The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1910, Image 2
If "anJTii mmyimj, ,. H (if iw as THC CIRCULAR 5DURC5C BKma&y A noBzms hinzhart 'ILLWTMTIW6 BY -Ryvfin'tJ MMIWMll SYNOPSIS. MIim Iiiiich, flpltifttor mid irimiillnn of Ocrlrtitlo mid llulxi-y, (hIiiIiIIhIiimI hihmiiiit licudquartrrH lit HuimyHlilc, AmlilHt tm mcroiiH (lilllcultlfH thn Hi'ivaiilH dcii rd-il Ah MIsm IniirH lot ki-il up for tlm tilKlit, alio wnH ulnrlli'il liy u ilnrk flKiiru on tin veramlu. Hln p.tKHi'il a tiTrililo nlirliti ,vlilcti vnn lllliii with tinippnilv iiiiImuh In Hid mornhiK Mint Iiiiioh found u ntraiiKo 1 1 1 1 1-c I'lilT huttiin In n i'lntlien hamper. (liMtrmln unci Hulncy nnlvi'il with .luck HiilMy Tin- houmi wiih uwuk cncil liy ii revnlvir Hhot A Htnitmu tnnii wnn found Hlint to death, In tlm hull. It proved to l)i tin- body of Arnold Ann HlroiiK, whoso linnltcr fitthcr owned tlm country Iioiisp MIhh InneH found lliil noy'M revoher on tlm laun. Ho and Jack llulloy had dlmippeiired The link i-nu button mHtiirl(iiiHlv dlHiippearfd Do ilcotlvn Jiunlrsnii and the eoroner arrived. Oortrtitli luvealed that uliti wum cnKUKi'il to Jack llHlh'V. with whom hIhi hud talked In I lie hllllard room u few inn- innntH liufotn the murder. .lamleHon told Minn InnoH thut Hhe was hldlnir evlileneo from hlni Ho ttnprlHoned an Intruder In an empty room. Tlm primmer esrnried down u lanndrv chute It developed that llin Intruder was prolmhly n woman. Oer tiudo wan suspected, for tho Intruder loft a print or a luitv foot. (Iiirtrmlc re turned homo with her rltflit nnklo npralnod. A mwro found the other half or what proved lo ho .lack linlley'H cuff Itutton. llalKoy suddenly renppoured. llo Bald ho mill llulloy had left hecntmo they had received u tcleKram. Oertrudo nnld that slio had Klven llalley an un loaded revolver, fcaihiK to glvo him Ilnl Hoy's loaded woapon CHAPTER IX. Continued. Tliey attired nt each other ncroHH .tho big library tnblo, with young oyon nil at onco hard, HimplcIoiiH. And then Gortrudo held out both Imndn to bliu appcalingly. "Wo niUBt not," hIio Bald brokenly. "JiiRt now, with bo much at Htake, It 1h shameful. I know you are aa Ig norant as I am. Make me believe it, Halaoy." HalRuy Hoothod her an boflt horotild, nnd tho bleach eemcd honied. Hut long after I went to bed he Knt down Htalra In tho living room alone, and I know ho wns going over tho caso aB ho had learned It. Somo thlngfl were clear to hint that were dark to me. Ho know, and llertnide, too, why Jack llalloy nnd he had gone away that night, bb they did. Ho know where thoy had boon for the last 48 hours, and why Jack llalley had not returned with him. It seemed to me that with out fuller confidence from both tho children they are nlwnya children to mo I should never bo able to lenrn nnythlng. ' Ab I was Anally getting ready for tied, HalRoycamo upstairs and knocked nt my door. When 1 lind got Into a negllgoo I tiBed to say wrapper be foro Gortrudo camo back from Bchool I let him In. Ho Btood In tho door way a moment, and then ho wont Into agonlea of sllont mirth. I Bat down n tho Bide of tho bed nnd waited In eovoro silence for him to Btop, but ho only Roomed to grow worse. When ho had recovered ho took mo by tho elbow nnd pulled mo In front of tho mirror. ' '"How to bo beautiful, " ho quoted. " 'Advlco to maids and matrons, by Ileatrlco Fairfax!'" And then I saw myself. I had neglected to removo my wrinkle erodlentors, and I presume my appearance was odd. I bellevo that It Is a woman'B duty to caro for her lookB, but It Is much llko telling a necessary falsehood one must not bo found out. liy the time I got them off llnlscy was Borlous again, and I llstonod to his story. ' "Aunt llnv" lirt lintrrin fivtlturiiluli. ing his clgaretto on tho back of my ivory hair-brush, "I would glvo a lot to loll you tho whole thing. Hut I can't, for u day or so, anyhow. Din. ono thing I might have told you a long time a ago. If you had known It, you would not have suspected mo for n moment of of having anything to do with tho attack on Arnold Armstrong. Goodness knows whnt I might do to a follow llko that, If there was onough provocation, and 1 had a gun In my hand under ordinary circumstances. Hut 1 caro n great deal about Loulso Armstrong, Aunt Uay. I hope to mar ry her some day. Is It likely I would UIU her brother?" "But tho wholo thing Is nbsurd," I argued. "And besides, Gortrudo's sworn statement that you left beforo Arnold Armstrong enmo would clear you at onco." Halsoy got up and began to pace the room, and tho air of cheerfulness dropped llko n mask. "Sho can't swear It," ho said finally. "Gertrude's story was truo as far as It went, but sho didn't tell everything. Arnold Armstrong camo hero 'at 'i.'iO camo Into tho billiard room and left In llvo minutes. Ho camo to bring Homothlng." "Halsoy," 1 cried, "you must tell me tho wholo truth. Rvury tlmo 1 bee ii way for you to escape you block It yourself with this wall of mystery. What did he bring?" "A telpgram for Bailey," ho said. "It camo by special messongor from town, and wns most Important, llalley had Btartod for heie, and tho messen- gor had gono back to tho city. The Htownrd gavo it to Arnold, who hnd been drinking all day and couldn't Hleop, and was going for a stroll In tho direction of Sunuy.sldo." "And ho brought It?" "Yes." "I can toll you as soon as certain things aro mado public. It Is only a matter of dayB now," gloomily. "And Gortrudo's story or a, telo phono?" "Poor Trudo!" ho half whispered. "Poor loyal llttlo girl! Auut Uay, 0 am ( ImJmimmmmm They Stared at Each Other Across the there was no Bitch message No doubt your detective already knows and discredits nil Gertrude told him." "And when she went back, It was to get the telegram?" "Probably," Halsoy said slowly. "When you got to thinking about It. Aunt Hay, It looks bad for all three of us, doesn'Ht? And yet I will take my oath none of us even Inadveitent ly killed that poor devil." I looked at the closed door Into Gorturdo's dressing room, and low ered my voice. "Tho same horrible thought keeps recurring to me," I whispered. "Hal soy, Gertrude probably had your re volver; she must have examined It, nnyhow, that night. After you and Jack had gone, what If that rufllan enme bnck, and she and she " I couldn't finish. Halsey stood looking at mo with shut lips "She might have heard him fum bling nt the door he had no key, tho pollco say and thinking It was you, or Jack, sho admitted him. When she saw her mistake sho ran up tho stairs, a step or two, and turning, like an animal at bay, she tired." Halsey hnd his hand over my lips before I finished, nnd In that position wo stared each at the other, our stricken glances crossing. "Tho revolver my revolver thrown Into the tulip bed!" he muttered to himself. "Thrown perhaps from an upper window; you say It was burled deep. Her piostratlon ever since, her Aunt Uay. you don't think It was Gortrudo who fell down tho clothes chute?" 1 could only nod my head in n hope less afllrmntlve. CHAPTER X. The Traders' Bank. The morning after Halsey's return was Tuesday. Arnold Armstrong had been found dead at the foot of the cir cular staircase at throe o'clock on Sunday morning. Tho funeral services woro to bo held on Tuesday, and tho Interment of the body was to bo de ferred until tho Armstrongs arrived from California. No one, I think, was very sorry that Arnold Armstrong was dead, but the mannor of his death aroused some sympathy hnd an enor mous amount of curiosity. Mrs. Ogdeu Kltzhugh, a cousin, took charge of tlm nrrangomonts, nnd everything,. I be lieve, was as qulot as possible. 1 gavo Thomas Johnson and Mrs. Watson permission to go into town to pny their last respects to tho dead man, but for soino reason thoy did not care to go Halsoy spent part of the day with Mr. Jamleson. but ho said nothing of whnt happened. Ho looked gravo and anxious, and ho hnd a long conversa tion with Gortrudo luto in tho after noon. Tuesday evening found us qulot, with the qulot that precedes nn ox plosion. Gertrude nnd Halsey wore both gloomy and distraught, and as hlddy had already discovered that some of the china was broken It Is Impossible to have any secrets from an old servant I was not In a pleas ant humor myself Wnrnor brought up tho afternoon mnil and tho even ing pnpers at seven 1 was curious to know what tho papers, said of the murder. We hnd turnod away at least a dozen reporters. But I rend ovor the head-lino that ran half-way across the top of tho Gazotte twice heloro I comprehended it Halsey had opened the Curonlclo und wns staring at it fixedly. "Tho Traders' bauk closes Its doors!" was what 1 read, und thou I put down tho paper and looked across the table. Big Library Table. "Did you know of this?" I asked Hnlsoy. "I expected It he replied. Hut not so soon," "And you?" to Gertrude "Jack told ut somi'thlng." Gor trudo said faintly "Oh, Halsoy, what can ho do now?" "Jack!" I said scornfully. "Your Jack's tllght Is easy onough to explain now. And you helped him, both of you, to get away' You got that from your mother; it Isn't an Innes trait. Do you know that every dollar you havo, both of you, is iu that bank?" Gortrudo tried to speak, but Halsey stopped her. "That Isn't all. Gertrude," he Bald auletly, "Jack is under arrest." "Under arrest!" Gortrudo screamed, nnd tore the paper out of his hand. She glanced nt the heading, then she crumpled tho newspaper Into a ball and flung It to the floor. While Hal sey, looking stricken and white, wn3 trying to smooth it out and read it, Gortrudo had dropped her head on the table and was sobbing stormlly. 1 have the clipping somewhere, but Just now I can remember only tho es sentials On tho afternoon before, .Monday, while the Traders' bank was In the rush of closing hour, between two und three, Mr Jacob Truuttnun, president Sent Two Telegrams. of tho Pearl Brewing Company, camo Into the bank to lift a loan. As se curity for tho loan ho had deposited some 300 International Steamship Company &s. In total value $300,000. Mr Trautnuui went to tho loan clerk, and, ufter certain formalities hud been gono through, the loan clerk went to tho vault. Mr Trnutmnn, who was a large and gonial German, waited for a time, whistling under his breath. Tho loan clork did not conic back. After nn Interval, Mr Trauttnan saw tho loan clork emerge from tho vault and go to tho nssistunt cashier; tho two wont hurriedly to the vault. A lapse of anothor ten mluutos, and tho assistant cashier came out and ap proached Mr Trautman. Ho was no ticeably white and trembling Mr. Trautinau was told that through an oversight tho bonds had been mis placed, and was asked to roturn tho following morning, whwi everything would ho mado all right Mr Trnutmnn, however, was a shrowd business man, and he did not llko tho appearance of things. Ho loft tho bank apparently satisfied, and within HO minutes ho had called up threo dlfforont mombors of tho Trad era' board of directors At 3:30 there was a hastily convened board meeting, with soino stormy scenes, and lato In the afteruoon a uatlonul bank exam SlilPIHll! iner was in possession of tho books. Tho bnnk hnd not opened for business Tuesday. At J2:30 o'clock tho Sattuduy bo fore, as soon us the business of tho day was closed, Mr. John Bailey, tho cashier of the defunct bank, hnd taken his hat nnd departed. During the nft emoon he hud called up Mr. Aronson, a member of the board, and said ho was 111, and might not be at tho bank for a day or two. As Bailey was high ly thought of, Mr Aronson merely ex pressed a regret. From that time tin til Monday night, when Mr. Bailey had surrendered to tho police, little was known of his movements. Some time after one on Snturday he had en tered the Western Union ofllce nt Cherry nnd White streets nnd had sent two telegrnms. He wns at the Green wood Country club on Saturday night, nnd appeared unllko himself. It was reported that ho would be released under enormous bond some time that day, Tuesday. The article closed by saying thnt while the ofllccrs of the bnnk refused to talk until tho exnmlner had finished his work, it was known that securities aggregating a million and a quarter were missing. Then there was a din tribe on the possibility of such an occurrence; on the folly of a one-man bank, and of a bonrd of directors that met only to lunch together and to listen to u brier repot t from the cash ier, and on tho poor policy of a gov ernment thnt nrranges a throe or four day examination twice n year. Tho mystery, It Insinuated, hnd not been clenred by the arrest of the cashier. Before now minor ottlclals hud been used to cloak the misdeeds of men higher up. Inseparable as the words "speculation" nnd "peculation" have grown to be, John Bailey was not known to be In the stock mnrket. Ills only words, after his surrender, had been: "Send for Mr. Armstrong nt once." The telegraph message which hnd finally reached the ptesldent of tho Traders' bank. In an Interior town In California, hud been responded to by a telegram lrom Dr Walker, the young physlclun who was traveling with tho Armstrong family, saying that Paul Armstrong was very ill and unable to travel. That was how things stood thnt Tuesday evening. The Traders' bank had suspended payment, nnd John Bailey was under arrest, charged with wrecking it; Paul Armstrong lay very III In California, and his only son hnd boon murdered two dnys before. I sat dazed and bewildered. The children's money was gone; that was bad enough, though I had plenty, If they would let mo Bhare. But Gortrudo's grief wan beyond any power of mine to comfort; tho man sho had chosen stood accused of a colossal embezzle ment nnd oven worse For In tho In stant that I sat there I seemed to see the colls closing around John llalley ns tho murderer of Arnold Armstrong. Gertrude lifted her bend nt last and stared across tho table at Halsoy. "Why did he do it?" she wailed. "CouMn't you stop him, Halsey? It wns suicidal to go back'" Halsey was looking steadily through tho windows of the breakfast room, but It was evident he saw nothing. "It wns tho only thing to do.Trude," ho said at last. "Aunt Uay. when I found Jack at tho Greenwood club last Saturday night, ho was frantic. I can not talk until Jnck tells mo 1 may. but ho Is nbsolutely Innocent or nil this, believe mo. I thought, Trudo and I thought, we were helping him, but It was tho wrong way. He came back. Isn't that tho act or an Innocent man?" "Then why did he leave at all?" I asked, unconvinced. "What Innocent mnn would run nway rrom here nt threo o'clock In tho morning? Doesn't it look rather as though he thought It Impossible to oBcapo?" Gortrudo rose angrily. "You are not oven Just!" ahc flamed. "You don't know anything nbout It, and you con demn him!" "I know thnt wo hnvo all lost a great deal of money," I said. "I shall believe Mr. Bailey Innocent tho mo ment ho Is shown to bo. You proress to know the truth, but you cannot tell mo! Whnt am I to think?" Hnlsoy leaned over and patted my linnd. "You must tako us on fnlth," ho said. "Jack llalloy hasn't a penny, that doesn't belong to him; tho guilty man will bo known in a day or so." "I shall bellove that when It Is proved," I Bald grimly. "In the mean time, 1 tnke no one on faith. Tho In- neses never do." Gertrude, who had been Btnndlng aloof at n window, turned suddenly. "Hut when tho bonds nro offered lor sale, Halsoy, won't the thief bo de tected nt onco?" Hnlsoy turned with a superior smile. "It wouldn't be dono that way," ho said. "They would bo taken out of tho vault by somo one who had access to it, nnd used us collateral for a loan iu another bank. It would bo possible to realize 80 per cent, of their fuco valuo," (TO nn CONTINUED. ) Origin of "John Bull." Tho nnmo "John Bull," bb applied to the English nation, was first made use of In a poem dated 1712, DANGER SIGNALS. Blck kidneys glvo unmistakable sig nals of distress. Too frequent or scanty urinary passages, backacho, hcadacho and dizzy spoils' toll of disordered kid neys. Neglect of those warnings may provo fatal. Begin using Doan'n Kid noy Pills. They euro sick kidneys. Mrs. M. A. Gam b 1 1 n , Itussollvlllo, Ark., saj-B: "I was In bucIi bad nhupo from kidney disease that 1 gavo up hopo of my recovery. I could reBt neither night or day, tho pnlna In my back nearly driving mo frnnHrv Thnrn nm fleclded dropsical symptoms such as swelling of my feet nnd ankles and my heart palpitated violently. After doc toring without heneflt, I began with Doan's Kidney Pills and when I had used two boxes I was us well as ever." Remember tho name Doan's. For salo by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho Juvenile Buster. Tho famous Champ Clark, at a din ner at Bowling Green, said or tho trusts: "Tho reeling against monopolies has reached even to tho nursery. I saw a llttlo girl tho other dny slip something beneath her plate. Then sho mur mured angrily: " 'l wish there law.' " was an anti-crust SKIN HUMOR 25 YEARS "Cutlcura did wonders for me. For twonty-flvo years I suffered agony from a terrlblo humor, completely cov ering my head, nock and shoulders, so even to my wife, 1 became nn object of dread. At largo expense I consult ed tho most nblo doctors fnr nnd near. Their treatment was of no avail, nor was that of the Hospital, during six months' efforts. I suffered on nnd concluded there was no help for mo this Bldo of tho gravo. Then I heard of somo ono who had been cured by Cutlcura Remedies nnd thought that a trial could do no harm. In n surprisingly short tlmo I was com pletely cured. 8. P. Koyes, 147 Con gress St., Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, '09." Face Covered with Pimples "I congratulate Cutlcura upon my Bpeedy recovery from pimples which covered my faco. I used Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent for ten days nnd my faco cleared and I am perfect ly well. I had tried doctors for sev eral months but got no results. Wm. J. Sadllor, 1614 Susquehanna Ave, Phila delphia, May 1, 1909." Recognition. "At last," said the literary young man, "I havo succeeded in having my poetry taken seriously." "How did you manago It?" "Put It Into tho lovo lettors on which a breach of promise suit Is now being based." Casey at the Bat. This famous poem is contained in tho Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for 1910, together with records, schedules for both leagues and other valunblo baseball Information complied by au thorities. This Interesting book sent by the Coca-Cola Co., of Atlanta, Ga., on receipt of 2c stamp for postage. Also copy of their booklet "Tho Truth About Coca-Cola" which tells all about this delicious beverage and why It is bo pure, wholcsomo nnd refreshing. Aro you ever hot tired thirsty? Drink Coca-Cola It Is cooling, re lieves fatiguo and quenches tho thirst. At soda fountains and car bonated In bottles Cc everywhere. Inference. Ethel (confidentially) Do you know, C'ara, that I had two offers of mar rlago last weok? Clara (with enthusiasm) Oh, I am delighted, dear! Then tho report is really truo that your undo loft you hlB money ? Plck-Mo-Up. TAKE A FOOT-BATH TO-NIGHT 'After dlwolvlnp ono or two Allon's Foot Tabs (Antlaeptio tablets for the foot-bath) In the water. It will tako out all soreness, smarting nnd tendrrnoss. removo foot odors and freshen tho feot. Allen's Foot Tabs Instantly relievo weariness and sweating or Inflamed feet nnd hot nerv ousness of tho foot at night. Then for comfort throughout tho day shako Allen's Foot-Easo tho antiseptic powder Into your bhocg. Sold everywhere 25o. Avoid sub stitutes. Samples of Allen's Foot-Tabs mailed FREE or our regular slzo sent by mall for 26c. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LcRoy, N. Y. "Foot :Tabs for Foot-Tubs." Hard Task, Indeed! Llttlo Helen was at tho seasldo with hor aunt, and In tho houso where thoy were staying wns a telephone. Ono day sho beard her mother talking rrom the city, and sho was so terrified that sho burst Into tenrs. "Oh, auntlo, auntie!" sho sobbed. "How Bhall wo ovor got mamma out or that llttlo holo?" Not Sisters S JTejfjfliiory MS) Now and again you see two women poll ing down the street who look like titters. You ore astonished to learn that they aro mother and daughter, and you reaiizo that woman at forty or forty-five ought to bo at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it nop The general health of woman is so in timately associated with the local health of tho essentially feminine organs that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there is female weakness. Women who limvo suffered from this trouble haro found prompt relief and cure In tho use of Dr. rierco't Favorito Prescription. It litres vigor and vitality to tho organs of womanhood. It clears tho complexion, brightens tho eyes stnd reddens tho checks. No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription." Any slok woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter is held as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address t World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Prea., Buffalo, N.Y. SIX LIVES WOULD BE MI33INQ. s tw Mr. Shooter Whero's my six-shooter? Mrs. Shooter Whnt nro you golnfl to do? Mr. Shooter Kill two-thirds or n cat. Valued Absences. "Always speak kindly of tho absent," said joung Mr Primly "I would," replied Miss Cayenne, "If I thought It would bo nn Inducomcnt to somo tiresome people to remain bo." DON'T WAIT TOO LONG Don't wait until the digestive organs are al most beyond help don't wait until the bowels have become constipated and don't wait until the liver and kidneys have become weak and inact ive; just take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters at the very first sign of trouble. It will save you lots of suffering because its re sults are certain. Try it today for Indigestion, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Mal aria, Fever and Ague. Be sure to get Hostetter's. Nebraska Directory THE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE BEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. WFLniNf5(UT0 CEN0US Br VWEbklllvUlult process alt broken parts o( machinery mado good as nan. Welds cast iron, cast ateol. aluminum, copper, bran or any other metal. Rxpert automobile repairing. BERT8CHY MOTOR CO., Oounoll Bluff. KODAKS and KODAK FINISHING Mall orders Klron rpt-clnl attention. All kinds amatcnr supplies Mrlctly frcsb. Send fur catalog. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES bold and rented crrrywhare. WrllofarbargainlU.. Tl. 1 SWANbON COMPANY, Inc. Established 1HM. 1411 H. 1 3th St., Lincoln M. Spiesberger it Son Co. Wholesale Millinery Tho Best In the West OMAHA, NEB. The Old Line Banker's Life of Lincoln, Ncbrnslcn, wants a mans' whola time In your neighborhood, dood pay.wrlte us. TYPEWRITERS 119 00 and up. All bUndard Make, sold or rental. lUnl applied If you purctiane Machine shipped anywher on approval. o rieito.1t iwiulrwl. Write fnr rataloit. . LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANQB 122 North llth 8trt Lincoln, Nab. Beatrice Creamery Ce. Pajra the highest price for CREAM Got tho best. Your dealer can supply you with our brand. Your lossvof huy will mora than pay. OMAHA TENT & AWNINQ CO. N. W. Cor. Itth & Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. mVftSi wC fc .o-iwnai. 'wtoMitmwatmmHm - ,. , TaMaBMBMfciaMastBM -J. iMt-kA ;' i i i - s'-v-iL in - . , ', it i .---..i . . . . . ..??-BBpMsMalMSjMlssBSlsMHss-' tmawitoawi' jn. .kw. i.njm .1 11 i iw. TfrsssrtHi '",' aiV - "