The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1910, Image 8
LUBIWMlUL, jpu.fl- .1 PM"'- gWW PiJ IHI.llWt'11 '." EKMMMniMIHHHBHHHHBHHiHiHl ... i mi iiw wwri j-V . ftU' H iri r ft' fcc '"'" jMTf t Uy y u tit u U i u a Ml kb lb Ur y ill l Ml til b i .-v; If BV tf """ SAY MISTER ! ! ! Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. mmm3mmM'h""s"9m "" The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E verything IN atables I carry a coir- etc line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. In u (.'.rocery store moro than in anything else, burets should demand Absolute Cleanliness. ftlncintiftoce VJluUlillUutJij burets should demand Absolute Yor cannot buy Oroceries In a dirty, ill-kept place mid bo pure good Cleanline mid sanitation arc our hobble. : hiiro o '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& viz it to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to '& John Barkley for House and Barn Moving Read what other people have to say about John Barkley's work. lug iiround said squuro of Court house block, be and hereby is uwnrdod to Saunders uroi., as per tlielr old now on file in Uleilt'H ofllce and all lilting to be made of sand and eement to eon form in all respects with the pinna and spoelfliMiMoiib as llled by tlco. II. Over lug County Surveyor, with the County Clerk, of Webster County Ncbr. Motion carried. Hoard adjourned till .lune 21ht, l'.illl at!) a. m. .lune'Jlst., 1010 Hoard met pursuant toadjournment. All nienibeiH present Moved and sueotided that the follow, i ng claims be allowed. Motion carried. The olerk i hereby authorized to draw warrants on their respective funds in payment of saino W. K. Anderson .. . i!2.:il) Geo. V. llummell luS.2: .1. O. Overman - 31.15 Jury Fees and Milage Henry Uanfold 8 11.0(1 Lawn Denuo 8.10 J. Hoso 10.110 Henry Gilliam ri.','0 Howard Delsley 8.70 A. II. Hoffman 0 80 Honry iSinertoti 0 00 J. Muss CharleB Olmstcdo 3.70 James McUride 0.00 Winflold Palmor -, 8.1)1) I'. II. Boner 8.10 II. C. Lctson S.10 W. II. Thomas 2.10 J. II Young 2.10 Guide Rock. Signal 10 00 J. A Tomllnson 0.2.'i Nollie West Castor 110.03 0 Ohinstede 1111.30 W C. Frahm . 4 'JO John May -l.ttO W. A. Hasebrook 7.C0 J. S. Zeigler 7 20 Charles Uickeron 0.00 George lladoll 8.10 Oliver MeNutt S.SO J. L Fuller ; 0.10 J.J. Ileal 0.20 Ed Payne ., 0J" William Foster s.10 Lawrence IJorua 8 10 B.F.May 8,10 G. K. Thompson 4.10 Martin Danlelson 4' Id' Other bills: T J Chaplin $ 111? 50 H J Mauer 21 (0 R B Lggctt .... :i 50 ABrinkman 2 CO Com-Advcrtiscr 32 50 J BLane 10 25 W C Wright 15 00 GW Hutchison 44 00 Guide Rock Signal 22 50 SPKropp 32 21) TR Hall 20 45 M A Albright 70 Wm M Wcggman 31 00 Guide Rock Signal 3 00 Dr Damcrell 22 0 Pope Bros 15 61 Red Cloud Chief 92 50 FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION M T AM Bft oBI HA SrafSW AKVf, Neb rasKa State B ase Ball L eague Will play Base Ball at 2:00 p. m. An Admission fee of 25 cents will be charged to the grounds Grand Stand Free. 2 UNIFORMED BANDS 2 AUTOMOBILE PARADE RCVi Ai Ai BrOOkS The noted Minister-Orator of Superior, Neb., will deliver the principal address of the day. Games, Sport, Races and Young's Merry-go-round for your amuse ments. For Information and program address J. E. Bixby, Pres. J. B. Barton, Sec. J. C.Gavin,com. Subicrlbo for the Chief. UliADKN, NKIl., JUNK 10 John Barkley of Bed Cloud, who moved my residence done his wwrk well without exeeptlon idasturing is Round and i.s without doubt a good job Will say auy one wish ing thin kind of work done, can uinko no mistake employing him Yours truly, r'r.r.i Wkunkh. I BLADEN, NEB., JUNE 14, 1910 John Barkley who moved my resi dence u few week's a ago, done bin work well and quickly and nut it in good shape, not Injuring it at all except a small amount of plaster that oatne loose, ami thin is not any more than expected uh it was the old lime plttster aud had been on for 20 years. I). S I'llEI.I'H. AFewo? the!Good Thing jBHIGHESTERSPIUS Dill Tickles lGo per doz Sour Pickle lOo " " Sweet Pickles loo " " Bulk Olives 10c " " Horse Uadioh 10c perbottlo Catsup Ide " Celery Relish 10c " ' Mustard loo "J glass Olemiirgerine Butter ..'20 A. 2So per lb Oysters no k 00c per .fit YOST & BUTLER The th Avenue Meat Market BRAND nit. Si'W 4 tlttZ" fJO. DIAMOND LADIP.3 I A.W jour Druirsltt for Cni-CIIIt-TGR'9 L)lA51lirU 11UANU 1'IL.I.H In KKD Dim Cold mrtolllc boxes, scaled with Dim H1UIWU. 1AKB NO OTHER. HUT OF JOIir llruRxlit biiJ U fur CIII.CIIUS.tks DIAHOMI llltANI I'M.I.H, for twetltT-fiTO years reganleil ns Ilest.SaJki.t, Ahrnyj Kclfabte. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Dr Dumerell 8 00 J II Ellinger 1 10 J O Butler 110 AN Delph 1 10 J D Crans 1 10 A E Turner. 1 10 J MclntoBh 110 ODHedge 1 10 VMunaell 1 10 WAPatten 3 25 C FWallin , 8 25 John Sutton 22 50 EdFry 2 00 AJ Fry 2 50 L F Schmidt 154 20 Stoner & Olmstead 12 00 LE Tait 51 74 H Wirt 41 00 FIIufTer 3 00 Platt&Freea 25 85 E Fitz 143 00 F P Hadley 6 50 L H Blacklcdge 35 20 G W Crow 4 00 Fred Maurer 3 00 1 W Edson 37 75 Mabel Day 75 00 G W Lindsey 1 10 J II Robinson 110 G W Baylor l 10 W AKent 1 10 A C Slaby l 10 J A McArthur 1 10 Ted Saunders l 10 Simon HufTer 1 10 Total amount allowed on general fund $1805 83 . Market Report As Furnished by Hanson ft Trior. llens(fat) 1 per lb. Springs 10 " Cox 3 " Ducks 8 " " Geese 7 " Butter 17 " " Kgs (rots out) . 18 " " Bidders. The UITV COUNCIL ot the City of Ked Cloud, Nebraska, will receive bids, until July 111, 1910, for tbc dii?liiK of a ditch, I feet wide at bottom, tl feet deep, at! feet lnni, tlllUB the same, re-lllllni! with i;ravel and earth, and constructing In Uh course a well 8 feet In diameter, and it feet deep. 1'lniiH and nncclflrat Ions are on lllo with tho Cltv Clurk of snld cllv. and copies nniy be had on apiilleatloii ICaeli lbl must bo ac compaiileilwltliaeertined check for $100.00 as a Kuarancy that contract will be entered Into, If bid Is accepted. At tho tlmoot inakliiK contract, the suc cessful bidder must i;lveboiid In the amount thereof, for the faithful performance of Ito conditions. Illds will ho open d.luly II. 1U10, the t Ity ouncll reservlm; the rkht to reject any and all bids. (). C. Ti:ki C. II. rorTKii, (Seal) City Clerk. Mayor. Foil Sam:: Two typewriters good us new, one smith Premier and one llem ington. IiKiuireal thii ) II I I i Swift's Premium i Hams or Bacons. , "Jk 1 '"4BB? 1 1 f T3WT n iTS' I INSURANCIi MWl I POLICY lmirll Mr-' tfiv'r ' '' I TIMl? TIUKU WORTH TliSTUU For Sale Ono good cow, one good family horM one woik horse ami one buggy.-Itupilre of A. II. liiii:i:N. Jack PurcelL miacMsaga MMeaosssus) Artistic, Carriage, Sign and Scenic Painter. At Sullivan's Old Lumber Yard All First Class Work Guaranteed. Clnims allowed on tho bridgo fund: A II Bowman Lumber Co $ 13 45 G A Wells 42 SO Citizens Ibr Co 137 05 VSHall 4533 J B Simpson 439 20 Chicago Mir Co .'irG 95 Wm Irons 20'l 00 F A Good 074 75 Saunders Bros 255 50 Henry Brault :j',)0 00 Moved and seconded Hint the claim for $1 of C. A. Easterly for putting up and taking down election bootli in Glen wood Pre:inct for 1909 bo and is hereby rojected. Crrricd Board adjourned to July 27. E. W. Uosb, County Clerk. Order to Show Vnusc. Stato of Nebraska, I in Tlio County Court Wobmer County. I At a County Court held at the County Courtroom In and for said county I'rldny, Juno 10th A. I).. 1910. In tho matter of tho estate of Nebton Hunt. Deceased. On reading and flllnij tho petition ot Krank W.tfc John II. Hum tiled on the 10th day of Juno A. !., 1010, praying (or the examination and allowancoof their tlnnl account of tho nainodutu, a decreoof assignment ot the lands belonging to said estate to the persons en titled to the same, an order distributing tho residue of personal estate and thcro upon an order discharging them from further burden and service In their Bald oillce as Executors, OHDKIIKD, that Tuesday tho &th day of July A. I). 1910 at ouo o'clock p. in., U assigned for hearing said potltlon when nil porsons Interested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County Hid show cause why prayer of petltlonor should not be granted; and that notlco of the pendency of said potltlon and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order In tho lied Cloud Chief, a wookly newspaper printed In said county, for threo consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. And It appearing to the court that Katrlna Ilurg, surviving widow hos llled herclcctlpu to take under the lws of Ne braska Instead of the Last Will of said De ceased and her potltlon for all allowances made by law for her Isordered that said matters be heard at tho time aboyo de signated. I. W. Kdson, (Seal) County Judge. ,$$& .rr.U Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Don't Delay Ordering a fire insurance polioy from us a .single day. Fire isn't going to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it beems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY.. Have us i.ssuo you n policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho mutter. Tho fire Mend may. hnvo your house down on tho list for u visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Col. J. H. Ellinger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Sutlsfactiou guaran teed in every case. Understands pedigrees and stock values. Many years cxpurienco. Phono him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. See The Chief for up-to-date job work. Job wantod Two boys aged 13 and 14 want jobs In country, Inquire at this ofllce. Widow's Pension. The recent not of April 10tl. 1908 to all Holdiors' widows a pension of 812 per mouth. i"rod Maurer, the attornov. has all necessary blanks. Order to .Show Cause Htate of Nebraska, i j tno rotinty Court obster County. I At a County Court held at the County Court room hi and for said county Thurs day Juno ISIrd A. I).. 1010. I.N the matter of the estate of Klla Ilouihln, Deceased. O.v reading and tiling the petition of James l Uouehlii praying that tho Instru ment tiled on the '-Slid day of June, 1010, and purporting to bo the last Will and Testament of tho said itoei atcd may be pro ed, approv ed, probated allowed ami recorded uh the lust Will and Testament of tho said Klla llouchln deceased, anil that the execution of the Instrument may bo committed, and the iidmluUtrutlon of said estate may be granted to said James 1 llotirhlu, ns Kxeeutor. (Minr-iiim, that Tuesday tho 1'Jtli dny of July A. D. 11)10, at one o'clock p. in., is assigned for hearing Mild petition when nil persons Interested In said matter may appear ut a County Court to l hold In and for snld County and show cause why prayer ot petition should not bo granted; nnd that notlco of the pendency of snld' petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, by publishing u copy of this order In the Kcd Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper prlntrd in bald county, fer three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. I. W. Knso.v, (Heal) County Judge. We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLES, NEBR. GRADE STALLION PATB. SHIRE 16 1-4 Hands High. Weight about 1600 when fat TERMS: $10.00 to insure a live coll. W. S. PARKES, Owner PHONES llnral l'2 Dell Hluck 87 H1)ltWIWIWillM I II i fr uoims or sKitvicK at conuiikcja TlONALCIlimCII. Kaiiimtji SimviCEs. Preaching -....., . I0;f."i a. m. Illblo school 12 in. Preaching service 8 p.m. Prayer and Conference meeting Wednes day at 8 p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Ukv. A. A. Cuimiiiak Pastor. Notice Farmers 6 Breeders That the Percheron Stallion, Mah TE.vr (07070) imported from Franco in 1010 by Stream & Wilson of Creton, Iown, is registered in the American Breeders and -importer's Piircheron Keglstery, and that hN recorded num ber is 52022. Color and Description, Black. Pi:inoni:E: Folded June 0, mOfi; bred by M.Tison Commune of Sar.snes,' department of Surthe; got by Dausset (51721) ho by Ayor 27.15(1 (lsuVi) ho by Doutoe (10300) ho by Picador III. r,o78 (18lr.) he by Picador 1251 (78o) ho by Picador (1 mil) ho by Favor!. Dam; Charmunto (2;j33.r) bv Vor. mouth (507) he by Picador 1 (1.130) ho bv Hayard (9195) he by Estnba 187(790) he by a son of Jeau Lu lllanc (7,19i "LOOKY BOY and MAItTBAU 'will maltu this season at tho Day burn, R. . BORDIH OWNKU Rural phone No y c 103. k rt&JL