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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
Y I I Wt 'Sv wrw rrWrfrVr-.Mr-iMt-vjn trm ... A.,w i Odd News From Big Cities Stories of Strange Happenings in the Metropolitan Towns Many Baltimore Women Start Smoking GOOD CWARETTIT (I fJ OfK' . 'J 0 TO QUIET 'niFr "i. Plo BAlTIMOItK, Mil. That there is n InrKo nml over-Increasing numhcr of women Binolicra In Ualtlmore was the opinion expressed by several prom Incnt phynlcliuis and women tlieni' nelvcH. Aloat of tho physicians wore utihusl tnthiK In tholr disapproval of the habit rir. William II. I'oarcc said: "I consider It bad for anyone to smoke, but It Is worse for women than Tor men. It lowers the inornl tone eventually and has absolutely noth ing to recommend It In nny way." When nHkcd If many of his women patients were Rinokers he declared that ho did not know. "It's not tho kind of habit to de mand treatment," ho said, "and as n matter of fact I know positively of only two of my women patients who make n practise of smoking." The greater number or women smokers In llaltlmoro are to bo found among tho "fashionables" the society set, nnd with them tho clgarotto habit Is said to be general. At some enter tainments given only for women tho entire party will take cigarettes as naturally as their husbands nnd broth ers would do. They have their own clgarotto cases nnd mntch boxes, and their own favorite brands, and, while not Haunting the habit in the fares of 11 conservative public, "make no 'Tis the Kellys Who CHICAGO. Several hundred Chicago Kellys have received letters re cently Informing them that they are descendants of ancient Irish kings, and for the modest sum of one dollar they will be sent the famous Kelly coat of arms. . The lottcrs are sent out by a Phila delphia concern thnt makes a business of looking up "family trees," and the Kellys all over tho United Stntes are receiving tho glad news. The "discovery" thnt Kelly was onco a king of Ireland wns made by a representative of the Philadelphia con cern "after years of research in the li braries of Dublin, Cork and Ilelfast." The ancestral coat of arms Is some thing that every Kelly should have according to the letter and ns there are only a few thousand left, It be hooves Kelly to remit his ono dollar without delay. The letter in part is as follows: Mr. Kelly Dear Sir: Wo have Just received from our agent In Dublin n -aro old engraving of the coat of arms Chicagoan to Start CHICAGO. Tho shades of Hen Franklin and the near shades of Thomas Edison aro about to fall upon tho fortllo fields of Lake county. Thanks to tho enterprise of Samuel In still, who has several considerable vegetnblo patches in the county ad Joining Cook, the garden Holds aro to have an electric treatment. When not working on his turnip patch, Mr. Instill Is president of the Commonwealth Edison company. He has also much to do with Lnko county electrical enterprises. They havo elec tricity to burn. This may have some thing to do with tho experiment In gardening which the Insull frlendB, and they nro legion, declnro ho Is about to perpetrato on a county whoso Throws Vinegar in NEW YORK. Mrs. Nathan Jasper, wife of a contractor, saved her hus band from posslblo denth at tho hands of a burglar recently by throwing n cup of vinegur Into the burglar's oyes and blinding him. The man went to Jasper and told him ho was starving. Ills appearance bore out his story. Jasper gavo him money for food, and told him ho would put him to work. When tho Jaspers wero getting ready for bed they round tho matt in a closet of their apart bones" of the matter and readily ad mit that they smoke. Another set about town among whom smoking Is Indulged In freely Includes the artistic and musical coteries Among them there Is al ways a more or less foreign element and Continental Ideas genet ally And favor. Several well-known women physl clans were asked about their observa tions on tho subject and, with one ac cord, they replied that tho habit was general among society women only. "It Is a conspicuous fact," said one, "that few women students of colleges or universities smoke. 1 have never known of a woman tencher who did." Another woman physician said she did not consider It hnd ever been con clusively proved that smoking in mod eration was harmful, but that she thought both men and women were nono the better for It. A well-known suffragist was asked whether a desire to vote on a wom an's part went with the habit of ciga rette smoking. She wns indignant and declared "very few Haltitnore suf fragists smoke, and, anyhow, those who do did It before they beenmo suffragists." Among clubwomen it Is almost un known, nnd in explanation of this they say they have too much to do and think about, and It Is only Idle women who learn to smoke. A well-known physician living on Charles street said thai while smoking might not hurt the woman, he con sidered It a horrid habit am) no woman was "klssable" who smoked. Ho was certain that he would not permit nny of his fumllj to Indulge In It for a minute. Are Proud Now of the Kelly family. We are now pro ducing this for framing nnd printing a pnmphlet, describing it and giving the lineal descent of the Mrst Kelly from Hcrcmon, first king of Ireland, nnd through a long line of Irish monnrchs. Only enough will be printed to 1111 ad vance orders. The price is only ono dollar. Send cash with order." Have you noticed Kelly since he got tho word from Philadelphia? Ho holds his head higher than usual and he will hardly bow to the Crndys and the Rclllys. "Whnfs come over Kelly?" is the question his neighbors are asking. When a Kelly meets a Kelly they shake hands cordially nnd the conver sation is about their ancestral coat of arms. "I always knew that Kelly wns one of tho best names in Ireland,'" said Udwnrd T. Kelly, president of the E. T. Kelly company, publishers, "but I didn't know we were descendants of kings until I got the letter from a 'family tree' concern the other day. More than fifty men of my namo havo spoken to me about it, as they also received letters on tho subject. "There is only ono way to spell tho name, and that is K-e-dnublo 1-y. Those who slip In the extra K between Ij nnd Y aro not the renl Kellys, tho descendants of Irish royalty." an Electric Farm farmers have always been respectably conservative. Von see, to tho presi dent of an electric company the light ing Juice Is cheaper than fertilizer. Think what It means to Chicago diners if the Instill plan bears fruit. Bill of fares will feature electric rnci Ishes, Incandescent onions, which may be odorless; pies from 10,000 candle power pumpkins; kilo-watt potatoes and alternating current cnbbages, In the wake of this eating may c 01110 electrical sprees. The somber citizen nftcr dining on an elect rilled potato salad may glow like a lightning bug nnd warble a few bars of "I Wonder Who's Khsltig Her Now." Each green pea may contain an electric shock nnd the result of eating a single portion may be shocking. If this comes to pass just blame Mr. Instill. There are three kinds of farming, us you probably don't know, unless you have had a illng at It. The tlrst grade Is tho common or garden variety as practised by our forbears. Then thero in tho up-to-date, rotatlon-lncrops, up-plled-eheinlstry brand. a Burglar's Eyes ment, unconscious. Tho closet hnd a spring lock on tho outside and the man had been shut in. He was almost suffocated. Mrs. Jasper got some vine gar, whirl) her husband used us a re storutlve, and succeeded in bringing the mini to his senses. As soon ns the man became con scious ho attacked Jasper. Tho con tractor was no match for him, and wns, being choked Into unconscious ness when Mrs. J'ispor hurled tho vinegar into tho man's face. Howling Willi pain, he freed .insper. Mrs. Jas per sprang at him, and she and her husband managed to holdtilm until a policeman came and took him o Jail. Jasper says tho man ho hud bo. friended was a former employe whom he had discharged on account of his habits. He says tho man stole his Jewelry before hiding In the closet. &sgs jMsM-r'M-fi$ NEED OF GOOD FERTILIZERS Application of Commercial Product Enhances Wheat Grower's Chances for Big Yields. With the ntajoiit' of farmers tho use of commercial teitill.ers In wheat seeding has become quite tho rule. While they do not use particularly large quantities per acre, they have found trout experience that 200 to 100 lbs. per acre aniiiinlly is a good In vestment. in mnny sections wheat has becomo rather an uncertain crop, and those who ralso It year after year, appre ciate the necessity of furnishing com plete cultural conditions and seeing to it that the soil contains sttfllcleut plant food to feed the ciop through to maturity. In other words, taking every precaution that will reasonably as btire fairly good yields and profits. The season just past has demon strated that even hi good wheat years when Holds without special treatment proved profitable, tho application of commercial fertilizers pays, tho ad vantago of applying fertilizers is read ily apparent. Whon fertilizers pny in good years, the results from Its ttso is all tho more striking in off years when tho general crop proves n fail ure. The glowing of wheat, in fact nny crop, Is surrounded with enough un certainties without trying to mnko good yields on poor soils which havo shown their gradual Impoverishment by the decreasfng yield each succeed ing season. Hy applying commercial fertilizers the wheat grower's chances for good yields are materially enhanced, and ns no one can foretell whether tho sea son will prove unfavorable, It Is econ omy to uso fertilizers on every seed ing. Ono of tho chief Inactions of commercial fertilizers with wheat, la to furnish tho young plant with plenty of available plant food right from tho start, enabling them to mnko rapid and vigorous growth nt a tlmo when it will mean most to the Inter develop ment of tho plnnt. With such n start tho roots soon reach down into tho soil wher they gather food rrom tho less available sources. This keeps tho plant growing steadily all through the season. With the uso of fertilizers ther is no standing still, which Is oft en tho case where no fertilizer is used. Tiie most perfectly prepared seed bed will not present a condition sultnblo for rapid growth unless there Is plenty of available phint food near tho surface where tho first formed rootlets can readily find it. SELF-CLEANING LAWN RAKE Simple Wooden Attachment to Ar ranged That Implement WW Thow Off Accumulations. When cleaning u Inwn of dend grnas, leaves, etc., with a garden rako much time is lost In removing tho trash clogged between tho teeth. I was us ing a wood back rako for this purposo and decided to make an attachment for Bolf-clennlng, writes John Mnko of Franklin, Mass., In Populnr Mechanics. I procured a soft and light piece of wood, in. thick, 14 in. wide, nnd nB long ns the rake bor, and bored holos in It to mntch the teeth of tho Cleans the Rake Teeth. rake. Attached to this piece of wood wero two pins which passod through tho back of tho rake. Two compres sion springs plnced on theso pins be tween their heads nnd tho rako back kept tho strip of wood at the baso of the rnko toeth. If tho grass or leaves would stick to tho rako teeth nftcr drawing of tho rnke, all that wbb nec essary to do to clean them was to turn the rnko over and strike tho heads of tho pins on tho ground. Tho teeth would bo cleaned instantly. Plow Lands Well. I want soil plowed fairly deep, nnd Insist on having evory inch turned over, realizing tho truth of tho old ndago: "Land well plowod Is half hoed." 1 uso tho disk harrow, going over tho pieco nbout onco In two weeks until tho ground freezes, thus securing n sod bed thnt Is In tho best possible condition for the following crop, says a wrltor In Baltimore Amer ican. I havo tuken n field that wub badly Infested with witch grnsB and by following this method havo en tlroly eradicated It, nnd I bellevo that I hnvo Increased tho crop fully 25 per cent, by bo doing. Cultivate the Tomatoes. Whllo tomnto plantu will stand con siderable neglect thoy rcBpond to gen erous cultlvutlon more than nny other crop. If the ground is dry nnd in clined to bako keep It stirred up. Of courso, this Is true of any cultivated crop, but It HeemB especially applica ble in the, enso of tomatoes. Sonno I5 AHbtrf I. R,,t ARRANGEMENT OF AN APIARY System of Locating Whereby There Is Straight Line to Honey House From Each Hive. My plnn of locating hives Ir such that a Inimical t may be wheeled straight from nny hivo to the honey house. Tho town of hives extend In every direction fttmi the boney-liouse, the plnn being like n huge wheel with the rows of hives for the npokes and the biMiey-houKo for the hub. The diagram shows the system that 1 fol low for numbering the stands, writes Carey W. Kern, in Cleanings in Heo Culture. Some object to the hives , ." . f -? x . a - 1 ? . 0 . ? "fl Arrangement ol Apiary. being so far apart, for the reason that It takes too much time to go from one to another; but for convenience 1 like plenty of room. Of all unpleasant places to work It is an aplnry where the hives are crowded together, or where they aro under trccK. If IiIvoh must, be set under trees, tho limbs should be trimmed high, ho ns to nvold catching tho veil. Slnco I have no trees or bushes in my yatd 1 uso the ventilated covem and Hhade-boardH over them. Dating the hottest weath er I draw tho hives back beyond the ond of the bottom-board so as to give more air. SPRAY FOR POTATO BEETLE Most Growers Neglect Applying Poi son Until Insects Have Ob tained Start on Vines. The chief difficulty in spraying for the potnto beetle seems to be that most growers postpone applying tho poison until tho beetleti have obtained a good start upon tho vines. Tho best time to kill them Is Immediately, or soon after they hatch. Tho destructive season of the bee tles upon lato potntocfl llct between July 1 nnd AuguBt 10. The season of greatest destruction from blight upon lato potatoes usually comes between August 1G nnd September 1 e Potato Spraying Machine. Somo fanners nro deceived In think ing that they hnvo the beetlcB under control when tho Inrge insects sud denly disappear. The fact la theso beetles go into tho ground to get their wings, and when tho mature Insect comcB out thoy cause serious loss to tho crop by chewing off tho leaveH and leaving tho stems marly stripped of foliage. They cannot be con trolled at this stage. It Is nlmofst Impossible to prevent swnrmlng whon producing comb honey. The honey extractor saves tho bees much tlmo in comb building, nnd thus tho beekeeper can secure more honey. Improve your boea by always rear ing quecna nnd Increasing from col onics that hnvo gathered tho most honey. Never mix sun-staked lime with ma nuro, nB It will cause tho escape of tho nmmonla, one of Its moBt vnluablo elements. Snlslfy, Is n common vegetablo oy ater nnd, properly prepared, It Is ono of tho moat delicious vegetables tho garden produces. Novor extract honey before nt least two-thlrds of tho comb Ik scaled or capped over. Otherwlso the honey la not rlpo enough and will ferment. There la no month in tho year when manuro ennnot bo hauled nnd scat tered on tho fieldH to advantage. It la better on tho land than in tho stables and lots. Tlnn to plant nil the land to some crop. Green crops prevent tho ground from burning out from Um hot sun, nnd tho roots of tho plants help to loosen up tho sol). If n hnlf barrel la mink at ono cor ner of tho box nnd connected by n spout tho liquid from tho manure will In this manner all bo saved and can bo applied to tho plants as needed. Tho disk harrow is n good tool for loosonlng up packed plowed ground. Disking both wnyH will put the ground in fino Bhape for seeding, the dlBk to bo followed by a smoothing harrow. Lot tho gross grow along fence rowB. You do not need to mnko It grow, for it will coma of itself and make a good sod if tho other growth is cut off two or three times during tho summer. Gross will not grow under dense sbndo or brush nud weeds. "'. $&MYffl$?mZtK m mmm MNoras (LIVES SAVED AT SMALL COST 'Figures Showing Expenditures For the Maintenance of Tubercu losis Sanatorium. In n comparative study of the cost of maintenance In thirty tuberculosis snnatorlums the National Association for tho Study and Prevention of Tu berculosis found thnt the food cost In most of the Institutions represented one-third of the annual expenditures. Tho average dally food cost per pa tient was $U.r14. Tho expenditures for salaries nnd wages represented nearly nuothor third, "being $0,481 per dny per patient out of n total of $1.(109. Tho fuel, oil and light cost was ?0.2u0 per capita per diem, or about one-eighth of the total cost. Tho dally cost In the tievcral Institutions ranged nil tho way from J0.1MC per patient to $2.tiCr. In the far west and southwest, mi in Colorado and Now Mexico and Cali fornia, the cost was higher than lit the east, In New York and Now Engluud, being $2,025 per patient rut ngalust $1,718. The total expenditures of tho thirty Institutions wero $1,03,053.28, while the total receipts from nil Bourcea wero $1,518,525.74. Moro thnn 70 per cent, of tho receipts wero re ceived from public funds nnd private benefactions, only 28.8 per cent being from patients. Stated In another way only 35 per cent, of the total expendi tures wero received from pntlenUt, tho rcmninder being mndo up from other sources. HAVE TO WAIT. "You ought to tnlto somo quinine for that cold." "I'm sorry, old mnn, but thero nro ninety-eight cureB ahead of yourn." The Deacon's Parable. A self-conscious nnd egotistical young clergyman was supplying the pulpit of n country church. After the service liu asked ono of tho dencons, a grizzled, plain-spoken mnn, what he thought of Ills morning effort. "Waal," answered tho old mnn, slowly, "I'll toll ye in a kind of para ble. I remember Tunk Weatherbco'a fust deer hunt, when ho was green. Ho follcrcd tho deer's tracks nil right, but bo fullered 'cm nil day in tho wrong direction." Housekeeper. How He Kept the Law. "I noticed," said tho friond-who-could-be-trustcd, after a trip through tho factory whero preserves nro made, "that n whlto powder 1b first put In tho cans, and thnt tho presorveB nro then put In tho whito powder." "Yes," explained tho proprietor to tho friond-who-could-bc-triiBtcd, "thnt whlto powdor 1b a preservative. You seo we nro compolled to put tho pro serves In n preservative becauso an Idiotic requirement of tho government mnkes it unlawful for us to put n preservative In tho preserves." If You Aro a Trifle Sensitive Atwut the Hlzn of your mIiuph, ninny propla wear Hnmller HhiwHliy uslnR Allen'H Toot-Easo, tlie Autlseptto Powder to Hhakc Into the nborn. It curru Tired, Hwollcn, Achlnir Fcrt and Rivet rent nnd comfort. J tint tho thlnff for lircakliiK In new kIioch. Bold rerywher, 20c Knmpln nciit FKEK. AddrcuM, Alien t). Uluibtcd, Lo Itoy, N. Y. Caught In the RuEh. "My poor mun," snld tho sympa thetic woman, "and how camo you to bo crippled for llfo?" "I'll tell you, madam," replied tho beggar. "Onco I spent my vacation at a summer hotel and I was trampled down trying to get into tho dining room after tho first boll. Real Novelty. Knocker Say, hero's on original baseball story. Second Senior How's that? Knocker Horo wins gnmo in eighth Inning Instead of ninth. Yalo Record. lied, Weak, Wenry, Wnterr I5y. Relieved Hy Aturlno Kyo Heincdy. Try Murluo Kor Your Kyn Troubles. You Will I.lho Aturlno. It Hootlica. Me nt Your UruRglHtn. Wrlto Kor Kyo Hooks. Frou. Murluo Kyo Ilentcdy Co., Chicago. Thero can bo no truo rest without work, and the full delight of n holiday cannot bo known except by tho mnn who has earned it. Hugh Black. Mr. TVInloTr' fioothlnjr flyrap. FnrctilMren tUtnif. Mifli-niitlioKiinn, rixluccsln. lUiuumUuujilliutiuiln.curiianlndoullc. Xxia bolUo. Knock nnd tho world will Join in tho anvil chorus. Women's Secrets There is one man in tire United States who has perhaps heard more women's secrets than any other man or woman in the country. These secrets are not secrets of ijuilt or shame, but the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr. R. V. Pierco in tho hope and expectation of advice and help. That few of these women havo been disappointed in their ex pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of all women treated by Dr. Pierco havo been absolutely and altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable it tho cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. Hut when that record applies to the treatment of more than half-a- mil lion women, in a practice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal. and entitles Dr. Pierce to the tfratitudo specialists in the treatment of women's Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierco by letter, absolutely without charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whstevcr, upon them. Write without fear m with out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. It, V, Pierce. PtosCm lluffalo, N. Y. DR. PICRCC'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION essj Woidt "Vt'oxtaon. Strons, Oiolt "Wonxoxi. XXTmSXm Caught Too Quick. "I pleads guilty ter stealln' dem melons, jedge," said tlu prisoner, "butJ I wnntii do mercy or il court." "On what groundd'" atiked tho Judge. "On tlcse grounds." replied the pris oner: "1 stole de 1110I011H, but do sher iff didn't give me a chnnco to cat 'em'" Atlanta Constitution. Try This, This Summer. The very next tlmo you'ro hot, tlrod or thirsty, step up to a aoda fountain, and got a glass of Cocn Cotn. It will cool you off, relievo your bodily and mental fatigue and quench your thirst delightfully. At sodit fountains or, carbonated In bottles So everywhere. Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Send to tho Coca-Cola Co, Atlanta, Ga., for their free booklet Tho Truth About Coca-Cola." Telia what Coca Cola In and why It Is so delicious, re freshing nud thirst-quenching. And send 2c stamp for the Coca-Cola llnso ball Record Hook for 1910 cnntalnn tho famoiia poem "Casey At Tho Hat," records, schedules for both Icnguon nnd other vnluablo baseball Informa tion compiled by authorltlon. Tho Modern Idea. "And you don't love hlni?" "No." "Then why marry him?" "Oh. I might as well. Every girl has to havo n foolish marriage or two before she really settles down." Important to Mothora Exnmlno cnroiully every bottlo of CASTORIA. n safe and sum remedy for Infants nnd children, and ttoo that It linn I lirt SIgnnturo aua&Zi&jfa In Ubo For Over iW Yearn. Tho Kind You Hnvo Alwaya Bought Ho truo to tho best or yonraolf, fear ing nnd desiring nothing, but living up to your best nature then you will bo hnppy. Marcus Aurcllus. If there Is plenty nt renin at the top, why do people who get thero continue to fall off? Dr. nrr'i I'leKinnt IVIInU iriraut and lnrt. nrntn ktuiunnli, llrer nnd tumuli. Hucar-eoal,, Un7,Krauolci, c to Ink. ! not grip. A thick head Is apt to gonornto . multitude of thin Ideas The Handiest Remedy is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, and past experi ence has proven that when taken promptly at the hrst signal of distress a sick spell can be avoided, her Loss of Appetite, Gas on Stomach, Heartburn, Bloating, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Headache, Gostiveness, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Malaria, Fever and Ague it stands unequalled. Get a bottle. OSTETTER' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER Busted Many a man goes broke in Health then woalth. Blames his mind says it don't work right; but all ths tlmo It'B his bowels. Thoy don't work liver dead and tho wholo system got clogged with poison. Nothing kills good, clean-cut brain action like) con stipation. CASCARETS will rollore and euro. Try it now. tu CASCARETS 10a a bos for a track's treatment. All druecrlat. Biggest eUer la tlio world, itlllloa tones i month. A vacation necessity (be KNOWN TIIE WORLD OVER STOCKERS & FEEDERS Cholco quality; rcJa nud roscut. whlto facoH or outfits bought on ordrra. Teuu of Thousand select from. Rattsfactlou Unar nnteed. Correspondence Invlud. Como oud se for yourself. National Lave Stock Com. Co. At cither Kansas CHy.Mo., SI. Joseph, Mo.. S.Ojaba.Hb. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 31-1910. accorded him by women, aa the first of diieasei. H maifc A 1,1 m y f . . '