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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
"pr- "TFpr riywr 1 I v M WfnfKKKMUUtSfMOUMmtlMffiMI wrwwr,-'m'FW1'T'''FWwm ifpfw V ? I PttkY JrTTFS Usury liutsuiiuiid o la TliliMtfo. Mrs. Pr.ither Is viiltlni in the elty. , Ben WiUinins wu-, In Guide Hook Sunday. :Mis. Williams of Grand Island Mn 'the city. I'll Cox of Uluden was tit town tliis fnornini'. Fooei. solK Fly Net's cheaper tltun ally one. , - Jiss l.ttoy Ueoker is homo from Colorado. ' C. J. l'liitt, iiinl wife are liotnu from Colorado. A'ttctd the Tepee next Saturday afternoon. Miss Drew of Uetmblioun City Is In Red Cloud. Mrs Drew of Republican City is in Kcd Cloud. DwltfhtJonesaiid wife-pent Sunday in the city. John Fulton was down from Klver ton Tuesday. Lois Simmon-, left Tuesday evening' for Franklin. Mrs. A. A. Burdiek of Alma was in town Monday. Postmaster llray of Ulverton was in the city Tuesday. Miss Maud Barlow is spending the week in Wymote. Miss May of Lincoln is visiting MUs Edith McKeiKhan. Lew. Claup of Oxford was in Red Cloud over Sunday. Mr. Ayers, ttticlo of Mrs. C. II. Minor is vistintf in the city. Dr. Philips and wife were, down from Iuiiralo Tuesday. t Herb and Percy Ludlow wore down from Orleans Tuesday. Mrs. Correll and daughter of Akron Colorado are in the city. Joe ilerbcrk'er's brother and family are visitim: in Ked Cloud. S10, $12, 61.1 and 611 will buy a Kood Single Harness at I'ooi:l". Ask The Ked Cloud Mdw. Co., about that New Wagon you need. Vivia Atkinson of Blue Hill is the guest of Mrs. J. K. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings of 1 titivate were in Bed Cloud Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frahtu of Blue Bill arc visiting friends in the city. The Best Place in town to buy Paint is at "The Bed Clotul Ildw. Co' Miss Holly Bichardson of Campbell is the guest of Miss Mablo Day. Miss Irouo Crow of (iuide Rock was in the city the llrst of the week. Juliet and Pattie (Jalnsbii of Lincoln nre visiting friends in Bed Cloud. V. Richards- and family of Guide Uock were in Bed Cloud Tuesday. L. H. Fort and wife returned from Manitou, Colo., Monday morning. Editor Matthew, and family of. IRiverton spent Sunday in this city. Mrs. Archie Boren of Cowles is the guest of her sister Miss L. L. Boron. For Beal Estate Loans or Insurance see Sellars, Garner and Hutchison. Clara Austin of Plsittstnouth Is visit ing her sihtor Miss Harry Cramer. Calicoes American Prints Five cents per yard. Misi:s:J:no.s. and Co. Foil Salii Crab apples on my farm by the Amboy Mill. Kassi:u. Bert C.irr was down from Minden over Sunday visiting his wife and par ents. Lo.ST A tan gauntlet glove. Finder leave it at this otliee and receive re ward. Mis. Pattoihon and sou of Campbell nro the guests of A. T. Walker and family. Special nriccs on-Laillrs tailor made suits, skirts and coats at Miner Bros. Co. Store. A 65,000,000 lain fell in this locality Wednesday evening and this corn crop is assured. C::K?:?:$X.:ft. Kf for us. Have you and we your friends fect and v 3f very proud of. THE MODEL STUDIO RED CLOUD, nfWZMftC4tti)tt&ffl I, mis I'.n) Ntniie of Superior was a lW"inr oalk at this .llllee Tuc-dav afternoon. Miss Mai punt etc Zimmerman of I'lattsmoiitli is visiting relatives in Red Cloud The Chief otlico tukus subscriptions and renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. The Red Cloud Hdw. Co., have the Demster ',' Row Cultivators and the Price N Right. All the great artists sing for the Victor and Edison. Hear them at Ncwhouse Bins. Hear the Lectures by Geo. K. Stew art and J. Merltte Driver lit tho Chautauqua Friday. Mrs. Edna , Peterson entertained Wednesday evening In honor of Juliet (ialusha of Lincoln. Miss Myru Cook gave a porch party Saturday night in honor of Miss Mary Temple of Kansas city. Ho not fail to hear Judge Lee. S. Estelle at the Chautauqua Sunday, both afternoon and evening Remember that every thing Is cheap er and better in the Harness lino at FoiiUL's than any other place. Go to the Red Cioud,Milling Co., for your shorts and brands In half ton lots or more at wholesale prices. Claudia and Hutli Logan of Blue Hill visited at tho home of Chas. Robinson the fore part of tho week. Hous cleaning titno Is at hand Don't fail to see the Luce Curtains and Carpets at-MiNr.u Hius and Co. During tho storm Wednesday even ing one of the coils in tho dynamo at the power house was burned out and the lights went out. Lebanon. Kas., will hold its annual Anniversary August IS, 19 and 20th. There will be plenty of amusements and n good time guaranteed. C. E.Stine. wife and daughter who have been been visiting at Frank Cowilens returned to their home at Superior Wednesday morning. ' Miss Beatrice Sloss entertained at her homo on Wednesday afternoon a number of her girl friends ut a dinner party. Every one reported a good time. Pitcher Mitchell has been sold to Detroit for S.'HM and will report for duty September 11th :it Dotroit. But lin will be with us tho remainder of the season. Buy of your home inerchuuto und you arc increasing the value of your property. This Is a toot, tlio better the town, the more demand there will be for property. Art Vance of Cowles pitched the game for Bed Cloud in a tryout played against Columbus Wednesday. We lost the giuno but he demonstrated his abilitv to pitch good bull. Mrs. Jack Henderson of Stella. Neb., returned to her homo Wednesday morning after a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Noah McDowoll and aunt, Mrs. J. II. Robinson. . Tho ladles of the Christian ohtiroh will hold their market on Saturday, August 20, at Ed Anmck's furniture store. We invito inopection. A spoeial eirort will be made to please. Mr. Roscoe 1). Se.llars and Miss Alma Giroux of Winneniuccii,. Nevada were married recently at Onkhmd, Calif, and are making their homo at Sparks, Nevada. We wish you much Happi ness Uoscoo. In order that those living out of town may have an opportunity to sue the moving pictures the management has urra-uged for Saturday afternoon performances, eoinmencing with next Saturday at Dp. in. sharp. The Columbus ball team came to town Wednesday for two games Wednesday and Thursday. Columbus won Wednesday's game by n score of 7 to 2 on error. Vancu of Cowles was In tho pitcher', box for tho Indians and pitched ono of the nicest games that havo been played on the home diamond this year. :i2.::2:K?:2':?si5:ffi! ART imitates Nature to perfection in our photography. See the lifelike, speak- p ing-portraits of those who have sat Us Photograph guarantee a portrait that will declare simply per that you will secretly be nn nn.-rnrnc MLVtro BKinnctta a NEBRASKA. H Rev B ibblns of Plattsburg, Miss ouri, will preach at the Baptist Church next Sunday August lithat It o'clock A.M. No evening service. Rev. Rob biiis comes us a candidate for the vacant Pulpit and nil are Invited to hear him. GoihI roads will lead to tho general improvement of thecouutryside. The farmer who drives to and from town over a spacious, smooth, welleared for road will unconsciously come to eirect corresponding improvements in the management and operation of the farm. Vcncil Zajio had the misfortune to have his house and everything in it burned to the ground during the storm Sunday .evening. Mr. and Mrs. Zajic went to the cave mid didn't know that their house was on lire until they ciunc up and found their house burned to tho ground. As von move through life let your inline lice be felt and your voice raised in behalf of dumb animals. They sillier like you, they hunger and thirst and wish for kinder treatment. They are helpless in the hands of man. God gave us dominion over animals that we might protect them and be aided and bo made happy by them. Be a lover of animals and help to protect them. The Red Cloud Creamery Association, has leased itspropcrty to George Trine and tho Beatrice Creamery Company for an Indellnute period. The stock holders hero will receive a royalty on all cream bought. They reserve tho right to take over tho property when over they det lie. I'nder the manage merit of Mr. Trine this station pro mises to be one of thebestln thestate. The Kobekahs at their last meeting installed their oillcers. Mrs. Nannie Hale District Deputy President in stalled the following oillcers: Mrs. Lottie Smith N. G.. Mrs. Alice Runchey V.G., Miss Carrie Holt-worth Sc, . C. Tool Tieas., and tho other oillcers. After the Installation ice cream and cako was served by the second division. -A good time was had by atl presont. Some time ago a young married woman of town, whoso name wo omit, made a curious blunder. 'She put some eggs on to boil soon after break fast one morning. They were still on when ho came homo at dinner time. upon nur nusuauii asking wuat was in the saucepan, she answered:" Eggs for your dinner. They have been on since soon after break fust. 1 have tried them with a fork and they are not boiled yet." His astonishment may rather be' better imagined than described. And the mere mention of eggs now brings a rosy blush to her face. Passed Away. Nelson Lougtin wits born November 1 1, 13.77 and died at his home in this city Monday, August 8, 3-P10 after sev eral years illness. Mr. Lougtin has been actively engaged in business in mis city tor several years, no was a J kind man and a good neighbor and his many friends will bo pained to hear of his death. Ho leaves a wife, . three sons and two daughters to mourn his departure Ho has lived in this city for many years and has made hohts of friends. He with a member of the Catholic church and tho funeral was conducted at that church this morn ing by Father Fitzgerald. Imminent took place in the Catholic cemetery. The Chief extends sympathyto tho be reaved family. , Obituary Wm. B. Cramer was born near Cove town. Ohio. April 1(1, 1S18 und died August 0, 1'JIO. When a yourig man ho went to Lawreiicoburg, Iridinna with his sitter and her husband in ltiliil, making ids homo with thoin for several years. In IV0S he accompanied them to Mnttoon, 111. In August 18715 ho in company with Isaac Cowley and Win. Britton (his brother-in-law) took homosteiids on the divide near where Bladen now stands the first. settlers on tho divide, without a house or neighbor irr sight. He commenced to open up his claim but the next year the grasshoppers de voured every bit of his crop and he was forced to go to lire eastern part of the state to work to get enough to start again. By Industry and economy he accumulated a good farm and some city property. He was married to Adelia Garlock April Kith, 1875 und resided on his homestead until about live years ago ho moved to Bed Cloud. He leaves three sons Harry, Howard and Claude, two daughters Mrs. Chas. Cowley and Mrs. Oley Iverson and a devoted wife to mourn his departure. we loose a good neignuor, a Iciud frloud, one who has sot a goodly ex ample. He was laid to rest In the PlalnvlcwVemotory near Bladen. ' Red Cloud Chautauqua August 6 to 14'. ' : Ball Games Every Day i Metcalfe for Senator. The complication ol tho I uiteil ytuti") si-natoishlp pieseiits n problem which the democratic piut.v must solve next Tuesday, in view of tho condit ions in the state of Nebraska it would seem that the democratic candidate that would best meet tho emergency Is Bicliard L. Metcalfe, lie Is one of the ablest democrats in the mil Ion, one whose opinion and influence are sought by all. Vote for Metcalfe the biggest innii 'y all odds running for senator on .iiiytickot. He stands for all that is :ood In politics and molality. He is upright, I'lean. straightforwaid and liiinest. Nebraska can well aHoid to intrust her Interests to him. VOTE FOR METCALFK. For Atlarncy (icncral. Mr. Meno W. Terry of (iiiget'ounty, is an active candidate for the nominat ion for the olilce of Attorney General for the Dcmocruth' and People's Inde pendent party ami if nominated will be a stiongvandldate at the November election. Mr. Terry was elected County Attorney of Gage County four years ago by a large majority, alt hough the normal Republican majority was usually about lfiOOj ho made a splendid record in the olilce but was not a candidate for a ccond term. Mr. Terry is one of the strong doinocratje leaders of southeastern Nebraska; splendid reputation for honesty and Integrity and the voters of Web ster County will make no mistake in supporting hint at this time. Mr. Terry lias many friends and acquaint ances in Webster ooudly, having fre quently visited here with his cousins, Mr. and Mis. Ed. Seaton. Notice Parties holding checks of the Bed Cloud Creamery Association nro re quested to present sinno for payment at the Webster County Bunk, and same will be paid. Parties to whom the Creamery is in debted for cream and cream hauling tiro requested to call at the above bank and roeeivo their ciieeks. There will be a meeting of the slock holders of the Creamery held at the Court House on Satin day, Aug. l.'tth, at '2 p. m. .1. V. Br-( ki.i, President. OLD AGE. We wish to say a few words for the old folks, believing that the iiillrni Itlos of advanced years arc often treated with an indifference that is hard to bear. Not by all, of course, for there are ninny, we will hope the majority, that aro thoughtful of the aged nod kind to them. Thou again, there are others who, to put it mildly, are harsh and cold. It is very natural to sinilo on what is lovely and strong, and frown on the reverse withoiitevon observing that wo do so; and it often j follows, with the young especially,that as they look outho furrowed face, tho dim eyes, the trembling hands, the tottering, uncertain steps of nn old man w woman, they, seem to forget that in that warm and homly prison house are a heart and soul which yearn for recognition, for kindness in word and deed, and a little love, with an intensity that youth in its fulness does not know. They must forget, or one would not so often hear such ro- murks us, "Oh, grandma, don't bother; grandpa forgets everything; grandma, what doyou want logo for? Old folks ought to bo contented at home!" In ourwords to others, in all our dealings with them, it is our duty to stop and think; and with the. old it is positive cruelty not to do so. It is down hill, remember; a hill with steep, stony paths, and at Its foot there is only u grave. Don't by im patient words and Uoks push them along Its preelyltloiis ways: don't bruse their weary feet witli rocks of ridkulo and uncalled-for jest; don't glao that downward slope with the ice of indisferenco; and. above all, don't hang on every bush and boulder placards oflhoir own deterioration. It is not nccossary to remind them that they have left their primo and strength behind. They know it; none so well. , Yes, let, us sometimes stop and think; let us turn from our own am bition; from our ambitious for our children and bend a hand to the old folks. Let us smooth their path, let them loan on us as they step over the stoop ledges and let us warm the chill of that bleak hill side with sympathy andovo-.j Lot us give them back all they gave In other days and give with interest; for, believe us however use less you may deem them now, you will miss them when' they aro gone. It may be us you stand by thoir colllus; It may be in years to come, when you tread the path onco was theirs; you will stop and thlnkrthoughts will come. Thou God holpy'oul God help liV'1 us all. That in those thoughts thero may not bo, that word of flame re morse. i ' 7 . . The recent act of April 10t;i,, )908 gives to all soldlorii' widows. a pension, of 812 per month. j?red Maurer, tjje Rt.-nftv. has all necessary blanks. SAM OF HIGH GHADE GIiOTHING Have just completed my semi-annual invoice and I find that I have more suits in high class clothes than I want. They have been divided in four lots and I will sell them as follows: All $30.00, 27.50 and 25, Suits at $19.50 All $22.50, 22.00 and 21, " " $16.50 All $20.00, 18, and 16.50 " " $13.50 All $15.00, Hand 12.50 " " $10.00 This sale does not include Blacks or Blues. This sale does not include a suit that is not of this seasons make and all of the higher priced suits are of Hart Schaffner 6k Marx exclusive patterns guaranteed all wool and if you are looking for bargains and know a good thing you will not wait long. If you do you will miss it. Bring your check book along these prices mean C. 0. D. Oxfords and Straw Hats 1-5 off.. PAIL STOREY THE CLOTHIER. FURNITURE CARPETS AND S NMRTAKING Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking TILE PHONES Ed. Amack, Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. B Ball ase CHAUTAUQUA WEEK GRAND ISLAND, Friday and Saturday. -' Ball Games Next, Week SEWARD, Monday, Aug. FREMONT, Tues. Aug. at Red Cloud 15, Double Header 16, and Wed. Aug. 17 1 t: i 3 ' I oftnijMrf wti-v , .s.-ygyfls mnfcBHinmii if3iM-fcaaii aaIMaBIMaaH-HIIHIiaMHaaMaMU-MliaMIIMk . - - - - - - - -j.. Lovik-. .tAKi !- n i i i i - 1 1- iii mum ii - ii imin- uriiiirni i tt it. mmwrw 'n -" irwiii rtTvr if iHtHl'frWTf1- "r I'll11! I 'JUMU't ll W 'Hi irfc J&JSB