The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1910, Image 5

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Clan Alios i-. in Ijiiiciiti this wvoli. .
Loo I'uploii is homo from Wymote.'
Matinee :it theTopee Saturday after
noon. Cha-. .Moranville is hi tho city this
Saturday afternoon Matinee lit tho
Tepee. ' ' I
XV M.ithotiy came down from Blndoti '
Ponix soils Fly Nets cheaper than
any ono.
Mf. Andy Hurt loft Tuesday for
Mnt Uoylo was down fiom Bidden
J. II. Burgess went to Colorado
Attend the Topee next Saturday
'afternoon. '
Tres Harwood went to Omaha
Chas. Hunter wns down from Inn
vale Sunday.
Ootlmar Bros., circus will bo hero
September 1st.
Arthur Mendelssohon went to Lin
coln Thursday.
$:i,00, 5J.l!r, and $Xi: for Cord
Nts at FooEL'.
Miss Gladys Jones is visiting her
father Dr. Jones.
Mrs. Delia Norton of Superior was
in town this week.
Miss Howard of Guide Koek spent
Sunday in the eity.
II C. Borum returned from Colorado
Wednesday morning
.1. I). Crans and wlfo have returned
home from California.
Harry Sowter arrived in Red Cloud
from Boulder, Tuesday.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Dull Itift for Bird
City Wednesday morning.
Chas Kobinson and motlior left for
Chicago Tuesday morning
S10, $12, 813 and U will buy a good
Single Harness at I'ooei.s.
Ask The Bed Cloud Hdw.Co., about
thct Xew Wagon you need.
Chas. Gurnoy and wife loft for
Boston Wednesday morning.
Geo. Lindsey went to Cripple Crock
Colorado 'Wednesday evening.
Mr. Qulgley our third baseman has
been on tho sick list this week.
' Mrs. Minnie Taylor of Uiverton viait
ed relatives in the eity Sunday.
The Best Place in town to buy 1'aint
is at "Tho ltcd Cloud Hdv. Co."
Keller Coplon wont to Omaha Sun
day returning Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. ISogard were visit
ing in Guide Koek over Suuday.
A T. Walker left Tuesday morniug
for the western part of tho state.
For Heal Estate Loans or Insurance
see Sollars, Gnrbor and Hutchison.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard. Mixm: linos, and Co.
Mrs.Mitchellcamedown from Frank
lin Saturday to see her son pitch ball.
Foil Sam: Crab apples on my farm
by the Amboy Mill. Ka6Si:k.
Mrs. Fred Gund and children of
Blue Hill were in the city over Sunday
Miss Junita Joint of Hastings is
visiting her aunt Mrs. Mortzthis week.
C. W. Kaley arrived home Suuday
oveuiug from his trip around the
Hoy Jones and wifo are in tho city
visiting hor parents Mr. andMrs John
Mrs. Johnson of Fort Worth, Texas
is visiting her sister Mrs, Clarence
Mr. Hussong will preach at Garllold
school house next Sunday, Aug. SI, at
3 o'clock.
Mrs. Minn Oiirr and children return
o.l lo their homo at Mindon Monday
g I :
'.-! '. . ' -. ' " .
Judgo Kd'smi will (notch at the!
Brethren church Sunday evening.
Succlal (irlcr.s on Ladles tailor made
suits, skirts end coats at Ifllnr.r Kros.
Co. Store.
Job wanted Two boys aged 12 and
U want jobs in eountrv. Inquire at
this MillOO.
Jell' Ward was down from Lincoln
over Sunday visiting Ids daughter Mrs.
Ilex McCall. '
The Chief olllce takes subscriptions
and renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and IMlson. Hear them at
Xewhouxe Biix.
Mrs. N'lck Carter and children and
brother John Dean left for Scranton,
Kns., this morning.
Of every million people Sou are
blind and tho other !IUU,30Q cannot
sue their own faults.
Mr. Kelso was down from Franklin
Wednesday and will soon be on tho
market for alfalfa hay.
Mioses Gladys Williamson and Kiln
Kinlok went to Kansas City Saturday
night to visit relatives.
Will Kathjen of Minneapolis, Minn.,
arrived In tho city Saturday to attend
the funeral of ins brother.
Mr. ntulfMrs. Perry of Harvard were
the guest of their son, B. F. Porry
and wife tho last of the week.
Betncmbcr that every thing is cheap
er and better In the Harness lino at
FonKL's than any other place.
Mrs. A. X. Delph has gone to Daw
son, Kas., to take oaro of her son Al
bert who has tho typhoid fever.
(lo to the Bed Cioud Milling Co., for
your shorts and brands in half ton
lots or'tnoro at wholesale prices.
On account of othor church work J.
K Jarboo will not preach at tho Indian
Creek school house next Sunday.
Margaret and Dorothy Hussong of
Franklin are visiting hero with their
cousins Ruth and IjucIIo Hussong.
Breaching services at the Christian
church as usual next Lord's day. Ag.
SI. Communion at 11 a. in., service.
House cleaning time Is at hand
Don't fail to see the Lace Curtains
and Carpets nt Bno and Co.
Tom Swart' is talking of moving to
Burwell In the near future just after
tho Bloomer ball gnino at llttide Ilock.
Kd. Hanson left Saturday night for
Atlantic, lown to visit relatives and
accompany his wife and children home.
A. L. Houreux and Mr. Brown of the
Citizen were down from Campbell Fri
day and were pleasant callers at thir
J. E. Throne will preach ut the
Brethren church next Sunday morn
ing and J. E. Jarboe in the evening.
You are welcome.
Miss Hattio Honniok after a two
wooks visit at C. J. Coopers of Lester
returned to her home at Burwell. Neb ,
Tues&xy morning.
Fern Simpson left Sunday morniug
for l'uwnoe, Nobr., to attonu tho Insti
tute from thcro sho will go to Peru to
teach school the coming year.
Frank Cowdon and wifo went t
Chicago Sunday whore Mr. Cowdon
will buy a full and winter lino of
clothing for tho Cowden-Knley Cloth
ing Co.
John (in tilth had tho misfortune to
have his first and second crops of alf
alfa stacks struck by lightning and
destroyed Tuesday evening during the
"If there in ono time more than an
other," says an experienced married
man, "when a woman should be left
alone, it is when ulino of clothes comes
down In tho mud."
Tho ladies of the Christian church
will hold their market on Saturday,
August 20, at Ed Amaok's furnituro
j store. Weinvitoinopoction. A special
oh"ort will be made to please.
John and Anson Gough, who have
been visiting thoir sisters, Mrs. Ed.
Amuck and Miss Ruth Gough in this
city left Saturday night for their
home at Shandlor, Oklahoma.
imitates Nature to perfection in our
photography. See the lifelike, speak
ing portraits of those who have sat
for us.
Have Us PhoUgraph
you and wc guarantee a portrait that
your friends will declare simply per
fect and that you will secretly, be
very proud of.
' w"-1f'-v a'g'r?ryvflra',
Well improved farm close lo lied
Cloud for al on easy payments
Sellars, Garber :ind Hutchison.
li. XV. Baird of Iloldrege Is in this
tity this week in the interests of tho
Lincoln Business College. His uld
appears else where in this paper.
Having made u change in bur busi
ness. All persons knowing thotnsel
tos iudobted to us will please call and
settle as wo want to close all open ac
counts by Sept. 1st. Moiiuaiit BltOS.
Mr. HusMing enjoyed a visit with
Prof. H. L. Hussong and Mrs. Mosslo
Hussong. Superintendent and Assist
ant of tho l'aouia high schools in
Colorado who were hero during tho
In order that those living out of
town may have an opportunity to sue
the moving pictures the management
has arranged for Saturday afternoon
performances, commencing with next
Saturday at 3 p. in. sharp.
Prof. 11. li. Barber of tho Now York
City high school spent Monday and
Tuesday hero with hissister Mrs. Lena
A. Hussong. Prof. Barboris anardent
entomologist and secured some lino
insect specimens along the river
An exchange remarks that r. man
can start out any Njny, and iusido of
an hour and thirty minutes ho can
eugago a woman to work for him for
life nt nothing a week, whilo it will
take two weeks of solid search to get
ouo to work at fair wages and board.
Chris Hanson who lives south east
of town had the misfortune to havo
his barn and team of horses struck by
lightning Tuesday night. Chris was
also using ti team belonging to A. F.
Bobbins which were also killed In this
lire. Mr. Hanson had some insurance
on his barn and team.
A couple wero recently married.
The ceremony over, the wifo began to
weop copiously. "What's tho m tit
ter'.'" asked the now husband. "I
never told you that 1 don't know how
to cook sobbed tho bride. "Don't
fret," said he, "I'll not havo anytluug
to cook; I'm an editor."
Tho council met Tuesday night and
appointed 1). II. Rich to suceaod George
Burgess nssupetintondontoftho elect
ric light mid water works. Mr. lilch
is a graduate of the Nebraska univer
sity, has had fourteen years of pract
ical experience since graduating and
comes highly recommended.
Just as'much care, In fact a little
mora, should be exercised in buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
thing else. Somu irons use more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
werk. Get your electric irons of
MoitiiAitr Bnos., they curry the author
izd iron. Be earefull of "just as
good" electric irons.
He told his 12-year-old son to milk
the cows feed tho horses, slop the pigs
hunt uptheeggs, food the calves, catch
the colt nnd (Hit him in tho stable, cut
some wood, split tho kindlings, stir the
cream, pump fresh water in tho cream
ery after supper, and to be sure to
htudy his lessons before ho wont to
bod. Tlionho wenttothe furmers'chib
to discuss the iuestIon "How to keep
the boys on the farm."
An exceptionally line rain fell here
Tuesday night and Wednesday. About
two inches fell on tho thirsty fields
which will insure another crop of alf
alfa, make the pastures grow and will
maturo mo corn, iuis lias been a
strange your. Wo very much doubt
the ability of any old settler recalling
a rainy August in tho years that havo
past. In all probability more rain will
full this month than fell in Juno and
July combined.
Stand by your town. Not a dollar
invested there but some good comes
of it. There is no family like one's
own family, there is no wife like one's
own wlfo; thoro should be no town
like one's own town' where wo llvo.
educate our children, on whose street
our babies play, and where wo may
some day sloop. Let tho newspapers
stand by the town, and lot tho bus!
nese men stand by. the newsjiapcrs,
and let us make our homo as famous
as possible.
Wo sometimes wonder if tho people
of Nebraska really appreciate the fact
that the Nebraska State Fair is con
sidered tho best exhibition of its kind
given by any state in tho I'uion. It is
not ono of the largest, but it is certain
ly one of tho best. Tho Iowa Home
stead, ono of tho foremost agricultural
papors in tho country and which has
a representative present at every state
fair held in tho United States, says:
"While tho Nobrnska State Fair is not
ouo of the largest, I havo always con
sidered it ono of the best of tho state
fairs from an educational pointof view
for the farmers and stoekralsers."
This indicates that the people of thi
state have right at their door the best
fair in the United States and thoso
who havo never attended a session of
the state fair should go tills year and
see for themselves what Is considered
by ouUI!erhthi best in tho country.
Tho d.ite. :re Sept.. fi u i) and u
pay you to Ink.1 note u' .Into,
List.;. !i$0i.
Wc have taken over thoico business
and are now giving tho sumo our per
nonsil attention. Put out your Ice
i if' uiw"i' it'iftur I i-t t'J '1ihu
j on A L ill s. u, 1. I l ' ' .
mm. MMiMiiMflnteroTtiHSM
la Whom It Nay Concern
1 have moved my Blacksmith Shop
to the building 2 doors not t li of Over
iug Bros. Kiiim W
Wlilew's Pension.
The recent act of April tilth. 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
of Sill per month. rYed Manrer, the
utt'nov. has nil necossarv blanks.
To The Farmer.
The best soil on earth is fount! In
Cheyenne Co,, Kansas. Our wheat in
making 'J5 to ,'t.' liti. to tint acre. Wo
Irivo plenty of corn that will make
HI bti. and have hud big crops for tho
last 12 yrs. Don't be deceived, write
me for particulars. Lyman Waterman.
Bird City. Kansas.
Lnily Dies in Train'
Local railroad otllciais and Under
taker Kd. Aiitaek wero notllied Wednes
day morning of the death of a lady
passenger on train No. II, and ar
rangements wero made for the return
of the body to Denver in ehaige of a
daughter Mrs Jamison who was with
her at the time of Iter death. Tho lady
for whom this proved to be her last
earthly journey was Mrs Adeline
Klllott McKean.of Denver, who was
on her way to the homo of a daughter
in West Virginia.
Henry Rathicn.
Died at his home south of this
city Henry ltathjen August IS, 11M0,
at the aire of ill years. 10 months, Id
days. Some time ago ho met with an
accident which tlnally resulted in his
death. Ho canto to Nebraska with his
parents in 181)1. He leavos a wlfo,
four children, four brothers, three
sisters and his father and mother to
mourn his death. Tho deceased was
u member in gootl standing of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen of
this eity. That order attended the
funeral in a body Tho remains wore
laid to rest in the eity cemetery.
May Shorten Time of State
Proposition llclnfc Considered lo Have
Nebraska Organization Stoii Willi
September 1.
UAsilNttS, sob., Aug. HI (Special
Telegram) As it precaution against
possible llnancial troubles, the direct
ors of tho Nebraska Base Ball league
may uo asked to present to the local
managers a proposition to shorten tho
schedule to ond on September 1, in
stead of on .September 10.
It is believed here that all teams are
able to go through to the llnlsh under
tho present schedule, but the lliiances
of all the clubs arc getting low and if
the last ton days tiro knocked oil' it
will leave tho league in bettor shape to
resume next year Koports received
here indicate that with possibly one
exception all towns now m the league
will reorganize for next year. Bod
Cloud has been disappointed in its
patronage, but if that or any othor
town drops out Beatrice stands ready
to take tho franchise Sunday Omaha
Tho above is about as near tho truth
as Dr. Cook was near to tho north pole.
Straugo how some people allow their
personal feelings to sidetrack the
truth. As u matter of fuct tho last duy
thut we played Hustings during their
chuutuuquu wo received SUl.OO as our
share of tho gate receipts. The last
game here during our Chautauqua wo
paid the Grand Island team SlSS.iil as
their share of tho gate recoipts. We
are willing to compare our attendance
record for tho season with any city on
the circuit. Hastings with about twice
tho population of Bed Cloud has a
much smaller attendance at tho ball
games than we do. If any team drops
out of tho league wo believe that it
will bo tho Hastings team. Just bo
cause wo havo captured nearly nil the
games from that team is uo reason
why Hastings should slton the south
wide fence and pout. Come oil' the perch
Hastings, when you send in tho news
tell tho truth.
The worst habit that boys can fall
into is that of touting around on tho
streets at night. It is then they cast
their lot in slippery places when nt
any moment they are likely to fall
from grace. All gootl and noble les
sons taught by their mothers are
there counteracted anil nullified. They
learn nothing that is good but every
thing bad. Tho boys who spend tliolr
ovenings in tho sacred precincts of
homo, with good books for their com
panions are tho future hope of this
republic; they will fill our legislative
and congressional hall, and sit in
judgment upon men itntl measures,
while Hie boys who run tho stteets
will 1111 our penitentiaries, almshous
es and luntitiu asylums. Parents who
uro responsible foi these broken laws
of decency will have broken hearts
and bowed down heads in the awnk-
.euliig years that will inevitably fol
low, j
I. O. O..
Meets o;ry Monday .Nipht
l.', .N U l. if' Ch tl
('. B.
Have just completed my semi-annual
invoice and I find that I have more
suits in high class clothes than I want.
They have been divided in four lots
and I will sell them as follows:
All $30.00, 27.50 and
All $22.50, 22.00 and 21,
All $20.00, 18, and 16.50
All $15.00, Hand 12.50
This sale does not include Blacks or Blues.
This sale does not include a suit that is not of
this seasons make and all of the higher priced
suits are or
Hart Schaffner & Marx
1 111 1 1 T"
exclusive patterns guaranteed all wool ana lr
you are looking for bargains and know a good
thing you will not wait long. If you . do you
will miss it.
Bring your check book along these prices mean
c. o. d:
Oxfords and Straw Hats 1-5 off.
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Amack, Prop,
To The Young People,
of Red Cloud
The Lincoln Business College, which ranks among ihe
very best business schools in ihe country, is making a special
effort to largely increase their enrollment for the ensuing
year. Increased facilities are being provided in every de
partment and no expense spared to give to pupils every ad
vantage gained by an experience of twenly-six years, at the
lowest rates consistent with the best service.
To bring the merits of this school directly before the young people
of Red Cloud and vicinity and their patent?, a representative is here
and would be glad to make arrangements with parents or prospective
students to call on than. Sec or phone Mr. G. M. Baird, Royal Hotel,
Red Cloud, or address, after this week, E. C. BIGGER. President
Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nebraska.
vtA VvsvWvWvyA.A w
25, Suits at $19.50
$ 1 3.50
and Vicinity.
fsiPfff. ?fesWKEfr
iMtanl4,l' '
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