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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
i c-JLA VinllrP9' Ghas. I. Cotting, The Druggist -494 i LOGALETTES 11 lohn I'ulnicky is limne from Di-n-ver. Matinee at the Tepee Saturday after noon. Mr-. 1j. I. Albright 1ms returned home. Saturday afternoon Matinee at tho Tepee. Ed Walters was in tlio city over Sunday. Fooni. sells l'ly Nuts cheaper than any one. Attend the Tepee next Saturday afternoon. Miv Cunningham Is visiting Mrs. 1. Krisbie. The commissioners are in session this week. Miss Anna Fulton was in Uiverton this week Miss Ma.'n- Wonderly left for Hebron Wednesday. Mrs. Lew Vance returned to Hast ings Tuesday. .1.00. :i.2.", 8:i.."0 and 8:1.75 for Cord Nets at I'ookl'-. Chns. Grout was down from l-Ynnk-lin over Sunday. Hoy Teel returned from Trumbell Monday evening. Mrs. Chas. Catliur returned from Denver Saturdav. Geo. GrifVeth and family .spent Sun day in Guide Hock. .epli Kosencrans of IJelvidere, 111., is in town this week. , Mis-, Munch Marker oftlnnvale was in the oitv Satin-day. Kay Nelson and wife were down from lnavalo l'riday. Will Upright was down from Hasl ing Tuesday via auto. Hoy Jones and George- GriiVoth were In Guide Hock Sunday. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Geo. Warren returned from Lincoln Tuesday evening. $10, S12, $i: and SI 1 will buy a good Single Harness at Foc.r.L's. Ask The Hed Cloud Htlw. Co., about that New Wagon you need. Miss Michic returned to her home in Lincoln Sunday evening. Foil S.U.K A good sewing machine. Inquire of Mas. W. L. IvooN. Chas. Schultz ih able to b down town after his recent illness. Miss Cora Weesner wont to Cripple Creek, Colo., Sunday evening. The Best Place in town to buy Paint Is nt "Tlio Hed Cloud Hdw. Co."' Pastuiu: Foil Hk.s r for :i00 head of cattU. Inquire of C H. Mike Flnkeubindor and Cliarles Walters were in Nine Hill Monday. Win Pope and children returned to Denver, Colo.. Wednesday morning. Mi. Chas. Palmer and daughter Bertha left Sunday morning for Wray Colo. i:::?:: i like to see. advice. V iW RED CLOUD, egg:: it ::r:w:?::s . For Porch Furniture, Lawn Swings, Flower stands, Mail boxes, Pumps, Gasoline cans, Children's wagons, Toys etc. use Chi-Namel Porch Furni ture Enamels, Beautiful Colors. Calicoes American Prints Five cents per yard. Mini ii l!us. and Co. Will Holmes spent Sunday in Sup erior visiting his cousin Hac Holmes. Mrs. Ilidgo Leggett and daughieis returned fiotn Mindcn tlie iii -t of the week MissLauia Mason of Guide Hock was visiting triends hen' the llrst f the week. Slicclal prices on-Lndles tailor mailr. suits, skirts and coats at Miner Bros. Co. Store. lob wanted Two boys aged 13 and II want jobs in country. Inquire at this olllce. Just see my walk at my home. I sell that kind of Cement .1. o., Mrs. G. Ohmstedu of Guide Hock was visiting Mrs. A. Holmgrain Wednesday. The Chief ollice takes subscriptions and renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Don Saunders has moved his family into the House recently vacated by Alfred lladell. Tlio Hed Cloud Hdw. Co., have the Doinster 'J How Cultivator and the Price is Hight. Jacob Carpenter, father of A. II. Carpenter is in the city visiting him and his family. All the great artists sing for the Victor aud IMlson. Hear them at Nowhouso Bros. M isses Beruice and Jennie Cummings visited their Uncle, John Cummings of Cowles over Sunday. Two automobile loads from here went to Superior Sunday afternoon to take in the Chautauqua. The Congtegational Market will be hold at P. A. Wullbrandt'h grocery store Saturday, July 30th. Mrs. Omar Doling arrived in the city from Lincoln to visit her parents Mr. nml Mrs. K. B. Smith. Miss Mabel Holmgrain has returned to her position at Minor Bros. Co., after a two weeks vacation. Hemember that every thing is cheap er and better in the Harness line at Fom:ls than auy other place. N. H. Simpson has purchased the Mrs. Wlckersham property recently occupied by G. V. Argabright While C. H. Miner and family were in Trenton last week someone thought they would have fryed chicken. Go to the Hod Cloud Milling Co., for your shorts and brands In half ton lots or more at wholesale prices. Miss Mary Lotournou, who has been visiting Miss Alfa Longtin returned to her homo in Aurora, Kas., Monday, House denning time is at hand Don't fall to see the Lace Curtains and Carpets' at- Mim:u Bro and Co. Miss .Mary Temple of Kansas City arrived Tuesday evening and is the guost of Miss Hlsie Cather this week. Chas. I'iWing of Franklin who has been visiting at the home of Noble Hall and wife returned home Sunday night. Meet This Question as if you were face to face with us. Our Photos are the kind that all sorts of people We know how a person should be posed to look the best. Some people say they do not take a good photograph, but those people j have not been here and followed our f; Let us take your photograph j and your face will please. THE MODEL STUDIO STEVENS BROTHERS NEBRASKA, g Killer C. I'.. Smith will preach at the Indian Creek School houe. Hist. No. II nct Sunday, July III. at '1 p. m. ( iituc. Monday old Sol gave us a real touch of hot weather. IO.'i in the shade and a south west breeze. Thanks one day is enough. At the Brethren church iicMSitmlay Khler C. II. Smith will preach In the morning and J. K. Jarboe in the even ing. All aie invited. Mrs. Millie Kindlor ami son and brother IM Mnglnness living near Ksbon. Kas., were visiting their mother Mrs. Maginness the llrst of the week Prof. Morlt. lleniy Newltouse and Gien Walker were making the rounds of the surrounding towns tills week advertising the Bed Cloud Chautauqua. Several of the Democrats and He publicans went to Grand Island and Lincoln Monday to attend their re spective conventions which were held Tuesday. Foi: S w.i: 'J0,aeres of land close In. This land ean'be bought in ." and 10 acre tracts or any way to suit you. Tills is a stian if sold soon call or write C. A. Si m i.i. Hr.nCtoi n, Nr.n. In order that those living out of town may have an opportunity, to see the moving pictures the niiiungoinent has arranged for Saturday afternoon performances, commencing with next Saturday at II p. m. sharp. Mr. Hoy Bale of Denver, Colo., was married Sunday July 3rd to Miss Bertha blinker of that place. This is quite u surprise to Hoy's many friends here but they all join in with theChief in eMeiidingcongratulations. Mrs. Henderson and daughter Miss Willa of Stolla, Nebr., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hobinson and Mrs. Henderson's sister, Mrs. Noah Mc Dowell Sunday They are on their way to Fort Morgan, Colo., to visit her daughter Mrs. Geo. Weaver. The managers of the Bed Cloud ball team have released pitcher Desllvn and have secured pitcher Snyder from the Superior ball team. They have also secured u new short stop. Olo Metcalf, who is captain of the State Cniversltv ball team. These two now players will strengthen up the team. Just as much care, in fact a little more, should be exercised in buying electric sad irons, as in buying any thing else. Somo irons uso more elec tricity than others in doing the same work. Get your electric irons of MoniiAur Bnos., they carry the author ized iron. Be carefull of "just as good" electric irons. Tin; MHO State Fair, Sept. f to 9, oil ers an excellent line of .attractions, Among them are 1 (lights each day by Wright's Aeroplane, concerts by Sig n or Lombards baud of II instruments and Grand Opera Company of 21 sing ers, 15 harness speed contests1 and a number of running races, the derby, a 10 mile relay race 'J miles each day; the Great Patterson Shows, Night Speed Coutosts, Stupendous Fireworks mid Vaudeville attractions. Taken with the great exhibits in every de partment, this indeed will make a great show. Visitors at the State Fair this year will have an opportunity to see the Wright brothers In several (lights in their aeroplane, as the fair manage ment have contiacted with those gentlemen who have made the old world sit up aud take notice, for sever al (lights each day of the fair, Sept. 0 to f). They will bring with them three of their full sir.ed aeroplanes which will be used iu making their (lights each day. When not iu use they will be on exhibition and their working fully explained to those interested in air navigation. This will be oppor tunity for the people of Nebraska to see these wonders of the'JOth century. The oat crop of this county is surely a bumper. Never before iu tliu his tory of Webster county lias the yield been so great. Wo are indebted to Chas. Brubaker fur the information that Chas. Norris thrashed out !15 bushols of oats last Friday for K. Ash by from 10 acres of ground. 1MJ4 bushels to the acre. Wu challenge any county iu the state to beat that record. While we are at It lets In clude Indiana. Also the next day 735 bushols of oats wore thrashed out for Will Norris which was raised from 5) acres. These figures arc correct ns Chas. Brubaker Ih absolutely honost and reliable and has our warm person al thanks for this information. Hur rah for the 1910 crop of oats. For Sale. Two trained Colic dogs mid three puppies under training. Natural heelers. Delivered free of charge. Thos. Polhcmus Guide Bock Nebr. Keen Hool. WshftYc taken over tho Ice business ancl nrp U0W giving tho same our por- Bonnl nttcntioii. V)t out your Ice Caul and we vr 111 do our beat to ploaso you. A, B. TanNEit, Tab Ice Max, , - t TrVYhoM It Hay Concern I have moved my piacksmltll Shop to ho inilldlng 2 dtmrsnofth of Oyer ing I'.ros. l-'in.n Ben MoFarland. Paul Pope and Fred ' '!'.,.,.., I.. ........ !.. f! I I.I I 'P..., ,..!.,.. I -.IKIJMl l'l' III VI I til HI ISII1IMI Jllt'aUII,, at lending the I )piuoi,r:itii' convention. Traveling men that come to our town remark that we have a wry pretty town. Yes; we have a pretty (own. and by the number of traveling men that come heie regularly we know that we must have a business town. But this is not the only indica tion F.vciy thing is on the move and the boom. New enterprises aie slatt ing among us and new life is cuing iu the old Industrie .ny i tilings attest tlie prosperity ol our town With her trade, her churches, her schools and her cultured popula tion we have a tlrst-chiss town iu which we live Dlsliursmcnts of this City, The following Is the dlsbursnietits of the city fuuii May I, MM0 to July Ifl, HMO as taken from the City Clerk's recoids. On account of Water A Light repair $ 22.35 ' expense H13S7H extension SI reels V Alleys Law A order 00.UO OKI Accounts fi7.ll) Misel. 38.35 Total The above claims were the following funds: General Fund i war Klectric bight Fund 20 " Levy 1 " S'.'IILliU drawn on iKl.oi) I0t):i.ll 15 1. !.- 1 10.7.-1 372.05 S21ll.HU Water Fund 11 Occupation II ' Total ."0 Public Sale. s.vTiiti.w,.ii i. .10, At one o'clock p. tn the undersigned will sell at Public Auction, 1 ' . miles South ami 1 mile cast of Cowles. and J., mile east and I miles North of Am boy Mill, thu following property: Bl 1IOKSBS i:i 1 span of grey tiiarew, 1 years old, vvt. itoOU; I bay mare, vvt. l.'MiO, 4 years old; ) black mare, (i years old. vvt. i:iul. vvitli a line mare colt by side; 1 black mare 10 years old, vvt. 1350; 1 grey tuaro 111 years old, vvt. l!i.')0; 1 greyinaro IU years old, vvt. BK'O: 1 .'1-year old gelding; 1 sorrel gelding, vvt. 1100, 10 years old; 1 black gelding 10 years old, vvt. 1300; 1 yearling colt; 1 black driv- ing horse il years old. FARM MACHINBltV. I haystacker, 1 disc gang plow, 1 11 iuch gang plow, 11 clod pulverizers, II U-hcctiou harrows, 1 Van Brunt press wheat drill, 12 holes, good as new, 1 Superior wheat drill, 10 holes, I sets of work- harness, 1 set single harness. II. B. Bnt'it.vKiui. Col. ,1. II. Hlliugor, Auctioneer. 13. T. Foe, CUu-k. Base Ball Riot at Slielton, Siiixton, Ni'.iui., duly 111. The Grand Island and Kenriey ball teams played a hard game here this after noon. The Kearney team camo oil' victorious, but had to play perfect ball. A riot was started iu tlie second inn ing when Umpire Bosivoll displeased Kearney with a decision at the home plate. The runner for Grand Island wns tagged by Townsond and Boswell with his back turned watching anoth er play called him safe. Almost in stantly the diamond was full of Kear ney funs and before help could conic someone had given too umpire an up- percut that tore his ear badly. Three policemen rescued him from the mob which raged on the diamond for twenty minutes. President Sievers tried to escape from the crowd to avoid rendering a decision. After publicly declaring all bets off the game started anew. Boswell finished the game by cling ing closo to fall-decisions. Last night L'mplro Nelson, who was criticised in yesterday's game at Kearney, was ushered to the train by two police mon, it lining feared someone would take their revenge. Kearney won the game by a score of .'1 to 1. Saturday afternoon before a large crowd the Hod Cloud Indians vverode feated by Fremont by a score of() to 5 Both teams went to Fremont Sunday and Fremont won tha game by ascore of 12 to 5. Hed Cloud used its entire pitching sralV but the Fremont team played the hit and run game. Monday Red Cloud played at Colum bus aud were defeated by a score of 4 to 3. Tuosday Red Cloud vvn from' Columbus by a score of 10 to 0. Wednesday Red Cloud played at Grand Island and were defeated by a score of G to 0 They play there today and then come home Friday where thoy will play with Hastings and Kearney. Standing of the State Leaftue l Fremont 07 Grand Island GS Seward Oil Superior 01 Hastings ... 0( Kearney 00 Calumbus 01 tied Cloud en V U Pot 42 2.1 .027 31) 29 .CGI 31 32 .015 32 32 .500 33 35 .185 32 37 .401 2!) 33 .153 25 38 .403 Mil OF HIGH GKADE GhOTflHG Have just completed my semi-annual invoice and I find that I have more suits in high class clothes than I want. They have been divided in four lots and I will sell them as follows: SSSIAH $30.00, 27.50 and All $22.50,22.00 and 21, All $20.00, 18, and 16.50 All $15.00, Hand 12.50 This sale does not include Blacks or Blues. This sale does not include a suit thai is not of this seasons make and all of the higher priced suits are of Hart Schaffner & Marx exclusive patterns guaranteed all wool and if you are looking for bargains and know a good thing you will not wait long. If you do you will miss it. Bring your check book along these prices mean C. 0. D. Oxfords and Straw Hats 1-5 off. PAIL STOREY THE CLOTHIER. piRNITlRE AND UNDERTAKING 4" Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. VsvyNAVxANvNvsvlyvN B Ball ase Hastings, Friday and Saturday July 29 and 30. Kearney, Monday, August 1st. Game Called 2:45 The 4th Annual Chautauqua will be held jn Red Cloud August 6th to 14th. 25, Suits at $19.50 U $16.50 $13.50 $10.00 ( u (( u QARPETS at Red Cloud i K ft ii j W BH3iHgsg"T:y'gWa3s " '?(W!"' 'tjjiil jipsgagj