The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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    r "J
TMft Historical Sooloty
Vhn Yu Ned Money
,U is not nteossary to put a friend s
generosity Utile test with a request
for a lunu, nor is it iitccs&ary to mrt
gag or sell anything if yon hav
Memey In th Bivnk
Your bunk book will h nil ttia friend
that you will need, and uc that will
uot fail you, but may b depended
upon. One f our bauk books is good
to make a start with.
Interest Paid tn Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
The Chautauqua Closes.
Thursday afternoou recorded the
largest gathering of Chautauqua visit
ors ever held in Rod Cloud. Tho night
before tho storm had torn down tho
big tent and the management moved
tho seats under tho trees and erected
n rostrum iu the south east corner of
the grounds. By two o'clock it was
evident, to all that the attendance
would bo large. At three o'clock all
tho seats were filled and many were
The Ilighmnd Ladles' Orchestra was
well received. People enjoyed their
music. Tho lecturo was delivered by
Mrs. Florance Maybrick. Opinion
dill'ers considerably iwto tho merits of
this address. Hersympathizcrs insist
that she hud a great message and is
doing a grand work in freeing prisons
from inhumane customs. Others say
that she ought not appear before
For the next 2 weeks we will .sell all f our summer goods at prices that will clean ihem up.
We still have 8'wecks of warm weather in which you can use these gotds so be the first 'to
come as the goods are bound to go at these prices. Below wc quote a few prices.
Ladles union suits St. 00 grade
Ladles uuion suits 10c grnd
Ladies vests xtra largo sizes
American audiences and exploit her
oxnerienccs. Many did not hear her
owing to the large attendance and her
inability to make her voico carry.
Friday afternoon George It. Stuart
held tho attention of his hearers for
nearly two hours. Tho address was
filled with wit and humor, sublime
thoughts and ridiculous saying. Ow
ing to tlie fact that Ms subject was of
such a nature as to appeal to all walks
of life tils remarks were appreciated
more universally that those of any
othor sneakor. He said much that
needs to be said and said it without!
giving otleiise. He possesses the fun j
and anthltliesis of Sam Jones but
leaves out the vulgarity. People list-
ened to a strong sermon without,
knowing it was a sermon. j
In tho evening J. M. Driver deliver-
ed a masterly address upon the origin
of the American people. This was a
scholarly production. Tho speaker
Shirt Waists
All of our shirt waists at prices that will clean them out, do not want
to carry any over until next year.
82,00 waists at 81.25 81.75 waists at
II. SO waists at Si.or. 81.00 waists at 05c
50c ' " 40c, And others too numerous to men
tion. Do uot miss this sale as those arc all new goods nothing left over in this
line as all are brand new up to date styles.
Embroideries at Clean up Prices
fit Inches wide at !)0c was $1.25 with iiiht to match.
.'1(1 inches wid. at 7oc was Sl.Oo with inst. to match.
27 inches wide at fiOo was SI. 00 and 7.1c with Inst to match.
All of tho other width at prices that will elean them up.
Summer Underwear
at 80u Ladles union suits 75a grade 00c
at 25o Misses union suits GOc grade 10u
25c grade 10c. Ladies vests all sizes.
New line tf Fail Silks Just Arrived
Consisting of all the new creations in Changeable!, Plaids and Corded
Agents for Butterlck Patterns
ltmt1&&3 (0
A Newspaper That Olvcs Tim news Flfty-to Weeks Each Year For $1,50.
convinced his audience that he had
carried on an exhaustive research for
the materials for his lecture. The
greatest criticism which we heard was
that ho exhibited an over abundance of
egotism. The usual western audience
is willing to take for granted the
scholarship, greatness and elllciency ,
of a speaker but they dislike to be re j
minded of that greatness continually
during tlie address. Mr. Driver seem- ing the parent but for the best inter
ed to tliink it iucumbout upon him to J est of the child. The audience wiis
prove his standing and ability and at impressed with tlie heart of the speak
times it took on the tarm of bragging. ' or and lie struck a sympathetic cord.
However ho presented many Interest- Tlie closing program was given iu
ing facts and after all that is the real , the evening and this took on more of
test of an address.
Saturday afternoon Dr. Frank
Smith who presides over tho largest
church in Chicago delivered an excell
ent address upon the problems of
American progress. The speaker
dwelt largely upon conditions existing
in tho largor cities, Ry many this ad
dress was considered the best given
during tho Chautauqua.
Kverett Kemp gave tho entertain
ment in the evening. Many of our
town folks remembered his lecturo
which lie delivered here several years
ago, but it was all the more pleasing
ou that account.
Sunday the last day of the chautua
(liia was in many resepects the most
enjoyable day of all. Judge Lee
Estolle who presides over tlie juvenile
court iu Omaha was at one time a resi
dent of this city that was back in 1872.
Mr. J S. Gilliam introduced tlie. Judge
I to those of us who did net
know him
in a most happy and pleasing manner,
After a fow reminiscent remarks the
Judge began his lecture upon tho boy
and girl, lie gave concrete examples
of the tips and downs of many lives
with which ho had cotno iu contract
and one could not but realize that ho
was listening to a man of experience,
The lessons which he drew from these
"ves ought to remain in the minds
and hearts of all parents for all time
Ladles union suits 50o grade 10
Misses union suits 23c grade 10c
UiOEfiiSragHeWH9ni. the rain.
to come. He denounced any parent
that allowed children to be on tho
streets at night unaccompanied with
an older person. He made it even
stronger than that. Ho declared that
no child should bo allowed to attend
church at night unless accompanied
by the parent or some grown person,
And the best of it was lie made these
assertions not for the purposeof crltls-
the form of an old settler's day than a
Chautauqua assembly and was all tho
more enjoyable on that account. Most
of the old timers were there.
Thus the fourth annual chautuuqua
was brought to a close. During tho
introduction Mr. Gilliam asked the
audiouce if they doslred tho Chautau
qua for another year and tlie vote was
unanimously in the atllrmative. This
season has been a success, the lectures
were bettor than any thut have pro
ceeded them. The music while exccll
ont was not of the high order given
during past years. Yet we have no
! cause to complain because the thirty-
two performances were eacli and all
Red Cloud and Seward Break Even In a
Double Mender.
Monday afternoon before a large
crowd die Red Cloud Indimis and
Seward crossed bats on the home dia
mond. Red Cloud shut out Seward 0
to 0 the first game and Seward won
the second game by a score of 1 to 1.
First game.
II II 13
Red Cloud..! 0 10 2 0 0 0 0-i 7 II
Seward ...OOOoOoOO 0-0 5 0
ltatteries Red Cloud, Masters and
Moss; Seward, Hanson and Wally.
Second game.
r ii i:
Red Cloud. .00000010 0-1 1 1
Seward 0.00100000-1 0 1
Ratterles Red Cloud, Masters and
Moss; Seward, Turner and Wally.
Red Cloud Wan Both tiames from Grand
Island Satutday.
Saturday Red Cloud and Grand Is
land crossed bats on the homo dia
mond. Red Cloud shut out Grand
Island both games.
I Score morning game:
Grand I.. 0 0 0 0 (I () 0 0 0-0
Red Cloud 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 x 1 5 2
Ratterles Grand Island. Murray
and Traver; Red Cloud, Jarrott and
Rase on balls Jarrott 1.
Struck out by Murray C, Jarrott 11.
Wild pitch Murray 1, hit by pitcher
2 base hit Jarrott, It base hltllcniscy.
I'mpire Fleming.
The afternoon game was attended
by a largo crowd. Mitcholl was in
the box for the Indians and shut toll
visitors out C to 0.
R n E
Grand 1...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 .'J
Red Cloud 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 x-0 10 1
Hattorics -Grand Island, Paul and
Traver; Red Cloud, Mitcholl and
2 liaso hlt8--Carlor .'I, Morse 1.
Struck out by Paul 1, by Mitcholl 8.
Double plays Dolan, unassisted,
WMills Mills to Rradbroolc.
Red Cloud Defeats Fremont
Tuesday aftornoon Red Cloud and
Fremont crossed bats on thq,homcdla
mond beforo a largo crowd of fans.
Red Cloud won the game m tho 7th
inning from tho top notohers by run
ning in 3 scores. Captain Jarrott was
in tho box for tho Indians. Score:
Fremont.... 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 7 2
Red Cloud. .0 0 0 0 1 0 ." 0 x 1 7 1
Ratterles Fromont, Wicr and Holm
cr; Red Cloud, Jarrott and Moss.
Struck out by W'ier 8, by Jarrott 1.
Rod Cloud and Kromontworo unable
in rnv burn VViiilnftQ.!t- oil uitnmii
18. 10 10.
There are times when a whole lot de
pends on the watch you carry. If
you buy your watch here there'll be no
missing of trains or engagements, no
being late on account of your watch.
In This Jewelry Store
You can select a watch
one as expensive as you
matter what you pay you 11 have a watch well
worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch
man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50.
4. -
Jewelers & Optometrists
They All Agree
when it comes to a live cent smoke
that the R-B cigars aro in a class by
themselves. They ar mild, mallow
and rich. They burn evenly draw
frly and have a line flavor. Try on
and you will keon on trying like the
rest of "the boys."
City Bakery and Restaurant.
Dr. T. A. Trumblc, D. D. S.
Over Cotting's Drug Slore.
Illlile school 10 a. 111.
l'rcncliliiu....... II a. in.
PrcnchliiK Bervlct'H ti u. in.
I'rnycr anil Conference nicotine Wedncs
duy at 8 . in.
A cordial invitation Ih extended to nil.
IU;v. Ai A. C'liKs-W.vN castor.
rf The Chief $1.50'
at a moderate price or
care to go. But no
you cannot get at th ordinary res
taurant. Tins quality of the food, tho
excellence of the cooking and the per
fection of its serving make a dinner
here one to be remembered with pleas
the next, time you feel like eating
something extra nice. We can gratify
you to the queen's taste. Come alone
if you must, with a friend if you cau
A good dinner like ours ought to be
eaten in good company.
The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant
H. Neuerburg, Prop.
Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH
At the old stand over the
State Bank, Phonel31.
THE Chicago Specialists.
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
PttiiMANBNT Office
Rod Cloud, 'Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in German and
Friday, September 9th
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