viiwtiMtfmwMi n ol . tgy1 .pvaswrawrewiHftw ft- r wrrwir'-t,"- q ytwwn-y .., , ,, gy,, . ; i m Irw,'i -.-..'wvitl BU feP" wr If. it m m - r- r r- , -l s The heme 6rGery P. A. Wulitaidt, Prop. sss lUif erything es IN it) to it) ib to to f I carry a coir" tc line of strictly fresh Groceries, j) ty ami my prices are sucii mm it win pay you io oo y fl vour buvinjJin this line of us. Unly the lirst-class v$ In ii (iroecry store more- than in anything Isl, (? brands of canned and package goods carried. ft rt UluCUlllllvJu buyers shntiltl demand Absoluto Cleanliness (f) Ync tMinnot buy titocerles In a dirty, ill-Wept place and bo suro o M pure fronds cicaiiliness'.nnd .sanitation are our hobbies. : : : : ft $w All staple Groceries in bulk at Iictl-rock Prices. Cleanliness to to to to to to to J' utrtri'nwmMumwiviirr for Nous and Barn Moving Read what other people have to say about ohn Barkley's work. j bliADUN, NKB., .lUN'KlO John UarUley of l!eti Cloud, who moved inv residence done his wwrlc well without exception plasturing is sound and is without doubt a jrood job ' Will say any one wish iiifr tills hind of work done, can inalco no inlstaUu employing him Yours truly, Fm:n Vi:iini:r. BLADEN, NEB., .JUNE II, 1010 Joint Biirlcley who moved my resi denee a few week's a afro, dona Ills work well and quickly and put it in frood shape, not injuring it at all except a small amount of plaster that came loose, and this is not any more than expected as it was tho old lime plaster and had been on for UO years. D. S. The 4th Annual Chautauqua will be held in Red Cloud August 6th to 14th. Hi ft. Lincoln Let i mi. However, I do not seek to dictate to my party. I do not claim rights of leader.shln or attempt to make its Jl) j platform in advance of rhoimsctnhliiig "' tt tin. .lnli.ifiiti's nt the convention. 1 stilted my views plainly at Central City and until the party speaks in its platiorm I shall hold to tlfe advice given at the time. If u substantial victory for the 'tem pera nee forces of this state is the thiiifr to bo deslrod, it is well to con sider the, judgement of those old ill the faith, as well as that of now con verts. J observe that so good a judge of republican politic, and a county optlonist i" well. Mayor Love, is quoted only yesterday as saying that the republican parly will not put county option in its platl'unii tlil this year. Many other leaieis of that parly will not put count v option in its platform this year. Many other loaders of that part have told me the same thing. I am willing to risk my political judgement by agreeing with them in this matter. In a speech made at Lincoln a short time ago, evidently propared with great care and delivered for tho purpose of informing county oplioiiists as to tho elfect of political action in this matter upon tho county option question, the national superin tendent of the anti-saloon league, speaking with the knowledgeobtained by their exporienco in other state, would be a great mistake to have one party declare for county op tion and the oilier refu-e to do so. Mr. Bryan disagrees with mo upon making direct legislation the issue on tills campaign, and letting county op tion was at stake befoiu tho last legis lature, and he was appealed to give it His support. Mr. Bryan s.iid. "Wait until we got the initiative and refer endum." When 1 was asked to eall the extra session, Mr Bryan gave it as his rouMju for asking me to eall the legislature together that county option could thus lie made to wait up on tho adoption ot a direct legislation amendment. I am only now adver tising for the parti -. action what Mr. Bryan has so constantly urged in the past. Hut he says my failme to call on extra session makes I be liquoi question an issue in our party.' But this question became- an issue in the democratic party before Mr. Bryan spoke out upon It. When I vetoed the "Fort Crook Bill"' and signed the day light Saloon bill" in the face of threats that I wrote my own political death warrant If I approved that measure, tho democratic party has this issue put before it. As in other matters I' have been compelled to decide- since I have been governor of tho state, I acted, tlrst, upon my own judgement and conscience as to wluu I believed was right and for the best interests of the people of the state, and, secondly, for the good of my party. Tho mom 1 signed the "Daylight Saloon Bill,' the organized liquor interests of this state decreed 1 must be beaten at next election. The tlrst battle will bo at the primary. 1 received more votes when I was elected than any candidate- ever re ceived in Nebraska for any oillce, except President Booseveltin the cam paign of 11)01, and by all the rules of Nebraska politics I was entitled to a re-uominatiou without a struggle. Mayor Dahluian has been brought out to defeat me. If ho can do it my de. feat will be a warning to all future politicians in Nebraska to never dare to stand up against the liquor interests. cratic party in its state convention to ' determine what the future policy of Steta.fc&ft&ftBf the party shall be In tie inattPt of umlo'iitf now law- M "; " b I IMHCAarjl ivv&Sfll h K"i: ,sli: in YOST & SUTLER The Hit Avenue Meat Markot' ! CATARRH ?Ji?Mi msBm "Q rHav.cnicrv ! .i-wurr 9JJfSf cvr-Niv T i . i .X,VsV y,Vi 8vlvC.1 v TJtWYHll Ely's Cream Balm This Romocly Is n Spoclflc, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanse-, soothes, heals, and protects the dUea-vd uicinbraue. It i ires Catarrh and drives away a CId in tli- Head rpiiekly. Restores tho Rentes of Tate and Smell. I!iwy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Iirgo Size, CO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Hlzo, 10 cents by mail, t ELY BROTHERS. 06 Warren St.. Now York. HOY MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., j THE MONUMENT MEN, i KJ I Is I 1 XTll iea ioua, - - iNeorasKa. B I Swift's Premium Hants or Bacons. imrim HI jrMSSQKftTTT! X.r.' $& FIRE INSURANCE POLICY clikg to a:jc:e?jt METHODS . v ".feS Hmf- dml Mm4 Wi Vsafl if -n SAY MISTER ! ! ! Having secured three carloads of wire fencinir at 5 u. Tm ninni ... - " ' o,a dib BAKbAlN, we are willing to divide with you. WMh Am SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and '40 rods. lb Ml Ml MARINERS' imisniimmi-iimnimmmmimssnj BELLEVUE COLLEGE. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Oo You Know that Uellevue College, including College, Normal School, Academy, Business Course, and Conservatory of Music, I aiming, and Dramatic Art, located in Omaha's beautiful suburb, is the most delightfully situated institution 'in the West.- Able Faculty. Successful Intercollegiate athletics, debating and oratory. Fine College spirit. The advan tages of the city combined with the health and freedom of the country. Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses Graduates of the Academy and Normal School receive State Certificates. Academy and Normal admit students who have completed the liight Grade work. Summer Sess ion of eight weeks, beginning June i3th. ! xpenses moder ate. Send for catalog and bulletins. S. W. STOOKEY, LL D., President. The issue between denioeraey and deeeney upon one hand and the law loss liberty of unbridled lieenso upon the other is clearly understood by the people of Nebraska, and I am ready to meet the fight, along this lino. Tho people of this 'tate are the most in depepondeiit. and intelligent voters of thoo of any state of which I have knowledge. The pretty jealousies and strifes of contending politicians, who arc struggling for party control, otc, will cut but little ilgiire. A great many more rsebraskans will always bo upon the side of right than upon uiesiuo oi wrong, out inc issue can not be bo-fogged nor turned aside. He Unit is not for mo is against me. I propose to go on lighting as long as 1 hold my oflh'o, to maintain an ad ministration that shall win tho sup port of the people of this state. Irres pective of party, if I can, to convince them that good government and demo cratic go hand in hand. I ain a No braskan before I am u democrat, but a member of that party and one who was always contended for its right to rule In this state. I shall continue to strive to light for those things that I think are essential to good govern ment to lengthen the party in every V'ay possible, not divide it upon ipiestions that are not vital but to un ite it upon great principals such as direct legislation, which carries with it the satisfactory solution of county option and many other qik'stionsinoie important still. What is nerdud in this state just at present U the deeont respect and observance of laws al ready upon the statute books con cerning the liquor trallle, and this oirieo is ohielly concerned with tho enforcement of tho law. I lam OHmg tnlun,. t. ilu d. ino-' BEES ' AXA Many Egyptian Farmers To-Day Use Tools Such as Ancestors Had Centuries Ago. "Ono of the curious sights in tho Kgyptian harvest season is u modern threshing machine noisily working in u Held ndjolnlng that in which a na tive thresher Is treading out the grain," said a Ch' Mjoau, who has made a tour of the world in tho Inter ests of American farming implements. The brown-skinned tiller of the soil, clad In his ilowing robes of white or the favored dull blue and yellow com bination sitting on tho high seat of tho crude thresdier, which is dragged over the tlehls by a yoke of patient camels or perhaps u came! and a donkey or a couple of buffalo cows, appears to the stranger who sees this for the first time like the principal actor In a scene worked out by an ingenious mind for stage effect "Tho native plow In Egypt is sim ply the. fojiked portion of a tree or two pieces joined together and Binoothed off. a primitive contrivance wlNch may still ho seen in use by Cuban rnrmers. The thresher is u sledge-llko affair fitted with round crushers of wood or Iron and weighted down from tho top. Tho grain Is crushed into the ground and whon gathered up It Is mixed with lumps of mud, but it is said that never a kernel of It Is lost or wasted. "American farming machinery may he found In tho remostest parts of the world and where least expected. In what manner It gets thero I could not ascertain. Tho natives could not en lighten mo." iff Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Notice of tiearlnft. To all Persons hiteivslcil la the Instate of Marmiri'tt M. Wall. Iieieased. You are hereby iiotilleit that on Hie lltli. day of May lllioriiireiieeltiiil Administrator of the KMateof Mnnjare-U M. Wall. Pieensiul tiled his petition In the District Court of Webster Count v. Ncliriihka. the object and prayer ol which are to obtain a decree, auth orlliii; and dlrtctliin the wild Clarenee I teed, as Administrator of snlil 1 1st ate. to complete and carry out a written agreement which Mureeiuent It Is aliened was entered Into by mid between the Mild Marwarett M. Wall. De ceased, ilurlni; her lifetime and K. A.. Stray er et al, and further direct the satil Clarence Ttcfil as Mich Administrator to execute a deed to said i:. A. Mraycr to the followluu real, estate, towlt. I. (its 7 and H In Itloek III Smith iV Moores Addition to lied Cloud, Nebraska. Hald petition will be heard at tlieConrt Itootn lu lied Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska at !l o'clock a. in, on the t'.'th day of September Hill). II MlltVS. Dl'NIlAX Dlstrlet .Indue. Don't act ay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us a single day. Ftic isn't going to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate nbout tho matter. Tho fire fiend may. have your house down on the list for a visit tiiis very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. FEARS OF FOGS Numerous Safeguards Dovlscd for Protection Against Dire Peril of the Ocean. Probably the greatest menace to tho safety of navigation at sea Is tho fog. Modern steamships nro seldom endan gered by the severest storms, but when tho Impenetrable envelope of mist en closes a vessel, she is exposed to the most terrihlo of porlls a collision at sea, A single ship may be compara tively safe even lu a fog, but when there Is n fleet of vessels the danger is greatly multiplied. In addition to tho customary fog-horns and sirens a fleet of warships often will keep In formed of their rohitivo positions by the tiring of signal-guns from tho flag ship. Another excellent method gqn orally employed Is tho uso of tho fog buoy. Each vessel In n warship fleet carries a fog buoy, n largo cask paint ed a bright rod. This is cast over board at the first sign of any fog and dloots from tho stern of tho vessol at tached by a rope of grars fiber which docs not sink beneath tho surface of the water. Sutllcient rope is paid out by each vessel, so that its fog buoy floats at tho how of tho ship next 'em two cables' longth (100 yards) when In close order and double that distance In opon order. Ry tills moans tho exact stations of tho Individual ships of a fleet nro maintained, oven though proceeding at u moderate rate of speed. Estimate of Expenses fer the City ! Red Claud, l.stliuate nt expenses liable to be Incurred for all purpnscH hy the eltj of Ked Cloud, Ne braska for the llsenl year beijlnnlnt! May Itli l'.UU Including all Items of eifiiililiues to b considered and contracted for. i Mlleeis salaries s ;U)0.U0 streets and alleys KKJ0.00 I. Illation NKt.W) .Supplies MM).(K) MaluteiiHiicuof Water Works . .. . iVHUK) lutcrist on Water llonds Kiuo.fH) Interest on l-llcctrlc. Might Itcuuls Kim.00 Contingent and Incidental txpeiises .Vio.iio Malnlenanceof Kleclrlc Mi;ht Works WO.U) Maintenance of Street l.tuhts .... I'.tHi.tHl ,luiluieiu I'uiiil :iO00.t)0 Intension of Water Works system. 'Juuu.uu llpelltllK Streets H0O.00 S IH100.00 Hexenueol tbeCIty of I ted Cloud dcrlvtd from all sources fer tho llscal year cinllni! May Ith r.HU as pr account ami settlnuiiut with the City Troitsarcr. Occupation fund receipts S 'ISti.Vt Water fund SWi.Ki DltDEKTJUmiG We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLES, NEBR. Water Levy fund . .. (ieueral fund ... . Klectrlc Mht fund., l-'lreuiaiis fund Kleetrlc Mht levy... .liiiU'iucat fund J-.' tu.oo :)!l.-,.03 li-.'7l),72 110.00 IHI.V00 3170.00 rtsur.. ch ciu JsU!jr! U ,:, -.t PiLC? SYRUP Total Hated .Inly il. 1U10. Approwd .lul.t ii. into. ('. II. I'otiiui. ttesl Mayoi. seal, --M770. 10 i. C. Tl I I., tllj Clerk. DIAMOND ESTE ""yjFTK. f $ RSPiLLS BRAND Notice Farmers & Breeders That the l'ercheron Stallion, M.n-tkai- (t!707!l) imported from France in 1010 by Stream A, Wilson of Creton, Iowa, is registered in the American Breeders and Importer's Porcheron Uegistcry, and that his recorded num her is r,'.)2-. Color and Description, Black. 1'i:i.ioih:e: Folded diuiu il, i!)0:,; bred by M. TisonCointnuneof Sarsncs, department of Sarthe; got by Daussot (51721) ho by Ayor UT.'l.'.ti (l.ii i.-,) i,0 by Uoutoo (li).-))0) he by Picador III, 0078 (181.1) he by Picador l'Jfil (78d) ho by Picador (U!Ki) he by Favori. Dam: Cliannante (y.m'i) by Ver mouth (.1107) he by Picador I (TOO) ), bv Ilayard(0l0.-() he by UHtaba 187(700) he by a son of Jean Le lllanc (7.'l) IlLOCKV 1JOV unci MAKTHAP will malce this season at tho Day barn., R. . RORUftfl Own ii. Rural phono ,' Hi:. 11U.MJ IIKAM) I'JI.I.'.i IU KI'U ntlllA 11 uietalllc boxes, ecnlcd with Ulue(4 Taui: no oTiicn. nur or your V t anJ k f,ir C'III.C'lli:8.T;U H V I.AIUKS I AV your Hn;r(rt.t for CltlCIU'.STRR'S JJIA. OllLI Ullibon. llrutrKli niAMO.NI II II A Ml I'y.l.H, lor tucntv-firo car regarded na Ilrst,6aKt, Alwnyj Uelfnblc. 0LD PY A'.1. R'JCGiSTS S EVERYWHERE K$, Widow's Pension. The recent act of April loili. i(l03 givo to all soldiers' widows a pension ofSPJper month. ,.,i Mn """-'V-I..IK W.-mu' blanhs "mAa .pJMitXt. .i AL..C .Li Alr t '