The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1910, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Pibllhr
A Doiling Duwn of I lie More Im
portant livents Here and There
CliHo linen, who uni ono of
Aclnynb closest supporters, has re
signed as minister general of tho
Madrlz calilnct In Nicaragua, accord
ing to ndvlrcs sent to tho state de
partment William I'ittuinn, tlio American en
gineer captured by Madrlz and con
fined in n prison cell In Managua, l
reported by Amurlcnn Consul Ollvares
at Managua to bo 111 with malarial
lover, although his condition Ih said
net to he serious.
Tho application of the supposedly
financial Piling of President Tuft on
what constitutes whisky, may ho
fiiiKponded for some tlmo ns the re
sult of Iiulslnnn couits acting on a
petition 01 representatives of the so
called whisky trust.
Unless futher neglect and mistreat
merit Is shown ly tho Madrlz gov
eminent, toward William PIttmnn. tho
American engineer now held In
Managua nB n prisoner of war, the
state department will leave his case
in the hands or United States Consul
Ollvares In Mnnngun.
The Interstnto commerce commis
sion nniumnrod Monday that the re
enlly filed tariffs tanking advances
In tho freight rates on rattlo and
dressed beer between Chicago and
New York had not boon suspended.
The matter' arose through an In
quiry from an Important New York
InihlnisH bouHO ns to the proposed
The olnboratc funeral given King
Edward cost tho nation $202,500, as Is
shown In the supplementary llnanclal
Dr Leslie Dodd Ward of Newark, N.
3, ice president of tho Prudential
Insurance company, died in London...
Itr Ward was not In good health when
ho sailed from Now York and his con
dition grndunlly grew worso after his
M-rlvnl in Ixmdon.
At Cracow, Gnllcn, n great three
lay's national relish festival In
celebration of the 500th anniversary
of the battle of Tannenhorg, In which
the Polish and Lithuanian army de
feated and broke tho power of tho
Teutonic order began with the unveil
ing of a monument to King Lndlslnw
The Glasgow board of trade return
shows that during tho live months
ending May :t1, no fewer than 29,535
passengers loft the Clyde for places
out of Europe. Of these 41,101 wero
bound for the United States and 15,
055 lor Canada, thirteen for Aus
tralia, and slxty-slx for other places.
In the month of May alono I.GOIl left
tor Canada and 2,837 for tho United
Piosecutlons against manufactur
ers of lee cream cones containing
borax are to ho Instituted by tho gov
ernment under tho puro food law.
large seizures of cones were mado
recently In different parts of the coun
try by Inspectors of tho department
of agilculture. Analysis ol the cones
helped disclosed tho presence of
bora, n property which has been
held to be deleterious to the human
Military aviators engaged In n
mimic aerial battle at Vlncennos. The
UltH'B, representing the attacking
lorce, bent the Heds, tho defending
force Iloth forces can led guns to n
height of 100 meters (nbout 325 feet).
Mutsuhtto, emperor of Japan, has
telegraphed to Piesldent Tuft that It
was a great pleasure to him to have
tho opportunity of seeing Jacob M.
Dickinson, the American secretary of
war, on his recent visit to Toklo
when the secretary was shown eery
cuurtey by tho Japaneso officials.
Senator Ilristow says Kansas lb not
taking Speaker Cannon seriously.
President Taft has taken tho con
servation policy In his own hands.
MIbb Katlo Tomara of Chicago, 21
years old, was seriously wounded af
ter a struggle with u burglar whom
she discovered In her bedroom.
W r McCarey, postmaster at l.e
gate., Lovo county, Okl., ended his life
by drinking carbolic acid. A post-
jlllce inspector told McCarey that he
would go through the office records.
When ho went to tho office ho found
McCarey dend.
In tlfTs day war becomes a new
problem by reason of tho achieve
ments ot aeroplanes.
With the purpose of contributing to
the development of North westorn
California, tho department of agri
culture has offered to sell about 1,
000,000,000 feet or timber In the
Trinity national forest in that stato.
Prebldent Woodrow Wilson of
rrlnceto'n unverslty announced that
ho would accept tho democratic nomi
nation for governor ot Now Jorsoy if
he weie convinced that a majority of
the party sincerely desired him to
., i i iii "
Roosevelt will nld Senator Hover
Idgo in his fight for rc-oloctlon.
The health of the German emperor
Is said to bo greatly Impaired.
A strike of conductors nnd train
men was called on tho Grand Trunk
It Is said the noxxt lower 1ioubo,Is
not nocessarlly lost to tho republi
cans. Tho Oklahoma crop situation
shows an Improvement of 75 per cent
over any previous year.
Thero will bo no strlko on tho
Pennsylvania rallioad, tho dispute be
ing settled by a conference.
Tho convention of tho American as
sociation of Ad clubs opened in
Omaha with 500 In attendance
Uhodo Islnnd bIiowb Increased
population, but not enough to glvo
tho (ommonwealth another congress
man. At Clinton, 111.. Chief of Pollco John
Struhlo was shot about midnight by
an unknown man and died In u short
Daniel Klnut, the Belgian ncro
natit who roll when the rudder of Ills
aeroplane broke, died from bis In
juries. A Lincoln, Nebraska man has In
vented a bucket which may revolu
tionize methods of excavntlng nnd
Tho crop leport for Germany,
which gives conditions up to July 15,
showH a slight depreciation slnco
Juno 15.
Pilnce John Charles Francis, tho
youngest child or King Gcorgo nnd
Queen Mary, celebrated his fifth
Drouth In the northwest Ib seriously
nffectlng tho cnttlo men, threatening
them with great Iosbcb and possibly
with financial ruin.
Tho Ualtlmoro Eastern League base
ball club has sold Pitcher "Lefty"
Russell to tho Philadelphia American
Lenguo team for $12,000.
CongrosBinnn George W, Norrls of
tho Fifth (Nebraska) district bad his
tinino tiled as n candidate for renoinl
nation on tho republican tlckot.
Plans for tho establishment of n
bureau of railway economics at Wash
ington', D. C, by the rallroadB of tho
country wero nnnounced at Chicago..
The Wisconsin prohibition platform
contains clauses denouncing both
local nnd county option ns not being
a settlement or tho liquor problem.
An aeronaut named Androws fell
100 feet when his balloon ' burst at
Lako Manawn, Iowa, hut was saved
from death by falling Into tho
branches or n large tree.
At Enid, Okla., gueBtB or the City
Hotel lied in their night clothes when
tho hotel and an adjoining structure
was destroyed by lire. Several of tho
guests wero slightly Injured.
At Omaha Samuel C. Dobbs was re
elected by acclamation president or
tho Associated Advertising Clubs of
America anil after a gruelling fight
Boston was awnrded the next conven
tion. Chlco llacn, who was ono or
Aolaya's closest supporters, has re
signed as minister general or tho
Madrlz cabinet in Nicaragua, accord
ing to advices to tho stato depart
ment. Colonel Roosevelt, as well as Glf
ford Plnchot, haB been asked to bo
In Atlanta, October 7, when a meet
ing will bo held for tho purposo of
organizing a stato conservation as
sociation. Oillclals of tho Iowa Stato Teach
ers' association announced that
Colonel Theodoro Roosevelt will
Menk at tho meeting or tho associa
tion In Des Molnea Friday night, No
vember 11.
For tho llrst time slnco ho returned
to Kansas, United States Senator
Joseph L. nrlstow, In a speech at
Olathe, Kans., referred to tho fact
that ho has been denied patronage by
Presldont Taft.
Edward A Thompson, who 1b
charged by his former fiancee, Miss
Warren of New York, with disappear
ing on October 0, 1909, tho day sot for
their wedding with $1,780 or her
money, was arrested In Minneapolis.
At Ilnmburg Thlrty-Ilvo thousand
ship ynrd workers united In a de
mand for an incrcaso of 10 per cent.
In wages nnd a llfty-thrce-hour week.
Presldont Taft was highly pleased
when ho received n letter from Secre
tory or tho Treasury MacVeagh,
stating that tho splendid showing of
federal finances announced on Juno
30 last, had been Improved by revised
returns showing additional lecelptB ot
about $5,500,000.
To race with the British expedition
uudur Captain Scott to tho south
pole, a Japnncso sailing vessel ot 200
tons carrying Lieutenant Shlraso and
tho Japaneso expedition to tho Ant
arctic will leavo Toklo hay on
August 1. Tho expedition will pro
ceed via Benin Islands nnd Australia.
Cannon declares ho Is In the
speakership fight to stay.
Ex-VIco President Fairbanks nd
Jrcssed the association or ad clubs at
Jack Johnson, the pugilist, was ar
rested in New York for automobile
It Is ruinnredthu the Investigating
committee has decided to oxonorato
Presldont Taft does not cnio to mix
ai tho politics of tho different Btnto
William Flego was nrrested at
Wayne, Neb., charged with tho mur
der of his sister.
Mujor Mnnuel Costn has been ap
pointed military nttachu to tho Argen
tine legation at Berlin.
Tho Lorlmer scandal will bo the
paramount isauo In the campaign In
Illinois this summer and fall, ncord
Inir to politicians from thnt state
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read-
era Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity
Wayne. Charged with the minder
of his sister, Miss Louise Flege, at
their home Boven miles northwest ot
here, on June 30 last, William Flege
was arretted and placed In tho county
jail at Poncu. Detectives working on
the enso attrlhuto to Flego tho desire
to get his sister out of tho household,
where she had lived with lit m ns
housekeeper for years, In order that
lie might marry MIbs Ida Hendricks, a
beautiful young woman who lives on a
neighboring farm.
Annual Reunion.
Kearney. Tho fourth annual re
jnlon of the Fort Kearney nntlonal
park association will bo held this
year on August 21, 25 nnd 26. It is
planned to mako this year's gathering
tho largest yet, and speakers of na
tional Importance aro being secured
for nddressos during this period. Dur
ing the gathoiing various points of
historic interest will be marked with
large granite markerB. The various
committees aro stnrtlng their work
now and In a few dnya tho program
will bo iBBitcd and distributed all over
the United States. It is tho inten
tion of tho officers or tho association
to this year mnko the lounion an af
fair of natlonnl Importance, rather
tlinn a mere local affair.
Collision on Burlington.
Belmont. A Burlington train collid
ed with nu extra freight between Bel
mont nnd Crawrord Thursday. "Fire
man Kennn and three tramps who
wero beating their way were killed.
Engineer McWado was scalded badly
on the legs, nnd Baggageman B.iugh
nan had both legs broken and head
and face cut badly. Three. Italian la
borers wero bruised, but not badly
Catholic Church Burned.
Scotia. The Catholic church nt this
place was totally consumed by lire
Sunday night It was a brick edifico
nnd was quite old, and in rather poor
condition. Tho fire broke out in tho
altar structure. As there had been
no services held there since last Sun
day tho origin or the fire is a mys
tery. Were Indignant.
ScottsblufT, Neb. Indignation is
running high here over tho state irri
gation board's action in closing down
the hendgates or all tho cnnals from
North Platte to the Wyoming line.
"Normallte" Issued.
Peru. Tho summer issue or tho
"Normallto" has Just been Issued. J.
A. Hanna and A. Gilbert are editors
and D. II. Weber 1b business mnnnger.
An addition costing $50,000 Is to bo
put on tho Fremont postofllce. Work
It is said will begin next week.
C. C. Shephard of Racine, Wis., has
accepted the position ot boys' secre
tary or tho Fiemont Y. M. C. A.
II. M. Eaton, rormerly stato land
commissioner, will again become n
member or the raculty of Fiemont col
lege. Rev. William Oeschgor of Vincennea,
Ind., hnB been selected ns chancellor
nt Bethany, to Bucceed Dr. W. P.
Aylesworth, resigned.
Whilo plnylng with a larger boy who
was repairing a lawn mower, Gerald
Wilson of Hastings had his thumb sev
ered at tho firBt Joint.
Tho contract for tho erection of the
Mennonlto hospital at Beatrice will be
awarded shortly, and active work on
tho building will bo commenced at
Father John Hnhn, pastor of tho St.
Mnry's Catholic church at Nebraska
City, has resigned nnd will go to Or
leans, Neb., to again tatfo ohargo of
tho church at thnt place.
Plans nro being prepared for the
erection of n new olovntpr to tako tho
placo of the structure recently de
stroyed by llro at North Bend. The
building will havo a capacity or 30,000
Tho Rev. Arthur II. Brooks, rector
of St. Luke's church at Lincoln, was
operated upon ror nppondlcltls nt tho
Episcopal hospital at Omaha. It Is
not known when ho will bo sufficient
ly recovered to return to his work.
C. C. Shephnrd or Racine, Wis,, has
been elected boys' secretary or tho
Fremont Y. M. C. A., to succoed Wil
bur F. Hoy, who rcslgnod n lew dayB
ngo to return to Osknloosu, la. Mr.
Hoy will becomo boys socrotary of
'.ho association at Oskaloosn,
Mrs. Minnie Freeman Penny, or Ful
lorton, who is known to mnny Ne
braska peoplo ub tho heroine of the big
blizzard or several years ago, waB
thrown from a horso at Hot Springs,
S. D and rocelved sovero injuries,
Hor collnr bono was broken and her
right lee fractured
ySSVllllIt- lUTiWit.U.,
Officers nnd sharpshooters of the
regiments of tho Nebraska national
guard are in vamp nt the rlflo ran 5c
along tho Platte river In tho vicinity
of Ashland,
The Buperlor board of education has
mado arrangements to add a full
courso or manual training nnd domes
tic nclenco to the school courso upon
the opening or school In September.
While loading hay William Ketch a
rarmer living near Nehawkn, dropped
dead on tho wagon. Ho pitched for
ward and fell to the ground. Life
was extinct when ho was picked up.
Some remarkable yields of wheat
have been reported from around Lin
coln. One of the plats ut the univer
sity rami, which was threshed several
weeks ngo, turned out llft bushels to
tho acre.
Manngcr Gorman of Capital Beach
at Lincoln will give fifty dollars In
gold, furnish carriages, supper and a
good time to the couple that will bo
legitimately married at Capital Beach
on the afternoon of August I.
The Nebraska state fair manage
ment promises the biggest racing
meet of tho year to Its visitors Sep
tember C to 9. Fourteen pacing and
trotting events artd nine running
races will fill the program;
Tho present summer school at tho
Kearney normal Is said to be the best
In the history of tho school. The en
rollment Is the largest and more stu
dents aro working for credit on the
regular courses than in any pievlouB
Arrangements for the annual old
settlers' celebration In Springfield Au
gust 25 nnd 26 Include besides the spe
cial attractlonB two parndes, baseball
games and other features. August 25
will be Old Settlers' day and on that
day tho Old Settlers' association w771
have charge of the celebration.
A sensational runaway occuired at
Madison, when a team became fright
ened nt an automobile, ran up Main
street and sprang through a largo
plate glass front, completely shatter
ing It, drawing the wagon partly Into
the store and demolishing the elegant
furnishings which hnc' Just been
place'd there by the decorator.
The citizens' committee at Schuler
who pledged themselves to tho board
of county commissioners to rnlso $10,
000 to supplement an appropriation
made by tho board to rebuild tho
Platte river bridge and put In a thou
sand feet of cement and stool, are
jubilant because they have raised the
full amount nnd closed the job.
People in tho vicinity of Tecumseb
generally bellevo that the John Wil
son, Jr., of Houston, Tex., claimant or
tho eBtnte or tho late John Wilson, sr.,
will have little difficulty In proving his
identity and establishing his claim to
the Wilson estate when the hearing
comes up on the morning of August 9.
Beatrice camp No. 270, M. W. A., is
arranging for a county picnic to be
held thero August 31.
With reports received from all ex
cept five counties It Is estimated that
tho total assessed value, or one-fifth
value, of all property in Nebiaska is
$410,905,479 this year, or an Incrcaso
of $112,099,660 over the total alue of
last ear, which was $1198,985,819.
Victor Uosewater of Omaha has ob
tained n temporary restraining order
to present Secretar of Stato .lunkln
from certifying to county clerkB popu
list nominations on the stnte and legis
lative tickets on the ground thnt tho
nominees have failed to pay the fee
required by statute.
The Union Stock Yards of South
Omaha has obtained space nt the
statu fair grounds for a moving pic
ture show which Is to be freo to tho
public. The company recognizes the
fact that the stnte fair is tho only
stock show in Nebraska and it pro
poses to erect n theater in which
moving pictures of live stock on
ranches nnd in tho South Omaha
stock ynrds will be exhibited.
According to the report of Superin
tenden IMlper which has been filed In
to olllco of tho state superintendent
tho total expenditures for the main
tenance of schools In Pierce county
laet year was $S9,.136.17. Tho school
district officers with scarcely an ex
ception hno compiled with the re
quirements of the library law, $440.07
having been expended for library
books during the year.
Ills Highness, the pig, is 11 mighty
valnnblo animal In Nebraska, accord
ing to tho returns of county nsscsBore
to tho state board of equalization. He
Is vnlued at one-half of a cow In near
ly every county and tho ratio of value
runs much higher In some counties.
In Hrown county, for instance, tho av
erage assessed value of a hog is $2.40,
whilo that of a cow is only $3.40. In
Hitchcock county tho hog is valued
on tho average of $3.00, while a cow
goes only 82 cents higher.
A rewnrd of $200 has been offerod
by Governor Shnllenborger for tho ap
prehension of William David, who is
thought to be the murderer of Jacob
Klrllchlch, a Russian found dead in
Lincoln within the InBt few days with
hlB throat cut and seventeen knife
wounds in his body -
State Fire Warden A. V. Johnson
has gone to Exeter to Jnvcstlgato a
supposed attempt nt incendiarism. Ho
wns informed that a hbuso was satur
ated with oil and a note was loft with
tho owner wnrnlng him to look out for
a lire.
Vice-President Murdock for Strikers,
Says He Is Satisfied and !
Ready to Make Fight
to a Finish.
Montreal. Tho attempts of McKen
zie King, minister or labor, to effect a
settlement of the Grand Trunk strike
have rallcn through, at least for tho
present, tho Grand Trunk mnnngement
taking the view that tho time for ar
bitration hns passed and nil that the
company requires In order to resume
the full operation of the road is the
protection for Its men to which it is
legally entitled.
Coupled with this announcement of
tho company that the time hns passed
for arbitration came tho statement
that tho shops of the entire ByBtem
will be re-opened at once; that In
structions will be Issued to ngents to
once more take freight, and that way
freights will be put on nnd the mani
fest freight service Increased.
In addition it 1b announced by the
oillclals that some of the former em
ployes who went out are reporting for
The answer of Vice-President Mur
doch or the strikers to this Is:
"We aro perfectly satisfied with tho
way things are going, nnd if It Is to
bo a tight to a finish, I do not know
thnt I could suggest an improvement
on existing conditions from our point
of view."
Desplto Mr. Murdock's assurance
misgivings are beginning to develop
among tho men who see the positions
they once held threatened by the prog
ress the railroad is making. This was
shown at the meeting of the men, and
the suggestion was plainly made to the
leaders that action waB necessary In
order to hold the strikers together.
Trade With Nicaragua Resumed.
New Orleans. The departure fronf
here of tho steamers Imperator nnd
Dictator murks the lesumptlon of
trade between American ports and
Blucflelds, Nicaragua, which was
brought to a standstill several days
ago when Norway declared Its recog
nition of the so-cnlled blockade of
Blucflelds by Madrlz. The Imperator
cleared for Bluefields via Cape Gra
clas with a mixed cargo and the Dic
tator sailed in bnllast direct for Blue
fields. The resumption of trade between
the ports is a direct result of the state
department's orders declaring Blue
fields an open port.
Killed at Telephone.
LudlnKton, Mich. While answering
the telephone nt his home, Henry C.
Rath, Jr., aged twenty-seven, wns
struck by a bolt of lightning during a
severe electrical storm and instantly
killed. JuBt as Rath placed the re
ceiver to his ear tho Hash ot lightning
struck tho telephone. Hath was
found with the imprints of the receiver
burned in his face.
Steamer Fire Under Control.
Key West. Wireless messages re
clved here from the blg Morgan
liner Momus, which experienced a
rather dangerous lire In her afterhold
early Saturdny morning while off the
Florida coast, en route from New York
to New Orleans, are to the effect that
the lire was still burning, though prac
tically under control.
Want Savings Banks.
Wafahington. Applications for pos
tal savings banks havo been received
by the postofTlco department from 240
postmasters In thirty-six different
Banks to the number of r35 In
forty-four different states have ap
plied to tho department for designa
tions aB postal bank dopositories.
Sixty Dead From Storm.
Milan. Tho list of dead from the
Btorm which swept over tho district
northwest of Milan hns increased to
sixty nnd the Injured number several
hundreds. Tho material losses are en
tlmnted nt many millions.
Roosevelt May Go Up.
Mlneola, L. 1. Colonel Roosevelt
may "go up in tho nlr." He has prom
ised to bo present during the nerlal
fllghtB tho last or tho month. Clifford
R. Harmon will endeavor to have him
take an aerial "Joy ride."
Rain Stops Forest Fires.
Winnipeg. Heavy rains have
brought all forest fires In the Slocan
district under the control of the fire
rangers. Three million dollars Is tho
rangers' estlmnte of tho loss in thnt
district. t
Migration to Southeast.
Washington. Mlgrntlon from the
central and northwestern part of thft
country, Including western Canada, to
tho southorn and southeastern states,
is attracting tho attention of the Im
migration authorities. The bureau of
immigration oillclals expecraoon to re
celvo a special report from Commis
sioner Clark at Montreal bearing on
tho subject or Canadian immigration,
including the return of Americans to
this country, and ponding receipt of
that report decline to discuss the mat
ter for publication.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore-, lid. "For four years
my life waa a misery to mo. I sufferod
irom irregulari
ties, torriblo drag
ging Bcnsations,
extreme- nervous
ness, nnd that all
gone feeling in my
ntomaclt. I had
given up hopo of
over boing well
when I began to
tafco Lydia E.Pink
ham'a Vegetable
Compound. Then
I felt aB though
now life had been
given me, and I am recommending it
to nil my friends.' Mrs. W. S. Font),
2-207 W. Fmnkliu St, Baltimore, Md.
The most successful romody in this
country for tho euro of nil forma of
female complaints is Lydia E. Pink
ham's "Vegetable Compound. It has
stood tho test of years and to-day is
moro widely and successfully used than
any other f umalo remedy. It ha3 cured
thousands of women who havo been
troubled with displacomonts, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache.,
that bearing-down feeling, flatulency.
Indigestion, and nervous prostration,
after all other means had failed.
If you aro suffering from anyof thCBO
ailments, don't glvo up bono until you
havo given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would llko special advice
wrlto to Mrs. Pinklmm, Lynn.
Mass- for it. Sho lias guided
thoiiHiindH to health, free, ot
The Army of
I Growing Smaller Erety Day.
fupomible they noij
oaly pro relict .
they permanently .
curs tooltip-
Uc. Mil.
them for
Be, kditetbM, Sick HtAfcclt, Sallow SUa.
Genuine mbeu Signature
Saint Katharine's School
For Girls
Dovenport. Iowa
Aculwi)lc, preparatory, and primary (rrartrn.
Orrtlllctttvt ncq-ptel by Kaatcrn coUeRew. So
cial liilvautaurH In MubIo, Art, Domestic Hclence
umlUymtmt.lum. AdilreaaTheSlster Superior.
A Knowing Girl.
When young Lord Staulelgh came
to visit an American family, tho mis
tress told the servants that in ad
dressing him they should nlways say
"Your Grace." When tho .young gen
tleman one morning met ono of the
pretty house servants In tho hallway
nnd told her that sho wan so attrac
tive looking lie thought he would kiss
her, she demurely replied, clasplug
bcr bands 011 her bosom and looking
up into bis face with a beatific ex
pression, "O Lord, for this blessing
wo nro about to recoivo, wo thank
thee." Lippincott'B.
A band-mado cigar fresh from tho
table, wrapped in foil, thus keeping
fresh until smoked. A fresh ciga;
made of good tobacco is tho ideal
smoke. The old, well cured tobaccos
used nro so rich in quality that many
who formerly smoked 10c cigars now
smoke IjowIb' Slnglo Dlndor Straight
5c. Lewis' Slnglo Binder costs tho
dealer Bomo moro than other Go cigars,
but tho higher prlco enables this fac
tory to uso extra quality tobacco.
Tlioro aro many Imitations; don't be
fooled. There Is no oubstltutol Tell
tho dealer you want a Lowls "Slnglo
More Serious.
"Matbllde Urowno wns very rude to
an overdressed old woman sho met on
the street the other day."
"I know the story. Tho old woman
turned out to bo Mathlldo's very rich
aunt, nnd now she's going to give all
her money to a hospital for decrepit
"Nothing of tho sort. In fact, U'h
worse. Tho old woman wnB tin
Urownes' new cook and now they
haven't any."
The Home of tho Cod.
There is Just ono other great cod
bank in tho world besides thoBO off
Newfoundland, it lies off Capo Agul
has, which Is the southern tip of Af
ilea, and south of tho Capo or Good
Hope. The Agulhas plateau la said to
be almost a duplicate in slzo and rich
ness or the north cod banks. Rut thl
is too rar off, so thero is llttlo promise
of its appeasing tho hungry uppotlto
of the world for cod.
Plenty of Material.
"Son," Mild tho press humorist, "ou
have Inherited somo or my humor."
"Not enough to mako a living with
"Never mind. I'm going to leavo
you nil of my Jokes."
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