The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1910, Image 5

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"iAVaHSPMPKB" ? . i ' ' " ' i TV... ri ( war
?., -aill". ""fJtT . )W iP.V M B ' 1! 1
DR. DAVID ROHERTS, Wisconsin State Veterinarian, 1906-7-8
Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian' cloth
bound and illustrated, FREE.
You can get a high class live stock paper FREE' for a whole
year. Ask about these offers at
Ghas. L. Cotting, The Druggist
. wrax.4.dw m
Prof. Morltz is home from Testis.
Mtitiucu at the Tepee Saturday after
uoon. A. T. Walker went west -Tuesday
Saturday afternoon Matinee tit tlio
Miss Hlanoh I'oster is visiting in
Clias. Crabill was in North Itrunch
Miss Kvn Foster wus in Hustings
Attend tlio Tepee next Saturday
Miss May Iliidell litis returned from
St. Joseph.
Mrs. E. J. DiteUer is visiting friends
in Intivalc.
Miss Cltirti llurgess was in Franklin
lioy I'earn was up from Superior
Matt Doyle was down from Bladen
over Sunday.
James Mullride was down from
Cowles Monday.
Geo. Itusheo came down from Hast
ings Wednesday.
Mrs. Hoy Oatmtin is visiting in
Sarouville, Nebr.
W. B. Householder of Bladen was in
the eity Tuesday.
Carl Wullbraudt wont to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
Mr. uud Mrs. Harry Waller went to
Franklin Tuesday.
Mrs. Bert Morliart returned hotnu
the last of the wcok.
Chas. Crout arrived home from
Hastings Wednesday.
It is expected that Rev, M. Alduman
of New York will preach at tho Bap
tist church next Sunday at 11 a. in.
You are cordially invited. Committee.
Kearney, Wednesday and Thursday
July 6 and 7th.
Hastings, Friday and Saturday
July 8th and 9th.
Game Called 2:45
v: - M:K:: -
Frank Ituerstotta has returned to
his home in Teotimseh.
Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ono riano for sale at Mi:tt ai.k's
Sri'nios. 1otii:r Hmk-k.
Ask The Red Cloud Hdw. Co., about
tlmt New Wagon you need.
Tlio K. N. A. initiating team went to
Franklin Wednesday night.
Fott S.vt.t: A good sewing machine.
Inquire of Mil". h. KooN.
W. L. ICoon has had a telephone put
in his house Number Rod 121.
Tho Best I'hieo in town to buy Paint
is at "The Rod Cloud Hdw. Co."
Pasiuki: Foil Ri:.r for MOhead of
cattle. Inquire of C II. MiXKlt.
Allen Tulloys and Roy Robinson
went to Denver Friday evening.
Kd. Fish, of Saline, Mich , is visiting
his daughter, Mis. Sam Van Duzer.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard. Mim:ii linos, and Co.
Alvan Pope was visiting his mother,
Mrs. A. A. Pope tho iirst of tho week.
J. A. Tnckett ai.d bride arrived
from Boonovillo, Mo., Thursday even
ing. L. M. Crabill has a now cement walk
laid on the west side of his street car
If you want your buggy painted seo
Jack Pi-ucell at Sullivan's old lumber
Miss Louis Simmons of Franklin
has been visiting friends hero this
Miss Minnie Anson of Kenoneo, 111 ,
Is a guest of Mrs. J. C. Saylor this
Lost A gold hat pin with initials
W. Finder ploaso leave it at this
Regular services at tho M. E.churoh
next Sunday, July :id, at tho usual
Ed Garbcr has moved his family in
the new Scrlvner home In the Piatt
Red Cloud
K?sac - 5K - ssK:SK - 5ss
Embrace the Opportunity
to day by having your Picture taken.
No need to tell you to look pleasant
at our Studio.
The Care that we take in our work shows
in the artistic results.
Happiest effects obtained in Babies
Kodak films Developed and Printed.
Bridal, Confirmation and Fancy Dross
Cstumo Pictures a Specialty.
.Spcclnl prices on Lntllcs tailor made
suits, skirts and cents nt-Mlncr Bros.
Co. Store.
Tki. your oariiages to I'tirooH'
PaintShop- In Stt t.n as'm Qm Ia'm Yaiu.
Al Piorson of NYrtcastlc, Xeb., is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Al DceUor
this week.
Arthur ltnblmnu has accepted a
position with I'd A muck in tho .furni
ture store
Elder l Aa. UiHsong will preach
at (Sarlield school houso Sunday July
Hrd at 11 I), m.
Mrs. (.'has. Crabill loaves Saturday
for Lincoln to make an extended vlnlt
with her mothor.
Mrs. viitio Ilalvorson of Groat Falls,
Montana. Is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Earner, this week.
Miss Lolse Snowden of Oakland,
Callfoi inn, nclco of L. II. Tort Is visit
lug- hero this week.
Mrs. Carl Ferguson and baby of
Orleans, is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. L. II. Fort.
Seo .Jack PiHtcr.Li.iit Sullivan's old
lumber ynrd for buggy painting, sign
painting and decorating.
J. K. .lurboo will preach at tho Ind
ian Creek school houso next Sunday
July .'id., at :). p. in. Come.
Arthur Howard of Chicago was call
ed hero by tlio serious illness of Ills
mothor. Mrs. II. A. Howard.
Mrs. Tulloys and daughter, Mrs.
Whltakor, visited relatives in Clay
Center tho last of tlio week.
Mrs. Ray of St. Joseph, Mo., was
hero attending tlio funeral of her
brother C. (.'. Cowden, Saturday.
(io'to the Hod Ciotld Milling Co., for
your shorts and brands in half ton
lots or moro at wholesale prices.
House cleaning timo is at hand.
Don't fall to see the Luce Curtains
and Carpets at-Mtt:it l$ito and Co.
John Uurgess accompanied his son,
Clarence, of Inavnlo to Omaha Sun
day to have his eyes operated upon.
Word was recoived lioro Tuesday of
the death of Mr. A. A. Burdick of
Alma who formerly Hvod in litis city.
Just seo my walk at my homo. I
sell that kind of Cement J. O.
The Chief olllce takes subscriptions
and renewals for tho Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
Tho Ked Cloud Hdw. Co., have tho
Demster li Row Cultivators ntul tho
Price Is Right.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and Edison. Hoar them at
Xewhouse Bros.
Mrs. Tulloys and daughter, Mrs.
Whltakor, loft for Denver Wednesday
morning where they will make their
future homo.
Tho merchants of this city have
agroed to close their stores Saturday
night and will not open up again till
Tuesday morning.
Fred Wallin is erecting a modern
blacksmith shop on the lots which ho
recently purchased from Ed Smith.
Wo continue to grow.
Rev. Jarboo will conduct the ro-,
gular services at the Ilrethen church
next Sunday both morning and even
ing. All aro invited.
Married at tho home of Rev. Hum
mol, .Wednesday at 4 o'clock Mr.
Stephen A. hutz and Miss Iva I. Mead
both of Bladen, Nebr.
Mrs. Frank Peterson and Miss
Mary Peterson entertained at an
"At Homo" Wednesday afternoon at
tho homo of the latter.
If j'ou wish for a Bargain in picture
frames or pastel paintings, call now.
as I am a ipiitlug f lie picture business
and you Miroly will got rock bottom
prices. Mm (At.f's Sii'iiios.
Foil Salu 20 acres of land close in.
Tills laud can be bought in f and 1U
acre tracts or any way to suit you.
This is a snap if' sold soon call or
wrlto U. A. Stiiti.i. RniCr.ofi), Ni:n.
Noble Bail who has been working
as lineman for tho Boll Telephone Co ,
has been elected manager af the Far
mers Mutual Telephone Co Ho will
givo good service and we wish him
In order that those living out of
town may have an opportunity to seo
the moving pictures the management
lias arranged for Saturday afternoon
performances, commencing with next
Saturday at 2 p. in. sharp.
Tho W. C. T. U. meeting was pos
poned from afternoon to next Wednes
day afternoon, July 0. They will
meet at the school house where rigs
will bo furnished to tako them out to
Mr Huglcs north east of town.
Owing to tlio unabillty of tho baso
ball management to secure a special
train to go to Hardy there will be no
ball game here Fourth of July morn
ing. So got up early and go with ' tho
crowd to Hardy on tho morning train
and yoll for the homo team.
At tho Cougregatlonl chtiiuh next
Sunday tho following subjects will
bo discussed morning "Tho Philosophy
of Weoplng," evening "Our Natlonnl
Songs " Tills will be n patriotic ser
vice and will stir the hoartsof old and
young for tho land of tho Free and
the Homo of tho Brave.
Hach year tho poultry business Is
becoming moro lucrative in the com
munity. Tho old hen Is getting worth
her weight In gold.
A until lu a neighboring town, who
took a city paper in preference to a
country paper because he got more
paper for tho money, was attracted by
tho advertisement of a lire escape
which would be forwarded on tecolpt
of $-. Ih sent the cash and in a few
days ii'celved a copy of the New Test
ament, "Snored Music Recital." Mr. litis-
song will present a service next Lord's
day July , 'I at 11 a. in. on "National
Sacred Hymns and Writers." At 8
p. in. a sermon on "Tlio Patriotism of
Jesus" will be combined with pointers
on good citizenship. The (lod of our
Country and Salvation is worthy of
praise and service. Meet with us to
hallow his name.
Married at high noon Monday, June
27th., Miss Kmma.aiie and Mr. Frank
S. Ixttdrna. Rev. Hummel said tho
mystic words which mado them man
and wife using tho ring ccromony.
Tho bride is the daughter of John
Ziijicand tho groom is the son of
Michael Kttdrua. The CttiKK extends
happy felicitations.
Just as much care, in fact a little
more, should be exorcised In buying
electric sad Irons, as in buying any
thing olso. Some Irons liso moro elec
tricity than others In doing the same
work. Get your electric Irons of
MoittiAitr Hnos.. they curry theauthcr
Ized iron. Be carefull of "just as
good" electric irons.
Tho Brunswick billiard hall was sold
last week by diaries Halloy to Ulapp
& Dickey of Red Cloud. Theso two
gentlemen had been residents of that
place for about thirty years, and are
well known to many of the railroad
men here. They havotakon charge of
tho business and expect to renovate
and ituprovo the billiard parlor and
enlarge the business. McCook Repub
lican. Nellie Slaby aged lyoarand 7 months
died at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Slaby, who live south
of this city Friday night. The funeral
took place at the Catholic church Sun
day afternoon, Father Fitzgorald olll-
elating. Interment took place lu tho
Ked Cloud cotnotery. Tho bereaved
parents havo the sympathy of the en
tire cummunity lu this, their sad hour
of bereavement.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wright,
Thursday evening, a daughter. A
glanco at Oliver's face as ho came
down town much earlier than usual,
tpjd the story. It not only rellooted
in his face, but the rapidity with
which he walked convinced all that ho
had one moro to provide for. Mother
and daughter doing nicely and the
sunshine brought into tho home by
this little now arrival, will more than
compensate tho father for u little
extra "hustle."
What do you think of this? We
have before us an announcement from
tho Grand Island Business and Nor
mal College of draud Island, Nebras
ka, stating that' five hundred young
inland women 'will be admitted In
111 o College next term ami given n full
course without the payment of any
foes until they have time to graduate,
thou they will bo given a position and
allowed to pay in monthly installments.
This school has a reputation extending
over many states and wo advise all
who are Interested to send for circu
lars. Base Ball Dope
The three games of base ball which
were played here this week have been
very gratifying altho our boys have
lost them all Thoy wore excellent
games and defeat is no disgrace. Our
boys aro rapidly working into form
and tiro playing far bettor ball than
at tho opening season. Thoy show
that they havo had good training and
aro getting down to team work As
far as we aro concerned we would
much rather witness a really good
game and havo our team dcfcatotl
than to see the Ucd Cloud toaut run
away with everything in sight. These
victories wore glorious onos and tho
defeats contained no disgrace. All
wo ask our toam to do is to coutinuo
to play the fast ball they havo boon
playing this week and tho pennant
and Superior scalps will bo ours.
A pretty homo wedding was solomn-
l.ed at the homo of the bride's parents,
Mr. uud Mrs. Robert L. Stratton at
high noon Wodnosday. The contract
ing parties were Miss Ilelon Stratton
and Mr. Harry M. Harrows of Miasourj.
Nov. Hummel wns tho ofllciating
clergyman who tied the nuptial knot
pronouncing tho ceremony which
united tho lives of theso estimable
young people of our county. Prompt
ly at high noon, to the music of tho
wedding march, played by Miss Helen
Orerman, the young couplo took thoir
places beneath a very protty Jloral
arch In the grovo where tho minister
with an Impressive yet simplo and ex
ceedingly pret'y ring ceremony made
them husband and wife.
This olllce Joins their many friends
in congratulations and best wishes as
they embark on life's rugged voyage
OME men may be
indiflcrcnt to style in
shirts, but no man can well
be indifferent to fit. A
is always as appropriate to
the wearer as it is to the
Made in every style,
white or color fast.
$1.50 and more.
This is the
home of
& Marx
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Amack, Prop.
Old Settler's Picnic
Wm. Holz's Grove
Commemorating the fortieth Anniversary of the
First settlement in the Republican Valley.
Speaker of the Day, Hon. James Gilham.
Music by the Guide Rock Band.
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Big Base Ball Game at 3 o'clock.
Races and sports of all kinds.
Bring your dinner and have a good time in the
cool, shady grove.
All old settler's of Webster County and
elsewhere are ESPECIALLY invited to come
and spend the day with us.
What to Wear
10 Cents a Button.
$1.00 a Rip
Where to Wear
Where to Buy
At our store
Because we are exclusive
agents and no other store
can show such values
i 4
1 "
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"i(MiyMni-.. in nnljpilimMi in iiffUii(iMMW'j ';' "-