The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 16, 1910, Image 8

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Theodorc Roosevelt Most Highly
Honored in Europe.
'Former President Delivered Scholarly
Lectures In Paris, Berlin and Ox
ford Represented His Country
at King Edward's Funeral.
Scarcely less Interesting than Ills
hunting trij) In Africa, ami ut times
almost aa exciting, were tho advcti
titres of Col. Thcotloro Roosevelt In
Europe. There ho desired to bo treat
ed as u man of loiters and science,
rather than ua n sportsman, and his
Heslro was gratllled. Hut In addition,
Europe insisted on receiving hlin us
tho moat distinguished American of
the time, and everywhere ho went
honors wero showered on him. Em
perors, kings, princes and nil manner
of loyalties and nobility greeted him,
dined him and toasted htm, and thu
people in all tho lumls tlmt he visited
.L,lirn0(1 ollt ,n vust throngs to see him
nnd chuor him.
In Paris, Chrlstlunlu, Horlln and Ox
ford Mr. Hoosevolt delivered scholarly
public addresses and tho literary and
scientific circles opened to let him In
and marveled at the wide scope of his
Tho event connected with Mr.
atoosovolt'o European tour that
aroused tho most Interest and oxclto
inent occurred itamodlately nftor his
lixrivul in Italy curly In April. lief ore
he left Africa his desire to pay his
respects to tho popo had been con
veyed to tho Vatican and tho holy
father had Intimated that he would bo
glad to boo tho distinguished Ameri
can. About the same time former
Vice-President Fairbanks was in
Home and had arranged for an audi
ence at the Vatican which was can
celled by tho popo because Mr. Fair
banks llrst addressed tho Methodist
nlssion In Homo. Vhou Colonel
Hoosevolt reached tho Eternal City ho
2otu atoroograpu, copyright, Iiy UnJimrxvl .t Underwood, N. Y.
received, through tho Ameilcan minis
ter, a mesfago from Cardinal Merry
del Val, papal secretary of state, to
tho effect that tho popo would grant
an audience to Mr. Roosevelt If ho
did not repeat tho mlstako made by
Mr. Fairbanks. Tho colonel promptly
called it all off, statin;; that ns an in
dependent Amorican citizen ho could
not submit to such resttlctions. The
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. :.MjrAuirn
:-T7 SfraSBsua-.
Leaving the Sorbonne, Paris.
hond of tho Methodist mission tried to
mako religious capital out of this, and
Mr. Hoosovolt thorcupon canceled tho
plans for a general reception to which
tho Methodists hnd boou invited.
Thus, with his usual luck and facility
for "coming out on top," ho had tho
best of the matter nil around and his
conduct wub gouorally commended nil
over tho world.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roosovelt and Kermlt
wero received by tho king nnd cpicon
of Italy nnd spent some days In that
country. Tho colonol and his wlfo vis
ited Venlco nnd traveled once ngaln
tho nivlora routo that they passed ovor
on their honeymoon, and next Mr.
Hoosovelt visited Vionna and Huda-
pest, whore he was gUen a royal wl
conio. Paris was next on his Itinerary, and
there on April 23 ho lectured in tho
Sorbonno before a great audlenco of
savants and students. The municipal
ity and Its officials, tho president of
France and various learned societies
vied with each other in doing honor to
tho visitor, and for amusement ho was
taken to tho field of aviation, whoro
ho saw some exciting aeroplane
Traveling northward somewhat leis
urely, by way of llrussels, Amsterdam
and Copenhagen, Mr. Hoosovell ar
rived at Christiana and delivered an
address on international peace before
tho Nobel prize commission, which had
awarded to him tho Nobel pcaco prlzu
for his successful efforts to end tho
Husslan-Japaneso war.
Emperor William had made great
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Taking the Air In Austria.
plans for tho entertainment of tho ex
president In Horlln, but tho death of
King Edward caused thu curtailment
of tho program to a considerable ex
tent. Instead of being tho kaiser's
guest in tho palace, Mr. Roosevelt
stopped at tho American embassy,
and though William received him and
dlned him nnd showed him tho Gor
man army In maneuvers, tho mora
spectacular and public features wero
omitted. On May 12 Mr. Roosevelt de
livered at the University of Uerlin nn
address on modern civilization which
was highly praised for its scholarly
Having boon appointed special am
bassador of tho United States to at
tend tho funeral of King Edward, Col
onel Roosevelt next crossed tho chan
nel to England, and when the body of
tho dead monarch was curried to tho
tomb ho was 0110 of tho remarkable
crowd of royal porsonages and distin
guished men that followed tho gun
carriage on which Edward's collln was
borne. Aftor thu funeral ho wan re
ceived by King Gcorgo and Quean
iuary and by tho widowed queen
mother, and in n quiet way made nec
essary by tho mourning of tho nation
much attention was bhown him. This
culminated, in London, by a reception
lu tho Guild Hall, at which tho free
dom of tho city in a gold casket was
presented to him.
Ho was tho guest, thereafter, of
several prominent Englishmen, and
on Juno 7 ho delivered tho Romanes
lecture at Oxford, which had boon
postponed by tho demise of tho king),
This was tho most pretentious of all
his European addresses nnd tho best,
ills subject was "Hlologlcal Analogies
in History."
The University of Cambridge hon
ored Mr. Roosevelt by conferring up
on him tho degrco of doctor of laws,
and the occasion sorved to demon
etrato his popularity with all classes.
As Mr. Roosevelt accepted his di
ploma from tho hands of Vlco-Chnn-collor
AInson, tho students who crowd
ed tho galleries shouted "Teddy!
Teddy!" and let down a largo Teddy
bear from tho celling. Tho whole
audlenco cheered nnd tho colonol, ns
lie passed out, umlllngly patted tho
Teddy bear. Later thut day Mr.
Roosevelt addressed 700 graduates, on
all kinds of topics,
On Juno 11 tho trnvcler, together
with Mrs. Roosovolt, Kermlt and Miss
Ethel, sailed on tho Kalserin Augusto
Victoria on their way to New York
and tho rousing wolcomo that ho know
wus awaiting him from his fellow
unNUY FortDYca
x ' f ;
Lions and Other Animals Shot in
Large Numbers.
Naturalists Collected Hundreds of
Specimens for the Smithsonian
Institution Kermlt Photog
rapher of the Party.
Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip In
I Africa, olllclnlly known as tho Smith
' tFOiilnn African expedition, lasted near
I ly eleven mouths and was most suc
cessful In every way. Tho colonel's
desire to hunt big game was not all
that was back of the trip, for the
Smithsonian Institution wanted spool-
mens of the fauna and Horn of tho
; Hirk Continent and commissioned the
. president to obtain them. For this
1 reason, a part of tho expenses wero
r.orne- by the Institution, but Mr.
I Roosevelt paid all the expenses of
iiimscu ami uis son Kcrmit, presuma
bly earning much of them by his arti
cles In a magazine for which ho re
ceived a record-breaking price.
Not wasting much time after leav
ing tho White House, Colonel
Yelt sailed from New York on tho
ntcnmshlp Hamburg, headed for Na
ples. With him were Kortnlt nnd
three naturalists, Mnjor Mearns, Ed
faiund Hellor nnd J. Alden Lorlng, nnd
ntowed In the hold wub most of their
Qlnborato outfit for killing or photo
graphing tho animals of East Africa
rind for preserving tho specimens des
tined for tho Smithsonian institution.
Permit hud trained himself to bo the
Orom itrreijrph.corjrrlKbt. Uy UnilerwouA i Underwood, N. V.
chief photographer of tho expedition,
but ho also turned out to bo consider
tiblo of a hunter.
A great throng of friends and ad
Jmlrers bado tho colonel farewell, and
ho sailed away, but could not entirely
sopnruto himself from tho world, for
practically all tho way across tho At
lantic wireless communication with
tho Ilnmburg was maintained. More
over, at tho Azores, and ngaln at
Gibraltar, ho found tho ofllclals and
people insisted on doing him honor,
nnd when ho reached Naples on April
! tho entire populace turned out to
greet him with flowers nnd cheers.
Hoarding tho German steamship Ad
miral for Mombasa, Mr. Roosovelt
found in his cabin a quantity of low
ers nnd a letter from Emperor William
wishing him "good hunting." At Mes
sina a stop was mado to view tho
earthquake ruins, and there, at King
Victor Emmanuel's request, Mr. Rooso-;
volt and Kcrmit visited tho Italian
monarch on board tho battleship Rex
Umberto. Tho party arrived at Mom
basa April 21 and was received by
Acting Governor Jackson, who had
been instructed by tho Hrltlsh govern
ment to do all In his power to further
tho plnns of tho expedition. Unusual
privileges wero granted tho huntors,
nnd Mr. Roosovelt nnd Kermlt wore
licensed to Mil lions.
At Mombasa the party was Joined
by It. J. Cunlnghamo, a voteran Afrl
can hunter and explorer, nnd Lcsllo J.
Tarloton, and theso two managed tho
expedition In a most able manner.
Taking train to Knpitll plains, tho
party becunio the guests of Sir Alfred
1'caso on his ranch. An immense
caravan of 2G0 persons wns orgnnlzod
nnd on April 25 Colonel Roosovolt
had his llrst African hunt. On this
occasion ho bagged two wlldobccsts
nnd a Thompson's gazollo. April 30
was a notablo day in tho camp on tho
Athl, for on that day tho first lions
foil victims to tho marksmanship of
tho Roosovelts. Theodore bhot two
and Kermlt ono, nnd there was great
rejoicing among the natives who raaae
up tho caravan. After that tho big
gnmo came fast nnd cheetahs, glrnffoa,
rhinoceroses nnd more lions wore
added to the list, In nil 14 varieties of
anlmnls being secured. Mennwhllo
Kormlt was busy with his cameras
nnd the naturalists prepared the spe
cimens. Oeorgo McMillan, an American, was
tho next host of the hunters, and tiev
orat weeks were spent on his lino .lu
Jn ranch and In tho surrounding conn
try. There tho gnmo was very plenti
ful nnd many flue specimens wero
bagged. Members of tho parly made
several extensive trips of exploration
notably on and around Mount Kenla.
Tho expedition left East Africa De
comber lit. crossed 1'ganda and went
down the Whlto Nile, getting buck to
compnratUo civilization at GondoUoro.
There they went aboard a steamer
put at their disposal by the sirdar,
and Join lie ed to Khartum, whole
Mrs. Homovolt met her husband, and
accompanied him lu a leisurely tilt to
Cairo. During his stay lu Egypt Col
onel Room volt was the recipient of
many honors and made several
speeches One of them. In which ho
praised the administration of the
Hrltloh. i:io oonsldoinbln offense to
tho natlw Nationalists. At the end of
March the ltooscvolts sailed for Italy.
In a preliminary report to tho
Smlthbonlaii Institution Mr. Roosevelt
summarlid the material results of
tho expedition as follow f
"On the trip Mr. Heller has pie
pared 1,020 specimens of mammals,
the majority of laigo sire; Mr. Lorlng
has prepared :i,ll'i3, and Doctor Mearns
714 a total of 4,897 miimmiils. Of
birds, Doctor .Meatus has prepared
nearly H.IOO, Mr. Lorlng M)9. and Mr.
licltar about lift y a total of about
4,000 birds.
"Of reptiles and balrachians, Messrs.
Mearns, Lorlng nnd Heller collected
about 2.000.
"Of llshes, about .100 wero collected.
Doctor Mearns collected marine llshes
near Mombnsu. and fresh water llshes
elsowhere In Hrltlsh East Africa, and
he and Cunlnghumc collected llshes
In tho Whlto Nile.
"This makes, In ul, of vertebrntes:
Mniuiiml.s J,sft7
lllnlH (about 4.OJ0
ltoitllofl ami tijtraclilnim (ulmut) 2,000
KIhIh-s (about) fiOO
Total ..11,3'J7
"Tho Invortobrntcs wero collected
chiefly by Doctor Mearns, with somo
assistance from Messrs. Cunlnghamo
and Kermlt Rooncvolt.
"A fow marine shells were collected
near Mombasa, and laud and fresh
wator sholls throughout the regions
visited, ns well as crabs, beetles, inllll
peds, nnd other Invertebrates.
"Several thousand plants were col
lected throughout tho regions visited
by Doctor Mearns, who employed nnd
trained for tho work a M'nyumnozl
named Makangarrl, who soon learned
how to mako very good specimens,
nnd turned out an excellent man In
every way.
"Anthropological materials wore
gathered by Doctor Mearns, with somo
nsslstanco from others; a collection
was contributed by Major Ross, an
American In tho government servlco
ut Nairobi."
To Remove a Paint Stain.
To removo tho unsightly stain oi
paint spilled on tho doorstep, try tho
following plnn: Mnko a strong solu
tion of potash nnd wet tho stain well
with this, keeping it wot until tho
paint becomes soft. In a short tlmo
It .will readily rub looso nnd It may
then be washed off with Eoap nnd
wnter. It any color Iiub ponotrated tho
libers of tho wood keep tho spot well
wet with the solution, and It will
shortly dlsnppear. Hnlnt which has
been left on for somo tlmo will yield
to this treatment.
Well Supplied,
Hcnovolont Lndy (to Bhowglrl)
And, dear child, havo you no homo?
Showgirl Yon, Indeed. My fathor
and mother havo both married again
and I am wolcomo at either ploco.
. 1 w m n m ,
r j-ypTTasss
Co-eds Fail in a Test By Munsterberg
BOSTON - t'rof. Hugo Munnlor
berg gave a demonstration of bin
psychological method of detecting
crime before the class of philosophy
In Radcllffo college, the feminine an
nov of Harvard. Taking three girl
volunteers us nubjecta, tho professor
pun I'd that no matter how thoy at
tempted to evade him, ho could read
their minds, or rather their actions,
as manifestations of what was lu
their minds,
Resides demonstrating his own
theory l'rofessor Munsturborg proved
that ho has solved the problem of
rending a womun's mind, and that lu
future tho thoughts of the wlfo will
bo nn open book to tho husband.
Tho possibilities of tho professor's
demonstration can hardly ho esti
mated. Tho three girls who submitted to
tho test uro Helen Thayer of tho
class of 1911, Ruby Hobb, a senior,
nnd Miss Ronton of tho class of 1912.
Tho professor told tho class Hint ho
had soveral clippings from a morn
ing paper on everyday subjects. Ho
would havo tho thrco glrlB each draw
a clipping In such a way that ho
would not sco tho drawing. Then
ho would Hnd out from them what
clippings they had.
The condition the prefessor Im
Bulldog Meets His
CHICAGO. Crib, a bull terrier
owned by Charles Ayres, an archi
tect of Evnnston, nnd thu canine
scourge of tho neighborhood, In In
mourning, and nil because of a rac
coon that is supposed to havo como
from tho sylvan solitude around
Gross point and wandered Into tho
university town ono morning.
Crib Is "somo lighter," according to
Evnnston chronicles. All tho other
dogs in tho neighborhood curl tholr
tnlls between their legs nnd
silently slink Into tho nearest
placo of rofugo when ' ho strolls
majestically down thu sidewalk. And
na for eats lie eats 'em alive.
With tho courage born of mnny vic
tories nnd no defeats Crib was prowl
ing about tho Ayres homestead about
two o'clock in the morning. Suddenly
around tho corner of tho back fenco
there crept across a patch of moon
Hearty Laughter
yVHAT A www.
AVYAY. Hf -h
CHICAGO. Threatening tho very
livelihood of tho physician, tho
health department continues to dis
close professional secrets In Its week
ly bulletin of "Ilealthogrnms," which
recently contained freo ndvico for tho
prevention and cure of dyspepsia
without pills or doctor, if you fool a
shnrp, agonizing scries of pains that
you suspect might bo duo to dyspep
sla, Just laugh.
Keep right on laughing until tho
pain is gone, and (hen laugh somo
more to keep it away. Mako a prac
tlso of laughing for a fow minutes
ovcry day, selecting witty companions
that tho laughter may bo heartfelt
nnd therefore more ofllcaclous, for
Would Doff the
SAN FRANCISCO. Deprecating tho
wcnrlng of tho queue, certain Chi
ueso of tho Pacific coast are asking tho
emperor to bo allowed to discard tho
trailing nppendnngo and coif their
brunetto locks n la American.
Also would thoy desire to discard
tho llowlug robes of tho flowery
kingdom nnd conform their dress ex
clusively to tho attlro of their adopt
ed land.
Traditional respect, howovor, for
tho ruler of their country restrains
theso moderns from hasty action and
thoy nwnlt an imperial rescript 011 thu
To secure tho royal pormlsslon a
memorial Iiob been Intrusted to Prlnco
Teal Tao, tho Clilueso minister of
war and undo of tho emporor, for
presentation to tho throno.
Tho memorial, it Is said, coutalncd
theso passages:
Wy& VO
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posed wns that when ho nald a worn
the girl spoken to should wlUiln :i
second nay somo other word brought
Into her mind. Professor Monster
berg asked ench of the three girls
to try to deceive him as to which
clipping they hnd, Just as a criminal
would try to mislead him in trying
to detect what crime ho had com
Tho professor shot several wonD
ut random at the llrst girl, and nhe
nuswered hack us quickly with nny
woid that came Into her head. When
a word connected prominently with
the clipping was sprung, however,
(here was a significant pause, for tho
llrnt thought Injected Into tho girl's
mind was thu clipping ami she in
stuntly exposed that before sho wan
able to think up something with
which to mislead Muiuttorberg.
One of tho clippings drawn by tho
girls told of ex-1'rcsldent Roosevelt's
reception by tho emperor of (or
many. When Professor Munsterberg
sprung tho word emperor on tho girl
who held the clipping, she could nut
answer without n pause. The pause
lu tho llrst test was 18 necondu, In,
tho last two tests about half that;
This Undcllfte collogo tost was roi
garded as the most successful demouj
titration Professor MunBterborg hns so
far mado of tho psychologic moth
oil of detecting crlmo. A short tlnu
ago, however, lie experimented wltli
a man suspected of forging a check;
and his plan worked perfectly. A sig
nificant pause followed both tho
word "bank" and "check" when ad
dressed to tho suspected man.
Match in a Coon
light a stocky figure, with bushy, at
raised tall.
A wild yelp of delight shattered thu
classic Hlleuco of Evaustou, nnd Crib,
tho champion, "mixed It" with the pro
sumptuous Intruder. In a moment Uic
uir resounded with other yelps, but
nlnn for Crib not yelps of victory.
Mr. Ayres wns dreaming peacefully
when the sounds of lie ice combat
smote upon his oar. In his pajamas,
ho dashed down the stairs and Into
tho yard, where ho behold tho visiting
combatant rapidly reducing tho hith
erto unlacoratcd hide of Crib, tho ter
ror of Itinerant cats, to tho prover
bial shreds.
An empty cracker box happened to
bo standing on tho porch, and Mr.
Ayres grabbed It and plnced It (Irm
ly over Mr. Coon nnd then planted
himself upon It and added ills voice
to tho lamentations of Crib.
Tho coon Is now on exhibition in
n hastily constructed case on tho
Ayres back porch, but tho valiant
Crib will not bo on exhibition for a
week or more.
When interviewed ho said in
catiluo language that lie was glad to
bo alive.
Death to Pill Trade
tho new hcalthogrum I3: "First aid to
tho dyspeptic a good laugh."
Seemingly bent on "bearing" tho
pill market, tho lltcrary-sclontlilc wri
ter of tho hoalthograms goes on to
admonish Chlcngouns, ns follows:
"Tight lacing is a narrow practise.
"Hygiene Is humanity's hope.
"Too much fresh air is just enough.
"Tho proper appreciation of health
will delay its depreciation.
"Your worst cnomy tho common
housefly. 'Tho typhoid fly.' Swat
"Smallpox Is a dlsgraco. Savo your
reputation and your faco by vaccina
"While mothers arc working 1 11 fac
tories, infants may bo wasting in thu
"Laughter is tho sunshine of ex
istence: flood youraolt with It, lot It
overflow to others.
"Scats for women employees and op
portunlty to use them would loavu
many hospital beds vacant."
"Pigtail" and Robes
"As wo look around ut tho vnriout
nations of tho world, wo observe all
tho strong nations nro without thu
queue. Tho qucuo Is not necessary te
the well-being of man, and it is ox
ceedingly Inconvenient.
"It is tho custom in China to wear
long robes with wido uloovos, making
tho men of our nation look llko the
women of other lands. Tho coitumo
Is like thut of tho Aunameso nnd the
Koreans, two nntlons that havo pnr
Ishcd. "Furthermore, our wholo costume
makes us thu laughing stock of ovory
Must Deliver the Goods.
"Statesmanship has Us cures," said
ono eminent citizen.
"Yes," replied tho othor; "when a
statesman travels, ho bus to got up
speeches for tho peoplo to read, In
btcad of merely sending homo post
Needed Now.
Mrs. Stubb (reading) In ancient
citloj tho walla between tho houses
wero often GO fcot high.
Mr. Stubb What a grand nchomq,
to prevont back-yard gossiping."
W'HH- " ",.