The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1910, Image 4

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l 15he CHIEF
111 Rod Cloud - - Nobrnslciv
It" Sutured In the I'orVJlttre nlillcd CIuiiil.Ncli.,
It.' n i-croticl UIhks Matter.
ffllf' .
81 , C B. HALK - I'LMiMsiiKit
a; .
t I , i ,mi urn UTiTi
1 i
Al IUU ILClllUllia
For Kciircscnt alive
1 lii'icliy tiiiiuiuiii'i mjMlf s u canillilatu
(nr tlio iiiiinluallon for rtprc-scntHtlM.- (ruin
the lllli district nl NelirankM. milijact I" Uic
will il llii I iciuoerntlc nml l'coiliHlinlcicnil
ml viilcm lit tliu primaries In In- held AiikuhI
10,11110. iihowii: l.iMisin.
Wo are iiutlmrli'il In announce l-'rcd K.
Muurrr as u candidate (or 1 lit' liouil mil lull (or
(ho olllcuut (utility Attorney. u( Wcltcru..
subject to tlic will o( tliu Demurrant' unit
1'i'opli'H hiilcpi iiilcnt electors at tlicpiliimry
election, to liolifltl AtlKilst HI, 1!IIU.
Wo tiro authorized to niiiiuuneo .lovpli ('.
Knylor its u candidate lor the nnniliintloii
(or tho olllcool County Attorney, "( Webster
County. Mtbjcct to tin-will o( lliclleiubllean
electors lit tilt' iirlnmry election lo li held
Aliens! liltli.. 11)10.
1 I.A..,1.( Mlllll. .IL1 If MU tl JHI ttlltftlt 111
I lll'll'I'J UllliHtllllV lll.iri tl r tt miiiiiiiiiiiv I
(or the nomination (or riiri'ii'iitiittc' from
the llth district nt Nebraska, Mibjirl to the
will of the Socialist voters tit tin1 prlintiili'M
to In- lulil Auifiiht 111. 1010. S. W. Pur.
I hereby niiiiotiiu'i! inys I' as a candidate
(or Hie nomination lor Ileal iciimcntallo
from tho Hitlt dlsti let of Nebraska. Nttlijt't't to
tin-Mill o( tin-Socialist vouisat tin- primar
ies to he held iikusI II. 11)10.
.lolls Ult.lilUtl.
Million will have it special election
t lis month Id sec whether of not t1ity
will liiivi- water works and electric
lights. We hope tho bonds will carry
andt'.ial at loiist tlu- water works
piop itlon will entry because Bladen
is a good live town ami we would not
wtint an tmexpeeted lire tooomoalong
ti mt wipe her oil' the face of tho earth.
Its a sign of progress when a town lit"
gins Id wuko tip to the necessities of
pi'iiteelioii anil eonvuliletiee.
Oinalia papers eotnplaiii about the
".senseless prejudice of rnralists
against anything emanating from
OmiiliM." The trouble with Omaha is
Unit tho people there seem to think
that they own the State of Nebraska.
Tltov have no eoneeption of tho ilnor
sensibilities butare ready at all times
to gobble up everything in sight. If
they cannot get all they want they go
home and sulk. At both of the big
slate conventions hist week tho dele
gates from Omaha culled odium upon
themselves simply 4) they took
the position that Omaha was against
and hence the whole state should fall
into Hue and let them have their ar
rogant way. If Omaha really desires
to obtain the good will of the rest of
the state she must adopt dtll'erent
taeties. The biggest eity in the state
ought to be big enough to realize that
wiusomeiiess goes farther to gain
I aver than does bulldozing. The
trouble with Omaha is that she Is so
self eeiitend that she enn't see any
thing but her own relleetloii.
Ciiitiiii 1'leai.c sny to the Itejiub
lli'iiu electors of Welnter immly that At
torney Cliatllit luiH aniuiuiiccd his eaiitllilai'y
tor the nlllecof County Attorney, mibjeet lo
their will as may he expressed nt the time ol
the I'lrtit FunlU'j Auuitnt 1(1, eiuiilin:. mill
oblige. Sluceiely yours.
I lieivliy tiiiitimni'o myself n. a eandldate
(or the Humiliation (or representative from
the lllhdlslilct of Nebraska, suhjert to the
will ol the I iemibllcan electors at the primary
election, to he held uu'. III. Mill.
a. 1'. II Mltw l.l.l..
I hereby .iiimmuee uijsclf its :t eamllilate
lor tluuiomluatloii for l'loat I!eircentntlvc
of the Kith illstilel ot NebiasUa. subjiel lo
the Mill of the Hemiicralle ami Peoples Inde
pendent eltetors at the primary ileuthm to
iM'hehl AilKUHt llllli., 1010, W'M. Wlll'.sNl.ll.
In many town-, of tills size woman's
elubs are iitniieKiiis, and while they
arc criticised uy some, tliey'iite oor
lainly beiiefieiai In many ways. In
small towns and villages tho elttb has
been a special providence to many a
weary mother or to the woman of few
early advantages and large aspir
ations. In our great cities women's
elubs have been the tlrst to institute
social reforms and to call public at
tention to crying evils. They havo
controlled siipeillcial and selllsh social
customs until such customs have be
(nine obsolete. In homo government
and the training of cliildieti they long
ago H ruck the keynote of a grand
choral nf reform which will become
more and more harmonious as tho
years roll by. Out of theselllsh "ego"
they have evolved the progressive
"ive." They have strengthened two
week hands with the combined power
of twenty or a hundred ;they have tak
en a dull uncut gem of thought and
polished it until it has been lit for the
purest setting in vclliied gold; tl
Lortic nnd Church Directory
Charity LodgelNo. ..!, A. V. and .
iM. moots at' .Masonic Hall eveiy 1st
mid rid Friday. H. K. Foe. V. M. A.
II. Sellars. Secretary
lied flood Chapter So 111. Uoynl
Arch Masons mrntx every Second mid
Fourth Kildny. 1) W. Turiiure, II. 1
II. A Lotson, Seoretury
Cyrene Coinmandery No. 1 1. Knights
Templar meets eveiy First 'I liuisday.
II A. Lelson, K. C. D. W. Tuinure.
I. O. 0. F.
Meets every Monday Night. ('. It,
Hide, N. (i. O. C. Tool. Clerk.
Moots First and Third Thursday, In
I. O. O. F Hull. Mrs. I. II. Holms, N.
(!. Alice Kuncliey, Secretary.
iioi;ks()Khi:iivici;at m. i:. ciiuuii
Sunday .School 10 A.M.
I'reaehlUK 11 A. M.
Class meetlni; VI M.
Kpworth leiiKite 7 V, M.
I'reachlnt; h p. M,
l'rayer ineetln WtdneHilay lviiiIiikS 1'. M
Ladles A Id Friday UP. M.
Your prcsciu'u Is requested and a cordial
Invitation Is extended to all.
M. T. Srnii.Kii Pastor.
llltKTIIItKN Clllltlll.
Corner otJith Avenue and chistnut streit.
ton. n Snliliath Selmol
Ma. in. Picachiiii!
7:10 p. m christian V i Uuliaiul
8:00 p. in .I'rciifhliit!
All iireinvlieil toatli ml.
.1. !:. ,1 AKlicii , Minister.
cili'ltcn oi'ciiiM.vr.
In cmusi'i.vK curufii Hvi.u Lmn.'s Vw
lllble school to a. in.
Sermon and Communion II a. m
Christian Kmlcnvor . ii.-w p. i.,
Pienchliiij 7::w . tv.
Prayers ami praise. Vcdneidayh, 7::w p. m
Heats free, (food music. Come. Iirlm; nr
lllhtes, friends and goml ehicr.
L. Aa. Mr.ssuM., Minister
Itev. .1. Ml Hatis. Pastor.
Serlee the llrsl two suudajs In eaih
Holy Comtuunliiii at nuirnluu scnlees mi
the llrt.t Simd.i.v.
siiiiutay M'hool at I j o'clock vi ry "Sunday
Mrs. I:. II. Smith, erlntin Siipdcut.
HSi)irwimiii!'iiiiiii mmMumj m vmmsss
I o l e n m
i reasonable 1VJ
m Gjmmmx&xii'?mmsimm
A New
Stock of
JsX A'
Shirt waist weather means an extra skirt
or so--our line of new skirts are now ready
for your inspection. We shall try and make
this department one of the best in our store.
Skirts like cut in all colors $4, $5, $6.
Black and white shepard plaid, panel front
and back flounce on sides at $7.00.
White serge pluidcd skirt CH.CO.
Mack voile plaided skiit S!).(W.
Remarkable Waist Values
UemarkilbJe from every view point is this Spec
ial oiVoritig of an all linen waist with still" collar
and cuffs at Sl.'i.".
Confirmation and Graduation Dresses
We have anticipated your demands in this
particular and have ready for your viewing
an exceptional yes a remarkable exhibit of
pretty white goods, lace and embroidery all
selected with the utmost care and thought to
gel the best goods for the
willl pay you to look this
least money. It
line over before
The latest in Ladles Neckwear
Dalnly Neck Fixings
Dainty! Hardly any other word could adequate
ly describe he new neckwear.
Our Summer showing neck pieces for the Sum
mer (fill.
Wn ini ynu to view our new neckwear be
fore buying.
Lace Dutch collar-, from LT.c to Si.
Laeo stock .Miliars with jabos 'J.'ie to T.'jc.
Lace yuki-s in baby effect from Toe to .f.'.r.o
Agents for Bultoricb Patterns
fa buying.
the entire nation and won for him CjiiimNsloiicr-s preeeidiiigs.
his llr,t nomination tor tho presi- said district No. 1, to ouiid tho follow-t
deney. These liicnds think his K Mtiagca (luring me y.-ar lo-wu:- i
speech of mom than three hour.-, dm- ft across Elm crock, 1-20 ft across
iition tit (irand Island last nihl siir- cemt-nt briilgo across dry run east of
... .... -. , A rulnw 1-0 ft lirlHtr,. "t.-rnoQ mill r.1P
oase(l tills t.liieairo ellort. bitcu -'j - .- - --
I lal;e this method olaniiomiclm; my can.
illdaey (or icireseulatle In conui'tss Ironi
Uic&lli NclinihUii district Mihjci't in the will
ul the Democrat ami Piople's Party titers us
uxprihseil at the lulmailes to lie held Aitmisi
in, imii. it. ti. st'iiir.iii. mi.
I take this method olaimouucliiK my can
didacy (or MatcTieasurcr subject to the will
vi( the lieiiiocratlcand People's ludcpemleut
imrly voters as expressed at Hie iilimirles lo
be held Am;ust III. I '.HO. (riimii: K. IIAi.i.,
I'r.'Uiklln, Neb,
1 hereby iiniiouuie inyhcll as a candidal
tor Senator ot the -Mill Sniiutorlal District ot
Nebraska subject to the will o( the Demo,
crullc and Piople's Indepciideal voters at
the primaries Au. III. UHO.
Yours rcspcllully
usink I.. llF.riii:r.
II) . . ... , nnrlli if Amhnvr 1 .Vll It Mrlllirn !llrnl3
.avo mastered creat di.llcultios, con- ""'" - .u.css ...-t-uu. -.,.. ,'. fl ,. .,,. hr ... wtta.
... ,, . . . mastery or his suuiect anil tnc su- ""- .- -- -
. ,ce, aistioprcjitutccs ,, soiveo - ; , o Willow ctv. k, en the new road by
tlillicult problems; and the -'randest ., , ., ,....,.., , I.'ov's mid 1-121 ft steel between At ains
. , , ,. , i . . , ,, -t ose 11 ino in . oruy nuieu huh com- , -
work of all has been to teach tho wo- , ,, , and Webster countie i
,,,,,, .,,,!,. i .. ni ttet iitjii ttst din were seomlnj-ly ' '"'" vtl)hltr cou,uiej'
men their own possibilities and the .. i r. nim ,i. ,i,. i,r ( -a ,m..r ) st
:ill w limp liktiuii'l' lis III-. ' w -- - - - ..-. -.
ifiory of their own liorilaixe
The valtto of a sunimer institute d
ponds more upon the individual teach
ers than upon any other element of
tho institute. However careful the
Superintendent is in getting able in
structors it can all be set at nought if
tho teachers themselves do not put
forth efforts to get the moht out of it.
Judging by a short visit to the in
struction rooms we believe that the
teaehcrs this year are alive to their
own interests and are doing real work.
The instructors are etlicietit and eveiy
thing possible lias been anticipated
that will in any way add to the com-
.rynu In Defeat.
Ilryan's meanest enemy could not
have hoped for it more signal defeat
than was administered to tin-national
democratic leader by tho Nebraska
democratic convention in (irautl Island
last Tuesday. It was a throw-down,
pure and simple. Democrats vied with
each other in throwiuir elubs at tho
man whom they had hitherto followed
as a leader. I.very weapon known in
political warfare was liuriod at tho
head of a man who through tho years
has held the undisputed control of
the democratic organization in his
state. In his effort to get county op
tion into tho platform Mr. liryan
could rally only two hundred votes
out of the 88ti.
Hut Bryan Invited the assaults upon
him. At his first appearance in sup
port of his county option plank in tho
platform he boldly stated that he ask
ed no man's sympathy, lie regroted
that he stood opposed to the certain
majoiity of the convention, but ho
s.iid he had always been ready to stand
alone in any light in which he believed
ho was right, lie told tho dolegates
that if they found anything inconsist
ent or undemocratic in his conduct ho
invited their censure, and asked that
they spare htm not. They took him at
his word. Columbus Telegram.
I.. I'Mf'tii1
frlonds "' " ri'Por." " " ,l ,l "'" o,J iicces.s.iry
It was a mighty struggle waged for him !.. c,l,.::..sMoner ot naul delict
with a tensity and' subdued emotions N. 6, t buiW the following bn Igc, ,
of feelings, such as is seldom wU. ! 2-10 tt bridges mi state between
ncssed on a convention tloor. ' Jewell county, K nsii. and Webster
' If anv there present had the ; county, Nel.rn-Uu, 1 M tt. e-.cnt bridge I
i ... . . ii.. i. ..i : I on state lino b.-i.v. .:i sa d ci unties and,
iiouoi .ir. nrynii ever uiuiiuu hi tmir. . ..
age, even when surrounded by 0l. Jc'well county, Kn.-iiMo p.. one half
penunts that thought wa, quickly I ot " l"r '""' ""' bulI,,'K
,. said bridges,
dispelled. A noma., gladiator never, G. w. Ilummelof Cimmw-foncr Dist.
went forth with sword unsheathed to N(( tttimi , wi, ilu f0r
do battle with greater courage than ( hJm I(9 C(jmmiSHiullul.ut said district No.
did Mr. Bryan face bis opponents on )3 o bui( the fo,!owil!K bri.lges, 1 50 ft
this occasion. Hustings Republican... .,,,., ,nco th m.. riviir ,-n
i " " -""- "
Harmony pieeinc, l-lb t cement in
Line pioein -i across lVnny cuek.
L. Schmidt of Commissioner Din.
No. 2 reports to th" IhmkI tlut it will
be necessary for him as conr'niisfioner
Institute ! Session,
Superintendent Pleased.
The twenty-ninth annual session of )f . , ... . , ,., ,n ...ii,! ,iu. fodow-
the Wobster County Institute is being .g Mit,Kif hii lt celnt.nt hrldtfe west
fort of tlio teachein, In the language
of the
Kxamlner 'Welcomo to our
Kvldcntly the base bull tnanngement
has whispered hOiiiothhig lino the ears
r ...I.. nbivcrs. They have retiirucd
to life ami act like real wide awake
men. We aro with you boys just as
loug as you keep ftwalie l'lJ' l,,e
.mine. Win or loso It is all tho same
to us provided you do your best.
There is nothing that will kilMmsc
ball fervor llko llstlesimehs on the
part of the players. Our team Is tho
host in the league ami has the ability
to capture tho pennant. The boys
play better all around ball than any
toain that comes hero and by ntllclal
score they aro the best batters and
have tho best pitchers. It is no dii
grace to lose a spirited game but it is
most discouraging to witness n game
dovold of spirit, snap and enthusiasm.
ThoNnunagomont is to bo commended
for tightening up the strings. This is
their right. Men who soil their time
Hijflii l" give value lociv-d and de
liver tho goods.
Bryan at Grand Island.
The editor of this papor attended
the democrat lu state convention at
(iraud Island ami we fed wo do uot
exaggerate the least in declaring
that for dramlc situations and In
cidents, display of oratory, Invective
and withering sarcasm by those
skilled in rhetoric and logic it 'was a
struggle such as was never witnessed
before in Xobraska and in many par
ticulars was the most Intensely in
teresting and exciting political bat
tle ever waged on a convention tloor
in this or any state lu the union. It
was a Titanic struggle pitted against
ouo man W. J. Uryun-iind when
all was said and ioia and the smoke
of battle had lifted from the scone,
there scorned but ouo inevitable con
clusion, and that was that it was
turning down of a great lender that
to his friends- could uot have been
considered otherwise than painfully
humiliating. Never did the genius
of Uryan as an orator shine with
greater lustre. Indeed, thero were
those present at Chlcnio who heard
I M'tlll! "Mill vmjiii II
i .-oiiw litioll. e'.i'C' i ilii d tin- pi
held ill this eitv under the olllcient
management of Superintendent Mabel
Day. More thauonehundred teaches
aro enrolled which shows that they
value the institute highly. The in
structors aro exceptionally good and
excellent work is being done. Mon
day evening the teachers of ibis eity
tendered a reception to tliu visiting
teachers and a mosteujoyable evening
is reported.
Tho teachers of Webster County
evidently desire to equip themselves
thoroughly so as to render the very
best service possible. Tills county
is ono of tlio leading counties in the
state and we are pleased to uoto that
our teachers have high professional
ideas. Miss Day is evidently pleased
with the largo enrollment and the en
thusiastic manner in which the teach
ers are taking hold of tho work.
This is ono of tlio most successful in
stitutes ever held in the county and
thecreditlargoly belongs to otirCounty
Superintendent. i
Asldo from the regular instruct ions
several lectures have been delivered
muoh to tho enjoyment of the tench-ers.
of Blue Hill on jm ct'o i f 4-10
I. (I Oveim i in mi.misMoner Diat.
No. I, reports to tin-ho ii.d that it will
be nocesMtiy for Inm us commissioner
of said niiitrut No. 1 to uild the fol
lowing!C , l-t e'rt'.c.l h'idze Oil
section ! 1! 11. I l(i f cemMit bridge
across sand cieeii ifiwun ited Cloud
and Iio.vm- .
J into i
hoi. re it i
met I ton
e!en. (Sea:)
i "i
! lo cornc
n .utj iiirn
nil "i the
W. I Sims,
County Clerk.
C , tfv
. . -rf --.-!
,vye &&
m'uiM.yf - t'w
arrrfrsifi 7
become so
with all
Chautauqua Tickets
are now on sale at tho following places:
Ttirnuro Hros., Cowden-Kaley Co.,
The Minor Bros. Co., State Bank, l'aiil
Storey. Saunders Bros.. Bed Cloud
lldw. A. Imp Co. Peoples Bank. Al
bright Bros, B. K. Moriirlanil. Yost iV:
Hutlor, M. A. Albright. K. 11. New
house, L. L. Boron, V. A. Wullbraiidt,
Geo. 1. Johnson. Hot your tickets
To Whom It Kay Concern ' "
1 havo moved my Blacksmith Shop
mile of I to "IH '"Hiding - doors mirth of Dvet
iug Bros, Ki:i:i.
, . r ounty
i in .. ' ii Ihe
ingi-m Lt ' is sHcired
All 111 i s. tt I -is
Will lie "i k '
Judge Lu- M Lslell- i sienK Aug. II.
Being a t"' inn i i :' - of lied Cloud
we hav-a ..c'".ii'" ' "' the
iiiiiii wli'i t 'i in . ens taken
upon his in- I- t '' t'i.- wrongs,
thesiii'i'iin-. li.'i'i'iHsai.dd'l.iupieiic
ics of tbi-ell1' I. ' a' niUf.'i" line mid
has'.- ' " ' " e
lu i1 '
they beautify the fig
ure and bring out the
graceful lines.
They afford the wearer perfect
freedom, as well as a stylish
piliLiv MUD bU
The Big Store
General Merchants
-- v i UMTl IT
I )
fMaMaj, aUkAiStoii . s
'. -.
..T 't.