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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
Krr -. HtaKEiiuBBBH ji ift &fflBBHBKu!v?j&ml!NE "t-j. i -v '.A . m r ). ft . ,i -to ft The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt. Prop. E I carry a coir- cte line of strictly fresh and my prices are such that it will pay your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. $ Cleanliness fl You cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, Ill-kept place and bo fiure ff pure goods ClenulincHs'nnd Minltntion lire our bobbles. John Barkley for House and barn Moving Read what other people have to say about John Barkley s work. UfiADKN. NKH., .1UNK 10 John liarkloy of Kod Cloud, who moved my residence done his wurk well without exception plnsturing is .sound and is without doubt u good job Will say any one wish ing this hind of work done, can make no tni.stiilcu employing him You is truly, Ftu:i Wi:i:.i:it. BELLEVUE HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Do You Know that liellevue College, including College, Normal School, Academy, Business Course, and Conservatory of Music, Painting, and Dramatic Art, located in Omaha's beautiful suburb, is the most delightfully situated institution 'in the West? Able Faculty. Successful Intercollegiate athletics, debating and oratory. Fine College spirit. The advan tages of the city combined with the health and freedom of the. country. Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses Graduates of the Academy and Normal School receive State Certificates. Academy and Normal admit students who have completed the Eight Grade work. Summer Sess ion of eight weeks, beginning June 13th. Expenses moder ate. Send for catalog and bulletins. S. W. STOOKEY, LL. D., President. 1 c . ., j m ij FOB YOST & ALIO BY BUTLER Tho 4th Avonuo Meat Market CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the i SIsuMuro 0 r il) if Ht ft b fc 0 ilt D il it to it to to to to to to to to to to it very thin IN atables Groceries, you to do In a Grocery htore more tliiui in anything else, buyors should demand Absolute Cloauliucss. BLADKN, NHH., JUNK M, lOtu .John ltarkley who moved my resi donee a few week's u ago, done his work well and quickly and put. it in good shape, not injuring it at all except a small amount of plaster that came loose, and this is not any more than expected its it was the old lime plaster and bad been on for 'JO years. I). S I' COLLEGE. CATARRH w SoTMAf&BreCOlW 'HSfflrtoiTCi .lnvr.-i.r-KVV. jCoUi WCK.Wf w, b-T el tfft AjtfWYRK Elvs Cream Balm This Romody is n Spoclflo, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. QIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE It clonuses,, heals, nnd protects the disQiiscd membrane. It cures Catarrh nnd drives nway n Cold in the Head quickly, llostores tho ficusos of Tusto nnd 81110II. Ensy to uso. Contains 110 injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Kizo, CO cents At Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, IU cents by mail, t EU BROTHERS, 56 Warrtn St.. New York Clyde Fitch's Joke. r "Clyde Filch wn un ItidoratlKnblo worker." Hiikt n if m-tor who has played lu ninny of the Filch coiiieillt.' ''When lie Iniil a play on the Htnck he would labor over It day and night, ofieti scarcely pausing for IiIh meals and getting very little sleep; consequent ly his health suffered, lie would work until on the verge of a nervous break down, and then his physician would Rtcp In and force him to knock oil. "During ono of these periods of en forced Idleness he wits lounging In the Players club ono day when Hurry It. Smith, the prollllc comic opera libret tist, strolled In. "'What are you doing now?' nuked Smith. " 'I am lu my doctor's hands,' replied Fitch. 'Ho tells mo I'm In a bad way and has absolutely forbidden mo to do any brain work.' "'That's tough,' said Smith. "How do you manage to put lu the time?' " Oh, I'm writing the libretto of a musical comedy!' replied Fitch, with one of his cynical smiles." New York Times. Hair Monstrosities. Frcncli theater managers In the eighteenth century had worse evils than picture hats to contend against. Marie Antoinette, who was short even according to French stnndards, set the fashion of high coiffures, and ultra fashionable women prided themselves on measuring four feet from their chins to tho tops of their heads. These structures took about six hours to erect, the hairdresser mounting a ladder in the process. Some colffurea were almost as broad as they were long, with wings sticking out about eight Inches on each side of the head. For the "frigate" coirfuro the hair was rippled lu a huge pile to represent tho waves of an angry sea and surmount ed by a fully rigged ship. As a con sequence of these monstrosities dis turbances lu t liea tors occurred almost daily until an ordinance was issued against the admission of women with high coiffures to the floor of tho house. Chicago News. Yet He Meant Well. Just as the train was leaving the Fifty-eighth street elevated station a man who had not off there hunted, along the platform and spoke to a pas senger silting by an open window (iu the smoking car. "Quick:" he cried. "Please band me that package. I left it on the seat when I got out just uow." "Sure," said the passenger, picking up the bundle nnd tossing It out of the window. "Thanks:" "Hey, there: What are you doing that for?" demanded the wrathful, red faced man sitting next to him. "Why. he"- "You double dyed Idiot, that package belonged to me! It was 15 worth of laces and ribbons I was taking home to my wife!" Over the scene that followed let us draw a veil. Chicago Tribune. "All Things Come." The magnate looked up impatiently from his work. "Well, my good man," he snnpped at the dlllldent rural person who stood twirling Ids rusty hat, "what can I do for you?" "I guess ye don't remember ne. Hank," faltered the caller. "But you on' me use ter go swimmlu' together in tli' ol town. Then you got a job iu tli' bank, an' I got n job In th' gro cery store." "This Is all very Interesting, and I seem to remember your face. But come to the point my time is valu able." "Yes, Hank. You got a better offer and left the old village. I stayed plug ging ulong In th' grocery store." "Well, well?" ,, "Well, Hank, when you left you owed $7:t.ii2 on a grocery bill. Here's whore you pay up!" Cleveland Leader. Perfumes In Ancient Days. Old as the history of the world itselt Is that of the cpieen of flowers. The ancient Greeks and Uomaiis reveled In roses. They were used lavishly at their feasts, ln'tlio time of the republic the people had their cups of Kaleriilan wine swimming with blooms, and the Spartan soldiers after the battle of Clrrha refused to drink any wine that was not perfumed with roses, while at the regatta of Balae the whole surfaco of tho T.uerlne lake was strewn with flowers. Making a Lawn. On his Kugllsh tour an American was admiring the velvety smoothness of 11 certain sward, and. being pos sessed of land and an overpowering confidence that with money nil things vre possible, lie asueu tno ueati gar dener how to produce such a lawn. And the nardener said: "it's easy enough, sir. All you need do is to remove all the stones, plow up the ground, plant li with grass .seed and roll It for I'.Ot) years." Our Friends. If we choose our friends for what they are. not for what they have, and If we deserve fo ureal a blessing, then they will be always with us, preserved iu absence and even after death, In tho amber of memory. Cicero. Couldn't Talk. Do Styh You say that loving pair of deaf mutes were sitting in the pnrlor nnd didn't carry on a conversation? (luiibusta They couldn't, for they wero holding hands, New York Press. i,j 1 never knew an early rising,", hard working, prudent man. careful ol 'hl enrnliurR. and 'strictly' honest, who com plained -i IV. hi. v" VM.f..' "" Why the Wind Walts. In lib boo'i on "Tin' I'ieturt'.sipi" SI.Ij Lawrence" Clifton .loliusmi i-. . of 1 j tin uuloin supi'Mtiil ii nf Mn'ur'i which explain why t In wind I ill- ways blowing at the point where si. j fculplco nnd Notre name streets meet, chwo hy the lowering eathetlrai. It seems that one day, while thel .church was lu process of building, the Wind and tho Devil were walking 1 down Noti.' Dame street, and thoj Devil after regarding with a frown l of disapproval the graceful outlines of ' the new edlllce rising before him ox- claimed: "What U thltf? 1 never saw It be fore." "Very lll.ely not," responded the Wind, "and I dare you (o go lu there."' "You dap' me to do that, do you?"' cried the Devil, with 11 sneer. "Well.1 I will ko In If you will promise to wait here until I come mil." "Agreed." said the Wind. So his salanlc majesty went In llutj he has not come out yet. ami the Wind is still walling for him at the corner. The Spirit of Liberty. It was in the town that modern de mocracy hud Its rise. Despite all the efforts of tho kings and barons to pre vent it, the spirit of liberty began to assort Itself In the larger towns iu the shape of the charters which guarantee to the people certain commercial and political rights rights which, once ob tained, were never to be surrendered. Before the middle of the eleventh cen tury there were many of tluwe vliiir tered" towns which possessed tho right of electing their own magis trates, sheriffs and Judges and regulat ing their own taxes. The wretched serfs from the country were welcomed by the townspeople and aided to larger freedom. These free towns were first known in Spain, from which country they slowly spread over Europe. The burgesses naturally offered protection and freedom to all who would flee to them from (he feudal estates, and thus slowly, but surely, the good work wen' on until the ancient despotisms were destroyed. Arena. Reptiles That Walk Erect. Lizards of several sorts can wnlk and ruu easily on their hind legs. The Australian water lizard, which is three or four feet in length, keeps quite erect when traversing long distances mi land. It Is found iu the neighbor hood of river banks and passes much of Its time lu shallow water. The frilled lizard of Queensland also travels on its hind legs on level ground, keeping the frill folded when running. When attacked it expands this fold of sklu, which stands out like 11 ruff at right angles round the neck, giving it a most formidable aspect, so that dogs that attack and kill larger lizards will often retreat before a frilled lizard nt bay.' There Is also a tree lizard In Austra lia that moves In a similar way. All these species walk on all fours when merely moving about or going short distances. The Drido's Troubles. It was the servant's day out. and the young bride was doing her best to hurry along the dinner she was trying to eook. The husband, tired of wait lug. bustled Into the kitchen and said Impatiently: "You know, we'll be Into for the the ater If you don't hurry dinner." "Well," sighed the bride, "I can't tell what's the matter, but these cof fee grains simply won't boll soft, nnd us for the eggs, they've been boiling at least two hours, nnd they're still as hard as ever." But the dinner was concluded at last, and then the young husband de clared ho couldn't find his silk hat. "Oh." exclaimed his wife, "you said It needed Ironing, you know, so 1 sent it this morning to the laundry with the, wash." Settling the Barbor. 'Hair's a bit thin on the top. sir." remarked the barber. "Won't you try u bottle of our hair restorer?" The victim squirmed. "You made the same observation last week." he said, "and I expressed my desire to see you try the stuff on the doormat." "Sorry; I didn't know you had been hero before, sir." replied the barber as he went on shaving. "I didn't recog nize your face." "No." was the growling reply; "my face has healed since then." London News. Tho Maid's Reply. As William bent over her fair face ho whispered: "Darling, if I should ask you lu rrench if I miht kiss you what would you answer?" .She, calling up her scanty knowledge of the French language, exclaimed, "Hlllet douxl"-Kxcliiinge. Suspense. "There Isn't any suspense about your play." said the technical critic. "That shows how you Jump ut con clusions," replied the author. "You Just ought to see me waiting for royal tie.' Exchange. A Mrs. Iloyle Is growing? pretty large Judge. Tart Retort. -Don't you think my boy Mrs. Doyle Yes; he Is fur his mother's age - Evolution. At what time of life may a man be said to belong to the vegetable king dom? When experience has made him Bilge. , We Hud ninny men wio nre great nnd some, men who are good, but very fowmouwlH) are both great and good. '-Colton. ,..... ffrftraak .wyv, iiftfi&iiaifeiwaHfcKsf fisa)iittftate6ffl!tftii fipflf ''.? CbkbV bbbbbbbbs BbVbK'--v ''BnBBBBBBBBH IHJBBB ' f 1 yK XflHHSBPVBM . ,;!.J4bB4' HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., I THE MONUMENT MEN, I Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. AtteiseHfcw Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. lin'&l Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Nitlcc of Hearing. Tou II I'itmiiih t tit t u-sttil lu tile Cstatc ot Mnritari'tt M. Wall. DeiiiiM-il. You un- liiTchy iiotlllcd that on lln; lllli. ilny of May ISlIU Clin-enre Iticil Administrator iiftlu I'Maleof Muryari'lt M. Wall lliiiascd llliil Ills pwitltm lu Die Dlslik't Court of W'elNler County. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree, autb orl.lnu and direction the Mild Clarence lteed, nx Administrator of said Kstatc. to complete ami carry out a written m;reuiiieiit which iitsrceiiiciit It Is aliened was entered into by ami between the said .Mnrgnrutl M. Wall. He censed, durlmj'licr lifetime and K. A.Strayer ft al. and further direct the Mild Clarence Heed asNUch AdiulnlHlrator to execute a deed to said K. A. Htrayer to the followluif real, estate, towlt. Lots 7 nnd 8 In lllock lu Smith Moores Addition to ICeil Cloud, Nebraska. Bald petition will be heard nt the Court Itooin In Hed Cloud, WelMti-r County. Nebraska at !i o'clock a. in. on the 1'Jth day of September imo. h.miiiys. ncNOAs District .lud.'C. Estimate 0? Expenses far the City ? Red CUud. IMImiltoof expenses liable, to Ik liiuuirid for all purpose by the city of fled Cloud, Ne braska for the llscal year beuliiulin; May I tli 111 10 liii'luillUK all Items of expemllluies to bo considered mid contracted for. lllllcers salaries IlVlo.OO .streets and alleys . luuo.UU Litigation H00.U0 Supplies fiOO.UO .Maintenance of Water Works iVHUKl Interest on Water llonds .. lOOO.OO Interest 011 Klectrlc Unlit llonds KUU.lH) Contingent and Incidental ieuses .VK).Ui) Maluteiinuceof Klrctrlc l,llit Works .VW.tx) Malutciiauco of Street I.IkIiIs Vjuo.UO .ludnnicnt Kuml .. tiooo.OO Ivxtonslon of Wrtr Works system. UOOO.uo Opcnlni,' streets Hoo.uu IHI00.00 Iteveiuieol tbet.lity o( Itcd Cloud derived from all sources, fer the fiscal year ending May Ith IIIH) ns par account ami settlement with tho City Treasurer. Occupation fund receipts fe 'Jtu.l.i Water fund 'J.V7)..";! Water l.ovy fund U-JIU.iiu tleneral fund Wi.lO Klictrle l.lKht fund I1J70.7J I'lrcimins fluid '. ui.ou i:iectilc l.luht levy isivon " -gT VrkBBMM Don't Delay I Jill if NP kvL sfm Total s .... AI770. 10 I luted .1 uly II, IUI0. Approved July (I. 1010. r. II. I'or 11:11, Attest U. t. Tj:i.i.. Mayor. (Scab lit) Clerk. 6HICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND (fJTCC BRAND In: Sl.Luo '" GO LADIHS I Ak our llrudUt for Cni-CHRS-TQR'S W UlAMUflU IIKAM!) l-JL,l,S 111 krd and Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Glue1 jwuuun. itti nu utiibh. naroljoar Draccia sad auk far OIII.0UK8.TU DIAMOND BUANU PH.LH. for tnentr.fln) yetrt reearded Best.Safct, Alwayj Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS &&, EVERYWHERE ffiTK i JZ 3 i IMSIIDAMPI-- Ordering 11 fire insurance poliey from us n single day. Fire isn't going to .stay away because you are not lu sured. Iu fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issuo you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. The lire lloncl may have your ' house down on tho list for a visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. p. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. UfiDERTAW We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLES, NEBR. Notice Farmers & Breeders That the Percheron Stallion, Mar teai' (G7C70) imported from France in 1010 by Stream A. Wilson of Creton, lown, is registered in the American Breeders and Importer's l'archcron Heglstery, and that his recorded num ber is 521)23. Color and Description, Black. Pkiuorce: Folded Juno . jnor.j bred by M. Tison Commune of Sarsnes, department of Sarthe; got by Duussot (51721) ho by Ayor 37.1.111 (I'll 1.1) ho by lloiitoo(l!),-il)0)hobyl'ioa,tor IU, 5078 (ISIS) ho by Picador 1251 (7So) ho by Picador (li:J21) he by Favori. Dam: Clmrmaute (3.'W9.ri) by Ver mouth (r. 107) lie by Picador 1 (KWO) ho bv Uayard (9l9:) lm by Estnbu 187(700) lie by a son of Jean Le lllanc (730) HLOOKY BOY and MARTHA U will mnke this season nt tho Day bam. R. . B0RUM Ow.NKII ltural phone No. jo:j. Widow's Pension. Tho recent act of April 10th. 1908 glvos to all soldiers' widows a pension of 812 per month, trod Maurer, the '2ZZr- w& "M'wiMilifWia-rriTjnrii alt,