The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1910, Image 6

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1 1
The Chief
C. I. HAM3, I'tilillslior
til "' "I'l"
A Boiling Down of the More Im
portant Brents Here and There
The population of Detroit, Mich., la
4Gfi,7G(5. un Incrcnno o. 180.002, or G.'J
per cent, no compared with 285,704 In
Kountl Rullty of leaving his po3t of
duty liefore bohiK relieved and of
Hleeplng on watch, Lieutenant Graf
ton A. Heal, U. S. N., was reduced
thirty-ono nunibers and publicly repri
manded by tho secretary of stnte.
Tho population of Dos Moines, la.,
Is 80.308, compared with 151.130 In
1900. Tho population of Davenport,
la.. Ik 43,028, nn Increase of 7,774 or
22.1 per cent, as compared with 25,254
In 1900. Tho population of Milwau
kee, Wis., is 373,857, an increase of
r.8,042, or 31 per cent, as compared
with 285,315 In 1900.
Application for a writ of mandamus
to compel Secretary of State Knox to
submit state department records con
cerning the case of Dr. .lames 12.
Huckley of Chicago, who Bays he was
refused help from tho American em
bassy at Mexico City when he was
threatened with Imprisonment, was
tiled hero In tho district court.
(iftH of wlno to warships of the
American navy Is not to be tabocd.
desplto the protests of the women's
Christian temperance union, which ro-cr-ntly
protested to the navy against
tho presentation of 100 cases of Cali
fornia wlno to tho cruiser, California,
to nn association of California wlno
men. Acting Secretary Wlntlirop
sent n telegram to tho San Francisco
branch of the women's Christian torn
peranco union stating that ho bad
been unable to llml n regulation re
referred to by It as having been Is
sued by Former Secretary of the Navy
John 1). Long forbidding the uso of
wine on warships.
Reports nre in circulation In the
European press, emanating from
Vienna, of a conferenco of the powers
to determlno the status of Crete. Tho
Norddeutscho Allgemelno Zeltung In
a Fcml-oUlclnl declaration expresses
doubt of convocation of such n con
ferenco and holds thnt Turkey alone,
ns the owner of the Island, could
originate a proposal for such n con
ference which sho has slight interest
to do.
The text of tho convention under
which Korea is annnexed to Japan
was communlcnted to tho representa
tives of the powers. The document,
which was signed August 22. will be
effective when otllclally promulgated.
This will be, according to some of
tho ministers, August 29. or August
30. when tho Independent existence
of the Hermit Kingdom, the struggle
for whoso control started the Husso
Japanese war, will cease.
Lisbon (Portugal) newspapers print
alarming reports of nn alleged plot of
the clerical party for tho overthrow
of the Portuguese government and
tho establishment of a military dic
tatorship. The Seclo says the cleri
cal party's strong and growing dis
satisfaction with the liberal policy
of tho government has culminated in
the organization of a revolution to
overthrow tho administration, selzo
its members and set up a military dic
tatorship, tho ilrst object of which
will be to stamp out tho republicans.
Koosevelt declares the old guard
will get all tho llclitlnir thov wmn
Tho revolutionary nrmy In Nicara
gua Is close to the gates of the capi
tal. William J. Ilrynn will support G. M.
Hitchcock of Omaha for election to
tho senate.
Mayor Gaynor, New York, shot by
n would-be assassin, Is now consider
ed out of danger.
Speaker Cannon refuses to be
dumped, and saya ho will continue ns
a candidate for speaker.
Tho British cruiser ltonford wont
on the rocks off the eoubt of Korea,
and eighty-one lives were
Klght Americans, names unknown,
were arrested on tho Isla of Pines on
tho charge of homicide and arton.
Nicholas Longworth came out plain
ly and strongly in opposition to the
le-electlon of Cannon as Speaker.
llurllngton sells bonds for tho Colo
rado and Southern and will comiioto
lino between Denver and Choyenzio
with tho proceeds.
Crlppen, alleged wife slayer, and
Miss Lenove, his accomplice, aro on
tho way back to London for trial.
Tho government of Ecuador Issued
n decree establishing a period of na
tional mourning ns a sign of sym
pathy with tho people of Chile at tho
death of tho lato Prenldont Montt or
"Captain" Jnck Castle, an neronunt
of Louisville, Ky., died In a hospital
at Uvansvlllo, 1ml., from Injuries- re
ceived at Mt. Vernon, III., when his
balloon exploded at a height of 200
feet and ho fell to tho ground in front
of au aznphl-theater.
Cholera In Italy Is greatly on the
Tho cholera situation In southern
Italy Is becoming alarming.
Alarming reports of a plot to over
throw tho Portuguese governmezit aro
printed In Lisbon.
Koosovelt will ziot take part In tho
campaign izi New York.
Canuoulsm played a strong part
In the Georgia primaries.
The Ustrada government In Nica
ragua Ib tottering to a fall.
Senator Lu Folletto Is directing his
campaign from his farm home.
The duughtor of Governor Hnskell
of Oklahoma will study for the stage.
Forest Urea are on tho Increase In
the west, attended with much loss of
General Estrada will assume tho
post of provisional president of Nl
curnugua. Hanker Llllls says he will not ninr
ry forzner aire. Jack Cudahy or any
other woman.
The Ohio stnte fair will bo held nt
Columbus, notwithstanding the street
railway strike.
Tho constitutional amendment prop
osition was carried In tho lnte Ne
braska prlznary.
Ex-Presldont Itoosevelt Is now on
his 5,000 znllo Journey. He will be In
Omaha Septeznbor 2.
Many lives were lost and much
property destroyed In tho forest tires
of Idaho and Montana.
Great Drltaln's new battleship, tho
Lion, Ib to be the biggest and fastest
nnvnl fighter In tho world.
Washington offlclals are convinced
that Incendlnries arc responsible for
tho northwest forest ilres.
It Is likely that at least one hun
dred people have lost their lives In
the forest fires of the west.
Colonel Itoosevelt is expected to
glvo voice to some burning thoughts
on Ills trip through the west.
Mayor Gaynor or New York has
now so far recovered from his wounds
that ho takes exercise dally.
Should the democrats control the
next house they will have a taste of
Insurgency in their own rnnks.
Moissnnt, tho American aviator,
made a daring (light across tho Eng
lish chnnnol, carrying a passenger.
Gov. Shnllenberger of Nebraska ac
cepts Dalilnmn's plan to waive legal
technicalities and recount entire state
Captain, D. J. McGuire of the Lin
coln (Nob.) police force died of heart
failure while driving the patrol
Tho democratic primary vote for
governor In Nebraska Is so close that
the official count will be zcqulrcd to
On his own admlcslon. Governor
Campbell will not stand by tho plat
form demands of the Galveston dem
ocratic state convention.
Tho Independent democratic state
committee of Tennessee has called a
convention of the party to be held lu
Nnshvlllo on September 14.
According to a statement F. Augus
tus Helnze, tho copper man, and Miss
llernlco Henderson, an actress, will
bo married In New York this week.
The Nebraska primary vote shows
a small majority for Dahlman. but his
competetor, Gov. Shallenberger, de
sires a recount In a number of coun
ties. Tho postmaster general has accept
ed tho proposal of Mrs. Linn F. Saw
yer to lease present quarters of sta
tlozi C of Lincoln postolllco for ten
The bullet would In Mayor Gay
nor's neck has healed on the outside
and the Irritation or the throat
caused by granulation on the Inside
has ceased.
Genernl George W. Gordon, com-mander-ln-chlef
or the united conted
erate veterans, hns been renominated
for congress by the democrats of the
tenth district of Tennessee.
While plowizig on his father's land
at Spa, Ky.. David Coursey dug up a
box containing $500 in gold and notes
which were burled during tho civil
war. All were In good condition.
Workzuen doing street work on
Lako street In the very center of
Reno, New, uncovered a ten-foot
ledge of copper. Several hundred
pounds of the metal was extracted.
In a midnight duel in a cottage In
King City (Cal.) between Frederick
W. Decker and N. F. Togziazzlnl, both
residents of that town, Decker was
killed and Mrs. Decker and her rather,
W. 1). Fowler, were wounded.
The pope receiveJ lu private audi
ence In the hall or consistory a group
of 150 Americans. Including a delega
tion of llfty members of tho Knights
of Columbus. The delegation was
conducted by How M. J. McGlvney of
Mlddlutown. Conn., national chaplain
or the Knights of Columbus.
President Tuft will favor a rurthez
revision or tho tariff.
Senator Warner of Missouri does
not desire ze-electiou.
President Itoosevelt makes a
speech lu Omaha t-opt. 2.
Tliero is (ear of gieat loss or life lu
tho f oi est (Ires ot tho west.
Tho wlfo of Jack Cudahy, Kansas
City, has been ghen a divorce.
Mr. and Mm. "Jack" Cudahy havo
been legally separated by the courts.
Jluosevelt delivered his Ilrst ml
drees on his western tour at Utlca
N. Y.
Tho name or Senator Owen wns,
brought into tho Indian contract
Congressman McKlnley declare
tho next houso will hao a zopubll
cau majority.
Wilkinson Call, rormor United
States senator rrom Florida, died
from cerebral hemmorhaco.
What is Going on Hero and There
That Is of Interest to the Read-
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Lincoln. Nebr. Cuptaiu Domonlc
J. McGuire of the police department
fell dead while driving the police pa
tzol wagon. The captain had left the
station shortly before 7 o'clock en
route for his residence at i:;!i North
Eighteenth street. At Eighteenth and
and O streets the captain suddenly
lurched forward, iu the same time call
ing to Officer l,enz. who was with him.
to catch him. Hans Iloegh. who Is an
old friend of the captain's and who
was standing nearby, rushed out to
tho wagon which the officer had
stopped and took tho unconscious cap
tain in his lap. Officer Lena then
rushed the patrol to the captain's resi
dence, but before they could arrive the
captain was dead.
Methodist Church Ib Destroyed.
Tecumseh. Neb. Tho Methodist
Episcopal church at Sterling burned to
the ground Thursday morning. Fire
was caused by painters at work on the
The oliiiniiej Cell on Henry l)elune.
a volunteer (Ire tighter, and fatally in
jured him. Doth legs and an arm
were broken and he suffered Internal
Tho church con $:s,::()0; insurance,
Talk of Commissioner System.
York, Neb. The question of chang
ing rrom the present board or twenu
rupervlsors to the commissioner sys
tem of three or five i.i being agitated
iz; the county und petitions will he
circulated to securo the requisite ziuzn
her of electors so that the question
can be submitted at the November
River Steamer at Nebraska City.
'Nebraska City, Neb. The steamer
City or Peoria is hero operating with
her barges as an excursion steamer,
azid will remain for somo time.
.i .'.I j. ir 'r-
rmr r - .
The Lincoln Ad ciub will hold a
corn carnival September 22d.
Fire of unknown origin dcMrnjed
the hotel, butcher shop and a cream
receiving statlnn tit Pauline.
William Dullaid of Fremont, who
was fctruck by a train at Omaha Fri
day night, died Sunday night. He had
a broken back.
The Franklin county fair will be
held September 13 to 10.-
The Free Methodists at Ainsworth
are building a jiaisonage.
Reports from Johnson county corn
Holds aro most encouraging. Some
farmers are of the opinion the county
will produce more corn than It did last
Alfred Fowler of Fremont claim--the
state record for long distance div
ing, having dived 129 feet in the Y.
M. C. A. tank at that place In a recent
A. II. Harstler has been elected sec
retary or the Stella Commercial club,
and arrangments have been made tor
n one-day picnic In 'Nutter's grove on
'September 15.
Willie attempting to board a moving
train nt LInscott. Frank Osborne, a
member or tho llurllngton lino gang,
had his right leg amputated between
the ankle and knee.
The state W. C. T. II. has artanged
for a series of good citizenship meet
ings at the state fair, to bo held In the
niidltorlum Immediately following the
forenoon concerts.
A cut-off ditch 1,100 feet long is to
be constructed at the Nlckerson bridge
over tho Elkhorn river to keep the
river from cutting uiound the bridge
and Into an old channel.
File which broke out In the building
occupied by Nicholas Fritz at Pender
rpread to tho Palaco hotel and adjoin
ing buildings, causing damage esti
mated at more than $50,00(i.
Tho Watson hotel at Nebraska City
was sold Monday at an administrator's
sale Tor $111,000 to the helra or tho late
Jacob Slchl. They bid It In rather
than see It go at' that price.
Deputy United States Marshal Seth
Hulluck Is taking young Archibald
Roosevelt over to hco the Ind'ans In
their native grounds at Valentine, also
to go on a hunting trip while there.
Ed. Kelley, a South Omaha boy, had
two toes bitten off l a snapping tur
tle or somo other marine monster,
while ho was ba.hlng In a draluagu
ditch one day last weok.
Hastings Is planning to liaui a har
vest homo festival somo tlmo iu Octo
ber. Through the efforts of the officers
of tho Gngo County Agricultural so
.clety a government specialist on hog
dlsoases will bo at Heatrlco during tho
county fair and glvo locturcs on serum
treatment for hog cholera.
Tho mill dam at Seward was part
ly swept out Saturday evening by the
h!ph water caused by tho big ra!ns
west or Seward last week. A largo
amount of work and expense will ba
required to rvpnlr tho dozuago.
rn -
Captain Arnt of Heatrlco killed
cloven young rattlesnakes one day
last week. Ho znade "tho cleaning"
In half nn hour, nnd he conslderu It n
pr ettygood pleco of work.
'Nearly a hundred dead sheep wero
taken from cars In the Fremont rail
road yards In one day last week. The
sheep were being taken to the mar
kets at South Omaha and Chicago
from the western plains.
C. J. Ktivalec, aged 39 years, a prom
inent resident of Hralnard, Nob., was
crushed by the automatic elevator In
the Alamo hotel .it Denver, sustaining
injuries from which be died half an
hour later.
The state cases which have been
pending against the baseball teams
of Seward and Red Cloud for alleged
violation of the state law by engaging
in a gamo on tiunday, June 19, have
been dismissed.
Tho lnglcslde band, at Hastings,
dedicated Its handsome new band'
stand Tuesday night by the rendition
of a concert of eight numbers. A large
crowd attended, there being thirty-five
automobiles In the party.
The Platte river nt Fremont Is full
three feet higher than It usually Is al
this time of the year, the rise being
due to tho recent heavy rains. The
Elkhorn Is also close to hank-full nnd
other minor streams sue In like con
dition. Chief R. Worlke or the Heatrlco tiro
department has been appointed (Ire
warden at a salary of $100 a year. It
will be his duty to Inspect the alleys
and cellars In the business section ol
the city and to report monthly to the
city council.
Chnrles K. Coutant. one of the
pioneers of Nebraska and a promt
nent citizen of Omaha for over fortv
yiars, died at his home Tuesday morn
iug. His illness was not of long dura
thin, but his health had been fnillng
for borne time.
The (.'uster county fair or 1910 will
open September I". Large sums ol
money luue been expended on improv
ing the grounds, while tho new $2,000
stables have sheltered, lor some time
past, a line or tine running and trot
ting stock in training for the coming
Following the report or a few das
una that a company of capitalists bad
been formed to build. a rnllioad from
Wichita, Kan., to Heatrlco, making
theso two cities terminals, comes tho
report that surveyors will be in the
Held early next month and make a
technical survey.
The annual state mooting of the Ad
vcntlsts of Nebraska has opened at
York and will continue until Soptezn
nor I. Over ."i tents have been erect
ed. It is expected that more than
l.nOD people will be in attendance and
this will Include many prominent Ad
entlsts from different parts of the
United States.
The county commissioners of Otoe
count) have made their annual tax
levy, which is 23 mills. The city levy
Is 49 mills and the school board has
made a levy of 2(5 mills. This makes
a total of 9S mills, which Is tin1 lilgn
est tax levy ihe city lias had iu years,
while the county levy Is one mill low
er than last year.
Owltv to tho bad condition of hlh
knee, which has given him no little
amount of pain nnd annoyauce of late,
Governor Shallenberger lias cancelled
all of his speaking engagements.
The farmers' national congress,
which will meet in Lincoln October
0, with an attendance of at least 2.000
delegates and possibly more, hopes to
see following upon the heels of the
postal savings bank bill a parcels
post law.
Joe Hartos, a banker of Wllbcr and
a brother of Senator F. W. Hartos, has
I een appointed stnte bank examiner.
The banking board comprises Auditor
Harton, Treasurer Brian nnd Attorney
General Thompson. The board ap
pointed Mr. Hartos by unanimous vote.
The state board lias decided to buy
MMiio more goods for tho state and
run a deficiency bill, depending upon
the next legislature to pay tho cost.
It will ask ror bids for n new holler
at the state penitentiary, an engine
at the Industrial homo for women ut
Mil ford nnd a boiler lor tho homo for
ftoble minded youth, at Heatrlco.
n opinion has been rendered by
jSk attorney genet al which validates
i ...tain ballot.-; over which there had
been some dlscusi-ion. This Is In
races where the markings had all been
made iu ouo column, but names or
(iiiididales on another ticket bad been
viitteii In. The advlco of tho attoz
zioy gem ral Is that such ballots are
pcrioetly valid, but thin the names or
the candidate. t written iu cannot bo
Senator HurKett has received an In
vitation to attend a banquet or tho
business men of St. I. mils and tho Mis
souri republican editorial asfoclatlon
In that city September 23.
Tho GormaziH of tho state of Ne
braska will celebrate what they call
"German day" In Lincoln on tho 5th
and Gth or October next. This Is In
memory or tho lauding of tho first
German settlor; In this country. The
annual convention will bo held tliero
nnd will consist of delegates from all
tho Gorman societies of all kinds In
tho sUte.
Treaty Between the Two Empires Ic
Made Public at Washington
Existing Treaties Will
Bo Extended.
Washington. A treaty between
Japan and Korea, by which the "her
mit kingdom" was annexed as n sov
ereign part of Japan, has been znade
public nt the state department. A
declaration of the Japanese govern
ment concerning tho effect of the an
nexation upon powerB enjoying trea
ties with Japan Is also made public.
Existing Korean schedules covering
Imports from foreign countries, and
regulations governing coasting trade,
will continue fourteen years. The
United States spcclllcally is ac
quainted with the fact that the copy
right and patent laws of Japan will
be extended to Korea.
Tho declaration of the Japanese
government follows In part:
Notwithstanding the earnest nnd la
borious work of reform In tho ad
ministration of Korea. In which the
governments of Japan and Korea have
been engaged for more than four
years, since the conclusion of tho
agreement of 190.". the existing sys
tem of government in that country
has not proved entirely equal to the
duty of preserving public order and
tranquility, and, Iu addition, the spirit
or suspicion and misgiving dominates
the whole peninsula.
"In order to maintain peace and
stability in Korea, to promote the
prosperity and welfare of the Ko
reans, and nt ihe same time to Insure
the safety and repose of the foreign
residents, It has been made abundant
ly clear that fundamental changes In
the actual regime of government are
absolutely essential. Tho govern
ments of Japan nnd Korea, being con
vinced of the urgent necessity of in
troducing reforms responsive to the
requirements or the situation and; of
furnishing sufficient guarantee of the
future, have, with the approval of
his majesty the emperor of Japan,
and his majesty the emperor of Ko
rea, concluded through (heir respect
ive plenipotentiaries a treaty provid
ing for the complete annexation of
Korea to the empire of Japan.
"Hy virtue of that important act,
which shall take effect on Its pro
mulgation on the 29th of August. 1910,
the imperial government of Japan un
dertakes the entire government and
administration or Korea."
A rescript by the Japanese emperor
says that In 1905 Korea wns placed
under the protectorate of Japan, but
that notwithstanding the partial suc
cess of the existing government, Ko
rea was unable to prescrvo order.
Suspicion and misgiving permentcd
the peninsula, and therefore. In con
cort with the emperor of Korea, he
arrived at a plan for the permanent
annexation of Korcn.
The emperor expresses the belief
that the Korean in the future will
enjoy prosperity and that the new
status will serve as a fresh guarantee
for the enduring policy of the orient.
Managua Is Formally Surrendered.
Washington. A telegram announc
ing the formal surrender of Managua
was received here. It said that Act
ing President Estrada had delivered
to General Mena, one of tho Insurgent
leaders, tho palace fortress, prisons,
and all other government property.
Generals Juan Estrada and Chamorro
were reported by tho telegram to bo
on tho way from Grnnada to Mana
gua. Gaynor Is Himself Again.
New York. Mayor Gaynor was
taken from St. Mary's liospltal at. Ho
boken Sunday to "Deep Wells," his
country place nt St. James, L. I. Ho
bore the trip well, but his lnslstnnt
plea to bo allowed to walk unaided
resulted in three distressing inci
dents. Once he sank to his knees ns
he tried to enter an nutomoblle, nnd
In ascending the steps of his house ho
fell on nil fours from overexertion.
Socialistic Congress.
Copenhagen The international con
gress has opened hero with 900 dele
gates and 700 guests In attendance.
Among the 'delegates are thirty Amer
icans. , Rain Checks the Fires.
Seattle. Rain has come to tho aid
of the tired llre-dghtero. H tho show
ers continue danger of the foroBt llres
that have beea raging In western
Washington Is past.
Montenegro In a Kingdom.
Cottlnje. Montcnegto has been for
mally elevated to th statiiB of n
kingdom with King Nicholas I. as Its
ruler. Tho members of parlnmont
gathered In parliament house, whore
tho tc doum was sung nnd proclama
tions wero sent throughout tho coun
try announcing tho event. From
early morning deputations from nil
parts of the country and from Dal
mntla. Albania, old Sorvia nnd Italy
many In their nntlomil costumes,
marched past the palace singing nnd
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Granltovillo, Vt "I was passing
hrough the Changoof Lifoandsuffereu
irom nervousness
andother annoying
nyraptoms, and I
can truly say that
Vogotablo Com
pound has proved
worth mountains
of gold to mo, as it
restored my health
and strength. I
novor forgot to tell
my friends what
T.wllnl? Tlnll,n.
. " . yuii uinitaui a
vegeiaoio compound haa done for me
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so mucb
to mo that for tho sake of other suffer,
ing women I am willing to mako my
troublo public bo you may publish
thlB letter." Mrs. Chas. Barclay.
It.P D.,GraniteviIlo, Vt.
No other medicino for woman's ilia
has received such wide-spread and un
qualified endorsement. No other med
Iciuo wo know of has such a record
of cures of female Ills ns has Lydia E.
rinkhain'8 Vegetable Compound.
Tor more than 30 years it has been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation, ulceration, local weak,
ncsscs, iibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic palna, backache, indigestion
nnd nervous prostration, ind it ia
unequalled for carrying women safely
through the poriod of chango of life.
It costs but little to try Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetablo Compound, and,
nsMrs.JJarclayRays,it is "worth moun
tains of gold " to suffering women.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Cut quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
Bendy on die
urer. Cure
cbe. lieu, cad Indication. Tbey do tbea duty?
Small PIO. Small Doia, Small Price, f
Genuine muubeu Signature
MEN'S 52.00. $2.50, 63.00, $3.60, $4.00, $5.00
WUMEN 8.0O,3,$3.0O,
EOYB' 52.00, 52.50 &, S3.00
They nre absolutely the
most popuUrand bcatshoes
for the price in America.
They are the leadors every
where because they hold
uicir snape, ut Better,
iook Detternua wear lon
ger than other makes.
They aro certainly the I
most economical shoes for vou to buv. W. L.
Douglas name and retail price ate stamped on
the bottom value guaranteed. t'attCohri:viMt
cannot euppty you writo lor Mail Order Catalog.
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mat.
Saint Katharine's School
For Girls
Davenport, Iowa
Atndtmlc, prcpnrntory, and primary trrariea
Ceulflunta auccpteil liy EnNtcrn coIIokch. Hj
rial advautnpra lu Music, Art, Domestic Science
and Uyniunslmu. Ail arena The Slaler Superior.
Nebraska Directory
Are the Beat. Aak your local dealer or
Tiro He pairs ami
Tiro Supplies of
inciinst nimuiy.
Olo Ulbncr, President
Doth Phonea. 2127 tfaruam St., Omaha.
M. Splesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
The Bett In the West
Ttu hKt In nil t',.,m..mi7t77Z
i.v- ..i..-..:i.V''"L ".'"'' "'"MIS.
, , . ,, ,.?! J) VAM', l'rcs limit
No.lllHUUIullUluff l.lmoln,Ncl.
drain, Pi
ons, Stocks, Cotton
Hf.!.. irr? nn A ? t- .. . . viiKc, wi-iua fraternity Ultfs. t
Lincolu, Nebraikn. 9
llelirhonnfiia AutoriioneKXn
I.:u-;iht JlmiKo In bliitc.
Beatrice QreamsE'y ,
TayB tho lilahest price for
Ocncril Mncliliipts
MfMlfl lli.t.'n....
Auto Kr-pitlrinit!
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L . v-v Autolttpnirn,, rUW
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WOK. f.V8.f-.Tmilo tyWiO
lgOTI Mirak, ILuluiv, i:tr. T4L
1028 M6tr-ot, Lincoln -v
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