The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 16, 1910, Image 1

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    tWV r w W M
Mum ",fl Historical Soolctr
1' A Nchsiwpr.r That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $fr0.
' .
- jMm
A Big Bank Account
is Minn tli'i result of snuill beginnings
it prudence uuil economy .irceseu'Ned.
Rich Men
of your acquaintance for the Key to
wealth ami they will toll ou that It
was a bauk account started earfj in
life. Today is the time to stai t one.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
C Al1 ?T T7 1 1")
Another line rain last oek.
Mrs. Sneneer Andrews is impioving
from her recent sickness
Pretty cold nigbis for corn to glow
but good nights to sleep.
Mr. and Mrs. (iordon from Kansas
weie visiting at Mauley's Sunday.
George Houchln has been on the
sick list Tor a week but U iomo better
T V. Whito treated binnelf toa
brand now spring wagon one duy this
Albert Doilty was down to Will
Fishers Sunday after Pap. Ilotu'hin's
trotting horse.
Thore was a good eiowd at the M.
i:. church Sunday night. The Kov.
l'ool from Guide Hock preached.
Uay Davis has resigned hU position
ou the Kaley ranch aud htut uccepted
a position with Sherm Shlpinau
Will Fisher and children attended
the services at the church Sunday and
then spent the aftornoou at Churlie
Mrs. Mauley thiuks Clyde Simpson
has got quite a start for a young man
to mind the baby utul hoe lu the gar
den all at once.
Walter White who hak been visiting
his brother, T. W. White and family
for a week returned to his home iu
Lincoln Saturday.
Pete Munley has boon breaking the
Dr. xVsher broncho this week. Ho
works heron the disk now and says
the fun is all over.
Wo have- frosted our feet riding a
planter planting corn but uevoi had
to wear a fur overcoat u disking corn
before until last Thursday
Red Cloud Hardware and
Implement Co.
An Old Reliable Delaval
Cream Seperator, 500 lbs-
Capacity for $57.50
This add Brought to Our store
is good (or $2.50 on the Pur
chase of the above seperator.
Wfrnm H
George Ainuuk anil family were out
on wind mill low Sunday and spent
tho K-teril(K)II wjtH -p. yy. White's.
They caino out in their automobile.
The Children's dn eerclbcs at tlio
Ash Cioek church w en good aud the
children did line and better limn nost
of the older folks could do. Thoio
was a huge crowd pie-t nt.
Arthur Robinson was out ou wind
mill low Sunday, aud stalled for the
church but just befote ho got theie he
turned to the light, but you are all
right Arthur if Miss Wright thinks
you are all right.
Mis Li..U .Jewell is ill.
Nollio Stickloy visited her cousins
lu tho country this week
D. J. Moore made a trip by auto to
Hastings one day this week
D T Morriman and family have
moved to a farm near Smith Center,
Mrs. N. M. Duudua entertained tho
Kensington club Wednesday after
noon. Miss dthcl (Jarber lias been visiting
relatives hero. She wont to Rod Cloud
Tuesday evening.
Tho lkistcru Star iubtaliod oillcers
Monday night and initiated a new
member aud served lunch.
Division fourof the M. I'. aid society
served coffee" at tho home of Mrs.
Harry Vaughan Thursday of this week.
The Mothodibt Sunday sohool had a
good piogram Sunday morning in
observance of Children's Day. Tho
ISaptist school hold their exercises iu
tho evening. Botlijwcro largely attend'
ed. The Christians had their program
a week earlier
lodge he to gave a
and seied it lunch
Filday evening
'I'liey made about
Kob't Giirrlsoii aid wife and ). S
(jiiibur and wife went to Lebanon
Runs , by auto Wccnsdny to Al Hayes
and wife.
Mrs. Thorton and L. I. Smith and
wife drove over to I ra Columbia's Sun-
.day. Mrs Columbia is a daughter of
Mrs Thortoii
Mrs Roy N'orrls, daughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. Ivans Amuck, has been very
ill. She was reported a little hotter
Monday morning
Loyd Amack has rented the Mcrii
man property. Ho will conduct the
now furniture storo to be opened iu
the Crow building.
I. N. Smith and daughter Mrs.
Idella Watt returned tho last of this
weak from a ten day visit with re
latives at Dresden, Kas.
R 12, Huir rccolvod a message Satur
day announcing tho death of Ids dau
ghter Mrs. Julia Ethel Watson at her
home iu Pueblo, Colo., ot typhoid
The Chief extends congiatulatious
upon tho marriage of Miss Katu llhick
well aud Mr. Merdlth Guy which
ocuuied June 1ft nt Clayton, Kas Tho
bride is a daughter of Uv. and Mis
Black well funnel ly of this county.
The groom is the second sou of Andy
Guy of Ouido Hoclc.
C. A. Nelson and wife aud daughter
Valentine who came last week from
San Antonio, Texas to visit lolatives
add old timo fi lends departed Sunday
for tho west They will visit at
Cheyenne, Wyoming and Portland,
Oregon They will bottle mar Los
Angeles, Cull.
Counio Rasscr is tho po,essor of a
now buggy.
Lyman Essig went to St. .Too with
stock Sunday.
Amos Miksch quit Jos. Crow and ia
working for Tim Topham.
lohny Cummings and wife enter
tained a few neighbors Sunday.
Tho wheat crop has improved won
derfully and promises a fair otop.
Will Robertson shipped his last cars
of hogs and cattle Sunday to St. Joe.
Ed. KabserSr. thinks Nebraska beats
Wisconsin as he was theie about throe
weeks and saw tho sun three times.
Mr. Ucrnard tlulsobush has a niw
Jim Doyle and family spent Sunday
nt George McKinnoys.
Tho Amboy Milling Co., shipped two
car loads of hogs Wednesday.
Miss Graco Krlsbio returned from
Lincoln for hor summer vacation.
Mrs. John Holcomb and Mrs. John
Uassor we(ro plcklug goose berries this
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Amauk aud Mr. aud
Mrs. Hurt Blair spout Sunday at
Edsou Miner and Joe Britten wero
Laocn on tho streets of Loster Suuday
A plcnlo was given Tuosdayjln Fris
bie's grove. Quito a number wero out
from Kod Cloud.
Mr. Throne will loctnro at the Lester
school house Suuday evening at 8
o'clonk. Everybody come.
Tho Rassor relatives' picnic was
glvou at tho river Sunday. There
wero 00 rohttives prcsent.They all
report a good time.
Fine corn weather this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pavliok HpentSun
day at Mr Fitz'a.
John Doyle Sundayod with hia
brother, Lawrence
Lawrence Dovle is nearly over bis
corn the second time.
Misses Minnie and Margaret Kellat
were iu Itcd Cloud Tuesday.
The RebeUh
spelling school
Millard, Wllliird and Klsio I'avllck
Tlslted with Torese Relict Sunday.
Mr. John Miller ot Alma spoilt
Satuiday and Sunday in this locality.
All the girls in this vaelnity are
itching for n rido in .loo VaviicUa's
new auto
Kosx'oc Outsell went to Lincoln Sun-
dllV liiuht uheie he undci u flit mi
operation for uppondieil Is.
Tho dance at Mike Kudiua's hist
Saturday nighl was hugely attended
and everybody enjoyed thotnsehes.
Mr. and Mrs George Debi tumor aio
the proud patents of a Hue baby girl.
Miss Ki ankle Martin of Guide Uock
visited o or Sunday at'Cluls Jorgen-
Mr. Harry Hunt and Miss Wilmti
Pierpout wore inairied iu Hod Cloud
Saturday AH good wishes aud con
gratulations to tho happy pair
Tho quartet ly meeting service at 11
las' Sunday af let noon was well at
tended Kov Martin preached an ex
collont sermon. He also held service
at huiValo Sunday night
Thetu will bo Children's Day exer
cises at 11 next Sunday altet noon, also
a Chlldion's Day piogaain will be giv
en iu Inavalo at the M 12. chinch Hunj
day evening A cordial invitation is
extended to all toaltend both service
Word reaches us fiom the western
part of tho state that Miss Nollio
Ireland formerly a western ouster
ghl has Intely become the bible of a
wealthy lauch owner. liar many
friends hero wish hor a long aud happy
married life.
Eighth Grade Graduates
Dlst. No. I, Uuth Hodges, Esther
l'ool, Albert Pace, Leo Pace.
Dlst No. 0, Inez Fetty, Loreu Hun
nlckcr. Dist. No. 0, Anna Jensen.
DIst.'No. 15, Dorothy Baylor.
Dlst-rNo. 10. Kiln Glger, Molvln
Dlst. No. 18, Howard Parsons.
Dist. No. 21,Kverctt Kowler
DM. No. 27, Edward Tennant.
Pint. No. Ill, Glen Denton, Hubert
Hondren, Karl Ponnth, Floyd Kath.
Dlst. No. HI, Agnes Stewari.
Dist. No. 10, Lizzie Horns.
Dist. No. 41, Homer Lovcjoy.
Dist. No. 47, Harry Maxen.
Dlst. No. 18, Bcka Stcen.
Dibt. No. 51, Conner Dally.
Dlst. No. 52, Ada Carter.
Dist. No. 59, Fern Hall, Mabel Oborg,
Margaret Tumbaugh.
Dist. No. GO, Harvey Stroh.
Dist. No. G2, Anna Nelson, Mario
Dint. No. C3, Carl Coll.
Dist No. 08, Anna Anderson, Harold
Fojt, Harry Robinson.
Dlst. No. 72, Hael Johnson.
Dlst No. 73, Ida Hill, Lois Ritohoy,
Cecil Swigart, Clara Schllliugcr
Dlst. No. 75, Maudo Crow, Ha7cl
Dlst. No. 82, Fay Farquhar.
Red Cloud and Blue 111)1 oighlh
grade students did not take the stato
Number of applicants for eighth
grade examination was 1 VI.
Numbers of papers submitted was
nitnrititnN ciiuiton.
Corner ol Cth Avoauu and cluutnui Htrcet.
10 a. in ... . Hnblmtli .School
11 a. m. l'rcnclilng
7:10 p. in ChrlHtlan Worker's JliuiJ
8-OOp. iu - I'rcaclilug
All aro I in lied to iittuul.
J. K.J itnoi;, MIulHter.
THE Clilcagt Specialists!
Chronic and J Serious Diseases, Only.
Pkhmanknt Offick
Red Cleud,Rmyal Hmtet
Consullalion Free, in German and
Thursday, Jnly 7th, 1910
The Chief $1.50
1 pj r a
Bill Says:
I Taike
a Hodak
to the Ball Game
uiitn you.
There's twice the fun for those
who Kodak.
Let us instruct you in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making.
Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12
Jewelers & Optometrists
m rto!afc ffAttfcft tototAifeaufeafeia M.v.Taidnfeteijateta
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska.
Jack Purcell.
ArtistiCp GafTiage, Sign and
Scenic Painter.
At Sullivan's Old lumber Yard.
All First Class Work Guaranteed.
See The Chief for
& I
up - to - date job work.
.wwfiwri - -" tff,i ,ai. ilMi.i.i,orrtvw?vnrrt.-rrji'
'tTllrTTTni li"T-T ' ' lima - '
" r -ml tn""J "" " -mm -r mVitmmm v i-ja. w i,i t- - .
1HMIMJMM1M.LjMm. " .1 . . - . . .Ji-, . r' J J. t - - . tnffjfffKf