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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
VOLUME XXXVIII. SAFETY GUARANTEED every miuute of the day and night if your money is deposited with us, be cause wo nro protected in case of Burg lary. This is but one reason why you should BANK WITH US and we will gladly refer you to uuy of our uutneroub depositors for several other good reasons why we should have your account. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S..R. Florance. LESTER Mr, .lake Try visited her parents this week. Air. and Mrs. Andrew King spent Sunday at Luo Berglleld's. Mibs Lena Hasser visited her sister Mrs. Charlie Fry this week. Khncr and Harry Monia visited at their uncle's G. Ilasser last week. Fine weather but some ruin would make it so much more pleasant. Miss Pearl riagau of Guido Hock spent Sunday at Charlio Krisbie's. Mis-, Conohcu of Grand Island is visiting Miss Cracc Friable tliis week. Miss Dollio Kussor returned homo Suuday evening from (Juide Hoek where she has been visiting friends. GARFIELD A line rain '1 hursday night. Mauley Itros. aie stacking their ulf- alfa this week. Will Fisher took a load of hogs to market on Tuesday. Charley Campbell sold four loads of hogs Saturday for eight twenty. Will Amauk was seen wandering around on wind mill row Monday. Mis. Charley Smith and son are vis iting iter sister, Mrs. G. C. Barnes this week. Will Fisher took u three day's lay oil and went with the thrasher last week. FrauTc Amack and family and Mrs. Ailes were callers on tSuy Barnes and wife Sunday. Cutting weeds and thrashing is the order of tho day and if you can't got a sweat at that you had hotter jump in the river. GW YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Seperator, 500 lbs Capacity for $57.50 I This add Brought to Our store $ is good for $2.50 on the Pur chase of the above seperator. IS -. r,s:'::i"Ktf 4- J'ntn Historical Society Georgo Harris stacked his oats oa Monday. Poto Manley did the fine part by pitching bundles. The hum of the thtnsher is heaul in east Garfield this weoU. The wheat is making better than twenty bushels per dero. Thete is some woi rylng on the east Gnrlleld phone lines for some of the membeis are slow pay and they can't get ovntial'foi they are cut oiV. SUNNY SIDE. Darlle Plumb was visiting at W. S. House's last Sunday. Anothor good cement bridge is built north of town. Let the good work continue. Frank titrable was unfortunate in loosing his barn by tire. They were threshing near by but being dry it soon burned to the ground. wanted: A good rain. The sooner the hotter. About two inches and all night to come in. The corn lias a good color, heavy stalks and better than expected. A. Citnuingliani wns severely hurt by a stacker falling on him while helping Win. Robertson put up hay Saturday afternoon. His hip was dis located and a small bone broken. We hope it will not prove us serious as anticipated. GUIDE ROCK. Emanuel Peters was very Mrs ill Sundnv evening, A big crowd from here attended tho Supetior Chautauqua Sunday. Mr. (Jeorge McCarley nud Miss Carrie Mason wore married at Ited Cloud Saturday by Judge Edson. Rnntrrutulntions are extended bv their I many friends. jft v m 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Flfty-twd Weeks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, jSJEJJRASKA, ,Uh J. S. Gleason celebrated his birthday Tuesday and received a 1st lot of post cards. Mrs. L. T. Gleason and Miss Cladys Payne visited from Sunday evening until Monday witli Mr. and Mrs. .). S (ileason Mrs. John I'rissman, Uoit Crissman. and Mrs. dames Baird, mother, brother and sister of Mrs. Chns. Hodges came Mond.iy evening from Missouri for a visit ( The cry of lire and the tinging of the church bell roused our people at live o'clock Sunday morning. The Watt hotel owned by L. L Watt and occupied by P. W. Roland was con sumed with part of the contents. Tho heroic work of the melt and women of ('.aide Hook kept the tiro to the ono building, Iftchnrdson's btick build ing on the uoith anil Jones' cement building on tho south and tho fnut that there was no wind prevented further spread. INAVALE Miss Frankie Martin came in from Lincoln Monday evening. Mrs. Prather is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Lulu Mathews. Mr. and Mrs. Halph McCall of Okla homa are hero visiting relatives. The Hed Cloud Orchestia played for a dance in Hunter's hall Friday even ing. Miss llael McDonald from Pierce, Nebr.. is visiting with Mrs. It. O. Mc Call. Mr. Joigenson returned from Omaha Monday evening after a few dajs visit with relatives. While mowing weeds last Tuesday Fay Arneson out his little daughter's legs quite severely. Wm. Carpenter is building on a few rooms and a flue porch to his residence in the western part of town. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess were up from Hed Cloud visiting their son, C. H. Hurgoss one day this week. Mr. McClure from New Virginia preached ltls first sermon Sunday even ing in the M. E. church of luuvale. Mrs. Gib McCall and children from Oklahoma nre visiting with Mrs. Me Call's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Waldo and .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ilirsch started for Hill City, Ivas., this morning In Mr. Waldo's auto. Mrs. Hichard Keagle of Victor, Colo., and Mn.. C. It. Isom were up visiting Mrs. Iboui's daughter, Mrs. A. S. Mathews one day this weelc. Mi. and Mrs. Claud Conly returned home Friday evening from Hamlin, Kans., where they have been visiting for a few weeks. Miss Mae Dickcrson who has been attending Normal at Kearney, Nebr., for the past seven weeks, returned to her home south of Inavale last Thurs day erenlug. Mrs. Buck was accidentally shot and killed by hcv husband last Tues day evening. Mr. Buck was loading a shot gun and from some unknowu cause the shell exploded, lodging in Mrs. Buck's neck. She died Tuesday evening and was buried ne.t dav in the Womor cemetery. COWLES Fred Guild of Blue Hill town Suuday morning lor wtib in a short stop Yongand Murphy of Palisade, Neb., bought the stock of clothing bore and moved it to that place. Curtis Beal bought tho property known as tho Morgan property and intends to move in at once. Rev. Deakln went to Omaha Tues day momlngto boo the Hying miiohiuo lly, and visit his son William. Mr. Speuco of Columbus, Knns., who formerly lived at Bladon came in on tho train Thursday for a short visit' with his sou. Ernobt Abhby eertnjnly holds tlie' record Tor raising oats this year -a rauqd hero.1 He tbreshed-oUt'toObuSf on onlv 10 ftcVel. v ' Mrs. Bragg and Mrs Clarence Hoee of Guide Hoek was in Cowles Thurs day on their way to Hastings. Sidney Spiiicher. our noted livery man got kicked by a horc on the arm and was obliged to carry his tit lit in a sling for a few days x Miss ddte Thomas after spending a two weeks vacation hero, returned to Ohiowa Monday whete she lias a position in u goticinl stote. Jus. MeUrido went to Hustlii s 'I'uesdiw to see a Specialist about his eye. He got hit witli a tennis ball and it became very painfully. Vs. A. Ciood returned Monday eou iug from ids extended trip through the east in his auto. He isited nil the ptinclpal cities. Chicago, Detroit, Totouto Canada, ltuil'ulo, New York City, lloston, Philidelphin. Washington and St. Louis He re ports a very 11 no time and had an ex cellent luck with his auto. However lie says Nebraska looks good to him. Institute Lectures. Tucbdaj, August -'. 8..'!U p ui. Dr. XV. D. I'miudy. It s A D. D.S. of Sup erior, Nebr.. will give an Illustrated lecturo at the Cougtegalional church on "The Relation ot the Teeth to Human Happiness." Thursday, August 1. at S.Oo p. in. Supt F M. Hunter of Not folk, Nebr. will lectin e at tho M E chinch on "A Pali lot of the Olden n.tys' All old settlors of Webster county will be delighted to know that tho Chautauqua management has secured Judge Loo S. Estelle to speak Aug. 11. Being a fui met eitiven of Hed Cloud wo have a particular iuteiest in tho man who tor many years lias taken upon his own big heart the wiongs, the sorrows, thepeiilsiuid delinquenc ies of the children of misfortune and has boon their most faithful advocate in the Juvenile Court of Omaha. How the Mule Qot His Mate Up. The street was slippery and the ver pulled at tho reins Tho mulou incd In their effort to turn the on. One slippod. The next mo- jnoot it was down and mixed up In tho fUieos. The drlvor swore and not gtetrlly. "Twenty minutes now before I got tht fool mulo up," ho grumbled as ho Joft seat on tho wagon. Hut ho didn't count on tho mules Tho ono tjbjat was still on his feet looked at tho cue on the ground. Then he i cached oyer and bit him on tho 'topknot.' There waa an animal giunt and a kicking of foot Then without aid tho mulo got up By the tlmo tho drlvor was back on his neat tho mules kw.gro tugging ugaln Kansas City StKr. i rfcil ENGRAVING MM. i 8. 1910. There are times when a whole lot de pends on the watch you carry. If you buy your watch here there-11 be no missing of trains or engagements, no being late on account of your watch. In This Jewelry Store You can select a watch at a moderate price or one as expensive as you care to go. But no matter what you pay you'll have a watch well worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jewdlcrs & Optometrists A Drive In Candy, and something new every day, is what j on will Had at ur store If it's not a new Candy at a regular price, It's a new pi ice for regular candy 25 CENTS PER POUND and up for pure, rich, delicious Choco lates, Creams, nnd Hon-Bons. We make a specialty also of Box Goods, nud no bettor goods nre made any where A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. DR. E. A. THOMAS -DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. HOL'its or Hi:nvici; at conchihia TiO.VALC'IIUltUlI. SMIIIATIlSKIIVICM. . Jlllilo Bdiool ton. in. Preaching........ It n. in. Preaching scrvlcm . 8. m. Prayer and Conference uicotliii; Wednes day fit 8 . in. A to nil ul Invitation Ih extended to all. ItKV. A. A. CilKISMAN Paitor. The Chief $1.50 DUMBER (JO WE OFFER YOU A DINNER you cannot get at tho ordinary res taurant. The quality of the food, the excellence of the cooking and the per fection of its serving make ti dinner here one to bo remembered with pleas ure. TRY THJS R.ESTAURANT the next time you feel like eating something extra nice. Wo can gratify you to the qtieoq's taste. Come alono if you must, with a friend if you can A good dinnor like ours ought to bo eaten in good company. The Bon Ton Bakery nnd Restaurant, H. Neuerburg, Prop. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to l)r, J. S. BMIGU At the old stand over the State Bank.' Phonel31 . -THE Ghlcago Specialists! Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only. PKitMANt.NT Office , Hod Cloud, Royal Hotel Consultation Free, in German and English. Tlwfsday, Aa. Ilth, 19l ! ,1 ' i n