo aro looking for. Wo nro all used to mixed farming nnd tho land wo have seen Is ilncly adapted to that sort of work. Cattle, hogs, horses and grnln will bo my products, and for tho livo stock, prospectB could not bo better. I hnvo never seen such cattlo as aro raised here on tho wild prairio grasses and the votch thnt stands three or four feet high In tho groves nnd on tho open prnlrlo. Sir Wilfred Laurler Talks to Amer icans. Sir Wilfred Laurler, Premier of Canada, is now making a tour of Western Cannda and In tho course of his tour ho has visited many of tho districts In which Amorlcans havo set tled. Ho expresses himself ns highly pleased with them. At Craig, Sas katchewan, tho American settlers Joined with tho others in nn address of welcome. In replying Sir Wilfred said In part: x "I understand that many of you have como from tho grcnt Republic, to tho south of ub n land which Is akin to ub by blood and tradition. I hope that in coming from a frco coun try you renllzo that you como also to another frco country, nnd thnt al though you crjme from a republic you havo'come to what is a crowned democracy. Tho King, our sovereign, has perhaps not bo many powers as tho President of tho Unltoil States, but whothcr wo nro on tho ono side of tho lino or tho other, wo are all brothers by blood, by kinship, by ties of relationship. In coming hero ns you havo como and becoming natural ized citizens of this country no ono de sires you to forget tho land of your ancestors. It would bo n poor mnn who would not always havo In his henrt a fond affection for tho land which he camo from. Tho two greatest countries today aro certainly tho United Kingdom of Great Hrltnln nnd Ireland nnd the Republic of tho Unit ed Stntes. Let them bo united to get her and tho peaco of tho world will bo forever assured. "I hope that in coming hero as you have, you have found llbprty, Justice nnd equality of rights. In this coun try, ns In your own, you Know noining of separation of creed and raco, Tor you aro all Canadians hero. And If I mny express a wish It Ib that you would becomo ns good Canndluns ns you have been good Americans nnd thnt you may yet remain good Amer icans. Wo do not wnnt you to forgot what you havo boon; but wo want you to look more to tho futuro than to tho past. Lot mo, beforo wo part, tender you tho sincere expression of my warmest gratitude for your reception." FATAL USE OF OIL MRS. E. E. WILDER, OF HASTINGS, DIES FROM DURNS. HAPPENINGS 0VEH THE STATE What Is Going on Hero and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Hastings, Neb. As n result of burns received in an attempt to make a smoldering lire bum by aiding it with conl oil, Mrs. K. 13. Wllber of this place died Friday night, after suffer ing Intense pain nil day. .Mrs. Wllber was engaged in build ing a lire, nnd ns It did not start readily she applied oil. An explosion followed and her clothing was Ignited nnd she was severely burned about tho head nnd body. Her throat and lungs wore alto affected from Inhal ing the flames. Much Rain at Lincoln. Lincoln, N'eb. A rain thnt began nt 8:28 Sunday evening and lasted until r:04 Monday morning measured S.HS inches, the heaviest preclpltution ever recorded in a ulngle downpour In Lin coln. The city streets were trans formed to overflowing rivers. The Antelope bottoms were flooded In the early morning and Inter In the day the flood reached the Salt ereek bot toms, blocking railway trafllc and driving people from their liomcs. One life was lost. Mike Sndon. n Turk In the employ of the Hurllngton, falling from a raft, ills body was recovered. To Celebrate Labor Day. Hastings. Neb. Preparations fin annual Labor day celebration have It.in.i ti..niil.ii.tl All iititf.fiu w-llt frit-Ill " ' V ' .'..a .. , " ,' V. 1 111 lMIt(w ! M t " 'Mill " " "' - lowed by a program at Prospect park. ; Mayor Miles will deliver an nddress ' of welcome, followed by speeches by prominent labor leaders. To Use Lamp Posts. Fremont. Neb. The special light committee of business men has de cided to light Fremont by tho post lamp system and to place the order with a local firm. Over a hundred lamp posts will be put up at once. H.tc Lived 101 Years. Fremont, Neb. Mrs. Katherine Lewis, an old time resident of Fonta- nello, celebrated her 101st birthday anniversary one day this week. Crar.shoppers are doing damage In the vicinity of Nebraska City. Falrbury Fraternal and labor or ganizations in Falrbury arc making extensive preparations for a big fra ternal picnic to be held in Falrbury Labor day. .1. M. Kdinlston, one of tho oldest and best known citizens of Lincoln, died Saturday from the effects of a paralytic stroke sustained some time ago. The Fraternal Order of Kagles of Lincoln, through President H. II. Swltzer, made the first offer to donato funds to help the flood sufferers in the lowlnndB of Lincoln. Hastings A campnlgn is soon to bo started to Increase the endowment fund of the Hastings college to $.'!00,- 000 and a new building by the nluinnl lassoclalion is a near possibility. Alnsworth Thursday morning the thermometer stood nt 29 degrees, ono degree below freezing, but tho wind Mew hard all night, so there was no frost. Overcoats were plentiful. Superior Committees In charge of the Interstate reunion to bo held at Superior on September 12 to 17 aro actively engaged In planning one of tho largest reunions held here " in yenrs. Nebraska City A purse is being rnised of 94,000 with which to erect a a permanent auditorium for the Chau tauqua at Morton park and already the major portion of tho money has been subscribed, t Special preparations are being niudo by tho unions of Lincoln and vicinity to celebrate. Labor day, September Ji, In an appropriate manner. A street parade, participated In both by tho unions and business men, followed by nn afternoon of sports have been ar ranged. Burglars broke Into the general store of H. J. Nicholson nt Virginia, blowing open the Bafo whh dynamite Kntrnnco was secured through ono of tho rear doors of tho storo building. No money was kept In the safe nnd tho robbers secured but llttlo to pay them for their work. Charles K. Coutant, one of the ploneern of Nebraska nnd a promi nent citizen of Omaha for over forty years, died at his homo Tuesday morn ing.. Ills Illness wns not of long dura tion, hut his health had been falling 'for some time. Following tho report of a few days ngo thnt n company of capitalists hnd been formed to build n railroad from Wichita, Kan., to Beatrice, making these two cities terminals, comes the report that surveyors will bo In the lo'd early next month und. mnhe a technical survey. Tho Franklin county fair will bu held September 13 to 10. Tho Fico Methodists nt Atnswortli are building a parsonage. Tho Lincoln Ad club will hold n corn carnival September 22d. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the hotel, butcher shop and a cream receiving station nt Pauline. William llullard of Fremont, who was struck by a train nt Omnha FrI daysnlght, died Sunday night. Ho had a broken back. Reports from Johnson county corn fields are most encouraging, finmc fnrmcrs nro of the opinion the county will pioduce more corn than It did last year. A. H. Harstler Ihib been elected sec retary of the Stella Commercial club, and nrranginenl hne been mado for a one-day picnic In Nutter's grovo on September 15. Willie attempting to board a moving train at Llnscott, Frank Oshorue, n member of the Hurllngton Hue gang, hnd his right leg amputated between the nnkle and knee. The state W. C. T. V. has urranged for n series of good citizenship meet ings at the state fair, to bo held In thu atidltnilum Immediately following the forenoon concerts. A cut-off ditch 1,100 ret, long is to be constructed at the Nlckurson brldgi over the Klkhorn rler to keep the river from cutting around tho bridge and Into an old channel. Flro which broke nut In the building occupied by N'MioIhh Fritz at Pendui spread to the Palace hotel and adjoin Ing buildings, causing damage estl mated nt more than $."0,ul)0. Tho state eases which havo been pending againM the baseball teams of Seward and Red Cloud for alleged iolittlou of the slate law by engaging in a game on Sunday, June 1!), have been dismissed. C. .1. Kavalec. aged I'.O ears, n prom inent resilient of llraliiard, Neb., was ciuslied by the automatic (-levator In the Alamo hotel .it Denver, sustaining Itijurlr-ri from which he died half an hour later. Mrs. Vergln, mother of Mayor Vim gin of Utlca, was badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove one day last week. While "acting"' In a Juvenile circus performance Sunday nftormmii, Sam mle Watson, a seven-year-old Lincoln boy, attempted to slide down a wire from the top of a telephone pole tc the ground. The lad's teeth were knocked out by the force of the full and his left leg was broken. Tho railway commission Is investi gating a complaint charging that the Hurllngton for some llmo past has violated the full train crow law In the operation of trains Nos. 7 nnd 02, be tween Omnha and Lincoln and Lin coln and Wyniore. The law requires live men in charge of a train of more thnn llvo cars. Indemnity bonds to cover work done In Nebraska by u corporation under taking compllairco with Nebraska laws and written by a licensed Insurance compnny must be written by n resi dent agent. This ruling Is mado hy Attorney General Thompson In uu opinion delivered to State Auditor Barton, wherein the facts of the spo elal case in joint aro set forth. It Is probable that a referee to tako lostlmony in the ouster suit begun against 'Chief or Police Donahue of the Omaha police force will not bu appointed until nfter September 20, when the ilrst session of supremo court will be held. The court will not meet in vacation to appoint the ref eree unless there Is a pressing de mand for this to be done. A major ity of the court Is now in Lincoln, but the attorney general hns made no move Indicating a wish for extra ordinary action. The court is holding up ns many things as possible until the regulur opening of court, In order that all seven members mny be pres ent. This will save the majority froir responsibility for the entire court. Governor Shallenbergor has re ceived a telegram from a number of mon nt Gibbon, asking permission to go Mo Montana to help fight tho flro there. Tim governor was ready to givo permission, but he did not under stand how this could be of much value unless funds for the trip accompanied tho ponnlsrlou, and thero is no pro vision for the state supplying such funds. September 5 tins been fixed ns the day on which the now coliseum nt tho strito fair grounds will bu dedicated. Only hair or the building will be com pleted. Its nrea will bo 200 by 175, and when completed In the rnturo by future appropriations will bo 209 by 350. Tho slate board of public lands and buildings have decided to expend the $10,000 nppropriated by tho last logls. laturo for tho building of a sower for the soldiers' home nt Grand Island The appropriation is conditioned on a connection of tho state sewer with the olty sower system of Grand Island. Owing to tho bud condition of his knee, which hns given him no little amount of pain and annoyance of late, Governor Sh'tllenborgor h.-.s cancelled all of his speaking engagements. fewaJMMssM'- ' Tis VlnfrtaWHtiifTTr'i '; '' ie A Llklncj for "Hamlet." "Do yon like Hamlet?" asked tho hostess of her unlettered, If gushing, guest. "Indeed I do," was the reply. "I am excessively fond of It, but I alwayn prefer it savory to a nweet one." Thero wns n momentary confusion, and then tho hostess realized that the admiration of tho guest wns of a cul inary, not Uterory, character. "I gave her limn with an for brenkfnst next morning," hostess, when telling the Scraps, omolette snld tho ntory. Active Possession. Guinevere, aged four, wiib going out to walk with n young lady, of whom Bho was very fond. As tlioy opened tho street door thoy wore mot by n swirling cloud of dust, blown up from tho thoroughfare. "Keep your llpn tightly closed, Owen, or you'll get your lungs full of mi crobes," wnrncd tho young lndy. Guinevere pondered a moment nnd then, looking up, demanded: "What are your crobes?" National Monthly, There t more Catarrh In tnH Motion nt the country than ail nher iIim-am- nut toxrthir, mil until the last tew year . supposed to lie Inrurulile, 1'ur a great many irar doctors timnnunretl It a local iIIm-om nml prescribed local remedies, nml by constantly falling lo cure tilth local treatment, prounmired It Incurnlilc. Hfletira hs proven CaUrrh tn be a eimatltuttflnal IH esse, anil therefore require eonatltullonal treatment. Hall Catarrh cure, maiiutartureil by r J, t'hmey A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la the only Constitutional cure on the market. It la taken Internally In clear from 10 drops to a trainonnful. It acta directly on the blood anil mucous surfaces or the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any raw It fll to cure. Scot) tor circulars ami leatlmnnlala. Address: V, J. CIIKNUY A CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Hold hy Druralnta. 76c. Take Uall a Family rills tor onnstlpaUoo. Telling a Lie. Mrs. Jollyboy Where on earth havo you been? Mr. J. 1 cannot tell a He; I've been at my office. Mrs. J. That's whore we differ. I can tell n He when I hear ono. Imponnnt to Mothora Kxnmluu carclully every bottlo of O. A fVI'f Mil A fi uiiff. fitnl uiirn t-fimiiflv i"nl Infants and children, and sco that It Hears tho Slgnuturo ofi III Uau For Over !l Years. Tho Kind You Havo Alwayn Bought. Last Here. The Minister In tho next world, Tommy, the last shall bo first. Tommy Say, won't I shlno whon tho minister conies to supper at our house up thero! Puck. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive About thn tlro or your hIuich, iniiiiy peoplo i-nr Hiinillcr hIidcsIij-iihIiik AUcii'h I'oot-lCnte, thu AiiIIhciiIU' Powdrr to hlinku Into tlm hlutm. Jt cincH Tlrt'il, Nwollrii, Aclilnif Foot nnd Hires text unil comfort. Just tho thing for brcnUliiR In new HliorH. Hold rerywli-re, Sta. Hainplu unit KIIKIi. AiHUchh, Allen H. Ululated, I.e Hoy, N. V A fool in an appreciates the noiibcuso of u pretty woman more than ho does the sonso of u homely one. Mm. IVInMn-tr-H Soothing Syrup. Knrc'itllilrW! tci'lhliiif, Nfli-iiHiiuuinn, ri'Ourr! it.taiiiiiilluii.alluTHiMilu.iuruiwIiiili'oliu, u-uiutU A girl wilt tell how n mnn mado lovo to her when sho did to him. J7 niiiii- UZa?7&k&l. Strong Healthy Women If a womnn in ctronjt and heulthy in n womanly way, moth erhood means to her but littto suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that tho many women suffer from weaknes and disease of the distinctly feminino organism and aro tiuiittod ior motherhood. This can bo remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknoues and diiordora of women. It cot directly on tho delicate and important organs oonoerned in motherhood, making them bcaltby, atronj, vigorous, virile and elastic "Favorite Prescription" banishes tho indispositions of tho period of expeotanoy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It auickens and vitalizes tho feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women have testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well. Honest druggist do not offer substitutes, and urge them up"bn you as "Just as good." Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is a puro glyoerio extract of healing, native American roots. WESTERN til Lanitnnles nnd homestead entries Increaiiln?. No cesuntlon In numbers KOlnjr from United Btutes. Wonderful opportunities remain for those who Intend mnklnfr Canada tbelr homo. New districts belntf opened up for settlement. Many farmers will net, tbUyear, $10 to 113 per acre from their wheat crop. Alt the advantages of old settled countries aro there, tlood schools, churches, splendid markets, excellent railway facilities. Bee the ernlu exhibit at thf different State and some of the County fairs. , Letters similar to the following aro received every day, testifying to satisfactory conditions; other districts are as favorably spoken of: TIIHV BUNT KOH TIIE1U BOH, Mttlditone, Huk., Canada, Au. Sib, 1910. "Mr parents rama herefrom Cedar t'ulU, tows, four Tears ago, and were so well pleased with this country tlier sem to Cuenr d'AIena fur roe. 1 havo taken up a hoineatead nearthtui, and am perfectly saUsQed to stop here." Leonard JXjuiflas. a WANTS BBTTLHIfa HATH YOU 1H.H 8T0CK. Btettlnr, AlbnrtaJuly 31st, 1910. R ffnii . gut ui iioiu iiuiu funviv.nr, luna. ui, nrlnir In euod iliswi with the stock and oTerythlnif, ,ow. I have mt two boti back In Iowa vol anil 1 Bin going baek thorn now soon to get them and an other ear up here this fall. What 1 would like to know Is, If there Is any chance to set a cheap rate back again, and when wn rrtnm to Canada I will call at jour onico for our eenineatcs." Tours truly, II. A. W Ik. YJLI, MAKB niS HOMB IN CANADA. Uralnerd, Minn., Aug. 1st, 1810. "I am going to Canada a woek from today and Intend to make my homntbore, My husband ha bn there six weeks and Is well pleased with the coantrytso he wants me to oonw as soon i po. Ilhle. lie niel on a claim near I-andln, riatk., and y his deserlpUon of It It n-uil be a prcuy place. Bend for literature and ask the local Canadian Government Agents for Eiruralon Itatea, beat districts In which to locate, and when to go. W. V. DENNETT, 801 New York Life Building. Omaha, Nebraska sasaLaA ssaLH bbbbbbI aBBBBBsBBBBaV sLBBBBBaa miun aunyons T ' - Witch Hozei gp,oap - Is mora soothing than Cold $a - ream , mum Healing uiiiu is uny lotion, liniment or salve; moro beautifying than any cosmetic. t Cures dandruff and stops hair from falling out The Army of Constipation Is Crowtnf Smsllar Erety Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS sra Itapotuible Uny l only giw relief- Ihey permaaeoUy cure loaitip tloa. MJ IIodj uio ihem fof ill.... mi, ladiitiUM, Sick HMdube, SaBov SUtu SMALL Fill, SMALL DOSE, SMALL fRICt Genuine moabtu Signature LES "I have suffered with pites for thirty six years. One year ago laat April I oc ean takiiur CiiBcarcta for constipation. In the course of n week I noticed the piles began to disappear and at the cud of eix weeks they did not trouble tnc at all.. Cascarcts have done woutlero for me. X nm entirely cured and feci like u new wan." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. Pleasant. Pnlntablo. Potent, Tasto-Good. Do Oool. Never Hlcken.WouWen or Urlpe. HX;,25c. 50c. Never oW In built. Tho pen ufnu tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money buck. 920 Suint Katharine's School For Girls EPISCOPAL Davenport, Iowa Atailemlc, preparatory, nnd prlumry RTle. Certltlcuta nccrptnl by Kiinteru colteeM. bp rial nilTuutitKeu lu Mimic, Art, Domestic- Hclenca nml (IliiiimHliuii.AdilreiuiThe.Slater Superior. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 37-1910. CANADA S i snasiik HIV jH&rAtyrFfti. AM BBITTI 'inlW E SINGLE ! ISf BINDER J 1 1 swMinaKciGia i I L' You Pay 10c I 1 1 op c,ara I I ill "Not so Good. H mSZ& r.P.LEWI3Porln.HlB i 1910 CROPS Wheat Yield in Many Districts Will' Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere Myorother-ln-law, Mr. Frank J. Zlmmer.llTes there nnd It was through hlui th.-u we decided to locate In Canada." Yours truly, Mrs, Ulcbard Henry Khlncer. I TAKB9 1113 BUOTimn-IN-IiAWS WOHI) IfOn IT. Tujlors Falls, Minn., Aug. T. 1910. "I shall go kiOumnue tills Fall with nr cattlo and bousenoluT goods. I got a pour crop hero Ibis rear and ray brother-in-law, Axel Nordstrom In Camruie, wants uun to come Ihern. lie formerly lived In Wilton. North Dakota. 1 am Kolng to bay or tako homestead when I get there, but I do not want to travel two times the re, for I take my bro the r-ln-laWe word about the country, and want to get yuurlow rate." Yours truly , 1'cter A. Nelson, J WANTS TO ltKTDItN TO CANADA. ' Vesta, Minn.. Jul ittth.ms r "I went lo Canada nine years ago and took ups quarter seoUon ot railroad Und and a homestead, but toy burs bsvo nevor taken up any laud jet. I UII hold the railroad land. I had to route back to tbestatesonaecountof my health. 1'leatn let me know at unco If 1 cau get the eheap rates to fonoka. Alberta." Yours truly, Ueo.Passewlts. Vesta, Ulna. ') AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try n box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. 'Incorporated) r4gffgg3SgSS3g52 in- n 4 if: ' i, iwt.i.Mwl' ,-4.