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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
pr" ' S'-itn Uh'orloul Society meggs" M-jQS3!"52pr2rr -.sJZ?m- r-"" isgi". SB -j , flUg Mif'rt-r SBr lB smi i w hthm&f ..jivfr L Jif Br r. vi t'IBh H -I?7A jk ijBrs B?Bb P wb '" ' x-zzffzsz1 -r- . ,T v-- VOLUME XXXVIII, CUSTOMERS OF THIS BANK uro always satlsllodoustoiiicis. because we. endeavor to treat all with equal couttcy and attention. To ho Accommodating tvnd Conservtv tivo is a i oiuhiimtioii that we have found to he not only possible, but prolltable as well. We can work for your Inter ests and our own at the same tune Interest PaW on Time Deposits Webster Counly Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. 4 Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Year For $1,50. -Jl'LY 7. 1910. NUMBER L" DEMONSTRATION ;0F: "PEKFECTI0N IL STOVES" SUNNY SI DM. A nice shower Tuesday night. Our mail cairier had a day olf and we missed our impels. .). A. McArthur eaine out Tuesday to out his wheat and oats. Will Uobotts'on was cutting wheat for ( onny llus'or Wednesday. Oscar l-knick is making a cement cave on his farm and other improve inents. Sloven McCov'slund lord has built Ii i in a new liotisu. lie did not got it too soon. The glorious I'ourlh was very Mine. A few wont to (Snide Rock, some hud family fourths and most of them staid homo. The W. C. T. t, mot at Mrs Kngols Wednesday afternoon. After business they were served with cuke and ieo i-ri'iiiii. Thov on loved a trip out in tlie oountry. W. S. Henso invited a few near families in to help him celebrate the Fourth. Wo had refreshmentsgalore, g.imos and other pastimes lllled the day. Hilly enjoyed it. Don't forgot to pay your 'phono as sessment befoio the 8th or you may be out olV. Including tho toll chaigcs is a good idea. It is something yo scribe has agitated for some time, you had service pay up. Saturday lfA..,...n,...-,'.-.'7n ogK 1 TBIl:!Millil!klrici'i!l!BliliilSlfilklhiltl ri v':-';'v ." .''.,".' . '. f 1 1 :'& ' '" ' '' ' " ' i &&? CttrC3 Qg 71 WS1' iSli ISM axf'S) July 9th. GARFIELD Corn is glowing good t hi' hotweath' or. There will be a Lady demon strator at our store on Satur day July 9th. to show to the .gsawwxflg Ladies' of Red Cloud one of the finest and best proposi tions on the market in the Oil Stove line. "The Per fection" is as near Perfec tion as it is possible to get an Oil Burning Cook Stove and uses for fuel the cheap est oil 10c. per gallon. Be sure and come you may learn something of advantage to you this hot weather. MORHART BROS. tor r YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Relbbte Delaval Cream Seuerator, 5 lbs- Capacity ?r$5rf''5 Tho oats oi op is toady to out and looks like a good oiop. Louis Mauley and wife had eompany from Kansas Sunday and Monday. Hunt Young and wilewoioon wind mill row Monday eolubrating tho Fourth. John Wliitwor was on wind row Sunday at T. W. White's on business. Ask John. The l-'ourth is over and we spent all our money and nothing to do but plow corn now. As tin; (iurileld news L'ot. stuck in tho mud last week we will try and do better this week. Will Fisher mid quite a number of Garileld iolks wont tolJuldo Rook to spend tho l'ouith. Archie Harris had this misfortunes to hurt his loot wliilo at the river Sun day and now is quite lame. Wind mill row seoms to bo u popu lar drive for school inarins just now, and White and Hawkins had a .mile all oor the south side of their face. Poto Mauley and Ida broncho started for Kansas Sunday morning to see tho sights at Smith Center the Fourth. Wo do not know when ho Is due to re turn. 13o a good boy I'oto. Thoro was a picnic in the Taylor pasture on the Fourth and they had a little game of rough and tumble, fall in tho river and wado out. All had it good time and went homo feeling bettor. . :-? :-:-a a k' :-:-: . w R This add Brought to Our store is good for $2.50 on the Pur chase of the above seperator. Kew-?sa: ssa-:::9MsMK:ife:9c-W'3:ffl v '! 1 u J NEBRASKA Some Facts About the State that Nc braskans Should Scatter Broadcast Overt lio Wat 111. That Nebraska is wholly an agricul tural state is an impiesslon that ory generally obtains. It is true that Ne braska's prosperity rests primarily up on tho soil, but the same is true of every groat section. It is true that Nebraska's prospoilty, nioie, perhaps, than any other state, does and always will dopend upon agriculture. Hut Ne braska is more thuii an agricultural state It. Is developing along manu facturing lines at a wonderful rate. It may bo uows to most peoplo that there ate moro peoplo in Nebraska making a llvlngapart from agricultur al pursuits than thoro are who deiivo a living from agricultural pursuits, Thoro nro moro wage earners, prososs ional mou and people engaged In domestic sorvlue in Nebraska than there are engaged In farm pursuits. This is Indleativcot two tilings. First, that thoro is now and always wlllboa great and growing homo tnnrkot for agr'u'ultuial and live stock products, ami, second, that Nebraska is inpidly developing along industrial lines. In ll'o!) tin iiianiifaetuied pioduots of Nebraska most of them manufact ured fioui taw products raised in Ne hrasKa, touched the enormous total of SlIOO.l'iHMK'O in toitnd nuiiibcis This does nut include tho product of tho printing ollices, of several bundled isolated industries located in small towns, or llnUhod products inado in homes and put upon the tnaiket. If those were included the total would easili reach J.N'iO.OOO.OOo. In I'.IOHtheie was paid to wage earner.') in NebiasUa, exclusive of domestic service, upwards of SIIO.UUO.UOO. Kvory stop forward In the development or Nebraska's manu facturing resources moans an advance step in agricultural development. Nobiaska should, and In time will, manufacture her raw products into tho finished pioduct. instead of shipping the raw product oast to be manufact ured and then buying it buck, paying freight charges both ways and leaving tho piotlts oT iiianufacluiing In tho east. Today Nebraska ih manufactur ing in marketable quanlitos every thing from automobiles to wcibach. VnbiHslcii Hour is standard tho world over, and tho milling industry isgiow inir by leans and bounds. One ol the latgcst manufacturoisor wind mills, pumps, etc., in tho United States is located in Nebraska . One of tho larg est sugar factories in tho world is ilimii In heui ii business ill western Nebraska. The solution of the fuel ptobloni is at hand in tho shape of water power along Nebraska's numer ous stn .uns. Tho Loup, the Niobrara tho illue and the Platte rixeis oiler power in almost unlimited qtiunlityi Tho raw product or tho niunufuetuio of Hour, woolen goods, shoes, cereal pioduots, confections, etc., mo pin duced in abundance in NobtasUti. On the whole Nebraska otTers a better Held for investment along manufactur ing lines than almost any other state in the Union. In l!H)!i Nebraska Homing mills gtotind and stripped by rail upwaids of 10,l)iK,()0O pounds or Hour. This would make a pile of .M)-pound sacks moro than '.V10 miles high. In I'lO'.l the output of Nebraska gar ment factories exceeded Sl.000,000, and tho business is glowing rapidly. Tho dressed meat products of Ne braska; made almost w'liolly from Ne braska-grown llvestock,oceoded SD0, (100,(100 in value, lllled 2'2,000 rofi iterat or cars, making a train nearly 2U0 miles long. The center of the world's gi cutest agricultural region it is only natural that the manufacture of agricultural implements should bo a groat and growing industry. Nebraska is rapid ly aohlovlng distinction in this lino, and tho opportunities arc almost be yond computation. With the rapid development of her magnificent water powers, the enterprise of hor citizens and tho enormity of tho raw material raised upon Nebraska farms, Nebraska is bound to develop along mauufactur Iiik lines oven as she developed along agricultural lines .anil Nebraska's agricultural development has been tho wonder of the woild. r.vnrv nroL-re&slvo ultv in Nebraska has a Commercial Club, and the score-1 tarles of these Commercial Clubs will gladly give information to intending Investors. Fiee factory bites, lucid capital and local patronage mo ad vantages oll'oied by sooros. ol llvo ISO. braska cities to men who seek new and broader Holds for manufacturing enterprises. (Sill .1 Vs'V MtNBMi 1 8 i ! Take I ODA Bill Says: a Kodak to the Ball Game uritn you. There's twice the fun for those who Kodak. Let us insltuct you in the easy, all-by-dayliglit way ol Piclutc Making. Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12 NEWHOUSE BRO; mi hh 5 (m s. EWNOUSE Prop Jewelers & Optometrists , I I ' ' I 1- T"y aMBM $mmm-- I KmJKKfKiir ' Jzyf tnj-5 rs A Drive In Candy, and something new every day, is what you will find at ur store If it's not a new Candy at a regular price. It's a new price for regular candy 25 CENTS PER POUND and up for pure, rloh, delicious Choco lates, Creams, aud Uon-Bons. Wo make r. specialty also of Hox Goods, and no better goods aro made any where A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. HOT FROM THE OVEN there is nothing more uppotlzlng than our rolls, biscuits, etc. Try some and see how due they go for breakfast. THEN OUR SMALL CAKES Just the thing to help out for lunch eon, just right for afternoon tea. Wo bake them fresh every day. So if a sudden call comes for something ulce to eat we are always ready to help you out. The Ben Ten Bakery and Restaurant H.Neucrbufg, Prop. . E. A. THOMAS -DENTIST ed Cloud July 7th 1'JlO. Mr. Do you want u nice cemetery? If so just pay tho association two dollars per year and they then can Immi a eomnotent man to work, and fiom tho Improved conditions already apparent with only a commencement made. Wo aro quite sure your public spirit and pride will bo gratliled and vnni' rnvnrancses lor the memory of loved ones will bo amply jewardod. Hut wo must have tho money to do this. And wo can do It bettor and moro unlformlly than you can do It yourselves. Do it now. It W I'Vitp"'. fork. Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Colline's Drug Store. Weather Summary for June 1910. Teutpetaturo: Maximum DO on U'Jnd, minimum 11 on 1st. Greatest dally range 3(1 on tilth. Jtalnrall: total 11.01 Inches. Days with .01 inch or moro precipitation 8; clear 21; partly cloudy !; cloudy '2; .1. .,.,,!..., . frvvmu nn ' S. 15. II!. 21. 25. 'JO. Prevailing wind direction south for 1 1 days. Total precipitation since April 1st 3.12 inches. ClIAS. S. Ll'IU.OW. Si Je BENT1ST Successor to Dr. .. .S. (JWOW At the old stand over the State Sank. PhonetiSfl. raE Chicago Specialists'. Chronic and Serious Diecases, Only. Pl.UMANI.Nl OlTlCK Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel Consultation Free, in German and English. Thursday. Aug. flflth, 1910 The Chief -$K50 ! i I ii t-fc ri.- itManv. MAMQeMMMBMNM I.T- MIJ -A n - &" ..d.-C...