The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 25, 1910, Image 5

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    rT -yi""r
1m-H,,'i i-J-88 ( I - 5 fi(tf
Hadloy fc'eiit w.isin thisoity Sunday.
Matinee itttlio'lVju'' Saturday after
noon. Old pipers 3 cents u bundle lit tills
oflice. .
'Saturday afternoon Matinee lit the
Fruuez Ray v;is down froiu Xiipjhtu
Charley Robinson Is liotue from
Liinny Smith is home from St. Finn.
cis Kas.
' , ' ft
l'aul I'opo went tollqnveV Tuesday
evening. ?
Mark Paths went to Denver Friday
Matt Doyle was down from Bladen
tond th Tepee next Saturday
Miss Ruth Logan returned to Blue
Hill 'Monday.
Mrs. E. M. Gard i9 visiting in Man
knto, Kansas.
Clara Abel and Vera Wilson left for
Chicago today.
Mrs. E. MoFarlnnd has returned
from Colorado.
Junieta Joint has returned to her
home in Hastings.
Miss Yola Swart, went to Alma
Saturday evening.
The W. 0. T. U. will meetwith Mrs.
Heirelbower next Wednesday, August
Do You Want to Buy a Home. If You Do, Now is the
Time and COLVIN & KENT'S is the place.
No. "J. A. Lots 13-14 l!i and 10 in block 10, in the city of Esbou, Jewell
county, Kansas. I room house, barn for six horses, good well, .sumo trees; on
ly two blocks from main street. Price ST25.00.
No. 3 A. '200 acres 4Tj miles from Guide Hock, Ncbr. 110 acres under the
plow, Il.'i acres alfalfa, farm fenced and crossed-fenced, -10 acres hog tight,
comfortable house, large fine barn practically new, crib, sheds, hen houses,
hog houses, well, mill, large cement resevoir. Abundance of water. Price
S10.O00. $ 7000.00 cash, balance mortgage to be assumed or paid.
No 1. A. 1125 acres 170 acres under the plow. 5 acres alfalfa, hog pasture, 7
acre moadow, balance pasture, well and mill on each quarter, 2 story house
123x30; barn 18x30, cow barn si.:2, calf stable Hx.lfi, hog shed 11x128, granary
crib and tool shod combined 41x22, granary, crib and wagon shod combined
40x10; hen liouse 8x14, shop 10x12, old house, 10x18 ,t 12xlC. Buildings on
good foundations, painted and in good condition. Pi ice $.10 per acre, part
No 5. A. N. E. U 2-4-21, Norton oouuty, Kansas; 4 miles from Clayton,
Kas. A good quarter of land, CO acres tinder the plow, balance grast.L Price
Sar.00.00. Half cash balance" time, 7 per cent interest.
No. 0. A. 100 acres, DO in cultivation, 7 acres alfalfa. J.) notes more sown
this spring. Three miles to Guide Rock, Nebr. New 7 room house, stable,
well, mill, tank, etc. Price StilOo.
No. 7. A. :io:t acres improved farm, 2 miles from Guide Hock, Nebr. Price
SOS per acre.
No A. A. Good Improved bottom farm 1C0 acres Half good bottom land.
Fine hay und alfalfa farm. Price S1200.
No. 0. A. An extra good SO acre farm; good, nearly now house, stable, well
mill, etc. Price SS5 per acre. A good one.
No. 10. A. A good Improved 100 acre farm. Price ?G3 per acre.
No. 11. A. A good ISO acre home, part number one bottom land, good
orchard, barn, house, well, mill, tank, etc. Price $11000.
No. lit. A. Fino residence property in Guide Hock, Nebr. Price S'Jt'00.
No. 14. A. Nice littlo cottage homo closo in to main street. Guide Hock,
Nebr. Price 81200.
No. l.'i A. 131 acres good grass land. fy: per aero.
No. 10. A. t!K) acres of tine pasture laud with spring water. A portion of
which would make line farm laud. A snap. Get after this, it will not last
long. S2(l per acre.
No. 17. A. A line improved 120 acre home at S(J." per acre.
No. lSa. A lino farm 7 miles of Goodland, Kas., S'3300. A choice farm.
No. 19a. A tine improved 80 acre farm (5 miles from Red Cloud, Neb. A
bargain at 8!ir.0l).
No. 20a. An extra 80 acre farm 1 mile from post-olllce at Guido Rock, Neb.
Prico $125 per ncro.
No. 21a A fine 100 aero improved farm 5 miles from Red Cloud, Neb.
Prico 5(5000.
No. 22a. One of the host 110 acre improved, best located little homos in
Webstor county, Nebr.. only 1 miles from contor of Red Cloud, the county
seat of Webster'eouuty. SU300. 81000 down, balance Marelf 1, 1011.
Vo. 123a. s.'i acres of the best laud in Webster county, Nobr. Good house,
we'llmill. etc. Price $0000.
No. 21a. i:, 1 a-10 acres, all bottom land, 1 miles from Guido Rock. Nebr.
10 acre's pasture, 10 acres timber, balance under the plow, except corralls etc.
Comfortable house, bam, gianary. crib, hon house, well, mill, tank. etc.
Price . 910.000. 5.100 cash. S2.100 March 1st, MM 1, balance lo years time at .1',
percent Interest. This farm will nuiko you a good home, come and see it, be
fore buying.
No 2.1a. Aiinoii'111"'"""1"1"""" - -." "unwm
id but about ir acres, 9.1 acres tillable, and tho best of soil, 10 acros of big
no timber, balance pasture, good .1 room house, good barn 32x40. This is a
No 2.ra. A linO 1 IIUIO UUiuu ui mitHuin ,,.w, ii;uiu-mu, an uu Liu III
JIIIU .!- - -
L'ood farm well located about nan way
School across the road. Priced to sell
1911. ,.
No "lift. 160 IWes of tuo uosc mn
The price sounds a littlo high. ct if you want tho best and are ablo to buy
it don't fall to see this ono It is a sure and bafe investment. A form that
with proper care will prouueo a crop every year. u hid improvements nee
... .. !.. rmidv to occupy and lit for a king. 75 acres under the plow.
acres alfalfa, 4 acres orchard and grove, 100 bearing applo trees, 25 acr
..t..u i,.,v halauco pasture, 1 story IU room liouse, nam -Jlx. with leai
T'xll well wind mill, elevated tank, stock tank, crib room for .'
Briun'ry room for 1000 bushels, 1 hog shed 48x8, 1 hog shed 32:
cattl'oshed lOxlG, corralls etc; farm nil fenced and cross fenced.
MBOOO.00 March 1st. 1911 uamncouyuui-. . . .. ..,
No 30a 80 acros 3J miles from Guide Rock, Nebr.. .10 acres under plow.
11 acres alfalfa, balanJo pasture, good llvo loom house, barn, cribs, granary,
woll niill. orchard ote; bchool ono mile from houso. Prico S3500.
No' lla A Hue 200 acre farm nicely located 2', miles from town, purt
creek bottom r neres alfalfa, 15 acres timber, 80 acres pasture, nice orchard,
balance farm 'land, houso 32x21 & 10x30, ton rooms and bath room, granary
M 1 barn 21x21, cow 8hed, woll, mill, otc; farm fencod and oross-fonced,
rnllroail swltci"on premises for loading stock and grain, graded school at
town district hohool 1?. miles, county bent OH miles, a dandy stock, gralu
and fruit farm. Price 50.1 per acre.
Wo have many more, and can suit anybody. Come and see us.
. . .. r
W. A. Kent,
Red Cloud, Neb.
.hv O t'.Teel went to Lincoln Sutur
d.iy t visit friends
(Jin l.- .lone- returned to Franltlln
WetlucMlnr morning.
(iuorgc Moihutt and family spent
Sunday in Cubic Hock.
See Dr. Stuck man for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mr, il. C S.iylor's aunt returned
homo Tuesday morning. '
Ask The Red Cloud Itilw.Co., about
tlu.t New Wagon you need,
SID, 112. St t and $1 1 will buy a good
Single Harness at Foon.'s.
L M. Crabill went to Cripple Creek,
Colorado Monday evening.
Mrs. Mabel Thompson and sOntlmve
returned to Grind Islnosl.' jk, K"
Miss Myrtle Paulson of Inavulu is
visiting Mrs. A. T. Walker.
Mrs. Oatman went to Cripple Creek
tho latter part of last week.
Alvln Pope is in Red Cloud visiting
his mother Mrs. A. A. Pope.
Lloyd llradbrook was down from
Woodruff, Kas., over Sunday.
Bernard McXcny and wife loft for
Colorado Wednesday evening.
Tho Best Place In town to buy Paint
is at "The hod Cloud Hdw. Co."
Mrs. Clark and children arc visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Skeen.
Mrs. Chas. Palmer returned from
Wray, Colorado Sunday morning.
Miss Ella Emiek returned home
from Kansas City Sunday evening.
For Real Estate Loans or Insurance
see Sellars, Gather ami Hutchison.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cnts ir yard. Mini:k linos, and Co.
- . ..! 1 T t 1 T f
uuiwuon uuihb hock unci uostwicic.
S13810. 81000 cash, balance March 1,
.,.... .,...
ciuuiry ur uny uwiur. OUUU.UU
3000 bushels,
2x8, hay roof
.. . r ......,!... .
1. b. Colviji,
Guide Rock, Neb.
Dr Hast man of Oklahoma wns In
Red Cloud the latter part of the week.
Miss Helen Ycarka went to Uloom
Ington Wednesday to visit her parents
Foil Sali: Crab apples on my farm
by the Amboy Mill. On Rassik.
Will Rathjon returned to his homo
In Minneapolis Minn., Monday morn
ing. J. V. Roubal returned homo Tues
day from Hruning, where ho has beon
.lob wanted Two boys aged 12 and
11 want jobs in oountrv. Inquire nt
this otllcc.
Tho Chief oflice takos subscriptions
and renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
All the great nrtlsts blng for the
Victor and Edison. Hear them at
Newhouse Bros.
G. W. Evans and wifo of Altoona,
Pen i)., woro visiting Geo. Morhnrtand
family Tuesday.
Mrs. Hert Mnrhart entertained
Wednesday evening in honor of her
husband's birthday.
Mrs. Young and Mrs. Martin of
Doniphan, Nobr., arc visiting their
father Geo. Hummel.
Alf McCall left Monday to look after
our ball team. Ho will go with them
until thoy arrive home.
Miss Sarah Tllloy lato from England
neico of Mrs. M. Coploy is visiting
with Mrs. Wm. Parkcs.
Miss Mary Damcrell returned Fri
day from Washington, l. C, after n 2
months visit with her mother.
Remember that every thing is choap
er and better lit the Harness lino at
Fonix's than any other place.
Well improved farm close to Red
Cloud for Kale on easy payments
Sellars, Garbor and Hutchison.
Go to the Red Cloud Milling Co., for
your shorts and brands in half ton
lots or more at wholesale prices.
The Hed Cloud High School base
ball team went to Hlue Hill today to
play tho Hlue Hill High School boys.
II . N. llrown nnd family came down
from L'pland Sunday for a visit with
Mrs. Brown's sister Mrs. E W. Ross.
The Ladie's of tho Congregational
church will hold their monthly market
at tho Home Grocery store August 27.
Mrs. Doruthyand children returned
to their homo Monday after an extend
ed visit with Father Fltzgoruld and
The Christian Bible schoaHias their
picnic day set for next Friday. They
laro to have the freedom of Mr Top-
ham's grovo.
Found During Chautauqua week
u little girl's parasol owner can have
same by paying for this notice In
quire at thisofllcc.
Will Auld received a telegram Sun
day stating that his mother hud died,
and ho left for Iowa Sunday evening
to attend the funeral.
Preaching services as usual next
Lord's day August28 at tho Christian
church, by minister L. An. Hussong
morning and evening.
Mrs Richards and daughter Miss
Josephine arrived in Red Cloud Mon
day evening. They will make their
home in the Will West property.
Mike Finkenbindcr, Charles Walter,
Meredith Butler and Alvn Pope went
to Blue Hill Wednesday whore they
will lay some cement side walks.
Mr. Hud Mrs Price and children of
La Grande, Oregon are spending two
weeks with her father, Sam Smith
Mrs. Price was formerly Miss Lolia
A. P. Ely and wife, Omar Dolingitnd
wife, Ed. Bohanan and wifo nnd Mr.
Burnett wore called from their various
homes to this city by the death of E
B. Smith.
The Ladies Aid Society of tho M. E.
church will servo Ice Cream and Cuko
Saturday afternoon and evening in
the basement under the Webster
Comity bank
Chas. Sohollak and wl fe left Tuesday
morning for Hastings to nttend tho
marriagoofMr.Schellak'b sister. They
will also attend the Fronteir Days at
Grand Island.
Mrs.JuniesMoninvillolms purchased
Mrs. Bomford's millinery store and
will take possession Sept. 1st., nt
which timo sho will have nn opening
of fall millinery goods.
Dr Warrick, tho specialist will meet
oye, oar, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damerell'b oflice in Red Cloud
Tuesday, September 0th.
J. IL Hummel surprised tho editor
Tuesday by bunging in a nice juicy
water melon and some hue large to
matoes. Mr. Hummel certainly knows
how to raise melons and tomatoes.
Having made n change in our busi
ncss. All persons knowing themsel
ves Indebted to us will please call and
settle as wo want to c'osp all open ac
counts by Sept. 1st. MniuiviiT linos.
We heard to lay that the Congregat
ional Brothel li'iod agiced to uppearat
the regular church servicer next Sun
day without tholr coats. Bravo. We
would go to church oursolves if wo
could be comfortable. There is' n6
tolling what men can do when' they
got f heir eoath off.
Ed Atnaek went over to tho Mount
Hope church Wednosdav nnd nut
down some new carpet on the Moon
and linoleum In tho vestihtii" and hung
curtains on tho window which adds
very much to its appearance. i
Miss Wlllu Henderson of Stella, Ne
braska who has been visiting relatives
here for the past week returned to her
homo accompanied by hercoiisin, Miss
Rctta McDowell who will remain a
few days.
In order that those living out of
town may have nn opportunity to soo
the moving pictures the management
has arranged for Saturday afternoon
performances, commencing with next
Saturday at 3 p. m. sharp.
National representative to tho con
vention of the thlrtyllrst tiicennlcal
conclave of the Grand Cotmnaudry of
the Knights Templar, II. A. Letson
reports un excellent session. The next
meeting will beheld in Denver three
years hence.
Just as much care, in fact a little
more, should be exercised In buying
electric sad Irons, as In buying any
thing else. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others In doing the same
werk. Get your electric Irens of
MomiAiir Bnos., they curry the anther
lzd lien. He carefull of "just as
goed" electric irens.
The services atthoMothodist ohurch
for next Sunday morning will consist
of a Ilaptisimal service for both adults
and children. Parents wishing their
children plcaso bring thorn
at that time Also the communion
service for the 1 quarter Tho oppor
tunity will be given furatiyoneto unite
with the church who so desires. Como
Thou and go with us.
The Red Cloud ball team started on
its last trip around the circuit last
Friday. They played at Soward Fri
day and Saturday. Soward won Fri
day's game by a score of 1011. Red
Cloud won Saturday's game by a score
of 12. Red Cloud plnj ed it Fremont
Sunday. Fremont won aboublc. houd
er from Red Cloud Sunday to tho tune
of 40 and 10 Red Cloud won Mon
day's game by a score of ( .1.
Mr. II. A Letson, manager of Miner
Bros. Atoro informed us the other day
that their special sale last week was
the most successful sale which they
have ever experienced. They wanted
room for the new fall goods which
are now arriving and gave their cust
omers real bargain". 'I hose who made
purchases at thissalo will watch eager
ly for another opportunity to increase
the purchasing value of their money.
E. U. Caldwell and Dr Boles have
assuthed the responsibility of couduct
infij a'Veoture course for the winter.
Thoy luivo solected a strong course and
we havo no hesitcucy In saying that it
will meot with the hearty support of
our people. Tho following is the list
of attractions:
Loit.T. Dcauchamp, Edwin Lonhaiu,
Welsh Choir, 18 people, Apollo Con
cert Company and Crescent Ladles
Tho State Fair this year is otl'ering
premiums In cash to the amount of $2,
050. ()0 for county oKhiliits in agiictilt
uial farm products. Tho stale has
been divided into threeseetions, west
ern, central, and eastern, for county
collection exhibits and the amount of
ptcmium oIVitciI is an inducement
for any county to make a display of
tlieirugricultural products. Addition
al premiums arc oll'cred for individual
exhibits. Tho fair this year will bo
hold Sept .1 to t), and counties eon
templatlngan exhibit should begin to
get ready. Premium lists maybe had
from W. R. Mollor, Secrectary, Lincoln.
A Weodman Play
Red Cloud Camp No COS, has secured
the services of Lieut. Walter M. Ellis
of Hastings, toprcsent with local people
his celebrated llvo act comedy drama,
entitled, "A Modern Woodman" at the
opera house Satin day night Septenber
3. Mr. Ellis has irivou his play with
great success for tho past seven years,
for nearly all of tho big Woodmen camps
in Illinois, Iowa, Missouii,)Kansas and
Nebraska and comes highly endorsed
by the press, public and camps, He
will bo assisted here by tho District
Deputy, B.C. Wilson and some .10 of
the best local talent in Red Cloud.
(I.T1 o
CJ.v, Oo
to know how to write a becoming epi
taph. It's an art to know how to build
That art wo posscW. Wo Invite In
speetion of our designs.
Consult Me Bofor Buying.
Red Cloud Marble and
;; t Granite Works
, Mc A lister, Proprietor
Shops at Run Cum n and, Nr.iin
1 YW
SflltE OF HIGH GftflDE
Have just completed my semi-annual
invoice and I find that I have more
suits in high class clothes than I want.
They have been divided in four lots
and I will sell them as follows:
All $30.00, 27.50 and 25, Suits at $19.50
All $22.50, 22.00 and 21,
All $20.00, 1 8, and 1 6.50
All $15.00, 14 and 12.50
This sale does not include Blacks or Blues.
This sale does not include a suit that is not of
this seasons make and all of the higher priced
suits are of
Hart Schaffner & Marx
exclusive patterns guaranteed all wool and if
1 1 iT 1 11 1
you are looking ror bargains ana Know a gooa
thing you will not wait long. If you do you
will miss it.
Bring your check book along these prices mean
C. 0. D.
Oxfords and Straw Hats 1-5 off.
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
s oi. iiikmk, rim
' fSjjjSSjrs
feet and
Nature to perfection in our j
photography. See the lifelike, speak- $
ing portraits of those who have sat
tor us.
Have Us Photograph
you and we guarantee a portrait that
your friends will declare simply per-
that you will secretly be
very proud of.
- wwj. ", ; 'JMM1WaflatT5TUMBW8T3aMCa
mtmaimm ,n iiniiii.iiifcmattliiiLWMtea