The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1910, Image 8

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The home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
l uirry a con1- r:ti line of strictly1 fresh
).iil my prices an: such that it will pay
t.....r luiviiiir in this line of us. Only the
" ' 'j ...0 ----- -
1 r.mds of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Trices.
you to flo
: first-class
In ii (irocory store more thiui in anything else,
buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness.
Yii cannot buy Groceries in n dirty, ill-kept plsico niul be sure o
pure goods cieanlliiess'utid stinitiitloii are our hobbles. : : : :
Famous Specialists Will Make a Short Visit to the Royal Hotel on 'Is
, o . ,-,.. ill
1 uesday Altcrnoon, ocpt. 1.3th.
Won! Iris been roeolved that the Would save, my life but mi opera: on
Bo You Want to Buy a Home. If You Do, Now is the
Time and C0LVIN & KENT'S is the place.
No. i. A. Lots 1.1 II I .and 10 in block 10, in the elty of Ksboii, .Jewell
county. Kansas. I room house, barn for six horses, good woll. soin trees; on
ly two blocks from main street. Price S?-".00.
No. :l A. 200 acres ', miles from Guide Rook, N'ebr. 110 acres under the
plow, i:. acres alfalfa, farm fenced and o.rossed-feneed, 10 acres hog light,
comfortable house, largo tlno barn practically new. crib, sheds, lien houses,
ling houses, well, mill, largo cement resevolr. Abundancu of water. Price
SlO.oOO. 67000.00 cash, balance mortgage to be assumed or paid.
No 1. A. .'125 acres 170 acres under the plow, fi acres alfalfa, hoc; pasture, 7
acre meadow, balance pasture, well and mill on each quarter, 2 story house
UJ.x:J0; barn is.3rt, cow barn "Jlx, calf stable Sx.Ui, hog shed 11x23, granary
:rib and tool shed combined 11x22, granary, crib and wagon shod combined
10x10; hen house 8x11, shop 10x12, old house, 10x18 .t 12x10. Hulldings on
good foundations, painted and in good condition. Price ir.O per acre, part
No .".. A. N. E. '4 2-1-21. Norton county, Knnsas; 1 milos from Clayton.
Kus. A good quarter of land, 00 acres under the plow, balance grass. Price Half cash balance time, 7 per cent interest.
No. 0. A. 100 acres, !)0 in cultivation, 7 acres alfalfa, l.r, actes more sown
this spring. Three miles to Uuido Rock, Nobr. New 7 room house, stable,
woll. mill. tank. etc. Price $0100.
No. 7. A. :io:i acres improved farm, 2 milos from Guide Hock, Nebr. Price
S05 per acre.
No v A. Good improved bottom farm 1C0 acres Half good bottom land.
Kino hay and alfalfa farm. Price S 12000.
No. ! A. An extra good SO acre farm; good, nearly now house, stable, well
mill, etc. Price SO.'i per acre A good one.
No. 10. A. good improved 100 acre fmm. Price cGr. per auru.
No. 11. A. A good ISO acre home, part number one bottom land, good
orchard, barn. home, well, mill, tank, etc Price $11000.
No. i:i. A. Pino ro-ddonce property in Guide lloek. Nebr. Price 2000.
No It. A Nice little cottage home close in to main street. (.Initio Hock,
Nebr. Price 81200.
No. IS A. Ml acres good grass land. .'!." per acre.
No. 10. A. 010 acres of line pasture laul with spring water. A portion of
which would make line farm land. A snap. Get after this, it will not last
long. S-'l per acre.
No. 17. A. A line improved 120 acre home at SOS per acre.
No. lSa. A tlno farm 7 miles ofGoodland, Kas., S2.10U. A choice farm.
No. 19a. A tine improved 80 acre farm 0 miles from Ked Cloud, Neb. A
bargain at 8SS00.
No. 20a. An extra 80 acre farm 1 mile from post-ofllco at Guide Hock. Neb.
Price $125 por acre.
No. 21a A line lO'i acre improved farm 5 miles from Red Cloud, Neb.
Price StliiOO.
No. 22a. One of the bo-t 110 acre improved, best located little homes in
Web-dor county. Nebr.. only 1 )$ miles from center of Hod Cloud, the county
seat of Webster county. Slir.Oi). 81000 down, balance March 1, Mill.
No. 2:5a. SS acres of the bo-d laud in Webster county. Nebr Good house,
well. mill. etc. Price fctmou
No. 2la. 1S1 S 10 notes, all bottom land, 1 miles from Guide Rock, Nebr.
In acre, pastuie. lo acres timber, balance under the plow, except corralls etc.
Comfortably house, burn, giuuiirj. crib, hen house, well. mill. tank. etc.
Price 810.000. S2VW March 1st. 11)11, balance In years time at .".',
percent interost. This farm will make you a good home, come and seo it, be
fore buying.
No. 2.1a. A tine l:i acre home in Nuckolls county. Nebraska, all bottom
and but about 1.1 acres. 0." acres tillable, and the best of soil, 10 acros of hi g
Una timber, balance pasture, good .1 room house, good harn .'12x40. This is a
good farm woll located about half way between (iuldo Hock and Uostwiek.
Muhuol across the road. Priced to sell 81.18 10. 81000 cash, balance .March 1,
. 1011.
No. 2'.i.i. 100 acres of th l)9st land in this country or any othor. 821U00.0O
The price sounds a llttl high. Yet if you want the best and are able to buy
iUlon't fail to se this one It is a sure and safe investment. A farm that
with proper care will produce a crop every year. All tho improvomouts need
ed, a horn rady to occupy and lit for a king. 75 acres under the plow, 18
ucres alfalfa. I acres orchard and grove, 100 bearing applo trees, 25 acres
prairie hay, balance pasture. 1,' story 10 room house, barn 21x32 with leanto
:12.11. well, wind mill, elevated tank, stock tank, crib room for .1000 bnshols,
sranary loom for 1000 bushels, 1 hog shed -ISxH, l hog shed .12x8, hay roof
oattlo shed lO.Mli, corrallsetc: farm all fenced and cross fenced. SlOOO.oOcash
i:t000.0.i Match 1st. 1011 balance 5 years at 7 per eont interest.
No. :10a. SO acres i miles from Guide Rock. Nebr.. SO acres under plow.
1.1 acres alfalfa, balance pasture, good five room house, barn, cribs m-anni-v
vll, mill, orchard etc; school one mile from house. Prico 85,100.
No. :ila. A line ','00 acre farm nicely located ". , miles from town, part
creek bottom, 2.1 acres alfalfa, 15 actes timber, 80 acres pasture, nice orchard,
balance farm land, house :t2.2 1 A It.s.'lo, ten rooms and bath room, granary
21x21, barn 21x21. cow shed, wll, mill, etc: farm fenced and cross-lVnced,
railroad switch on premises for loading stock and grain, graded school at
town, district school 1 , miles, county seat o1, miles, a dandy stock, grain
und fruit farm. Price 80S per acre.
Vt hava many more and can suit anybody . Gome and seo us
W. A. Kent,
Chief Consulting Physician of ihc
United Doctots has dicided to pay a
short visit to Red Cloud and while
here will stop tit Royal Hotel where lie
will receive ami examine patients
The United Doctors are the special
ists whose wonderful (nits have caus
ed m much comment by the pit's
pulpit ntnl public, net only in Nebraska
but all over t''e eniint ry. Tl i)so spec
i.ilis's have founded H tu-'.v M'huol (
medicine which rmbiaci. all of th'
good pointsoftheold schools and leu s
out the bad. 1 hoy use Allopathic
drugs where they are needed: they use
Homeopathic drugs where thev ate
needed, and in some cases they use a
corbinatiou of Eclectic drugs with
Homeopathic or Allopathic drugs in
the Mime case. Hence the name, 1'nit-
cd Doctors-they havo united the var
ious schools and "isms" of medicine to
form a perfect system of curingdiscase.
The 1'nited Doctors have many in
stitutes establiscd in the larger cities
of the 1'nited States. Their Omaha
Institute is located on the second lloor
of the Neville lllock. corner of Kith
n ti tl Harney st., Omaha, Nebraska.
The object of the United Doctors in
making this short visit to Red Cloud
is to secure a few oases in this com
munity but tlioy want these cases to
be only the most diillicult ones. They
knmv that if they cure a few of the
worst cases here that others will hear
of it and go to their Omaha Institute
for treatment. A cured patient isthoir
best advertisement.
While the Doctor is at the Royal
Hotel for this short visit on Tuesday
afternoon September Mth he will ex
amine all patients free of charge but
will accept only curable cases for
treatment, as it would nut bo ti good
advertiscmeutto ticatauy cases unless
they were sure of a cure. To the cases
selected for treatment a special te
duccd prico will bo made.
The diseases treated by the United
Doctors aro diseases of ttie netvos,
blood, skin, heart, stomach, kidney,
and liver, including rheumatism, pa
ralysis, and neuralgia, loa.s of nerve
force, goitre, constipation, catarrh,
epilepsy, indigestion, dyspepsin, weak
back, bloating, dropsy, eczema, scrof
ula, diseases of women and discuses
of men.
The dailies throitghoiit.the country
aro continually p iblisliing reports .of
the wonderful cures that hae been
in'ade by the I'uited Doctors. Heceiit
ly an account was given in an Omaha
paper of the ease ol Mrs. II. Ilrudford
who lives on R. It. No. 5 South Ouiaha,
Nebraska, in which she says in part;
"Ten years ago my heart began to
gradually fail and I grew worse until
1 was coullncd to my bed, half of the
time, with terrible pains in my stom
ach and bowols and violent vomiting.
For years I did not know what a well
day wus Could eat no food that other
people ate. Could got neither sleep
nor rest on account of tho awful suf
fering. 1 tried all the physicians in
reach, but only got worse until a coun
cil of my family physicans decided
that I had gallstones and that nothing
and the surgeons could not prom'sc
even an operation would telleic mi oi
save mu
"About one year ago 1 began to beat
accounts of the wonderful work ol the
lulled Doctors in gall stones. With
death and the surgeon knife htnniiKi
me in Uil' j.uv 1 1, neenv.'d t hut 1 o.l.'
Id see them uti) .Miy
"After u careful rMmiinutluli i!,.
prono'thced t ho case all stones ,ut.i
said they could lelieve mo in oti'- ....
ctue me permanently. I thought Hi. a
toi Mich tesults their prico would u
very high and I would not be able to
take their treatment but 1 louud them
kind und considerate. Their price was
a reasonable one. One fee paid lor
everything including the medicine,
until I should bo entirely cured, re
gardless of how long it took.
"Now, for six months I have not had
an attack of my old trouble. 1 can
cat anything I want and m digestion
seems as good as ever. No more vomit
linr snells. No more awful pains. No
more morphine from the family phy
sician. No more starvation. I owe
my recovery to the United Doctoisand
to them only. They have cured inc.
Since I have been cured a neighbor of
mine also has beouciued of gall stones.
1 want to say to all tho people who
have gall stones, goto the 1'nited Doc
tois '
Mrs. J. II. Rowers. Route'.!, Tekamah.
Nebraska writes; "After beingalllicted
with that dread disease Epilepsy for
ten ycirs continuously, 1 have not
had a single spell. since taking my tlrst
dose of the United Doctor's medicines.
And not only that, but inj general
health is now so much improved that
Instead of being a helpless invalid, I
can now do nearly all my own work
and can cat and sleep and eujoy life as
I havo not done in ten years before.
Now, this may seem impossible to other
Rpilopsy sulForersf but hoi e I am at
Tekanntii, Nebraska, Route 2 ready to
verify every statement, because 1 fool
grateful and thankful to the United
Doctors for their wonderful work."
These are only a fewextracts of hun
dreds of testimonials on file in the
olllcesof the United Doctors through
out the country.
While the United Doctots will not
accept any incut.ible c.ises for trent
ment one should not give up hope simp
ly because their Doctor has failed to
help'thVin. It must be remembered
that this system of medicine hiiMvuick
ly cured many diseases which could
not even be helped by other doctors ol
The I'uited Doctor- treatment is all
home treat nient. so that frequent visits
to our olllco are not necessary. This
treatment may boused in any home
anywhere, without inconvenience,
publicity or annoyance and without
dotalniug the patient from his or her
usual occupation.
This wonderful new treatinont is
what the Doctor is bringing to Red
Cloud. He will bo hero but one half
day, und while hero will receive pati
ents at tlio Royal Hotel Parlors.
SS2:. ? . 1
B -
i Red Cloud, - - Nebraska, g
8 i
Miss Gertrude Lambert is now a
compositor in the Guide Rock signal
Prank M ifsh and family of Itlootn
lield are here visiting ,1. S. Marsh and
The W. C. T. U. hold its annual elect
ion of ollloors Wednesday afternoon.
Particulars next week.
N. W. Uakor and family are moving
to one of Dr. Pace's houses which has
been recently repaired.
The father of K.A. Hendricksou was
here visiting him the first of the week.
His home is in Missouri.
Mrs. James Jewell is up from Dost
wick helping caro for her father Hast
ings Mllnor who has been very sick
for several days.
William Sawyer and sou went to
Bur Oak, Kansas Tuesday to do some
house moving. They are experts in
this line of work.
Hobt. Garrison ami wife and K. M.
Parker and wife went to Itlue Hill by
auto one day last week to attend the
"harvest festival".
Red Cloud, Neb.
I. B. Colvin,
Guide Rock, Neb.
A sister of Mrs. Mordith Guv was
hero visiting this wook. They are
daughters of Rev. A. G lllackwell who
formerly lived here
Glenn Cassoll returned Friday from
a stay of two weeks with relatives at
Edgar. Three cousins come homo with
him for a brief visit.
A Modern Woodman
Opera House Saturday September, 3rd.
Mrs. Charlie Gleasou and cnlldren
returned to thoir home in Republic
County Kansas Tuosday. Her nelce
Miss Verna Payne accompanied her.
Mrs. L. Doming spent Thursday
night at tho home of Mrs. Van Woort
and daughter. She was on hor way
from her homo at Hansen to--'Jowell
CPy, Kansas to visit her aged mother.
The lliptists will have regular
' iti.iwiliiiiii nine iil. tlnii li ti iii wit Mil I'iiI
Ml v in tliil iiw" n ini. hum OVV.IIIIM
ti ptwtnr. He has rented the Molly
property formerly owned by Mrs. Eva
Dickers')!!. Mr. Molly w ill not move
to town tint ill spring.
Mr. M.isjn tlie pain tor litis been
tlnislilug the interior of the new house
for Geo. Parker and his assistant Mr.
Mclutvtc has completed the same kind
of work for Dave Prey who has a tine
new residence west of Guide Rock.
Rev. and Mrs. liennett Seymour, who
lived In Guide Rock about fifteen
years ago, will celebrate their silver
wedding anniversary at their home in
Strathmore, AlbertaCanada September
7th 1010. Rev. Seymour was pastor of
the Guide Rock M. E, church for three
The IJoston ItloomerGirl's Hall-team
were defoated hero Tuesday by a score
of It 0 favor of Guide Rock. Score:
Guide Hock..O 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 O-.'J II 1
Hloomcrs 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0-0 1 2
Mallcrles Guido Hock. Foil Is and
Cady. Bloomers Watson and Davis
Umpire Marsh.
Harvey Horn who has heie
spending a few weeks with relatives
departed Sunday evening for his homo
In Long Uoaoh, California, Ho was
accompanied by his paronts Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Horn who will spend the
winter with him and Mrs. Harris who
also went to visit her daughter, Mrs.
The lollowir.g i Mi,ioi-e;l time: ,i..h it
to the constitution of th" State I .'.
hntskn, as hereinafter s t lorth in in.!.
Is submitted to the Hectors ol t!"
State of Nebraska, to be otod up i. at
the general election to be h hi lues
day, Novemlje.' Sth, A. D. P.P
Section one (1) of Article seun 7 of
the Constitution of the titate ot No
He It enncted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section l. (Amendment conutitu
tlon proposed,) That section one (1)
of article seven (7) of the constitution
of the state of Nebraska, the senate
concurring, be so amended as to read
as follows:
Sut'oii 1. (Who aro electors.) Ev
ery male citizen of the United States,
ot the aso of twenty-one years, who
shall havo been a resident of this state
six months next preceding the election
and of the county, precinct, or ward,
for the term provided by law shall he
an elector; provided, that persons or
foreign birth who shall have declared
their intention to heromo citizens con
formably to the laws of the United
States and aro votlns at tho taking ef
fect of this ainendinrnt, may continue
to oxorolso tho riht of suffrage until
pstfh time as they may havo rofhleil 'n
the 1'nited States live jears, eft. r
which thoy sltall take out full citi-: n
ship papers to i,p entitled to vet" nt
any sucroedint Hertlon.
Section 2. (Pallots) That nt the
poiii-tal He-lion nluelcni hundred :." i
ten (1010) there shalPbo pulmittod to
the electors of tho state for their ap
proval or rejection tho foregoing pro
posed amendment to tho constitution
rolatitiE; to the risht of suffrage - At
such election, on tho ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed amendment, shall be written or
printed tho words: "For proposed
amendment to the constitution relating
to the right of suffrage," nnd "Against
said' proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of suf
frage." Section .1. (Adoption) If such
amendment shall ho approved by a
majority of all electors voting at nttoli
election, said amendment shall consti
tute section one (1) of article seven
(7) of the- lonstltutlon of the Slate of
Annrovod nril 1. lflf'9.
dim I
WM rl
H j'-K a
HHl Jfi 'wsij
K' ili I, ilia tsNav.vrr 'i
iH ' . IBM rrr-mmimmT
''' Mi
Don't Delay Ordering
a lire insurance policy from us a
single day. Fire isn't going to
stay away because you are not in
sured. In fact, it seems to pick
out the man foolish enough to bo
Have us issue you a policy to-day.
Don't hesitate about the matter.
Tho lire (lend may have your
house down on the list for (l visit
this very night.
Reliable SnsurancG.
I, Geo ('. .1'inkln, Secretary of State,
or the stnte of Nebraska do heieby cer
tify that the foregoing proposed amend
ment to the Constitution of tho State
of Nebraska is a true and correct copy
of the original enrolled and engrossed
bill, as passed by the thirty-first session
of the legislature of the State of Ne
braska, as appears from said original
bill on file In this office, nnd that said
proposed amendment Is submitted to
the qualified voters of the state ot Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
nt tho general election to bo hold on
Tuesday, tho 8th day or November, A.
D.. 1910.
In Testimony Whereof, I havo here
unto sot my hand nnd afllxed the groat
seal of the Stato of Nebraska. Done
nt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho
voar of our Lord, One Thousand Nino
Hundred nnd Ten, nnd or tho Indepen
dence of the United States tho Ono
Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of this
State the Forty-fourth.
Secrotnry of State.
T The Farmer.
The best soil on earth is found in
Clieyouue Co., Kansas. Our wheat is
making t!.S to Illi bu. to tho aero. We
havo plenty of corn that will make
10 bu. and havo had big crops for the
last 12 vra. Don't be deceived, write
I me for particulars. Lyman WaUrmnn,
' nird, City, Kansas,
We Carry Funeral
Furnishings in Stock
and answer calls day
or night. Have ar
ranged to secure the
services of Albright
Brothers on Short
Notice withoutjExtra
Chari": to Patrons.
Trade Marks
urn . nirni.rr for veviirlnir Dutcnle.
rKflfnts tuknii tfirouitli Muiiii & CV wcolvr
tptcial noMct, without ctiarRO, la tlio
Scientific American
A huncliomely llliiitrMcxl wceklr. T.nraoit lr.
...... I... , tit nriT arMAtitlfln ItMirniil. norm... !J a
rear) four nionthi, 1. tiolJ UyAll newedoRlor",
Tho th Avenue Meat Market
reari ooiu bjtbii iiewuiur.
V." VT. Till, f V Ut r.lilti1ilnn U
urnuvu utuvwt j ,;'
a- .kdi irsi 'rk witu
& is
.m hi kkij nnaXAX
ealed wllh IUuc(0 u V
Art 7,".'i,'.'!Kl'J0l. cni-cnns-THR's
un.,.uw ItKAflJI i'lltl.
uoi.n mrtniiic D0XC5, 6
RtbtKia TAKn NO otii
llrutriclit and auk fur I
I.IAMOM. I1HANII PH.I.H, for twetity.flTO
yenrs reRardta ns llest.Saliet, Alway Reliable.
' 9,
' ft , - , - , . ., , . . , .Vf ,
1 J
CAfc-ft... jI.,' jta-JkmV(- -