-Vt. JS5?lD ,. I I' I it r t w The Chief C. I). HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD lll'l"M NEBRASKA CONDENSED A IIoiliiiK Down of llic More Im portant Iivcnts Here and There Washington. Tho population of tho Island or Porto Kli-o in 1.1 18.012, as shown by tho complete returns or tho recent tctiHiiH. This Ih a gain of 1 04,703 or 17.3 per cent an compared with tho census of ISnii. Kun Juan Is shown to bo the largest town in tho Island, its population being -18,710 What Is assumed to he Italy's for mal demand for tho extradition or Porter Churlton, the young Amer ican in the Hudson county, Now Jer sey jail, charged with having killed his wife. Mary Scott Castle Charlton, ut Luko Como, Italy, reached the Htato department. Ah tho enso has not reached the Jurisdiction or tho de partment, tho papers were returned to tho Italian embassy, whence they came. Emigration from and immigration to Canada is tho subject or a state ment Issued by the Immigration bureau. During tho twelve months ended March 31 last thoro were 74, 921 arrivals of aliens nnd citizens from Canada lor permanent residence In the United States, against 01,517 during tho provious twelve months. In tho same period thero were 103,789 departures of aliens and citizens from tho United Stntcs Into Canada for permanent residence, against CD, 832 tho provious twelvo months. Foreign. Fighting contlnuos in Formosa, ac cording to advices received rrom China, and popular subscriptions nro being collected to supply tho Japanoso troops with comforts. Tho Spanish ambassador to Franco, Senor Porez-Caballcro, declares that tho report that King Alfonso is show ing slgus of mental weakness Is a ma licious invention or tho clerical press Uaroness Vaughn, who was reported to lmvo been tho Morgnnlc wife of tho lato King Leopold of Ilclgium, has an nounced her approaching marriage with Emmanuel Durlux, a retired merchant living at Neuilly-Sur Solno. A catch-as-catch-cnn wrestling match for $1,000 a sldo was contested at a London mimic hall between tho American wrestler, Dr. B. F. Rol ler ami Gsunu, tho champion of India. Gama won the llrst fall in 1:40 nnd the second fall in 9:09, winning tho match. 1 General. Democrats of Minnesota nominated John Llnd for governor, but It 1b said ho will not accept. Congressman Carter gave Important testimony beforo tho congressional committee at McAIester. Automobiles will bo fifty per cent chenper next Bprlng. Unsold thous ands aro being stored away by manu facturers to prevent tho public from realizing tho true conditions of tho market. Thousands or 1910 models will bo dumped on tho market next year as models or 1911, and at one hair the present prices. Several or tho largest automobile manufacturers nro laying off men In all directions; two or three factories already closed. Many dealers who started In last spring when tho boom was on, are now out of business. Statistics show a shrinkage In the meat supply of tho country. Major J. 12. Hanson, aged 73, presi dent of tho Central of Georgia l all road, is critically 111. John Mitchell was suggested to Mr. Root-ovelt as good material for tho New York governorship. President Tatt and ex-President ItouBovelt sent sympathetic tele grams to Mayor (laynor or Now York over his attempted ossasslnation. Mayor Gaynor of Now York was shot on a trans-Atlantic steamer as bo was about to sail for Europe by James liall'iglior. a disgruntled city employe who had recently been dis charged. The wound, a serious ono, Is In tho neck, but Is Is thought tho mayor will recover. His woul-be. as sassin Is In jail, Tho steamer Princess May was lost In Alaskan waters, but tho passcn Born and crow were saved. Vice President Sherman reiterated bis previous denial of any connection with Indian lnnd contracts. The president or tho United States and the president or Chili met nt liov orly with nn exchange of formalities that were cordially informal. Church services In Esperanto, tho International language, will bo con conducted at Washington, on Sunday, August 14, for tho first tlmo In tho history of tho natlonnl capital. Japanoso nowspapors publish speeches by Takenokoshl Josohurl, n noted Japaneso historian, In which ho Bays n war between Japan nnd Amer ica is Inevitable. Sixty farmers from Auburn, Nob,, lmvo Just become awaro that thoy aro victims of a land fraud In which they aro losers of $110,000 r.ish, as tho re suit of iax methods of tho Utah State Land board. w Inspector Dow denies a report that Dr. Crlppcn had confessed. Tho Btnndpattorn wcro badly dofoat ed by tho insurgents In Kntisas. Postmaster General Hitchcock It cutting down tho deficit In his depart ment. Tho corn crop of the counttry Is nol up to tho ten-year average. Speaker Cannon says ho Is not wor rying over tho result in Kansas. Joseph Wondllng, alleged slayer ol Alma Kelner, reached Denver on his way to Louisville. President Taft helped dedicate a monument to the pilgrims who landed nt Provlncctown, Mass. Wholesome legislation for Indians In expected to follow an exposo of the charges of Senator Gore. Tho papal nuncio at tho Spanish court has been wnmed to make ready to depart on Bhort notice. Claude A Swanson bus been ap pointed U. S. Senator from Virginia in place of Daniels, deceased. At tho meeting or railroad men nt St. Louis tho decision was reached to demand nn eight hour day. Representative Ulrd MeOnlro of Aklahoma ua"H Senator Goro Is not much better than a slanderer. With tho coming election Cuba Is facing as serious u crisis as hns yet confronted tho young republic. Swarms of lorusts recently Invaded Athens, rendering tho streets slip pery with their crushed bodies. Tho total population of tho United States under tho last census will hardly bcknown beroro October. Serious Moods eontlnuo throughout Japan. Thousands or houses nro sub merged and muny lives wcro lost. Ono or tho first duties of the United States supreme court will be to pnss on tho KansaB bank guaranty law. Sweeping authority Is given tho commerco commission by tho law which 1b to take effect August 17. Secretaries Wlckersham and Nngel nro keeping out of tho Alaska quarrel while visiting tho territory. Tho establishment of a national homo Tor tho dear at Colorado Springs was urged at tho world's congress of tho dear held there. Tho prohibitionists oponcd their cnmpalgn at Liberty, Mo., In tho In terest or the state-wldo prohibition constitutional amendment. Tho funeral of Hlshop Dunno of Dal las, Tex., who died at Green Hay, Wis., was held at Chicago In tho Church of tho Immaculate Conception. An army paymaster's safe contain ing $G,r.OO was stolen from tho maneu ver camp at Polo mountain, twenty flvo miles west or Cheyenne. Fritz Mcrgenthnler, son or tho In ventor of tho linotype machine, was killed at Capo May, N. J., when an express train ran Into his nutomobllo. Tho Carrlago Manurncturors' asso ciation of the United States In session at Louisville resolved to ndvanco tho prico of vehicles for tho season of 1911. Lionel Wnldron and Jules Pngos, tho American artists and Alexander Garfield, tho American explorer of Arrlca were decorated with tho legion or honor. The Nebraska Stnto board or equali zation told Omaha bankers they enn not deduct $1,211,031 full valuo from assessed value or capital stock on ac count or prospective bad loans. Acting Secretary Pierre or tho In terior department appointed a com mission to determine the competency or Indian nllottccs on tho Snnteo In dian reservation In Nebraska. Tho 8uprome lodge Knights or Pyth ias has decided not to take over tho Las Vegas, N. M., sanitarium tor tu bercular putlcntH now under tho Juris diction or the Knights of Pythias. John Wilson, Jr., long nbsent rrom his homo In Johnson county, Nebr., oturnod nnd established his Identity as right to tho $30,000 estate left by his father, who died flvo years ago. With her throat, cut from ear to car, tho body of Mrs, Joseph Wolfe, aged 51, wife of a Dennlson, Tex., contractor, was found by her daughter lying fully dressed on a bed in hor homo. Robert Mack and Miss Margaret Fltzpatrlck, who were among those Injured when nn nutomobllo wns wrecked by a Southern railway train nt Hlrmlughnin, Ala., died Monday, bringing tho total dead to tour. Uecauso of tho raco riots at Gray, Jones county, Georgln, Governor Jo seph 12. Drown was requested to Im mediately spend troops to that vicin ity, tho request coming from tho sher iff of the county. With nn armed guard on enen sldo of him, Dr. Crlppcn nttended dlvlno services In tho Catholic chapel or tho provincial jail at Quebec. Miss Lencvo declined to join tho protes taut prisoners at this service. Personal. Nebraska wns well represented nt tho Knight Templar conclavo In Chicago. Tho pollco of Cleveland, Ohio, aro convinced that Lawyer Hlco was kil led by thieves. John D. Griffin, ono of tho best known comedians on tho stase, for years a favorite in vaudeville, died in Providence. Jacob Hnmon accused Congressman Creagcr or, soliciting a brlbo rrom Lawyer McMurray. Congressman Creagcr or Oklahoma explained tho charges against him made by .lako I llanion. Thirteen wore killed nnd twelvo Injured In a train collision between San Francisco and Santa Rosa, Attorney General Wlckersham says thero Is no law to warrant the ro movnl or tho htatuo or Robert E. Leo A man believed to bo W. J. Mugfur or Ishpomlng, Mich., wn3 found dead in tho hydraulic elevator tank on the roor of a hotel In Chlnaso. T FOUND LYING IN FIELD WHERE HE HAD BEEN PLOWING. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Hero and There That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Croto.- Ted Kattan, a young farmer living with his parents about two and ft half inilos southwest of Kramer, was killed by lightning Monday morning. Ho wns found about 3 o'clock In the afternoon lying In tho furrow whero ho had been plowing. He was an un married man about thirty years old. Poisoned by Tainted Meat. Grand Island. Mrs. W. II. Thomp son and her guests, Mrs. Cassel of Michigan nnd Mrs. Allen of Madison, bocame severely 111 while at tho coun try homo of the Thompsons along Wood river, east of the city, the ro suit, it Is hollcvcd, of eating tainted meat. The meat was supposedly fresh and had been thoroughly boiled. All have recovered fully from tho effects, though for a time tho condition of tlfe IndlcB was quite serious. Electrocuted by Live Wire. Cnllaway. Tho llrst accident to happen since tho installation of the electric light plant In this plncc came when Frank Schneffcr, bend miller In tho flouring mill, was electrocuted, dying a few minutes arter receiving the shock. Ho had Just been promote! to tho position or head miller and had been married less than a year. His death resulted by his hand coming in contact with a llvo wire. A Great Oats Yield. Goehner. George C. Hitch, a pros perous runner, living ono mile west of this place, has broken tho record for oats yields In tho vicinity for some tlmo past, threshing 4,153 bushels rrom rorty-flvc ncrcs, or a trifle over eighty-three busliels per aero, by ma chine measure, and weighing out about eighty-tlvo bushels per acre. Horse Has Seven Feet. Franklin. A seven-footed horse Is quito a curiosity, but Franklin people have had a chance to seo ono this week. In a bunch of horses was a amall pony with seven well-formed feet. Three of tho reot wero located about six Inches rrom the ground. Senator Brown Reviews Guards. Kearney. A crowd or two thousand peoplo witnessed Senator Norrln Brown rcvlowing tho Norris Brown guards and the Second regiment band at tho high school parade grounds 'Sunday afternoon. Goes Poell's Bond. Grand Island Thomas Matthews has volunteered to go on the bond of George Poell. ex-county e'erk, charged with forgery, tho bond being in the sum of $1,000. Franklin will probably havo electric lights in tho near future. Tho third unnunl harvest festival of Bennington will bo 'held August 19 and 20. The pioneers nnd old settlers ot Te kamah will hold their annual reunion August 31. A movement Is on root at Nebraska City to take 1.000 children rrom tho county to tho stale fair. Havolock Is planning far a groat big colobratlon on tho day tho new shops at that placo arc opened. Tho Burlington hns announced a rato of ono and ono-hair raro rrom points in Nebraska for tho stato fair. Fremont's commercial club will mako its annual trade excursion by automobile this year Instead of by train. Tho $30,000 addition to tho Tokn- man high school building Is expected to bo ready for occupancy by Janu ary first. Jay Lucas, a 12-year-old boy, cap tured two men who were In tho act of robbing his father's bam at Kearney duo day last week. Tho Old Settlers association of Cum ing county will hold their annual re union at the Ithorslde park, at West Point, on August 18. Tho Intorstato shoot will bo held at Grand Islantl August 22-23-21. Sportsmen from all over the state'aro expected to take part. A number of bicycles havo boen stolen rrom the streets of Boatrlce lately and so far tho pollvo havo been unsuccessful In catching tho thief or thieves. Tho Beatrice Coursing club lost out in Its effort to locnto tho national coursing meet thero In Octobor, and Friend and Sutton havo captured tho prize. Chlof Harry Haimer of tho Fromont flro department had his bicycle stolen from tho sidewalk In tront of a res turant where ho stopped for lunch. At n meeting of tho Brldgoport Commercial club it wns decided to havo a three-days' celebration on Au gust 29, 30 nnd 31, in honor of tho completion or Morrill county's now court houso. The Woodmen of Beatrice will hold a big picnic August 31st. Wymore's hnndsomo $17,000 Meth odist church was dedicated Sunday with ceromonles appropriate to the occasion, As n result of eating peaches not yet ripe, George Lorenzen died at a Fremont hospltnl one day last week. Lorenzen wns a school Janitor. Tho school board at Stromsburg is asking for tho construction of n now high school building for which bonds wcro voted a few weeks ago. Two unmasked nien robbed tho de pot of the Northwestern railroad at Chadron Sunday. They obtained sev eral hundred dollars ' in cash and some Jewelry. A picnic of the Catholics of Adams county was hold nt tho Church of tho Assumption near Roseland Thursday. Tho largo assemblage was addressed by Governor Shallenberger. A party of ten young men of the Hastings Y. M. (.'. A. are making prep arations for a visit through Yellow stone park. They expect to make tho trip through tho park on foot. Tho case Hied by the ministers against tho members of the Nebraska City baseball team was called In tho county court for hearing and con tinued again until September 8. Tho Lincoln branch "of tho naval re cruiting Ftation hns this week rejected twelve applicants. Most of tho rejec tions aro due, It is said at the local station, to color blindness on the part of tho applicant. The old time-worn bridge which spans tho Platte at Brule Is to bo re placed by a new one. Tho new struc turo will not bo as long as the old one by 1.000 feet, but the width will bo sufficient to nllow two wagons to pass. t U. C. Theobald, science teacher at tho Fremont high school, has re signed. Owing to the near approach of the school term, the school board oxpects to find itself Inconvenienced. Mr. Theobald resigned on account ol ill health. According to a local newspaper, from fifty to one hundred chickens can bo counted on any afternoon scratching In tho sod or lunching on tho Juicy blades of the city library lawn, and Nebraska lawns nro too delicate to long stand that treatment. The brick yards of tho Polcnske Schellac company nt Hastings, which recently burned, will be unnblo to se cure ropnlrs In tlmo to make any brick this season. This Is a serious loss, as this company manufactured tho largest amount of brick In tho city. Sixty business men of David City will start on a booster excursion In twenty automobiles to advertise tho Chautauqua which will be held there August 19 to 28. They will be accom panied by the David City band, which will glvo concerts In each of tho towns visited. LINCOLN IWtfl The reservation of tho grand stand 1b to be tried for tho first time nt tho Nebraska stato fair this year. An other Innovation is the offering for sale of season tickets good at the out side gates, $2. For two dollars ono can go to the fair daily far six days. State Flro Warden A. V. Johnson and Deputy Warden Gallagher havo questioned Roy Wllscnm or Lincoln In regard to tho destruction or a house occupied by WlUcam, who Is, In a hos pital as the result of Injuries in tho nature of burns. His wife was clos eted with tho fire wardens, but they said thoy had nothing to announce. It Is reported that sensational develop ments aro looked for ns a result of tho Inquiry into tho explosion that de stroyed the bouse. Nothing has been henrd of tho work of tho committees somo time ago ap pointed at tho Nebraska conservation congress to mako reports on mothods and schemes of conservation in the state. It is said, however, that all the eommittoes nro nt work, nnd that perhaps little will be heard of what thoy aro doing until tho next meeting of tho legislature, when some of tho roportB of tho committees will be bought to tho attention of tho legis lature. Dr. I. F. Roach of Lincoln has Just received official notice of his appoint ment by tho governor to a position as a member of tho stato board of educa tion, tho appointment to take effect Soptembor 1. Mnny prominent edu cators have commended tho governor for his choice In appointing Dr. Roach lor this position. Dr. Hoach has far many yours taken u deep Interest In mutters educational In tho stato. For tho past three or feur years ho has nover boen able to fill tho calls he has had for commencement addresses at various places throughout the state. If Governor Shallenbergor or Attor ney Gonornl Thompson do not volun tarily Includo 'Mayor Dahlman In tho quo warranto proceedings which havo been begun with tho filing of an oustor suit ngalnst ChioT of Pollco Donahuo at Omnha tho Anti-Saloon 1-oaguo tlncatens to tako measures to Includo tho mayor In tho prosecution. Dr. G. 12. Condrn, ono of tho fore most pushers of conservation In Ne braska, Is ttjls summer instructing In geography anil geology at Cornell uni versity in tlovt York, fGfsrmr TfTrKZLilU VjUt' WHITE CITY BURNED FIRE CUTO SWATH THROUGH BRUSSELS EXPOSITION. PLAY PLACE A MASS OF RUINS Loss of Life Limited to Two, and Only Thirty Injured Property Loss Placed at One Hun dred Millions. Brussels Tho white city of tho world's rair. as tho Belgians have called their 1010 exposition, is n mass of HamcB nnd smouldering ruins. A spnrk falling Into inflammable ma terial In tho tolcgrnph building burst up In flames, which, driven by a high wind, swept lapldly In all directions. Soon (ho Belgian, English and French sections wero destroyed. The ilrenien nnd dotachmcnt8 of soldiers, called quickly to the scene, found them selves 'baffled 'by the veritable gale, which carried the burning em'bers to all parts of tho grounds. The crowds became panic-stricken and men, women nnd children fought mndly to escape. The exits became choked with the struggling masses, and men used their fists to clear the pathwny. Many wero ttampled underfoot, und badly Injured. At tho time of the outbreak not leas than 100,000 persons were circulating in the grounds and the kcrmesz. Troops were ordered out nnd came at double quick to aid tho police in clearing the great grounds. This was accomplished In fnlr order, except within the limits or the kermesz, whero the vast crowds 'became en tangled In nn almost lnoxtricnblc mass, fighting desperately to find nn escape from the flames, which swept viciously through tho Under-like struc tures. Soon tho enormous facade tumbled In ruins. Considering the rapidity of the conflagration, the small loss of life is marvelous. So rar as known up to a Into hour only two are dead. Tho injured, ns officially announced, number thirty, but probably mnny hundreds received minor hurts. The monetary loss 'by the fire Is estimated at $100,000,000. Not to Practice Polygamy. San Antonio, Tex. According to Bishop W. D. Johnson of the Mor mons, members of that creed who have just settled In largo numbers on the Trevlno estate, state of Coahulla, Mexico, will not practice polygamy in their new home. "Contrary to the general opinion prevailing In the United States, we do not practice polygamy in our Mex ican colonies," Bald Bishop Johnson. "We have not receded from our posi tion that polygamy is right, but we in prnctlco no longer sanction a plu rality ot wives, nor do polygamous marriages occur among us today. This applies to all our Mexican settle ments." Will Not Accept. 'Everett, Wash. Democrats or Min nesota may as well glvo i;p hoping that John Llnd will bo tholr guberna torial candidate In the coming cam paign, far his son, 'Norman Lind, of this city, snys the former governor positively will not nccept the nomina tion, mako tho race or serve If elect ed. The younger Llnd declares that his father's decision is final. Former Governor Lind himself refuses to ex plain bis stand against the desires of tho party workers in Minnesota and will not discuss the case in any of Its phases. Set Date for Hearing. Washington. An order has been Is sued by the Interstate commerce com mission directing that a hearing in tho matter of general advances re cntly made In the freight rate of western railroads bo begun on August 29 In Chicago. Tho order Is directed against 202 transportation lines In tho western trunk lino, tho trans-Missouri and Illinois freight committee terri tory. Another Shock Registered. Washington. The seismograph at Georgetown university recorded nn oarthquako shock which lasted twenty-three minutes, beginning at 8:02 a. in. Tho maximum shock was at 8:17, and lasted for ono and a half minutes. Tho Indications nro that tho distur bance w.ib about 2,500 miles southeast of Washington. Florence Nlghtlngalo Dead at Ninety. London. Florence Nightingale, tho famous nurso of tho Crimean wnr. and the only woman who ever re ceived tho order of merit, died at her London home. Although sho had been an invalid for a long time, rarely leav ing her room, her death was some what unexpected. Half Million a Week. Washington, IX C lA. gain of more than half n million dollars a week In tho government's ordinary receipts during tho flrct six weeks of the pros ont fiscal year, as compared with the corresponding period last year, has boon announced by tho treasury de partment. Tho ordinary disburse ments for tho snmo period show ono million dollars less for tho current year. Tho ordinary transactions em braco all outside Pannma canal public debt and miscellaneous transactions. OfES HER LIFE TO Lydto EPinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicago. 111. "I wa3 troubled with ailing and inflammation, nnd tho doc tors said I could nob pot well unless I had an operation. I know I could nob stand tho strain of ono, bo I wroto to you Boructimo apo about mv hnn.1 t.h and you told mo wnat to elo. Alter taking Lydia E. Piukhain's Vcfjeta- blfl Comnmiml nnd Rlnnd PllHflnr T ntn ip-uaya wen woman." Mrs. William AlIKENS, 983 W.21st St., Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinuham's Vegetable- Com pound, inado from nativo roots and horb3, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record tor tho largest number of nctual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in tho country, and thousands oC voluntary testimonials nro on illo in tho Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mas3., from women who havo been cured from almost every form of femalo complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.dlsplacomcnts.nbroid tumors, rrepularitios, periodic i)ains,backacho, Indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham'a vegetable Compound a trial. If you would llko special aclvico about your caso write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Plnldiam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, una always helpful. Saint Katharine's School For Girls EPISCOPAL Davenport, Iowa Academic, preparatory, and primary prudes. Cerlltlualu accepted by luintcrii cullei?CH. Hpe clnl advantages In Music, Art.DouicHtlo Hclenco md Uymnuitlum. AddresuTbrSlsterSuperlor. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cletntff tod brtutifltj ilia btlr. l'rumutef a lofuriant growth. Wvtr Tuilu to nrntoro Ory Hair to Its Youth Till Color. Curti iralp dliniei ft htlr filling. Pc.ndlU)U DmggltU r&rtiiSi Thompson1 Eys Water TUBERCULOSIS IN THE PRISON Per Cent, of Sufferers Is Enormous and There Seems but One Remedy. ' From bovoral investigations that have boon mado by tho National As sociation for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis, it Ib estimated that on nn nverago about fifteen per cent, of tho prison population of tho country is afflicted, with tuberculosis. On this basis, out of tho 80,000 prison ers housed In tho ponal institutions of tho United States at any given tlmo, not less than 12,000 aro infected with this disease. If tho Phlllpplno islnnds and other insular possessions wero taken into consideration tho numbor would bo much larger. Some of tho prisons of Pennsylvania, Kan sas and Ohio show such shocking con ditions with reference to tuberculosis that many wardens admit that theso places of detention nro death traps. Similar conditions could bo found In almost evory stnte, and In tho major ity of cases tho only sure romedy Is tho destruction of tho old buildings nnd tho eroctlon of now ones. Game. The Creditor Will you pay this bill now, or never? The Debtor Mighty nlco of you to glvo me my choice, old scout. I chooso never. Didn't Want Hlo Chewed. Bill Don't you llko to seo a dog chewing n bone? Jill Yes, if it's not ono of my own. Convenient For Any Meal Post Toasties Are always ready to serve right from the box with the addition . of cream or millc. Especially pleasing with berries or fresh fruit. Delicious, wholesome, economical food which saves a lot of cooking in hot weather. "The Memory Lingers' POSTl'M CCIIEAL CO,, Ltd, Uuttle Creek. Mich. " "A u.- tr -LrjJL.il. tf f riMfab ....i- HHUffcWW--" fcAHM.---vt-