The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1910, Image 3

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" " iBwn www wonwi m mmwwim LBmfW WW t. CT3wat
Cowery Denizen Seemingly Had Right
to Qe Indignant at Old Friend's
"You remember tint Riiy, Jim
Hurko?" naked nn Irnto Ilowcry drill
2011. "He's dut stiff tint's doln' time
up dcr river Sing SIiir bolglnry
ten yonrn. Well, yon know all 1 done
for dnt stiff. When ho was iilnchcd
didn't I put up dor eoln for dor law
ycrs? Didn't I pay dor witnesses?
Suro I did. Do odor day I finks I'll
Just go an' see dnt mutt Just f leave
blm know his frien's ain't tied do
enn on 'Im. So I drives out to d' Jnll
nnd goes Into d' wardon's ofllco and ho
says I potter send me enrd In. Mo
card! D'yo pot dnt? Well, anyway,
1 writes my name on a pleco o' pnper
nn' a guy takes It into Jim Hurke, an'
what d' you t'lnk dat stiff tells dat
Buy to toll mo?"
"I've no Idea," said the listener.
"Ho tolls him," concluded the angry
one, "V tell me dnt ho ain't In!"
From Success Mngnzlno.
Customer (In book store)--Have you
n Chaucer?
Iew Clerk Never chewed In my
life. clr.
Pipe Gives Cadet Typhoid.
Midshipman Smith, who was strick
en with typhoid fever on the lmllana
nt Plymouth, England, contracted the
disease, It Is said, from smoking :i
briar used nenrly a year n;o by his
roommnto at Annapolis who liaH a bad
caso of typhoid. This theory Is taken
as proof that concentrated nicotine
cannot destroy a typhoid genu. The
medical department of tho navy will
examine Into the theory with the re
sult that midshipmen nt the future
may couun'u themselves to their own
The Stylish Fisherman.
One of tho guests at a fashlonablo
Rummer resort In West Vliglnla got
himself up in his best "fishing togs"
and started along u eertaln mountain
Meeting a nntlvc, ho asked: "Here,
my good man! Kindly tell me whether
it would ho worth my while to try
fishing in this vicinity."
Tho native regarded him scornfully.
"The flshln' uln't good," ho finally
raid, "but I nin't informed as to bow
you values your time." Uppincotfa.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by lo-al application, as they cannot reach the- ll
iw(l portion ol Hie car. 'Ilicre Is only one k.ij- to
Hire ilnitiioss. anil that It lr riiiiatltutlunnl rrmcillev
lc.fnriK H caused tiy an Inflamed conUltlrm ol His
mnroiii lining ol tlio Kuitoclitun Tube. When tlili
tube U Infliineil you n rumbling, rouml or Im
perfect hcarlnjr. anil when It U entirely cloil. Deal
iivt li tho result, and unlcu tho Inlliinniitlon can ho
taken out anil this tubn rettim-d to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will bo ilcslrojnl foreer; Mro ei'es
out ot ten am cauvd liy Catarrh, which I nothing
tut nn Innamed condition ot tho mucous surfurrs.
Wo will clvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any ce of
Deafne-s (caused by catarrh) tliat cannot bo tutcd
IT Hall's CuUrrli Cure. Hoinl for circulars, fn-c.
p. J. c'ih:.m:y a co.. Toledo, o.
Hold by DruvsHt. lie.
'XaLo llall'a Family l'llls for constipation.
Get a Move On.
Tho loafer Alas! my ship doesn't
como in.
Tho Heal Man Then got a move on
and help some other fellow unload his.
Conitlpatlnn causes anil seriously npcravntM
many illx-nir. It Is thoroughly ouml by Dr.
I'lt-rcc's l'ollcta. Tiny bugur-coulnd gmuuli'i-.
A man knows hut little if he tells
thorn a chnucc.
Lewis' Single Hinder, the f.imous
straight 5c cigar- annual sale 0,500,000.
It's always a case of tho survival of
the fittest. Are you It?
When the digestion
had you need something
that will not onl' relieve but
will strength en the di-
gestivfe organs and assist
them back to their normal
condition. This calls
Bitters first of all.
Clean and btut.fle tho tulr.
l'lomutta a hxuiiint rmwlh.
Never Fall to Ilestaro. Oray
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Curti scalp dlirairs hilr filling.
tOc, nd Sl-Hiat Vmtiitii
Work of the Policewomen of Chicago
- r-
CHICAGO. Much Interest has been
shown in Chicago's "policewomen,"
but when they gather on a Friday
noon for luncheon at Hull House be
fore entering upon their regular week
ly concluvo there is nothing to distin
guish them from any other earnest
working women.
Later on, too, when the hour ar
rives for afternoon ten, In a large, at
tractively furnished assembly room,
they sit nnd sip their teu nnd chat in
tho manner most highly approved for
afternoon teas. Even tho presence of
two or three brother "cops" docs not
sufllce to create any degree of police
like atmosphere; but then the brother
officers, too, nro attired In citizens'
garb nnd handle their teacups as
though this was their regular occupa
tion. Kach of these women officers hns
her own precinct which she patrols
though the (pilot manner in which she
makes her dally rounds of inspection
and Investigation hardly warrants tho
use of the technical term. Each lias
her olllce nnd ofllco hours where she
may be found and her assistance ob
tained. Why policewomen Instead of police
men, tho visitor starts to ask, but in
tho very beginning of tho reports the
Boston Babies Are
BOSTON. Tho baby that Is born In
Buenos Ayres has a better chance
of living than if It had been born in
any other of the world's large cities.
In Amsterdam It would find figures
more in its favor; but Amsterdam is
not so big n town.
In the United States Mostun has
been the best plnoq to bo born if yon
want to stand a good chance of liv
ing to bo nt least a year old. In 110
years Hoston hns not averaged one
death out of flvo babies born during
tho year.
Hack in 18R2 it came close to that
average when J Of inlants less than a
year old died In every 1,000. lint In
1887 there wero less than 100, In lh!)l
tho number went below ISO, In lSt'.'l it
passed tho 170 mark. In 1S96 the 1(!0
mnrk, In 1898 the 150 mark, and in
1909 It snnk ubruptly to 115 per 1,000.
"New York is making a record it
Loaded Cigar Costs
sAl 7 mjipK
S, - ?- M.
CHICAGO. A jokn cigar the other
day cost a La Salle street broker
$200,000. Hero is tho reason: Two
prominent young brokers and men
nbout town have the habit of helping
themselves to cigars In each other's
vest on every possible occasion. On
this particular day No. 1 decided to
play a trick on his friend nnd got a
loaded cigar, ono of those nice ones
thnt goes off like n rnmnn cnndlo nnd
relcnsefl n spring, which brenks the
cigar to pieces without injury to the
smoker, but much to his surprise nnd
discomfort. Ho decorated this minia
ture bomb with a band from a 50-cent
cigar of a woll-known brand nnd
placed It conspicuously In his vest
Ho met his friend in the lobby of
tho Ln Snllo hotel and, after greeting
him, drow back his coat so as to dis
City to Have a
KANSAS CITY. If the plans or
the park board nro cnrrl. d out,
j Kansas City will bae ,i municipal
laundry, which prolmbly will be tho
llrst institution of its kind in llm
I'nttoil States. Tho hoard plans to
build n laundry to be run by the
city, where the women of the congest
ed districts can do their washing nri
Ironing under (military conditions,
nnd wiih Improved uinchliicrs'. The
park board has been discussing this
Idea for about three years along with
tho public bath proposition.
Tho idea lino been suggested to the
board and recommended thnt systoms
H'niilnr to those used in tho munici
pal laundries of Europo bo used.
George E. Kcssler, landscnpo archi
tect for tho park board, studied the
J wr1"oO
XX f m j 1
j .? -M. (IT ts BECAUSf
ljT'Cji y- BOSTON V
MX& i
C$T Pi - C
GOSSIP Vutps HXi-ii-fHIMr
at nit O-HL'y
nt V vrA S2!2$--jrtk ifjrTt
question Is nnswered, for the case?
reported and discussed are nearly all
considered In tho .light not of bow
criminals may be punished but how
budding criminals may bo reached and
saved and how those contributing to
their delinquency may bo punished
and prevented from continuing their
destructive ways.
This regular salaried, badge provid
ed group of ofllcers, now a year old, Is
an outgrowth of tho juvenile court
committee nnd the Illinois Industrial
association before thnt, when tho 1111
nols Juvenile court lnw went Into of
rect In July, 189!). On Juno 4. 1909,
the committee adopted the name of
Juvenile Protective association, which
through n series of local protective
leagues directed by these salaried of
(leers puts forth Its whole efforts tr
secure the utmost protection for the
south of the city.
Each of the thirteen districts Into
which the city is divided has its
lengue of citizens, who watch neigh
horhood conditions and nhsist in in
vcstlgatttig and friendly visiting, but
It Is the salaried odleor In each dis
trlct who Is potent in bringing re
suits. She spends her time trying to
prevent "can rushing" nnd cocaine
selling, to keep the children out of dls
reputable dance balls nnd photograph
galleries and to try In every way to
protect nnd safeguard the child. She
may be found at her district office re
eeivlng complaints, out on patrol in
vestlgatlng. or visiting or in court
seeing whether provisions made then
fire tending to drag down or lift up the
little culprits.
Born the Luckiest
may well bo proud of," says the
American Ilaby. "although Its start
ing point In 1900 was at 'J03. Com
pare with that the record for 1 90s,
14-1, and bear to the babies the mes
sage of hope. Philadelphia began In
1900 with 17.'!. diminishing this by
1907 to 159. And western cities, too.
St. Louis is very low, ami Chicago
admitting herself to be high, is prom
islng Important reductions.
In England, as a whole, with Wales
included, the inlat.tllc mortality rate
was 156 per 1.000 births In 1900; that
of London, 154; in Scotland tho rale
ran about 150. .ind in Ireland a little
higher, in the same year in Hoston
it was 117. In all there aro sensible
and important gains for the baby.
"In (.erniiiny Merlin is down from
1!20 deaths per 1,000 births in 1890 to
111! In 1907. Vienna from 190 to
141. lludapest from 107 to 155, Co
logne Horn 251 to 195, while In Kussln,
Moscow has declined in tho samo
years from Mi) to 2CG. In Kiench
speaklng ountries the news for tho
baby Is most excellent, for Paris In
1899 was really lending the world nt
only 110, and by 1907 had ilocroatod
to 101, with Nice a close second at
US to 105.
Broker $200,000
play the cigar to advantage. No. 2
Immediately spied the clear and with I
a lightning pass, made perfect by long
practice, was soon possessor of ibis
tempting bit of tobacco.
"Ah!" be said, "I see you are smok
ing bettor cigars now. I'll smoke this
lor you Inter."
Just at thin point a man from New
York with whom No. 2 had a business
deal on Involving more tlinn $200,000
joined the group. Shortly tho New
Yorker nnd No. 2 excused themselves
to No. 1, nnd strolled nway to trans
act their buslnet's.
They seated themselves nt ono of
the tables In tho lobby nnd No. 2 of
fered the New Yorker his recently ac
quired cigar. A match was applied
in tho usunl way and tho fireworks
started. Tho cigar blew up as per
schedule and. Incidentally, tho $200,
000 deal blew up with It.
Now No. 2 is looking for No. 1 with
nre in his eye, becnuso No. 1 allowed
him not only to "swipe" a cigar, but
because he allowed him to present It
to his New York nssoclate, whereby
he is minus tho profits on a big tran
saction. Municipal Laundry
municipal Innndi-ten in i,'i,r n
says It would cost about JHO.OOO to
build n bathhouse and laundry ac
cording to general plans discussed bv
tho park board.
Almost all tho larger cltlos of Ger
many nnd Franco have tho mutiiilpnl
laundries. In Ilerlln they nie kept
lniby every day and nro comforts to
thousands of housewives. The laun
dries open early In tho morning and
often tho women aro standing in lino
with their bundles f clothes. Either
they furnish their own toap, bluing,
nnd other Incidentals, or they nu sold
to thorn nlmost nt coat by the city.
Tho customers aro required to pay
for heat, water and light.
The municipal laundry is not n char
ity t.ehenio nnd tho poor womeii renl
ize It. In addition to removing u bur
den from their Hhoulders a munici
pal lnuudry does much toward tho
prevention of disease. Whero now
tlio women oftun do thojr washing In
dnrk collars, n municipal Inundry, run
with all sclentille principles, would
prevent disease from spreading by
means of clothes.
Wonen in Every State Join Earnestly
In Campaign Against Tu
berculosis. Tour years ngo the only nctlve wont
on workers in the and tuberculosis
movement weie u little group of nbout
::o women's clubs. Today 800,000
women, under the 1'nlteil States, aro
bunded together ngnliibt tills disunite,
and more than i!,000 clubs nre talcing
a special Interest In the crusade. Not
less than ffiOO.OOO Is raised annually
by them for tuberculosis work, be
sides millions that nre (.ecurcd through
their efforts In state and municipal
appropriations. Mrs. Itiifus 1 Wil
liams Is the chairman of tho depart
ment that directs this work. In ad
dition to the work of the Oenernl Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, the Public
Health Education committee of the
American Medical association, com
posed largely of women physicians,
hns carried on an educational cam
paign of lectures during the past year
In ihlch thousands have been reached.
The Mothers' congress, the Young
Women's Christian association, and
many unattached clubs bring tho num
ber of women united In the tuberculo
sis war to well oer a million. Thorn
Is not a state In tho union wheie somo
work has not been done,
Ella Fontlne Is jour kneo tired,
Slenderly-It must be pet, It's gone
to sleep.
"No tonguo can tell how I nufforcd
for live years with Itching nnd bleed
ing eczema, until I was cured by tho
Cutlcurn Remedies, nnd I am so grate
ful I want tho world to know, for
what helped me will help others. My
body and face were covered with
bores. Ono day It would seem to bo
better, nnd then break out again with
the most terrible pain and itching. I
have been sick several times, but
never ln my life did 1 experience such
nwful suffering as with this eczema. I
had made up my mind thnt death wns
near at hand, nnd 1 longed for thnt
timo when I would bo nt rest. I had
tried many different doctors and medi
cines without success, nnd my mother
brought mo tho Cutlcurn Remedies, In
sisting thnt I try thorn. I began to
feel better after tho first bath with
Cutlcurn Soap, and one application of
Cutlcurn Ointment.
"I continued with the Cutlcura Soap
and Cutlcura Olntmert, nnd hnve
taken four bottles of Cutlcura Resolv
ent, and consider myself well. This
wan nine years ago and I havo had
no return of tho trouble since. Any
person having uny doubt nbout this
wonderful cure by tho Cutlcurn Reme
dies can wrlto to my address. Mrs.
Altlo Etson, 93 Inn Rond, Battle Creek,
Mich., Oct. 16. 1909.'
The Witching Hour.
Claire Jack told mo he wanted
hoc you the worst possible way.
Ethyl And what did you say?
Claire I told him to come to break
fast some morning-
Stomach Blood and
Liver Troubles
Much ticL'ncss starts with weak stomach, and consequent
poor, impoverished blood. Nervous nnd pale-people lack
good, rich, red blood. Their btomachs need invigorating
for, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach.
A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver
active, makes rich red blood nnd overcomes and drives
out disease-producing bacteria and cures a rvholo multi
tude of diseases.
Get Nd or your Stomach Weakness and
Liver Laziness by tahlnQ a courso ot
Dr. Plerco'a Golden Medical Discovery
tlio Stomach Restorative, Liver
Jnvldorator and Blood Cleanser.
You can't afford to nccept any medicine of unknown
nmpotMon ns a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
cry," which is a medicine op known composition, having
a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper,
same being nttcMcd us correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's PleMont filets rezufota iutl
Color mors ooodi brlahtcr and failar eatori than
To j csn die toy osrmtnt without ripping spirt. Write
lief VMrmiimSTbNmn. -rfKi-M&tsstiSi WBi . o'liQf fQ2
wiiit (fm . Jk
AYetietablc Preparation for As
&!milnttng iheFoodnndRcgula-
ing Ihc Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ncssandRcsl.Contiilns neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
faff tfoMDrSAxvurrmrat
Mix Sunt -
Jiiii ShJ
hrtmint -ti
Htrn SttJ
CimffitA Siif
Anrrfrrl Rcmrdv fnrfnn!lDfl
lion . Sour Stomach, Dinrrhocfl,
Norms .Convulatons.rcvcriah
ncss ond Loss of Sleep
V Simile Signature of'
Tire Cuntauii Company,
Ifiuarnntccd under tho Foodnw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Lnni1 Hfilr nnd liomrMcail rntrlr Incroanliic. No rennatlon In numbcrn i?oln(f from United
Hlnti-H. Wnmlrrfiil opportunltlm remain fur thosn who Iritrnil innkltigCiiuaOn. tliulrlumie.
Nrw ill'UrlctH lir liitf iriii'l up for Kotlli'inrnt. Muny fanncrn will tirt, thin yi-ar, 110 to f 15 per
m-rn from tliclr wlii-nt crop. All tlio iKtvnntnirt of olil trttlnl countrirH itra tlmrc. OihmI
m-IkmiU, I'lnirctirH, r)iirinllil umrbrtt., rirrlletit railway facilities. Hce tho privln cibllilt nt tbe
rillTereulMutn ntiri Mime of t lie County fnlri.
I.rtlrr Nlmllnr to the following nro rrcMrnl
conclltlmm; otlipr illbtrlclH nre ax fnvontlily Npokrn of;
MultlMiinn, Snk., (Vinuila, Auk. (tit. 1010.
"Mr purrnn rninn lu-rii tmm Oilitr rnlli. Iimi,
four ji'im ago, mul wrroMi woll pliucl with thlv
litkrii upn tminfotriul Itcur ttu'in, ami nm perfectly
rminiiy inrr bf'm in t .mir n AM'lit' itir inn, i nuvn
luillttlinl torUip lli'tti.
lx-ututril ikiutilnv
wants sarTLitn's iiATit roil ma stock
Hti'MW, AlticrU.Jilljr.lUt. 1010.
"Well I pit up lii-fn from rnn-M CUT, limn. Inl
Hlirlncln (jihhI Mi.ihi ullli tlimlork uiiilofprrlnlntt.
.Viw, 1 li.ivn K't two Iniyn linrk 111 limn TPl.nnl I
nin uolnt; hiirk (ticin ikiw iimiii to l-H tlum nml nn
i.IIht rnr i'i hrrnllil full. Wlml I noulil llko In
know U. if llifrtlh ny i-hanrn to prt ti rliAp mtn
tmi'k hvuIii, nml nhi-n nn return lo CjiihUu I will
cull ill jduriilllco fur ouri'ortlllinli'i."
Vourmriilr, II. A.WIk.
Will. MAKi: UW 110.MI! IN CANADA.
Ilralnonl, Minn., Auti, lt. 1010.
"I Am colna to raimdn n nci-k from tixliiy Bml
Inlrnil to in ikp mr limnp llii-r. My huibniil hai
lii-cii IlK-roolt wppkhnml Ik hi-II plraii'il Willi llm
iinntrj. n h anm run to roiim n HiMin an nh
IIiIp ll Hied on ii rlnlin ni-nr IjiiuIIi.. Snk., unit
liy liH Uiitn'rlpllnn of It II n.usl Liru pri'ltr pUi-n,
Nrnil for lltrrnturi' ntnl nk tlip loonl Pniinillun riovpnimpnt AKrntB for Kicunlon HiiUtn,
best ilUlrtcts In lilch to loeitti-, nnd when to go.
W. V. DENNETT, 801 New York Life Building. Omaha, Nebraska
Never uny nn ill thiiiK of n person,
when lliou ennnt nay u kooiI thing of
him; not only upcuk charitably, but
leel so. Klly.nboth Kry.
Kr. WlniUiw'fi Rmitlitnr; Plyrnp.
For r liuil tf n (ci-ttiltif. nifli iiIIiiiJuiiii, rliireln
tiauiiiiaiUiii.ullayiiiM)ti.cutiiKln(lrjlle. .'iilxilllB.
A fool run nlwuyu tlntl another fool
to ntlinlro him.
latiy who tunl to fcinokc Iflr piRarK
now hii) 1'tvi.i' Single llimlcr stiailil ."c.
IlfKt men nro molded out of faults.
lavljorata Stomach, Lhtr and Dowttt.
HI r,.r rt
The Rnyo Lamp Is a blub (trade lamp, sold nt ft low price.
Tliero iiri lumps that roM more liut tlicruls nntictti-i liunii m.itlont nny
lirlre. (VMibtriictt'il of solia brub; nlrkel plutei! latily ri li'li-ninnn
urniimenitiiany riviiii Innnv Imt , TlieiolHi iiihln krnn in tlm nrt
cif (miiii-iimUukMli.uciini'M lullie villi n of llm IIAiO I iimpuan lltilit-
Klrlrif ilevlce Kviry deaU'r cvcrywliero, If mil ut louts, write fc'
ilvbcrliillvo clreilnr tu llin m-an-kt utrency ofthn
in other die.
One 10c paekaos colon all fibers.
lor Irse booklet
now io ure.uieacn ana Million,
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
TxteiMTAuHaoMMRT. ni ton mnr.
1910 CROPS
Wheat Yield In Many Districts Will
Be From 25 to 35 Bushels Per Sere
erery day, Icatlfylnif to atlnfn:tory
Mrnnithir-ln-lir, Mr.Krnnk J. Tnmmrr.llTrilhcrfl
ami It wax through hliiitlml nn ilcoldud to lix-utolii
CunoUa." Voiira trul.
Mm. UlcliurU llonry Kblnsnr.
Taylon Kallii, Minn., AuM. 7, 1910.
"1 thalliratoCauinMfllhlft Full wlUi tar initio mul
Iiiiiihi'IuiIiI koihIh, not a iKir rmp hnm ililn ji-ar
biuI iiijrlitniliiT-lti-liiiT, AtolNnrtimroinlnCiiiiiroAii,
wiilitu mn to coma tticn-. Ilo fornivrlf II nil In
Mlmn. North Imkntii. I am itolnir u buy or tnko
Ihiiiii-rK'IiiI when I lie I, but. I tin not want U.
tmiri'ltwotliiii'.ilii'ri'. forltakoinr hrotlmr-ln-lawi
won! atoul tbu country, ami nunt to Rt your low
tutu." Yours truly
l'ettr A. Nelson.
. wants ix) nirrimN to Canada.
Vmta, Minn., Julr Slth. 1010
f "I went to (,'amnla nlnn yutra aiio anil took up a
' quurtcr MHllcni or riillroiul laml uml n honirilaail.
hut my Ihitk hay it never taken mi uny laml jrt. I
ctlll liolil tlin mllroiiil laml, I hail to roam linrk to
llinkiiilieaiitiiii-riiiintof mr beilth. l'lease lit mn
know alouculf I cunnrtthuihean rate Uil'onoku,
Albena." Youm truly,
Uoo. I'ankewlli,
Veatu, llinn.
Send postal
Frc Packugo
of Paxtino.
Better and more economical
than liquid antiseptics
Gives one a sweet breath ; clean, white,
gorm-freo teeth antisenticaliy clean
mouth and throat purifies the breath
after smoking dispels all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
A little Praline powder dis
solved in a clou of hot watts
makes a delightful antueptic so
lution, poueuing extraordinary
clearuing, germicidal and heal
ing power, and abtolutely harm'
leu. Try a Sample. 50c a
large box at druggiAs or by rasiL
The difference
remember this
it may save your life. Cathartics,
bird shot and cannon ball pills tea
spoon doses of cathartic medicines
all depend on irritntiouofthe bowels
until tliey swentcnouj'h to move. Cw
carets strengthen the bowel muscles
so they creep nnd crawl naturally.
This means a cure ami only through
Casmrels can you get it quickly nnd
naturally. gs9
Caicarets 10c box week's treat
ment. All dntLT'-its. nicest seller
lu Uio worlil-inlllion boxes a mouth.
Everywhere In tho world men
6havo with tho
if nmicx-a itu
! Thomnsffn's Eye Water
Lulu ) us, usn
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 36-1910.
They dye In cold water better than an, older dr.
munuut. UHUU CO., Qulncy. Illlnalti