The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1910, Image 6

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    J."' lyiWlWH? ti " 1 " asv--.-iA-.i "sis j KiH nw "s"ni ' B f j j. f ""mmm
The Chief
C. II. HALE, PubllHlicr
National, Political, Personal and Other
Matters In Brief Form for All
Cbiiti of Readers.
Kenr Admiral TIioihum II. Ixiokcr,
a lulcrsui of tlio civil war and for
many yearn paymaster Kciiural of tho
nuvy, died at liln homo liero at tho
ago of eighty
An outbreak of typhoid fovor on
threo .Iapani'80 battleships In
Oriental waters has boon reported to
the public health nnd marine hos
pital service.
A safety dovlco which had been
tested and found true, but failed In
ono particular Instance was tho
cause of tho gun explosion In IJattcry
Do HuBsy nt Fort Monroo, July 21,
when eleven artlllerymon were
Tho application of tho supposedly
financial ruling of President Taft on
what constitutes whisky, may bo
suspended for somo time ns tho re
sult of Louisiana courts acting on a
potltlon oi representatives of tho so
called whisky trust.
President Taft has approved tho
appolntmont by tho lntorlor depart
ment of J. A. Ockerson of St. Louis,
to investigate conditions In Imperial
Talley, Cnl., wliero serious damngo 1b
threatened by tho Colorado rlvor
breaking Its banks.
To the falluro of n safety me
chanism to operate when a sudden
powerful pull wob given by an nr
tlllorymon In attaching tho Lanyard,
Is now laid tho responsibility for tho
accident which cost tho Uvos of
eleven men at Fort Monroo, Va., dur
ing tho battlo practice Such Is tho
conclusion of General Crozlor, chief
of ordlnnnco.
Hon Dalwltz, Prussian minister or
tho Interior, on recommendation of
tho political pollco, has signed orders
for tho expulsion of twenty-ono
Mormon missionaries, most of whom
aro Americans or Englishmen. Thoy
wero conducted to tho frontier.
Mutsuhlto, emperor of Japan, has
telegraphed to President Taft that It
was n great pleasure to him to havo
tho opportunity of seeing Jacob M.
Dickinson, tho American secretary of
wnr, on his recent visit to Toklo
when tho secretary was shown every
courtsoy by tho Japaneo ofllclals.
Tho crop report for Gornmny which
gives conditions up to July 15 has
Just been mado public. It shows n
llght depreciation since Juno 15, but
winter wheat Is considerably bettor
than tho averago conditions during
cast ten years.
Moustaches aro considered so lm
fornnt In the British army that a
apodal order has boon Issued nt
Aldoishot drawing attention to the
regulations on hirsute adornment. It
seems that certain young olllcoro,
especially In tho cavalry, havo been
using tho razor on tho upper lip, fol
lowing tho provnillng fashion of
clean-shaven faces.
Prosecutions against manufactur
ers of Ico cream cones containing
borax aro to bo Instituted by tho gov
ernment under tho puro food law.
Largo seizures of cones wero mado
recently In different pai ts of tho coun
try by Inspectors of tho department
of agriculture.
Senator Urlstow says Kansas Is not
taking Spunkor Cannon sorlously.
Nebraska republicans In stato con
tention Btrongly endorsed tho Taft
Eleven members of tho coast artil
lery forco were killed by an oxploslon
nt Fortress Monroe.
Sovoro fighting among tho trlbos of
Liberia in tho vicinity of Capo
Thomas has broken out ngaln.
Cleveland voted to Issue
worth of bonds to abolish grade
crossings throughout tho city.
Tho govornmont Intends to break
iip the practice of railroads selling
foodstuffs spoiled In transportation.
Prof. Samuel Hosswln, dean of
Prlncoton university from 1899 to
1903, died at his homo In Princeton.
Tho third raid on Chlnoso res
taurants within threo weeks, ninde In
pt. Louis, resulted in tho selzuro of
opium worth 118,750 at retail.
Census returns Issued show that
Prownsvllle, tho southernmost city In
Toxas, Increased Its population 68.3
per cent In tho last ten years. Its
population Is now 10,517, as compared
with 6,305 In 1900.
Fivo hundred employes of tho Long
Island City plant of tho New York
Sugar Heflnlng company went on
strike In sympathy with tho strlkors
at tho Williamsburg works.
Tho Tesurel Marti, plying between
Kobo and Di'ren, sunk off Chlndo,
Korea The steamer had 216 passen
gers aboard, of whom forty wero
At Fort Crcster, N. Y.. elovon
thousand volts of electricity passed
through tin body of Michael Foloy
and although ho Is frightfully burned
ho still lives and there Is a chanco
that ho will recover.
Twenty five porsnns perished In n
Hood that lollovw-tl a cloudburst at
tho town of )i is, Hungary.
Cardinal (llbbons was 76 yenrs old
Hatimlay He spent the day at tho
country homo of a friend near West
minster, Md.
President Taft has taken the con
sorvntlon policy In his own hnnds.
Ohio loptiblleans selected Mr. Har
ding for governor, the Taft following
thus winning out.
Senator Cummins declares Cannon
nnd Aldrleh aro driving the country
toward socialism
Tho explosion at Fortress Monroo
Is believed to havo been duo to a de
fective device on tho gun
Rhode Island shows Incrcnsed
population, but not enough to glvo
tho commonwealth another congress
man. At Clinton, III.. Chief of Police John
Strublo was shot about midnight by
an unknown man and died In a short
Daniel Klnot, tho Ilelglnn aero
naut who fell when tho rudder of his
aeroplano broke, died from his In
juries. Tho crop report for Gormnriy,
which gives conditions up to July 15,
shows n slight depreciation sinco
Juno 15.
Mrs. Margaret Ilnrcha, a brldo of
less than u year, was found shot to
denth In her homo at Chicago
Tho Haltlmoro Eastern League base
ball club has sold Pitcher "Lefty"
Itussell to tho Philadelphia American
League team for $12,000.
Tho French government has accept
ed n brouzo copy of Houdcn's statuo
of Georgo Washington, which was
prosented by tho state of Virginia.
Plans for tho establishment of a
bureau of railway economics at Wash
ington, D. C, by tho railroads of tho
country wero announced nt Chicago.
Tho Wisconsin prohibition platform
contains clauses denouncing both
locnl nnd county option as not being
a settlement of tho liquor problom.
At Hamburg Thlrty-flvo thousand
ship yard woikors united In a de
mand for nn lncreaso of 10 per cont.
In wages and a flfty-thrce-liour weok.
Tho forost sorvico Is engaged In
cruising tho national forests In tho
south and southwest for tho purposo
of determining tho stand of saw tim
ber. Copious rains which fell over tho
Central nnd Southorn sections of
lown, thoso portions of tho stato
which needed It most, saved tho corn
Eloven men woro killed nt La
Taqua, Quebec. Ono of tho men was
opening a can of powder with an ax
when an explosion occurred which sot
tiro to n tialn of powdor leading to
a tunnel In which llfteon men woro
Prosldent Taft has approved tho
appointment by tho Interior depart
ment of J. A. Ockerson of St. Louis to
Investigate conditions In Imperial val
ley, Cal.
Major Gencrnl Frederick Dont
Grant hns loft Chicago to nssumo
command of tho Department of tho
East, with headquarters at Governors
Island, N. Y.
In an automobllo neident at West
hampton, L. I., Desmond Dunne, Jr.,
son of Desmond Dunne, former com
missioner of public work In Brooklyn,
was Instantly killed.
Colonel Ilooseolt, as well ns Glf
ford Plnchot, hns been asked to bo
In Atlanta, October 7, when n moot
ing will bo held for tho purposo of
organizing a stato conservation as
sociation. Willlnm Tubbert, 62 years old, and
William J. Tubert, 48, cousins, died
nt Syracuse, N. Y., within a half
hour. Tho former was ono of tho
best known sporting men In Central
New York.
Formal announcement wns mado by
J. S. Temple, secretary of tho Bucks
Stove and Range company, of tho end
of tho fight with organized labor. Tho
secretary, however, did not stato If
tho present workmen would bo re
quired to Join tho union.
A motion asking for a new trial In
tho bleached (lour caso In which a
Jury recently roturned a verdict favor
ablo to the government, was filed In
tho United States district court at
Kansas City by attorneys represent
ing tho Lexington Mill & Elevator
company of Loxlngton, Nob.
Chnlmora No. 5, which was driven
by Hill Bolger, was tho winner of tho
Glldden trophy. Tho contest board of
tho American Automo'dllo association,
In session at Detroit, fully sustained
tho protest of tho Chalmers' Motor
company against tho entry or tho
Promler Motor Car company of Indl
anapoll3, and awarded tho Dotrolt car
tho classic trophy of enduranco con
test. The Gllldon tor- victor was a
$1,500 Chalmers "20."
Republicans and populists of Ne
braska dcclaro for county option.
Louis D. Colo, a prominent con
tractor living nenr Mount Pleasant,
Mich., was killed when his Rutomo
bllo overturned.
Theodoro Uoosovolts first speech
of a polltlcnl naturo slnco his return
to America, may bo delivered In St.
Louis, October 11.
Erwin Wilder Is being sought by
tho pollco In couectlon with tho dis
appearance of bonds from the
Russo-Chlneso bank.
Prof. A. Harry Thurston Peck of
Columbia university Is being sued for
breach of promlso by Miss Esther
Qlnn of Cambrldgo, Mass.
Because they wanted to bo "bad
men," John Warner nnd Ray Metcalf,
each 11 years old, of Columbus,
Ohio., committed 600 burglaries.
Prosldent Taft has put himself on
record as subscribing absolutely to tho
principle that a prosldent of tho Unit
ed States should not talk politics.
Republicans Embody County Option In Their Declara
tions, While the Democrats Turn Down
the Proposition.
Nebraska republicans, democrats,
populists nnd prohibitionists held
stato conventions on tho 26th of July,
the first and last of the above politic
al oiganlzntlons meeting In Lincoln
and tho other two at Grand Islnnd.
Republicans at Lincoln organized
by choslng United States Senator
Norrls Brown as permanent chair
man. Congressman Georgo W. Nor
rls opposed the election of Senator
Brown, but was defeated.
The platform ns adopted contains a
plnnk pledging tho party to county
option, to tho Initiative and referen
dum, and to tho establishment of n
state board of control.
A rebolutlon by Congressman Nor
rls, denouncing "Canuonlsm," was de
clared carried by Chairman Brown
over tho protests of many delegates,
who demanded a roll call.
Tho Incident marked tho closing of
n convention that had been one of the
most demonstrative In tho record of
tho party. Congressman Norrls, who
had opposed Senator Brown for the
permanent chairmanship, offered the
resolution while the repoort of the
resolutions committee wns still pend
Ing. At tho suggestion of tho chair,
the Norrls resolution wns put over un
til tho platform had been adopted.
When this was llnished and tho dele
gates wero leaving tho hall, under the
Impression that tho convention was
about to adjourn, Norrls called up his
resolution. Roll call was demanded
by tho delegates who yet remained In
tho hall, membership perhaps one
half. Chairman Brown refused to or
der tho roll call, nnd on a viva voce
voto, In which tho noes apparently
outnumbered tho nyes, declared tho
resolution carried and the convention
A now republican stato central
committee was selected. The com
mltteo met In tho ovenlng, but ad
journed without attempting to or
ganize. It was decided to meet for
tho purposo of selecting a chairman
nnd organising for tho campaign on
Monday, August 23. Tho candidates
will then have boon selected by the
voters uud will moot with tho commit
tee. Democratic.
Tho convention was called to order
shortly nftor 2 o'clock by Chairman
Byrnes of the stato committee. Itev.
L .A. Arthur Invoked tho divine bles
sing. C. J. Smyth was Introduced as
temporary chairman nnd made an ad
dress. Ho was afterward mado per
manent chairman.
Ho named tho following as commit
tee on resolutions: M. F. Harrington,
W. J. Bryan, II. B. Fleharty, T. L.
Albert, W. B. Cramlns, Dr. Babcock,
W. D. Oldhnm.
Tho first division of the convention
occur) ed when G. M. Hitchcock
moved that all resolutions bo re
fers cd to tho resolutions committee
without debate and that no resolu
tions bo brought before tho conven
tion except as a majority or minority
Mr. Bryan moved to amend bj
omitting resolutions which wero of
fered niter tho platform was reported.
Tho voto on tho Bryan amendment
waB 394 yns and 165 nays.
During absenco of tho committee
on resolutions Gov. Shallonborgor In
defending tho 8 o'clock closing law
nnd his record, pledged himself to
sign a county option bill If re-elected
and such a measuro Is passed by tho
noxt legislature.
Tho populist party adopted tho fol
lowing resolution ns an addendum to
tho regular platform which Is here
with given:
"Wo pledgo tho peoples' patty to
voto for thoso candidates only who
openly pledgo themselves for county
Tho convention nnmed a stato cen
tral committee, re-electing C. B.
Manuel of St. Paul chairman, and E.
A. Walrath of Osceola secretary.
Tho groat termi'lk-au parly, which for
tlio iiibt nuy rum huh inniio History
for tlio United States of Alucrlci and
which took up our cominwe.iltli when
It was a teirltory nml llfto.l It Into Btnto
linnii iiinl lius ireino nlonir with ItH tiertods
of Krowth until It tiim about 1.2-0,01)0 of
pcopln and an iiiuiiiitl pmiluctlon of
wealth of about $000,01)0 000, iiKuIn sun
mltK itn cimeo to tho voter of tho Htato
of Nebraska.
DurliiR the Into yours of our nation's
prosperity under tho republican party
tho prices of farm Intuls liuvo been (jolrtf
upwind until they havo doubled and
trebled In value, nml tlio pro.Iucts of the
farniH nml of tho cattlo inngos liavo bo
multiplied In their selllnB l Ico that
they lmo koho boyoml ntiytlilmr here
tofore known In tho history of tlio state.
Wo nro chiefly an agricultural people,
ami under republican uilniltilstnitlona wo
li.wo r ached nn em of ilminrlnl tiros
peilty that outnie.istiros nil coinpitlsons
Tills prosperity In Nebraska Ii.ih kept
moving step by step with tho develop
ment of the ImliiMtrlcH nnd renourcon of
the I'outitty in laigo and the giealeHt
period of IIiIh inlwiiu't inent ban been
leaihtil under tho iiiliiilul-'tiutleiii of our
iiuHt excellent pioMdent, William 11,
No political organization In any conn
tiy can point to such a record of
aclilcwmeiitH during tho last lltty years
ns tho republican patty of Ainerlcu.
From Lincoln to O.irtUM, and fiom
(inriletd to McKltiley, and fiom .Me
Klnluy to Taft, wu can stand upon our
tucord and challenge all comers to the
lists. Yet It temalns trim that William
II Taft as president, during tho last
cotignss, lias brought forth mora legis
lation for the benettt of the people thnn
did any other president dtitlng tlio same
peilod of time dining tho last quatter of
a century. Hy his Impartial enfoi ce
ment of the law , by the continued prose
cution of Illegal tiusts and monopolies,
and by his mom effective service In tho
I lun of the tute-n and sen lee of
tiansjioi tutliin companies, ho has mado
good nil that his pn decessor had begun
and proed himself true to the Interests
uml welfare of the people.
Tho interstate commetce act, In ItH ad
ministration, developed points of weak
ness, nml upon tho recommendation and
insistence of tho president the-fo huo
been remedied and tlio eoniiiiei te court
has been created. For n quarter of n
centuty ninny of our people, havo advo
cated tho establishment of postal sav
ings banks. What others havo attempt
ed In this direction they havo failed In
auompllshmcnt, but the wisdom and
Insistency of President Tuft Ii.ih made
tho postal savings banks a reality, liy
his persuasion congress has passed u
definite law, giving to tho president tho
unquestioned power of setting npatt tim
ber nnd mineral lands for purposes of
conservation, and within tho last few
mouths, In pursuance of that authority,
ho has set apatt muny millions of acres.
During till tho years of tho agitation
of tho tariff question many have be
lieved that thero should be an expert
board appointed for tho purposo of sock
ing Information nnd making recom
mendations us to tariff amendments and
revlblons. At tho solicitation of our
president tho last congress mado a lib
eral apprnptlntlon for such puiposos, nnd
tho president lias already appointed a
board competent and qtmlllled to go on
with this work of tariff investigation.
During his administration tho general
tariff law Ii.ih been revised by a repub
lican congress nnd Is now being tested
before tlio pcoplo by actual
experience It may bo true that no tar
iff law can bo pet feet In tho sense of
bringing the best results to eviry par
ticular Individual or to each particular
locality or to each Individual Interest
In n nation of 00,000.000 of people, cov
ering ho vast nn hum, whose tiled In
dustries nre affected by climate, and
by transportation facilities, nnd whole
theso ost peoples 410 represented In the
senato and house of representatives liv
about five bundled indlviditil minds att.t
olres, there must bo concessions and
compromises. Tho law u I Mi was en
acted had the support of tho m.ijoiltv
of theso lepnscntntlves It Is the law of
tho land until it shall bo changed In the
regular way.
I airing the first eleven months of ox
peiiemo under the piesent tailff law
tlio lmpoits havo exceeded thoso of any
previous potlod of like extent In the sum
of $111,000,000,000 Aloie thin I'J per cent
of tin so imports have como In under tho
present tatlff 1 iw, fteo of duty, Tho
customs ictclptri dmlng tho bamc eleven
months, under the operation of tho tar
iff liw, woie $30.$22.1fil. which havo not
been equalled or executed during a like
period of tlino for over thlrtci n cnrs.
It nlfeo appears from actual expeilonce
that the gross Impoitiitlons on which the
tariff has been reduced under the pres
ent tariff law exceeds thoso on whit h
tho tuilft tlutv has been Incicasid In the
ratio of six to one. As it republican
paity. bo It icmeinbcred, wo ate pro
tectionists Wo do not havo to apolo
glzo to .my man or to uny nation for
that billf On this docttlno wo build
our faith on the teachings of tho pages
of our couutiy'H hlstoiy.
Tho republican patty ha snever failed
except when It fnlteied. Its long ca
reer of lctorv has been hy boldly meet
ing each question us It aiose, by fac
ing with coutngo every danger that
crossed Its path, while Its fearlessness
of consequence nnd Its determination
to be tiuo to tho principles which
brought tlio party Into existence, havo
been Its Inspliatlon from tho days of
Lincoln to Willlluni II. Taft.
In thoso early das It faced Acces
sion rather than glvo Its consent to the
extension of slavery; rather than sub
mit to n disunion of tho states, it took
up tho burdens of tho civil war When
tlio war was over nnd Oeneral Grant
accepted tho surrender of General Lee,
tho republican party did not stop to nuk
tho question whether tho tonus of tho
surrender wero tho best that might havo
been obtained which should havo been
granted. Uvery soldier and eveiy Ameri
can citizen ncccptetl tho situation with
out criticism.
When a few yenrs ngo tho democratic
pnrty presented tho Issue to free silver
nnd many republicans, shifting to tho
brcezo of tumpoinry populuilty, followed
tho tenchltifiH of tho democratic leader,
tho republican party, truo to Its trn
dltlonnl Integrity, refused to nlmndon
tlio gold standard, knowing that If It
did so, it would plungo tho country Into
dlFnster and dishonor.
So now tho republican pnrty as an
organization must not forget tho tra
ditions of tho past: what it has accom
plished for the present nnd whnt It Is
euro to accomplish for tho future. Tho
continued wenlth and prosperity of tho
country Is bound about by tho doctrine
nnd principles of tho republican party.
Theso npplv within tho confines of tho
stato of Nebraska ns well as In the
union nt huge. Fealty and patriotism
to tho republican party nt homo nnd
In this coming election Is ns Iniportnnt
as It was In tho last presidential elec
tion, nnd ns It will bo In tho elections
which nro to come.
Tho republlcnn pnrty welcomes to Its
orgnnlzatlon nil citizens, whether Ameri
can or foielgn born, or American of
foreign birth who havo become citi
zens of tho United Stntes. Wo recognize
In them nnd In nil of them tho right
to free speech und of Independent
thought, but In tho principles of tho
grent republlcnn party which havo tho
good of tho wholo countrv nt henrt.
wo nsl for tho unanimity of sentiment
nnd conllal co-operation. Int, but not
lenst, of all, let us uphold tho hands
of President Taft during tho full period
of his ndmlnlstrntlon nnd send to him
our united and hnrmonlous declnratlnn
of cordial sympathy and unstinted
support. , , ,, . ..
Fnt tho further regulntlon of the
liquor tntlllc In Nebraska, we nro In
fnvor of tho pahsage of n county op
tion law by the next .legislature, nnd
pledge our cnntlldato for governor If
elected to at prove such a law on that
unbtect ns the leglslnturo may enact
We favor tho creation of n non
partisan bonr.1 of control for tho penal,
reformatory und charitable Institutions
of the state.
Wo favor tho passage of a new trp
portlonmcnt law nt the next session of
tho legislature, redisricting this sbtto
Into senatorial nml representative dis
tricts, giving to each fair nnd equal
topresentatlon based on the population
as shown by the census of loo't, and If
tho legislature which Is elected this
fall falls to perform this constitutional
duty while In tegular session, wo pledgo
tho people of this stnte tlint the republi
can candidate for governor, If elected,
will convene tho legislature In special
session until this constitutional duty inus
be'ti performe 1
Wo recognize" tho existence of a suffi
cient demand for direct Itglslutlon in
this state to warrant submitting tho
question to vote of the people Wr there
fore! fovor the siihml'Hlnu of a ellrect
legislation amendment to out constitu
tion by the next legislature.
The democrats of Nebraska In conven
tion (istmhlcel pre nt to tho voters of
the stato tho following declaration of
We decline again our devotion to tho
principles of self-goveinment, of the pro
tection of human rights as proclaimed
Itv Thomas .lefferson nt the birth of ele
nioemev In America.
Wo Indorse the last democratic national
platform ami the Nebiaska democratic
state plat form of lios and 1'ifl'i.
We congratulate the party upon wltle
spie.itl revival of democracy sentiment
whleb gives piomlse of democratic le
torv. Wo see in the pnssnge of the present
tailff bill an example of the subiervluiicv
of the i opitll tin ailmltilsti.itlon to tho
pilvllegul Interei'tH of the muiitry
We congratulate the countrv that dem
ociatle oppo'ltlou has thus fir succeeded
In defeating the Iniquitous ship subsidy.
Wo recognlre In the miinv excesslvo
rates on such favoreel products as steel,
woolen goods lubber, lumbi'f and others,
tlio return which tho republican politi
cians aie making to the plundering
trusts for campaign contributions two
yen is ngo
We condemn the president for surren
dei lug to A 'di lib and Cmnon the contiol
of tariff revision mill for using his pit
ti'iume to rune unwilling congressmen of
the republican p.nty to accept their dic
tation. .
We tlcptoio the president's follv and
weakness In surrounding himself with n
cabinet of trust advisers
Wo favor the eonsonatlon of the nat
ural icsoutces of the country ami con
demn the pi'llcv under which favored
t-apltnllsts and politic il sMltllcates secure
eontio of water power, foil mines nnd
either seoutces of the natlon'M wealth In
the states nml A 'ask i iintestiulniMl nnd
npparentlv fuvoied bv the piesent na
il, innl administration
We condemn the piesldetit for retain
ing In his i iblnel tin1 i lose Men I and
foimer ottomev for the powerful and un
set iipulous svmllcate e. night In the very
net of plunder , ,
We Join democrats everywhere In
pledging the portv to tho cause of tlio
tariff leforni, economy nnd simplultv In
government, trust presocutlon anil tho
tatlllcatlon of tho income tax amend
ment . . .,
We havo confidence that upon tho
national evils, wo shall receive the co
operation nnd support of Independent
voters nnd win n sweeping vlctoiy In
Nebraska. ....
Wo hi'iittllv npprove of the tla light
snloon law and wo commend the cour
ngeoiis notion of Governor .Shnllenberger
In approving It
W- ipi'inv. nnd .Indorse the adminis
tration of Ashton C. Shallciibeiger Ills
acts have been honest, wlo and pa
triotic We Invite a careful scrutiny of
tho executive power which two jv.irs ngo
was committed to our trust In bis selee.
tion as governor Ills ndmltilstnitir n
has been one of fidelity nnd tlev dlnn to
tho patty pledges upon which we Invited
tho suffrages of tho people.
We nto opposed to making county op
tion or any other plan for tho legiil--tlnn
of the liquor trafllc n question of
party creed Wo stand for an l Insist
upon a slilct enforcement of our pies
ent laws, nnd believe that any futther
changes In our liquor legislation our' t
to bo decided by a direct vote of tlm
people, nnd that tho cause of good
government nnd public monils will 'o
belter sirved In that wav thin by dividing-
tho people Into hostile factlona
Oil Mill lv- Issuer.
We are in favor of the following
amendments to our constitution
Fltst Providing for biennial elections.
Second -Providing for the election nt
Judges of tho Mipiemo court by distil, ts
em a iion-p iitlsini bnllot.
Thlid Ptovldlng for a nnn-p i-tlsin
bond of iniitiol of our st ite Institutions.
Fourth Providing for the IniU itiv. md
ruth Giving to metropolitan Itles
and cities of tho llrst-elass tho ilglit to
make their own 'chiitets.
We phdgo ourselves to n redlstrli ting
of tho stato by the legNlnturi l bo
elected this voir to tho end tb it all nun
tics and sections of tho state miv liivo
fair and eeiulloblo rcptcfent itlon
Wo favor siuli laws as will take our
courts nml schools out of partisan poli
tics. Wo favor tho advancement of agrlniil
tttie and pledge tho legist itmo If suc
cessful to favor tilt establish m nt of on
agrb iiltuial school In boutliwi stt in Ne
braska MVo htllevo that tho piospeilty of any
countiy Is In direct ratio to Its fn 1HH-s
for commune at ion nnd transport, ill -n.
Wo then-fore fnvor tho ean tun nt of a
moro effotlvo sstein of load laws that
will ptovldo for stnto nnd counlv aid
In tho coustt action of pcimaueut wagon
Tho rapid lncreaso In the use of tho
nutomobllo as a means of travel necessi
tates Mi. h legislation as will ptoteet
tho public against nccldents resulting
fiom luckless, Immature and Incihclcnt
Wo pledge oir local committees and
stato commltteo and our candidates not
to accept eoiitiibutiotis from arv railroad
or other corporation, trust brewery, dH
tlllery or saloon, anti-saloon organiza
tion or from any person or association or
pcrcuniartly or prcjudlrlnl Interest In so
curing or defeating legislation.
We, tho duly accredited delegates of
tho peoples' Independent party In tho
stato convention assembled at Grand
Island, Neb., on this ilGth day of July,
1910, heicby renew our fulth In and ad
horenra to tho principles set forth in tho
peoples' Independent party platform
adopted nt Omaha, Neb., eighteen ye.UH
ago, tho fourth day of July last. Wo
r'ejolco that our preslstent advocacy o
theso pitnelplcs has led both tho demo
cratic und republican parties to Incor
porate n number of them Into their
respcctlvo platforms, nnd wo hereby
pledgo our unswerving support and ud
vocucy of our faith until all govern
ments, stato and national, shall bo ad
ministered with a solo view of securing
equal and exact Justlco to nil tho peo
ple. Wo therefoio demand tho enact
ment of tho following principles Into
First Inltlotlvo: Wo Indorso tho
method of dlicct legislation by tho peo
ple, known us the Initiative nnd refer
endum and recall, mado applicable to
Btato, county, city and village, tow
Bhlp nnd school district, nnd wo favor
tho submission of nn nmendment to our
Btato constitution to that end.
Second 1 Join d of Control: We nro In
favor of a non-partisan board of con
trol for nil of our state Institutions, and
wo bellevo that all appointments should
be based on a civil service examination
bo that the wards of the stato can havo
tho best possthlo enre.
Third Wo favor nn adequate appro
priation for tho proper equipment of tho
bureau of labor nnd Industrial statis
tics to tho end that It may bo ablo to
perform Its functions as a means of
arbitration, -mediation and conciliation
and also to tho end that It may bo in
proper shapo to advertise to tho wholo
world the manifold resources and un
limited possibilities of tho great stato of
Fourth County Option: Wo favor
county option. Wo demand the enact
ment of such a law as tho best method
of controlling the liquor business and
destroying tho brewers' power In poli
tics of this state.
rive I.lquor legislation: We npprovo
the enactment of tho daylight bnlnon
law, tho voto of the Fort Crook mlonn
license law nnd tho Invocation of the
Bncketl law against the recreant chief
of police of the city of Oninha.
Sixth rirvnn: Wo recommend tho
great commoner, W J. Bryan, for hU
tight against the brewers and for 44jn
homes of Nebraska.
nonham The paper sayn that Ic
Norway married people can travel fo
a faro nnd a hnir.
Mrs. Henham Married pcoplo nren'i
one, even In Norway, nro they?
A prominent western attorney tell
of n boy who once applied nt his of
fice for work.
"This boy was btfght looking nnd 1
rather took to him
" 'Now, my son,' tymld, 'If you como
to work for me you will occasionally
havo to write telegrnmB and tnkts
down telephone messages. Ilcnco a
pretty high degree of schooling is es
sential. Are you fairly well educated?'
"Tho boy smiled confidently.
"'I be,' ho said." Independent.
Freedom doesn't always bring hap
piness, but you'll notice that it Is th
, tied dog that howls.
A nagging wlfo makon her husband"
forget his other troubles.
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perimenting with this or
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A little Paztino powder dis
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Put a
in your vacation outfit
Choice quality; reeln and roanii,
white faces or nngun boiiRlH on
orders. Tens of ThoiiHauda to
select from. Suilnfncllou Ouar
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At either
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Saint Katharine's School
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Academic, preparatory, and primary grades.
CerttlU'iile accepted by Ituhtern culle-tcea. Spe
cial advantages In Music, Art, Domestic Science
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