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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
'"ylifr" 9 -io lllitorleal Society ux-i:t. fMzysnjAtXm'r9SSPl il1' Ji'f.. vT- k Li-.r "fe -V r ',jd vi i . ' ov. w u m tt.'i v. jMBirgiT ;r:H-Z.r? r'i r i I V L I A NcHSjiaiicr That filvcs The News Flfty-lno Weeks Each Year For $1.50. i VOLUME XXXV II I. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUGUST 11.1910. NUMBERS When You Need Money it is not necessary to put a friend s generosity to the test with u request for a lonti, nor is it ntoessary to mort gage or sell anything If yon have Money In the Btxnk Your bank book will be all the friend that you will need, and one that will not fail you, but may be depended upon. One of our bank books is good to make a start with. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. CrabuM, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. The Chautauqua is a Success. The lied Cloud Chautauqua began last Saturday with a prelude by Thach er's Hungarian orchestra. The attend ance this year on the first day tvas larger than In any previous years. This shows that the peoplo value the ehautauqua for the messages of lUo and progress which it brings. In the afternoon the lecture by Prof. II. A. .Adrian upon - Luther Burbauk and ins work was in many respects the bet address over given in the county. We speak advisedly when we say the best. We regret that every farmor in the county was not present to hear him. Were it not for the fact that wo know than nothing but actual ities were presented we would place this address along with the Arabian Nights and other fantastical product- I For the next 2 weeks wc will sell all of our summer goods at prices that will clean them up. We still have 8 weeks of warm weather in which you can use these goads so be the first to come as the goods are bound to go at these prices. Below wc quote a few prices. Ladies union suits 81.00 grade Ladles union suits 40c grade Ladies vosts extra largo sizes Ions. This man Iturbanlc has produc ed wonders In the vegetable kingdom so much that one can hardly refrain from asking "can such things bo true'.'" Think of planting chestnut trees in the spring and In six months gather the ripe nuts! But that is not all think of those same chestnuts bearing twelve months In the year! He has taken the despised cactus and developed a plant that promises to "make the desert blossom as tho rose." Hurbank's spineless cactus will yield a crop of four hundred tons to the Irrigated fields and from live to thlrt.vllve tons to the acre on desert land. This cactus is excellent feed for cattle, bears apples on Its sides fit for man. yields as good a grade of sugar as beets and contains a fibre that is unexcelled for paper making. (In looking over the files of the Chief I we find that Mr. J. S.fiilhum delivered an address in 1870 in which he advanc liaiWHM HHWIH "I HI F'iBMIfWMiaWM'WBHMMMWWMMMWBBMMMM Shirt Waists All of our shirt waists nt prices that will clean them out, do not want to carry any over until next year. S2 00 waists at 81.25 81.75 waists at S1.15 81.50 waists at ...Sl.O.'i 81 CO waists at 03c fiOo ". " 40e. And others too numerous to men tion. Bo not miss this sale as these are all new goods nothing left over in this lino as all are brand new up to date stylos. Embroideries at Glean up Prices 01 Inches wide at !0c was $1.25 with Inst to match. 'M inches wide at 70c was 61.00 with inst to match. i 27 inches wide nt r.uc was Sl.oO and 7fio with Inst to match. All of tho other width at prices that will clean them up. Summer Underwear at 80o Ladles union suits 7.lo grade (50u at 25o Misses union suits COc grade 40c 25c grado 10c. Ladles vests all sizes. New line of Fall Silks Jutt Arrived Consisting of all tho now creations in Changoables, Plaids and Corded. Agents for Butterlck Patterns F. NEWHOUSE ed the idea that the farmers here should study well the native plants with the idea of making them useful. That there were no altogether bad plants but all were meant for man's use. Mr. Burbank has demonstrated that these Ideas are correct.) We can not pass this lecture without giving one more idea advanced. Tho pro fessor stated that if people would plant their potatoes a little farther apart and plant white beans between tho potato hill that there would be no trouble with the potato bug. Sunday afternoon a large audience greteT Miss Von Petzold and Senator (illlilland to listen to their debate on the Suffrage question. Had tho aud ience known that it was a real debate and not a cut aud dried affair they would have enjoyed the discussion much better. As It was everyone was woll pleased aud each individuul went away confidently believing that the speaker which presented his ideas on tho question wos tho only one that ad vancedur.y argument whatever. We hoard some say that the lady was far the better of the two speakers and pre sented the only arguments while tho gentleman was gallant enough to give her all the openings aud did not nmko auy eifort to rebate her. On theother hand we heard it emphatically stated that the gentleman made the strong est plea and that the lady made a direct appeal to tho sympathies of her hearers but left the Impression that she knew that she was Su the wrong but was putting in her time to the be-t advantage. One is reminded of 'Tho Jjady or the Tiger." The Oriole Trio pleased everyone with their singing, impersonations and whistlinging. Music of a high order never falls to meet with appre ciation here. Monday afternoon the Chautauqua audience was disappointed because Senator Cummins was tumble to bo present owing to Illness and the orders I Ladles uuion suits fiOo grado 10o Misses union suits 25c grade l(c yMm of his doctor. However Senator Clapp filled his date ahd completely capti vated his hearers. The Senator has the happy faculty of making politics Interesting to all people regardless of their party alllliatiou. One could not help sympathizing with the lusuigcnts while listening to SenatorClapp. His address was logical, Interesting and gaveievidence that the speaker was a thinker. In'the evening we took a trip to Africa with Peter MacQueen aud be hoUHhe strange animals and peculiar people The Information which he gave relative to the pictures and con ditions in the dark continent was com plete and pithy. The pictures them selves were of a high order and we are confident that should he return anoth er year a largo audience would wel come him. Tuesday afternoon the DeKoven male quartette charmed the audience with their singing and tho lecture was delivered by Prof. Follansbeo upon the subject "The Kour Square Man." In the evening Mr. Paul Voelker delivered nn excellent address upon a subject that never fails to interest any people. The silent voices, the develop ment of the spiritual part of our be ing, the subconscious mind. He was a live wire and fully merited the gener ous applause accorded mm. uome again. Wednesday afternoon Chits. 15. .lor don addressed the ehautauqua aud ience upon tho subject "(5et There.'' llih.leeture was well received and his audience gave him careful attention Ilia chief characteristic was his in domitable will. Eloquent, at times, humorous at other times but interest ing thruout. In the evi'iiini: the IlelCoven male quartette entertained the people with their singing, impersonations and era von drawing'. Tiic attendance is urcwimr and this year's ehautauqua promises to be the best ever held in Bed Cloud. Well improved farm close to lied Cloud for &til on easy payments Sellars, Gather and Hutchison. School Board Meetlnft. Deputy State Supetlntetident 1'orduo was on hand at the School Olll cers meeting, Aug. n, ltUO. 2::t0 p. iu as announced. After having given a half hour talk on (nutters of Interest to both school ollleers and teachers, the teacher's were dismissed aud the school ollleers me for organization. .Motion made that an organization bt effected. Motion carried. The following ollleers were elected; President, .7. C. Foutz. liuido Hock. Vice President, I. O. Walker, lnavalo. Secretary, II. B. Miner, Guide Bock. Moved aud seconded that a copy of the proceedings be furnished the dif ferent county papers. Meeting adjourned. A Letter to My Friends. Rei Cloud, Neiii:., Aug. 0, HMO. 1)i:a Sin And Piuends: Sinco family ufllictiuu has prevented line from calling on you in person, in the Interest of my candidacy for County Attorney, let me assure you that there Is every reason for believ ing that there is a certain member of our bar, who. is playing one of my competitors lor the primary nominat ion, as ti tool, wlthtbe hope ol curtail ing the vote, otherwise, coming my way, on the lCth; and that, too, with a vloyv of dividing the salary belong ing to the ofllcc, in tho event of the final triumph of his said tool. May tho voters of our county place tho seal of their condemnation unon such political rottenness, and relegate to tho background all such infamous conspirators as these! Is it any wonder that new political organizations aro springing Into exist ence, with tho avowed purpose of puri fying the two famous old parties, that have so long weathered the storm'.' Plciiso help to rully the votors of ovory political persuasion to the polls on tlie day for holding the primary, with the'.hope that the Peoplo may pohoose wisely. Sincerely yours, There-are times when a whole lot de pends on the watch you carry. If you buy your watch here there'll be no missing of trains or engagements, no being late on account of your watch. In This Jewelry Store You can select a watch one as expensive as you care to go: But no matter what you pay you'll have a watch well worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jewelers & Optometrists They All Agree when it comes to a five cent smoke that tli. B-B cigars are in a class by themselves. They aro mild, mellow and rich. They burn evenly draw frly and have a fine flavor. Try ouo and you will keep on trying like the rest of "the boys." A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. DR. E. A. THOMAS -DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Colting's Drug Store. IIOUIIS OK HKUVICH AT CONOUICUA TIONALCHUHCIt. HMIIIATll HKIIVICKS. Mblo school 10 n. in. Preaching ..- tl a. in. Preaching services 8 p. in. l'rayor anil Conference inectlnK Wedneu any at 8 j. in. A cordial Invitation Ih extended to all. J.IKV. A. A. Pastor. The Chief $1.5;0 I 4'.-. at a moderate price or WE OFFER YOU A DINNER you cannot get at the ordinary res taurant. The quality of the food, tho excellence of the cooking and tho per fection of Its serving make a dinner hero one to bo remembored with pleas ure. TRY THIS RESTAURANT the next Jime you feel like eating; something extra nlco. We can gratify you to the queen's iasto. Come nlono If you must, with a friend If you can A good dinner like ours ought to bo eaten in good company. The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant H. Neuerburg, Prop. S. J. GUNNBNGHAHS DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQII At the old stand over the State Bank. PhonelSfl. THE Ghlcado Specialists! Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only. x: PERMANENT OFFICE Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel Consultation Free, in German and English. Thursday, AuS. UtiV I9ii v ' J.M. CUAFFIN. XtJk wMKifrrW wtei&gwjwiii iiiHtii ra1 wmi tfmstam&gsasimvtMuiiij) KmM ' ' K'A'A'JiMiRyvilJIf'BF'