r rtmawMMMMNM ww Hff'lrrfflHWlnngrrifiwiiiiaininnja u - MIKfllM !M'.'.W4IM MTJnrf!W- wwmiWiwriai ammsmmmimmmmmwm'iitm mmmmMm 1MWWMWIIiMUiiii iiwm iinntuiu tr?virrtw-r V ;& -A-5-5. . i i ne noflie e y $ I P. A. Wullbrandt, Pro. 3 $ rverythin (0 m fables Groceries, you to do I carry a coir- ':t: line of strictly fresh and my prices are such that it will pay your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. m M j 4 In a Grocery htorc moro tlmn in utiytliitiR else, jjfi UluCinilllubb buyers sliould demand Ataoluto Cleanliness. fj) You cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, ill-kept placo and bo finro ffl pure goods UleanHncss;nnd sanitation are our hobbies. : : : : r W dp to ii $ i w m to to to a m ic jk a th, ,: ,u:7- 1910 LI NCOLNi THE STATE'S BEST PRODUCTS 1NAVALE Gi-orKU Isoin wrtb In town Monday. Mis. ftliifllm Carju'iiti r 1 II fur Vw ittoiit Ifririny It ilflMiird (in) Hlii'U? f.v (iro on tin blclc lUt iniii win-U Tlifiu i i be u penny social utMr.. Arn )UI- TlutiKilay i veiling. Miss Vurcn visited at llio homo of Dr. I'hillips a few days of last week. Win. 'Woadurly and family vuiit to Hobroii, Nebr., Tliursdny to attend a Woodman picnic. Tom Smith and family from Hot ton, lvas., aio visitl:i,' Mr. ,Smifh'.s mother Mrs. lOnium .Smith and other relative-. Mis. AtiNlin iiuwoll itiid cliildicii ot Ittvorton were visiting' with her parents Mr. and Mr. Mel Kiirnhuni Itibt week SUNNY SIDE. I. H. Ilupard of Alexander, Km., is. vi.sitlnjr in tills vaeinlty. J. II. J'JlliiiKi'r's brother-in-law and wife are vUltiuir them for u bhort time. CHlTord Martin, son of U. G. Martin Is under the doctor's care. He has a fever. TIioho attending the Chautauqua from about liero wore very well pleav ed with its management and hope for its continuance. While W. S. Ueiibo and family were in Ited Cloud one day lust week ouo of his horses was taken Middouly sick at home. A Veteranary whs telephoned for and it is now on the road to recov ery. S. Ilcckwith was unfortunate In loosing two ricks of alfalfa by spontan eous combustion. They contained about fifty tons. The crop boiug light this yeur is a severe loss. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL. AMEN'BMl.r. r. 51 WRIGHT BROS. AEROPLANE IN DAILY FLIGHTS LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY GREAT RACES PATTERSON SHOWS BASE BALL--FIREWORKS NIGHT .RACES "VAUDEVILLE ?Prs:r:"rs . '.".V."'" ... .' Jwm';::; :sa Red Cloud TMrs., Sent 1 Golimar Bros. GREATEST OF AMERICAN SHOWS - LESTER Mrs. Al. Decker has gone to Kansas to visit relatives. Mr." ii rid Mrs. Jake fry spent Sunday at Gotolleb Hussors. Mr. and Mrs. Charlio Fribble have gone out west in their auto. Mr. aud Mrs. .John llolcomb Sun dayed at George McKinnoyK. Most everybody in the neighborhood is busy 'thrashing this week. Mr. aud Mrs C. II. Harris have gone to Missouri to visit relatives. Mrs. John Saladon visited her sister, Mrs. John llolcomb Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Fred Kmick and sou spent Sunday at John Kmick's. Mr. and Mrs. Canfleld and Miss Urowu from. Burr Oak, Kas are camp ing on tile liver this week. Miss Nellie Cntry of Guide (took re turned home Sunday morning. She lias been visiting Miss May Frisbie of Lestei. Circus, Museum and Menagerie. Institution. Every act a feature. A Collossal Carnivorian GARFIELD I'ete and Alfred Mauley called on Will Fisher Sunday. Lots of the farmers In Garlield are busy plowing for fall wheat. Kay Sutton has quit working for Bort King und lias gone south. ' Au agent for Henningson Produce Co., was on wind mill row Tuesday rustling cream. A flue- rain fell Thursday and Tues day nights which is liable to spoil some of the nubbins. Will Fisher went to town Sunday and brought, his children home where they have been visiting for the past week. Mrs. Lirilllth returned to her home in Galveston, Texas on Monday ader a mouth's visit with her sister, M i s. T. W. White. Wo understand homo farms in the south part of Garllold have been -.old but nothing sure yet for money is what talks. The thrashing has let tip for this week for the steamer has pulled in for the winter and the horse power has broke down and Is waiting for repairs. The primary election came off Tues day and some of the candidates feel better and some feol worso but then they can't'all bo elected and it all goes lu politics and war. Thf fol ""V'w ) ' I p -n " ' to tko on:..tluv , t.. . In. o .. !:.-.a) ... ns hrw .iiiai!- .- s t forth in t lb pitbnilueil to t'K phrttirRW I... Staio of NVbrnn! t., to bw otd uj-'-n i the konor.il olwtmn to he hold 'J'upij tiny, KoveniLer 8th, A. I). 1010: A JOINT IIRSOLUTION to amend Scut km ona (1) of Article aven (T) of tlie Constitution of the State ot :o binnkn ' - ' He it onnntod by tho Legislature o the Stnto of Nebraska: Seel ion, 1. (Amendment coiistllu tlon proposed ) That nectlon one (I) of nt.rlc ueven (") of tho comtltutlon of i! t-tate of NehraF.l.a. tho seii. r mi,, ".ring, bo fco mneiidcd nV n n .! lis ! iiQWH' wi'iin (Who r? ol'Tiora ) V' ry in, lc ritiftn of tr.e Unltnl Si it. r i f tin' iko of twofti-oiio vonrrf. , frlinll hin'p been a toHldont of UilsntatT sis months next preceding tho election and of tho county, precinct, or ward, for tho term provided by law ohall be an elector; provided, that poisons of foreign birth who shall have declared their Intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States and are voting at tho taking ef fect of this aineiiiVmoiit, may contlntio to exercise tho right of suffrage until such time as they may have resided in the United States flvo yearn, after which they shall take out full citizen ship papers to he entitled to vote nt any Kucceedlng election. Section 2. (IJallots.) That at the general election nineteen hundred nnd ten (1010) there shall ho submitted to the electors of tho state for their ap proval or rejection tho foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to tho right of suffrngc At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall bo written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to tho right of suffrage," and "Against said' proposed amendment to tho con stitution rolatlng to the right of suf frage." Section 3. (Adoption) If suctt amendment shall bo approved by a majority of all electors votinc at such election, said amendment shall consti tute section ono (t) of article seven (7) or the constitution of the State of Nebraska. Annroved Anril 1, 1909. I, Geo. C. Junkin, Secretary or State, of the stato of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the thirty-first session of tho legislature or the Stato or Ne brnaka, as appears from said original bill on file in this olllce, and that said nronosed amendment Is submitted to the qualified voters of the state or Ne braska for their adoption or rejection nt the general election to bo held on Tuesday, tho Sth day or November, A. I).. !f10. In Testimony Whereof; I have heie imto set my hand and alllxcd the great seal of the State of Nebraska. IDono at Linf oln, this 29th day of July, lathe year of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nino Hundred nnd Ton, and of tho Indepen dence or the United States the Ono Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, and of this State the Forty-fourth. GEORGE C. JUNK7N. (Seal.) Secretary of StnU. TXtisiK&laU&MtlGiiiirMi ' HOW MONUfflEMTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS ind CO., I THE MONUMENT MEN, g rvea ioua, . - - lNeorasKa. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. f &w ', .ma ir K'u w rfcAm''?"-' II J( .' IT ftVW ' - FIRE INSURANCE POLICY .A iNvy Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. J0 1 mBrwk I ' uuiihkiil&lKii Creditors. In tlie County Court. World's Wonderful Troupe of Trained Seals. Herds of Performing Elephants. Notice Stato o! Nebraska, I Wcbstur County. ( IN tho multerot" the eslato o( Klla lloiich lu, DeccuHcd. Notlro Ih hereby i;lven to all persons )mv liiK cliilniR "ml iluiiiHiuls aunlnst lOIIa lluiu-lilii, Ititout Webster county, deceased, that tho tlmo llxcil forllllm; elalniK ttuulnst HnUI estate Is Mix months from the '.Villi day of August I'JH'. All such iioi-Mins uro rtqulrcil to present their elaliin. with the oueherK. to the Countj .IiuIkc of said eoiinty, at his olllce therein, on or biforo the i"th day of I'eb i nary mil: and nil claims so Died will be heard before theMildJudtsoon thu'.';th dnyof I'tliruary Hill, at 10 o'eloek a. in.; and that the K.M-rutor Is allowed one year from tho ilnl day of July 11)10, lu whleh to pay tho debts allowed nualust said estate nnd sottlo tho sumo. Isn.vi.J I. W. Kiimin County .Indite. Nttlcc of Hearlni. To all Persons Interested In the lCstate of Mnriturell M. Wall, Peeeased. You are hereby iiotllled that on III llth. day of May 11)10 riariiceKeed Administrator of the INtate of Mararetl M. Wall, Dieeassd tiled his petition lu the district Court of Webster County. Nebraska, the object ami prayer of whleh are to obtain n decree, auth or iJm; and dirt ctlntc the said Clarence Itced, as Administrator of said Ivstate. to eomplet( and carry out a written imiteuieut which agreement It Is alleged as entertil Into by and between the said MarKarett M. Wall. De ceased, ilurlut; her llfetlino and K. A.Strayer t al, and further direct the said Clarence Heed as such Administrator to execute a deed to said i:. A. Strayer to tho following real, estate, towlt. Lots 7 and-S In lilnck 10 Smith A Moorcs Addition to Ited Cloud, Nebraska. Said petition will bs heard at tho Court Uoom lu Ited Cloud, Welister County, Nebraska at 'J o'clock a. in. on the 12th day of September into. llAIUIYS. UlWIAN District .Indite. Don't Delay Ordering a fire Insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isu't goinj? to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it &eems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The fire (lend may. have your house down on the list for a visit til is very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY C- TEEtL, Reliable Insurance. Marvelous Acrobats, Death Defying Aerial Performers, Peerl Exhibitions of Trained Horses. ess LARGEST MtflflG rjlPPOTOlWUS CONGRESS of trained and wild animals. The Greatest Circus performance in 3 Rings and 2 Stages and mighty Hippodrome track. Free Street Parade DaSly Rain or Shine 2 Performances Afternoon and Evening 2 Kcal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Kort Ah struct (Jo. for tho weelc undini? Weil ncMlny, August 17, 1010. Kied Kick to Katie Kick, lots 1 to .., lilk. l Moreys Add to Ulue Hill, wd ,',50 It. 11. Olmsted to Clans lto.se, lot 5, K1U. 7. Itosemont wd j000 Ottis A. Wliolan to Stato lhuiU Hhideii, und .'j lots 1, UJl:. iu, iiinilcn, wil iioo Adam Morhart to George- M Morhart ot ul, und lot '.), Illk. r. Ued Cloud, wd ,-, William .lames to Hll.aboth lluppert, loth 7 to ly, Dlk. ,j, lot 11, 151k. 1, Moreys 2rd Add to llluo lllll, wd a;i5 Xels l.ungtin to John l'olniekey lot :., Dlk. ill, Red Cloud, cd.. 2.rf'0 .John 1'olniukoy to Agues Lotig tiu, uml i lot ft. Blk. 31, Hod Cloud, qcd O.-500 Order to Show Caisc Stato of Nebraska i m ti,0 County Court. Webster County f At a County Court hold nt tho County Court room lu and for said county Thursday, .lulylMth A. D 11)10. In the matter ot the estato of Charles !. ileal. Deceased. ONreadtiiKand llllnit the petition of John I. Ileal, filed on lliolMtli day of .Inly A. l 11)10, praylut; for tho examination and allow ance otitis ilnnl account of thu same date, adecrteof asslmnueiit, of tho lands helouu- Iiik to said1 estate to the persons entitled to tlieBauie, an order distributing thoresldiioof personal tmato aud there upon au order dls charitlui,' liliu from further burden and ser vice lu his said olllceasndmlnlstrator. oitnuiiiui, That Tuesday tho lith day of September A. D. I'JIO. at one o'clock p. m.. Is asslcued for hearing said petition when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at n County Court to bo held lu and for ald county aud show cause why player of petitioner should not bo granted; aud that notice of the pendency of said petition aud tho hcariiiK thereof be ulen to all persons Interested in said matter, by piibllshlut; Ii copy of till" order In the Ited Cloud' Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three conseeutlve weeks prior to said day oluetiriiiK. Ihkai.1 1. W. Knso.s County . I ude. MorljfHgPK H!fd,riOp,oO MorlKHge, ivlenn'il.8l70'7V S7510 ciiimciioi'ciuti.sT., l.sM.'IIUIHriAN ClUltCII KVKKV-I.OIUl'H I)A Hlblotichool 10 a. m. Sermon and Communion II . in. Christian Kndeavor fiSW i. 111. i. 1.1 7.-1I1 n. in. ! I ,1 IH.l 111.,, -. .... - . ,"- I'rnyers and pralso. Wednesdays, .T;;ii) p. in, Siatn.free. (Jond music. Come. llrlnKJ'our llllilcs, frlendjuid ood t liver. 1 All. Ilrsso.so, Minister. Order to Show Cause. .State of Nebraska, I tul) county Court ' Webster County. I At a County Court held at tho County 'ourt room lu and for said county Thurs day Unjust 11 lb A. D.. bill). I.n the matter of tho estate of William II. Cramer. Decoasul, un rcadlnt; and lillnii the petition of Delia M. i lamer prnyliiK that the Instru ment tiled on tho .1th day of .Inly, hill), and purportllii; to be tho last Will aiidTcstamciit of tho nald deceased may ho proved, nppnn ed, probated allowed nnd iccorded as tho last Will and Testnmcnt of the said William II. i minor deceased, nnd that tho e.xicutlon of tho Instrument may beeomniltted.andthe administration of said estato may be granted to said Delia M. Cramer, its i:.(cutrl.. OaiiKitun, that Tuesday tho :t'Jth day of August A. D. IU10, at 10 o'clock a. in., Is assigned for hcarlnt' said petition when all porsons Interested In said matter may appear at u County Court to be held In nnd for said County and show cause why prayer of petition should not be granted; nnd that notice of tho pendency of said petition aud tho hearlni; thereof be given to all persons Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy ot this order In tho Ued Cloud chlof, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for threo successive weeks prior to said day oi Hearing. i. v. i-.dson, (Seal) County . I udge. Tax Sale Notice To Whom It .May Concern; You are hereby iiotllled that on thehth day of December 11)08 W. K. White purchased at tax sale of the then County Treasurer of Webster County, Nebraska for the delin quent taxes thereon for the years IWX). I'.WI. 1901, 1D0I, IH05, lIMiiland 1(")7 then amounting with Interest, penalty anil costs to the sum of St;i."7 tho following described real estato towlt: Lots Twenty Olio fJO Twenty Two 2) aud Twenty Three (ill In Mloek Three i.n of UlcharilsiinV Addlllou to the Ity of Ited Cloud, Nebraska, that said lots was assessed In thonantoof Matllo.M. (lulllford. That It stands of record In the olllce of the County Clerk of said oiiuty lu the name of Mattle M. i lulllford as oujior. That said Ireasiuer duly Issued his eertlllcnte of tat sale to tald purchaser thereof, ami the undersigned Is now oTvnerof such cerlltlcHto and all rights thereunder, and has paid nil subsequent de linquent tajtes leed and assessed against said premises for tho years lUOHniid 1P0D. That tho lime of redemption of such prom ises from nald tax sain will expire on tho Hlh dliy of December 11)10. W. K. Wiuri'. DaKU Auguil 10, llili). UJDEKTfliffliG We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice without,Ixtra Charge fi Ui to COWLES, itrons. WEILS NEBR. FOIt SALK UY YOST & BUTLER Tito 4th Avenue Moat Market PILLS BRAND ?4 DIAMOND HESIEE LAPim f A,1i,y.,J.,,,""!,,l. for CIII'CIIKS-TRR'B j.,ir.,w.i ... ntfwu i ii.1, 1 111 Goi.n metallic boxes, crated Kiuuun. 1AKI3 no OTUaa. Iruirntat nuil nW fur Clll.l 1'IAJlll.M) IMIAMI l'H.I.M, for tWftlty.flTO jcars regarueu ns net,Safct, Alwny3 Uellable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGJSTS &l EVERYWHERE ,fe .I.CHKS.TTWB A , 1 In Km niidA ded with llluc( l. Iliir of jour V ll.CUL's.'rfhlH V -ii' ii i.i) .ni, n i.i , m.-. am . IJH ! IIIHWM k4M tttiittm m --o i. w ...i.iwil , im twwmftt1- &tjj&amti&$&'mwa& ail Atrtan f lt "it - -