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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1910)
.-v-i j.vf.vretrwti5Xtu . ?i 8 ' f W.. "Vf O-AT - HOT FROM THE OVEN there is ntt tiitivr r appetizing than our roll, blsi-ulth, etc. Try some uml soo how ilno they go for breakfast. THEN OUR SMALL CAKES lust t ho thing to holp out for lunch 0011, just right for afternoon tea. Wo bake tliL'in fresh ovo.y day. So if a sudden cull comes for something nli'o to cut wo nro always ready to help you out. The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant H. Neuer burg, Pro. ; LOGALETTES Glen Walker is homo from Lincoln. Prof. Morit. left for Texas last week. Geo. lloal returned homo Saturday. Ansil Crablll was in Dladou Wednes day. Tommy Ryan loft for Lincoln Tues day. Matineo at thoTepeo Saturday after noon. Saturday afternoon Matinee at tbo Tepee. Miss Esther Storey is home from Cowles. Paul Storey went to McCook Monday evening. C. H. Minor returned home Monday evening. Miss Ethel Harbor has returned from Lincoln. Glen Walker returned from Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Shcpard wont to Blue Hill Tuesday. Clareuco Mitchell spent Sunday In Franklin. Trunk Cowdon went to Grand Island Thursday. Attend tho Tepee next Saturday afternoon. Harold Tumuro was in Blopmington Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frees wore in tho city over Sunday. Hen Williams was down from Alma over Sunday. Chas. Grout was down from Hastings over Sunday. Ed Ovoring went to Trenton Thurs day morning (ieorge Morhart returned from Cali- fornia Friday. B Ball asc Columbus, June 23 and 24 Thursday and Fri. Grand Island, June 25th, Saturday. Seward, June 27 and 28 Monday & Tuesday. Fremont, June, 29 & 30 Wednesday & Thurs. GAME CALLED 2:45 p. m. Admission 25c. Grand Stand 10c. :e:kk&:!?:k:3;3 No need to at our Studio. The Care in the artistic Happiest Pictures. RED CLOUD, 71. K 1&j?jrjW&?JFJffi r- Mrx. Anna llichatds is taking tho school census. Mis Vornon Stoicy is homo from tho l'nl vi-rslly. Ilert I.iudli-y was down from lliver ton WiMliii'sduy MUs Ada Schult ! homo from a visit in Lincoln. lid Sinilli and wife returned from MeCook Mot. day. Mrs. Keaglu urrlU'd Tuesday from Colorado Springs. Mrs. Suslo Kaloy Is visiting her mother Mrs. Wife. MissGnu'o Fri.sbie is homo fiom I'niversity Place. Miss Clara Able wont to Edgar Tuesday morning. Geo. Hall Is building an addition to his house this week. Paul Johnston arrived home from Lincoln Wednesday. Miner Sherwood arrived home from Lincoln Wednesday. L. M. Crablll and Alf McCall were in Superior Saturday. Seo Dr. Stockman for eyo glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Doll Turnuro and daughter Marvil were In Chester Tuosday. Mlbs Carrio Beelor of Guide Kock was In tho city Saturday. Ono Piano for salo at-Mi:iivi.K'n Slt'DIOS. POTIT.n BLOCK. Ask Tho lied Cloud Ildw. Co., about that New Wagon you need. Mrs. Low Whlto of Lincoln is visit ing bor mother, Mrs. Schultz. Dr. Moranvillc and wife left for Deuklcman Saturday evouiug. The Bcbt Placo In town to buy Paint is at "Tho Rod Cloud Ildw. Co." Pasturi: Fon for 300 head of cattle. Inquire of C H. MiNKB. Mike Finkcnblndcr and Llovd Brad: brook spent Sunday in Superior. Calicoes American Prints Five cents por yard. Mi.nt.u linos, and Co. Standard Sheet Music one half price atMi:rc.iLr's Studios, Potter Block. Bruco llubtnson wus down from Clay Center over Sunday visiting his par ents. If you want your buggy painted seo Jack Pimicell at Sullivan's old lumber yard. Lost A gold hat pin with initials E. V. Finder plonso leave It at this oillcc. Mrs. M. A. Mercer and children are visiting relatives at Gibbon, Neb., this week. Dr.l'. . Trumble is In Lincoln this week attending the marriage of his cousin. Mrs. Probasco. mother of Mrs. C. .1. Pope returned to her home in Lincoln Friday. Ned Grimes wont to Omaha Tuesday to attend the state pharmacist's con vention. For Sam: Thoroughbred Scotch Collio 1'iinoies. Inouire of L. M. Crablll for further particulars. Sam Casii:i.i., Owner. at Red Cloud M Embrace the Oixiortiinlty to day by having your Picture taken, li tell you to look pleasant w that we take in our work shows results. effects obtained in Babies $ m Kodak films Developed and Printed. & Bridal, Confirmation and Fancy Dress x Costume Pictures a Specialty. THE MODEL STUDIO STEVENS BROTHERS NEBRASKA. S l3 DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotting's Drug Store. The District meuting of tho Kebeknh lodge will bo held in Buskin Juno -23. The lied Cloud High school boy and ltloomington High will play ball here Monday. Mis. Ned (j rimes is in Edgar this week attending tho P. H. O. con vention. Mis. James McGuircleftfor Emporia Kas , Thursday morning to visit her daughter. Snccliil prices on-Ladlcs tailor made suits, skirts and coats at-Nlncr Bros. Co. Store. Taki. your carriages to Pureell's Paint Shop Ix Su.i.ivan'h Om LL'm iikii Vaiid. Just see soil that 1113 walk at my home. 1 kind of Cement J. O. Cai.iiwi:i.l ThoKed Cloud team played ball High School ball at Bloomington Wednesday. Miss Andrews of Norcatur, Kas., was visiting at Mr. Leggctt's tho first of tho week. The V. It. C. will meet Saturday afternoon at 2:30 sharp. Business of importance. ' Tho Children's day exercises at the M. E. church will be held next Sun day evening. ' , The Chief ofllcc takes subscription and renewals for the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. ( The lied. Cloud Ildw. Co., havo the Uamstor 'J Itow Cultivators and the Price is Right. Tho 1'. E. O. girls held a linen shower at tho home of Miss lone Albright for Miss Ella Cook. Miss Nellie llutledgo has returned from Omaha whero she has beon at tending school. Mr and Mrs. Hanson loft Tuesday for South Dakota to spend the summer with their son. Lloyd Amack and family nud,(icorge Simpson and family moved to Guide Itock this week. All the great artists sing for the Victor and Edison. Hear them at Nowliouso Bros. See Jack Pimicell at Sullivan's old lumber ynrd for buggy painting, sign painting and decorating. (Jcorgo Martiudalc and family went to Colorado Springs Wednesday morn ing to visit their daughter. Joe Garber of Wheatland, Wyo., ar rived in the city Wodnosday fora visit with his bi other and sister. 12. D.George, editorof the Mankato, Kas., Monitor was a pleasant caller at thisoflleo Tuesday aftornoon. Kor Sale Ono good cow, one good family horso, ono work horse and one '"'fffO'- Inquiro of A. II. (!iii:i:.s. Go to the Rod Cioud Milling Co., for your shorts and brands in half ton lots or more at wholesale prices. Get vour pictures framed now, only a few odds nnd ends of mouldings loft. Mktcai.p'h Studios, Potter Block. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Person and Mrs. Conover left Wodnsday for Salt Lake to visit Aaron Conover and family. House cleaning time Is at hand. Don't fail to see the Lace Curtains and Carpets at Mi.i:it Buos and Co. Ed Amack aud wife went to Grand Island, to attedd a cmbalmers meet ing to be hold ntthatplace this weok. Mrs. Itichards mid daughter who have been visiting at the homo of II. D. Moritz returned to Hastings Tues day. The Ladies of the Congregationl church will hold their market Satur day Juno 23 at the Home Grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler wero in Cowles Sunday attending the Chil dren's day oxeroises and visiting rolu tlves. There will be no preaching services at the'M. E. church tho next two Sun days on account of tho absence of tho pastor. J. E. Jarboe will preach at the Indian Creek school house, Dlst, 14, next Sunday the lOthat :,p. m. All are welcome. ' '. i' ' Miss Mary Miksch went to Omaha Tuesday; morning whero she will bo' operated Upon. She .was accompanied' by her father. ' Mrs. Ed Hanson and children und her mother, Mrs. Denne left for At lantic, Iowa Tuesday, morning ,to spend tho summer with her parents! Darl Plumb who hns beon attending college In Iowa City1, Iowa lms'rctufn ed homo for his vacation and has ac cepted a position, with Mr. Neuorberg. Drs. Riddllo & Footo, successors to Drs. Welrick ifc Itiddlle, of Hastings, Nobr., will meet'tiyc, Ear, Noso nnd Throat patients -andthoso ueodlng glasses lltted, & Red Cloudjt Nobr., June 17th, at Dr. Cook's bfllce. mtaaaammammamamamemmiBaastataamm OUR BILL OF FARE always contains seasonable food We do not serve canned fruits and vegetables whun it Ik possible to obtain them fresh Come in and sample them. The price is i."i cents. A. A. HART City Bakery nnd Restaurant. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. l:MQll At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonel3f. Children's Day at tho Congregation al church next Sunday. An appro priate sormon in tho morning at,10:i.p. A special program in the evening con sisting of music and recitations. All cordially invited. The W. R. C. and 0. A. It will hold a joint meeting Saturday oventng. After the meeting n banquot will be served. The families of the "old sold iers are cordially invited. Fon Sale 20 acres of land close In. This land can be bought in 5 and 10 ncre tracts or any way to suit you. This is a snap if sold soon call or write V. A. SnuxT. HnnCr.orn, Ni:ii. Mr. Crossman at tho Congregational church Sunday night dolivcrod his sermon with the assistance of illus trated pictures. This Is a breaking away of the conventional but tho pub lic generally will welcome any change when they can see and hear at tho same time. Evening entertainments at the Ne braska State Fair have come to stay. Arrangements have been completed for a Stupendous Fireworks Specta cle, which, together vith nrisic, vau deville and racing act. will furnish the spectator with an evening of en tertainment only possible where such large gatherings can be hud. The services at theChristian chinch next Lord's day Juno 10 will be spoci al worth. The morning scimou on "How God Answers the Kntlcer," and tho sermon al s p in. on "Jacob's Ladder" illustrated by a large chart DxlU in colors, will bo of great interest and profit. Good music at each meet ing. Mr. Hussong is to preach at .1 o' clock olsa, at Garfield school house. Our base ball team was considerably strengthened this week and we may now expect the percentage to rise up ward. On account of being long on fielders and very short on third base men the management traded Grant to Kenrnoy for a first class third baso man and let our man who was holding thnt sack go. Tho pitchers who are good stickers will play in the Hold and wo may look for "something doing" from now on. A quiet wedding took placo at tho Holland Hotel Sunday afternoon June 12, 1910. Tho happy couple were Mr. Leslie C. Martin and Miss Lcota C. lteove both of Guide Itock, Xeb. Rev. A A. Crcssmau of the Congregational churcli performing tho ceremony. They took the evening train for lion ver, expecting to bo gone a few weeks aud then locate on a farm near Guido Rock. wishes of their friends are extended to them in this now re lation in the journey of life. A most interesting Union meeting will be held Tuesday evening, June 21 m the Congregational church in tho interest of world wide missions. Re ports and impressions from the recent layraon's conventions in Lincoln and Chleago will b given. The following are expected to give short addressos: Messrs. A. B. Pierce, L. L. Rorcn, R. B. Fulton, Eb Qoble, C. L. Cottlng pa'lteif.fc . Crossman. These ad dresses wilFbc' interspersed with music. Every ono cordially invited. Recollection will bo taken. Children's Day was oelcbratod at tho Baptist church Sunday morning to the great onjoytnont of both grown folks and children. Tho program consisted of songs and recitations and was carried out entirely by tho chil dren of the Sariday school. Every number was excellent aud thero was no waiting or hesitating on the part of the porformers. So well did each do his part many wished to hoar It over again. This simply demonstrates what little folks can do and what Is moro what they can do willingly, It would be dllllcult to Hud as many grown folks in any Sunday school that would do as well, SOME men may be indifferent, to style in shiits, but no man can well be indifferent to fit. A SHIRT is always as appropriate to tbc wearer as it is to the occasion. Made in every style, wbite or color fast $1.50 and more. This is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Glomes. W FURNITURE CARPETS AND 1 1NDERTAK1N6 Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amack, Prop. LEA DERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKINm. John Barkley for House and Barn Moving ' Read what other people have to say about John Barkley s work. UI.ADKN, NEB., JUNB 10 John Barkley of lied Cloud, who moved my rcsldeuce done his werk well without exception plasturlng in sound and is without doubt a pood job. Will say any one wish ing this kind of work done, can mako no mistako employing him Yours truly, Frkd Wkiinkr. What to Wear . 0 10 Cents a Button. $1.00 a Rip Where to Wear Everywhere Where to Buy At our store Why? Became we are exclusive agents and no other store can show such values PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER 1 BLADEN, NEB., JUNE H, 1910 John Barkloy who moved my resi donco ii few week's a ago, clone LIk work well and quickly and put it in good shapo, not injuring It at all except a small amount of plastor that came loose, and this is not any moro than expected as it was the old llmo plnstor and had been on for 20 years. I). S. Phelps. - -wwHii r- -' AT rl Vm!BXfMtU !2$&5ZiX&&a: IPS: