The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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r. -iwyrffw-! y.'J?'. -
,gS - zz;
N duinIm'imuh' wo glo fspechil at
tout ion to tho accounts of the business
111011. it is noi oiny our uosito n
venicin i's to our desoning ous'.nmois.
They avo welcome to nurudtico at all
Interest Paid en Time De
bin we ai c cipiulh ilcsii oils of seeing t'ljii'r"- v'aTc'S
out iiistoinoi's' business now miclcss- j'y; y 'Y$, rH
fu'ly ai will, and wo uie always icnd 'r l ''M lKwJr"'H
to ostein! accommodations :inl ion- nkV'i "A ' S5i KiiJ I
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
A nice rain foil Siimluy night.
Charlie Kmlck returned homo Fri
day night.
Sam Miller of Hebron has been
visiting friends hero
Mr. and Mrs John .Suladen spout
Sunday at (lotolieb Kassers.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Decker spent Sun
day at Ned Hinds of Cowlos.
Mr and Mrs. Trunk Frisbie and
dutghter Sund.tved at All .siiludoiis.
Mr and Mrs. huo Ucrghelrt umlj
d ingliter visited at Ilulseluisli Stn-j
day I
!..,,.! t'. ..!..! ,.IV I 1 mil 11 ...1- nil
1 I en Ulllli r i.i t;i .i. . . w .. ... 1. if.i
account of having an abscess on his
Quito a few of the boys went to
Ulue Hill Sunday to take in the ball
For the next 2 weeks we will sell all of our summer goods at prices that will clean them up.
We still have 8 weeks of warm weather in which you can use these goods so be the first to
come as the goods are bound to go at these prices. Below we quote a few prices.
Ladies union suits SI. On grade at
hurtles union suits Kle grade at
Ladies vests extra large hUca 2."ie
- Uo Historical Society
Mr. A. II. Sinks of Rochester, Ind.
who 1ms been visitiny Ids sous out
west stopped at the home of Charles
Uaseroti his route home.
Mis. W. S llenso has gone to To
oumsoh to visit her mother and rein
thes. W. H. is ttying batching.
Connie K.isser is putting in some
wheat on tho Al Hooker place. Ho
will llvoon tho plnco no't year.
.los Ciow and wife wont to Guide
Kocl; Sunday. On account id tho rnin
they did not get home until Monday
This part of the eaith wnssimUed up
by an inch and a ipiaiter of nrin Sun
day eening. We are now nssuied of
a pood corn eiop and the ground is In
tino shape for wheat.
1 1 mTi&S Jrtl
Shirt Waists
All of our shirt waists at prices that will clean them out, do not want
to carry any ovor until next year.
S2 00 waists at $1.25 SI.75 waists at 81.15
8l.r.O waists at 81. or, SlOOwalstsat 03e
fiOe " " 40c. And others too numerous to men
tion. Do not miss this sale as those are all new goods nothing left over in this
lino as all nit brand new up to date stylos.
Embroideries at Clean un Prices
.'it Inches w Ido at 00c was $1.2") with iust to match
'M inches wide at Too was$1.0o with Inst to match
27 inches wide at 50c was Sl.oU and 7riC with inst to mulch.
All ot tho othei width nt pricos that will clean them up.
Suminer Underwear
Ladies union suits Tie grade (!0j
Misses union suits 50c guide 10c
grade lOe.
Ladies vests all sizes.
New Line tf Fall Silks Just Arrived
Consisting of nil tho nw creations in Chaugo.ibles, l'laids and forded.
Agents for Butterick Patterns
A NcHsnniMsr That filus The News Pift-tno Wr.iks Fncli Year For $1.50.
Mrs. i' II. Kitst anddaughtots move
I 1 lli'il Cloud tills week si, tin. jjlrls
can at to ml s,.iool. (' 11. will not ho
fm behind them when thov gel thoio
I In- sunny bide school house has a
' it. iiiofoil porch. Uoii-o ami out
iiaililiou's now ly painted. Tho (.Mill
ion will appreciate the change as
nothing is too good for tho aiUanci
iiiont of our cliihlion. Miss Ikhel
(iaiiioi will touch 0111 school tho com-
II .4 Olll.
Little Kvan Lnjoait is (iilto sick this
Mr. and Mi-.. Hvoictt lloan Sunduyed
at Frances Kelly's.
We had a fine lain thru this patt of
the eouutry .Sunday nipht.
Miss Anna Gilliam entiiu up fiom
Ued Cloud .Saturday nipht to visit
friends on Farmer's Cteek.
Miss Sadie Boon and her little neico
Lthyl Boon came down from Franklin
Wednesday to visit little Kthyl's
father Art Boon
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dully and their two
youngest children returned home Mon
day morning from a visit at their old
home in Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs Lyman llcrrick and
(laughter Ldlth of Campbell and Mrs.
Mary Stryker of Kearney visited Sun
day at U L. derricks.
The Harvey elan spent Sunday at
the 'Klondike." They took their din
m is along and spent the day in the
gne. And they wore all caught in
tho ram on tho way homo. All lopoit
lit guml time
I'aoi bndy talks show for Thursday.
Mr. Carter and family culled on T.
V. hites .Sunday
JelV Beuuehamp and family visited
Mrs Ida Kent, Sunday.
Ladios union suits f0c grado lOo
Misses union suits 2oo grade l'.tc
liny Minis and his gtay
on wind mill iow Sunday.
maie wotc
.Itilius Wohbciiiiiiu was woiUug the
roads on wind mill tow Monday.
A lino Nebraska tain ol about; an
inch and a half 011 Sunday night.
Mi.aiid Mrs. Ilolmgralu were on
wind mill low Mindn.i at.lim DuWItts.
I Geiugu lloiiohin bought a gi ay mare
( in tiiwn Haturda to icplai'e the one
that died
I, oat ha (.'iimpbcll was u pleasant
callei mi Muriel ami I'thol Flsliei on
Co! iggins lias the addition to his
housmost completed, lluben .schult
is dotng the line part.
Will Fishei ami chihlicii had an In
vitation out to dinner .Sunday and of
eouise he is not the fellow to lefusc.
Will Fisher stacked his millet Fri
day, lie did a good job for he hud a
jayhawker and a blow stacker and
they worked good together.
(ieoige Harris was seen plowing
with an over coat on the '.Tith day of
August. Wo supposed anybody could
keep warm in August plowing.
Geoige Coon has sold the Baxter
farm to Miner Kent. That is a good
farm Miner but it looks suspicious but
we will take a cigar and call it square.
Alfied Mauley went to (Snide Kock
Sunilav and did not get back until
Monday but ho -iiijs it was a nice rain
and -he is so I'Utt out Allml that is
irsso bad fi" t; vlng a week
Order Jo Show t'assi:.
Slatcof Mhraskn , tlioc.nmty Court.
1 l)tu 1 oiinty t
A 1 11 C.iunlj l ntirt In Id at tliu 1 'mint)
loiiit room lit 11 ml for siM ouuty I It nr-ilit
lillx -Mil A. I' nun.
Is tho ni.'itli r of tin (stati nl cliarli s I.
Hi il IHti.imiI.
in rcailinnuiitl lllluu lliu pctlUun ol Inlm
I. Illoil on tlie'iSth ilay of . 1 1 1 1 A. I'.,
I'.UU pr.i ln for lliu fxaniliiatlciii anil allow
aiuooflilii Dual ai-couot of tlm winio date,
a ilt'crti' of aKslinuit'iit of the Imiils IkIdiih
Inn tosalil istnte to the persons entltltd to
tlioKiime. an order illstrllmtlm,' tliorixlduoof
livrvuial estate and tin rn upon an order ills
ilinru'lin; him from further Imrilcii and kit
Mi o In Ills h'lldolllie as administrator.
(liii)KHMi, 'I luit I uesday tlio (Ith day of
September . I). I'JIU, at one o'clock p. in.,
Is nssUitcil for liearlnn K.ilil pLtltlou wlii'ii all
persons Inlerestid In said matter niaj appiar
at a ( oiint ( ourl to lie hold in and fur
Mid count and show muse ulij prajirof
pititloiier should not lu unuiUd and that
11 itu 1 of tin pi ndi ui of MM pilitlmi ami
I 1 luailm,' tin not he t;lin to all puwuis
II instill lu Klld mil 1 1 1 1 . h 1 uhlishiiii; a
1 wf this older lu the Hid Cloud ( hlif a
v eUi uewspapir pilutid In Mild lount)
f . lliu c coiim 1 iithi i il.s pilot In aiil dn
si i 1 I . I lisiis
1 oimtj IiiiIkc.
Report of the Condition
-or i in.
Webster County Bank
( lurtcr No, lOI'i, lut'orporatrd lu the. Statu of
NehniHkn. at tho ilosu of huslucxs Auk. -j
ItKSOI'IK t.s:
I.IMtlXHUll DlKCOIIlltK Kyj.UHi.ll
ONirdraftH iW1.77
I'uriiltiiru and I'IMiiris ... . ... 1,000.00
( urreiit uxptnsi sand taxes paid (Jls.iii
Due from natliiiial and state
hanks . ... si i.oit.'JI
( hi eks and Hums of iichnin;u
( urrtne J.sov.W
ii.iidioln . ... luiu.oo
Niir, nil kels and cents, a I l.fil
total i ash on hand
17,17.1.1 1
. fi',,000.J
I.I Mill. INKS.
( .ipltal stock p.ild III
LiullNlduil jirollts
Individual ik'iiosllHHiilijKt
to i luck 11,001 HI
lit maud and llnio certlll.
catts of deposit . .. l.'.o.'T.M
loliu ilfjioslts ......
5.1,0 ILTI
lotlll ?7!l,TJJ.IU
SI M'Blir MillltA.SKA, I
County of W'olMir. f
I I'l.oa .m i:, eashlur of the ahmo
imiiud hink.doheruhy km car that thvahuvu
Htatcmcnt Is u correct and tru. copy of the
n port niaile to the .statu llanklut; llo.inl.
m. It. I'LOItANCi:,
Airhsr: Cashlir.
II P. Allmi, Director.
. M. C'a Mill. I., Director.
huhserlhed and Hirorn to before mo this
iotlula) of Auk. !UW. A. II. ski. i, mis,
isk.w..) NoUry 1'uhllo,
its" j"rn-.,L. .
- w ....
T ' aai-.itfiiS..'viua
1. l10.
tis4 .W
There are times when a whole lot de
pends on the watch you carry. If
you buy your watch here there'll be no
missing of trains or engagements, no
being late on account of your watch.
In This Jewelry Store
You can select a watch at a moderate price or
one as expensive as you care to go. But no
matter what you pay you'll have a watch well
worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch
man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50.
SArfsrAcnoM on money back
Jewelers & Optometrists
They All Agree
when it comes to a live cent smoke
that tho H-B cigars aio in n class by
themselves. They arc mild, inollow
and rioh. They burn evenly draw
freely and havo u fine llavor. Try ono
and you will keop on trying like the
rest of "the boys."
City Bakery and Restaurant.
Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S.
Over Colling's Drug Store.
iiouhs or Kr.uviui: at co.v(iiti:(JA
IllhluRcliool 10 a. in.
Preaching II a.m.
Preaching hers Icch K p. in.
Prayer mid Couferunio nicctim; Wcdncn
dny nt 8 p. in.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to all.
IlKV. A. A. Chi-hsiiaN Pastor.
The Chief $1.50
NTJM15ER 5)5
v :v
y Jl
is tho only kind that goes with somo
things. Wo mean of course when
you're going to dine.
at this restauruut are both linest la
tho land. See our menu Isn't It up. over in reading? It's best
I though In tho eating. Come lu and
test it.
The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant
H. Neuerburg, Prop.
Successor to Jr. J. S. H UQtl
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phonefl3f .
THE Chicago Specialists!
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in Geiman and
Friday, September 9th
See The Chief for-up-date
Job Work.
K " "-.. - ...L III! .1.... I ... . ... .
W - , -. .--- . uri;
aaay-iiip'inii'jr. gp il If H M