The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
8ntcrcl In llio l'cMtofllrp ntilleil Cloud. Ncli.,
Ac Scrond ("Ibm Mutter
Tin: only niiMoi'iivnc i'ait.u in
For Representative i
I litnhy nimouiH't nij-Mlf uh ii rniulliliitc
for llieiiciinliiiitloti for reprcMMitiitlvo Iroin
llio tllliillKlrlct of NtlirnnU. Niilijart In tin
wllluf tliulH'iuoi'r.itli'imcl l'(')iU'liiil('iiil
out voters lit tlit prlmarUs to lit' lioM A moist
10, luio. ii:iiihii:I.imisi:v.
We arc imtliorlt'il to MLuioimt-o I 'nil I-:.
Miiiin-r lis it riimlltliiti' lor llir uoiuliiiitlon lor
tliu nllli col Comity Mloriu-i. of Wi-liicrCn..
milijicl to tin- will ol i tic Doiiioi'iiiilc mill
l'l'iiplcH linti -pi-intent ilii'ioihiil the primary
tltctloil. to liclii-M Alluvt 111. I'UU.
Wuiiroaulhurletl in miiihmiihc Joiph C.
Kiiylor us ii (-niulliliiio lor tin- iioniliiatlon
for tliooitk'fof County Attorney, of Wi-lii-r
County. Hulijict to tin' will of tliil'opiilillean
elcetnrs at llio ptliuary olcotluii to lie lirlil
August null., nun.
I hereby iililiouilre uh n oainllilatc
fur tliu nomination lor rcproM-iitullo from
the lltli ilUtrlrt of Nebraska, sulijiol lo the
will of llio Socialist voters at tho primal leu
to he lit-lil Aumist III, 1010. S. V. I'oi:.
I hereby aiiiiouuce mysi II as a r.-uullilato
for the nomination for Ileal rcpri-.scntatlNo
friiiu the lillh district of Nebraska, mibjcct to
the lll of the Socialist utters at the primar
ies to beheld August III. l'.UU.
.Ions- lin.UMitr.
IOiii nut IIai.i:: I'lcasosay to the Itcpub-lli-iui
cbclorM of Webster county that At
turncy Challlu hasauiiouuccd bis caudlilacy
for theoillceof County Attorney, mibjoel to
their will as may be expressed at the tlmeof
tho l'lrsl Iiuilm; Aimtisi in, ctmilni;, and
oblige. slnccicly yours,
.1. M.Cu w i i.
I hereby announce myself as n candidate
fur tliu Humiliation for representative from
the llth district of Nebraska, subject to the
wlllollheltepublU-auelectoisat the primary
election, to be held Am;. Ill, l'.UU.
. I-'. II itru'i:i.u
I hereby announce myself as ii candidate
for thn nomination for I'loal Itopresentallvc
ol the liith district of Nebraska, subject to
thn wilt of the Democratic and Peoples Inde
pendent clcctm-sal the primary ilcutlou to
lit) llelil AllKUst mill., ihio. ', WKOSNIII.
I take this method of uiuiouiicIuk my can.
dlilai-y for ropresi utatlse In ConisroNS from
lliuiilli Nebraska dlhtrlcl subject to the will
of tliu Democrat and People's Party voters as
expressed at the pilmarlcs to be hi Id August
111, I'JIO. IE. I). si'i-iiRin.wn.
I take this method of aunoiint'luu my can
illdacy lor State Tn usurer Kubject to the will
ol the Democratic and People's Independent
party voters as oxprcsed at the primaries to
beheld AiikusI fil. I'HO. (iKoaiiK IC. IIAl.l.,
1'rnnklln, Neb,
The editor has gone to the (Stand
Island convention. Its just our luck
(the. devil's) to have him away when
there are no ball games. Wo always
do our best but what's the use luck is
against us. Funny he could not go
away sometime, whon there was some
thing doing here.
The republican convention at Lin
coln declared for county option and
tliu initiative and referendum altho
thure was considerable opposition to
those measure". Tho progressive
wing had complete control and en
dorsed tho actions of tho insurgents.
Populists also declared for county
option and all the principles of the
party as given in the tirst platform.
While tho politicians all over tho
country arc pointing with prldo to'
their party achievements just take ti
look at our court house park. When
they get thru ilxiug, tho commissioners
can point with prldo to the baautiful
grounds and tho trees. They are do
ing a much needed work andtheontlro
county will thank them for making
the county grounds presentable.
We know that It Is not juBt the right
thing to roast our home ball club but
-sometimes foroboarance ceasos to be a
virtue. We speak advisedly when we
hay that whon men sell their time we
urc entitled to their best. Our team
can play ball but no leant can play
and lose sleep after night. Wo tiro
convinced that loss of sleep Is the only
cuuso for our poor showing und that
niakos us augiy. Wo trust that tho
management will come dawn hard on
the boys by the tlmo Chautauqua
opens so that thoy will bo In condition
to play ball and glvo tho peoplo their
mouoy's worth. When they give us
their best wo arc perfectly satisfied
win or loso but .when thoy are dead on
1 elr feet wo draw llio l'iu.
The Farmer's Independent Tele
phone cntnpiitiy is to be congratulated
upon its progressive, spirit. The cop
per toll linos will soon be extended to
Mnenln mid this will give direct ser
vice lo all importiint cities. The
managers nre placing the system upon
a scientific basis and success is assur
ed. Competition is the life of trade
as it spurs on I he other fellow and the
result is that the people ieecie better
.orvioo. The Independent company
Is in a position to render the best ser
vice possible and under ellleient. mini
ngomont it will capture its share of
public trade and at the same time
make itself invaluable to the share
holders. The more wo think about a cold
stomp plant hero the more convinced
we nro In Its feasibility. Besides mak
ing ii paying investment, for the own
er in tho way of profit from butter
and otfKs wo would havo clean manu
factured ice all the year. This in
turn would give employment to eight
or ten men and the more men we have
employed so much the better. There
Is another use for the cold storage
and one in which tin entlie populat
ion will bo more directly Interested.
For join we have heiiid people com
plain that the best meat is shipped
out and wo are eninnelled to put up
with what i'f left that it was u shame
that people who live right In the heart
of the stock growing licit should not
be able to eat tho best that the coun
try iin'orded. Now with u eold stor
age plant the meat man could kill a
doen of the best fed cattle and hung
them up and use them as lip wanted.
This would give n.s tho best meat in
in the world and would be cheaper
because wo would not be compelled
to pay the transportation charges both
ways to and from the packing houses.
Yiow the question from any point
and but oiio deduction can be made
and that is that a cold storage plant
established here is a necessity and a
paying Investment.
The State Convention
Nearly all the delegates to the state
democratic convention arrived in
(irand Island Monday night. They
gathered In little knots all over the
business district and it was evident
that all wore impressed with tho idea
that something would be doing. The
advance men of the leaders were al
ready on the ground and had establish
ed head quarters. Wheel horses and
new recruits mixed generally but till
seemed to be playing the writing
game. County option was freely dis
cussed but at this time no general
seiitiinentcould be discerned. M very
one was alert however and anxious to
learn the latest move of the leaders.
Tho city was ta.ed to its utmost to
care for the visitors who poured in
from all parts of the state. Rooms
in private houses were secured so that
all delegates and visitors were accomo
dated. Tuesday the real light began. Coun
ty option received its llrst defeat up
on a resolution otreretl by Congress
man Hitchcock relative to the manner
of receiving platform planks and re
solutions. Mr. Bryan otVorcd an a
mendment and the result was a defeat
for Mr. Bryan's motion HDl to -JUT).
Addresses were mado by Dahlmau,
Shullenbiirger, Hryan and others. Mr.
Bryan spoke for a little over au hour
b'ut was unable to stem the tide that
had set in against his favorite issue.
All of the speakers spoke right from
the shoulder and the conventionprov-
ed to be a veritable clearing house of
political ideas. On tho direct vote on
declaring for county option the result
was 1S for and 008 against. However
the convention did uot declare against
that measure but decided that it was
practically not an Issue at this time.
The great convention adjournod
harmoniously to the chagrin of those
republicans who have persistently
been predicting a disruption of the
Uomouriitie party. Our party will go
before tho voters this tall a united
patty and will work harmoniously for
the initiative and referendum. The
eight o'clock closing law and tho
humour oi uio wist, legislature was
warmly commended.
Htt All iver Kansas
Tot'KK.v, July 25. Vostorday wus
the hottest day of the summer. This
was tho goneral report from all over
the state. At Wichita It was 131 In
the sun and I0.'l.'l in the shade.
At Sallna It)'.) In tho shade, tho high
est In years,
A hot wind was blowing and fear
entertained for the corn crop. At
Hutchison It was 10S tn the shade with
iuteuHc. heat and a hot wind.
Lebanon reports a hat wind.
, At Abilene the thermomoter regis
tered 10.") with a hot wind blowing.
The government thermometer marked
105 at Concordia and hot winds blow
for three hours.
Men wero driven from work. At
Emporia the temporature reached lOt
and the winds blowing very hot. Pea
body and (Jreat Bond, the thermomoter
at the latter place registering 108 in
the shade. At some poluts thore were
indications of ruin,
At Hastings, Nob., Monday It was
f'i as against III) in 1S!M. Monday's
ll'isiiiii Dully Kopublieim.
Lodftc an J Church Directory
Charity LodgelNo. r.J, A. !'. nnd .
M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st
and :il Friday. K. K. Foe. i A.
IS. Sellars, Sccrctarv
Red cloud Chapter No 11). I'.o.wil
Arch Masons meets every Second and
Fourth f'i Idny. I) V. Turnure, H P.
II. A Letson. s'ecretary
Cyrene Coniniandoiy No. 11. Knights
Templar meets every First TlunsdHy. '
II A. Letson.
M. C. D. V. Turnure. '
0. 0. F.
Meets every Monday Night,
Hanson, N. (i. 0. C. Teel. Clerk.
Meets First and Third Thursday. In
I. O. 0. F Hall. Mrs. I. II. Holms, N.
(!. Alice Huuohey. Secretnry.
noutsursi'iivicKATM. i-:. client u
Saiiiiaiji skuvii r.s.
Sunday School It) . M.
l'lenelilnit 11A.M.
Class iiiH'tliit,' l-j xi.
Kpwoilh league "P.M.
I'rcacliltitf Si' M.
Prayer mcitlm; Wednesday tunlnufi I. M
Ladles Aid Friday 2 P. xr.
Your presence Is roquistod and a cordial
Invitation Is extended to all.
M. T. sin ri.i a Pastor
iiitcniKKN nit m ii.
Corner of r,th Avenue and chestnut stm t.
10 a. in sabbath school
11 a. 'in Preacblm;
T.'lTi p. m Christian W oik it slliind
H:U0 p. in Prcachlnu
All arc invited toatttml.
.1. I-:.. I mmioi:. Xlinlstir.
Is CllltlsTlAN Cill'ltrn i: i:u LoiiD'sDn
lllble school 10 a. m.
Sermon and Communion 11 a. in.
Christian Kndeavor i!::K) p. m,
I'riai-lilni! T:.!0 p. in.
Prayers and praise, Wednesdays, 7::W p. m.
Scats frte. Mood music. Come. llrliiR-.ur
lilliks, friends and uood cbci r.
L. Aa. MrvtoMi, Xllnlstcr.
MKACi: ilM'lscoi'AI.i ( HUUt It
Itcv. .!. M! Hates, Pastor.
Service the llrst two Sundays in each
Holy Communion at iiionilnn kct vices on
the llrst Sunday.
Sundav i-chool at 1-2 o'clock every .Sunday
.Mrs. K. II. Smith, crimen Supdent.
Lincoln. Nkiiii., July 20 (Special
Correspondence) An injunction has
been handed down by the district
court of Lancaster forbidding Secre
tary of State Juukin from certifying
as candidates to county clerks the
names of those who have llled its' the
candidates of more than one political
party. Tho object is to prevent the
democratic candidates from also hav
ing the Peoples Independent party
label after their names, and vice versa.
The liear'tn;.' is set for .luly UTtli.
Secretary of State Junkin held at the
beginning that the payment of one
llllng fee as sullicient, and in this he
was upheld by an opinion written by
Attorney Oeneral Thompson. Oilbert
M. Hitchcock paid the 8."0 fee when
he llled as a democrat, and later ten
dered a fee of S5() when ho Jlled uh the
People's Independent candhite. Tho
latter fee was returned to him by
Secretary Juukin with a letter stating
that tho payment of one fee was sullic
ient. It is a commentary on Secretary
.tonkin's rank partisanship to know
that he has changed his opinion and
now holds that it requires two fees,
and that since the date for tiling is
past those who failed to tender two
fees are now stopped from stuudlng as
candidates of the two purties. It is a
chilly day when Mr. Junkin does not
go the limit in exhibiting his vault
partisanship, even at the expense of
the best interests of the state.
When the democrats were demand
lug the election ot precinct assessors
by the people the republican organs
charged that it would result in a
constant light between townships to
get the lowest a"s"se6.sed valuation no
as to avoid the payment of the sUto
tax. It is interesting to note that
under the first year of tho precinct
assessor law tho personal property as
sessmcut bus been increased upwards
of 112,000,000.00. Tho precinct assessor
law is proving satisfactory to all con
cerned. A few days ago W. H. Patrick, who
has llled for the democratic candidate
for governor, told a prominent demo
crat in Omaha that as between Snail-
enbergor and Aldrich he preferred
Aldrieh. This is evidenced by the
fact that he tiled tor governor, evident
ly with the view to pulling as many
votes us possible from Shallcuhergcr
so as to secure the nomination of
Dahlmau, thinking that Dahlmau's
nomination would result iu au increas
ed vote for Aldrich at tho goneral
election. The injection or Patrick in
to the race has had the eiied of solid
ifying the Shallonbergor support and
bringing it into evidence iu a most
surprising manner In the least expect
ed quarters.
During (Jovornor Shallouborgor'3
llrst term the following beneficial
legislation recommended by him has
been enacted:
The bank jiuiiiiintee law.
Shift waist weather means an extra skirt
or so--our line of new skirls are now ready
for your inspection. We shall try and make
this department one of the best in our store.
Skirts like cut in all colors $4, $5, $6.
Black and white shepard plaid, panel front
nnd back flounce on sides at $7.00.
Whlto serge plaldod skirt SS.OO.
Black voile plaided skirt SD.00.
Confirmation and Graduation Dresses
We have anticipated your demands in this
particular and have ready for your viewing
an exceptional-yes a remarkable exhibit of
pretly white goods, lace and embroidery all
selected with the utmost care and thought to
get the best goods for the least money. It
willl pay you to look this line over before
Tho election of precinct assessors by
direct vote of the people.
Reduction of the levy for state taxes
resulting in a saving of S7."i(i,000 to the
taxpayers in two years.
Tho corporation tax law which has
added S12.-.,OOo to the state treasury
without burdening tho people.
l'hyslcal valuation and appraise
ment of common carriers as a basis
for fixing rates.
Prohibiting tho issuance of stocks
and bonds in excess of the value of
the property and investments of public
horvico corporations thus preventing
the watet tug of stock as a means of
concealing unfair earning!, taken
from tho people.
Reimbursing the veterans of the
civil war for pension money with held
front them by order of a republican
The establishment of two state ex
perimental stations in western Ne
braska. I'laciug the clerk of the supreme
court on a salary basis.
A reciprocal demurrage law a law
compelling railroads to settle claims
fo'r damages within sixty doys, ond a
law providing for transfer switches.
Anti-discrimination law to protect
farmers and consumers generally.
The daylight suloou law for the
better regulation of the liquor trallic,
and other beuoficial liquor legislation.
He vetoed the bill re-establishing
saloons near Fort Cruok.
He favors and will recommend to
the next legislature a non-partisan
board of control to have charge of tho
state's institutions: direct legislation
through tho initiative and referend
um; ennbling cities to frame their own
charters, and such legislation as will
tend to take tho schools and courts
out of politics.
The pardoning power has not been
abused by Uovernor Shallctiborgor,
and his administration has been clean,
business like and successful.
Chautauqua Tickets
arc now on sale at the following places:
Turnuro Ilros., Cowden-Koley Co.,
The Minor Bros. Co., State Bank, Paul
Storoy, Saunders Bros., Red Cloud
Hdw. X: Imp. Co., Peoples Bank, Al
bright Bros., B. E. MoKarland, Yost it
Butler. M. A. Albright, E. H. New-
house, L. L. Boron, P. A. Wullbrandt,
Geo. P. Johnson. Get your tickets
The Washington Herald truthfully
says that no one cares a hang what
happens to tho sugar trust, knowing
well enough tluitnothing will happen.
Red Cloud Chautauqua
August 6 to 14.
Ball Games Every Day
A New
Stock of
Remarkable Waist Values
IiemarkabV from every view point is this S'pei
ial oll'ering of an all linen waist with still' collar
and cufVs at Sl.t'.'i.
r- i iiiiinii i. i ii in iimiiii
The latest in Ladies Neckwear
:a!u!y Neck Fixings
Dainty: Hiinlly any other word could adequate
ly describe the new neckwear.
Our Slimmer showing neck pieces for the Sum
mer ( It t1.
Wo invito you to view our new neckwear be
fore buying.
Lace Dutch collars from 2."c to 51.
Lace stock collars with jabos 2."e to Too.
Lace yokes in baby Irish etr'oot from Toe to .S.."i
Agents ?or Butter ick Patterns
they beautify the fig
ure and bring out the
graceful lines.
They afford the wearer perfect
freedom, as well as a stylish
The Big Store
General Merchants
become so
with all
V' tr Mf tj nil llJ'lH ""