y. p, V w H Ml M U Ml M) Mi Ml w a vu Ml 1 Mi Mi M Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml Mi 1 t4ftttc-fftffCfr"fettff " SAY MISTER. ! 2 ! Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AN SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and '40 rods. . $ holding tho stall) convention. Tim uimrnin 0f the llminco. wnjs imil basis of representation isone delegate uk.uiis committee for .'!uli i.'dt vnti's cast Tor tlu demo- ' oriiiit-1 oi.i't at Mio last general elect-' Hoy To Eradicate loti. The committooadoptod a motion Till! !),tiUl::!lon Pest to Hi,- dlVot Unit It was tin; -eiisc of Thl. (Ml Hleo.tHe ni,(1 praciicnbie inocienmoiao oi in.- ii.uo nun uio IIU.10( ()f clearing a dandelion infest "Oiogoii iilmi" of electing M.imlor l)OjC(l lawn, other than by liiiml -U'glng, adhered to. j. ,v t(jl, llao of j,.()M s,i,piml(. tipp.iftl ", . , , , lis u spiny. Tho writer has succeeded The ho ret ion ol Ciiiimi Island as I,,,,. ,, n ... . n ,.,. .. ,. 1 . ,. ., with three applications in i m it fly the envoi., ion city w.is ... .. . tor ",,.,. 1)llllll8 llM,lUc.,lin,1Ioll ,MWI1 80leai.......plere..s,ntha Uhisl.eei.j Nllm(f ( (h(i A six year smo.Mi.lom.o.Mtie Ma coon- ., , M ()(lh 1(i.s1l.(, CM ' "" "" " " "" , ' , 'that hardly anything Im.L diimk-li..iis of Ihost.i.e. Tho chariot ropnh loan . WHh,MMv u . s mv uUh()ll organs that thu selection was n u lo an . , , . . - I - " wi- hii"" m-. miBwaTam'MiJcffyxrii wiw.nKo(a mm- P JM rn (0 (0 ( (0 ry The home GroGe P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. Fverything IN eatables fresh Groceries, pay yon to do I carry a con' ':te line of strictly and my prices are such that it will your, buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. m i ( 1 '" ll lrocur' store more than in anything wise, M UlCuIllllluDJ huyers should demand Ab.soluto Cleanliness. Yon cannot buy (Sioccrli's In u dirty, Ill-kept placo and he snro o M pure goods Cleanliness in id sanitation arc our hobbies. : : : : fc C- i & & i & XLiSL & 9L ; Si: C: St st & & & 5S ii zL&' c? . . fr C". ?. . sr J?; s?: r. er. 25' : c c : vi i h h il Hi it iti Hi l) Hi l J vi) ii vli it result of various lie lips between piosptctive (Miidldatf) Is rldieuloiisly falsii. thieheneil a cix.d deal In e.on-eq'lenee. A siilutinii ol eoppor.s of lion siil pliate iiiaile by dissolving at I ho into of I1 jltis, of the salt In a (ration of water should bo .pptled to the lawn , wilh ii si ray pump so as to w t oveiy plant. It will not do to use a common 1 spiinUler. I ho .solution must le put on in tne lorm or a lino spray applied with some foice to ho most oll'eetivo. A common InmUet spray pump, or oven a hand atomizer, for very small area", is suitable, piovhliiiK it makes a line, foreiblo spray. Do not try to ' hit the dandelions only cover every 1 squaie Inch of the lawn. Infhls way all seeding plants will be killed, l'ut on a second application in two to three weeks and a third and possible a fourth late in summer if any of the dandelicn.s start Into growth. Tho grass will be blackened for a short time but soon recovers and after a watering and That tl. ilomouriiuv of Xoliiuskii Is mowing will ap ir darkcrgreen than It has boon decided lo proceed im mediately with Ihe oigutii.nthui id u state Democratic Lliit. patlu.oned somewhat on tho Uryan Voluuteois of two years ago. A committee of seven was selectod, one from each congress ional disti let and one from the stale at largo, to formulate plans. This committoo is as follows; Chairman I. C. Ilryncs, exolllclo: .). C. McCurtliy of Auburn, First District; Harvey Now-1 branch of Omaha, Second District; W. , C. Iletun of Tokamah, Third 'District;, Tom Smith of York, Fourth District;! H. It. Wahhpiist of Hastings, I'ifth District; Arthur Mullen of O'Neill, Sixth District. Tho club will act with tho state central committee In tho prosecution of the campaign . Hed Gloud Is The Best Place To Trade There is no other place in the state where you can get so many Bargains The Red Cloud Hardware Co., they are leaders sland A few of their Bargains trickle lister $35.00 i Of,U7 A Few of the'.Good Things, t 1)111 Pickles l.r)0 per cloz i Sour Pickles I0o " Sweet Pickles toe " " Hulk Olives too " " Horse liadish Catsup Celery lielish Mustard Olom.irgerlno Uutter Ovstur-. .. , ...tdc pcrbottlo . ...Klc " " ,...l0c " " . . . lOc "J glass 'JO .1 'J.lc per lb . r.O A DOc per ,it YOST & BUTLER Tho -th Avenue Meat Market CATARRH m& Notice to Bidders. I'll' i'ITY I'llfNfll. of the . Il ol lted t'loiul. Nebraska, will reet le IiIiIh, unlll July 111. 11)10, fur the illnulni; ol a illleh, I ft et wlile lit liiittoiii, II (eetiliep, itti fiet Iuiik, tiling Uiosiime. re-llllliiK with uravel ami earth. and 1'niiHtrtietliiK In Km emu no a well 8 feet la diameter, and 1 1 feet deep. I'Iiiiih and speellli'iitliiusare mi llle with tho City I'lciNof Mild elly, and eopliH may be bad on applleatlon l.'aeh bid must be no eonipaaled wlthaeortlllcd eluek tor 8100.00 as a i;uarnney that contract will be entered Into, U lildlM accepted. At thellineof iiiaklin; contract, the suc cessful blddt r limit nl o bond in the amount thereof, fur tho faithful performance of Its condltloiiM. IIIiIm will lie npeii.it July II. 1010, the , lly . ouacll rcner Im; the rlht to rcjict any and all bids. .(.'. Ti:i:i c. 11. Poirru, (Seal. City Clerk. Mayor. a militant oiganization those days is evidenced by the continued success of tho series of county democratic ban quets. These county banquets arc more largely attended than the recent slate wide republican banquet held utOinuhu, Custer and Buffalo count ies are the most recent examples of enthusiastic organization. The ban quet ul Broken Bow, preceded by a rally in who afternoon, was attended by two hundred At Kearney on Juno U the largest available dining hall was crowded to tho doors. (Jovenor Shall enborgorwastho chief spoakeron both these occasions. Other speakers were Mayor Dahlman, W. It. Pi ice, U.I). Sutherland, and others before. Do not allow the solution to get on cement or stone walks as it produces a rather permanent, yellow statu. B. O IjOXiiVKAU. Colorado Agricultural Collece, Fort Collins -Hlue Hill Leader. 75.00 75.00 38 00 Rock John Deere trickle lister John Deere 2 row lister St. Joe 2 row lister John Deere 2 row weeders, latest. Ohio riding cultivator 22.50 Gas Engine 55.00 Cream seperators 55.00 Manure spreaders 80.00 Just received 2 car loads of the finest Buggies that ever come to our city. Prices from $55 to $105. Have about 75 bushels of home grown Alfalfa seed. Extra nice seed from 8 to 11 per bushel. Sulkey plows $25.00 Nails per keg 3.00 Have a car of field fence on the way from the factory. Prices none can equal. The best field fence that can be made, 20 inches to 5 feet high. Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co., Wni, Wolfe, Manager. Tho populist state committee met In Lincoln on Jane mid called the state convention at Grand Island on July '-'(J. & M m& 5v crihrrniljl 52VArxx7wi. im JBO OITXI IIFltki U.vrn.r-UVk .OJUJ $" C" M&& :k 50 Kobei t M. b'lomlng of Custer county has decided to flic as a candidate foi the democratic nomination as com missioner of public lands and build ings. Friends of Gilbert M. Utilise of Ituiruloarc urging him to seek the nomination Tor state treasiner Mr. Haas has been treasurer of Buffalo county for several years and has made an enviable record. Ucal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, June 15, 1910. Edward II. Funko to .tames William t'inuey nw 27-U0 qed James William Finney to William Uehtus pt nw 27- Il.fi wd ln How to ( !'M A. Walker uiid 'B ss no and so 27-1-10 wd F.llis Gulliford to John IIol verson und Jo loti 12 CI II Block it Garbeis 2nd add to Bed Cloud wd A. It. Loch to Ger.ihom L. Campbell nw 21-2-1 1 wd 1 00 7000 (i0 roo.oo IlOO.OO 0000.00 Fott Saw.: -Two typewriters good as now, one Smith Premier and one Rem ington. Inquire, at this o 11 Swift' s Premium Hams or Bacons. smu to M.irlgi(,es tiled, ilUl.l.oO Moi tgages released, S21H0.00 -G5 m Ely's Cream Balm This Romody la o Specific, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soolhuH, heals, ami protects the diseased niuinbrauci. It cures Catarrh and drives away n Cold hi the 1 lend quickly. Itcstoros tho Suasos of Tusto and Smell. I'jisy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into thu uobtrild and absorbed. Ijirge Size, HO ecitta at Drugistd or by mail; Trial SUo, 10 cents by mail. ( ELY BROTHERS. 50 Warren St.. Ntw York. BO YEAHS- EXPERIENCE SHEBffi& 'nvf Tpads Marks Ocflir.NS COPVTGHT3&C. Antnnn npiitllup n kotli mid (K'SPrliitlon may qiiloklr iciisirliiin mr uiunioii irui nlietlior nn .iiToiilmii in pnilmlily I'altininiiln 'nnuiiiinlrn. tloiismrli'llvcoiiilOoiitliil. IIANDB09X "" I'ntbuta cut frmi. I MiU'H iiiipiii'jr iurfi(iirni wumiip. ijifdnliioflcf, rtllliout clinrce, la Order to Show Cause. State ot NuliraHka, I ... Tiln ,.,.,.. ,. WulMtcr Comity, f ,l l,, -"" L(lllr At a Coaaty Court held at the County Court room In ami for e:til county I'rlitny, June lOlli A. 1)., I'JIO. In th mnttur ol ttiooHtatont Nelson llnrK, liectaHed. (In remlliiK ami illliiB the petition ol Krank V. t Jdlin H. liurtc filed on th 10th day o' .1 mio A. !., mio, praylns tortliotznmlnatlon and allowance of their Una! account of tho samudate, diercuof aHHlKiiinent of tho lands helonicliiK to said eHtate to the nemon en- titled to th tame, an order dlHtrllmtlnic tho rehlduo of iierhnnl rstat and there upon an order dlnchuri;lmj them from further burden and sorvle In tholr H.tld oillce as lOxccutors. OUIi:m:i, that Tuesday thu 5th day of .Inly A. I). UII0 at oim o'eloqk p. m., Is assigned for hearing said potltloa when all perHoiiHlnteieNted la Haiti manor may ap pear at a County Court to he held in and for uald County and show caiii why nrayer of pouuonurinouid not l granted; ami that notice of the pendency of said petition and tht hearlau thereof lie Klven to alt pernoas Interested In said matter, hy pulilUlilui; a copy of Mill order in the licit Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three i'oiiifi'iitlo weeks prior to said day ol hearing. And It appearlns to the court that Kntrlna llurif. surlliiK widow has Hied her election l lake under Iho liws of Ne braska Instead ot tho Last Will of said De ceased and her petition for all allowances made b law for her bo ieilt.lt Isordered that wild matters be heard at the tlmo above .!.. slijnatid. I. V. Kdson, '",ul" County .Indue. LINCOLN LETTER Lincoln.. Num., .Juno t.Mh (Special i onespoudence.) Inn former letter it vas stated that at tho recent mt'Ol ing of the anti-saloon league ollleials in Lincoln tho mi liny of tlio president, Mr. Poulion, was raised ft mu eiu'liteen The "Oregon Plan," briefly stated, is that candidates for tho legislature sign one of two statements. State ment No. 1 is to the effect that tho candidate "will vote for that candi date for United States senator who hus received the largest number of the people's votos lit the general election next proceeding the eloellfln of a sonator in congress without re gard to my individual preference " Statement No. 2 is to tho effect that the candidate will consider tho vote of tho pcoplo for United States .sen ator as "nothing more tliau u recom mendation, which I shall tic at libeity to wholly disregard, if the roason for doing so scorns to mo to besiiflloient." Democrats are favoilng tho widest possiblo application of the law, while republicans are show lug a disposition to ignore or evade It. The "Oiegon plan" merely means that tho people may elect their United States snator.s instead of turning tho matter over to the hands of corporation agents and machine politicians us horutoforn The Moor and His Horse. Tho horsemanship of the Moors Is primitive and entlroly successful, Bays tho London Speculator. A Moor nev er walks when ho can ride, and never by any chance gets off to caso his beast. How n Moorish pony would bavo chuckled at the weary walks en forced on tired men by well-meaning cavalry colonels In South Africa: "I don't think much of animals that can't carry 15 atono 16 hours a day; I must be a really superior kind' of beast." The Moorish (and Goumier) horse always spends his night In tho open; ho 1b never groomed nor clipped; hla 'youth is passed wandering untended over tho vast fields. When In work ho gets all drink boforo his feed In tho evening. From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. ho expects to work and to work hard without blto or sup. Ills saddlo Is n wooden treo superimposed on at least half n dozen folded blankets, tho thickness of which often reaches six Inches, and ho never gets a sore back rtffc"-f FIRE ' if! S; INSURANCE W1 POLICY i :Ui pi ' A ' ' '' w Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud. Ncbr. Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away bccaiioo you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you u policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho ninttor. Tho fire llond may- have your house down on tho list for u visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. I'liti'iiti ink imi tiiriMit'li Mima ."c C tecclvi il tinner, milium ciiHrce, mm cieiifific Jhtttilcan A hmiipomolf llliitlrsti'il wef klr. miIhIIom if uiir n'limililc limriml, PUIU P T.nrirct clr Trrinv Jl a nil TiaiTRilralOM. rmiri fnur month. St !VlUNN&Co.30,Bfoad'NewYorl' lirmicii unitu. ua i m- wntinuuiun. i'. SHIGHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND . Tv - W n I am tjp vd m RAND GO tltto" 'a. LADIKS I A.U yimr lrurnlt for CHI-CHKS-TUR'S uinnuciu iikapiU i'iii, in Gold mrialllc boxes, sealed KlPUOn. TAKE NO OTIIEIl. DnnMltt uk fop ClK.C'lll lUIUIMl D1IAKU ru.1.11. for tnentv-flnj years tecardtd ss Dest,SNtt, Always UclfsWc with Dlue0 ur of ynrF S.TCItH V SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE $ hundred to twenty live bundled dol lars per year. A typogiiiphieai error in several papois made tlm statement read to the ell'ect that. tin. p,,nU.,., salary had lieen i aised from "$15,000 tof.Ti.OOOuyear ' Mr Poulson seized upon tho incident and the error to utter loud wails about "liars." and to isjue a challeiiKoto the writer of these letters. As the wilter has no ofticial salary, and as the wages he tries to earn are less than half those received by Mr. Poulson, he must declino tho challenge. Mention is made of this incident merely for the purpose of shedding it little more light upjn tho Poulson chaiacter. Kx-Govonor Sheldon is still main taining tho "MarUis iswillin'" attitude towards the gubernatorial nomination. ' Hut it has been some time since he said anything about his throo fifths voto proposition on the license quest ion. Thero are a lot of republicans who have not yet forgotten the Sheld on action after ills defeat, and they say they havo little use for such poor lorer us lie showed himself to be. In tho nieaii wdiilo Mr. Aldrich, tho gentleman who was depended upon to defeat county option in tho legislature three years ago and did so, but who is now (losing as the local option candi date, is making strenuous eiVorls to secure tho nomination "Porunii" Andrews hasn't been heaad from late ly, and it is presumed that ho is keep ing quid and bracing Ills political norvo of ills favorite blood tonic pre paratory to coming Into the race later. Friend with Good Intentions. Mrs. Holt could ho depended upon nt almost any tlmo to say tho wrong thing with tho beet Intentions In tho world. "Nobody minds what poor dear Fanny Holt says," her friends told each other when repeating her remarks. "Wo know sho moan3 all right." "Isn't It queer how differently things affect pcoplo," ono of Mrs. Holt's neighbors said to hor tho otli or day after a beach picnic. "We both got tired to death, you and I, but you say you'vo had just a llttlo bit of In digestion whllo I havo this fearful Wind headache." "Why, that's perfectly natural," said Mrs. Holt, cheerily. "Of courso when peoplo aro tired out it goes straight to tho weakest part of them. Mlno 13 J my stomach and everybody knowB 1 yours Is your head, poor dear!" ' Youth's Companion. Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every caso. Understands pedigrees and stock values. Many years experience. Phono f him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. fWWWWWXx 'WW'WW'WW t Will 1 1 aj ward has robignod ttio chairmanship ot the republican state central committee, which means that he is going to mako a strenuous effort to capture the congressional nomina tion in the First district, TIMR XWSD Tho deinomatic state central com mitted mel at the Lincoln hotol on Saturday evening Juno I, and unaui moiisly ngieed upon Oriiud Island as the place and July 'JO us tho date for UeprosentaUvii Halph Clark of Uicliardbon is being talked of in con nection with the nomination for l'lou tenant governor. Mr. Olark was tho democratic hom-o leader during tho last session of the legislature und Precocious Boston Youngster. A boy oged threo years, namod Gor don F. Parent, tho son of a Hoston grocer's assistant, was sent to school a fortnight ago. Ills progress has boon so1 rapid that ho has mastered tho consents of tho first primer, and can- now toad olaborato sentences without prompting. As tho child ap pears nervous and hlgk-strung a dootor has advised that ho ihould bo allowed to rest for fear of injuring hie brain. LLYLLiisiBw1bWbbHLiiWbH 2hSMKk.VV. 'tv-- ""'-1W t- Jm Specifications. "My son, having graduated, Is now looking for a position." "What kind f a Job doos ho want?" "Ono 'that will allow him two saentba off in summer and six weeks every 'full to 'coach his old college football team." Loulavllro Courier-Journal- GRADE STALLION PATB. SHIRE 16 1-4 Hands High. Weight about 1600 when fat TERMS: $10.00 to insure a live colt. W. S. PARKES, Owner 1MIONKS UjNDERTAW We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice withoutExtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLES, NEBK. Kural lfl'2 HOUUd OP BKHVICU , TIONALCIIUIICII. HATin.vTii Hkuviciw. rrencliIiiB - . 10:15 n. m. Itlble ichool 12 in. rronohtiiB service 8 p. in. t'rnyor and Conference meeting Wednes day at 8 p. m. A cor'dlnl Invitation U ei tended in till. 1UV, A. A. CiiV.ssu i.N 1'antor. Notice Farmers & Breeders That the Pereheron Stallion, Mah teai iC707D) Importod from France in 1910 by Stream & Wilson of Creton, Iowa, is registered in the American .UreoiJcr.s and Importer's Porchcrou Ueglstery, and that ids recorded num bor Is 52922. Color and Description, Black. PKiuaruiu: Folded June 0, 100.1; bred by M. Tlsou Commune of Sarsnes, department of Sarthe; got by Daussot (51721) ho by Ayor 273.10 (43115) he by Boutoa (lOJUO) ho by Picador Ilf. r07i (4815) ho by Picador 125 1 (78u) ho by Picador (t 1321) he by Favor!. Dam: Charmanto (2U39fi) bv Vor- AT uo.vaicKHA II,0Ul" (540') he bv Picador I (W30) h Hull Illack 87 bv llayard (9495) he by Estaba 187(704) ho by u son of Jean Lo Wane (739;, ULOOKV BOV and M.MITBAU will make this season at tho Day barn. R. C. BORUM 0v.ni:u Kural phono No 163. J' 1 -CW1')-il.WMIjillltlflfirtltp mmwi