BW-' W i J5he CHIEF Rod Cloud - - Nobrnsktv PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. I ACT OF WHS I SHALLENBERGER IN HARMONS I an - U IK? entered In Iho l,otomruktiHcl Cloiid.Neb . n iiecnixl C'ln Matter. WITH GRAND ISLAND CONVENTION. CI e C3u Jllw ! I 16 i ! C . HALE KUIII.ISIIKI! THK ONIjY nr.MOCHATH', PATCH IN WK 1 1ST Kit COUNTY i' LEGISLATURE SHOULD DECIDE Announcements For Representative I lieri'liy niiimtiiif iiiyccll iih ii i'MmIIiIiiIi Inrtliciioiulnntloii Mr rrpriffiitnUu' from UlOtttlllllNtlU'tlll NvhrilHltB, RllllJ't til tin- will il tin1 1 ii-miirrntlc mill I'cuplf m lnilfpi'inl ont voters iit the prlnmrliH to hi- lie Id Atmust 10, liI0. Itr.flllliK I.INII"I.. l-'Oll COUNTY ATTORNEV Wunro iiutlinrlril to iumiuiiikt I'ml I". lliuirer mm ii cnmlliluti1 for tliuiKiiiilniitliin fur tlii: olllcc nf 'omity WchtrrCn.. ntilijit't In tilt' will nt tliu Di'iiioi-ratlc ninl rcoplt'H liiilt'pt'iiili'iit 1'lt'ftornat Uir- prliiinry election, to liolnlil AtiKUHt III. IUIU. FOR COUNTY ATTOIINBY Wiiuronutliorlril to niinouni't) .losi'pli '. Knylor :is a ruiiillilntii lor the iioiiiliiiUlon lor tlio ollli'ctit I'minly Attorney, nt VmOisIct County, Kiilijccl to tho will ol tin- Kcpiilillnin (iliTtorx at tilt' prliiinry elii'tion to lit' lirlil August Kllli., IIIIO. FOR REPRHSENTATIVH 1 lirri'ly niiiiount'u myn'll as u candidate for tlio nomination for rt'prchcnlMtlvo from tliu lltli district of NeliniHkii. hiilijcct to the will ol tliu HnclallHt voters nt tliu pilmarli'M to lit! lit 111 AUKllst III, 11)10. S. V. I'm.. Foil FLOAT irBI'KKSBNTATIVB I hereby iiiiiioiint'o ius:lf iih a I'aiiillilatu for tlio nomination (or lloat representative from tliu 1 it 1 1 district of Nelmiskti, siibjcet to tilt; will ol tlio MiclullHt voters at tlio primar ies to fiu held A nunst III, HMD. .IniiN KOIl'COUNTY ATTOIINBY Km nut II.m.i:: I'leasesay to the Repub lican ckctorH of Webster couiity that U torney Chullln has announced his candldaej lor tliDolllt'Dtif roiiniy Attorney, siilijeet to their will iih may beoxpiesM'd at the time of tint I'lrHt Iniilni; Aui;ust III, eiwulnu. ami uIiIIki'. iilui'i'it'ly yours, .1. M. Cit.xi i in. FOR UBPUESBNTATIVB. 1 hereby iinilounee niyHill at a eandlilate for the nonilnallon fur reprei.eiittitle fioni tlio lltlulMrlel of Nebraska. MlJeet to the w III ol the Republican clcetoi sat the primal y election, to beheld Aim. HI, nip). . r. ii ui wi i.i.. Toil FLOAT IlBPIlBSBNTATIVi: I hereby announce nijMlt as a candldnte for thenoiulnatlon for Kltmt Itepresentatlve of the llllh district of Nebraska, subjiet to tint will of the Democratic and Ptoples Inde pendent ulietors at the primary ehctlon to bo held Auwiul llltli,, PJIt), Wm. Wkimii. Regulation of Liquor Traffic Shoulc Not Be Test of Fealty to Democratic Party. FOR CONGRESSMAN ftnke this method of annouiii'lnu my can. tlldncy for rprcsuittUIe. In Confess lioui thtrntli NebraKUutllstilflNUliJeet to tlio will ot tio Democrat mid People'H I'arty Miters as expressed at the primaries to lie held Auuuxt in, mio. it. n.M'iiiKiii.vMi. FOR STATU TRBASUliBR 1 take this method of announcing my can illdiU'y for State 'I rtasuier subjiet to the will I tliu Democratic and People's Independent party Miters asexpiessitl at the piluimjes to 1h In-Ill August 111. Illiu. tiloitfii: I-:. IIAl.l., l'ranklln, Neh FOR SI'.NATOR 2l!th DISTRICT I heieby announce in.vnll as a candidate forSt natorof the Jiith Senatorial Dlstilct of Nebraska subjiet to the will of the Dctno rriillt' anil I'tople't. Independent voteis at theprlinailiN Auk. Ill, I'.llO. Yours respti't fully iimm: I,. lli.riii'i'N. Tlmt our town Is u live town i easy of rtnmonstintlon. Moto business is limit! here now tit this timo of llioyi'ii'" than lias been tlnno for novvrnl year. Wo tiro not desirous of having the public think we tiro suffering from n boom. We me on.joying mi iiii-rouse of business and piospcrlty. Out- streets nre crowded eiuly and lnio, people ami teams are bringing in produce anil money to exchange for goods, ami our merchants are paying the very highest marUot prices for proilueo unil are sell ing goods at ''live ami let live" prices, mul the people are not slow to take ad vantage of this opportunity anil get too bargains as advertised by our merchants, There seems to be some misunder standing in regard to tbo Nebrasltu County Option bill anil wo have been requested to ylvo the facts. It is a hiKniiicant fact that in all theaililress cs before the Graml Island convention not one of tbo spoukors touched upon the merits of County Option but con fined themselves to the effects which county option would have. In a nut shell county option is simply this: every county would operate under the Slocuin law just as at present unless tlio county as a unit voted to do away with the buloous. Under the law this county could voto nt a general election od tliu question and if the proposition carried tliero would be no saloons in tliu county, if it lost each city could then voto us uo-iy whether, or not it would permit saloons to run or not. The effect ot a. county option, law is to permit farmers and others outside of the cities to vote whether or Hot- they want saloons In tlio county. ! In dealing with tho liquor question, tlio Ornntl iBlnntl convention acted wisely and well. Prudence und wis dom suggested tho necessity of the democratic party presenting this mat ter In such a way that tho details ol regulating tho lltjuor trafllc should not lie mado the test of a man's demuo racy. The convention was composed of two elements, tlio conservative and the extreme. The conservative cle ment wnB not in favor of committing tho party to any particular plan of regulating the liquor traffic and there by making that plan a test of the dem ocratic creed. The extreme clement wus In favor of making a plan for regulating tho liquor traffic a part of ithe democratic creed. Mr. Dryan and tho Douglas county democracy repre sented the two. Air. Aryan's plan re ceived one hundred and ninety-seven votes In the convention and the Doug las county plan received two hundred and two votes, so that the conserva tive clement In the party, by a vote of three to one, defeated both of these propositions and Incorporated In their platform the following plank: "We arc opposed to making county option or any other plan for the regu lation of the liquor traffic, a question of party creed. We stand for and In sist upon strict enforcement of our present laws, and believe that any further changes in our liquor legisla tion should be decided by a direct vote of the people, and that the cause of good government and public mora's will be better served In that way than by dividing the people into hostile factions on purely moral Issues." Political parties do not allow their platforms to be written by those of ex treme ideas. The rank and Hie of tilt democratic party aro not extremists on the liquor question. They are more Interested in other questions than . they nre in this one. Tho ordinary democrat is not in favor of making a detail of regulating the liquor traffic a test of whether or not he Is a dem ocrat. He wants his party to outline a policy that will allow him to vote for the people who stand for the grent policies of government for which ho contends without reference to tho plan of a regulation of the liquor traf fic ,4..- .uwtj33J.-fi.vA-. Ono thing was made plain in the Orand Island convention. It is settled for all time that the democratic par? trcnio part ot the" convention" that sto'od witti Sir. nrya'h arc not for pro hibition. Mr. Hryan himself, frankly stated at the convention that ho was opposed to prohibition. Tho contest at Grand Island, was not a contest be tween those who were in favor of pro hibition and those who oppose it; it was a contest between honest and earnest men. They differed honestly as to what plan is best to regulate the liquor trafllc. If tho convention had taken Mr. P.rvan's plan It would have ellmintetl thousands of voters who do not believe in prohibition whether It bo county or state. If Mr Dnhlmnn had won. other thouanild would hae been driven from the party. Tlio strongest opposition niatlf against county option Is the position taken by the prohibitionists that county option is the first "stt-p towards Htntn-wiile prohibition. On tho other hand. If tho convention had tlecfarcd agnlnpt county option. iUom who he lleve that to ho the best plan wou J have been forced out of the iIouk rratic part). Tills shows how It would have been for tlio democratic partj to have made a plan for regu lating tho traffic a party creed. .The party agrees generally that tnerc should be a strict regulation ot the liquor tratllc. As to what form tills regulation should take Is a matter for the legislature to decide. As it was, tho convention refused by an overwhelming voto to commit the party either for or against county option. It refused to declare for or against prohibition. It wrote a plat form upon which every democrat whether he bo wet or dry can vote for tho legislative candliluto without re pudiating the platform. Tho question of county option Is a legislative ques tion. It must be settled by tho legis lature or by a voto of the people. The more tho democratic platform adopted nt Orand Island Is considered, tho more this question is discussed, the more It becomes evident that the democratic convention took the proper course and one that will bo ou doraed by the people of tho state. Tho republican party baa committed itself by an overwhelming vote to tho plan of regulating tbo liquor trafllc known as county option. No repub lican candidate can run In tho wet counties ot the state without repudi ating his platform. This glveB the democratic party the 'advantage. The republican party faaa In effect do clared In favor of prohibition, so all, thoaein'-thlB ,atat who aro opposed to thct proposition will of necessity bo Lots of Summer is Left. You will have a long time to enjoy the Summer Goods we are now selling at short prices. Our bargains mean: "GAINS FOR YOU." We shall not replenish our summer stock. We want to dear it right out of our store. This is why we are offering such BARGAINS, as our Merchandise all through the store is new and up-to-date. This is a good opportunity for Chautauqua visitors to secure Summer Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The Prices on All items in This Ad. Are Good Every Day, August 8th to 20th inclusive. A I Summer Dress Goods From the cheapest to the best at Bargain Prices: 12 l-2c reduced to 9c 18c reduced to 14c 30c reduced to 22c 45c reduced to 35c 60c reduced to 45c &c, &c, &c, &c. Women's Misses & Children's Oxfords ii At Prices which will tempt you. Our entire stock of SHOES and OXFORDS ARE NEW. NOTHING OLD, ODD OR OUT OF DATE. Embroidery Special All Embroideries including Flounc ings, Edging, Bands and Inser tions at . . Clean Up Prices i Women's Sit waists Our Line of Shirt Waists will all be on Sale at Prices which will move them in a hurry. 1-4 off is th ndueemen t Special Lot of Women's Corsets Clean-up Price 69c Fine Assortment of ' Ribbons at Clean-up Prices A small Assort ment of Child rens Parasols at Hurry-up Prices. A Special Line-up of Hosiery at 10c SUMMER UNDERWEAR Women's Muslin Underwear Hot Weather Underwear At cold weather prices Munsing's Gauze Underwear 20 per cent - REDUCTION Our entire line of Women!s and Misses' Woolen Skirts AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES " DO NOT PAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE CALICO Continues at the Regular Price--5c per yard We have the very BEST American Prints. """"Folks are Living WELL these days." Liv ing on the TOP SHELF doesn't require a mint of money, neither do you have to hunt the markets over. We have the BEST OF ALL and at the LOWEST of PRICES. ' Welwe-Cietaep Visitor Welcome to the Davlteht Store Red Cloud's Big Store a store of convenience for your con venience. Ladies Rest Room on Second loor. City and Country Telephones here at your service. ' MINER THE BIG STORE X a RA. LETSON, Mgr. . Dry Goods, Women's Coats, Suits and Furnishings, Notions, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Shoes and Groceries ( Correct Merchandise . n- Raclr Prinrinles areM lowest possible pricey, quality considered Uur Basic rrmcipies ai e. Jugt treatineut of CUBtomers . r f torc4 Into the democratic party. Keep Heel. V have taken over Uui Jeo business mul iiro now clvliiK tho samo our per- Uoiml utteutlon. Put 'out your loo Curd and w will do our best to please you.-r-A. K. ToiiXEii, The let Mas. r a. r " . ' . .... i,- l have moved my uiacKsnmu ou-i flipYniUrfhiB'a'flnorR north of Over- I-'KKU WAI.MN. ' h'.K Uftfil. ) ( )u ' For Sale, Two traiuud Collo dog& and three puppies under training. Natural heelers. Delivered free of charge. "" " "" Tlios. Polhemus Outdo Uook -t,i . .' i i No'l)i -.;U)D ' ni' i-'i ' Saturday!u;e at Tfpe'e. .? t, the R 1 .jiMatlueeju the'lVpee nf , no.on.SV , 'i-v ' Just as much care, in fact it little more, should be exorcised In buying , electric sad Irons, us in buying any I thing else. Some Irons use more elec trlclty than others iu doing tlio samo work. Get your electric Irpns of tyoRiuitr linos., they carry the author Ized Iron, lie carefull of "just, 'as good" electric Irons. Job wanted Two boys aged IS audi M wmit jololn counft liiqniro nt this tilce. Drs. Riddlle &. Foote, successors to Drs. WolrlckA Klddllc, of Hastings, Nobr., will meet Kyo, Kar, Nose und Throat patients und those needing glasses llttod, at Red Cloud, tNebr., Friday, August loth., , at I)r,,' Cook's olilce. k" See Dr. Stookmau 1 191, eye glass es Satisfaction guarantee!;!' ' , 3.(K). S.i.'2'i, 33.50 aiidliiTO (or (uil Nets at FooelV. ' ii wiiiiiiww ''""" Hl'i n ip mi-uti -turn- -imw' . imlifcw,l