7?!rj,f--y r P fcmS, wagons, Chi - lure Colors. Chas. L GottinS, The Druist t LOGALETTES Dortliy Potter left for Dpuver Satur day. Matinee nt tlieTcpeo .Saturday nf tor noon. Saturday afternoon .Matinee at the Tepee. Ularenee Mltehell spent Sunday in Cowles. Foam, sells Kly Nets eheaper than any one. Attend the Tepee next Saturday afternoon. Mr. Thorn of B laden was in tho city Wednesday. Uort liinilley was down from ltivi r ton Tuesday. Miss Leonard of Kivertou was in the city Wednesday. Miss MoKuiney is visiting her broth er in lied Cloud. Cli.oO, .:i.'2, S:s."0 and S;i.73 for Cord Nets nt FoiiEL'-. Mabel llolingrain went to Hastings Thursday morning. Walter Warren and family are in Colorado this week. John McCallutn of Bhutan was in tho eity Wednesday. Mrs. Sclmltz and Mrs. White spent Sunday in Guide lloek. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. The W. U. T. I'., meeting will bo postponed for one week. AsU The lied Cloud Hdw. Co., about thr.t New Wagon you need. 810, $12, $13 and 611 will buy a good Single Harness at Fuii:l'-. Mrs. Cluis. Crabill returned fiom Lincoln Saturday evening. Mrs. (Jeo. Volland of Hastings was In Keel Cloud over Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. Hanes aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs Beokwith. Mrs. Carrie MeKeohy returned Fri day from a visit in Kansas. John Fulton and wife were down from Ulverton Wednesday. For Salk A 'good sewing machine. Inquire of Main. W.L. Koo". " Art Howard and sister, Mabel, left for Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday. The Best Place in town to buy I'alut Is nt "The lied Cloud Hdw. Co.-1 1'aktuuk SVab Ken for 300 head of cattU. Inquire of C H. MiKKlt. Mrs. Clias, l'almer and Bertha turned from Inavnlc Wednesday. (rant Bailey of Omaha is visiting Lis parents in this city this week. Oscar Hughes and wife left for Den ver Tuesday for a few days outing. Calicoes American Prints Five cents per yard. Mini:" Bnos. and Co. Miss Mildred Fulton returned home this morning from Fort Cobb. Okla. Mr. and Mrs U II. Fort are enjoy ing an outing in Colorado this week. Elizabeth Overman pont a few days with friends in Inavale tho first of tho week. :-:-x:?::'vvv:,; mm n v '."v:r:' For Porch Furniture, Lawn Swings, Flower stands, Mail boxes, Pumps, Gasoline cans, Children's i oys etc. use Name 1 rorch rurni- Is, Beautiful oiamels, Miss Maud Miller of Hebron was the guest of Pearl Hines the Hrst of the week. The little tots of the Methodist church held a picnic inCitirney's grove Tuesday. Mike Finkenbinder and Charles Walters wore in Kearney the last of tho week. Susclal prices on-Ladics tailor made. suits, skirts and coats at Miner Bros. Co. Store. Job wanted Two boys aged 1'J and 11 want, jobs in country. Inquire nt this ofllee. .lust see my walk at my home. I sell that kind of Cement J. . C i.i)Wi;M The Staudatd Oil Company has mov ed lis supply tanks to this city from Uuido ltock. The Chief olllcc takes subscriptions and renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. The lied Cloud Hdw. Co., have the Dunsttr ,' How Cultivators and tho l'rico is Right. All the great artists sing for the Victor and Kdison. Hear them at Nowhouso Bros. Several of tho Democrats from this city attended the county convention at Blue Hill Tuesday. Mrs. Hidge Leggett and two daugh ters went to Minden this morning for a visit with Mrs. Bert Carr. The Congregational Market will be held at P. A. Wullbrundt'.s groeerv store Saturday, July UOth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shellak are the happy parents of a baby girl which was born Saturday morning. Ilemember that ovcry thing Is cheap er and better in tho Harness line at Fo'.kl's than any oilier place. lio to the Ked Cioud Milling Co., for your shorts ami brands in half ton lots or more at wholesale prices. About 50 poople went to Guide Hook Monday morning to witness the Red Cloud vs Guide lloek ball game. House cleaning time is at hand Don't fail to see the Lace- Curtains and Carpets at Minkii Bros and Co. liena Herickstcad who has been visiting friends in this city returned to tier home In Denver Friday even ing. L. Aa. Hussoug will attend the state convention of the churches of Christ at Bethany near Lincoln next week, July 25 to. '11. Mr Hussong will preach both morn ing and evening at the Christian church as usual on Sunday, July SJ. "(Jlories of Paradise" from a large chart at 8 p. m. Misses Norma ltichardson and Ver non Storey entertained Tuesday even ing in honor of Miss Michie at tho home of the former. Mrs. Squires wife of II. W. Squires died on last Wednesday early morn lug, of the "great white plague." Funeral services were conducted on Thursday, our press day, from the residence by Kldor Hussong. Obituary notice will be given in next issue. -IfSHi Meet This Question as if you were face to face with us. Our Photos are the kind that all sorts of people like to see. We know how a person should be posed to look the best. Some people say they do not take w a good photograph, but those people $ have not been here ana rouowea our advice. Let us take your photograph and your face will please. THE MODEL STUDIO STEVENS BROTHERS RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. i:-:5r.wx :: iw :: kwmk civtrlii wctc in Hhi'tan Tuesday. The post i. five is being p tinted till week and when llni-hrd it will look pretty nice on the inside Jlou Desplain, president of the Lin coln Western League ball club was in town Wednesday witnessing the lied Cloud vs Columbus ball game. A I fied lladcll, proprietor of the New Yotk Store loaded his stock and moved to Long Island, ICas.. this week. We wish you success Alfred. Aivl.Ks K( ii Sim:. At my farm f miles west of the river bridge at lied Cloud. '-'. and r.Oc per bushel. Pur chaser pick their own apples. Ki:x MoCaii.. Foil Sam: 'JO acres of land close In This land can bo bought In and 10 acre tracts or any way to suit you. This is a snap if sold soon call or write-('. A. Sctin.rz Kr.iCi.ori,-Nr.n. fjunrterly meeting at Mt. Hope church Saturday and Sunday, duly 2il nnd'JI. Kev llockwell of Maukato, Kas , will preach morning and even ing. Also communion service. L'very body Invited. In order that those living out of town may have an opportunity to see the moving pictures the management lias arranged for Saturday afternoon performances, commencing with next Saturday at l p. in. sharp. Mrs. Pope, wife ol Wintiehl Pope, died at the home of her father, Mr. Howard on 131 in street Wednesday morning after a short illness. She leaves a husband and four small chil dren to mourn. Mis. 1'opc was hi'io from Denver visiting her father and other tuliitivcs. Good roads will lead to tho general improvement of the country side. Tho farmer who drives to mid from town over a spacious, smooth, well cured for road will unconsciously come to effect corresponding improve ments in the management and opera tion of the farm. Just as much care, in fact a little more, should be exercised in buying electric sad irons, as in buying any tiling else. Some irons use more elec tricity than others in doing the sumo work. Get your electric irons of MoiillAitr Bnos., they carry theauthcr izeu iron, lie careiuil of "just as good' electric irons. If you know or hear an interesting item in the community make it a point to see that it llnds a place in your local paper. We should much appreciate your effort and will send our reporter to ascertain or vertify any lucking points. Anything which tends to better or brighten tho news sorvicolof a paper makes it of so niucl more value to the community, and the subscribers aro tho ones mostly bene tlted thereby. A word to you sonny you little twelve or thirteen-ycar-old boy who is smoking cigarettes ou the sly. What do you want to become when you grow up a stalward, healthy, vigorous, broad shouldered man, or a llttlCj puny, measly, no 'count, weaL';inlnded dude? If you want to boa man, strong like a man, with hair on your face, brains in your head and muscles in your limbs, you just let those cigar ettes alone. If you want to be a thing, pitied by your folks, despised by the girls amj held in contempt by the fel lows, koep'rfght ou smoking and end your days in the insane asylum. Keep Kefil- We have takep over the Ice business and arc now giving the same our per sonal attention. Put out your Ice Card and we will do our best to please you. A. K. Touneh, The Ice Man. The Best Game Yet. The Ited Cloud First base ball nine crossed bats with the Penny Creek club on tho afternoon of the 17th. The game was spirited turnout and kept the fans on the tip-too of excite ment. The lied Cloud club made a lino ninth inning rally and with the help of several of the league players and the umpires nailed tho game to the tunc of 7 to 1.1. A double header was scheduled and the second game was a wonderful exhibition of base ball with thel'onny Creek club having the best of tho game until tho last. This gamo was hotly contested and would have resulted disastrously but for the brilliant playing of our boys. It scorn as tho the other fellows would surely win but player Floranco made a pheiiominal slide tor home plate and tied tho score. Tho league players stated that no sucli stunt had been pulled off In any of the league games this season and that the National us sociation would probably draft Flor anco for next year's season. This wns followed by u wonderful Hying catch by player Diamond. It was beautiful to watch. In fact to watch such u cutcliwastolosc all record, of time and tho aggregation from this city won tho second game. Scoro 4 to r. Wc succeedod in gottlng a promise from both teams to repeat the same games ou our home diamond in the near future. T Whom It Hay Concern I have moved my Blacksmith Sflop to tho building 2 doors north'of Over ing Bros. Fitiin Wai.i.in, Sheriff Hedge and Oeo Red Cloud Wins a Doable (lender from Uranil Island. Saluiil.i nfteiiiooii I'cfoic a large crowd licio the Ked Cloud Indians took liiilli games uf the double header with in in! Island. The IliM Kumc was one of the closest coliUMs pla,ed in tho league this year, winding up with a score of 1 to 0. The second game Was called in the seventh inning by agreement, with a score of (! to 'J. Score of llrst game: lied L'lniid II II I 0 O I) H li 0- 1 lirand l-ihrnd 0 u 0 0 n o (I 0 0 0 Hits, lied Cloud. :t: Grand island :t. Hirers lied (."loud I ; (irand Island o. Batteries -Ked Cloud. Mitchell ami Moss; Grand Island. Green and 'flav ors. Second game: lied Cloud 0 !l 0 0 II 0 0 i) Grand Island 0 0 1 0 1 U 0-2 Hits -lied Cloud, (I; t.rand Island t. Hrrors lied Cloud '';(; nunl Island 1. Batteries lied Cloud, Mitchell and Most.; (irand Island, ttreeu and Carroll. Tuesday and Wednesday the Colum bus ball team played two games here, lied Cloud won Tuesday s game by a score ot I to I, Jack Masters was in the box for the Indians. Wednesday Columbus won the game by a seine of .Ito'J. Mitchell was in the box for the Indians. The lied Cloud Indians went to Cubic lloek Monday and scalloped the liuidc lioek amature ball team to the tui.e of 1 1 to ii before a large crowd. I have a nervous fueling And I get mi awful shock Which makes me very anxious- A round 'bout I! o'clock. I'm peevish and I'm fretful. My heart is like a rock, I'm what you'd call about all in Around 'bout 'J o'clock. So what's the use of working? My wages they can dock, L'or baseball games are called, yo know. Around 'bout 'J o'clock. The Hastings Tribune. LINCOLN LE1TER Lincoln. Xi:iii:.. .Inly 110-(Special Correspondence.) Governor Slialleii berger has increased his great popul arity thioughout the state by tho views expressed in tho dispassionate, wise and practical statement issued byT him on the political situation in Ne braska. The (lovcrnor does not set himself up as a dictator nor bigger thnmhis party, but he believes the democrats of Nebraska should have something to say about what the party platform shall be rather than listen ing to the arrogant dictation of any individual. In other words democrats believe that nobody knows more than everybody. The statement reads: I havo read Mr. Bryan's statement recently issued in which he comments Jipon my not calling an extra session of the Legislature and also expresses his views us to what tho next demo cratic platform should contain. He is much disappointed because I did not callun extra sp.ftion, but it will bcTenioTfitbered that when! issued my statement, following my return to the stnte when I found the. movement for an extra session started1, 1 made plain the requirements that I thought nec essary before I would be warranted in calling the mombcrs together, and Mr. Bryan accepted them and agreed that they were reasonable. Although two months were consumed In scour ing the pledges, these conditions wcro not complied with, and in tho mean time Mr. Bryan has sailed to Europe, and tho sentiment against an extra session grow to over-whelming pro portions. I do not ask to divide the responsibility for my action in not calling the extra session, and my reasons wcro clearly stated in my statement issued at the time I an nounced position in that matter. No executivo decision of mine, since I have been in olllcc, has met with more universal approval than my action in this matter. Mr. Bryan is of the opinion that my not calling tho extra session has precipitated tho county option question into this campaign, but tho extra session could only have determined his action in tho matter. The organized forces in this state who have been long lighting forcounty option never agreed to tho putting of this question aside. Thisorguniation through its president served notice upon mo that Mr. Bryan could only speak for himself, and that the issue would still be acute as ever, no mat ter whether I called thesesslon or not. In my judgement, it will so romain until settled by a direct vote of the people, made possible by the initiative aud referendum, as I havo stated in my speeches delivered in dUl'oretit parts of the. state. Tho matter in which I have differed with Mr. Bryan, Is as to tho advisability of making county option tho principal issue in tills campaign. 1 bolicvn that the right of the people of legislate for themselves "under the initiative and referendum is of more importance than any other question now beforo tho voters of Nobraska, and since "to shoot at the lloek is often to miss out eutlroly" my own idea has been that to obtain this groat privilege in a satisfactory form, wc should make it the central Issue in tho campaign. (Continued to last page) DAJiE! Have just completed my semi-annual invoice and I find that I have more suits in high class clothes than I want. They have been divided in four lots and I will sell them as follows: All $36.00, 27.50 and All $22.50, 22.00 and 21, All $20.00, 1 8, and 1 6.50 AU$15.00, 14 and 12.50 This sale does not include Blacks or Blues. This sale does not include a suit that is not of this seasons make and all of the higher priced suits are of Hart Schaffner & Marx exclusive patterns guaranteed all wool and if you are looking for bargains and know a good thing you will not wait long. If you do you will miss it. Bring your check book along these prices mean C. 0. D. Oxfords and Straw Hats 1-5 off. PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER. ! FURNITURE CARPETS AND UNDERTAKING Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. B Ball ase Columbus, Tues. and Wed., July 19th and 20th Seward, Thurs. and Fri., July 21st and 22nd Fremont, Saturday, July 23d. Game Called 2:45 OF HIGH GRRDE GbOTHING 25, Suits at $19.50 it $16.50 $13.50 $10.00 u ( i at Red Cloud dt M M I y,iw w 'jf iimiiwg!PclsM t fyywsi s,vw-TWtrtaimimvMir(f'ni'i-il,'r'ttifiiru"--il- wr--JKf''tfi& vH M wrjtl vj-tXfX