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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
Acsvr -mi' t- IW11 w w v The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. m m m m E verything IN stables to U to to to to to ili to to to I carry a coir-'"itc line of strictly fresh Groceries, j and mv prices art- such that it will pay ycni to do fj your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. W f ' '" tt 'ro(-''r' "tore moro fhtin In iiuytliitiK else. f UlCuUllllubb buyers should demiuid Absolute Cleanliness. ()i Yu- cimnot buy Groceries in n dirty, ill-kept plnco nnd be sure o fi pure ponds Clennllnessliuul sanitation nre our hobbles. : : : : to to to to to to to to to Most everybody took In the CIiru tiiutjim Situnluy In Ited ( loud. Oijurpe Houuliiu was on l.he sick list this wm'I but is omo belter naw. Frank (inrdeii whs it pIciKimt culler al Miiuli llros., Sundny on wind mill row. Muriel and Klliel Fisher are stayinp in town this week attending the Chau tauqua. .loo Taylor was on wind mill row Sunday at Guy Barnes his good look ing son-in-law, Charley Wolfe and family were visit ing at T. V. Whites Sunday and talk ed over the dry weather. (fuy (James and Will Fisher thrash ed their oiiUTliuiMluy ami they made thirty bushels to the actc. Alfied Manluy Is tliinltliytf some of trading bis old buggy "ti a m w i.neur getting all iiutomoblle sine lio hat got to be a steady fellow at (Suido llock. Alfred Mauley so they say goes to tiuide (lock oneo n week sineo the girl of forty sutmnurs has it longing for his side, biittlio children O (Sod bless them for we wish them many joys as thru life they go to gather hand in hand and sido by side. " KC' - fit: 21: 2Z: il SL L' & & & C CL ZL. 1: SL: & & Sli g PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment 'to the constitution of the State of Ne braska, as hereinafter sot forth In full, Is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to he voted upon at the general election to he held Tues day, November Sth, A. D. 1910: A JOINT ItBSOUJTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. He It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitu tion proposed.) That section one (1) of hi tide seven (7) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska, the sennto concurring, he so amended as to read ns follows: Section 1. (Who are electors.) Ev vry male citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, who vhnll have been a resident of this stato six months next preceding the election and of the county, precinct, or ward, for the term provided by law shall be nn elector: provided, that persons of foreign bltth who shall have declared their Intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States and are voting at the taking ef fect of this amendment, may continue to exercise the right of suffrage until sink time as they may have resided In Ihe I'nlted States live years, after which they shall take out full citizen hlp papers to he entitled to vote at any succeeding election. Section:: (t)nllotH.) That at the vcnnal election nineteen hundred and ten (1'JiO) there shall he submitted to the elector of the state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution Totaling to the right of suffrage At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shnll be written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution minting to the right of suffrage' and "Against ah proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suf frage." Section n. (Adoption! If suoft amendment shall be approved by n majority of all electors voting at such election, said amendment shnll consti tute section one (1) of article sovnn (7) of tin- (.(institution of tho Slate of Nebraska Annrnved nrll 1, 1900. , ' I, f.eo O.-.lnnUIn, Secretary of State, of the state of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the I'oiegolng proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska. Is n true and correct copy of the oi lclnnl enrnlhd and engrossed bill, ah passed by the thirty-first session of the legislature of the State or Ne biaska. as appears from said original bill on file In this olllce, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Ne braska lor their adoption or rejection nt the general election to ho held on Tuesday, the .Sth day or November, A. I.. 1910. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and atllxed the great seal or the State of Nebraska. Pone, nt Lincoln, this 9th day of July, In the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten, and of tho Indepen dence of 'the I'nlted State the One Hundred nnd Thlrty-lirih. and of this State the Forty-fourth rjF.OKOK C. JUNKN. .(Seal.) Secretary of Stat. LESTER Mrs. I'd. Mimes spent Sunday even ing at Charles llassors. Mr. and Mrs. Al Decker dinned at Charles Kassors Sunday. There b:euied to bo quite an attract ion at ISladen last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Etnick and son visited his mother Sunday. Miss Amanda Ohmstode of Guide Hoek Is vfsitlug Dolllc Kusser. Mrs. John Ohtnstodo 1ms been visit ing her sister, Mrs. IJ. Ihilsobush. Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb and daughter spent Sunday nt Ed Rasscr's. We .had a nice rnin Monday morning but tho wind wns pretty severs on tho corn. Mrs. Porter Hulo and daughter is visiting her mother through tho Chau tauqua. The Lincoln telephone boys plnyod ball Sunday with our boys. Tho score was 18 to (l in favor of Lestor. SUNNY SIDE. Art Cuuninghnm is nblo to be up and move about on crutches. .1. F. Winters shelled out his corn on hi farm and disposed of it at a good ligiire. (.'. II. Itust and wife intended the funeral of W. U. Cramer at Illaden Monday. ltulph Mcl'all and wife of Oklahoma were visiting nt tho home of Jos. Crows last week. That advertised rain came on last Sunday night. A big boost to the corn crop. Quito a number are attondlng the Chautauqua and are well pleased with the entertainments. Lloyd Rust Is home from Hill City. Kas. He reports the grain crop good but pastures and the corn crop is pretty short. 1NAVALE II. II. Waldo Suudayed in Hostwlck. Oris Matkin was In Superior Mon- G. E. Adams. C.E. Adams Is the Logical Candi date for United States Senator of Ne braska. His agresslveness, his wide experience, -his opposition, to graft, grood and dishonesty, easily places him in tho foremost ranks of clean polities und a square deal. He belioves that the conscience of the country should bo represented In tho government of the country. Ho never side-steps. Vote for hlui at tho primary, ugust lfltln Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract Co. for the weekending Wed nesday, August 10, 1910. Ellis U. C.ulliford to John Hoi- verson, nnd V, lots 11, 12, Ulk. IJ, (larbers 3rd Add to Red- Cloud, wd 700 Sarah M. Ituxter to Geo. E. Coon ne mv, nwne 10-1-10. wd E. J. Delchoy to Magdalena Crouch, lots IJ, 1, fl, Ulk. 1, Swee.y's Add to lllue Hill, wd W. It. Cramer to Harry Cramer, s Y, lot 2, all lot 3, Ulk. :i, Le- " Dues add to Ited Cloud wd.... William 11. Cramer to Adelih M. Cramer, lots 13 to 17, Ulk. 11, Red Cloud wd 0000 luu 1800 SStiOl Mortgages llled.tSCOO.oO Mortgages released. S130.CK) N Creditors. In the omnty t mrt. iitali ol Nebraska, i Wclist cr County, t 'I.n thu mutter of the estatoof i;ila lloucli in. Pi-ceased. Niitli'u Is hereby nlven tn all persons linv Iuk i-lnlmx ami (Iciimiuts auiilust i;il lloiiehln, Intrnt Webster county, ilecwiHOil, that tin Unit llxeil lorllllmj claims aKiiluxi niilistuleWHlx niniiUiH from thnSillutny of AllUIIKl IUIU. All such pitkouh aru required to present their claims, with the voucIuth, to the County .luilicu of Mild county, at hid ottlco therein, on or before the '.nth day of l'eb runry lull; anil all claims so tiled will ho heard before thehaldJtiilKeon tho'J7th day of Kahruary lll, at 10 o'clock n. in,; anil that the Kxictitor Is allowed ono year from tho tilrd day of .Inly IUI0, In which to pay the debt allowed -agaliwt said estate and i Jiottle the name. ska;. i, v. Kdson (touuty Judge, .lav. Mrs. R. II. Hill Is slowly Improving in health. Rev. Hill left fur Lawrence Nebr., Saturday morning. Ralph Hunter went west Monday evening to buy stock. I. X. Koeluiel mid wife visited the Chautauqua Tuesday. A. C. Hale wont to Denver Wednes day evening on business. Mrs S. U. Carpenter returned from Lincoln Friday evening. C. A. Waldo's spent Suuday in Host wick with his brothor Clarence. Carl Walkor ot IJololt, Kansas is visiting at tho home of Walter Gar ners. Rex, Ralph and Hugh MeCall started for Oklahoma Sumlav morning via auto. Otho Ellison went to Council IllulVh Monday for a Tow weeks visit with his sisters. Miss Hazel Gurber of Guide Rock is visiting her aunt Mrs. Tad Saunders this week. Mrs. R. E. Hunter uud Mrs. H. A. Holdredge spent Friday with Mrs. Win. Walters. A great number of the Inavale people are enjoying the Chautauqua at Ited Cloud this week Mr. and Dr.'.MeGraw of Lincoln visited with Mrs. S. H. Carpenter and daughter the first of tho week. lied Cloud nnd Superior Brink tVcii en n Double Meatier. The Indians and the Cement Work ers each won a game on the home dia mond Tuesday. Tho morning game was a regular hit and urn game for the Indians as they .batted Gibson. Super ior's no hit pitcher all over the lot. Morning giyuo score: Superior.... 1 1 0 l o 0 0 0 o-.'l Red Cloud.. .1 0 0 1 1 '1 0 2 . -8. Hits Superior 9, Red Cloud U. Er rors Superior '.), Red Cloud "J. Batter ies Superior, Gibson and Hartley; Red Cloud, Jarrott and Moss. Struck out Uy Gibson :i, by Jarrott !. Home run Mills. The afternoon game was witnessed by one of the largest crowds of the season. Superior won the game by a score of .'1 to 1. The score: Superior.... 1 n 0 0 0 0 2 (I O-II. Red Cloud... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I. Hits -Superior 0. Red Cloud r. roivs Supeiior 1, Red Cloud '1. t cries Superior. Ellis and Hartley: Red Cloud, Mitchell and Moss. Struck out-Uy Ellis 7. by Mitchell 10. Rases on balls- -Red Cloud 1, Superior 1. Three base hit -Allen. other material used In the construction ' ' of dwellings on th free 1st, and i.f di fSllSBlil"Xt1iinXi(lciiffuAu'i.'ii. tiiK it at the iirxt Scssiim ol cutmn- . M I inn iii frtvoi nf plneii.goti the tin Ti 111. 4.1. ...... V USlllldlU IlO.'il se-Mon (II l'UI)gl(-!-r, agricultural Implement.", uicchuulcs'l t tools of nil kinds, sewing mnehiues, and everything which cmii be producec here, the Importation of which yoilds' the iroverniuentnractleallv no revenue. ' and which nro manufactured here uud g soiu lor export at a less price than tor t home me. I am for plncing sugar on the free , list ut the cnf'liest day possible. If the laws now in force are not siiHIclent for the effective prosecution j ol forbidden trusts nnd combinations, s ij 1 am in fuvof of the enactment of such fill I Her laws ns will drhy that class ( H ciitui.iiniilKiii.s oil! id exiMcnce. k 1 am ill III Vol n sueli yo 01 IUIU lit ;ll A control ol 1 1'iiiispoi talloti cdliipitnli- ! iii will prevent unjust disci imliuitiuu , U uud oMoi'lit'jii and the imposition uf j rates for service intended to yeild an I K iueumo on nothing invested. . f- liisoiar as timt ouject may uo ac eomplished by legislation I am in favor of tho euuetmeut of lnw.s whicli will tend to decrease the cost of living. I am opposed to ship subsidy. 1 am in favor of such legislation, state and national, as' will a I ford to every depositor in a bank the greutest possible security for his money. I am in favor of restricting the franking privilego to the free trans portation of the Congressional Record uud parts thereof; tho reports and public documents of the government or any department thoreof, and uf making it a criminal ott'ouse for the free transportation of anything else through the mails. I am iu favor of reducing the postage on llrst-class matter, fifty per cent, uud that at tho next session of con gress. J am opposed to nil unnecessary appropriations of public funds all of which appropriations must come from t&e people either by direct or indirect taxation. I um opposed to all legislation whicli tends to the creation of great interests and combinations by the few, to tho ruin of Individual effort uud the de struction of Industrious, independent action of the many and the deprivation of labor of its just compensation. I am iu favor of liberal appropriat ions to nil ex soldiers who have rend ered faithful service to thegovernineut in. time of war. lam in "favor of such federal legisla tion as will tend to prevent "bootlegg ing." To that --nd I am in favor of the euuetment by congress at the earl iest possilde day of a law which shall prohibit the governuu nt from selling stumps or issuing preinlts for the sale of intoxicating liquors in territory where such sales are prohibited by local law, and making such sales hi such territory crimes against tho fed ernfgovomiiiout. Cn.s. (. Wiikdon. '. -' .i v.vve-e juit?. siasikV;&2S fopfifeia ; ' jStSBfa . HOW ffiONUmENTS ARE WADE BY 14 rrnniiMininii ! wwna iiiiiiijiiwiiiiiih ikisii inn iiiimi ! wwwuw & OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. -4 FIRE INSURANCE' POLICY Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koori Red Cloud. Nebr. Mm i kilitlilitSiwlllIl Va-Rat- GARFIELD Mrs. Idu Kont shelled hor corn last Friday. Ray Oavls was on wind mill row Sunday. Nice cool nights to sleop. Improve the time boja. Red Cloud 7-Sunerlor 2. Monday afternoon the Red Cloud Indians and Superior crossed bats on the homo diamond. There was a largo crowd present to watch tho game and Red Cloud won the ganio by a score of 7 to 2. The score: Superior 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2. Red Cloud. . . .0 0 0 0 !) 1 .1 o x-7. Batteries Superior: Glnhn, Clnrk and Hartley; Red Cloud: Masters and Mqss. Illts-Snperlor 4, Red Cloud 12. Errors Superior 2, Red Cloud 1. struck out Ry Glahn 1, by Clark a, by Masters 5 llase.s- on hulls Off Glahn 'J.oirMasteisi!. Two base hits llradbrook ','. Jarrott, l'agan. Umpire Roswell. Congressman Hitchcock for Scnatir To mi: VoTKIts at run PliiMAttli..-: August lUth Is primary day and I ask for the democratic and populist nomination for I'uited States Senator. I was born In Nebraska fifty years ago and have lived In the State nil my lift excopt two years spent at school as u boy in Germany. Twenty-live years ago this mouth I established tho Evening World. I'our years later this became the Morning and Evening World Herald, which I have published and edited as a radical democrat ie paper, supporting also many populist candidates. I am no'v i-erving my third term in Congress, representing 1 ouglus Wash ington and Sarpy, Counties l have been elected li this republicandlstriet by increasing majorities because people of all parties have approved my course in Congress. My record shows that I have fought the trusts, tariff robbery, ship sub sidies and Cauonlsm. I have supported the Income Inx, railroad regulation and publicity of campaign contributions. 1 assisted In tho pnssago of 'the postal savings bank bill and I forcod the investigation of Ballinger and the land frauds. In those nnd other respects I have not only stood with my Democratic associates but have co-oporated with such progressive republicans as Mur dqek iu the house and LuKollette In the Sena! 6. I trust that my service in tho house lias quulillod me- for u place In tho scuntQ und I ask your support at the primaries Aug. Kith. Respectfully, Glt.lliniT M, HlTClMOCU. Kit Ice of Henrlni. To all I'lTMinv Interested In the Instate ol Miiruarett M. Wall. lKceuscil. Vim are hereby nullllu! that on tli 11th. ilayof May in!0('larnce Itevl Administrator of the KMatcof Maruarett M. Wall. Deceased llled his petition In the District Court of cIMcr County, N'clmihka. the object nnd praj er o( whicli are to obtain n decree, aulli orl.lm; and dlrecllm; the slid Clarence Herd as Administrator of wild I .stale. 1 (iiinpleU and carry out a written lucrccnicnt which aitreenieut it Isalleued was intend Into b.v and between the bald .Maruarett M. Wall. I li censed, diiriui; her lifetime and K. A.hlrayer etal. and further direct the kald Clarence Iticd as such Administrator to execute u deed to said i:. A. strayer to the tollowlm; real, estate, toult. Lots 7 anil's In lllocl; IU smith ,V Moores Addition to Ited Cloud, Nebraska. Said petition will be beard at thul'uurt lloom In lied Cloud. Wtbster County, Nebraska at II o'clock a. ui. on the I'Jtb day ot September 11110. II Allien S. nii.SOAN District. I uilijc. Don't Delay Ordering a fire insurance policy from us n single day. Eire Isn't going to stay away because you are not In sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Havo us issuo you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The fire llend may have your house down on the lit for a visit this very night. MARK WHA TI SAY O, C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Mr. Whcdon's Platform Tho primary oleotlon for the nomi nation of candidates for ofiico by the several partlos will be hold Tuesday, August 10, 1010. I am a candidate for tho olllce of United Htates senator on the repub licau ticket. I am iu favor of all tho legislation declared for by the republican party in its platform thlycar. I am lu favor of t!iu performance of every promlbo mudo by tho republican party iu its national platform of 1908, and for such a revision of the tarilf dovvuwards na can bo discovered with out tho aid of a soared warrant. I am in favor of placing lumber untU' Lodftc and Church Directory I Charity LodgolNo. M, A. V. and A. M. meets at Masonic llnU evory 1st and 3d Friday. K. E. Toe. W. M. A. H. Sellars, Secretary. Red Cloud Chaptor No 10. Royal Arch Masons moots every Sacond and Fourth Friday. I) W. Turnure, II P. II. A Lotson, aeoretary Cyrcne Comniandery Np, 11, Knights Templar meets every First Thursday. II. A. Lptson, E. C. D. W. Turnure, Recorder. Order to Show Cause State ol Nebraska. I in the County Court Webster County, i At a County Court held a) 'tho County Court room Iu and for wild' county Thurs day Aumist llth A. I)..' IUIU. In the matter of the estate of Villlam II. ( miner, Defeased. us readlnu' and lillni; the petition of Di ha M. craiuer irajlim that the Instru ment I'llcd on the ith day of .Inly. l!Hi. and purporlliiu to he the last Will aiutTestami ut of the said deceased may be prmeil. npnro ed. probated allowed and reeordid as Ihe last Will and Testament ot tin-Mild William II. ' rnmer ihcdised, ami that the ctciilloii ol the Instrument may be committed, and the administration of said estate may be urauted to said Delia M. Cramer, an l-.xecutiK. OltliuiiKli, that Tuesday the :tuth day of Aim-list A. D. 11)10, at IU o'clock a. m., Ik assigned for hcnrlni; nald petition when nil persons Interested In kald matter tuny appear nt a County Court to b held lu nnd for said County and show cause why prayer of petition should not he granted; and that notice ot the pendency of said petition nnd the hearliu: thereof bu nlveu to nil persons Intel ested lu said matter, by publishing a copy ot this order In the ltul Cloud Chief, it weekly newHpaper printed In ald county, lor three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. I. W. IIiison, (Seal) County .Indue. TaTJalc Notice To Whom It May Concern; You are hereby notified that on tlicHtli day ol December IWSW. !.. White purchascil at lax sale of the then County Treasurer ol Webster County. Nebraska for the delln iuent tacs thereon for the years WOO, I'.HU, I DO I, IIKll, UWi, lliOtlanil 1107 then amouutlut; wltli Interest, penalty and costs to the sum of Sill."" the following described renl estate towlt: Lots Twenty One ('JD Twenty Two (il) and Twenty Three fib lu lllock Three Cb of Hlcliardson'n Addition to the ( Ity ol Red Cloud, Nebraska, that said lots wns assessed III the name ol Mattle M. (iullltord. Thai It stands of record in tho olllce of the County Clerk of said County In the name of Mattle M, UullHord as owner. That said treasurer duly Issued his certificated! tax sate to said purchaser thereof, nnd the uuderslKned is now owner ol such ccrtlllcate and all rights tberuitfiiier. and has paid all subsciiient dc Itmiucnt taxes levied and assessed aualnst Hitld premises for the years lOOHnnd IlKK), That the time of redemption of such prem ises from said taxsnle will cxplruon the Uth day of Dccoinber 1918. W. K. W'iiitk, Oalrd'.VunuKt 10, 1015, UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. WELLS MLt COWLES, NEBR. li?Swl fcX. r s LI Lrn FOR NL13 II V YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Moat Market CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND CO' Vv -V6 Er BRAND ? Hb, '- . with Blue Bur or TDir W rJliiiH.Tf.iiM V LAnins t A'tj .WSJL'"1,? fr Cni-CHES-THR'S u.,.,..u.,u nanii IMI.1,3 in Gold metallic boxes scaled muuan. 11(1 no OTIIBn. DrBtti and aak fop CUM ' HUANI I'U.LH, for twentT.fito year reKarded ns Bet,8all6t, Alnayj nellable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi EVERYWHERE 58S5j V -4 --- fi" ,v u .1 . A. u,(it "1 1 .fk'SMi y . t&wMffl&tfms fi . M9niMSk