I M jgasuaa'-sggrg 3-" U - VOLUME XXXVIII. A Newspaper That filvcs Tlic News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ,!ULY m. uno. NUMBER MS if You Have A Bank Book of our institution you have started on the right road to success, and if you arc adding to ynr account ccn though it be a small sum weekly you arc surly building up u prtciiutivo of w nut and povpity later in life. Isii t this an incentive to start an nc count and oMiun no of our Hauls books' Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Tliomas, S. R. Florance. !3Rp ..'-'" v- fmMm J :-": 'rAW ill H a wml : -.1 j?" - ittPI 1 not fact tlioin. SUNNY SIDE. Bert Morhart and wifo Sundayed at her uncle's V. S. House. Kd llassor Sr., was visiting his daughters, Mrs. Saluden and Mrs. Holcomb last week. 0. V. Kaley is building an luiciiuon to the house on the farm tilled by Walter C.urney. Walter is deserving of something better than what he had. Wo noticed a neatly printed sign on n Rate as wo wore taking a ride "Hauch of Col. J. II. Whinger, Auctioneer." Name your firm, got your address on it bo up-to-date. Krank rtllinger is getting along very nicely. If no complication sets in the wound will soon heal. Hoys can bo too carefull with lire arms in thuv have no business carrying This locality was moistened up with about three fourths of an inch of rain Monday afternoon. It como nicely aud was appreciated ah we needed it for the corn crop. Another one in about ten days will put the shoots on for a crop. GARFIELD A lino rain on Monday. Uoorgo Harris sold two loads of hogs Thursday. Will Flshor finished his corn plow ing Saturday. George Houchiu lost one of his gray horses Saturday night. Louis Manley and family went to Inavalo Sunday to see tho sights. Mrs. Louisa Ailes is visiting with Will Fisher and children this week. Mrs. N. P. Campboll Is up and around after ft long spell of sickness. Curt Hazclbaker was cutting Will Fisher's aud Guy llnrncR' oats tho first of the weok. Doc Wolfe has a rich job hauling cream for the Creamery Association. Charley Smith and wifo and George .lonnlngs and family were callers at papa Barnes Sunday. Mr. Saylor got Will Fisher's two rowed cultivator the first of tho week and now he is making the dirt lly and the corn to. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barnes a girl on tho r.th of July. It weighted ten pounds tho usual Nebraska weight. Curt Ha.elb'iker was on wind mill row Friday with his binder but the outs were to green and he went back to town. Mrs. Griffith of Galveston, Texas arrived in Ked Cloud Friday night for n visit with her sister Mrs. T. W. White who sho had not seen for twenty years. NEBRASKA Here are some concrete facts about Nebraska that should be made known to all men: The extreme length of Nebraska, east and west, is 41.1 miles; the ex treme breadth, north and south is 20.1 miles. The gross area of Nebraska in square miles is 77,510. Tho gross acreage is 4,o0u,l0O. Tho cultivated acreage in I'M) was approximately 10.000,00(1 acres, or less than one-thud the total area of tho state. on this 10,000,0(10 aeies there was produced in 190!) the following crops: Corn, I0!,17,173 bushels: market value S0S,1S3,S71. Wheat, 50,313,000 bushels: market value $l.pi,G12,231. (Uts, r9,0.i:i,47i bushels; market value 123,801,389. Hurley. 2,820,032 bushels; market value 1, 209,277. Uye, 1,227,332 bushels market value $7Sli,39.'. I Alfalfa, 1,971.770 tons; market value li;,7I.V.Uu. lame hai, 2,(Jl7,s.i9 tons: market val ue f.' l.kVJIlj. Potatoes, 7, ISO. in: bushels; market value Sj.909,202. No account i made of miscellaneous crop-., such sis spelt., millet, sorghum, cam-, sugar beets. It it Hi r coin, onions, general garden illicit, etc, which would add many millions mote lo (lie total pioditction. Less I him one-halt of the ucrcu;o that may profitably be cultivated in Nebraska is being ouitu sited at tho ptcsi'iit lime. From the pasture lands and the rain feed raised in Nebraska was pioduced to.UUit pound's ot hutter.tl 5,OUU.OOO worth of eggs, and i lu.000.UuU worth of poultry. From these pastures and grain Holds Nebraska produced and shipped to market 1,1 IS, .118 beef cattle; 2,S07,502 hogs; 70,271 horses and mules, and. 1.11, 50.1 sheep. The total value of tho sur plus shipments of livestock exceeded S120,0U0,000. Tho total products ot Nebraska in 19UU agricultural, live stock, dairy ing, liianutiicturiug, etc., exceeded S010,0OU,0UO an average of approxi mately StiOU for each man, woman and child. No other state in tho I'liion made such h showing. Dairy-farming in Nebraska is in its infancy, yet Nebraska is today one of the leading producers of dally pro ducts, and is forging ahead by leiiju aud bounds. The inducements odcrcd to dairy farmers by Nebraska nro be yond computation. Taking into consideration fertility of soil, healtlifiilncss of climate, access to market aud surrounding creature comforts and advantages, laud in Ne braska, improved aud unimproved, is to be had inoro cheaply and on better terms than anywhere else in the re public. Fifteen million acres of fer tile laud await the activity of husband men. Nebraska with a population of less than a million,andahalf produces moro than is produced and purchased by Japan, a nation of 3.1,000,000 people. Nebraska oilers greater inducements to homespekers than any other state in tho I'liion greater than any other similar area in the whole wide world. Mark this copy of your local paper aud sond it to somo ono in the east who may bo looking about for a new location. Let us all work together for the building up and dovolopinont of Nebraska! maintenance funds showed a balance on hand of a fraction over II percent. This indicates that the sovetal i list i tutions aie keeping safely within tile apprnpiiatious. On May .11. 1 90S, the last year of the Sheldon administration, the cash funds of the several institutions show ed u balance of 50,09..77. On thesamo date this year, mid coveiing an ecjiml period hi tune, the lcports showed on hand in the cash funds the um nf$!. 219..1I, in- inoic tlum 300 per cent nmic than was shown by tho lepoits to the Sheldon administration. These cash funds are derived from the sale of products laiscd upon tho Institutional farms in cm-cs of what is consumed. Those products consist ol vegetables, cattle, hogs, poultry, etc. Thoiepinl to Governor Mialleiiborgcr show that the institutional managenicuts are economical, business like and successful. There are more wards of the state in state institutions today than ever before in the state's history. Thecost of malntenaece. as every one known, has been greatly Increased. In July, 1903, with fewer people to euro for than now, the Sheldon administration had upon the institutional payrolls 533 employes. In July, 1910, the Shall- enborger administration has 483 upon the Institutional payrolls, a decrease of 50. notwithstanding the material Increase in the growth of the stat stitutions. This saving has b brought about by the personal direct ion of the governor, who directed tho heads of tlic state institutions to dis pense with the services of every one who was not absolutely necessary for the proper management of the institutions. hvL-i-J ' Thero never was a tlmo in the his tory of tho state when tho state's In stitutions were boing managed witli more ot elllcietiey and loss of friction. Thero has not been n single charge of mlsmaniiKcmont, not a single chargo of graft and thero has not been a single breath of scandal. ryjf There are times when a whole lot de pends on the watch you carry. If yon buy your foatch here there'll be no missing of trains or engagements, no being late on account of your watch. In This Jewelry Store You can select a watch at a moderate price or one as expensive as you care to go. But no matter what you pay you'll have a watch well H worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch man s size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jewelers & Optometrists rV" YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream SeDerator, 500 lbs- Capacity for $57-50 This add Krougnt to uur store is good for $2.50 on the. Pur chase of the above seperator. I I V.:ts:J:iKKKi!,!':,ew, $ i r MNb: JZJ Mise Gets Honor. W. N. Huso, publisher of the Nor folk News, appears on the program of the sixth nunual convention, Associat ed Advertising Clubs of America, which moots in Omaha, July 18-20, nnd Mr. Huso will speak on "Tho Country Newspaper as an Advertising Medium." This is not only tho first time a Ne braska speaker has been placed on th National Program but also the first time a speaker has been selected to advocate tho country newspaper as an advertising medium. The Omaha committee made the arrangement, not only insisting that u Nebraskan be placed on tho program but a country paper publisher who could bring these papers beforo tho big buyers of space. LINCOLN LETTER Lincoln, Nkiiii., July 13 (Special Correspondence.) Tho condition of the various state Institutions at tho present time is of intorest to the tax payers of the state, and it is only right that thoy should be taken into the confidence of thestate administration, (lovemor Sliallenberger has every reason to bo proud of tho record of tho state Institutions as thoy havo been managed by his appointees. This statement is homo out by fact, that are matters of public record. Uy tlic rule of proportion the pro rata balance of the maintenance funds of thostato institutions should have been 11 ?,( per cent of tho total appro priations for the blnntiiiuu. Tho re ports sh mv that on that d.it the The financial reports of tlieso insti tutions should bo carefully studied oy tho taxpayers. They will roveal the satisfying fact that where the remain ing portion of tho appropriation for any institution falls below the II per cent that should have been on hand May 31, the cash fund of that Institut ion, when added to tho amount of ap propriation left, will bring the pro portion up so as to preclude the possi bility of a deficiency. The governor is particularly anxious that the sever al state Institutions keep within their appropriations, and he will personally sec to it that this is accomplished. BMHffip While it is to be regretted that thero should be differences of opinion bo twoen democrats on matters that are not fundamentally democratic but peraip more to tho question of per sonal conviction on moral questions, it is only fair to all concerned that a fow facts bo made known. Mr. Bryan admits that even to date he has failed to spcure enough pledges from senators and representatives to insure the pass- ago of an initiative and referendum law by a special session. In order to Insure tho adoption of aconstltutlonal amendment it is necessary to get It upon the ballot in such form as to per mit It being voted upon as a straight party propositionthat is, .a vote in the circle moans a vote for the adopt ion of tho amondmont. Various at tempts to amend the constitution boar out this statement. Governor Shall enborgcr waited until the last moment beforo announcing that he would not call a special session, realizingUlittt to submit the amendment wlthoutallow- ing It to bo regularly placed upon the ballot would iiuuro Its defeat by tie fault. So much for the special session. By his flattoring references to Mayor nahlman, Mr. Bryan luferontlally at tacks Governor Shalleiibergor, uud In the same way acousos him of being tiod up with the liquor Interests. The faots prove tho contrary. Tho liquor (Continued to last page) A Drive In Candy, and soinothliig new overy day, is what you will find at our store If it's not a new Candy at a regular price, It's a nw price for regular candy 25 CENTS PER POUND and up for pure, rich, delicious Choco lates, Creums, aud Ilon-Bons. Wo malt k specialty also of )lo Goods, nnd lio better goods are mado any where A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. ' ' 'i i if ,-, S jA y J fi J T 'Giir t-l' ' - ;"! HOT FROM THE OVEN there is nothing more appetizing than our rolls, biscultb, etc. .Try some and see how fine they go for breakfast. THEN OUR SMALL CAKES Just tho thing to help out for lunch eon, just right for afternoon tea. Wo bako them fresh every day. So if a sudden call comes for something nice to oat we are always ready to help you out. The 1T6B lakery and Restaurant H.Neuerburg,Prof). DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. 2 Ball Games 2 Saturday Afternoon, July 16 First Game Called at 2 p. m. Grand Island vs Red Cloud Admission 25c S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIOtl At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone! 31. THE Chicago Specialists! Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only. PkIIMANKNT OlTICE Rod Cloud, Royal Hotol Consultation Free, in German and English. Thursday, Aug. Ifth, 1910 The Chief $1.50- F" Mvt M. 'j .i t w r ' ,1 i j3 t I 1 3. MW 7 S&- tf jjr!iii'yit'